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[ .."•^'R-'T�F. ^'Sf . TCt_ .. [Y� y _ . - n'i -R .. ,. ,. T C r CERTIFICATE 1()j'rLA' CSC V I'AN CY µ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY. NEW YORK £3ate ! 9 19 92-123 This is to ccr4v that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. has been completed. This struct��ur,,,,,e may be occupied as a � Single Fa J 1 y dwelling Y�it►on A' Ryan Avenue - Owner Leon McCotter Sr. By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement ae BUILDING PERMIT � x TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 92_ 123 ` - WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK r PERMISSION is hereby granted to Leon MCCotter Sr• OWNER of property located at 1y1 n Awenue Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Single Family Dwelling at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1_ OWNEWS Address is 22 River Street Queensbury, NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDEWS Name N7 "4 Mounf3dian Modul ars Inc . Indian Lake 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address J. 6, TYPE of Construction — {please indicate by X} ..r f6 'tr7 ( � Wood Frame i I Masonry S } Steel f i J. �W 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 1040 sq ft Single Family dwelling as per plot plan specifications and application 8_ Proposed Use Single Family Dwelling $ 120 .00 PERMIT FEE PAIL} — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES April 7 , 19 93 {If a longer period isrequired an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.} Dated at the Town of Queensbury this . Day f April 19 92 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zo ng Inspector TOWN OF QUE£NSOUR Y 11DYjREVIEWED BY : FEE PAID : 0. f P � 1992 PERMIT NO . : / -'"' / - BUILpING & GCICIE ©EPT. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT . All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this application . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Owner of Property : p /1/ Cs '. P . O . Address : cc,, �`s�".� tS / �•_..` x'.t�-r..5' ��� 5!�'(000,0 PHCINE, ,/% Property Location : cam v ✓s ", lax Map Has there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988? Yes No Lwlw'� If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . Subdivision Name , if applicable : Lot No , THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES IS : NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : * ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE Construction of new building * CONSTRUCTION : $ Addition to building Alteration to building * COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW : ( no change to exterior dimensions ) * Size of Property :+`, k W x ft , Other work ( describe ) * Existing Building Size : * _ ft . x ft . * Proposed building - distance from GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : * property line : 1st Floor Z 0 Sq . Ft . * Front Yard �.K r��. f t . Rear yard ft , * Side Yards ly �4 ft . and ft . 2nd Floor A2 / � Sq . Ft . If on corner , setback from side street- ft . Other Floors Sq . Ft . ( not cellar or basementT OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : * TOTAL FLOOR AREA : YC? Sq . Ft . * Primary Building - * ✓ One Family Dwelling Size of New Structure : 0? ft , x ft . * Two Family Dwelling Foundation : * Multiple Dwelling/No . of Units Pier/Slab/Crawl /Partial Full Circle One ) * Business * Industrial No . of stories ( Habitable space ) _ * Other Height ( grade to ridge ) 6 /Z2 -- ft . If residential , no . of families': r * If addition , what will use be , 12/16) No . of rooms ( excluding baths ) : No . of bedrooms : ;1- _ No . of bathrooms : r * Accessory Building : Primary heating system : / /ref __ * Detached Garage - One/Two Car Type of fuel : * _ , Attached Garage - One/'Two Car No . of fireplaces to be installed : Private Storage Building Will a woodstove be installed? : Other Central Air Conditioning : Yes No v ( OVER ) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED : BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction : woo` d frames_ , fire safe , etc . Will any second- hand or ungraded lumber be used ? If so , for what ? 2/ Foundation Wall Material : 191oc..lc. Thickness : 10 Depth of Foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) : Will there be a cellar? Heated or Unheated ? c*"gg&0gp Floor Sq . Footage : /10 bra Will there be a basement ? _ y r Will any portion be used as living space ? If so , what portion ? rJ1A Sq . Ft . Type of Use ? E Type of Roof : Sloped/Flat/Shed/Other 67 ' Material of Roof Frs*ii t^ S Sri+"gLgS Size , wood studs x T o spacing /(go _" o . c . ; length 7.67� ft . Joists ( floor beams ) : 1st Floor z.- '" x j4D " ; spacing /4. o . c . ; span /,3�- ft . Joists ( floor beams ) : 2nd Floor x spacing o . c . ; span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) : y x IL spacing Jf (� a . c . ; span 13 ft . Roof rafters : 2- x " ; spacing tLw o . c . ; span /S` ft . Roof trusses ( pre-engineered ) : spacing "IA " o . c . ; span ft . Exterior Wall Finish : 1 - 11 of what material ? 4✓arv40 Interior Wall Finish : t " If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : AfI4 Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling ? If so , will a Fire- Rated door , enclosure , self- closing device be provided ? AIIA Will a flue- Tined chimney be installed ? 1%10 Height above roof rf q. ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade : /ll } ft . Depth of fireplace hearth : riffj ft , in . Water supply _ Municipal or private well : M " Icl *4 SEPTIC SYSTEM : Distance from any private well ( including adjoining properties : Ala W46 #t . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system . ) NAME OF BUILDER & ADDRESS : lVfp4e � it ,,,ow / 4040,e� �,�4�c�_, =90c NAME OFBER & DRESS : .. ev � 7 : ' C { J 4�4 NE ic '� NAME OF MASON & Agzj [iDRESS : /t v �P� : t $ i�� NE S �3 NAME OF ELECTRIC IAN & ADDRESS : (� :5 ,[{c c+ 3 : off , /r'��/ „/s PHONE ,7 ,94:� G DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application , together with the ,plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not , and that such work is aAothorized by t wn er Signature weer , owner s agent , architect contractor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By : Code Enforcement Officer r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Permit # Fee Paid Date : Reviewed By LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION : _ l �,vr� r ✓ owner ' s Name : ,4/ rro� o� e!p eee a /� _`5�� Owner ' s Mailing Address : {yr /c .✓{le Installer ' s Name : Phone # : Number of bedrooms ( if residential ) : Total daily flow ( residential - compute 0 150 gal , per bedroom ) : Topography- Circle One : Flat Rolling Steep Slope „ ,S % of Slope Soil Nature-Circle One : San Loam Clay Other /Depth : Ground Water-At What Depth? Feet Bedrock or Impervious Material -At What 'Depth? Feet Percolation Test- Circle One : Not Required Required/Rate Min , Per Inch Domestic Water Supply-Circle One : ((� ni cipal Well Other If domestic water supply is a`tua Separation : Water supply from any septic absorption feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank / gal . ( Minimum size : 1 , 000 gal . ) r Tile Field : Each Trench la 0 feet//Total System Length $ feet Seepage Pit ( s ) : Number of / Size each : ft . x ft . Size of Stone to be used : # / Depth or Thickness feet HOLDING TANK SYSTEM IF REQUIRE] No . of Tanks Size of Each Gal . Alamo system and associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified agency. I have read the regulation on the reverse side of this sheet and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance . SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON : DATE : Septic System Inspections : A . All applications for septic system installation , alteration or repair , as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance , shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing : 1 ) the proposed location of the system 2 ) location and distance to lot lines 3 ) location and distance to structures 4 ) location and distance to an water supply 5 ) size and dimensions of aT�anks , distribution boxes , tile fields and/or drywells Be No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the Building Inspector . Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $ 250 . 00 . C . An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site . Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage . D . Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation , alteration or repair of an approved system , a new proposal must be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction . Town of Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Department 531 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 Remarks : TQwN dF aUEE�N�'�Rcti;ttiE��R04 gtliY,plt3'S �' ENSBURY N� 742 B= Y ftf] • It4T� DF REPORT INSPEdTdR' S dt4 AgOEIVEf7 RE'Qu&ST FOR Ilisp f,•.5,6 �____.�----_ NAME IocnTION �6 p 7ti'lE 0c ru RE ' �~ ROV NO TYPE OF STR Nf � S AEGYSECR F OOT I ti G s p i R _------ ------�' — POOR M'O��xn�t3lC Ovcsme"T Itl YLA�x'� xEiF3E llTRTpR+dTEITI 6 THE PI'ACE 014 - FLOVORV a$x Ka W liT F THS UA Os ON 1.,fE, S E' -- *T Oxx- I y{ MATE----t�-'-'IN S FOR g W AI.S PDX3.�.R-- — '- FOU�I0�1 CE REXNFOROEM'ET?T iN NG V L .8 AC�Ap PRO ENT VE14 - PU13MBXNG �---- "_ SLAB �- Fyx nt-f.XIaG CYC STISDS tl AptfG BftAC NG B C?; —� JOIS` Y�-f"MA t4 8 3ACK_� RC1U�--' ftEAT _ IN5 7 ,NTXON ERIOR� oUtIIDN ��TY�--- �,$.=----- _-----"' WORK Oft PIPj-11G pt3CT SPpGES _-- - -_""- �� i1NYlEAT'Ef7 ��`�----'�---- /" 'OL /4er /�j TOWN OF �EIlS81SRY ' / / 531 BAY ROAD QUEEN58l1RY . REV YORK 12804 TELEPHONE (518) 745-4447 IWILDIN6 IfrSPEaaR' S REST IFIUAL 'INSPECTION REQUEST FM RECEIVED NAME r LpCATION yc� J-- �PERMITR .,�-- DATE� 7 TYPE OF �TR'E � RECHECK ECIAL 51R�1CTURE) FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL (C WERIRI,fILI. FRAMING OUNDATI FINA�ELE'CTRICA4;SEPTIC J FOOTING 11M T'"ROUGH pL G y�O STOVE/FIREPLACE �I MsULAT ION REMARK .. L N/A YES NO CHIMNEY 14EIGHT/LOCATIO g VENT/LOCATION PLU1481MG VENT ROOFING SIDING / DECK/P H/S RELIEF VALVES �. FURNACE/HOT WA� INTERIOR TRIM/PRIYACY DO FINISH FLOORS ! BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGH OTHER FLOORS SNEEpABL OTHER FLOORS CARPETED STAIR CLEARANCE/RAILIN S14OKE DETECTORS DOOR CLOSERS BATHROOM FAN Nt.- ALL PLUMBING I r GARAGE A AG FIRE SpROOFING_ OTHER FIRE S P FIRE/DEMISE WALLS o + OK NTL ISSUERICA / co ~- �— C N Sz ARRIV'E�--- DEPART 01 TOWR OF QDEEKSBURY BUILDING AND CODES BAY ROAD ppRTMENT QUEENSBURY : NEW YORK 128 TELEPHONE ( 518) 7 45_ 4447 BUILDING IIISPECTOR` S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTIOIi RECEIY£D KWE LOCI DATE TYPE OF TRUC URE APPROVED NIA Y NU RECHECK OTIPIG5/ IERS MONOLITHIC POUR IF PLACE � - -- REIMFORC£ME IS SpOKSIBLE THE CONTRACOR CiI01i FRO" PROVIDING PROTERS FOLLOW G FREEZING FOR 0FtMll E ;CONCRET'F�THE PLACOIE1CT MATERIALS FOR THIS P4RPOSE OA S IT E FOUNDATION/'WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLA E�-- �-- FOUNDATiC1N1DA4+4PRO0FI, '-�- BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING IN PLA E PLUMBING VENT/VENT PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMIPIG : S(HEAD JACKS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS BEAFI JACK POSTS/4� HEATING PUUGH- I1� l INSULATION : S IN E 'OR R� FOUNDATION W L FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOURS R- WALLS R- CEILING R PIPING IN UNHEATED DUCT WORK SPACES REMARKS : L . •Y r >, ARRIVE _ 61NSPEC DEPART, OR BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R. D. 1 Box / ! Oueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAAL� SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME /^ •✓ /,+'/ •P'fi LOCATION ?e . DATE �� / " PERMIT NO . SOIL TYPE - sand Loam - clay Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total length_,L/-�i"Q Length of each trenchy"p Depth of trenches r - size of gravel` tf,;z 0 SEEPAGE PITS4 umber o£ ) -- size- - ft. X W ft Gravel size PIPING : Size Type Bldg . to tank W4 , ....... Tank to dist. box � 14 Dist. box to iel openings seal d? _ YES NO Partial LOCATIO N /SEPA IONS : Foundation to It ta. ft. Foundation to sorption 'jV ft . Absorption t t line /,Soft0 Separation o p is ft . LOCATION OF YS ON PROPERTY (circle one ) Front Rea L t side - Right side - COMM [[e SY STE24 USE APPROVE ES O BuIlLWIn^Inspector 01/86 and Vl n 'V �u© GPN 14` 3,r APR 1992 xt "��` 5741'� U1LDING & CODE DEPT. /Viv of pgoalr r AN/jA '04A1sEY or for 'Alto off mm, ,. rw {, Ito, ,d•83. ,4a .� J ,+?: dof 04 of ,to muof o y .AO : ; � to j . a ra : +S\ fi 3d �yAA�te Vol If tt'3•. 40 It 0 3t Vill � V j GARRt % t 1 t A �11p N II fir+ +t` � 4 � T flat . "alp ,F.as r ad 4 Vona off to I idepAl Jew aloof floffi 5,44F to .s q • It I It :1, . GGB too ;M No% �' ���a - pain Administrator if ! copr �, i a r � If TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING SA3 D BCODES AY ROAD DEPARTMENT QUEENSBl3RY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518) 745- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQuES'i' FO R IKSPECTIOII RECEIVED. 5 cl. I RAI+iE LOCATION R141T #�,_ Gam---- DATE TYPE OF STRUC URE APPROVED RECHECK N/A YES NO FOOTINGSIPLERS MONOLITHIC POUR F4RM� ____� — -- REINFORCEMENT IN P $Ep {SIBLE THE CONTRACTOR IS RE FOR PROVIDING PROTE TIOK FROM FREEZING FOR 48 NOU CONCRETE G' THE PILAC04ENT OF TH MATERIALS FOR THIS FtPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLA SACKFILL APPROVAL FIN ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT VENT IN SAC PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING :JACK S Ds/ CAD R _ BRACING/BRIDGING ---� -- JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MA N BED- -- HEATING ROUGH- IN INSULATION : I R- FOUNDATION WAL IN --- FOUNDATION WALLS EK� ERIOR RR_ FLOORS R- - WALLS R- CEILING DUCT WORK OR PIPIN IN UNHE ED AT SPACES REMARKS : -T -r 0.t ' 3to cxe- r Shcr lc>^ CAL M &&,aI 0 tr 4. A w L p I AJCr . ARRI VE ' - DEPART 2r INSP TOR TOWK OF QUEEKSBURY BUILDING 5ND BCOES AY ROAD DEPARTMENT QUEENSBURY . NEW YOR92� 2804 TELEPHONE { PORT BUILDING INSPECTOR S RE REQUEST FOR 11NSPECTION RECEIVED PuV4E LOCATIONI DATE PE TYPE OF STRUCTURE, APPROVED RECHECK NIA YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS ONOLITHIC POUR tEiNFORCEMENT iN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESP'ONSIS FOR PROVIDING PROTECT IOfI FROl�1 FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLO'WIfiG THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE . MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDAT ION/ DAMPROOF ING-------- `- SACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING ENTS j(PLUMBING PLUMBING UNDER SLAB N LACE FRAMING : JACK STUIISIHEAOERS BRACING/ BRIDGING,.,. JOIST HANGERS JACK �-- JACK POSTS /MAIN BEAM FIRESTOPPING WALLS CEILING FIREWALLS HEATING ROUGH- IN INSULATION* WALLS INTER10 R- FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIO R- FLOORS R- WALLS CEILING ' TED DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN N SPACES REMARK : A u�o ,L„w,Tt�i.� pt rzM.. L .(.r cc) l lc2G-1 ARRIVE Q: o DEPART, N C R -rl OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING 31 BCODES AY ROAD DEPARTMENT NEW TELEPHONE } ( 518)OR- � BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION DATE .2 PERMIT # TYPE OF STRUCTURE ,�e,�c� PROVED NIA YES NO FOOTINGS/ PIERS VMONOLITHIC POUR FORM REI : RCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE - MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC — FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BAC KF 1 LL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/ VETS N LACE PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING : JACK STUDS /HEADE _ BRACING/ BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS /MAIN BEA FIRESTOPP ING WALLS CEILING FIREWALLS HEATING RO IN HEATING INSULATION : FOUNDATION WAL INTERIOR R- FOUNDATION WA S EXTERIOR R-R+ FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN NHEA ED S PACES RE RKS : PiPFu6 1p53i €r G 4:�� BM tcjr ► +� [ +�, r2s NOT' OL 7;21VE DEPART 73r� "E' S CTOR ���_ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE (518) 745- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION DATE PERM TYPE OF STRUC URE RECHECK APPROVED N/A YE NO OOTINGS/PIERS ONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECT19K FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS OLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE ONCRETE . MATERIALS FOR THIS PU POSE ON Sl £ FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN ALA E FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFI G BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN AGE PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING : JACK ST DS/HEADER BRACING/BRIDGING rAEA JOIST HANGJACK POSTSHEATING ROUGINSULATION :FOUNDATION OR - FOUNDATIONR ,R R- FLOORSR- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK 0R PIPING IN UNHEA ED SPACES REMARKS : ARRIVE ; 1 2 DEPART N�4 SPED OR Q : 1#1ElEDEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. ~ ' National HeRd ' '`1 ggik ;Pika; W st G, P,AI 19342-6.422 h ►alm - v5Y r Date: Chi , Tovrrt ox Fiiii s CountV State AJ ',LOCBtion/Add= ST (if Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions) Pole # 'Owner : ' .`r .ar 7'�!� I@' Permit W {7t�cupled 'Ai Af Building: New Did Occupant �Ir+r ,c 4 '4lot r I tDir l.3+l. , rk Arellp in Building Floor*, etC.): AM tor' Wfri or: Read for Ins action: Fee Rbrni ` �� mash Q Check Q 141:0_ Make P ble To: .M.D. LA. IUumber �� WhiffQ.Cl tlBts Ele4t. Heat 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 s 'L260 2"0 2750 3000 Lighte ?*a*a* Amp. Service ��Surfacg .Unit Dishwasher Range Fleceptaeles Water Heater ,"?ur ditiauer Drifter Pump umber of F'IX Oven 0a�rb*ftDi9posal 'Wiring and Controls for Burner , ' ' Amp. Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans LL L ILOther Equipment: ML] DRs lyl /1 ' 1 `1/a 3 112 3f4 I 30h 2 $ 5 7�/i 10 l5 24 25 ao 40 54 75 1 . . „ rr Mark Numraor n ; . - .._- 4f Each Size ` . ' Awican r. v Signet= License # Peffnit 4# T/A E ,' Utility: ' s Ap#►li[m"_rt�'JNdi�'ess,,> + , A (OFFICE LOCATION) (Cl tyy (Statel (Zip? Service Request # Ph one, Eiet�trician: U^Trm-"EGEJVED-, rHATE INSPECTED. Correct" ' pain: Sameas Abdvv-0 or: .v .'. Red Notice Label , F[o�igh-Wi'rfn Outlets Surface Unit Overf , Switches RangeGa Disposa6 ' Receptacles Water Heater D" washet: X , 'Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp. Sery ce E ui ment Burner, Wi ring -&Cooteais forr .. Amp. Fledapuclw Arnp,'Sarviva Conductor"s. Pum 1►snCFarts ; . :. MC]TCSFtS H.P. 1/24 1f12 1/i0 1/a. -1/F 1!4 f3 : 1f2 'Jf4 1 �E.: . 2 3y{ . S„ ',77/a, lU 15 20 .25. 30 44 'S0 75 1 Mark Number , . - of Each Size - .'''�' . . ' " S00 750 kM10 125D 15n0 1750 20ao 2250 2500 2750 3000 0 RW Progress: Inc. O LKD Q Corxtra0*r 0 CFT Violation:" Work- Como. Q inc. CASH (j L/A Owner Fee [� L/A Fee CHKC)Ue # lPq Municipal Mt7 # ... - DdawOther SideQ tltilitlr Applicant Owi�ei Cut in:c*Lo Temp # - ,; Date ¢"` _ . . r DaterL r " Y " }. ;aiA!Z �SJ9ls0%ATlJr rL rL