1991-523 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date ( Ji (mil er a . 19gj U 1 - This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 91®521 has been completed. . Deck This structure may be occupied as a . Location 110 Avt a ti on Road Owner Jean A Don Moon By Order Town•Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 91-523 • WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK a w PERMISSION is hereby granted to Jean & Don Moon OWNER of property located at 110 Aviation Rd Street, Road or Ave. o in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Decktts at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is O Same 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name SAme 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address O a 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( A Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( ) Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 168 sq ft Deck as per plot plan specifications and application 8. Proposed Use Deck $ 16_00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Jilly 22, 19 92 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of 19 91 _ J SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning spector r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i.GVy,�� OF QUEENSBUEf,ee Paid kp BUILDING & CODES DEPARTMENT RE COVED Permit # 91- �,J� APPLICATION FOR: PORCHES-DECKS- DOCKS & BOATHOUSE� L.171991 Est. Cost t,6.5i0 A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION..0 PLEASE N�R ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: BLDG. 8L CODE utrT The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifications submitted, and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit. TWO SETS OF STRUCTURAL PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Owner of Property: f 9f � '? G P.O. Address //dam-, i/ hone # 7A2�o547 Property Location �/(,� �,/�aY���� LG'-�'`�z��// ��zY� ax ap # Subdivision Name (If applicable) PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES: Name: Address Phone# BUILDING SPECIF -EATIONS: Type of work to be done: Porch Dec Dock Boathouse (Circle one) Size of Structure to be built (squarerrootage) : / ‘(C/l 1 Foundation Material : Width , Thickness ,� Depth of Footing, below grade: .3.: Size of Posts or Studs: % x x Long Size of Floor Joists: x /Z) x // Span Decking or Flooring Material : . V‘ ‘_‘e X �a f' How will Porch or Deck be fastened to building? If Roof Will Be Installed, Answer Following Questions: Size of Posts or Studs: x x Long Roof Rafters: x Spacing Span Roof Trusses (pre-engineered spacing) : Span Type of Roof: Sloped Flat Shed Other (Circle one) Material of Roof: ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, showing clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed and - indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. Size of Property: ft. x / /' ft. Existing building(s): Size 6�f{ft. xa7 ft. S( : i x t. Use of Existing building(s) : Proposed str)u,'-cure, distance from property nn: . • Front yard 8iS.x" ft. Re r yard a ft. Side yards ,Q`'ft. and I Q `Y If on corner, setback from side street: cp7 'c ft. DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. DATE: 7�`�1/ SIGNATURE Owner, 0 er's Agency, Architect, Contractor REVIEWED BY CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, DATE SIGNATURE r � TOM OF QUEE SBURY ( , 011106, , 531 BAY ROAD ` j " QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 . - TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING IICTOR'S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME ))1, in111-v(i LOCATION //Iv ./11(71,-/9/) 16( , _ DATE 7//l�/CJ/ PERI1IT � TYPE OF STRUCTURE A) RECHECK FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL (COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE) TOTING FOUNDATION BACKFILL VFRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL _SEPTIC INSULATION WOO�STOVE/FIREPLACE SITE PLAN/VARIANCE REQUIREMENTS YES _ NO REMARKS ,GU1,(,/ !(/ /jc Die �,161 4 U � /4 p4 ji() kr: APPROVAL N/A YES NO CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION 11 B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING DECK/PORCH/STEPS/RAILINGS ' ✓/ RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WATER OPERATING BASEMENT INSULATION/DUCTWORK INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS FINISH FLOORS: I' BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGHT'':, OTHER FLOORS SWEEPABLE \, OTHER FLOORS CARPETED STAIR CLEARANCE/RA'ILINGS HANDICAPPED ACCESS SMOKE DETECTORS / BATHROOM FANS/WHOLEHOUSE FANS ALL PLUMBING.FIXTURES OPERATING GARAGE FIRE PROOFING DOOR CLOSERS / !; OTHER FIRE SEPARATION FIRE/DEMISE WALLS DUMPSTER FINAL ELECTRICAL OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C COMMENTS: 0i ARRIVE G '� DEPART ?� 2 of INSP- iT; rl;: C29-FAIL yti£E-F A-Ar roil NO FROST RE2 DETA i� p� SNEcT A5 FoR f R"-r PIER DETAILh, I-I0E NECESSARY DETAtis FOR`t'Ot1R Lc(ATIo _N 1 A ND F ohf (-Ot,15 . I I I LolyL. I O P1 a RS I / I � F�i-f Co NyT j -T4 nEGK --Ep I _ i OUTLINE ' I N 2�011 4' O" 4'-0" 2'-o" 12'- 0" IER LOCATION PLAN /4 =I -u — Nore yEE Gf-:'AII, 1;,HEET A4 FOR No FROsr (�tER LONSr�tULTtON flEiA1L5 oR SIIECT- A5 EoR FRosT PIER L0NSTRt1GTI0N NAILS UhE Nt6E1;6ARY VG-rgtLA, t=o2 Yoll:e Lo(-ArtoR I I ^II 12'- o" ,PIER LOCATION PLAN E : %4"- 11-011 k3 ? — j << �i i I �l1TLIPIE of Zi4 •rx,n ooa,RoS �vorC6,7� 2±*'6v" FwoR Jo1sT OUTElft JoIST i# Cow- PlcR jl FAIR j\ � �' , CORNER FRnr�1Ny AACW409S A-( ALL Coj-tVIfiRS � C.IIi 4fi4 GIRDERS ro _ _ _ _ _ a-10 i AND sa T Tofaen4eK 112 1.1021 2'-0" 2 '-o" Z -0" 21 p" AT CENTER POINT o f OEc K AND ConNEGT Tou6T'>-tER I1- 9'' lJ5►NG [,IRDER. �oNNEGToR�i t2 III (4SE PETA11-'sNE6T 4) —N A A 4- No FltoSr Lo t A A5 izo�lt GoN6"(, _ I � I _ I I OUTPE Jo1S-r ' I ' I I I 1 I i r '( _N I DECK FRAMING P SGaLE; Y4" 12'- o" DECK PLAN cJGAL� : /4" - 1-0' — — 6 4"x4XIZLoHG tF A-1AILABLE I NOV T"C- N : k LUr 4X4 (*?VERS To 5'-&A Ar1� eLLfi TOCaET11ER AT CENTER POINT oP DECK AtiD GoNNffLT TOGG-T}I15R 11SIniU 6iRue2 coNNELTORS (yCE (7ETA(L �iNHET /2X&" p,IM Jols-T ---- - - - -� 1— MLINE of �,14' TRIM UA'Rgi (Pomv) OUTF-f- JOIS-r I I I -- PIER i3L.OGK OR I - � LoN�RErE PIER 4"x4" CjIRDERS &S VL 15P AT NIP WIN I / CAI K 1(2 -lOZ 2.10 2 O ' ripry DD A AA1K1r DI 15CA .E . %4"= I'-. " w", COROFIR FRAMING ANCHORS ATALL Gc DECK PLAN 5CA.LE.; W-I'-0" 7-"x4" TRIM BoAA91, r 2"xL" nEGKINGI W/14 spat-w y 2"x4" TRIM FjoaRDs 21XG''17EGKIN61 Wl 14 SPA(,INIsm JUL 17 1991 AM & CODE OEP-' N co �Oco Y � _ LU N = QI � CO 0 U V) zC Q W a. PROJ. PLAN: B - 2062 DATE: 12/1 /S DRAWN BY � SHEET NO, 3 3 OF 5 EasyDeck REVISION 05TNUCTIONS: This f an has been designed to enable you to build this deck in on o three sizes. Note that the plan includes a compl.,te list of ma rials for each deck size. Order only thematerial listed fo t deck size you decide to build. Th i tructions listed below are the same for all three decks. A Eeplate pier location plan, deck framing plan, and a deck plan ar ,wn for each deck size. Fallow only -the plan for the deck si eyl u decide to build. LA I OUT THE DECK: Bef rej tarting your deck, we suggest that.ou heck :nth .,,ur uti it companies to locate any underground utility or ,eptl,- lin s at may be in the way. Be 3ur to check with your local building department for the nec ss y code requirements and to obtain a building permit. In t ctions: READ ENTIRE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE YOU START. Est bl h the corners and boundaries of your deck and squar=-uP the la ut by using batter boards :,see diagram below.. EasyCkck Your distance outline can also be squared by measuring along one side a f 8 feet feet. Yo and along the adjacent side a distance of 6 outline will be betwe n square when the diagonal dimension e two points measures 10 feet, -Ag kalmbW HSted. si'tom s��Plt�Iyb@�1j1/1"R! dWleA 1MIUt QOYlfflRlBltt sfitld:fdcanl �. Mark he enter of each Ter as the vonstructlotCCit'tMOMPr*BV"T :�,Igeppy ,Xr . When ill shown on p e pier location plan. iers are located properly, dig 12" diameter holes SHEET to '' pier he necessary depth required for Your area (SEE EITHER CONST 4,� 0 FROST CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, OR SHEET 5 FOR FROST DECKING: UC ON DETAILS). care should e the first CONC E ,hard J n f t ,t or decking, try and „Ake L tru., first board Fill 111 Ter holes and stair pad with ready mix concrete start at the c tside rdyc�,t la. r,' )ni (If building (this ma) be purchased in ready mix bag form;. Follow the next to house ,all start at wall nq /4" expansion propei dE ail for either NO FROST CONSTRUCTION or FROST joint and work out;. CONSTfUCI ON. If using NO FROST CONSTRUCTION, the pre -formed To pier tlocl must be embedded in the concrete pier at least 3" avoid splitting the boards at .-nds, -drill slightly (see EheEy 4, section A). Make sure all the pier tops are level undersized pilot holes for nail;. Pl. q with rough and cEntEi so. side up in order to minimize cuppir„ :, ards. When o to has set (cured) completely, p y, you can then start The decking should be nailed u u y I-,,., ,, ped galvanized framingt deck. nails. Use three nails at the nd d and two nails at intermediate joists. Kr f �uur �. in a straight GIRDE R51 line. Use a chalk line to locate wr-r,- t,; into the joist. This will also help you to keep tE� Wait; straight line. Select pr er detail for size deck you are building. Space boards 1/8" to 1/4" apart '..,_ ,. ,2.. between boards;. 1 as a guide - Cut 4" 5'-10" 4" fo lirders to proper size (7'-9" for B'x12' deck, 12'xl2' Take time to check your alignment ards. Measure and 12'xl6' deck). from your first board each time, ma«_ng r,,.. he measurement will For de k Izes 12'x12' and 12'x16', place the 4"x4" girders over be the same on both sides. When th,_r,- i to adjust the board spacing to t of space left start of the deck. the ce to of the pier (as shown on deck framing plan) and splice avui: a r„ the end them t adjust ige ng ier using two 3 1/2"x9" galvanized girder connectors, nds to When all the decking is in place, line along the proper overhang, then temporarily tack in place. outside face of the outer 2"x6" pm, I arj, the decking boards Square up uter corners of 4"x4" girders and be sure all outer off flush with the outer 2"x6" joi:at boards with either stain or t,; ends of the decking trim boards. edges ire In line. Nail to wood naiiers using 12d nails. Make paint --. 9 sure girdgirdE s are level and square. Set trim boards flush with the tot, ..., ing boards h nail two 2"x4" trim boards to the 2"x6" .,,,,n,; er joists. DECK 7RJ IING: '1 FINISHING: Select et for size deck you are building. Cut 2 of 2"x6" to If you have built your` deck with eit.'.,.r ,, re treated lumber pies on deck fr proper size for the rim joists as shown ning (7'-9" for or redwood, you may want to let 4t urally, and then plan 8'x12' deck, or 111x9" for 121x12, apply either a stain or paint to it f ,1;,r manufacturer's in - and 12'(16 deck). structions on the product. Cut 2 pLeci of 2"x6" joist to proper size for the outer joists OPTIONAL STAIR CONSTRUCTION (For riser construction): as show oi deck framing plan (11'-6" for B'xl2' and 12'x12' deck, 1 i'-1 for 12'x16' deck). Cut 2"xb" into three 10 1/2" long pieces. a at 48" on center for Place Ate, 2"x6" joists top stair carriage. Fasten the 9" galvanized ca age angle to the 2"x6" to on of 4'x4" girders, adjusting ends carriage. Drill holes into concrete Dad, us; framing anchor as a prop r c erhang, then tack in place. Lap ends of the rim guide, insert concrete lead anchors into lit, onerete where carriage joist and d iter joists and nail together (see partial deck will be supported. Fasten carriage support In lag screws. isometric F an sheet /4 for NO FROST CONSTRUCTION or sheet 5 for FROST C(NSlI UCTION). Nail corner framing anchors at each inside Apply two 2"x6" stair treads, allowing 1/8" 1/4" spacing (use corner. SqLi re up outer corners. a 12d nail as spacer between boards). See d isometric sheet 4 for NO FROST CONSTRUCTION or sheet 5 for FRI CONSTRUCTION. Measure fr the outer joist edge 1'-10 1/2" to the center line Cut the 2"x6" treads and nail into the Carr e using 12d galvanized of the Yx joists. Place a 2"x6" joist hanger and nail using 6d nails. Leave 1" (max.) overrang on either of carriage and nails. ac remaining joist hangers at 2'-0" and nail using same do not extend 2"x6" tread a( S toe procedure. tech joist tie -down anchors from the 2%6" joists to more than the 4""x g ders (see partial deck isometric sheet 4 for NO FROST CO ST CTION or sheet 5 for FROST CONSTRUCTION). BX12 DECK PACKAGE ' Ln 2 3 26 4 4 15 6 4 41b 2x6x12 2X6X8 40XS' 2X60 WX12 VAX& 5in 2X6 5in 12d DECK JOISTS RIM JOISTS GIRDERS DECKING TFUH BOARDS TRIR BOARDS TIE -DOWN ANCHORS JOIST HANGERS CCRNER FRAMING ANCHORS NAIL; HOT DIPPED GAL1. "se for decking .J Q W � CV 21b 16d 6 1LS HOT DIPPED GALv- NO FROST CONSTRUCTION: OF QR e ' 4 3nlb BAGS READY -MIX CONCRETE FCR 14"X14"X12" PIERS QVJi'i 6 LOir PRE -FORMED CONCRETE PIER BLOCKS WITH CAPS JUL 17 1991 FROST CONSTRUCTION: 8 901b BAGS READY -MIX CONCRETE FOR 8"X8"X42" PIERS L -n CODEF> 12X12 DECK PACKAGE >N0,I2 EFCK JOISTS �NhNI2 RIM JUISC; 6 40X8 GIRDERS, CUT TO 5'-10 1/2" (Use three pcs. of 4"x4"x12'Iong instead if available) 26 2X6X12 DECKING 8 2X4X12 TRIM BOARDS ?f ,fu TIL-DlfWN ANCHORS lil 2Ae OL`;i i1ANr F- 4 nn JENE P FPI,MfNG AV IIfUPS t2d N1:L5 {hI DiPP1D E,F �. 11-1, i ng '216 Ivd W11', Iti DIPPED GAL`,. NO FROST CONSTRUCTION: 6 901b- HAGS READY -MIX CONCRETF FOR t4"X14"X12 PIER; 9 loin PRE -FORMED CONCRETE. PIER BLOCKS WITH CAPS 6 3 1/2x9" GALV. GIRDER CONNNECTORS (Omit if using 12'lonq 4"x4"s FROST CONSTRUCTION: 10 901b BAGS READY -MIX CONCRETE FOR 8"X8"X42" PIERS 12X16 DECK PACKAGE 7 2X6XI6 DECK JOISTS 2 2X6X12 4X4X8 RIM JOISTS GIRDERS cut Ta *a. 111/r 8 (Use three pea. of 4"x4"x12"10" bMt4b4d i1i t1 del ;rF a+ 33 2X6X12 OECf�iNG.. 4 2X4X12 TRiM 9O11i5 4 2X4Xi6 28 5in TIE -DOWN ANCHORS 10 2X6 'GIST HANGERS 4 5in CORNER FRAMING ANCHORS 101b 12d NAILS HUT DIPPED GALV. ,Use for decking) 21b 16d NAILS HOT DIPPED GALV. NO FROST CONSTRUCTION: 8 901b BAGS READY -MIX CONCRETE FOR 14"X14"X12" PIERS 12 loin PRE -FORMED` CONCRETE PIER BLOCKS WITH CAPS 8 3 1/2X9" GALV GIRDERS CONNECTORS (Omit if using 12-long 4"x4",) FROST CONSTRUCTION: 901b BAGS READY -MIX CONCRETE FOR 16 B11X811X42" PIERS € +i (N©t sham ok1 � - - lace a railing around deck area if height is above 30' For safety, P from grade. You are to determine style, location and verify quantity of materials necessary* STAIRS MATERIALS ([or 1 riser construction) BAGS READY -MIX CONCRETE 4 1BGA. GALVANIZED CARRIAGE SUPPORT 3` gin LAG SCREWS/LEAD ANCHORS 24 1/4Xlin Y p U CV LLJ I co (n� _ Z Q Q LL.J II EL PROJ. PLAIN B - 206: DRAWN: 'A. CHECKED: A SHEET NO 1 1 OF -(141/ A- V/A- TT A/ S'?c I. /I , r TOWN OF ^U EN BU R, � - RECEIVED JUL171991 BLDG. & CODE DEPT. 7 'C if j l( I' 1( ,•=J 70 C ,,I) � 4` \-. .\-K t l 7 I 1 iii t)(1V IN 9 if\ +.". 6 1 r n ` .._... , ,,, „„ TOWN OF E NURY Zoning Administrator