Application & DeedArea Variance Pre-Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040
1. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________
2. Tax Map ID ________________Location:_______________________
3. Zoning Classification __________
4. Reason for Review: __________________________________________________________
5. Zoning Section #: ________________________
6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by
Deed ____ _____________
General Information complete ____ _____________
Site Development Data Complete ____ _____________
Setback Requirements Complete ____ _____________
Additional Project Information Complete ____ _____________
FAR addressed ____ _____________
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance ____ _____________
Checklist items addressed ____ _____________
Environmental Form completed ____ _____________
Signature Page completed ____ _____________
Staff Representative: ________________________________
Applicant / Agent: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Page 6
Barbara Schagen rev 2
226.19-1-52 33 Honeysuckle Lane
WR 0.18ac
Applicant proposes to remove two existing decks and to reconstruct them slightly larger
179-3-040 WR, 179-4-080 Deck
Laura Moore via email 06/19/2024
Kurt & Barb Schagen 06/19/2024 06/19/2024
The applicant proposes to remove two decks, one of 240 sf and one of 160 sf and to construct two new
decks. The new decks are to be 288 sf and 160 sf and a foot bridge of 59.5 sf connecting the two. The
parcel is a corner lot on Honey Suckle and Cherry Tree Lane. The 288 sf deck is located near
Honeysuckle Lane and to be located 18 ft from the front property line (17 ft from the steps to the front
property line) and 26 ft from the rear property line. The 160 sf deck is located near Cherry Tree Lane and
is to be 13 from the rear property line and more than 30 ft from Cherry Tree Lane. Applicant requests a
survey waiver. Area Variance for setback of two decks.
Items reviewed: area variance application, building permit, previous building permits,
Items to be updated or provided.
1) confirmation steps are 17 ft to the front property line?