1741 .'-‘-.. - r' 1 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date '1,'7,L49 19-162 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 1--714 ( has been completed. ON'a // This ‘,/, kV t' I struc as ture may occupied 17 Location - ' N'orK,:ch 1).----ei, cap V Owner SherAjdOd -19--CFe, Cur By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY / • f, ,: ,,,, ,- - 2 '' .,•••' . ,...:,:a,;- ,_-_,_, a, Building & Zoning Inspector • BUILDING PERMIT . TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 1741 cn WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK D. O PERMISSION is hereby granted to Sherwood Acres Corp, a OWNER of property located at Lot 33 Nottingham Drive Street, Road or Ave. N (D in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Dwelling Sewage System U) at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. II • 1. OWNER'S Address is RD.#1 Glens Falls, New York 128n1 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Daniel R. Barber 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Address same as above. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address - 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) (X)Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 28'X44, as per plot plans and specifications submitted enc. sewage system 8. Proposed Use (J W One-Family Dwelling Sewage System two car attached gar. rl C/0 5.00 $ 64.0n PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 12-1— 19 72 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the 0) town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) t7 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 4 Day of May 19 72 SIGNED BY /10 or the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning nspector MOWN OF QUEENSBURY (Spare inside block to Ix' Iilk•d in by WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Building Inspe tor) Application for tpltlitation No. Permit Issued 1'i. . BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT Expires 19 /Gill„: District aloe nl Wort. 5 . THREE (3) Copies of a PLOT PLAN, Drawn to scale \I'I".""•`l by • • • . . . . . . . . showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built •1z,'':11.,'l upon, The exact size, and location on the lot of the building to be erected or altered MUST BE SUB- MITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ,q ] DATA REOUV vU5��. A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING WORK MAY 4 1972 ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING. A.M. P.M. The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to do the following work 7I8M10I11I12II2I3.I4I5I6 which will'be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifi- cations, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. The owner of this pro rty is: ,b o Acoa--_._..._......_ .__, , _ .. .. ... .. ._ .._ • INp..ct ESSI The person responsible for supervisio of the work insofar as the Building Code and the Zoning Ordinance apply is: P n.h1E: 1,_ . . . .2 A)? 6g pis •./. . .G.LEK) 5'. . .r1.��.LS JO (NAME) - CP 0 ADD Name of Builder. . . . . . .S•fi M I—' Address Name of Plumber Address . . Nam Addresse of Mason � Lot Number '3 3 Unit Estimated value of proposed work$ r 3,1 6 0 O , Name of Village , Name of Street A) . . . • . . • . . PP. . , Side of street: north 0, east 0, south 0. west 0 Nearest Cross Street . . . . .G • • . L . . . .. . . 'Distance from this cross street Ft. Property is north t54,south ❑,east i i, west ❑from Cross Street If on Corner, which corner, northeast ❑, northwest D. southeast 0, southwest (Designate by marking with an "X" in the correct space.) NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK OCCUPANCY //fia Construction of a new building. Main Building ❑ Addition to a building. One-family dwelling cle • ❑ Alteration to a building. Two-family dwelling ❑ O. Demolition of a building. . .-family apartment house ❑ StorA building . 0 . . . .-car attached garage ❑ Other: Accessory Building One-car detached garage ❑ • 0 Other work. Describe • Two-car detached garage ❑ Private chicken house ❑ Private store e building El Other: ZONING SPECIFICATIONS. Fill in for new building, or addition to existing building,or a change of occupancy. Indicate on the plot plan street'naanes, the location and . size of the property, the location,site and setbacks of pro- posed buildings,and the location of all existing buildings. NORTH Show proposed building(s) in dotted line and existing building(s) in solid line. J Size of property . . . .) ft. x ft. Size and use of existing buildings, if any N / C m Size of proposed building . . .�. .'. ft.x . .. . • •.ft. Height(from grade to ridge) l6 / ft. .. Front yard �6 I ft. Side yards '35-'d ft. and d ft. Rear yard 6.6 c ft. SOUTH If on corner,setback front side street ft.. •. Note: All distances are net, as measured from street aide line to nearest part of building. (OVER) • __.__.- -_._ (cont'd.) BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS., • y, Kind of construction: Wood frame, fire safe. etc.' � y / ' Will any second-hand lumber be used? A I so, for what Material of foundation walls Pcs . . . . Thickness y // Depth of foundation walls below grade Continu us foundation? • Will there be a cellar? . . . ..QA-?. . . If so, terial of cellar floor ti Type of roof: Sloped or flat? , ,�!,� Material of roof . . . . • Size,wood studs � " 2/ ", spacing . . . . . .J1. . .r "o.c., length. . . . Z •. . . . . ft. Size, floor beams, 1st floor ••-• " x . . . . 1. tom. . . . . . .", spacing / C�"o.c., span J L7 ft. Size, floor beams, 2nd floor . . . . . . . . x ", spacing /6" "o c., span . . . . l.41. . ft. Size, ceiling beams . " x / O ", spacing /.' "o.c., span / ' ft. Site, roof rafters or beams . . " x .�. . •", spacing /6,. . ."o.c., span ft. • Exterior finish . . . . . . . . . . I 'Vith w at ma rial? Finish of interior walls . . If garage is to he attached. of what material is wall between garage and main bui,ldiing to be constructed? Is there to be an opening betwe`n garage a d building? - Kind of heating system /tom, Oil burner or coal? . . . Will a flue lined chimney be provided? ' J-• , Depth of chimney foundation below grade Height of chimney above roof Will there be a fireplace? -It' Depth of fireplace hearth • Will a toilet be installed Will a kitchen sink be installed and connected to water supply? Water supply (public water supply or pump) Distance of cesspool from any private well ) '-D 1 feet Will drainage system be provided with required traps, cleanouts, and vents? y L.S7,L� Town of Queensbury AFFIDAVIT County of Warren ss. State of New York I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the and specifications sub- mitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described mue pree and that a ' ions of the BUILD- ING CODE,THE ZONING ORDINANCE.and all other laws pertaining to e proposedw hall m , ther specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Sworn to before me this Signature OWNER.OWNER'S AGE T.ARC ITECT.CONTRACTOR 3 .. day of. .../ ....'... .. .19 ) ' - NOTARY PUBLIC. WARREN COUNTY. N. Y. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: • • By - - mommill mom •mmmi mommommommumm , um mmommummismommommommimmommilimmism mmommommummirammommummommummommummm mmommummomm mmommmommormommammom mummoMEEmmomm mommEmmemmil mmemimmommu MMEMMEMMEMOMMEMEMEMM MI= WM= MMEMEM-. . 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