Application & DeedDOCUMENT4 00004315 VOLUME: 4770 PAGE: 229 Warranty Oaad ALSO ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set in the ground marking the northeast comer of premises conveyed by Mary Barber Waldron and Irving Barber to Beecher A. Howe by deed dated October 15, 1955, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office in Book 347 of Deeds at Page 443; running thence South 86 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West (incorrectly designated in the deed as North 86 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East) along the division line between the said premises formerly of Beecher A. Howe, now or formerly of John Buchanan, and the premises hereby conveyed 205.41 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground 7 feet more or less from the shore of Lake George; running thence in n straight line 7 feet more or less to the shore of Lake George; thence northerly along the shore of Lake George as it winds and turns 105 feet more or less to a point; thence easterly in a straight litre to a point 92.74 feet measured on a course North I degree 23 minutes West from the place of beginning; thence South 1 degree 23 minutes East 92a4 feet to the point of place of beginning. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest in the lands lying between high and low water mark of Lake George Opposite the premises hereby conveyed. ALSO CONVEYING all those lands granted, easements created and with Elie benefit of release of prior recorded easements as recited in an instrument entitled AGREEMENT— GRANT OF EASEMENTS AND RELEASE OF PRIOR EASEMENTS, dated July 31, 1973 and recorded March 22,1974 in Book 580 of Deeds at Page 411 and subject to the easement therein created and obligation with respect to the need to maintain such easement as more specifically therein recited. BEING the same premises described in a Deed from Franklin M. Barber and Annette R. Barber to Mitchell E. Powin, 111, Charlotte E. Potvin, Peter Rief and Elizabeth Rief, dated December 30, 1999 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on January 12, 2000 in Book 1150 of Deeds at Page 174. This Grant is made Togethar with the appurtenances and all the estare and rights ofihe Grantors in and io said premises: To have and to hold the premises herein granted by iris Warranty Deed unto die Grantee and his assigns forercr. And the Grantors covenant as follow s: First, That Grantee shall yrrielly er jvv said premises; Second, That Grantors Will./breve). Warrant the tide to said premises; Third, this conveyance is made subject to the trust fund provisions of Section 13 ofthe Lien Law.