1890 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 1890 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Country Club Glens Falls G) r OWNER of property located at Round Pond Roa d. Street, Road or Ave. Z U) in the Town of Queensbury,To•Construct or place a Sewage System at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. cn t-+ 1. OWNER'S Address is C7 Round Pond Road Glens Falls, New York 12801 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name J. Sweet 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Queensbury Sewer Service Bay Road 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( )Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( I Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications 0 No. as per plot plans submitted d 8. Proposed Use 'U Sewage System Alteration t7 0 $ 5.00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 8-1- 19 79 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the • town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 3 Day of J111 y 19 72 SIGNED BY /eg for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector � � •t/� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW 'f'ORK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Application for iCIEDVE .fig-42N 3 0 1972 411 A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, ALTER OR ENLARGE A 6EWAA,ii; M. DISPOSAL SYSTEM. FOR A PRIVATE RESIDENCE WITHIN? 8j 1 11m1l213I401B TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ' Mail or bring this application to : Building & Zoning Department Queensbury Town Office Building R.D. 1 Bay Road Glens Falls, New York 12801 This application for a Sewage Disposal Permit must be .accompanied by a plot plan drawn reasonably to scale showing all dimensions , the size of the lot, the location on the lot of the water supply and sewage system. 1. Name and mailing address of applicant:• C • 2cL _61. o j) . 2. Specific location of property: (STREET AND NUMBER) 3. Application is for: New construction of private dwelling . Alteration or enlargement of existing sewage disposal system. 4. Description of building: a . number of bedrooms b. garbage grinder YES OR NO 5. Topography: 1041- TT at, rolling , steep slope, gentle slope, etc: 6. a. Nature of soil. (Describe to a depth of 5 feet if tile field is to be used or 10 feet if leaching pits are proposed, giving thickness of various strata such as G C top soil, clay, loam, sand, gravel, rock, etc . ) b. How determined? 7. a . Soil percolation test made by (Refer to Part III , Bulletin 1 , N.Y.S. Department of Health) b. Percolation test notes submitted? (YES OR NO) 8. Proposed sewage disposal system indicated on attached plan or sketch? ( E ;R NO) 9.. Date when construction will commence _/i!_ ,Z�It is hereby agreed that if this application and attached plans dated or any amendment or revision thereof are approved, installation details thereof as shown on eal ftssuchl be made in accordance with approved plans. 9 Censta led By:rCpntractor o • (S 4T at :•e o applicant;) Owner �� ., . � ,' : d W� � �� } i*§r��� ¢ 4a �� � � � ?D�r T y " .' (+ X;� �; � ,g Y': �- Ys Y Yt � .. J. ..,. ... _. .. ... ... _.. _ ... i .., .. .. n ,�i�� � a �, M f ( 4'�_. 3- .:: �' .-..; ..y: .. ._. ,..,.. r.. .. .., . ka ... �,.. .. !. V it � ,... ... "� �,. �w.�i�A'%..�-.� xs..�... �.!b,_.i.�'n::. .�iac.�.. r.. :.. 4.'. .. ... .. .... .F _ . aY35?`,.. .. _.."A . .. .t ,.. .-. � .. .. .�. _:- ... �. _ t_o__.... --.. ..:.afK'.. �.f. _. S_ .u_.. _,.aY ..... - .. ..