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� Y f Fib ti I ' I CERTIFICA.'T`E ()F COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK F Date April 13 1990 i This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89~ 729 f has been completed. j This structure tnay be occupied as a storage Shed t..ocation D Holden Avenue OVMer Curtis Lumber Co . i fay Order Town Board s I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i i Director of Bldg, do Code Enforcement i BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY No. 89=Z29 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK �. c7 PERMISSION is hereby granted to CURTI S LUMBER COMPANY r-+ OWNER of property located at Holden Avenue Street, Road or Ave. 1 in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a storage shed at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed s and i%a and fV approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ ry 1 . OWNER'S Address is RR #1 Ballston Spa , New York 12 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI MEWS Name CARLTON R. GRIFFEN c 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 's Address —mil f/f 4. ARCHITECT'S Name furl Cx Cy 5. ARCHITECT'S Address B. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) T 6 I } 'Wood Frame I } Masonry I } steel ( } M x 7. PLANS and Specifications ]o- C m No- 30 ' x 210 ' storage shed as per applications specification and m lot plan . B. Proposed Use Storage Shed . $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 1 1990 (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expirstion date.l M f*7 Dated at the Town of Queensb th Day of Hoyember 1989 = rn C7 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Bu 1 Id ihg SAO Zoning Inspector F TOWN OF Q[Ju NSBURY REVTE WED BY FEE PAM S , t 70b PERMIT NO.4et BUILDING PERM" APPLICATION � p'��'i40, �s� Cr '449k Q0 Q� e?p 7y8�, cOn A PERK1T MUST" BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. NO MSPEE WILL BB MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECENED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT. All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant ,MUST appear on the reverse side of this application. The owner of this property is: C LI A'- T"1 S P. O. address J0Q Z fs 7-j:9 Ar 7 TeI�l — e Property Location A`r'' L-Q�.c J U6 Tax :Map No. / f Has there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988 ? / If yes Planning Board Review is necessary , yes no SUBDIVISION NAME, IF APPLICABLE LOT NO. THE PERSOI<I RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES ISs NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : EsrIMATED MARKET VALUE OF Construction of a new building ,. CONSTRUCTION: S ,/ Q, pp p Addition to a building COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOWs " Size of property _ fn 2 3 s- ft x ft. Alteration to a building , '(no change to exterior dimensions) Existing Buildings( 3 ) Size ft. x ft. Proposed building - distance from property line: Other work (Describe) Front yard /�31 �ft. Rear yard 3 e7 ft. • A Side yards ft. and „30 . ,,„`ft. GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE r If on corner, setback from side street it. lst Floor [o � sq. ft. ~ OCCUPANCY INFORMATION 2nd Floor ZOOVp -sq, ft. * Primary Building Other Floors 2�ie/< 6e,O sq. ft. • One Family Dwelling (not cellar or cement) Two Family Dwelling TOTAL FLOOR AREA 12�+sq. ft. + Multiple Dwelling/Number of units Size of new structure�ft x /V ft. ' _XBusiness Foundation-pier slat► crawl/pertial/fult " tndustrW (cir one) " Other Nom of stories (habitable space) • Height (grads to ridge) o y ol & "'f ft. a If aoWtlon, what will use beT If residentialt no. of familles�` : Noe of roof ns(oxcluding baths) e - - No* of bedrooms Accessory Building e No6 of bathrooms Garage ONE/TWO Car Primary heating sy►stem w _� Attached Garage ONE/TWO Car 'type of fuel�� -Private storage building No. of fireplaces to be installed • Will a woad stave installed �! • Other w be Central Air conditioning ��' ' Ow ER i BUFLDiNG PER %TIT -\ PPL1C -. Ti0N CONTINLP" D - BUrLDiNG -PFCIFIC ATIONS:Tape of construction, wood frame. fire safe. etc , o L 46:7� 6A2 oe Aol Will any second-hand or upgraded Itimher be used? if so, for what ' ^/p Foundation wail material C xX/ © cyy Thickness .r f� 1' LG'C. Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing) �i Will there be a cellar ? o Heated or unheated? A /V Floor sq. footage sq ft . Will there be a basement ? !+/Cl Will any portion be used as living space? ( if so, what portion? sq ft . Type of use? Type of roof - loped flat/shed/other 'Material of roof 19,;7 .1 rA)- 4 Size, wood studs "x _" spacing 2 "' o. c. length ft. Joists ( floor beams ) 1st floor �"'N '" spacing d "a.c. span ft. Joist ( floor Creams ) 2nd floor ""x 7VI "' spacing P,xL '"o. c. span 1�6' ft. Overlays (ceiling beams)�#2 "x-Wzo�`" spacing O. C. sp&n=�ftm 7Y2 *E1.5S&57 Roof rafters ""x " spacing . ft. 7'7 CIS 5 ES -- Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing"' o. c. span. '5e7 ft. �^ Exterior wall finish � +..✓� B o of what material? � Interior wall finish /' _ 0-X -'i5 If a garage is to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : J�.ItJ Is there to he an opening between garage and�/dwelling? p If so will a Fire-rated door, enclosure, self-closing device be provided? C " 2 Will a flue-lined chimney be installed?^ N& height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade --- ft. Depth of fireplace hearth € — in, Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well (including adjoining properties ft. (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) NAME OF BUILDER + C7 TW 6;ooe4,'e'/ <5� AZDP 1314SS/O C e9�j ;W TEL. NO. I fJ - 9VYY NAME OF PLUMBER ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF MASON ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF ELECTRICIAN ADDRESS TEL. NO. DECLARA77ON To the, bOxt of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the Plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of ail proposed work to be done an the described premises and that ALL provisions of the BUILDING CODEs, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work sh&H be complied with, whether specifled or not, and that - such work is authorised by the owner. '3IElfatu G C s-a-r�c I own y a ago" ch o t, cantr for SPECIAL CONDMON S OF THE PERMITS BY Member NF-P./f{. & I-A.E.1.ATLANTIC - INLAND, INC. - NEW YORK Ehe c Eric GZ( Certificate Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcing & Consulting Service , S^ • ; ,-� .. ,..Lr 997 McLean Road, Cortland. NY 13045 DATE: CERTIFICATE NO. :_ OWNER : t. . : i AS APPROVED FOR , ADDRESS: . am ELECTRICIAN ' ;rit: !l : t . ., ,._y # V:: ADDRESS : ihp Conn nonS lollowing governed the ssuaPCe of Iris corllficate and any cerllflCale previni.SLy issues thcancelled a Th s crtrliCate Only Covers rile elcr-tr cal eq n s ti uwpmen[ listed ad In 'Allaon Condnlons as of date Upo the in[rotluCliOn or adc Banal eqw omens or altera71on5, appl Cffiion shall be prornprly made for inspection Inspectors of thlg Company shall have The priv leg& of making rnSpeeliuns at any time. And 1 Ir5 ry e! are violated• The Compar`y sha[I have the right to revoke Ihls ccerrriihccaste. Al 2: �/ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I28D4- TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 792-5832 WILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT �/3 REQUEST FOR XNSP4 E f N � ;QED c NAME C/.C7J LOCATION DATE /iU PERMIT"j # rJ APPROVED YES I NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR RMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP-PlikoopxNG BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-.IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING t 16MAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ TEPS - STAIRS-CLEARANCE RAT PLUMBING FIXTURES RELIE VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY RS FINISHED FL40ORS GARAGE FIREPROOF NG DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL. NSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTI N� — A SIGNED CERTIF CATE OF OCCUP NCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM E BUILDING DE RTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED' REMARKS * 1.2 /^ OJ INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSSURY, NEW YORK 22804- TELEPHONE (528 ) 792-583.2 BUILD + G INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR IN PECTION RECEIVED., NAME j_ix�_ L LOCATION DATE PERMIT #� _ APPROVED YES NO OOTSXPI'ER ] � �'`� MONOLITHIC PO FORMS__ FOUNDATIONJD -PROOFING i BACKFILL APPR AL ROUGH PLUMBIN FRAMING ELECTRICAL R H-IN INSULATION- FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTIO CHIMNEY HEIGH ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORC /STEPS STAIRS-CLEARA E & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTU ES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM//° IVACY DOORS FINISHED F;r GARAGE FIREP� ING DOOR CLOSER (5) SMOKE DETEC ORS FINAL ELECTRICAL SPECTSON FINAL APPROVAL OF ONSTRUCTION i A SIGNED C�RTIFICA E OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED M THE ILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PR"XSES ARE CCUPIED ! REMARKS* ' � 00 I SPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY 6 HAVILAND ROADS QUE'ENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280g TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUES OR INSPECTION RECBIV/EDP . NAME L��'�,'- (C` LOCATION DATE PERMIT #k APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS r MONOLITHIC POUR ORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP- ROOFING BACKFILL APPROV _ ROUGH PL BING FRAMING C ELECTRICAL ROUG -IN INSULATION: dd FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTIO ` CHIMNEY HEIGH ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PO H /STEPS STAIRS-+CLE N & RAILS PLUMBING XTUR S/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR RIM/P IVACY DOORS FINIIHED FLOORS GARA E IREPROO NG DOOR } C SER (S) SMOK DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL I PECTION - FINAL yA�PPROVAL. OF C NSTRUCTION• l A SIGNED CERTIFICATE F OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUI ING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCC PIED! REMARKS: CAA.+Yll 15 v( r Tml Its } NSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ,BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY S HAVILAND ROADS QVEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2801- TELEPHONE (5I8 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPEC'I'r3R' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION DATE ?_.- PERMIT # ! APPROVED ycG- - Ire LPG-� (£7A� YES no ,FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FO S ' FOUNDATION/DAMP- PING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH .PLUMBING ^' xFRAMI NG ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: k a' FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY ,HEIGHT . ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORC S/ST S STAIRS-CLEARA CE & LS PLUMBING FIX RES/RE EF VALVE INTERIOR TRI /PRIVACY RS FINISHED F RS GARAGE FIRE ROOFING DOOR CLOSE (S) SMOKE DIET TORS FINAL ELECTR CAL INSPECTIO FINAL APPRO L OF CONSTRUCT. N A SIGNED CE TIFICATE OF OCCUPA CY ST BE OBTAINED FR THE BUILDING DEPA T NT BEFORE THESE PREMIS S ARE OCCUPIED] REMARKS : �} n S Co MIS Fe INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURYr NEW PORK 128046 TSLEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 BUILIIING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR XNSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION ZA- -J DA T8 Z Z i" PERMIT # d' ~ APPROVED j YES NO FOOTING/PIER MONOLITHIC R FORMS FOUNDATIONID P-PROOFING BACKFXLL APP VAL ROUGH PLUN.BIN FRAMING ELECTRICAL R GH-XN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTS' N: CHIMNEY HEXGJk ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STE S STAIRS-CLEARAM�E & ILS PLUMBING FIXTURPSIR LXEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/P4-rvA y DOORS FINISHED FLOORS ". GARAGE FIREPROOF N _ - DOOR CLOSER (S) �_ SMOKE DETECTORS _ FINAL ELECTRICAL I ECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF O TRUCTION A SIGNED CERTXFIC ITS OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDS G DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES A E OCCUPI D!- � 1 �`- �' I ^r AA �-r� �t .�-► �, ea A4 ,5 777+ v V-[ 6 (AJ/gt j�4/v Prw tllibo- INSPEC OR TOWN OF QUEEN BUILDING AND CODESES DE DEPARTMENT . 1 _ BAY & HAVILAND ROADS J QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 128 09- yr_ TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING IN SP R' S REPORT REQUEST INSPECTION C IVED NAME LOCATION DATE / PE IT # % 4 APPROVED YES I NO SOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP-PROOFING^ BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULA TION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEPS STAIRS—CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/RELIEF VA INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOO FINISHED FLOORS — GARAGE FIREPROOFING, DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTI N FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTR CTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE O OCCUPANCY ST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUT ING DEPARTME BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OC PIEDS REMARKS: to A / Ila vor J s yr G 7 Z at f ' w INSPECTOR Ofi ISSUE DATE (MMIDDNY) EMI a u PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, 20 F � WASHING& TON S T RE_TA COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A i . 5 [.:E .1... S .Ci]E2 1. 1v14i CCl LETTER COMPANY B INSURED LETTER 1:0)11'11: kMl :.E.. 13Et00P .[ Wr LETw ERNY C WEST T P114.l1. N T ICI 1. N I`l1IA1.) COMPANY (3 L.E.. N S F A L_ I._ S , NY 1, };U 1 LETTER D COMPANY E LETTER • THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OFINSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUEDTO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE IMMIDDIYY) DATE {MMl)BfvY) EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE GENERAL LIABILITY C C P 4 U;2 I tj 0 2 :1 0 / () t / 8 8 1. 0 /01 / 8 9 BODILY COMPREHENSIVE FORM INJURY $ $ PREMISESIOPERATIONS PROPERTY UNDERGROUND COLLAPSE HAZARD DAMAGE EXPLOSION $ $ PROOUCTSJCOMPLETEO OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAL BI & PD COMBINED $ ti i_.0 K;$ ,, 0 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY RTDILY IKLUFIY ANY AUTO PER PERSON ALL OWNED AUTOS (PRIV PASS.] BODILY OTHER THAN IN'^FY $ ALL OWNED AUTOS PRIV. PASS. {PER AWOENTi HIRED AUTOS PROPERTY NON-OWNED AUTOS DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY BI 8 PD COMBIfaEO $ EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM BI & PD ¢� COMBINED $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM A WORKERS' COMPENSATION W£' 4 0 2 1 .5 0 0() 10/01 / 810a :1. 0 / 0 1 / 8 9 STATUTORY AND $ () (EACH ACCIDENT) EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) $ BOISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATI(DNSILOCATIC)NSNEHICLESISPECIAL ITEMS • rAUTHORIZED Y OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX- 8` A'S(.lN -1 C 3� l01._.L If�l�'if:i4;l€TAT' :1: 4" NDATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Rr) KR 2v HU)( �} {)94 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE 1~. T F..l:)I+F(11 I.) 1`1 �, '1 :.xfa IPa ILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY D UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS 6 REPRESENTATIVES. ESENTATi E MAIN OFFICE ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC. 997 McLean Rd. NEW YO#31C Cortland. New York 13045 MEMBER OF N.F.P.A. AND I A.E.I. Phone: (607) 753-7809 FIRE UNDERWRITERS (607) 753 1396 (Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcin and Consulting Service) � 60660 (6i17) 753-1396 9 9 ¢ncarparaled in the State of New York) Desiring Certificate of Approval, application is made for inspection of electrical instaliation in the premises described below. On demand appncant agrees to pay for inspection service in accord with schedule of charges. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION — PLEASE PftINT OR TYPE THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT DATE OF APPLICATION CITY, TOWN. VILLAGE -q v - COUNTY STREET 1, STATE ADDRESS .y RURAL S"LDG. NO. OIRECTIONS POLE NO_ OWNER'S NAME OCCUPIED AS Vr- 17; " OCCUPANT BUILDING — Ne Old C7 WORK — New ❑ ArWMi I C] OWNER'S P.O- ADDRESS t APP. FOR — ROUGH WIRING O FIXTURES O OR RZADY FOR i SPECTIOH 79 FEE REMITTED — f By CHECK ❑ CASH 0 MONEY ORDER 0 MAKE PAYABLE TO ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC — NEW YORK Number of Rixogh Wiring Outlets Fixtures Add Inotaflaeon Swtch Li"Inp Recap. KW Me& MnpuI Flue _ 500 7 0 1000 1250 15r10 1750 24pr1 2250 2500 2T50 31J00 Heat Bars Bass Elect Heal Amp. Sarvico Water He_ Burner Air Cori. Surface Unit Oren Range Gr. Diap. Ash W. Dryer H.P. PUMP Ex. Fan Hood OTHER 6OUIPMENT {Specify Type a Capacitiaa} TYPE OF SIZE OF SUB- WpIING LE CIRCUITS ER MAIN MAIN BRANCHES IR CCUUITS APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE LICENSE a PERMIT a APPLICANT'S NAME OF ADDRESS u7Y OFFICE TO CITY STA ZIP CODE BE NOTIFIED BELOW ROUGH WIFW#G AMP SERVICE K.W. SURFACE OUTLETS EQUIPMENT UNIT SWITCHES AMP SERVICE K-W, OVEN CONDUCTORS RECEPTACLES H P PUMP H.P.GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT MEDIUM BASE K.W. FIXTURES N.W. DRYER DISHWASHER MOGUL BASE K.W. WATER FIXTURES HEATER K.W. RANGE FLUORESCENT H.P. AIR AMP, RECEPTACLES FIXTURES CONDITIONER MERCURY VAPOR OR WIRING A CONTROLS FOR BURNER SMOKE FRAC, H.P. QUARTZ FIXTURES DETECTORS VENT FANS MOTORS, H.P. 1120 1112 1I10 11e 1i5 114 113 i12 3/4 1 1+h 2 3 5 7% 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 t00 MARK NUMBER OF EACH SIZE 500 150 1fX70 1250 1500 1750 2000 2210 2500 27S0 3000 APPARATUS Elect Heat MISC, INFO. Received `,,�► / � Insprc/rd FEE PAID + /2lr�Sf G7 lft G o DRa DEFECTIVE C TOTAL /; n 0 DEFECTIVE 2, l301aZ 60 O Rough Wiring C wtifwata Check No. /r. I: 12P3* E3 Temporary Services Money Order Mon.- Fri. 6-7:30A.M• 0 FINAL CEPM94CATE caan 518-692-9295 0 011p. CerL Raq. Cnarpa 518'638-63.39 M f1MJNICIPAL MUN. ADDRESS (law '� O WIC' OF Q UEENS B UR Y Bay at Naviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-9725 (518) 792-5832 TO : Mike Brandt , Supervisor Town Board Members FROM : Dave Hahn , Director of Building and. Codes RE : Curtis Lumber , Building Permit Number 89 - 729 DATE : January 8 , 1992 Bear Mike and Board Members : In regards to Curtis Lumber and several conversations with each of you , I have put together the following fact sheets which , I think , prove that Curtis Lumber did indeed need masonry firewalls and I think that at the end of reading this material you will come to the same conclusion I did in that masonry firewalls were the only type of firewall allowed in this type of construction . The first letter you have before you is a letter dated February 154v 1990 , after a meeting with Joseph McGrath from the State Codes Division who came to this office and reviewed the plans with Vic Lefevbre . After their meeting , this letter was drafted and it ' s fairly self explanatory . If you will. notice , I have highlighted one section that says the fire resistance of the fire wall shall be 2 hours minimum and of masonry construction . If you turn to page 2 , this is the sections of the code that Vic referenced , and if you turn to the 2nd and 3rd to last page , this is the section of Building Code that also pertains to commercial occupancies that has the same wording ; I have also highlighted that . Page number 3 is Interpretation Number 253 which clearly states that the only type of acceptable firewall in a C- 4 occupancy which Curtis Lumber is a C4 occupancy , is a masonry firewall or a firewall described in Certificate of Acceptability Number 439 - 78 -MC . Page 4 shows you what design U441 is and shows you the components that make up U441 . Page 5 through 11 are the Acceptability Certificate for the firewall 439 - 78 -MC . If you turn to the last page , which is page 6 of 6 of this report , you will see that this wall can only be used for buildings classified as 1 or 2 family dwellings or as multiple dwellings group Bl , B2 , B3 . "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 M , Brandt , Town Board. Page 2 of 2 January 8 . 1992 The last page shows the different class of buildings . It is , therefore , my conclusion as was the conclusion of the building inspector and Joseph McGrath at that time this matter was dealt with , that a masonary firewall is the only acceptable means of meeting code requirements for commercial structures . I hope this will give you some insight , briefly , into what is required to review a building under the code without cramming 125 hours of training which we are required to receive in order to understand the code , I will be more than happy to discuss this with you at our 4 : 30 p , m . meeting . Sincerely , DAVID HAT N DIRECTOR OF BLDG . & CODES DH/sed Memo to file--- Re : Curtis Lumber Building Permit # 89-729 March 1 , 1990 From Vic Lefebvre , C . E . C7 . Town of Queensbury Plans were submitted on Feb . 27 for construction of the much-discussed £irewall . Today , Mr . Rothermel came in with the news that Curtis Lumber could not meet the 50 ft space on the south side of the building , needed to gain credit for two accessible sides . This would have allowed fire areas of 3000 sq . ft . . They have decided to install two firewalls . The proposed location of these would create 3 fire areas ; two @ 1984 sq . ft . and one at 2449 sq . ft . In conversation with David Hatin , he agreed to allow these areas . Mr . Rothermel will submit a corrected floor plan showing the locations of the proposed two walls . The sectional plans and specifications previously approved for construction of the original wall will be accepted as typical for the two walls to be built . As of this date 3/1/90 , Mr Rothermel has been given verbal permission to begin construction of the firewalls . Inspection of the forms for the grade beam before pouring , with reinforcing in place will be necessary . The issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy will hinge on : l . A final inspection of construction 2 . Inspection by the Fire Marshal ' s office 3 . A final inspection by the Electrical Inspector of r ord . c . c . David Hatin Mr . John Rothermel Building Permit File 05 (1 }} ++ 0 I if w pry �f i �c wt IZ ell 4 ' tie mMj mom lot IF Lq 1 _ r : 4W __ - ` �+ Is e k / r '.ti ,{ � �'f •yam � j � i F OF OF t / Of ' lei I I Fri r ASS IF IF lu IF I AAA I ; r �9 ff s: r A ` > x , FIF FFFFFF ILL �� xa F i xti per: Y . IF f.Y % i 4vf�d „` � 4 .,Sx y ,� ' t �( y s .'. �>"�'z . 'cT . r}lr ZTMy 4t l� r'•.. „re a.; *"tn i ': . .+ ee . ;a. .. t _ c: • f"QEy9 � .. � � ..1 r. .: .. �ar..:{ixn'w��V,aw i l I I I I , Iti I I 10 Rio:' I t 4 f 444 I j RCE1 E ti I { I ' Date Feb 15 , 1990 To : John Rothermel , Contractor for Curtis Lumber From : Vic Lefebvre , C . E . O . Town of Queensbury John , In that you are representing Curtis Lumber , I am addressing this correspondence to you with a copy for Curtis Lumber . After further review of the fire wall situation , we find the following : In that fire walls are designed to resist interior fire sjZread , it will not be necessary to extend the wall horizontally beyond the exterior walls of the building . However , the top of the exterior wall should be extended to the underside of the roof and sheeted with one layer .of 5 / $ '" type X sheetrock on the inside . At the juncture of the proposed firewall and the roof , there should be a return of 24 " each side , using 2 layers of 1 " gypsum plank . This planking could be fastened to the underside of the existing purlins . The void between the gypsum and the underside of the metal roof , between the purlins should be filled with Therma - fiber or an equal non - combustible filler . (Not fibre - glass insulation ) Where the firewall meets the exterior walls on the second story , the same return of min . 24 " . with gypsum plank is required . The fire resistance of the firewall shall be 2 hours , minimum. , and of masonry construction . Code references : Firewall description 739 . 2 Firewall rating Table 111 - 704 Firewall location & projection 739 . 2b (3 ) Firestopping 739 , 6 _ 1 It will be necessary to submit a drawing with details as described above , showing; the proposed footings , wall and returns . please include drawings of the juncture of the firewall at the roof_ and at the wall of the existing building . These drawings will be placed in the Building Permit ' file and one copy wi11 be returned when approved . `Thank you for your prompt attention to this request . You may contact this office if any questions remain . Victor Lefebvre C . E , O . Town of Queensbury cc . Curtis Lumber Building E Codes Dept . E la t i n Memo - - To . David Hatin From : Vic Lefebvre Re : Curtis Lumber Date : Feb . 15 , 1990 David , Per your request , I met with Joe Mc Grath of Codes Division today . He reviewed the plans for Curtis Lumber . His verbal recommendations are as follows : In that fire walls are designed to resist interior fire spread , it will not be necessary to extend the wall horizontally beyond t e exterior walls of the building . However , the top of the exterior wall should be extended to the underside of the roof and sheeted with one layer of 5 / 811 type X sheetrock on the inside . At the juncture of the proposed firewall and the roof , there should be a return of 24 " each side , using 2 layers of 1 " gypsum plank . This planking could be fastened to the underside of the existing purlins . The void between the gypsum and the underside of the metal roof , between the purlins should be filled with Therma - fiber or an equal non - combustible filler . (Not fibre - glass insulation ) Where the firewall meets the exterior walls on the second story , the same return of min . 24 " , with gypsum plank is required . The fire resistance of the firewall shall be 2 hours , minimum , and of masonry construction . Code references : Firewall description 739 . 2 Firewall rating Table 111 - 704 Firewall location projection 739 . 2b ( 3 ) Firestopping 739 . 6 - 1 Mr . John Rothermel , contractor for Curtis Lumber has been in several times for this information . Based on your decision to abide by the recommendations of Mr . Mc Grath , I will give a copy of the portion of this memo that describes the requirements , to Mr . Rothermel . I hope that this information will help bring th ' si4ut ' o a successful conclusion . ..dam Vic Lefebvre cc . Building Permit # 89 - 729 file i 739,2 TITLE 9 EXECUTIVE (9) Flammable materials shall not be permitted as insulation or fill. Historical NOW Sec, filed pee. 13, 1983 eft, Jan- 1, 1084, 739.2 Fire walls. (a) Fire area. The floor area per story of buildings shall be divided by fire walls into fire areas m accordance with parts 704 and 705 of this code, including tables II-7050 III.705, IV-705 and V-705. (b) CO"afructi(M (1) Fire walls shall form a continuous fire and smoke barrier between fire areas from foundation to or through the roof; except that a fire wall may be offset at floor levels If the floor construction and its supports have the same fire- resistance rating as the wall, and the removal or collapse of construction on one side shall not endanger the support of construction on the opposite side. (2) Fire walls shall be constructed of noncombustible material and shall extend above the roof to form a parapet wall in conformity with the requirements of table II- 738 of this code. Where a roof is of noncombustible construction having a fire-resist- ance rating of at least three-fourths hour, a fire wall may terminate at the underside of the roof, providing the junction of the wall and the roof Is made smoketight. (3) Fire walls shall be made smoketight at their junction with exterior walls. In type 5 construction, the exterior wall shall be protected with noncombustible construction of the same fire-resistance rating as the fire walls for a distance of at least 24 inches on each side of the fire wall, or the fire wall shall project through the exterior wall at least 12 inches. (4) Where combustible members, such as joists and beams, are framed into fire walls, such combustible members shall not extend through the wail but shall have at Ieast four inches of solid noncombustible material below and at the sides and ends of such members. (5) Fire walls in type 2, 3 or 4 construction shall not be required to extend downward through a cellar, basement or lowest story, provided the floor over such cellar, base- ment or lowest story is type 1 construction, and the structural supports for the fire walls have ftre-resistance ratings at least equal to those required for the fire wall. (c) Fire resistance. (1) The fire-resistance ratings of fire walls shall be as set forth in table I1-704 of this code, except as otherwise set forth in this section- (2) The fire-resistance ratings of fire walls in one-story multiple dwellings without a basement shall be at least one hour. Historical Note Sec. filed Dec. 13, 1983 eff. San- 1, 1984. 739.3 ,Protection of columns, beams, girders and trusses in buildings of types 1 and 24rk construction. (a) Columns and vertical suspension members shall be individually encased throughout their length by fire-protective materials having fire-resistance rat- ings prescribed in table II-704 of this code, except as provided in subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section. ` (b) Seams, girders and trusses supporting more than one floor, or roof and at least ii one floor, shall be individually encased throughout their length by tire-protective material having fire-resistance ratings prescribed in table II-704 of this code, except as provided in subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section. (c) Beams, girders and trusses supporting only one floor or a roof shall be individually encased by fire-protective material, or be fire-protected by a continuous ceiling, to provide a fire-resistance rating equivalent to that required for the floor or roof construction which they support or of which they form a part, as prescribed in table 11- 704 of this code, except as provided in subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section. 548 EX 6-30-84 CoAlMrssloNER'S INTERPRPTATIONS C1-2S3 Interpretation No. 253 (Date of Issue. June 3. 1986) Code SOctiott. Boa.3 — Abbreviations UL Design I7441 and Definitions — Fire Walls — Occupancy Classification: C9 Building height Feet: Fire of a: 20, 60sq,Construction: 4b Fire Area: :d4,1$p sq. �. Stories; One Fire Limits: inside Location. 19 Erie Boulevard Albany, N.Y. Facts or the Requested Interpretation; Architect proposes dividing building into separate fire areas by a "fire wall" of UL Design U411 . Question is.. Is a wall of UL Design U441 a "fIre wall" as defined by Code section 606.3? Interpretation; Definition of fire wall in resistance Code section 606.3 states that in addition to fire , structural stability is required. More specifically Code Table IIInov refers mov re to applicability of Code section 771.2 which requires that al or collapse of construction on one side shall not endanger the support of construction on the apposite side. It is our interpretation that to date only a masonry wall or welt described in Certificate of Acceptability No. 439-78-MC applicable to one and two family or multiple. dwellings would satisfy this definition_ Therefore UL Design U441 is not a fire walk ` 171 COMM 1-31-90 1 t ' t r kkkkkk ' ! t. tr 912 FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY F FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS (SXUV)—Continued FIRE RESIST Design No. U441 Id d NonbearinU Wall Rating-3 HR. No S it �4 -771 a ' ;d6 e+irt•r.rxy sPrrtox s A a #_ x; Y l s of xr. arrrrn a9 ir I. Sti ds—Channol Moped. flings logs. Fabricated 11 eul t In. Isar than "so E1 1 i ! in. deep. fabricated fror, I r 24 in. OC, mars. I 2- Mineral and Fiber Over, long TyPe S, corrosion ,: glass fiber meab tape. , I 1 r long Typo S-12 Canosrp �— with glass Un eted Stalera A C Botto and Blankets'—F' "Pe, t a If er r .t C T .r$" USG lnterior x United stelr.r l I. SuPpart Angles--Vartrcal antl hOr;ibrtlal support { Bond 'Coat far Betting areal wtih 7f9 In. b 1.3/ angles min. He. 24 Usage (0,028 In,l i{/l. Organic adhesive opplia I I peon era{ lea wrglh The 7lg In. lags attached wleh masonry faaterMrs alleael Ceramic Tile—Tits, 1f4 '? 24 in. 4C. The Support ddddd 2. aatta end Blankols'-3 in 1nir nor Devi ty 24 in by 48 rn4 FA l-1 did In pis s hplr{mpnto Nar fill s T. Waring. sel OYPwm ! j Dainty when using Dlpm 3, lard In place vertically when us" item 3A- BY to RII tsLs drilling. selfdapPir+g ice - UBG Interiors lne the fiord at the board United Stales Gypsum Co. Canadian Gv 3 StaOl Studs ISPIInar}—Unsloned "H'••aha Georgia-Pic; gauge IU 033 in mick pad studs IsP+etas,} fabric sled #rpm min. Mn ,*r PsbcO Gypst: ? Is Phnal to be cut 3 3/4 nefIona thaw nassombly P in hi ghOeap: 1.318 in. wide. "H' ahapad syy United Strt4 3A, 1/2 8esei Studs jaiftarnate to ;tam 3I—"'C-H., shep►d slotted s[uda (apllnpL 2-1F2 in. wide , JM)OiMs ant Tape d screw hea+.i: ' hen and Camp ibaamblyn JOOP, j heiiiiht d Prom 25 kISG qaM ate aL "CH-' she pod Studs to be Cut 3.3/4 In.. era joints. As on onarnatc, r 4_ Lint PanI4-�Wallboard. Gypa•rm•-1 In. thick entire surface of Class; gypsum wallbaard liner Panitkl. sUPpl1M a {- Vapor permeable Wet ' t wallbp*rd hrrrr wrtllh end to the :Holton hued info duds (aplMaa) elgn4 rrrlieai atiga. GyPrea to Water Serrror�Gpin.• i genera to be in atnrred veg Of s 24 in. O.C. PrrfinePar edges of gypsum. tart ^{earring the UL Ctaa41f col i - based Pinar pantie attached to vsteel l log of pgcpart angle with I 7/6 ki. .long Type Sas ( ! dr"tiAPS ssr f-Ispd Pg• bogie hand C06 ;crews spec ad maximum 12 in. G.C, United Statu Gypsum Co.—Type SLx 8. Acpsjit gYPwml wailbO©duo„SSI. Hal Shown.j—A. band of aCbuadCel "Sim applied to enes/I face of E each Psnoi Acousti"I aNlsnt applied along the vertical centerl�lrr{ r gypsum wallboard hnar pearel end wall porrnnsteL United States Gypsum Co. See Adhosivem ISJf.2l Cafagury .,.- s. Wallboard. 41ilyWum'-1/2 in- thick. 4 IL wider walittoeed applied i y._r gMStudh�atl steel •C aaweoard TvperYSr crews panel with M yyc long Type 12 �lit-01�'ng, oWf-lappactp�as jarnli 12 in O C. Merlicil wNrboard Paints shall • rd In field Of wQ.Casrd end 1/2 in Tsars ! Parrmahar ed us f bar InP oared e oat. 4.C. r �, .i, gig hood alirr acr.rwsaLenatrirma afar tl wnh 2•t!4 rn. Ibng TYPO S self-drggng. ledleppkt4A Crnadlrn 4 g bport angles and &poem maximum 1a in. ID-C. ." Gypsum Co., Ltd.—Type C. Coining Corp.—Type FRP ` Domtar Gvpaum—rvpa b : Georo Pe-Pacific Corp-, GVOOUM Div.—Typo GPFS•C. Psbco GYPsum Co.—Type PG-C. United Statafr Gypsum Co.—Types C, WRC. ' 7, Joint Sinnam—WalWuard jornta covered with piper laps end lino abets of joint Com j Sciowhe Ws coreroor with joint compound- pete •ffirenng the UL Cliasdre4tron Marking ffi LOOK FOR MARK ON PRODUCT W +'= STATE FIRE - PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE COUNCIL CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY No. 439 - 18 - me Amended 1986 Pape T of Cy 1 . lMianufayrer 3. Product United States Gypsum Company Method of construction of USG area SSS. , .hite Plains Road Separation Wall - Solid type # Tarrytown , New York 10591 JL 3. l Jse Two hour party fire wall in dwellings not exceeding two stories in heigrr; mate Certj- ficaet* of Acceptability 43S" 78 -MC vas amended 1980 to p&=i. t use in buildings •2 stories in height Amended 1981. to- permit use as a party wall . Anen?led 1986 to perxxt use of gypsum or mineral fiber battens . 4. Description # General The UA Area Separation Wall - Solid Type Consists of field erected USG steel " N" studs which engage two one-inch thick gypsum liner paneisva�:nd are cowered on both sides with . � .Inch thick USG Sheetrock 'water Resittdn Firecode -IC" gypsums panels or, ', thick x 6 " wide USG Shee#sock . gvpstan vr" I " _ ' r is x 6" �.€ >�►r �tci i xa 1. €sober battens or crrnbi nati cn of fu.l.l s' is or bat-J to sides of USG.: ' -stucg to provide a vertic nor,- -f ±'^=�tible; fire wall. The ir&ll assay is laterally suppoxTed at the foundattion ;by a " C " shaped - base channel fastened with power driven anCl�s�iza a8id at the ceiling . " ;at.tachiarsa aluminum aria 3e 'clir s to the caanv tiors�I wood framing of L "0 building . The wall has a fi.re- resistftnce rating of , two . hours _ The aluminum clips ?sse:l. t and. break. :away .when e"s o"A Ito" fire �W � ersait-ring . fire—damaged constsuctic�:s to collapse wh% lf. - tits :;arty€lre '.*all remains intact . Ilia ,XVAW ,g present.i.ng isorizos�sal and -vertical cross sections o € the wa: 1 the a1`emar4AM Of which. are nated� Iw_th numerals and described with a iex : ese s io i yq;%- plates nos . 1 and ;2 . attached . T +is f;cMr.9f. =ptabMty certifies that- the State ' Fire Pteverktion. 'fiM Building Code Councii has determined that the Product 8*,40eclSO in Housingp 439 Amended Ic and 9uiidi , Codas Bs tav Ted+nigl Report TVo. Mies with the tferfarmsrK1w" +eq%**onents set forth in the New 'Ywk state Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code when installed in ' actor- nos ;,"42h: a Conditions of Ae� � L� captatt."Tity Tisted.:ir+%;= :.3. EffectiveDaeer j ' a E xDirst4n Datt► . November 30 , 1988 CrWtfp4rson, Stavw-Fire Pr to" 16nd Building C#2deL CautWcil # BCC 14.�e1 STATE OF NEW YORK — -- STATE FiRE PREYENT11UN ANO Wua & uW ' ka t.sauc uVNc:tL CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY NO. 439 - 78 -= Asnrj ded 1986 ` page 2 . __ of Description (Continued ) All structural elements and hardware referred to in this certificate of acceptability are proprietary U . S . Gypsum products referred to in th+e manufacturer ' s literature . Fireator�z^+i_ nci USG Thermafiber ( Safing CW40 , 4 pounds per cubic foot Minimum density ) shall be used to firestop openings adjacent to the party/ tire wall at the floor and ceiling levels . The party fire wall shall project at least 6 inches abovft thewcordbus - tlble ro f of one- and two- family dwellings , or 24 inches above the combustible roof of multiple dwellings . The pa,tf fire wall shall project through the exterior side wa 11 of the building at least 6 inches in one- and two- family dwellings , cr 12 inches ;Lamultialodwellin s . The party fire wall projections shall e covered by noncombustible flashing that is coated for resistance to corrosion and galvanic action . A sliding contact flashing joint , which will allow for expansion or fire collapse , shall be used to over lap the opening between the party fire wall and the adjacent roofing• or siding . The party fire wall may terminate at the underside a noncombustible having a fire-resistance rating o at least 3 hour . Thermaflber ( 24 inches wide , Safing CW 40 . 4 pounds per cubic foot ini-mum density) shall be permanently fitted between the party firs all and the roof deck to provide a smoketight junction , AS an alternative , the party fire wall may terminate at a smoketight junction with a roof deck or an exterior „wall, of �+ n��...s-„Y � i- ;_h7 � gon� str3actione havin L.M anin:Lmum two-hour fire-resistanGe rating on e-a-E side of the re wa or at east 8 nc es in one- and two- family we� 1lings , or 24 inches in ultlple dwelli .:gs . Openings - For fire walls only enetrations thrdugh the gypsum panels to permit passage of noncombust bie pipes , areal_ 3ucts and electrical conduits shall be pernlzted rovIded any such openings do not exceed 20 square inches in any 100 square feet of the face of the fire wall ; and that the size of such enetrations that would Permit the passage of flames and hot gases be of more than 3-inch larger than the outside dimensions of the pipe , srxall ducts and electrical conduits . Penetrations shall be ti.gh.4 Y firestopped using p . g ,. Gypsum Thermafiber Safing Insulation . enetrations of greeter dimensions , such as for doors not exceeding 3 +6 "x84 " and large ducts or group of ducts not exceeding S square feet shall be framed around the full perimeter of the opening with suitable steel suds and channels to maintain adequate support for the wall , ec.s cs."i f AiA ! C yr P1tri ivnN — — aar+ � c rIrSC rntVCH11Lt1V Knev GuI1.N IIV to '% .kJYJC LUIJ IV LII. CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABrLrTY IYO, 439 - 7 $ - MC Amended 1986 Pam - 3 of _ 6 41 Description (continued ) (Openings - For, fire walls only (Cont ' d ) and shall be protected by an opening protective having a fire . resistance rating of at least 1is hour installed in accordance wit the terms of itSlisting by a recognized testing agency . Field Work A horizontal " C " shaped steel base channel is fasteMed to the concrete foundation with 1 " long steel. .power driven anchors - spaced 24 " on center . Two 1 " thick gypsura liner panels and the "fi " studs are inserted in the "C " shaped channel and installed Progressively for the full width of the fire wall . All field erected components shall be tightly engaged to the "H" stud and "C " shaped channels . The height of the "H " studs and gypsum panels between the founda- tion and ceiling level shall not exceed 10 feet . The assembly is ` capped with a "C " shaped channel at the floor and or roof 3evel . Eoth sides of each "H " stud are secured to the .. "C " shaped channel at the foundation and the floor and or roof levels with 3 / 8 " type " S " pan head screw . Each "E" stud is connected to the adjacent wood framing at the: ceiling level by raean of !} . 063 " thick aluminum, angle clips . Thd aluminum angle clip is attached to the "H " stud with 3 / 8 " type "S " pas: head screw and to the wood framing by one lax " type "W" screwe Each side of the assembly is covered with Is " thick gypsum Sheetrock "L'7/R" , Water Resistant , Firecode "C " Panels or thick x 6 " wide USS Sheetrock gypsum or I " thick x 6 " wide Therme fiber mineral fiber battens or ccabination of full sheets or . battens secured to both sides of Us.a' steel " NO studs . The fade panels or battens are secured to the " H" studs with l " tYpe " S " screws or lh " type " G " screws or lh " staples staggered and spaced 1 ?L" on center . STATE OF NEW YORK - - STATE FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE CoUr4CIL t CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY NO. 439- 78 -MC gmanded 1986 d page at Plate Novi12 . y^~ i • { • ace. + " ' r ' y eN6 4 Horizontal Cross Section of Wall 1 . yyosura Board - 48 " wide , thick Sheetrock "W/R water Resistant , Firecode "C" (Type X) Gypsum Panels (ASTh designation C- 630 ) or think x6 " wide sheetrock gypsum or 1 " thick x 6 " wide Thermafiber mineral fiber battens or combination of full sheets or battens , 2 . USG steel " H " Studs ( 200HS25 ) nominal 25 gage , hot dipped galvan- izede Consists of - 2 " wide channels having 1 " flanges that are one piece. by U . S . Gypsum Co . 3 . USG Liner Board , 24 " wide , l " thick Gypsum Liner Panel , Leveled edge , (ASTM) designation C-442 ) . 4 . Angle Clip - 2 " x 21j " x 0 . 063 " thick aluminum angle clip . • R Other elftaents of wall construction are as follows : USG steel "C " shaped. Channel. , nominal 25 +gage , 2 " wide ( 200 CR25 ) with 1 " legs , $bt dipped glavanized used at top and bottom of wall . USG steel "C : shaped stud , nominal 25 gage : hot dipped glavanized us for end details and framing around openings . USG steel "C : shaped stud , nominal 25 gage , hot dipped galvanized used for end details and framing around openings . Fasteners - USG Type S screws for metal . USG Type W screws for wood . USG Type G screws for gypsum . lh " staples for mineral fiber blankets ec.e €+-v►� ' STATE OF NEW YORK — — STATE FIRE PREVENTION ANC? BUILDING CODE COUNCIL. t L , i CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY NO. 419 783 MC Amended 1986 pa" of Plate .N'o . 2 „y r i� w ti 1 5 A - Ir LL Vertical Cross Sections of Wall 1 - Gypsum board , 48 " wide , h " Sheet-rock , W/R water-resistant , Fire- code C ( type .X) 9"BUM panels (ASTM designation C- 630 ) or ]S " thick x S " wide Sheetrock gypsum or l " thick X 6 " wide Thersafibe mineral fiber battens of combinations of full sheets or battens . 2 . G . S . G. steel "C " runner track ( 200 CR25 ) nominal 25 gauge , hat d ppe3 ca t•anize4 . Cons ±' ..mc , of 2 " wide web; flange l " . 3 . U . S . G : liner ,panel , 24 " wide and 1 " thick bevelled edge (ASTlk designation C- 442 ) . 4 . Angle clip ,,T2 " wide x 2 " x 2h , 0 . 063 " thick aluminum . 5 . U . S . G . Thermafiber ( Sassing 4 lbs . per cubic foot4nomina2 density) used as fire stop in opening . Extends approximately 6 " in the . opening on both sides . U . S . G. steel "Cow shaped studs , nominal 25 . gauge , 2 " wide web with 1 " deep flanges hot dipped galvanized , used for end terminal and framing around openings . Other ,dements Of wall Construction are as follows : U. S . G . *"* I "8" studs nomninal 25 gauge , hot dipped galvanized . Consists of one piece shaped stud . All structural" erements and hardware mentioned in this Certificate Of Acceptability are proprietary U . S . G. products referred to in the Manufacturer ' s literature . STATE OF NEW YORK — — STATE FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING COD$ C tjNCIL CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY NO.4399 78 MC A etlded 198fi P*g&6 S. Conditions of Ara:ptabil,ty le That party fire wall components shall conform to the drawincs and specifications submitted to and on file with the Housing and Huildin Codes Bureau . 2 . That a registered architect licensed, professional engineer , or approved inspection agency , shall certify to the building official that the party fire wall assembly complies with the requirements set forth in the Certificate of Acceptability . 3 . That the building shall not exceed, two stories in height , or a width of 80 feet . 4 . That liner panels in party fire wall assembly shall not exceed 10 feet in height . 5 . That the party fire wall shall project at least 6 inches above the combtts "ible roof of one- and two family dwellings , or 24 incises . above the combustible` roof of multiple dwellings . The party fire wall shall project through the exterior side wall of the building_ at least 6 inches in one- and twc-fageily dwellings , or 12 inches is multiple dwellings . The party fire wall projections shall be covere by noncombustible flashing . As an alternative , the party fire wall may terminate , as described herein , . at , a.smoketight junction with a . roof deck or an exterior wall of noncombustible construction . 6 . • That penetrations through the fire wall to permit the passage of Pipes , small ducts and electrical conduits shall be permitted pro- vid+ed any such openings do not exceed 20 square Inches in any 100 square feet of the face of the fire wall . Penetrations of greater dimensions , such, as for doors not exceeding _w x 84 " and large ducts or group of ducts not exceeding 5 square feet -, sue" Tl be framed around the full perimeter of the opening with suitable steel studs and channels to maintain adequate support for the wall , and shall be protected by an opening protective having a , fire-resistance rating of at least 1h hours . There shall be no openings permitted in the party wall . 7 . That construction of the framing adjacent to the party fire wall shall be completed so as to provide the sound transmission loss required by Cade section 732 . 2c-2 for a separatinn between dwelling units . s . That the building shall be classified as one- or two-family dwelling , or as a multiple dwelling of Grrouo H1 , 82 , 83 occupancy containing dwelling units "mr sleeping rooms . S . That the party fire wall shall serve as a nonbearing , noncombustible wall . low That -in the event the party wall becomes exposed to the exterior , the authority having jurisdiction shall require the person having re- sponsibility for the building to cover the exposed side of the wall with material that will provide adequate protection so that it can serve as An exterior wall . sets I4�41 f l71.1 TITLE S EXECUTIVE PART 771 PRLVENTION OF INTERIOR FIRE SPREAD (Statutory authority: Executive Law, % 376, 377) Sec. 771.1 General requirements Sec. 771.2 Fire walls 771..4 Dlvleron by fire separation 771.8 Protection of columns, beams. girders 771.5 Firentopping and trusses in bulldings of types 1t`s 771.6 Requirements for a day-care center in a and 2a construction multiple occupancy buttdtng 771.7 Enclosure of kitchens in day-care centers historical Note Fart (% 771.1-771Z) !fled Dec, 13, 19" eff. San. 1. 1084. Settle" 771.1 Oe`Ue1&I r'egWreasents• (a) Structural elements or members, in- cluding walls. partitions. columns, beams and trusses, shall have fire-resistance ratings of not less than those set forth In table IXX-704 of this code, except as required by section 771.2, 771.8 and T71,4 of this Part. The fire-resistance ratings of the structural elements or members shall be determined in conformity with generally accepted standard fire test procedure. (b) Spaces having a higher hazard classification than the building to which they are located shall be enclosed by tire-resistant construction, or protected In conformity with section 771.4(b) and (c) of this Part. (c) Exits, including passageways, hallways and stairways, and elevator and dumbwaiter hoistways, escalators, shafts and other openings in floors, shall be enclosed or protected as set forth In section 771.4(h) of this Part. (d) In building$ of types 1 and 2 construction. nonbearing Partitions subdividing a tenant space are permitted as follows: MAXIMUM AREAS FOR SUBDIVIB ON OF INTERIOR. .SPACE WITH UNRATED PARTTI*ION Maximum height of buildings In stories in feet Maximum area of space Construction to be Subdivided, sq. ft. of partltron _� 1ff0 1D,000 2 I60 2.000 fire-retardant wood wood 20M)o fire-retardant wood (e) Construction not required to have a fire-reatstance rating may have combustible doors having no fire-resistance rating. See section 771.4(1)(8) of this Part. f (f) Flammable materials *hall not be permitted as insulation or fill. hlaterleal Note Sec, fled Dec. 18, IOU; and. filed Oct_ 26, 19sa y�,� eft. Nov. 15, ISO. Amended(a)40). Moll Fire wgLUD. The floor area of buildings shall be divided by fire walls into tire area$ in accordance with Part 705 of this code, including tables VI-7066 VII-7061 VUI-706 and IX-706. OW EX 11.30-86 t SIJErr77ry.,,E S HOUSING AND COMIWUNITY RENEWAL 771 ,E (+a) Co"89r rctiow. (1) Fire walls shall form a continuous fire and smoke barrier between fire areas from foundations to or through the roof, except that a fire wan may be offset at floor levels if the floor construction and its supports have the same fire- resistance rating as the wall, and the removal or collapse of construction on one side shall not endanger the support of construction on the opposite aide. (2) Fire walls shall be constructed of noncombustible material and shall extend above the roof to norm a parapet wall In conformity with the requirements of table III- 7711 of this code. Where a roof is of noncombustible construction having a fire-resist- ance rating of at least three-fourths hour, a fire wall may terminate at the underside of the roof, providing the junction of the wall and roof is made smoketight, (3) Fire walls In type 21 3 or 4 construction Shall not be required to extend downward through a cellar, basement or lowest story, provided the floor over such cellar, base- ment or lowest story is type 1 construction, and the structural supports for the fire walls have fire-resistance ratings at least equal to those required for the fire wall. (4) Fire walls Shall be made smoketight at their function with exterior walls. In type 5 construction, the exterior walla shall be protected with noncombustible construction of the same fire-resistance rating as the fire walls for a distance of at least 24 inches on each side of the fire wall, or the fire wan shall project through the exterior wall at least 12Inches_ (5) Where combustible members, such as joists and beams, are framed into fire walls, such combustible members shall not extend through the wall but shall have at least four Inches of solid noncombustible material below and at the sides and ends of such members in buildings of low or moderate hazard occupancy, and at least six inches when either building is of high hazard occupancy. (b) Fire resistance. The fire-resistance ratings of fire walls shall be the same as for party walls, as set forth In section 770,6(c) of this code. Historical Note Sec. rued Dec. 13, less on. Jan. 1, 1"4. YM3 Proteeuoo of colualsr, beams, girders and trusses Iu bundiags of types I. and Sa censtruction, (a) Columns and vertical suspension members shalt be Individually encased throughout their length by fire•protective materials having fire-resistance rat- ings prescribed In table III-704 of this code, except as provided In subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section. (b) Seams, girders and trusses supporting more than one floor, or a roof and at least one floor, shall be Individually encased throughout their length by fire•protective material having fire-resistance ratings prescribed in table III-704 of this code, except as provided in subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section, (c) Beams, girders and trusses supporting only one floor or a roof shall be individually encased by fire-protective material or be fire-protected by a continuous ceiling to provide a fire-resistance rating equivalent to that required for the floor or roof construction which they support or of which they form a part, as prescribed in table Ma 704 of this code, except as provided in subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section, and except that protection of such members is not required for roof construction where the lowest portion of such members is 20 feet or more above the floor next below, provided the building Is equipped with a sprinkler system or a fire- and smoke-detecting system. W7 Ex 11-30-85 . r f § 701 .1 TrI AE S EX>l CC7T'IyZ� PART 701 04DCUPANCY 'f EASSIIKKCATION BY 000UPANCY On USE CiUOUP y (Statutory authority ; Executive Law, H 3731, 377) Bee. 701-1 General classification by occupancy or 701,3 Multiple dwellings use 701.4 General building conetruclion 701.2 one- and two-faintly dwellings Part (§§ 701.1.701.9) re Historical Note pealed by L. 1991, ch. 7e7, g 12. eft. Dec. 31, 1983: new (§§ 701.1 701.4) filed Dec, 13, 1983 eff, Jan. 1, 1984. Section 701.1 Generai classlfication by occupancy or use. Al One-family, dwelling A2 Two-family dwelllxtg Ell Multiple dwening,permanent occupancy 132 Multiple dwelling—trarlslent occupancy B3 Multiple dwelling—senior citizens housing B4 Multiple dwelling—adult residential care facility Cl Business C2 Mercantile C3 Industrial C4 Storage CS Assembly CS Institutional C7 Miscellaneous Historical Note Sec. aend. filled Oct. 4, 1972; repealed by L, 1981. ch. 707, § 12, eff. Dec. 31, 1983: new filed Dec. 134 1983 elf, Jan. 1, 1984, 701 .2 One- and two-family dwellings. One- and two-family dwellings for purposes Of this code shall be classified with respect to the number of dwelling units for families each having not more than four lodgers_ Such dwellings shall also be classified as a community residence where applicable. The Classification shall be in accordance with the following groups (a) Group Al—buildings containing one dwelling unit. (b) Group A2—buiidings containing two dwelling units. Historical Note See. amda. filed: Oct. 4, 1972; Feb. t4, 1979; repealed 93 by L. 1081, ch. 707, 5 12, eft. Des. 317 1088: now tiled Dec. 1s, 19s3 eff. Jan. 1, 14. 701 .3 Multiple dwellfxlgfl. Multiple dwellings for the purpose Of this code shall be classified In respect to the permanent or transient character of their occupancy groups, and to the number and physical condition of the occupants. The classification shall be in accordance with the following groups: (a) Croup Hf—Permanent ocpl4pancy. (1) But1dings containing one or two dwell- ing units, with more that) four lodgers residing with a family In either one of such dwelling units. (2) Buildings containing three or more dwelling units. (3) Apartment houses and apartment hotels. 472 Ex Cp p ?/ c-) U SST Lt,} kA �' --- ,1'1-t{{ L L o w 6,D r rz 4 ,fit rz& A w t 7�4 72� S�c tv &-s A c C e-9 5" c& <? - it h( 1Z& i 4(L ci4�T! r G'� QCT T�'t' 2 I 2ra - `F^-6 C kS J317 �7 07n( 4= WA� CL $Z- COAv S%M J 4�f"T i CA.) 0 � t-�i�5- k.144X-- P&rL G O6 12 vr-&&A It# /c?o i �C cx) AAP Li)A t L - GJ (.LL. 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