Application'2 `7 T^;,'i'il;'d F _1 v'Y= iCE "0: ,c.rd of Appeals of the _ern of Queensbur17 La; and I-i�vi_lanc ',dens Fails , :? �a YC 1 The undersis;ac.:! .. ­­­byant iirs for a variance from reru` fe-..!ents Of the o-e ., ... ,r tR^_ 7ovn of Qileensbury '2nzl_:-.1t.'_.� OS QlleeRS bLYv Z(1*ji,. dilc nC e•in the follo@:d.1. ng res J2CS: So construct a white three sided storage=building 105'x22on the northwestern most _side -of _our roperty running south to^ north ans situated as_2er the attached plot plan. The building will be reasonably attractive and finished off with a cuall Masonite X 90 siding generally used for house construction. Tine specific i :cii on of said ordinance involved is Minimum yard dimtasions in a 0-3-building $visa. arty feet are requirede isYric I. -,,a nzm^ an ss of tre •..; crsigred is T116ma.s _.. iroaamain 2. 7ii3 name ._.-. _ass of the mmor of the zon,, lot aff: ct^ :, - iGrossman Distribution Center Road. Town o�Queens ury, ew or _Quaker 3. A brief descr . _..c;n .-ndd locat' cn of saia lot _s Quaker Road_Ietween Bay and Glenwood Ave.. cclass;_`j.c . - on of said lot, th - �,�t n-.ro rd the present us-- L e----of _f- 0-3 zone. ImProya --par are one concrete block building Thearkina 1nt-aud._v�rd_areas. 4k4av _ . -n ccurate ,!e-__ ,_on of. ti e. i,: ^..rovement or n dc; do s ac i-, -. to be made, indicat nn _. 'A r_O used imnrove- me'nts, T.a tP.rla1. 'RL :. ^.^n,_=.. construction _.. thereof The -intended improvement is a three sided storage building 10 $22T'open on the Eastern most side, To be built o son Ium a_ an she off with Masonite.X-90 A plot plan o` zaid lot dram to scale must be attached, i-ndicatin' the location •rd size of t%a lot, the location and size of in:rrovements thereon. c•nd the location and size of inprovemei.ts pro_ used to be erected ti,.arecn. Dated 4/11/68� S'-,na re of Applicant T ^me and address of at.Lor::e, or agent if i+pplicant- is to be so -represented. TOWN OF QUEENSDUZ': ' REG APR 1 21968 A.M. P.M. ` \J 71 S IMT1II2I l I2I3I4I5I6 TOWN �(IG��- QUEENSFFU,u :, R z V E� V a 0 MENF COMFS APR 1 2, i968 _ � A.M. P.M.Tel I i 7�8�9�10�11�12�1�2�3�4�5�6 EXECUTIVE OFFI(kS O ROUTES 3 AND 1284OUTHEAST EXPRESSWAY O BRAINTREE, MASSACHUSETTS 02184 ❑ Vloor 8-0100 Grossman Distribution Center Quaker Road Glens Falls, New York April 11, 1968 To: The Board of Appbals of the Town of Queensbury The Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury and other interested parties. Sub : Proposed three sided storage building to be built on our property on the Quaker Road Introduction: This letter is to supplement the documents in this folder w Bch presents to you an application for a variance in the Town Zoning Regulations. Statement of Intent: We would very much like to construct a white three —sided storage building along the northwestern side of our property.. The building is to be just slightly inside the rear lot line. The size is to be 105'x221 The Appearance of the Building: The building is to be frame const- ructed. The exterior sidiw will be Masonite %-90. This siding is made in 12"widths by 12 'lengths. When installed the apparence from the outside is almost identical to a quality claboard. This siding, its appearance and the method of application is consistent with the best practices of residential construction. The building will be attractive but yet simple and plain.. It will in no way detract from the appearance of the surrounding property or any existing structure in the area. The new structure iffi fact will show the town's citizens and visitors to the community an appealing building finished offin a colonial manner. Location: The peculiar shape of our property on the Quaker Road makes the placement of this building along the northwestern most lot line of our property a necessity. If it were placed in any other position in the existing yard it would hinder the traffic pattern significantly.. The proposed losdion takes up the least amount of working yard space. We have considered several other locations, This proposed location is the only one that will work satisfactorily. The Need for the Buildi We are now badly cramped and in need of another s orage facility to proteot our stock from the weather. Ys, Tight warehousing conditions existing now force us to rehandle [[1Y[ WR YFf11L[[-01 rM[1[Y O V E R 5 5 L U M B E R Y A R D S E V E R Y T H I N G T 0 B U I L D W I T H PL.=:bSN`1:S G BOA- D 's1010$ oriJl� a u1 t__;_clil George t"."0.1n `. Ku-t4t', CMirma 4 TO. Zor..inr of Appeals Tofzn of Qu.eai5bury, N.Y. Gentlenum J. h,rtbur Norton, Secrett:ry Country Colony Drive R. L. 01, Glens Falls, N.Y. RE, �Ggraslsmst A �3�t-Yvr9Q fir. r I We have=. ,rev I4.c::w ,c'1 ';.fie recries't- for SD() variance, l ) Special use, E. ) OtIleF - — and e s _ wo e� _. e have t.bc, fcl `.owi rr-.1 reco%Cmendai-7 on a t ) - z,r0b ( :,..�ppr s,e CA) N o C,i m-e-i i- CommsntE; x Very truly yours, PLANNING BQ&RD By.---