ApplicationFILE N) 7`' e DATE REC' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 531 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I. PROJECT APPLICANT: D X ADDRESS: 4, ZY,4�A�5 X PHONE #: Home: S! PHONE #: Work: +�RTjgo.-oe49 APPLICANT'S AGENT: Ebwkkb T. £ppIGH ADDRESS: 4an CoRINTbI b•, a UEewslgm0.Y • ,10- PHONE #: Home: GIS 11 17%.-o162 PHONE #: Work: skma- PROPERTY O k ADDRESS: PHONE #: Home: kn PHONE #: Work: -rJo Ion. 00 49 /�EE PAID DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: hub o 2-01 k ImAc"leb G!<9-X4S'6 ?o I(pX1ST IW4 S.F. PA-ilbEKG< DIRECTIONS TO THE PROJECT: Please make as clear as possible, so Board members & Staff can find your project: XW UML1 e o WOEST MOQVao- 7VPk L 0 S'a S o 1►lJ I 11&E? C am lE KT - G e kuc a�_hsr N SKETCH OR PHOTOCOPY OF OFFICE USE ONLY d ROAD MAP: Tax Map No. p k! Zoning: > Variance: A U S No rn Site Plan: Yes No Z Subdiv.: _Yes No 10 a P�P4 CEA: _Yes _No h w SEQRA: I, II, Unlisted X H Warren Co.: _Yes No APA: _Yes No Wetlands: Yes No f w II. SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA Tax Map Number: Section iZ I Block 1 Lot 16.30 Zone Classification: 21652-- (A - Area of Parcel • 4✓" acres = 7SY 31'f sq. ft. Maximum Size Building Allowed A. -a- sq. ft. Disposition of Parcel: Existing Building Area ///Z sq. ft. y % of parcel Area 5770 sq. ft. .9'6& 02. % of parcel (including walks) Green Area sq. ft. % of parcel • Proposed ,gdd 62e/sf�anoolTioN) Building Area 1736 sq. ft. •06 % of parcel Paved Area 37 sq. ft. ,O 2-. % of parcel (including walks) Green Area sq. ft. .92, % of parcel Building Setbacks Existing Proposed Required Apprav0.9 Front Yard 38.61 3el 35- /979 30 Front (if corner) 4f,-qs e10,'ff as-- 30 Side Yard (1) -- Side Yard (2) Rear Yard /3 t3 S- Rear Yard (2) -y- 3y • Shoreline Width Depth Access (check where applicable) C4vriwLeJr t'� Town Highway t/ County State Length of Frontage /9 2.t/ Number of Parking spaces: Existing N a— Proposed Town Water: / Yes No Town Sewer: Yes ✓ No Any previous Planning .or Zoning Board determination regarding this property? /979,(ez Atys. llie..+.> 4SlAfeg Present Use of Property: Zex-to—wFta-C Proposed Use of Property: A COMPLETE APPLICATION IS NECESSARY FOR PLACEMENT ON THE PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDAS - APPLICANT PLEASE READ The Planning and Zoning Office requires 10 copies of your site plan or variance application and maps, one original and 9 copies, along with supporting documentation. DD O In addition to the $25.00 fee for site plan applications and the $50.00 fee for variance applications, the applicant is required to pay for the costs related to engineering review. Applications may be referred to the Town Consulting Engineer for review of Z T septic design, storm drainage, etc. The hourly rate charge for the O engineer review will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed $1,000.00 without n notification to the applicant. y O is Other permits may be required for construction or alteration Z subsequent to approval by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain these. I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission, agree to the submission requirements and completed the checklist. Furthermore, it is the practice of the Department of Community Development to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from applications, and that minutes transcribed from those tapes constitute the official record of all proceedings. If there is a discrepancy between such record and the handwritten minutes taken by the designated stenographer, the handwritten minutes shall be deemed the official record. • I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE STATEMENT Applicant's SignatureX .ih.`.J'L go. - Date a Applicant's Agent Signature `4(/� Date AREA VARIANCE APPLICATION (Must be accompanied by site information pages.) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 531 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Applicant: flxy lb L. RA Q4CS 7- Parcel No.s 21 /6—L I / L4 16.30 I IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION, YOU WILL FIRST NEED: 1. A map of your property, to scale, showing the location of any existing buildings, septic systems, and wells. (Remember to indicate North and the scale.) • 2. A definite idea of where, and what size, you would like your house, addition, pool, etc., to be. 3. The setback requirements for the zone (available from the Zoning Department: 745-4436. ) COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE: Section(s) 179- f9 4EPTeL2 19" Require(s) ® setbacks 0 lot width buffer zone 0 other that cannot be met by the project as proposed. Specific setback requirements should be provided on Page 2 of the Project Information • pages. USING THE MAP OF THE PROPERTY, SHOW: 1. All proposed new buildings, etc., in relation to existing. Show dimensions clearly. 2. All setbacks affected by the project, existing and proposed. 3. Distances to adjacent owner's septic and well, if application involves installation or modification to septic or well, or if it could affect adjacent systems. 4. Other items appearing on checklist with Project Information pages, as appropriate. (If in doubt, inquire.) ELEVATIONS: Some projects are understood better if a drawing of the what the project will look like is provided, in addition to the map/plan. a rr a Page 2 THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REFLECT THE CRITERIA FOR GRANTING THIS TYPE OF VARIANCE. PLEASE COMPLETE THEM, USING ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NEEDED. 1. How would you benefit from the granting of this Area Variance? NMEb A, I' «PL c,ILA1IGG Fot� t►�S(oenotPSll.� P0.0T4Ea Ibf.1t Mfs4 !aoRIIGE. • 2. What effect would this variance have on the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community? oNL`J 6E1.1E f1<T1Ll..SIM<E C-t4yk,S tt%WW T•%L6 d4fc. vJl%4. QA ov'( of T14NT 3. Are there feasible alternatives to this variance? 969E -1)A 9 A0.E'Ff AT I&l+E— SEwIIs.E btSPoSaty SY?rTEN► 15 16% oeSTLQat4b1�1 T• Pl home% eXO.Kc 1 T6wGk otN WEST r%be -of MoI,+ OXV, SAST rlbe oT- P0.oP- SLOPES rnA0.'PL•Y, WOOIb gAqVIRE Ldj of Flt-L,aTc- 4. Is the amount of relief substantial relative to the Ordinance? NCS 5. Will the variance have an adverse effect or impact on the ph,y sical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? AIbM#-- t'bcAC1oN erF WEST 1fCi�1 .RD' is sN)e-W% XV 1%(e 4:;A-1L.*44 wlL►. NoT bLOCV, "' SAPS 6@AV11A� Stl1lNSS. '1oTv0.9 oN l>,esi M-%1.$ko►ao�V%Avt&S1%. n C I HAVE READ AND COMPLETED ALL APPLICABLE PORTIONS OF THE PROJECT D INFORMATION SHEETS, AS WELL AS THIS SIGN VARIANCE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. :h- Applicant: X Y7w.y L Date: zF'/4xjl�V' C� m Agent: Date: MA%i 22,1 1*JbS 0 0 NOFE: Wile,r ntyre fhaft one type of application is involved, this page with original signatures is required for each one. I f the A PPL.I CA NT is arable to offend flit, owefinn, or uvisl,,.s to I — rrsprt,serued by another patfy, fhr applicant's signorine IN needed oo rile rrndtoriZofimi form below, designating fill anrnf. APITICCANT S AGISN 1' DORM 1..__pt��11�_��$1�,1111t1C3��hcrebydrsit_nafe �b1J/�QD�.F�Q�t�,}1 ac my agent regarding a yd variance, Sift, flan, U Subdrvismn application for Tax Map Number: Section I31w le Lol If file O W N I:It of rite propetty is not file sanme as (it(, applicant, the ouvieI's sigomme is needed on flit, outholizafion front below, desigrtrning fhr al,ldreant w age ru. (AVNH?SA(,V'N'VHIM I. owner of premises located of 'Lax Mop Number: Section 131or1< Lot hereby desitPuae _..--_---.. _---__--_ as Illy agenf rrg,Ddrng an application for it UVariance, U Site Plan, U Smhdivision of tilt, ahove premises. SIUNE-1): D A7 IS: Uet,d Refcrertce: Book Page _ Rafe UFFIC.'IAL RECORD OF MI ETINyS It is the practice o f the Uelmitment. of Community Development to have a rlesignatecd sterfo,vrnpher (,fire recoil ImIceedings of meetings restflting haul applications, roll Ihot minutes DMISCl7bed Jinn( those tapeS constitute fhr oJJirial record of all proceedings. If there is a discrepfflicy betaveen such record ,aid (he handivii(fen mimites talcen by the desigrtta.ed stem)ll)apher, the handimittrff urinates shall be deemed the official record. 1 HAVE READ AND AGREIE'1'O THE ABOVE STATEMENT. applicant's signatme _ - . n < a, ..`.-a Date a,�2-2;�� X All fill('([ agent signatfor i C1. -- Date 5 2 lob NOTE TO THE FILE AND ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Prepared by Department of Community Development Staff MEETING DATE: June 21, 1995 AREA VARIANCE NO. 26-1995 Applicant: David L. Barnes, II Project Location: 4 John Street Proposed Action: Applicant seeks to construct a 2-car garage attached to an existing residence located on a corner lot. Conformance with the Ordinance: According to Section 179-30.1, lots bounded by two roads are subject to the front yard setback on both roads. This lot was part of a 1979 subdivision approval, which set front setbacks at 35 feet. The current setback requirement for this zoning district is 30 feet. Criteria for considering an Area Variance, according to Chapter 267, Town Law 1. Benefit to applicant: Applicant would be able to have a two -car garage for storage and vehicles. 2. Feasible alternatives: Considering the location of the existing driveway, plus the topography of the site, there does not appear to be a feasible alternative. 3. Is this relief substantial relative to the ordinance? The relief requested is 43% of the3A5-foot setback, and 33% of the current requirement. 4. Effects on the neighborhood or community? It does not appear that there would be any adverse effects from this project, particularly since there is an existing 4pwvnmk�, driveway, and traffic pattern established that would not change. 5. Is this difficulty self-created?: This does not appear to be the case. Staff Comments and Concerns: No further comment. SEQR: Type II day of June 1995 , the above application for WARREN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD 11i10YAS f1AlEY WAMI&V COUNTY MUNICIPAL CSVTM C. Powu SouW VICE CHAIRMAN CHAIRMAN LAIrE ��"' NEW tMK 128� LL: 4E7.EPN M ISIG] M4410 DATE: June 14, 1995 TO: Queensbury Planning & Zoning Town Office Bldg. Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: QBY AV 26-1995 David L. Barnes, II 4 John Street At a meeting of the Warren County Planning Board, held on the an Area Variance to add a two car attached garage to existing single famil residence. 14th was reviewed, and the following action was taken. Recommendation to: () Approve () Disapprove () Modify with Conditions () Return Q) No County Impact Comments: It is the policy of the Warren County Planning Board to follow the procedures of the New York State General 'Municipal Law, Section 239-M, with regard to Municipal Zoning actions that are referred to and reported thereon. The following are procedural requirements that must be adhered to: 1.) The Warren County Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the referring municipal agency, accompanied by.a full statement for such actions. If no action Is taken within thirty (30) days or agreed upon time, the municipal agency may act without such report 2.) If the recommendation is for disapproval of the proposal, or modification thereof,: the municipal agency shall not act' contrary to such action exQt by a vote of a majority plus one of all the members thereof and after the adoption of a resolution fully setting forth the reasons `tor such contrary actions.; " days after the final action by 3.) Y!f hl the municipal agency having jurisdiction on the r(7) Y .,. disapRrotiakof areferred matter, such municipality agency shall recdMerdations, modifications.or file a report wit{t the Warren=jCounty Planning Board on the necessary form. Chairperson C.C. Powell moth, k1ce Chairperson introduced by David Menter who moved for its adoption, seconded by Fred Carvin: The proposed action is to construct a two oar garage attached to an aulatin9 residence located on a corner lot, and according to Section 179-30.1, the lot being a corner lot is subject to two front yard setbacks, one on each adjacent street. The current setback requirement is 30. Applicant seeks approval for a 20.45 foot setback from the westerly side adjoining Heat Mountain Road. The building at present has no garage. It originally had one that was filled in because of severe drainage problems. To add a garage, there would appear to be no feasible alternatives 6u* to the topography, existing septic system and location of the house on the property. While the relief is substantial, it does not appear as though it will have an adverse effect on the neighborhood, as even this setback appears to be in line with many of the adjoining properties. Therefore, there would seem to be no adverse effect on the community, and this is not a self-- created hardship. The current owner and applicant has owned the property for approximately a year, and bought it in the current garage's state. There was No County impact determined by Warren County Planning board. There also was no public opposition. It's a relief of 9�55 feet from the setback. Duly adopted this 21at day of June, 1995, by the following vote: Thomas. AYE: Mr. Green, Mr. Ford, Mr. Men�er, M r� omao, M r� Carvin NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Karpe|en, Mr. Mare000