1990-807 �z (_' A .v s.. G 4 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY _ .. WARREN COUNTY, NEW Y'•RK Date 4 4,e./ XS-19 1/ This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. q0-R07 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a Single Family flwel 1 Inn 1 ovation RD#1 260A Rockwell Rd Owner CRAIG MEADE ' By Order Town Board ,. .. TOWN OF.QUEENSBUR Y '1 - / r 7 Director of Bldg..& Code Enforceme; t - .:^ . BUILDING PERMIT -� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 90-807 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK o 01 PERMISSION is hereby granted to Craig Meade OWNER of property located at RD#1 Box 260A Rockwell Rd Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Single Family Dwelling at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. c-) iv 1. OWNER'S Address is uc) m 0) cla 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Kevin Monahan W O 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address RR#1 Box 57A Salem, NY • 4. ARCHITECT'S Name o n 5. ARCHITECT'S Address i 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) (X)Wood Frame ( I Masonry ( )Steel ( ) N 7. PLANS and Specifications J• cc) No. 1,140 sq ft Single Family Dwelling as per plot plan specifications and application 8. Proposed Use Single Family Dwelling $ 132.00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 29, 19 91 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the c0 town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 29 Day of, November 19 90 / ' SIGNED BY / ?z /— for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoni'' Inspector TOWN OF QUEENS/JURY `les* APPLICATIO'1 FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT DATE: \):\ `cto LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION '&l Q,z4NacstiA 12n8E. 4;kfF: Owner' s Name:Ca p o NOV 27 1990 Address: ''6t \ men Ya V„zleY.NAX 11a0 LLD & CO iz OWE Installer' s Name: cr Noi:4c. Telephone: Number of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow (compute @ 150 gal per bedroom) Topography: Circle one:,' la Rolling Steep Slope % of Slope Soil Nature: Circle one: an Loam Clay Other /Depth: Ground Water: At what depth? Feet Bedrock or Impervious Material : At what depth? Feet Percolation test: Circle one: not required required Rate - Min. Per Inch Domestic water supply: Circle one: Municipal W0_1.5 Other If domestic water supply is a well : Separation: Water supply from any septic absorption feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank 10 gal . (minimum size: 1,000 gal ) ' TILE FIELD: Each Trench feet/Total system length feet : SEEPAGE PIT(S): Number of /Size each feet by \b feet Size of stone to be used if. `"1 /Depth or Thickness feet ***************************** HOLDING TANK SYSTEM IF REQUIRED NO. of Tanks '. Size of Each Gal. *Alarm system and associated electrical work to be inspected by an approved agency. I have read the regulation on the reverse side of this sheet and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON: DATE: 1\\ A:k- • Septic System Inspections: A. All applications for septic syscei installation, alteration or repair, as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance, shall be submitted co the Building Department at. leasc 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing: 1.) the proposed location of the system • 2.) location and distance to lot lines 3.) location and distance to structures 4.) locacion .and distance to any water supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks, distribution boxes, tile fields and/or drywalls B. Nu system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the LSuilding Inspector. Failure co comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $250.00. • C. An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the Construction: site. Failure co produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installa— tion, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must big submitted co the Queensbury Building Department before further construction. • Town of Queensbury • - BUILDINC and CODES DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury, New York 12804 kamarks: • TOWN OF QUEENSBURY REVIEWED BY OWN OF QUEEh1SI 1 AY RECEIVED � ��� FEE PAID $ j - 11 4 PERMIT NO. 0 - NOV 2 7 1990 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION BLDG. & CODE DEPI°, A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT. • All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this application. • a * a * • * • a • * • * * * * * * * • * * • * * * a * a • a • a a * * * * * • • The owner of this property is: CRP,\& Yv1c'p.s,E P.O. Address 'gym. ' (LO Tel.`(cad —S'C9ct1 Property Location iLocY, Tax Map No. /�/ l t Has there been any split of this property since October 1, 1988? / ply If yes Planning Board Review is necessary. yes no SUBDIVISION NAME, IF APPLICABLE LOT NO. THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES IS: k�v\ems YnN,N\ar-J NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: * ESIIMATED MARKET VALUE OF • Construction of a new building ; CONSTRUCTION: $ QS`moo Addition to a building • COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW: • Size of property \- C ft x Alteration to a building • Existing Buildings(3) Size ft. x ft. (no change to exterior dimensions) • Proposed building - distance from property line: Other work (Describe) • Front yard-1-1 ft. Rear yard ft. • Side yards ft. and. 3% ft. • GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE • If on corner, setback from side street ft. 1st Floor k(LI sq. ft. \ei\ • OCCUPANCY INFORMATION 2nd Floor .- sq. ft. • - Primary Building - Other Floors sq. ft. • Q One Family Dwelling (not cellar or basement • Two Family Dwelling TOTAL FLOOR AREA \14o sq. ft. • • Multiple Dwelling/Number of units Size of new structure `3F ft x ft. Business Foundation-pier/slab/crawl/parts • Industrial (circle one) • Other No. of stories (habitable space) • Height (grade to ridge) \b ft. * If addition, what will use be? If residential, no. of families \ • No. of rooms(excluding baths) S • Accessory Building No. of bedrooms • _Detached Garage ONE/TWO Car No. of bathrooms ' • - Primary heating system P1 • __Attached Garage ONE/TWO Car Type of fuel _Private storage building No. of fireplaces to be Installed� • • Will a wood stove be installed \J ) _Other_ Central Air conditioning • �:� OV• ER 1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: Type of construction, wood frame, fire safe, etc. ,.,,tic‘;) V(ZQv„-c. Will any second-hand or upgraded lumber be used? If so, for what? . Foundation wall material Ci,�) -E. asyL4 Thickness \IV I' Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom of footing) Will there. be a cellar? \R s Heated or unheated? uNHcwTP • Floor sq. footage \oyo sq ft. Will there be a basement? Will any portion be used as living space? 4b (If so, what portion? • sq ft. Type of use? Type of roof��slope-ajflat/shed/other Material of roof I:NS F\ats SNlwcows Size, wood studs . "x l " spacing \� " o.c. length ft. Joists (floor beams) 1st floor _ "x \ . " spacing \to "o.c. span \-S ft. Joist (floor beams) 2nd floor "x " spacing "o.c. span ft. Overlays (ceiling beams) "x " spacing " o.c. span ft. Roof rafters "x " spacing o.c. span ft. Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing zy " o.c. span ft. Exterior wall finish svaoC� ci,pip i),,ztvaoe of what material? cra.,33 Interior wall finish SNF ' fio If a garage is to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION: Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door, enclosure, self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? t. Height above roof ft. Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft. Depth of fireplace hearth ft. in. Water supply - Municipal or private well 'PI.Av1tscr `,* c� SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well (including adjoining properties CIc ft. (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) 4AME OF BUILDER\(..zv�v.) 'cholalav,�Ear) ADDRESStit.44 (l;wx TEL. NO. %S O- oi%% 3 -t1 JAMS OF PLUMBER � ADDRESS Sp w, 1J11 _ TEL. NO. -1Litt- baoc JAME OF MASON tokq il, ,,,\a ADDRESS wis;' TEL. NO. "101a- 1211 JAME OF ELECTRICIAN �N t,\..;p�1 ADDRESS TEL. NO. DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the tans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on le described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and U other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that teach work is authorized by the owner. Signature .. Owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor PECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: • BY ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE APPLICATION TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY - 9000 HEATING DEGREE DAYS Q EEt,1SEUfly RECEIVED Compliance Methods: PART 5 - Acceptable Practice Method - 1 & 2 Family Dwellings (ONLY) N 0 V 2 7 1990 PART 6 - Thermal Rating - Component Trade Offs - 1 & 2 Family Dwelling` ,®G• & COME DEP Multi-Family Dwellings (3 Stories or Less) PART 4 - Design By Component Performance - Commercial Buildings - Hi-Rise Residential PART 4 & 6 - Compliance Methods Require Submission of Worksheets (j1p tic, r nFlL APPLICANT'S NAME PROPE LOCATION PART 5 METHOD OF COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE: 1. Gross Floor Area - Sq. Ft. 2. Type of Heat Elec. Base Board Other 'fbtc o ptti_ 3. Is Building Mechanically Cooled? YES NO 4. Percentage of Area of Windows and Doors Over 17% Under 17% THE R-VALUES GIVEN ON THIS SHEET MUST CORRESPOND TO REQUIRED THE R-VALUES SHOWN ON PLANS SUBMITTED! Baseboard 5. Insulation Values: Actual Shown Elec. Heat Other A. Roof & Floors exposed to ambient temperatures R `3 tg© B. Exterior Walls R I q C. Glazed Area R � � 2 IS D. Exterior Doors R 2.5 2.5 E. Floors over unheated spaces R 30 25 iq F. Edge of Slab on Grade (Heated Building) R IL __Li_ G. Basement/Cellar Walls (Above Grade) R 25 H. Basement/Cellar Walls (Below Grade) I. Heating/Cooling - Ducts - Piping in Unheated Space R L>> 4, 6 4: (a 6. Service (Domestic) Hot Water Heating Device • A. Conforms to minimum efficiency per code YES NO TEMPERATURE CONTROL MAXIMUM SETTING 140* - WILL NOT BE EXCEEDED IICANT S SIGNATURE A.v-kko DATE TELEPHONE NUMBER. INSPECTOR'S REMARKS: REVIEWED BY _ alofun of (uPenslturg i$l�faag 38epurtment Bay at Masiland Roads Office Phone 518-793-7771 Cueensbury, New York 12801 PAUL H. NAYLOR RICHARD A. MISSITA Supvvinfsndsnf Highways Deputy Superintendent Highways DRIVEWAY PERMIT OWN OF �;LIMIS URY k ECER/ D DATE: 161 `a`)1 NOV 2 7 1990 APPLICANT NAME: FwoE' BLDG. & CODE PAIM TELEPHONE NO. : ,Ck.tS1 ADDRESS TO BE INSPECTED: '�O�� ZL YLty RETURN ADDRESS: �� 1 n_o Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s) to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location. The Superintendent of Highways, Town of Queensbury, has reviewed the application of the above named resident to connect a driveway to the Town road. The following action has been taken: STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary Approval NEED: ( ) Slight Swail ( ) Level With The Road ( ) Deep Swail Size Pipe to be used (if necessary) ( ) 12" ( ) 15" ( ) 18" ( ) 24" ( ) 36" Preliminary inspection by DATE Approval by Highway Supt. Depty. Supt. After receiving- the Preliminary Approval, submit the permit to the Town of Queensbury, Highway Department upon completion for a Final Approval . STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected DATE: PAUL H. NAYLOR Superintendent of Highways Town of Queensbury tjUttiv3bUKY bI X j APPLICATIOM FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT DATE: \\1*0 LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION `gip ( moo p. `M/ILWtLC 12r) Ce.=E,::;. Owner's.Name:CR Ya NOV ti,,;t,gin NOV 2 7 1990 Address: ''6m \ �bo R�Cw�l� rta�n BCLG. & Cuut UEPT. Installer's Name:-crt,PNb PAL. Telephone: —1 - Number of. bedrooms (residential only') Total daily flow (compute @ 150 gal per bedroom) 6't Topography: Circle one: -Fla Rolling . Steep Slope % of Slope Soil Nature: Circle .one: n Loam Clay Other /Depth: Ground Water: At what depth? -- Feet ' '. Bedrock or Impervious Material : At what depth? Feet Percolation test: Circle one: not required required Rate - Min. Per Inch. . Domestic water supply: Circle one: Municipal Wel Other If domestic water supply is a well : Separation: Water supply from any septic absorption feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank \vas ' .gal . (minimum size: 1,000 gal ) TILE FIELD: Each Trench feet/Total system length feet , SEEPAGE PIT(S): . Number of /Size each Q feet by NO feet Size of stone to be used #. . `T /Depth or Thickness feet ************.************* HOLDING TANK SYSTEM IF REQUIRED. NO. of Tanks 1. . . Size of Each Gal . *Alarms system 'and associated electrical work to be inspected by an approved agency. I have read the regulation on the. reverse side of this sheet and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON: :: DATE: 1\ A ck Member N.F.P.A.&LA.E.L. ATLANTIC - INLAND, INC. - NEW YORK Electrical Certificate Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcing&Consulting Service . CONCEALED WIRING 997 McLean Road,Cortland,NY 13045 DATE: 03/01/93 CERTIFICATE NO.: r_69r-01. OWNER: AS APPROVED FOR: Craig hence ADDRESS: Rockwell Rd" Residence: Queens bury, NY • 150 Aiip Ser./18-sw./32.-recept./16-irid.liase f �i- vent fan/I-smoke det.XXX ELECTRICIAN: Kevin Monahan ` 107 ADDRESS: RR O. Bo c 57A • Salem, NY 12865 The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate,and any certificate previously issue is cancelled: This certificate only covers the electrical equipment listed and installation conditions as of date.Upo the introduction of additional equipment or alterations.application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making inspections at any time,and if its rule C.- O are violated,the Company shall have the right to revoke this certificate.FPY Al-27 "Certificate is -mart for--the approval of the fire alarm protective system." ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS DUPLICATE MUNICIPAL RECORD 1 Permit No. ---fG Owner Devi D /3 Occupant ,�/ Location!s.-L) T-4 Ana's F 72-00 B /2-s/ street Town or City State Installation as itemized on reverse side has been visually inspected pursuant to applicable codes. Installed by / No. 7 o Date c- P6JeCtor MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY,INC. FORM No.18.EL. 1337 West Chester Pike,West Chester,PA 19380 ROUGH WIRING OUTLETS H.P.AIR CONDITIONER ' UX1 E°TS' /(c WIRING &CONTROLS FOR BURNER C� RECEPTACLES H.P.PUMP / FIXTURES K.W.OVEN AMP.SERVICE EQUIPMENT H.P.GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT AMP.SERVICE CONDUCTORS K.W.DISHWASHER K.W.SURFACE UNIT K.W. DRYER K.W. RANGE AMP. RECEPTACLE K.W.WATER HEATER FRAC. H.P.VENT FANS MOTORS H.P. I/20 1/12 1/10 y '/e '/a 'h 1 % 1 11/2 2 3 5 71 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 MARK NUMBER OF EACH SIZE APPARATUS TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i QUEENSBURY,BAY NEWRYAD YORK 12804 - TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED - 'z%/ /1/71 NArE;Ck rr LOCATION �,,,{ , LU4.7CG/PG-�� �GC— DATE lf��i'/21 PERMIT# '�D7 TYPE OF STRd1CT1JRE,4 �� • - LLCti,, �,1�///(>Cf/' RECHECK /mac. i��.:+,_. —"�'eG/ 5r....„.e_ L_y_g21.4 fJ FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL (COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE) //FOOTING 'rOUNDATION /...-8AtKFILL. '-FRAMING j,,UGH PL RBIHG FINAL ELECTRICAL EPTIC j_ NSULATION WOODSTOVE/FIREPLACE SITE PLAN/VARIANCE \REQUIREMENTS / YES a NO s -- REMARKS (f- _ 4—.— ,r' -' _ R vA CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION' N/DES NO B VENT/LOCATION 1j4 PLUMBING VENT '! ROOFING L!f SIDING .', __ . DECK/PORCH/STEPS/RAILINGS-Atv 1 ,,1' RELIEF VALVES i f ‘./ FURNACE/HOT WATT; OPERATING; ✓� BASEMENT INSULATION/D1JCTWORL .. •INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVA9 DOORS FINISH FLOORS: �\ f; BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGHT OTHER FLOORS SWFEPABLE OTHER FLOORS CORPETED STAIR CLEARANCE4tAILINGS HANDICAPPED ACCESS , SMOKE DETECTORS ✓,,. BATHROOM FANS/WHOLEHOUSE FANS ' ✓ , ALL PLUMBINGtFIXTURES OPERATING i i/ GARAGE FIRE,j PROOFING '. DOOR CLOSERS \ OTHER FIR ' SEPARATION \ FIRE/DEMISE WALLS DUMPSTER,c'' j FINAL ELECTRICAL . ✓" OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C _ (.- COMMENTS: Sc'f ill ARRIVE1 A IC/ ' DEPART 0 �f INS151 ��/mot 0 u���MENT �t� BUILDING DE PAR FOR LENDING AGENCY a Certificate of I Atlantic-lnland,inc.is in the process of issuing electrical in ll con filed with Occupancy/Compliance the in an application project construction as covered �I our main office. (/ /fila /e--'Inspector ate p INC.NEW YORK ATLANTIC-INLp+N , . own of Queeniturty BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT � ( Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION/ NAME (. !ln/7- LOCATION 7/,04_ __ DATE_ /gg/ ( / PERMIT NO. SOIL TYPE - an Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption fie d, total length Length of each trench' I Depth of trenc es ' rfi Size of gravel_ _ SEEPAGE PITS{N er of) • / ;' Size- gj ft. X 3 ft. it Gravel size V PIPING: Sized Type Bldg. to tank 1 aci-k �a Tank to cdist. b _ j i e �Dist. �to field/ it ill Openings sealed? Y S INC) Partial a.&k s� i p 7L LOCATION/SEPARATIONS: Foundation to tank to ft. Foundation to absorptio '' 3 ft. Absorption to lot line /0 ft. Separation of pits ft. LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON P, OPtERTY(circle one) ront Rear - Left side —Right side - COMMENTS: R` Or SYSTEM USE APPROVED i1 F IRVwatt . B �� .• spector 01/86 and vl s Cs TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED l 19 �/7� NAME F LOCATION c'k DATE( / 7/7 / PERMIT # 9D — 80 7 TYPE OF STRUCTURE c;;nc ,�-ct;vvn t-. c v\rz RECHECK APPROVED , N/A YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPO SIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECTIO FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOS ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING M BACKFILL APPROVAL r ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN PLACE I F PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING: JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING t- JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM F �r HEATING ROUGH-IN ' *INSULATION: ?' I FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR R- y FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- /o' FLOORS .1 R- \ WALLS R- ►9 1 CEILING 1 DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED \ SPACES REMARKS: ARRIVE DEPART �/ INSPECT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT hEtE-2- 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW 0 TELEPHONE (518) 792-5834 2 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTIONN RECEIVED NAME 6-(1/4 n' LOCATION IC.xDi Ir 4W/9 d//w 1 7/il(i L /lam. DATE ` 4' / PERMIT # 07-f&7 TYPE OF STRUCTUREApN, RECHECK APPROVED . N/A YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT ;OF THE CONCRETE. MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALL\POUR REINFORCEMENT INt, PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL\ .)(ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VENTS ''IN PLACE s' PLUMBING UNDER SLAB �. ,(RAMING: i 4 JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS y JACK POSTS/MAIN BEAM HEATING ROUGH-IN / INSULATION: / FOUNDATION WALLS INTERIOR`';R-/" FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R-r" • FLOORS R" WALLS R-\ CEILING /R- > DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN rEATED SPACES / REMARKS -/ - : - iel.t47 -dr71 .,1;////2-4k-g4t. \ ARRIVE 1l DEPART T NSPECTO TOWN OF QUEENSBURY j/�`/ ( BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280k TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME7- GLG '_ LOCATION ,)p-(?_..I t%G/e ^ //�� A DATE /'a 790 PERMIT # [ V g�7 PPROV D YES INO FOOTIN+./PIERS 1/4 MONOLI .IC POUR FORMS FOUNDAT mN/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL :APPROVAL ROUGH PLU RING FRAMING ELECTRICAL RoUGH-IN ' INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE /STEP'. STAIRS-CLEARANC & RAI . PLUMBING FIXTU ES/RELIE ,VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY D S FINISHED FLOG S GARAGE FIREPR FING DOOR CLOSER(®) SMOKE DETECT RS FINAL ELECTRI L INSPECTION FINAL APPROVALOF CONSTRUCTION • OK TO ISSUE c//O OR C/C A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ST BE OBTAINED FR M THE BUILDING\DEPARTME T BEFORE THESE PREMI ES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: 1 f \\\,, ARRIVE DEPART SPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED / //v (/U NAME 6 -C1 LOCATION , o� ,�,� a'W.-,�e-, DATE 4?///f 4-) PERMIT # 117f '- o 7 1 / APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS 7 FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING, K BACKFILL APPROVAL a K ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN { INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING ' FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY '`DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFING DOOR CLOSER(S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS:/— I 6 v6-Q- 3Go cf S .— ARRIVE iNd r-� S DEPART 11 AV I SPECTOR • • r,' - . Y rm f} i • • �` I NOV 2 7 1990 c: 4: T °' & CODE OEpT; • j -g -' _ - --• J ,>'� ._S_,t�3 _ - i H' 4 ........ —ti V /1F ,r�!1 {£lE;l)rle'••ki $ •1...-... , \ . libi, 32'.21 1 b p���er1 and art`') • 1 AYE K. . ' • ; iCiti. . ... . r , . • . : ._,. , ..., ..)4..,., nd , . • . a3 w . . . - f. . 4t'4rry �- tici i h� `T�a� TO V F f 2 couna lrotit pin 5e: --,,,� ii ,'. .‘ ...0a • �f /:°' .{„,,,acid . TO`rN c` 1 ? • N. -- --:..-- -,:j.-L. :-- _--/---- ,- etc-z-- BrU B/��9 4 ,`} • • Ag .� of Q s�rve� of a• parcel. : of ion&: prepared ' 4r ;. . • - Cr9 1'1 nd f' wbzsrz J. Ake.