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CERTIFICATE C3F COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date March 21 90 19 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No, - AS-SW has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a dprk & Nandi capr=Q Lomition Y4 Aviation Road Owner Unitod Methodiqt ChUCch By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSSURY Director of Bldg. dt Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF Q1,,,1EENSBURY X No, 89-847 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to UNITED CFiRJRCH . OWNER of property located at 74 Aviation Road Street, Road or Ave. '~ ra in the Town of Queensbury, p To Construct or lace a handicap rrta17 rami7 & Dock � at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t . OwNER'S Address is 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE R'S Name C Ralph Underwood 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address t� PO BOX 172 Hudson Falls , New York 12839 `a v 4_ ARCHITECT'S Name e� :Cx C'7 5. ARCHITECT'S Address s 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) I ) Wood Frame I I Masonry I ) Steel -P 7. PLANS and Specifications AC No. 240 sq , ft . deck and handicap ramp as per plot plan , application and specifications , S. Proposed Use Deck and handicap xx ramp , 15 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 1 19XX90 rro (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the n town of Queensbury before the expiration date.} 7c nd Day of November Dated at the Town of Queensbury this " 1g 0 h H! SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoffinb Inspector 'Q =o J ► Y IL 1.40l i ' }�" ;.J 4L .3.:44VJLI i.. 11. 1 �j qr T FEE PAID _ APPLICATION FOR L ESTIMATED VALUE "; PORCHES - DECKS OF CONSTRUCTION$ DOCKS do BOATHOUSES4 TD A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL ' Q OF THE FOLLOWING: The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work whit}�, will ©C'>, CQ 'I' be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifications submitted, anj6i� special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. `f �+ 0 The Owner of this property 'is: [,� �,/ / '�"'"� ,l� � �,,f� ,p� / Cam* �-- � �!'{,,+�?' ,�p � O� P*00 F`11A Address: f/ 1 �" / [�j1f J�2 cop AM V Property Location: Street number or building lot number Subdivision name (if applicable) THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES: /L �/ Address: / �' -- l{Cf40540./y e!SA41 5', AlY 1 ,x $' 39 Tel. rgj ,y �. 400 �--- BUILDING S ck Dock B Type of work to be done: Porch eck Dock Boathouse (circle one) -� +rf,4��rta CAI' /t' !k tvr P Size of structure to be built (squar outage) _ ,o tx Foundation Material Width Thickness �� ., T',r..r Depth of footing below grade 4 5 y ,,,,y & x f.-= ijfA/ ���,�,��'� , ��� MA. -rjr Size of posts or studs �,( x x Long -,_ y ,� ,, K Size of floor joist x ap X�4 Span Decking or flooring material How will porch or deck be fastened to building? AO coal 7 oe-ep>- IF ROOF WILL BE INSTALLED ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW : Size of posts or studs _ t/ x .r x Long Roof Rafters x t�:, Spacing�Span Roof Trusses Pre-Engineered spacing? Span Type of Roof t: - Flat - Shed - Other Material of Roof ! /C a ,per Ag � ff f Al e :50 Type of siding (if any') • * ****ss********:ass.*:******s** **�******* ** **:*** ****�* *** ***** *** * ******«* ** ** ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, showing clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed.and indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Give street and number or lot number and indicate whether interior or corner lot. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW : Size of property :X4C 67, &92 ft. x a q'' -. " ,3 S' ft* Existing buildings Size y 4< " t, x _ to "ft . Existing building(s) use +� Proposed building, distance from property line. Front yard / ft. Rear yard z ft. Side yards �ft. and 1 p � � t. If on cornier setback from side street ,r ft. DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not , and that such work is authorized by the owner. SIGNATURE ✓n,er, 9 ner s Agent,l Architect, Contractor ` � ' 1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUrLD.TNG AND COKES DEPARTMENT RAY & HAVILAN,17 ROADS 111 QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK .12804- 7ELEP06tONE (528) 792-5832 BUILlING INSPECTOR ' S REpORT REQUEST FOR �T P CTrON REC E VED NAME LOCATrON DATE PERMIT ## .APPROVED F0OTING/P2'ERs YES NO MONOLITHIC POUR ORMS POUNDATraN/�aHp_ ROOPTNG BACxFX, lAPPROVA ROUGH PLUMBrNG - �- FRAMING ELECTRXCAL ROUGH N rNSULATION: FOUNDATION PLOORS- WALLS OCEILING INAL XNSPLL^TrON.: (((Uuu!!! CNXMIVEY HEIGHT r ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/S PS STAIRS-CLEARANCE ILS PLUMBrNG FIXTURES R VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR AC DOORS FINISHED PLOORC GARAGE F3RRpROO NG DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRXCA rNSFECT N .TNAL APPROVAL F CONS T OX TO ISSUE C ?'ION A SIGNED CERT ICATE OF OC UPANCY NU_ T�gE OBTArNED FROM THE BUILDING THESE EPAR2"MENT BEFORE S ARE OCCUPrED. REMARKS: --_ f ..f ARRIVE rNSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUXLDXNG AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280¢ TELEPHONE (528) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FQR XNSPECTXON RECEIVED NAME c� C _ LOCATION c1 r l rf [1 v L?v 4tnp DATE / ' PERMIT # <267 AHP VED n E NO K FOOTING/PIERS ! f� t) f [ /A{.+ ny�" NONOLXTHXC POUR FORMS 70 FOUNDATSO N/DAMP—PROOFXNG BACKFXLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUNBXNG. FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG —XN INSULATION: £. FOUNDATXON FLOORS a WALLS CEXLXNG FINAL XNSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SXDXNG EXTERNAL PORCH E jSTEPS STAXRS—CLEARAN & RAILS PLUNBXNG FIX ES/RELXEF VALVE XNTSRXOR TRX PRIVACY DOORS FINISHED F RS GARAGE FXRE ROOFING DOOR CLOSEJZ(S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTXON FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTXON A SIGNED CERTIFXCATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUXLD1rNG DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PRENTSES ARE OCCUPXED! REMARKS: 4XPECOTOR 4mr log V F7 JFZ qt poll a I I #or se", I- 0 k C did IN '+ I 1A 40" '0 1 < dMW do .;� Ot ro"'7d 46�doo',o Ow 9�0 d0 . k '�� 11 0 - V- t 1 6 o, :j k I k ! . :6 , 0 ; �—!. 34 RALAM UNQERMyOQEI-SUIIBER _ _ 172 - =-- P.O.pox —_..— 6 HUDSON FALLS NEW YORK 12839 '—G (518)W-7088 *T -L r' / [0- N it al -_ + " o 0 OF QUEENSBUPlY BU1 C ' REVIEWED B 41DATE f co�~r. A av Q D i 5117�81 PT M}wn RA IL GIBS 2K9 Pr Fl FR.�eC«i/4 ., I x L e� Fox P r --2XG PTxf�roxiNa me I ('7" �fitrr�r sKiirFi �✓/ c