1989-918 + OERTIF`ICA'TE OF CCJ1' ►�F'LI .NCE TOWN OF QU'EENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Datc_ .lanuary 15 , 19 91 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. HS.I has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a n al ter ti onf pair of Sq,QL'vn da�afz Location 15 Park View Avenue Owner By Order Town Hoard TOWN OF 6QUEENSBSURY Director of Bldg. do "Cade Enforcement i BUILDING PERMIT .� TOWN +C..7F +QUEENSBURY Na. ���,a � WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 0 PERMISSION is hereby granted to ABE CORTON . . CD OWNER of property located at 15 Park View Avenue Street, Road or Ave. o co in the Town of Queensbury. To Construct or place a ram' nai r riltnaae to si ►1$Z P family die "r at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. [2. OwNER'S Address is SAME e-y c+ CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Name 7d O Rockwell 0 . Webb A W 3 CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address rr'I 19 Broad Street Hudson Fal 1 s NY 12€339 d. ARCHITECT'S Name �J 6t1 5. ARCHITECT'S Address !y +c J. 6. TYPE of Construction — ('Please indicate by X) fb kA Wood Frame ( ) Masonry I I Steel { 1 c ob lD C [7.:PLANS and Specifications M No. Replace damaged 2 x 5 rafters - replace damaged 235# roof shingles . Proposed Use Repair storm damage to single family dwelling $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 20 19. 90 w J. (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector o# the �% town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) CA t'h Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 20th Day of November 79 $9 � v SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and zonidhMnspector CD w TOWN OF QUVENSBURY REV EWED BY FEE PAID # PERMIT NO* BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION A PERIL[ r MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGMN 10 ComsTRU[, TION. NO INSPECTIONS MILL OIL MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUMDING PERMIT. ALI applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this applicatiom s s „ s s s r + • s s s r r w s . ■ � s . w + s ♦ f • ■ s s s • M +r s s s s w s The owner of this property is: - P.O. Address f l /P/t,AeA," /�[/,E` Tel. -2z. - LZ 4f Property Location Tax Map No. 10l / ) !�(_ Has there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988 ? I & If yes Planning Board Review is necessary. yes no SUBDIVISION NAME, IF APPLICABLE LOT NOO� THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF 'WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES IS: NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : * Esrv.MATED MARKET VALUE OF Construction of a new building ,. CONSTRUCTION: 3 lGtCC� + COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW: Addition to a building Size of property ft x ft. Alteration to a building * Existing Buildings( 3) Size ft. x ft. (no change to exterior dimensions) + Proposed building - distance from property line: XC Other work (Describe) + Front }card ft. Rear yard ft" �7n * Side yards ft* and ft. + IMAX� AA-pv �� 6:�. If on corner, setback from side street ft. GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE +► 1st Floor sq+ ft* * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION • 2nd Floor sq. ft. Primary Building - Other Floors sq. it. • )c' One Family Dwelling (not cellar or ement Two Farnily Dwelling TOTAL FLOOR AREA sq. ft. * Multiple Dwelling/Number of units • Business Size of new structure ft x ft. + industrial Foundatiorempier/slab/crawl/partiaV full (circle an * Other r Noe of stories (Ivkw�mh" space) Height (grade to ridge) _ Aar ft. * If addition, what will use be± If residaritiaL no* of familles • No. of room s(+excludirsg bathe) " Accessory Building No* of bedrooms 3 • X Detached Gasp NS WO 'Car No. of bathrooms ! PHmary heating system "�� . Attaclmd Garage► ONSJTWO Car Type of fuel � ` Private storage building No* of fireplaces to be installed 4!:> * Q ithor W ill a wood stove be installed Ara Central Air conditioningy 42 Ow ER BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTftir ED - • 8L_ ILDINc FPECrFICATIONS: T% pe of construction, wood frame, fire safe. etc. will any second-hand or upgraded lumber be used? If so, for what �y&V- C:u,-s r sac f�-� -ca d /✓� ofr'e . Foundation wall material Thickness + Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom of footing) Will there be a cellar ? Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage q ft . Will there be a basement ? Will any portion be used as living space? (If so, what portion ? sq ft. Type of use ? Type of roof sloped flat /shed/otherjr Material of roof � ��' � SKrrt1 � L Size, wood studs "x " spacing " o. c. length ft. Joists ( floor beams ) Ist floor "x to spacing "o.c. span ft. Joist ( floor beams ) 2nd floor "x „ spacing '"o.c. span ft . Overlays (ceiling beams) .� "x�w.' spacing." o, c. span.�ft, Roof rafters 2 "x_ �P1 spacing__Lj o. c, span ! +-tt� . ft. Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing " o. c. span ft. Exterior wall finish a/ �of what material? - Interior wall finish ..,6- IVr- C,. jC-- If a garage is to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION: Is there to the an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door, enclosure, self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft. Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft. Depth of fireplace hearth ft. in, . Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well (including adjoining properties ft. (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) F3f&6A m S?-- NAME OF BUILDER 6w . c r~- ADDRESS {fir i, M4 L%?NN3C3 _TEL. NC1.�?cfl— Z6 f f NAME OF PLUMBER ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF MASON ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF ELECTRICIAN ADDRESS TEL. NO. DR CLARAIMOMN To the best of my kltowledge and belief the statements contained in this application. together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and cortiplete statement of all praprosakf work to be dome on than described premises and that all prvviaei�*s�-. ,ot the BUILDING CODE. THE ZONING ORDtNANCB, and u other laws thorized to the owner. proposed work sha11 be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature Owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMfft BY ee low TOWN QP ,ENSBURY BUILDING AN CODES DEPARTMENT BAY 6 HAVILAND ROADS ORK ] 2S! Q QUEENSBURYs NEW 5$ ) 792-5832 TELEPHONE � BU I LD I NLG�^�I N SP ER EP QRT pEQUEST INSPECTION RECESL'ED NAME LOCATION PERMIT # DATE APPROVED S NO O FOOTINGrPSERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS 00F'ING��_�— FOUNDATIONIDAMPi BACKFTLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING ---� . FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH�T XNSULATTON= FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS ,CEILING FINAL XNSPECTTON : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFXNG SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ & LS STAIRS—CLEARANCE L RES F VALVE PLUMBING FIXpR2/ACY RS RES INTERIOR TRTM/ FXNISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOF NG DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR - SPEcTXO FINAL ELECTRICAL I CONSTRUC ON FINAL ,APPROVAL OR .C/C OYC TO ISSUE C/ ICpiTE OF OCING C ANCY MUST BE A SIGNED CERT PARTMENT BEFORE OBTAINED FROM THE BUT OCPIEDt TIiESE PREMIS S ARE RL�'MA14KS= r ARRIVE DEPA►T?'^. — INSp TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ` l BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 128OR- TELEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 Bu i LDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR NSPEC5An RECEIVEDI �.� NAME �`77777 LOCATIONS �y C DATE I f P RMIT #� ! APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFI BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING EFRAMING LECTRICAL ROUG 2N. INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ,ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL FORCHESISTEPS� STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/RELIEF V� ALVEh INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFING_ DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A S+XGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OB, IsAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE Tj3ESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPXEDr REMARKS . INSPECTOR ---_-�-�_ TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS / PJ QUEENSBURYr NEW YORK 1280& TELEPHONE (518) 792--58.32 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR �rINSPECTION RECEIVED NAME _ C.�2.. Y— LOCATION A Ll� r G' DATE PERMIT # csj�2 APPROVED YES FOOTSNGIP RS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN yTNSULATION; FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STEP STAIRS—CLEARANCE & LS PLUMBING FIXTURES/R EF VAL INTERIOR TRIM Y DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFI _ DOOR CLOSERS) _ SMOKE DETECTORS _ FINAL ELECTRICAL SPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFI TE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS. E 1 INSPECTOR ROCKWELL $� Co ES G GENERAL CONTRACTORS (5IIAG INC. 11�� 4 ppTE Z3a' 1' s�F Sus . ApZAQE DAW449C 0 2xe, ?A�r1�itS ZxZ CoctAit 71f$ &' Pufc J7AM +toep �• Q+�ite�t� zXG4f6oy, i r „ $ -a I I : r. j � P ROCSWELL GENE1tA6 QONTRACfORS INC. 4 MEW z35 �+ tt� le �€w z,cy '�F'r�t5 (4,adWX 2xV's) Lbi'Sr;ao SmpA6E W--A 2X4 '1Tk OG w SkiPLA rLcsR t pcu f EA%v ' —f4USTJJJsr Zx4 C41wsr� i Zoe ,}7CAfF i[ooi t i3 I=Y-4 tlCx ZL7XZ4• R LE A) A 12 f°`'f