1992-303 s -�, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Date s czc 19 570 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . _qp�An_q has been completed . This structure may be used as a MudrooWGarage LocaUlUn 3 Queensbury Avenue Owner Steven A Linda Bush By Order of Town Board TO,W-N� OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building A Code Enforcement .1 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY o No. 92-3(l3 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK o I Iv PERMISSION is hereby granted to Steven & Linda Bush ro OWNER of property located at 43 Queensbury Avenue Street, Road or Arne_ in the Town of Oueensbury, To Constructor place a Addition to Dwelling incl . 2—Car Garage Co at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and ,Zoning Ordinance. erg t. OWNER'S Address is pp Sane as 2- CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name —10��. Ken Mattson moo, w 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address A W 4. ARCHITECT'S Name fp C C tC 5. ARCHITECT'S Address ms C f4 C #tY 6. TYPE of Construction -- [Please indicate by KY ( X) Wood Frame 1 ) Masonry [ ? Steel e* 7. PLANS and Specifications No. Addition to dwelling including 2-Car Garage as per plot plan specifications and application �. w 8. Proposed Use tp ,a. mud room/Ga rage C .r, tG $ 43- 1O PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 3 , jg93 t (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the e'y town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Ali Dated at the Town of Queensbury t Day June 1g 92 ._ m 2 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and ZtpCong Inspector T'0 'b N OF QiIBEN58UR Y REVIEWED BY : f � FEE PAID : I4, 3 aCOWfl1 PERMIT NO . : JUN ti 1992 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 13I_D(3. $ CODE DEPT. A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE UNTIL. APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT . All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this application . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It * nk ,► * * * * Owner of Property :P . O . Address : PHONE Property Location : S ) t" -\�f� Tax Map No . /ic / / / 2 Has there been any split ofthis roperty since October 1 , 1988? Yes No _ If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . Subdivision Name , if applicable : Lot No . THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES IS : K/ / NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : yw' ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE Construction of new building CONSTRUCTION : $ -- Addition to building r �`V-11 * —� Alteration to building "J * COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW : ( no change to exterior dimensions ) * Size of Property : 2- ft . X '�g ft . Other work ( describe ) Existing Building Size : * Z4#zt-)o ft . x SSo ft . � * Proposed building - distance from GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : V * property line : ,,.�tt -f aU a --q � ,�-�^ Ist Floor � �s""�'"' Sq . Ft , ,43 * Front Yard Cam ft . Rear yard ZLOOft . * Side Yards ft , and 10C) ft . 2nd , Floor 4 Sq . Ft . If on corner , setback from side street- * � l bv ft . Other Floors Sq , Ft . ( not cellar or basement ) OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : TOTAL FLOOR AREA : '7 Orll ' Sq . Ft . * Primary Building * ><�t_ One Family Dwelling Size of New Structure : �-s ft . x � 4- ft * * Two Family Dwelling Fou G>` x Multiple Dwelling/No . of units Pie / Craw artial /Full ( Circle One ) * Business � - * Industrial No . of stories ( Habitable space ) * Other Height ( grade to ridge ) 2 ( ft . If residential ,( e cl i families : * If aid QOZ~ at, will 1 I� e? Na . of rooms { excludin_g baths ) : No * of bedrooms : 23 No . of bathrooms : ,} * Accessory Building : Primary heating stem : - M �+L1+2p(tM� * Detached Garage - One/TrYar� Type of fuel : ems" _K 'z " Attached Garage - One wo Car No . of fireplaces to be installed :- Private Storage Building Will a woadstave be installed ? : * Other Central Air Conditioning : Yes �� ( OVER ) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED : BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction : (wood frame fire safe , etc . ', �""-- Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used ? If so , for what ? t4o Foundation Wall Material : C-Thickness : ` Depth of Foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) : ,•, Will there be a cellar? 7 Heated or Unheated ? Floor Sq . Footage : Will there be a basement ? V. Cam Will any portion be used as living space ? If so , what portion ? Sq . Ft . Type of Use ? Type of Roof : Sloped/ Flat/ Shed/Other S5 Q Ems. Material of Roof ?A:. ) Size , wood studs or x ^" ; spacing o . c . ; length ft . Joists ( floor beams ) : 1st Floor 2r x spacing o . c . ; span 1Q ft - Joists ( floor beams ) : 2nd Floor . x e> Is ; spacing — o . c . ; span I Z.-__ ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) : "'�- '" x &:;)o It ; spacing o . c . ; span 10 ft . Roof rafters : x CD spacing o . c . ; span I eel ft . Roof trusses ( pre-engineered ) : spacing o . c . ; span ft . Exterior Wall Finish : IA' W 0c) of what material ? G Interior Wall Finish : Cv ` { � • -- If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an_ opening between garage and dwelling ? if so , will a Fire- Rated door , enclosure , self- closing device be provided ? *%`t<5 Will a flue- lined chimney be installed ? %14�p Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade : ft . Depth of fireplace hearth : ft . in . Water supply - Municipal or private well : � .�—, _. SEPTIC SYSTEM : Distance from any private well ( including adjoining properties : ft . ( A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system . ) NAME OF BUILDER & ADDRESS : PHONE 1 Z 13 `7¢- NAME OF PLUMBER & ADDRESS : PHONE NAME OF MASON & ADDRESS : PHONE 7iqZ - I3 -7 NAME OF ELECTRICIAN & ADDRESS : awt �` �. iL PHONE 1::�J Z t5-t - DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this applicationt together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertai in to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not , and that such work i auth ized the owner . Signature ' Owner , owner s agent , architect contractor SPECIAL - ONS OF H--FERMI- : By : Code Enforcement officer Membsr hl.F.P.A. 8 f.A.E.I. i.,,tG, vicar. certificate ATLANTIC = INLAND, INC. - NEW YORK Efectdcal a rid Fire lnspec"ion-En forcing& Consulting Service 997 MCLean Road, Cortland, NV 13045 DATE: .Ct f S76 CERTIFICATE 6 ----- AS APPROVED FOR : OWNERS stepb4a fiustt Residential Garages ADDRESS: 3 = county Litle ltd (}t eenslyu� y , 7Y � '7r G - sw . / 4 -recept. . /� _; d * Uase £ ix . / XXX ELECTRICIAN : 3:eTxT:etlt Mattson 64 Biind Rack g" ADDRESS: C7 NY 12804 ueeTsataury � The cai70 iL Dns 1011a wing govemetl the issuance 01 th's cerP' C ate. and any Cerlrlicale Ur4viDUs y issu is cancelled This CertHicate Only covers :he BIeCL'iCal vqu�pmrDC lis LkC and ihall e Dn t-y made for nsp[ COO the intnoduc• on of sd C•'i9nal equipment or annra11on5 aOpC'CaliOn shall cj p o p y Inspectors 01 this Company shall have The priv lege of making ins podinns at any ^,ime. =%rid if its ru a.c v,o a7ed. !')e Company shall have the right to revoke This Oer;i7i C*�le. AI - 27 ..._ ._._ ..— TOHM OF (JUEERSBURY 531 BAY ROAD 12804 QUEENSBURY . N538)EW O745-4441 TELEPHONE gUII.OINCs INSPECTOR' S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED ✓`� NAME f LOCAT I I1N!7� ��v-i2 DATE •, n PEKKIT# TYPE OF STRUCTURE p - } RECHECK FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL (COMCKFILL L F"MING� .NTING FOUNDATIFINAL-*EELECTRIC- �SEPTIC ROUGH PLUMBINGwfl�STOVE/��PLACE `I�+iSULAT I ON f 0 � REMARKS - i`rx''� t7A ROVAL N/A YES �O CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING -� DECK/PORCH/ TEPS/RAILINGS, -- RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WA ER OF RA 3G BASEMENT INSULATION/DUCT fl INTERIOR TRIM/ PRIVACY OO Rs FINISH FLOORS : SATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGH OTHER FLOORS SWEEPABLE OTHER FLOORS CARPETED STAIR CLEARANCE/RAILINGS HANDICAPPED ACCESS SMOKE DETECTORS �- BATHROOM FANS/WHO H SE $ UMBING FIXTURES OF Ai IN GARAGE FIRE PROOFING DOOR CLOSERS a I N OTHER FIRE SEPA FIRE/DEMISE WALLS DUMPSTER UIREM N 5 SITE PLAN/VAR NCE Q FINAL ELECTRICAL v OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C��-� , COMMENTS : ; h fis D C l A: C 4.J ARRIVE Z' DEPART Zc — S TOW OF QHEENSBURY ,rJ BUILDING A D N CODES DEPARTMENT BAY ROAD 4UEENSBURYTELEPHONE� ( 518) 745.4447 BUILDING INSPECTORS REST REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION DATE PERMIT # f-• ` . / -j TYPE OF STRUCTURE APPROVED RECHECK N A YES NO E ---�--- MONOLITHIC FOUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE SI_~-- 7HE CONTRACTOR IS RES FOR PROVIDING HOURS IFOLN_NN,IiN6 OTEC FREEZING FOR OF THE CONCRIKTE- THE PLACEMENT MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ;ON TE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFIHG BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT1 N IN PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING : BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS/MA HEATING ROUGH- IN rJ INSULATION * E _ r+'1 FOUNDATION L FOtfHNV1TION WALL EXTERIOR R- R- Y� FLOORS R_ WALLS CEILIN I = N UNHE DUCT WORK SPACES K ARRIVE j DEPART ;-J TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 SAY RO QUEENSBURYTELEPHONE � NEW 0( 518 ) 745-- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED�— lIAl1E LOCATION cl _ DATE �PERMIIT # TYPE OF STRUCTURE —C-e%�-\ C,�y�"'. P( )OVED RECHECK N A YES HO FOOTINGS/PEERS MONOLITHIC POUR F RM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RES BIBLE FOR pROVIDING PROTECTION FROK FREEZING FOR 48 HOUftS Cfl LLOWING ME THE PLACENT MATERIALS FOR pUNDATION/WALL THIS PURPOSERPOSE ON SITE REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING_ BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBINPLUMBING VENT/ N G PLUMBING UNDER IN P A SLAB E .-VRAMING : J AC K S -- ---�"~ BRACING GRID JOIST HA JACK POSTS/MAl B ------ HEATING ROUGH- IN INSULATION : E I FOUNDATION L FOUNDATION 'WALLS EXTERIOR R_ FLOORS R_ MALLS CEILIN DUCT WORK R PI IN IN UNHEA E SPACES R I �►�' e'er-�.,�,�_` � '�,r�"� '� _..- ARRIVE DEPART �+_.�=- i F . nR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT - 532 BAY ROADQUEENSBURY s 12804 TELEPHONE ! ( 518 )NEW0RK 745 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUIEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME ,�,/,��.g,rr�r-7 ►r �/.-s•-rr�_11 �_ r' ..c LOCATIONr r J� DATE _ PERMIT If TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK APPROVED N/A IYES1 NO F O IHGS/ IERS MONOLITHIC POUR F0 M REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBL — FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION FRO4 FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOL1- NG THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCR E MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOS ON SITE FOUNDATION/WA L POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC V FOUNDATION/DA PROOFING '�C BACKFILL APPR VAL -- ROUGH PLUMBIN PLUMBING VENT/ EN N CE PLUMBING UNDER LA FRAMING : JACK S /HEA BRACING/BRIDG JOIST HANGER JACK POSTS/ N A HEATING ROUG IN INSULATION : FOUNDATI L E I R - FOUNDAT N WALLS E ERIOR RR^ FLOORS R- WALLS R- CEILI G DUCT OR R I N I , UNHE TE SPA S R 1�1FIC11111,1� VS go n ARRIVE DEPART - SPFCTnR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 SAY ROAD /? QUEENSBURY , NEW PORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 745- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT / REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIV,ED.. WME LOCATION S DATE PERMIT TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK tf APPROVED N/A I YES NO X FOOT IN S/PIERS ! MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE CRETE . MATERIALS FOR PHIS PUR OSE ON E FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLAC _ FOUNDATION/DAMPROO F I NG BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VEN IN PLACE PLUMBING UNDER S FRAMING : JACK sTuus7ffUAKRs BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGER'S JACK POSTS/MATH B AM HEATING ROUGH— IN INSULATION : FOUNDATIONINTERIOR W L — FOUHDATION WALLS EXTERIOR R— FLOORS R— WALLS R' CEILING DUCT WORK PI G IN UNHEA E SPACES REMARKS : ARRIVE-- - DEPART fl ilanCL TNSPFf: R P997MAJN OFFICE McLean Rd. ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC. Cortland, New York 13045 NEW YORK L- Phone: (607) 753-7118 MEMBER OF N.F.PA AND iA.EI. (607) 753-7809 FIRE UNDERWRITERS (607) 753-1396 (Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcing and Consulting Service) +G1o1671 IHtcarporeted in the State of New York) DesirInSP0 ti Gservi'c e i of Approval, apmdw o f is made trx irls}tectlon of-electrical installation in the premises described below. On demand applicant agrees to pay for inapfeodora service in aoa:orCf with schedule p} dlsyrpeg, AFfVCATl`ON FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION — PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE lqq THM SECTION TO'9E-00MPLETED By APPLICANT pNaE of ARPUCATIGIN '�• CrrY. TOWN, L.J # .�'e COUNTY STREET STATE f r RAL AOr.IftESS ' RU P . SUILDG. No, WRECTIONB � POLE NO. NAME R'SAi& /� OCCUPIED AS tFOR It It •�- � � BUILDING — Now n OW n WORK — Newnftlonml tot OUGH.wIRING IXTURES n OR READY FOR INSPECTION 1D— S BY CHECK n cABH 0 MONEY ORDER ❑ MAKE PAYABLE TO ATLANTIC-INLANW YORK Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Flxaree Adel Instsllaftpn jSwtchlU`1ng Flbopp. Hee_ Base FtaA1f. 31.1R 750 1DOD 125G1 15Dp 175e 20DIU 223D 1i+ge 2Elect IN9at. �"") Amp. Serwoo Wat r Htr. Burner Air Cond. Surface Unit Oven - Range Gir. DIAP. plah w OrYar H.P. Pump Ex. Fan Hood OTHER EOUIPMENT(SPedtY Type Am CaPacitlaal I TYPE OF I / WIRING OPEN n D &Y O ER MIUNSO OF SUB, } 'o i"W BRANCHES NO. OF APPL►cANrs MCI CIRCUITS MNATURE APP NT'g f_ /_ - _ a PERMIT�a *-+�. y �, NAME OF [[ UTILITY Cnlr STATE 1 . 22P COPE OFFICE TO BE NOTWOM FIGUGH WIRING# AMP SERVICE . OUTLETS EQUIPMENT UNrr SURFACE SWITCH" AMP SERVICE UNFT GA?NDLICTORS K.W. OVEN RECEPTACLES H.P. PUMP - H,P.GARaAGE MEDIUM BASE DISPOSAL UNIT l fT FpUREB K.W. Kw. DRYER EMSINWASHER FUCT URES MOGUL BASE Kw. WATER HEATER RANGEW. RANE FLUORESCENT T H.P. AIR AMP. RECEPTACLES CONDITIONER MERCURY F VAPO"URE OR WIRING A CONTROLS FOR BURNER SMOKE � FRAC. H.P. QUARTZ FIXTURES DETECTORS WENT FANG MOTORS, H.R. 14 2 1114 1/a 1/6 t14 113 t!Z S/4 1 11t 2 S S 71>r YD . t5 20 26 SS 4D 6D 75 tfV MARK NUMBER OF EACH SIZE SDD 75e low 1250 law t75O agoo 2250 25M 27M SDDD APPARATUS Etec1. Fteat MISC. INFO. Recelwad Inspect" FEE PAID n FRovResB - TOTAL s n DEFEGTiYE D:Rptgh tiring CaNlicate Check Na. n Temporary aervfce man" Cater . �. .. ❑ FWAL CEIMFOCATE . ❑ Opp. den. Rew. rash . 13 MUNICIPAL Charge IOUK. ADDRESS - ATTN: Temp. Out-Includ.Np. FIFUd CUI-in Card No, Al-ot iMONICIPALITY