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TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development = Building & Codes (518) 761=8256 CERTIFICAi"OE F { l1�IILI� 1E Permit Number: 92195 Date Issued: Thursday, January 18, 2001 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number 92195 has been completed. '2gq 13 Tax Map Number: 523400=051-000-0003-014-000-0000 Location: 52, DREAM LAKE Rd Owner: RUTH R1ST Applicant: LOCKHART, EDWARD This structure may be occupied as a: 2—CAR DETACHED GARAGE By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement ly BUILDING PERMIT � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No, 92- 195 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK w t:+ PERMISSION is hereby granted to Edward Lockhart OWNER of property located a Dream Lake Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury. To Construct or place a 2—Car Detached Garage at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ a !y 1. OWN ER'S Address. is A 2 Library Avenue Warrensburg , NY 2. CONTRACTOR or BUi LOER S Name p, Pahl Timms a CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address �Q rS fil 4. ARCHITECT'S Name A M1i 1 5, ARCHITECT'S Address p ISe'I1 a Cn at S. TYPE of Construction -- [Please indicate by X} i,X I Wood Frame ; I Masonry I 1 Steel I } 7. PLANS and Specifications N0. 440 sq ft 2-car detached garage as per plot plan specifications and application and approved Variance NO. 7-1992 S. Proposed Use 2- Car Detached Garage $ 35. Do PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES May 13 , 1993 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date] Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 13th Da of May 1992 SIGNED BY ar -- } for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning i rrspector z 1 'ut1ding Permit Application - OW/1 0fQZLG'ellsbury - Dep1. of Conint uuty Develoinst errs, 742 Day Road, Queensfu ty, NY 12804 1761-8256/ � iic� ' BUILDING & . CODE ENFORCEAII� NT" Rerluiremcnts prior to issuance A parmit tnuat bo oblainetl before or t1t15 Permit: J'L•'JtAaf17 FiLG NO. Imgiltttittg Ct"I"trnctitul. No 1nHl7CCtioaR J'L'JtA JJ'J' r Lffs' PA IV It will ba nittcle until applicant has ruceived 7.Virdigg DcAard Aclivrr a '4'A}00 BUILDING PERMIT, All Arch J Use RECItCiITit7N FCLs J'rlllJ $ appllcants" spaces on this applientioll MUST be completed and. tiro signature 0 Plnrrrtirig noa d Action. RIUVIEWG?JJ Jul,: of tho applicant, rnwat appear tut ili© MOO i SrilidiviOvigm I other H"r�i.rirrA frujar rnr lictttiotl ftarin, tA. t x, Recreation Ice Payment t Api 92195 51 . - 3 - 1t1 Owner: LOCKHART , EDWARD ' A, DREAM. LAKE RD . Address:.� 1 2-CAR DETACHED GARAGE Property Lacatioll: Subdivision Nanie:� Tax Map Number • - �• SeClltrn Ilhwk I ii[ NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET V11LVE OF THE rsiden cotnmeraial New 1e CONSTRUCTXON : $ residence /' Addition to Building : residence j conunercial OCCUPANCY IHrotMATXoN : Alteration to Building : Primary Building residence / commercial Single Family Dwelling Residence j Cotntnerclal Two t atnily Dwelline{ no change to exterl-or size Falliily Dwelling Uf i. ce Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile Manufacturing Other GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE If ADDITION what will use 1st Floaf . . . . . . . . sq • fte of new. addition bc ? srq . Zt . Other Floors . . . . . clq . f t . ( not unfinished cellar or basement. ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS * Detached Garage 1 , 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : SQ . FT Attached Garage 1 , 2 car Private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building otherrE,> T x FEET Foundation 'Type : Will any second- hand or ungraded Nuinber of Stories : lumber be used? if So , for what ? ( Habitable space only ) _ _ _ !_,— iioi.ght ( cjrnda to ridge ) " f cols 7_'YVE ate rir:AxlNO SX5'1CUM : 1Sutttbcr vi fireplaces and/vr' wooc�xaLove ( circle all which applir. $ ) to be installed : Electric / oil j Gas / Wood Forced Ilot Air / Baseboard / Other Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes -IS * Name Addresee Phone Builder : Plumber . Mason : Electrician : DRCLARA710N.* Please sigis below afler' yarn have carefully read fire sfafernent. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, logetlter witli (lie plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement or all proposed work to be clone on the cicscribctl premises sutel tllat all provisiolls of the 111iiklin1; C'cxlc, the Zoning Ortlituinca awl all other laws perlaining to the proposed work shall be complied witli, whether specified or noted , atitl that skich work is atl[horincct by tllc owner. I"tlrilicr, it iS urldcrstood that IAve shalt subanit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate or Compliance being issuctl, an AS HUII T PLO'r PLAN by a UCerlsed surveyor; drawn to scale, showing actual location or project on premises. Signature: (owner, owner's agent, arebitect, contractor) TOWN OF QUEENSOURY REVIEWED BY : i OWN OF QUEEs SWS , RECEIVED FEE PAID : PERMIT NO . : - /y' APR 3 0 1994 8LDG. & CODE DEPT . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT . All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this application . Owner of Property : J .. >, . r [ L f P . O . Address : ya_ _ 4;�9 gl ,rlee'd A=;, '/ PHONEe2 ,3 223 Property Location : `zee .—mac Zj.142W0 , 4�2� el�sL v 6- Tax Map No . ,--r,�/�_/� Has there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988? Yes No If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . Subdivision Name , if applicable : Lot No , THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF /WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES IS : �] viv MATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : * ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE Construction of new building * CONSTRUCTION : $ �' Addition to building Alteration to building * COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW : ( no change to exterior dimensions ) * Size of Property : g 00- ft . x '5" fto Other work ( describe ) * Existing Building Size : * 2v fto x f t a * Proposed bui ding - distance from GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : * property line : / 1st Floor 41V49 Sq . Ft . * Front Yard 1-5' f t . Rear yard fto * Side Yards �e2` ft . and �_ ft . 2nd Floor Sq . Ft , * If n corner , setback from side street- * ft : Other Floors Sq . Ft . ( not cellar or basement * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : w TOTAL FLOOR AREA : Sq . Ft . * Primary Building - * One Family Dwelling Size of New Structure : �..a ft . x . -2 :. fte * Two Family Dwelling FounM;no * Multiple Dwelling/No . of Units Pier /Crawl /Partial /Full ( Circle One ) * Business * Industrial No * of stories ( Habitable space ) / * Other Height ( grade to ridge ) � � ft . If residential , no . of families : If addition , what will use bey? No . of rooms ( excludin baths ) : „41A No . of bedrooms : d No . of bathrooms : * Accessory Building : Primary heating system : ,✓ /� * .•� Detached Gr"Wry%e wo Caar�.� Type of fuel : —` * Attached Garage - One/Two` a r No . of fireplaces to be installed : ,v r� * Private Storage Building Will a woodstove be installed ? : 'W49 * Other Central Air Conditioning : Yes No ✓ ( OVER ) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED : BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction : wood frame , fire safe , etc . Will any second- hand or ungraded lumber be used ? If so , for what ? Foundation Wall Material : Thickness : Depth of Foundation below grade ( to bottom o footing ) : I ___ Will there be a cellar ? Alin _ Heated or Unheated ? U � Floor Sq , Footage : '( qp Will there be a basement ? ,c.. Will any portion be used as living space ? f0c) If so , what portion ? Sq . Ft . Type of Use ? Type of Roof : 57 oped/ Fiat/Shed/Other 0040 Material or/Roof �� i Size , wood studs �2, x - Y` , spacing �, "' o . c . ; length ft . Joists ( floor beams ) : 1st Floor x " lea; spacing / o . c . ; span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) : 2nd Floor x " ; spacing o . c . ; span ft . €3�x Overlays ( ceiling beams ) ; r x spacing " o , c . ; span ft . Roof rafters : "^' " x (i " ; spacing _f_J 2-- o , c , ; span ft . Roof trusses ( pre- engineered ) : spacing o . c . ; span ft . Exterior Wall Finish : of what material Interior Wall Finish : +v—� � If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling ? Ns If so , will a Fire- Rated door , enclosure , self-closing device be provided ? Will a flue- lined chimney be installed ? Ad Height above roof ft • Depth of chimney foundation below grade : ft . Depth of fireplace hearth : ft • in , Water supply - Municipal or private well : — SEPTIC SYSTEM : Distance from any private well ( including adjoining properties : ft • ( A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system . ) NAME of BUILDER & ADDRESS : PHONE NAME OF PLUMBER & ADDRESS : PHONE NAME OF MASON & ADDRESS : PHONE NAME OF ELECTRICIAN & ADDRESS : PHONE DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertainin to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not , and that such work i u zreu y th owner . Signature 0 ner , own r s agent , architect contractor SPECIAL�CONDITIONSIOF THE PERMi : By : ode Enforcement Off cer TOWN OF tv EEFR BUILDING CODOD EN E ENFORCEMENT 742 HAY ROAD QUELNS'B[JRr NY I2'804 ARRIVE - DEPART : FINAL INSPECTION RZPORT - RESIDRUVIAL DATE INSPE TION REQUEST RECEIVED : NAME LOCATION � �K ... _.. DATE _ � C� PERMIT TYPE OF STRUCTURE _ �.r/L'y-�[J"„ ["+r'>402 FOOTINGS FOUNDATION VACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC INSULATSON FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE: N A YES HO CHIMNEY figIGH9,i+B V N iEIiG11,,,'�_.,. FLm iNG VENT RooFrNG EHTERIOR FINISH DE O H S S NG RELXEF VALVES EURNA931H9T WATER 47VDRS G R T VA HATH/SiITCHSN iATE OTHER FLOORS SWEEPARL OTHER FLOORS CARE TED ATAIR CLEARANCE/RA Gs §mQKy DETECTORS naTlipmomN. PL UMB ING FIXTURES F99NDATION INSULATION GMA_GE FIRE PRQOFING DOOR CLOSERS FINAL ELECTRICAL SITE PLANIVARIANCE RE . FINAL SURVEY PLO' ' PLAN OK TO ISSUE C/o C C MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INIC BLDG, DEPT. COPY Date Ya f Certifies that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the date noted above and is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner: ;err, fie" ' ,c 4 ` rLrl R . Occupancy: Dwelling C This cBnlBcate applies Dnly to the BleGtrl Cal wining [a thB Electrical epw *,a prnt listed UBIOW and the .11"C:ci Wirt1. . .7c.e-+ �2 C� . irmtatlatibn inspected as the above noted date based an a visual inspection. No warranty I$ Occupant: t 3 3.L ` .1_:t� V l+ lnl Y expressed or phed as to the mechanical -PL echanal sal aty. offiaancy or trin e me nt ss of the equip for any - particutarpurpgse- This cerct if irate shall be valid for aper,od of one year lrbmlhe above noted date. 1 1 5. .t ir 2nd I Bai cement. Should Shiseloorical systemtowhich this cortr iGae applies be altered in any way, including but m not 7, olea to. the introduction at addRional eiecrncai Equipm ent and%or the replacement or any of Location: IhecvnTaonents installed asol theabove noted dace. this Certificate shall be immadrately null and t-��yr--��. void. This ben ifiCate applies bniy to the use, occupancy and pwn ors h 1p as indicated bereen. Upon :� L�1� 0Vr 1.` ach ange in the uso. occupancy or"non h p of th E is ropen y l n d iaated above. t In is op"pi rate shall be ,mmBdiately null and voHd. In the evertl that this cort0.ivate becd»es invalid based upon the i^— above cvridaions, thiscertilicatE may berevandatad upon rernspectlon by Middle DBpanmem]�y In- �r�. spec:lpn Agency, Inc. An appflcation for inspection must be submitted to Middle Depa trBnt n* aCIC�C�7 1"ti in. .r peCtion Agency. Inc. to inniatetho inspection and revalidation process. Ates will be charged Applicant: * 3 i ": 3' �! 1'`i� Dire . for this se wcB. jp ; iTi" 1t Y : x�L 'a" r i11 , 3' . 12885 No- Form 3 �3 —T� 2312 C J No. 704 7.94 19 -Switches 29-Rmceptaales 16-rixt urn. I - Range 1 -water Heater 1 - ]Burnerp Wiring £r Controls for 011 I -well Dump I -D ,is7•wa4sber 2 - Vent Fpv 6-SMQke Pet:ec4t .ore TOWN OF QUEENSSURY BUILDING S CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 tsis> 761-8256 DEPART ! ARRIVE : F IN AI, II{SPE�CTION REPORT RESIDENTIAL OA'CE INSPE9TION REQUEST RECEIVED: NAME LOCATION �°� pERHIT DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE ' � FRAMING FOUNDATION BACKFILL - FOOTINGS� S TIC INS'CJLATION ROUGH PLUM8ING �pcy.TpVE OR FIREPLAC6.�— r• zNnL ELECTRICAL p A ES NO CiiIMN Y I I I V T iE PLU BING VENT ROOFI EXTERIOR F N i DEC fS ORCH TEPS VG RgL E VALV S ^ FV NA E HO W E T N INTERIOR M V C DOORS FINIS O S ' BATH ATE OTH S W B E OTHER FL ORR CARP T D STn R C ARAM E GS SMO& C S PLUMB IN T FOUND R ON S GARAGE FIRM DO ING L?OOR C SE FINII. ELE TR C SITE PL N V ^~ N FINAL S VE OK TO SSU C U D C TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING a CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 / (518) 76I-8256 �J 145`.t,,�� ARRIVE : DEPART : ,m�`") • ) IN'SF : FINAL INSPSCTIOH REPORT - RESIDENTIAL DATE IN$'F}E'CTION REQUEST RECEIVED : — NAME LOCATION PERMIT DATE TYPE OF "rn - FOOTINGS FOUNDATION RAC INSULATIONFRAMING . ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC FINAL ELECTRICAL WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE i NIA YES NO CH€MNEY 1151 IT V�FNT 1 U I G VENT ROO ING - EXTERIOR F N St DECI{1PORCH/STEPSf FLING'S RELIEF VALVES FURN WATER ACEl1FOT OPERATING xN'rE,�.IOR_TRI1'IfPKIVACY DO R$ I I H FLOO S ' PATU KITCIJ N WATERTIGHT T ER FLOOR WEE ABLE OTHER FLO RS CARPETS STAIR CLEARANCE�RAILINGS S OKE DETECT R SAm Rfl F NS P U B NG F X U E Fl A ION U A ION G G IRE P I G D C ERS N L L C R C L SsT1I PLANfVARIANCE R AL SURVEY PLOT PLAN K T ISSUE C O OR C C['� y�+' 61 � CA L `� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY � BUILDING 6 CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 BAY RD . , QUEENSBURY NY 12$44 INSPECTOR ' S REPORT : ARR� �DEPAR REQUEST FOR INSP'E'CTII^OONN- RECEIVED : NAME -F�� L / Ill LOCATION _ �f PATE PERMIT TYPE OF STRUCTURE : APPROV D RECHECK N A Y S O OOT N S P E S _MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPO SIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTE TION F M FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING HE PLACE- MENT OF THE COMCRSTEO TERIAL FOR THIS PU S ITS FOUNDA ON WA L OUR REINFORCEMENT IN E OUNUATION fl ROOF NG _ SACKFILL R VRL PLUM VENT V NTS IN PLACE - RO UGH PLUMBING UMBING UNDER SLR'' - FRAMING : . � JACK STUAS HEADERS - BRACINGlHRI'bGI .IOI3T HANGERS '~JACK P STS 'MAIN BEAM AIR iNFIL'I'RATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH- IN _ INSULATION : FOUNDATION WALLS INTE.RIQ R- FOSSNDRTION WALLS EXTERIOR RR_ FLOORS R_ WALLS CEILING DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN R- UNH A ED S ACES tt jai: E}+VG, ,QS IkT 1-IC+1K, Jltq 0000 . TOHN OF QUEENSSURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 142. BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 ( 518 ) 74455-,4Q,4�f47 J . DEPART : ��• INSP _ CJ FINAL INSPECTION REPORT - RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECE VED : NAME r LOCATION DATE PERM # TYPE OF STRUCTURE -' FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAM ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC INSULATION FINAL ELECTRICAL -.� WOODSTOVE OR FIREPLACE ES NO CHIMNEY HEIGH B V PLUMBING VEN ROOFING - _.. ` 2 T O F 'A ECK PO CH ST PS RA INGS', y RF'LIEF VALV S - .-=�-�- FURNACElHOT WA R OP TING -- INT RIOR T IM P CY DOO S F NI H FLOORS : B T1; ITCH f AT T I HT OT ER FLOORS SWEE BL OTHER FLOORS CARPS ED STAIR C EARAN E II.INGS i SMOK DETECTORS BATHROOM FANS PLU B NG 'FIXTURES OUND TFON INSUL.A ION GARAGE FIRL'. PROOF NG DOOR CLOSERS FINAL ELECTRICAL 81TE PLFiL ''ARIANCE REO -- F iI7AL U�SSR�7EY PLOT PLAN OK 'i'O L5SUG CEO C1R C/C i � OFBAQlUERENNSS�RY QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518) 745-4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED PLANE F4..01 LOCATION e� ;06 SATE _;A 3 PEWIT# � 'I TYPE OF STRUCTURE 7'' RECHECK FFIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL ( COMMERICIAL STRUCTURE ) OOTING FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING FINArELECTRICAL7' SEPTIC INSULATION �WOWSTOVE/FIREPLACE REMARKS A RDVAL CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION N/A YES NO B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING DECK/P CH/ / NGS RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WA ER N INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY DOORS FINISH FLOORS : BATH/KITCHE ATERTIGHT OTHER FLOG SWEEPABLE '- OTHER FLO S CARPETED STAIR CLEA NCE/RAILINGS SMOKE DET TORS DOOR CLOARS BATHROOM FAN ALL PLUMBING I TUR S OPE TING GARAGE FIRE PROOFING DOOR CLOSERS OTHER FIRE S P N FIRE/DEMISE WALLS FINAL ELECTRICAL OK TO ISSUE C/O O /C COMMENTSIte ARRIVE d DEPART c7 f J i�lSPE R TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 745- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME. g� j . ire, LOCATIONErp. �9 OATE _W 7 f� PERMIT it r,� /S%S✓ TYPE OF STRUCTURE Ve RECHECK APPROVED N /A YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECT%ON FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS '� FOLLOW G THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRE MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE N SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR ;{ REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING E PLUMBING VENT/VENTS IN LA E PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING JACK STUDS/HEADERS BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN IFEAM HEATING ROUGH- IN INSULATION • FOUNDATION WAL INTERIOR R- FOUNDATION WAL S EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES REMARKS : ARRIVE I . DEPART ISPE TON R TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (� BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 745- 4447 .E BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED Z.�_�c'� NAME lap — �G1 LOCATION DATE_ r PERMIT # � TYPE OF TRUCTURE Cep t ^ ✓ r RECHECK APPROVED N/A YES NO FOOTINGS/PIERS -OONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIB E FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION F FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLL ING THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONC E. MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOS ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VEN S I P ACE PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING : JACK ST DS/HEADER BRACING/BRIDGING . JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MAIN — — HEATING ROUGH- IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION LL IN ER OR FOUNDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R- FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN UNHEATED SPACES REMARKS : 1t ARRIVE_ DEPARTlp < < ' � CTO ' AA3 -�� 1� TOWN OFOUEENSBURY LL �. : CL Q 1 µ l eAd to WP . 35 lei . ° s 87 _ 34a 115; ,A4, 57 M 'KA �Jvt gyr . t ... �l ql /t oo6-oo - K.} 1 — \ � ��� 1 , ti 20 REQUIRED SETBACK 2 PRC S&I SE l s1AIX . - - R rtm GARAGE 1' ,, a �� t ; 1 uoa7 Z. f{ ,pi -nr njsr . � pye ✓`^, to mn a woes ovi0000 yr J 20' SET6CK ►�It � ,.rtc y� . d/ �z—a713