6608 • BUILDING." PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 6608 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to • Robert Sirkus ID fi OWNER of property located at 15 Orchard Drive Street,Road or Ave. rt co in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Sewage Alteration • 1-3- at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed,and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. - • 1. OWNER'SAddressis 15 Orchard Drive Glens Falls, New York 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Action Septic H 01 0 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address • Fi () , 5 Spruce Court Glens Falls, New. York a 4. ARCHITECT'S Name d I-i (D 5. ARCHITECT'S Address - •6. TYPE of Construction.—(Please indicate by X) ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ) - cn 7. PLANS and Specifications N 160' tile and dist. box No. LC) (D 8. Proposed Use Y Sewage alteration to dwelling o n fi H- 0 $ 5. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Jan. 1 19 R 1 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) • Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 7 2nd Day of SPpi-PmhPr 19 R 0 N�-� r SIGNED BY -�- 6 for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector TOWN OF ,1:11VEISBOR..t TOWN OF QuEgri\jsr7;u , E 3— BU I 7_,D1.NG Ob7 DEVARYITET.,IT w to (e' 13, VI-Acy. Atm HA. TI:1\i-11! POA.D8 1.) 11 5 1:2 3f. 6E1-) 1 '19b0 4-00 r- A.M. 4-1 — -e Pri.R CO CON STP.1) f: A-C.1TE! 1.1N.TJILP 6:7 j j 11.0)14)11 1 1 2 1 3 j 4 j 5 I aEWLE1.1.3 1ST.STEN. Tr.? T.E. THE OF EP,k.1S k /•• '13.YJ.:1 411.1P (-CV f OMER NUM r. k:Y./ D OM --- • (YES OE MO) Te:.3PCA-.3RIV.PHY ROT.;i„InG . S427.,:n , AMP r is:LMTE.1.:: DF f:::LAYCSA1i12r2.- LOAFI PCCFS 3 AC 7. . WATER SUP:?L : LD 1.-.1IA.'Z.3.R.4114 PROPOS'M.) i.r1.31,1'7IC s • 'LW '1 • OA 1 IS1 . , • flu • • 71 • ears:. PERTINENT T.P./701ZWIMe N 7.T :LS HERE 1-2,Y; 7},G1"-Z, ED THAT IF :s APP:C.I.XCP.F.ZON AND `P OTTS 12071.F. YON or SEWAGE D 7:SPO SEL FACI T..,IT I IF:3, WILL BE 12 C.01-'1. TETTE DETAIL°s til-gx.q1„ • • it.-32,,Agrolu API) I CV-\,ITA Lb.:Fai,' 4:3 ORM?, p Any comm. s s XON APP P.CY Mit saa.tur e`;'f N6 h sr 6/1 • •