Variance 1285 _33 HonesuckleLn35+
discuss personal services. The "Purpose Section" of the Plaza Commercial zone seems
to be met as far as purpose use as to traffic, access point, efficient loading, safe pedestrian.
The quick lube aspect is a species of the "public garage". This activity will require Type
II Site Plan Review from the Queensbury Planning Board. In the entire Zoning Ordinance
there is no mention of a car wash and the Town of Queensbury does not want to prohibit
car washes in Town.
Second by Mr. Sicard.
Passed Unanimously.
Mr. Behr said it wasn't necessary to reread the application as it was tabled at the
last meeting, August 19, 1987.
Attorney William B. Mahoney represented Leonard Jones. He said the sign is not
aesthetically displeasing. It portrays a warm glow.
Mr. Behr said that possibly the pole sign could be put closer to the road. Mr. Mahoney
said this would create an additional expense to the applicant. Mr. Behr pointed out the
fact that the ordinance does not permit a roof sign. Businesses had 10 years to comply
with the Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Behr asked Mr. Mahoney that if the Board granted the roof sign, would he be
able to do without the other signs. Mr. Mahoney said yes.
Public Hearing Opened: no comment
Public Hearing Closed.
Warren County Planning Board disapproved.
Mr. Sicard MOVED APPROVAL of Sign Variance No. 1278, LaCabanna. To construct
a legal sign on Glen Lake Road would be in poor taste. The existing freestanding sign
will be removed. The existing roof ridge sign will remain.
Second by Mr. Griffin.
Passed Unanimously.
Vincen t J. Parisi
Mrs. Goetz read the application to construct a 24 ft. by 26 ft. addition with a 10
ft. by 26 ft. deck at less than required side setbacks on the property situated on Honeysuckle
Lane, Assembly Point in a Lakeshore Residential 1A zone.
Mr. Parisi represented himself. He said he can't build on the other side of his house
because of where the septic system is located.
Mr. Behr asked if there was anyone behind him. Mr. Parisi said no one is living behind
there. Mr. Behr asked him if he had attempted to buy the back lot. Mr. Parisi said no.
Cherry Tree Lane was discussed at length. Mr. Parisi said it is a paper road and
has been there since he has lived there.
Mr. Griffin said that it is possible that a house could be built in the back lot behind
Mr. Parisi.
Mrs. Goetz read a letter from James Dubin and Frank Dillon who were opposed to
the application. The letter gave a history of "The Shore Colony" on Assembly Point.
The letter stated that Cherry Tree Lane is a dedicated Town road. A copy of the deed
is in the file.
Mr. Dubin said that Cherry Tree Lane is 35 ft. wide and is a dedicated road. Mr.
Dean said it is not listed as a Town road.
There was much discussion as to whether or not Cherry Tree Lane is a paper road.
Mr. Dubin and Mr. Dillon said they own lots 3 and 4 (the property on the other side
of Parisi) and lots 11 and 12.
Mrs. Goetz said the 10 ft. proposal in the back is very close to the property line.
Mr. Parisi said that Cherry Tree Lane was built 50 ft. from Honeysuckle Lane to
the woods; from the front of his house and going back.
Public Hearing Opened:
Mr. Dubin said he wants to keep the character of Assembly Point.
Mr. Behr said there is no tax being paid on the lot on Cherry Tree Lane. Therefore,
Mr. Parisi's lot is a corner lot.
Mr. Dubin said that the proposal would materially decrease the value of his lots.
Mrs. Goetz read comments from the file. Comments from Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Verdrager were such that they have no objections to the request for the variance. A
mailogram from Donald Bodenhorn, Bayside, NY opposed to the application on grounds
stated in the Dubin and Dillon opposition. Also, a mailogram from Leonard Lipstein,
Wilmington, DE, was read into the record. He opposed to the application.
Public Hearing Closed.
Warren County Planning Board approved with the condition that the deck not be
constructed because the 9 ft. setback would be too close to Cherry Tree Lane.
Mr. Behr MOVED APPROVAL WITH STIPULATIONS of Area Variance No. 1285,
Vincent J. Parisi. Lot number 13 is considered a corner lot bordering on the east by
Honeysuckle Lane and on the south by Cherry Tree Lane. Both are considered front line
setbacks. The variance is for a 20 ft. setback from Cherry Tree Lane. The north and
west are considered the side lines. On the west, behind the house, the applicant will
maintain a 10 ft. setback.
Second by Mr. Sicard.
Passed Unanimously.
Double A Provisions
Mrs. Goetz read the application for an addition of 24 ft. by 30 ft. to be used for
cold storage with less than required side setback and rear setback on the property situated
at 64 Main Street in a Highway Commerical 15 zone.
Mr. Behr read a letter dated August 24, 1987 from Randolph Whittemore of 62 Main
Street. The letter stated, "I have examined Mr. Ben Aronson's application for an area
variance in order to build an addition to his building on the side adjoining my residence
at 62 Main Street of this Town. I am agreeable to this request as I feel that this addition
would improve the sightliness of the proposed area by eliminating an outdoor storage area."
Marvin Dobert represented the applicant, Ben Aronson. He said that the application
is self explanatory.
Mr. Behr said he was appalled at what the back corner looked like.
Mr. Dobert said the applicant is requesting an addition due to governmental regulations
in regards to the storage of goods. Foods that are iced down should not be stored with
dry storage.
Mr. Behr asked if the Board of Health does periodic inspections. Mr. Aronson said
Board members talked about the back corner; it is an eyesore. Mr. Aronson said
that the months of July and August were very busy. They didn't have much time to clean
up but are doing so now since it's the end of the season.
Mr. Muller asked about access to the cooler. Mr. Aronson said you get to the cooler
from inside. There will not be doors on the backside.
Mr. Griffin asked if they considered any other location for a cooler. Mr. Dobert