ApplicationArea Variance No. 113-1992 Grossman's Property Development HC-lA Type II Owner: Hosp. Mort. Group, Inc. and Transco Realty Trust modification of c/o Bayshore Associates Area Var. No. 89-1992 south side of Quaker Road, approx. 1,300 ft. west of Quaker Road and Bay Road intersection Proposal to relocate an existing five (5) bay storage shed and construct a canopy for covered storage of lumber. Side and rear yards would not meet code requirements. Storage canopy will be zero feet from the lot line. Five bay shed will be 6 feet and 8 feet from the side lines. Beautification Committee I (Warren County Planning) Tax Map No. 105-1-3 Lot size: 2.Z38± acres Section 179-23C Public Hearing: October 21, 199Z "IUWN OF QUEENSBURY AREA () Type I Action variance ❑ Type Il Action ❑ Type Unlisted a Warren County Planning ❑ Adirondack Park Agency o" VARIMa N `0..1.. 9 9 ❑m 1. Applicant's Name: Grossmans Property Development Street Address: 200 Union Street City, State, Zip: Braintree, MA 02184 Telephone No. (617) 848- 1100 2. Agent's Name: C.T. Male Associates, P.C. Street Address: 65 Bay Street, P.O. Box 533 City, State, Zip: Glens Falls, NY 12801 Telephone No. (518) 3. Owner's Name: yy793-7802 Hasp- MortTeGrruup lInc. and Transco Realty Trust Street Address: 1266 Furnace Brook Parkway City, State, Zip: Quincy, MA 02169 Telephone No. NA 4. Location of property: On the south side of Quaker Road (NYS Route 254) approximately 1300 feet west o an 5. Bay Road intersection. Description of how to find the property: Travel south on Bay Road from the Town Hall to er Road. Head west on Quaker Road for approximately 1300 feet. Site is on the south side of Quaker Road. 6. Tax Map Number: Section 105 , Block 1 Lot 3 7. Zone Classification: HC - 1A Lot Size: 2.238t -b1r--ft./acres 8. Section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance from which you are seeking this Variance: Section 4.020 9. Present use(s) of property (explain in detail): Retail store and Building Supply Limber Yard and similar storage area 10. Proposed use of property (describe the proposed change that you are making to the present useh To remain the same. 11. Is the property in question within 500 feet of a County or State Right of Way, Park, Municipal Boundary, or Watershed draining any County or State facilities, requiring review by the Warren County Planning Board? ® YES, ❑ NO sssssssssssssssssssssassssssssssssstsssssssssssass::::::.:�.t.....___.....-- "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY ... A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 MObIFICATION TO USE/AREA"VARIANCE APPLICATIONS TO: QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM: Grossmans Property Development RE: Modification to Use Variance 88-1992 and to Area Variance 89-1992 Grossman's Property Development The above variances were granted to the applicant at the Board's regular meeting on August 26, 1992. Since the approvals it has become necessary to make two revisions to the plan submitted to the Board. The Planning Department has directed that the revisions be submitted to the Board for its approval as a modification to the previous applications, and accordingly the Applicant has prepared this narrative of the revisions, attached copies of the previous applications, and included prints of the revised site plan. The two proposed revisions are as follows: 1) retention of the existing northerly half of the ten bay shed at the westerly boundary of the premises; and 2) construction of a roof shingle rack extending southerly from the main retail sales building. The proposed changes are not the result of any change in retail plans or business at the site. All the reasons for the variances previously set forth in the attached applications still apply and are incorporated in this modification by reference. The Applicant would like to retain the existing 10 bay shed to allow neater storage, stacking, and selling of the existing materials on the lot. The new shed to be constructed at the • southerly end of the lot will be reduced from 5 bays to 4 bays, a reduction of approximately 400 square feet. As the 10 bay shed is an existing structure, no variance is required to maintain it as is. The Applicant would also like to construct the roof shingle rack extending from the southeasterly corner of the existing retail sales building. The rack will allow for orderly and protective storage and stacking of the roof shingles and is actually provided and preferred by the shingle supplier. It is an open -sided structure. It will be located approximately 9.7 feet from the easterly property line and will require a variance from the side setback requirements. The rack will have no impact on the site permeability or traffic flow. • Dated: September 30, 1992 TJ HN H. RICHARDS, Attorney for rossm� s Property Development 12. List the names and location of the parcel (include tax map number and zone) of adjoining property owners. NORTHERLY Across Quaker Road Tax Map # 62-1-2 Zone HC - .1A Name: Niagara Mohawk Power Corp 126 State Street Albany; NY EASTERLY Tax Map $ Zone: Name: 105-1-4.21 HC - lA MB - New York, Inc. Attn: Real Estate Dept. P.O. Box 1000 Portland, Maine SOUTHERLY Tax Map it 105-1-2 Zone: HC - 1A Name: D&H Corp. P.O. Box 8 Clifton Park, NY WESTERLY Tax Map / Zone: Name: 105-1-2 HC - 1A D&H Corp. P.O. Box 8002 Clifton Park, NY An AREA VARIANCE is a request for modification of the dimensional standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance, such as yard requirements, setback lines, lot coverage, frontage requirements or density regulations, in order that the property may be utilized for one of the uses permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant must demonstrate that strict application of the regulations would cause practical difficulty. In making a determination of practical difficulty, the Zoning Board of Appeals may consider: A. How substantial the variation is in relation to the requirement. B. The potential effect of increased density on public facilities and services. C. Whether the variance will cause a substantial change in the character of the neighborhood. D. Whether the difficulty can be feasibly mitigated by some other method. • The Zoning Board of Appeals may grant the minimum relief necessary to allow reasonable use of the land in question. It is the applicants lob to prove that a structm which conforms to the Ordinance cannot be placed on the site Alternative plans may have to be orov,ded_ Please answer the following questions. Attach additional sheets if necessary. �3. Describe the practical difficulty which does not allow placement of a structure which meets the zoning requirements. See Attached 14. Is this the minimum variance necessary to alleviate the specific practical difficulty or is there any other option available which would require no variance? • See Attached 15. Would this variance be detrimental to the other properties in the district or neighborhood or conflict with the objectives of any plan or policy of the Town? See Attached 16. What are the effects of the variance on public facilities and services? None 17. Is this request the minimum relief necessary to alleviate the specified practical dif ficulty? Yes 10 Supplements to the Area Variance Application Explanations (correspond to questions on the application): 13. The proposed action includes the construction of a canopy structure to cover the lumber stock yard. This is planned in an effort to reduce the volume of lumber lost due to weathering. Considering traffic patterns and loading/parking for consumers, the placement of this canopy structure must be slightly west of the existing lumber stock yard. This location will not meet current set -back requirements on the principal leased parcel. Therefore, an area (set -back) variance is requested. Please note that an adjacent strip of land has been leased by Grossmans for over twenty-five (25) years. If this additional strip is considered, the actual set -back would then exceed the required set -back. To accommodate the shift in the lumber stock yard location (the proposed canopy structure), an existing storage shed will require relocation. The storage shed currently has a "zero" side yard set -back. The relocated position will increase the set -back, however, the structure will still not meet the current set- back requirements. Therefore, an area (set -back) variance is requested. 14. The proposal submitted with this application is believed to be the. minimum variance required to maintain the existing operation of the facility while minimizing losses in stored materials due to weathering. Several other site layout configurations were considered, all of which resulted in an increase in density and impervious cover. The proposal submitted yields the least increase in density, and a net decrease (minor) in impervious cover. 15. , It is our opinion that the proposed site improvements are not detrimental to the adjacent properties in the neighborhood and, in fact would allow merchandise is to be stored in a more orderly and attractive fashion. 40 r _ r Area Variance 18. Other comments: None MESSAGE TO THE APPLICANT/AGENT We recommend your purchasing the ZONING ORDINANCE so that you may be fully apprised of all Town of Queenabury regulations, Please return the ORIGINAL APPLICATION with all pages intact. The Planning Department requires 13 copies of your application. A complete application shall include a variance site plan with narrative and supporting reports, if applicable. All maps must be folded to an 8% by 14 inch or smaller format. All components of the submittal must contain all information required under the applicablejown law or regulation. A complete application is necessary for placement of the Queensbury Zoning • Board of Appeals agenda. The necessary information that you will need for a complete variance site plan will follow after this message. • Applications must be received by 2 p.m. on the deadline date. The deadline dates for submission are listed on the Deadline Submission Sheet available in the Planning Department. However, submittals will be accepted prior to the submission deadline date for staff review and placement on the agenda. Other permits may be required for construction or alterations subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain these permits. I have read and understan a above message: Vid, (signature of applicant) ignat of agent Mark A. Giunta H. Th s J rett, P.E. Grosswans C.T. le sociates, P.C. Please attach the following items to your appl ton: 19. A site plan showing existing and proposed features of the property, including: lot dimensions north arrow and scale location and dimensions of existing and proposed buildings, showing setback distances and uses parking layout to scale physical features (streets, steep slopes, lakes, wetlands, etch y F. location of water and sewer systems, if applicable A. B. C. D. E. i1 N I , - Y 20. A location map showing the site within the Town. IN THE SPACE PROVIDED BELOW, draw an overview (site location) of where your property is located in the Town of Queensbury. Show north arrow, street corners (name them) and identify your property. Note: this particular map does not have to be drawn to scale. • Queensbury Zoning Boatel of Appeals Checklist Draw to scale (preferably 1 inch equals 40 feet or Iesk) a detailed description of the proposed site. A. Title of drawing, including name and address of applicant and person responsible for preparation of such drawing. B. North arrow, scale, and date. C. Boundaries of the property with dimensions in feet, including zoning boundary delineations. - D. Existing watercourses, wetlands, and other waterbodies. E. Location of all existing principle and accessory structures and their uses with exterior dimensions and lot line and waterfront setbacks. F. Location of all proposed principle and accessory uses and structures with exterior dimensions and setbacks. G. Location of any existing or proposed easements, driveways, outdoor storage and refuse containment areas, including setbacks. H. Location of existing and proposed sewage disposal facilities, including lot line, waterfront and well setbacks. Also, location of existing sewage and water systems on adjoining lots. I. Location and description of existing public or private water supply. J. Description of the method of securing public or private water and location. K. Location and design of all existing and proposed parking and loading areas, showing driveways, ingress, egress, handicapped parking and curbing. L. Total number of existing parking spaces, including the number of those to remain or to be removed, those to be paved, those to be gravelled, and total number of proposed new paved spaces and proposed gravelled spaces, including basis for determining parking adequacy. M. Location, design, and construction materials of all existing or proposed site • N. improvements; including drains, culverts, retaining walls, and fences. Location, setbacks, and size of all existing and proposed signs; including design and construction details of proposed signs. O. Location and proposed development of ail buffer areas, including existing vegetative cover and screening of storage or refuse areas. P. Location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lighting facilities. Q. Identification of the location and amount of building area proposed for retail sales or similar commercial activity. R. If applicable, the applicant is required to submit a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDA) as required by the Environmental Protection Agency. The list must include the chemicals and hazardous materials to be stored and used on site and the quantities of such. The plan presented to the Board must show any storage and containment areas. S. General landscaping plan. • T. Other elements integral to the proposed development as considered necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals. U. The applicant has to accurately identify all setbacks between buildings and the property boundaries. All areas where variances are requested must be clearly identified and accurately measured. current setback proposed setback (feet) (feet) side yard front yard rear yard shoreline Structure Structure sq. ft. (current size) sq. it. (proposed size) Applicants should be advised that they are to address all of the items on the checklist. If the required information is not on the submission, the application will be removed from the agenda. Applicaat/Agent, please initial[ ' TOWN4OF QUEENSBURY 1, Mark A. Giunta Tax Map Number 105-1-3 Occupants Representative (liEl1�1<l�i✓ti�rf of premises located at Quaker Road hereby designate C.T. Male Associates, P.C. as my agent regarding an application for ($�(1ShcWt�idd,�gxl�tddhid✓�i✓, Variance) of the above premises. Deed Reference Book 683 Page 566 Date 7/11/86 Does the above parcel represent owner's entire contiguous holdings? Please attach explanation. Property is leased. Signed: Date: I PLEASE READ AND SIGN "The parties hereto consent that the proceedings which result from the within application may be tape-recorded and transcribed by the Town Clerk or his agent and that such minutes as may be transcribed shall constitute the official record of all proceedings regarding this application, unless the same may vary from the handwritten minutes taken by the Town Clerk or the Secretary of the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals, in which event the handwritten minutes as to such inconsistencies shall be deemed the official record." �7 �Ua-Airans Date: Z4 JJ(,y 17, Appendix C QCLI Slate Environmental puslity Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE6S T F For UNLISTED ACTIONS only j t �j i E PART 1—PROJECT INFORMATION ao be complated by Applicant or pr0)ect sponsor) 1. APPLICANT BPON60R Grossmans / C.T. Male Associates, P.C. G osEsmansM111. S. PRO.IECT LOCATION: Sion Munlcipanty Town of Queensbury CO'Aly of Warren, New York e. PRECISE LOCATION (81rwt soma am road intereectlons. Promment lendmaraa. eta.. a provide map) On the south side of Quaker road (NYS Route 254) approximately 1300 feet west of Quaker Road and Bay Road intersection. e. IB PROPOSED ❑ NO. e. DESCRIBE Pat Grossmans proposes to relocate an existing five (5) bay storage shed (requiring side Yard set -back variance) and construct a canopy for covered storage of lumber (requiring a side yard set -back variance). 7. AMOUNT OF Innauy a.4jo— 2.238± Wtlmately ecrea a. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTION57 ❑Yes ®Nd HNo, dascrIO4II y Set -back (area) variances will be required and site is an e.4:isting non -conforming use. Expansion requires a Use variance. e. WHAT 16 PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? 0Rgx4etiw ❑Industrial ®Cdrmnamlal ❑A rlCulturs Des"am e i ❑Puk/FwnVOPen aoacs 00tner Highway CanTercial - one (1)Acre (Hc - 1A) II DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL. OR FUNDING, NOW Oft ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. eTATE OR LOCALp ®Yea ONO It Yes- un aeeney(s) and permlt(APProvsla 0 ) Will require Warren County Approval of Variances. (2) Will require site plan approval from the Town of Queensbury and Warren County. (311 ) IIII Will 11 req11 u11 ire a Building Permit from the Town of Queensbury. it. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? Yea ®No it Yee, pst aeencY nami and PsrmlVso;rI 42. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING ❑ Yu M. I CERTIPY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE APWIadUsporAw mar A. (i to Oau: t4 J.1c.Y I L EtlenAtwe: if the 1111101101119 In the Coastal Area, and you era a State agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER i PART 11—ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT fro be completed by Anenrvl A. DOES ACTION IJXPEED ANY TYPE t THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.127 If yes, coordinate the review process and use iM FULL EAF. ❑Yea XLJ No 6. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR PART 617.6? If No, a negative declaration vinalli superseded by another Involved agency. _ Yes ❑ No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be handwritten, If 1"Ibla) CA. Existing air Quality, surface AN groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, Potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archasologicat, historic, or other natural or cultural resources; Of community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: 1 C) C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: Cs. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or a change In use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain briefly /, J C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be Induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly. N� 06. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not Identified In C1-05? Explain briefly. i C7. Other Impacts'lincluding changes In use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. D. IS THERE. OR ISTHERELIKELY TO SE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? ❑ Yes l� No If Yes, explain briefly ew eT w "'—MCA IcnmINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it Is substantial, large, important or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed In connection with Its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d; ,irreversibility; (a) geographic scope; and (1) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that lexplanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse Impacts have been Identified and adant,.t.l..nd..«.w ❑ Check this box If you have Identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ❑ Check this box if you have determined, based on the Information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result In any (significant adverse environmental Impacts AND proDlde'on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Name of Lead All Print or T � a ., � /'j• Ype Name o Ref onsi le Officer in Lea Asenry l e eRes portal a ¢er Lanature o esporoi a icer in Lea AaencY Signature replier g , ermt rpm rc>ponsi e o ¢erj Date .4_ NOTE TO FILE APPLICANT: Grossman's Property Development ZBA MEETING: October 21, 1992 VARIANCE NO. 112-1992 EIAREA ®USE DSIGN OTHER The applicant is proposing to reconfigure their parcel by constructing a roof shingle storage shed, a four bay storage shed and a covered lumber storage rack. A use variance is needed for this expansion because it is a light industrial use in a Highway Commercial zone. The property is +2.23 acres located on Quaker Road. The record reveals that the site received a variance in 1968 to construct a three sided storage building, a variance in 1987 to maintain an existing freestanding sign, and an Area Variance in 1988 for a building addition to the rear and a three sided shed addition. This is an unlisted action and the Board has to do a short form SEQRA prior to a final resolution. This application was reviewed with regard to the criteria for a use variance: 1. Is a reasonable return possible if the land is used as zoned? This is a preexisting nonconforming use. The request is to maximize the potential of the lot while affording greater protection for the product sold. It is debatable whether a reasonable return can be made on this site if used as zoned. The buildings and layout were designed for a functioning lumber yard/building supply center. no no ne no no no no no no no ne no no ne 1oft Use Variance No. 112-1992 Z. Are the circumstances of this lot unique and not due to the unreasonableness of the Ordinance? Yes. This use has been in existence for twenty-five years. All the existing structures currently infringe on the setbacks. The lot is triangular in shape and there are developmental limitations because of that. 3. Is there an adverse effect on the neighborhood character? No. The applicant's operation has been at this site for a number of years and this construction would not adversely effect the Quaker Road neighborhood. SH/sed 2 of 2 rr WARREN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD THOMAS HALEY WARREN COUNTY MUNICIPAL CENTER RALPH BAILEY CHAIRMAN LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK, 12845 VICE CHAIRMAN TELEPHONE [5181761-"10 DATE: October 14, 1992 RE: QBY UV 112-1992 TO: Queensbury Planning & Zoning Town Office Building Queensbury, NY 12804 Grossman's Property Development Quaker Road At a meeting of the Warren County Planning Board, held on the 14th day of October 1992 , the above application for a Use Variance to relocate an existing (5) bay storage shed and construct a canopy for covered of lumber. was reviewed, and the following action was taken. Recommendation to: Q Approve () Disapprove () Modify with Conditions () Return () No County Impact Comments: concur with local conditions. It is the policy of the Warren County Planning Board to follow the procedures of the New York State General Municipal Law, Section 239-M, with regard to Municipal Zoning actions that are referred to and reported thereon. The following are procedural requirements that must be adhered to: 1.) The Warren County Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the referring municipal agency, accompanied by a full statement for such actions. If noactlon is taken within thirty (30) days or agreed upon time, the municipal agency may act without such report. 2.) If the recommendation is for disapproval of the proposal, or modification thereof, the municipal agency shall not act contrary to such action except by a vote of a majority plus one of all the members thereof and after the adoption of a resolution fully setting forth the reasons for such contrary actions. 3.) Within seven (7) days after the final action by the municipal agency having jurisdiction on the recommendations, modifications or disapproval of a referred matter, such municipality agency shall file a report with the Warren County Planning Board on the necessary form. Thomas Haley, Ralph Bailey, Vice Chairperson I'OWN OF QUEENSBURY eL 531 BAY ROAD, QUEENSBURY, N.Y. 12804.9725 (518) 745.4400 RECORD OF RESOLUTION ILE THEODORE TURNER, CHAIRMAN *Jl�IJIG � R DYCEG�'GSOTON, SECRETARY R.D. #5, BOX 409 139 MEADOWBROOK ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY IZ804 QUEENSBURY, NY 1Z804 VARIANCE NO. 113-1997 ®AREA ❑USE ❑SIGN OTHER ZBA MEETING: OCT. 71, 1992 TO: Grossman Property Development Z00 Union Street Braintree, MA OZ184 PROJECT FOR: Grossman Property Development THE QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS HAS REVIEWED THE ABOVE MENTIONED REQUEST AND HAS RESOLVED THE FOLLOWING: R n v E !Jn A.P° MOTION TO APPROVE AREA VARIANCE NO. 113-1992 GROSSMAN'S PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT, Introduced by Joyce Eggleston who moved for its adoption, seconded by Theodore Turner: And grant a modification to Area Variance No. 89-1992, granted August 26, 1992, and the modification will allow the applicant to locate a four bay covered storage shed on the rear of the property, and grants relief of 7 feet on the westerly line, and 10 feet on the easterly line. This appears to be the minimum relief needed to accommodate the needs of the applicant. This will also grant the applicant the right to locate a covered roof shingled rack on the rear of the property, abutting the rear of the existing main building. It will give relief of 10 feet 3 inches on the south side. Again, this is a minimum request, and will not have an adverse effect on facilities or services, and will help the applicant to alleviate the specified practical difficulty. As discussed in our previous motion, the site is triangular, and currently all structures are nonconforming. Duly adopted this 21st day of October, 1992. by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Carvin, Mrs. Eggleston, Mrs. Paling, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Sicard, Mr. Philo, Mr. Turner NOES: NONE SINCERELY, THEODORE TURNER, CHAIRMAN QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Approval of this application mean that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary (such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board). TT/red PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THIS FORM - Thank You - cc: C.T. Male Assoc., P.C. § 179.92. Expiradon of variance. Unless otherwise specified or extended by the Zoning Board of Appeals, decision on any request for a variance shall expire if the applicant fails to undertake the proposed action or project, to obtain any necessary building permit to construct any proposed new building(s) or change any existing building(s) or to comply with the conditions of said authorization within one (1) year from the filing date of such decision thereof. § 179-91. Hearing; decision; APA review. A. Within thirty-one (31) days of receipt by the Zoning Board of Appeals of a completed application for a variance, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall give notice by public ad in official newspaper of a public hearing to be held on the application not less than five (5) days nor more than thirty-one (31) days after the notice. The Adirondack Park Agency shall be a full party in interest for all variance applications within the Adirondack Park, with standing to participate in any and all proceedings under this Article for which the Agency was required to be sent notice under § 179-89B of this Article. B. Within thirty (30) days of the final adjournment of a public hearing called and held under Subsection A of this section, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall grant, grant with conditions or deny the variance applied for. The division of the Board shall be in writing and shall contain each of the findings specified in § 179-88 of this Article and the factual basis for each finding from the record of the hearing, which shall support the decision of the Board. C. For decisions involving lands within the Adirondack Park, the Board shall notify the Adirondack Park Agency, by certified mail, of such decision. Any variance granted or granted with conditions shall not be effective until thirty (30) days after such notice to the Agency. If, within such thirty -day period, the Agency determines that such variance involves the provisions of the Land Use and Development Plan as approved in the local land use program, including any shoreline restriction, and was not based upon the appropriate statutory basis of practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships, the Agency may reverse the local determination to grant the variance.