08-20-2024 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) Q UEENSBUR YPTANNING BOARD MEETING FIRSTREGUTAR MEETING A UGUST 201r,2024 INDEX Site Plan No.54-2023 Ibrahim Jamal(Cameron's Deli) 1. REQUEST FOR 1 YR. EXT. Tax Map No. 303.16-1-5S Subdivision No. 7-2024 Native Partners,LLC 2. PRELIMINARY STAGE Tax Map No. 30S.16-2-14 Subdivision No. S-2024 FINAL STAGE TABLED TO S.27.2024 Site Plan No.52-2024 Native Partners,LLC 2. TABLED TO S.27.2024 Tax Map No. 30S.16-2-14 Site Plan No. 46-2024 Ann&Jay Dixon 4. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 239.17-1-12 Site Plan No. 47-2024 Gregg Nolte 6. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 239.12-2-10 Site Plan No. 4S-2024 Mountain Vista Properties/Chris Racicot 9. ZBA RECOMMENDATION Tax Map No. 315.6-2-12,315.6-2-15 Site Plan No.50-2024 HWP Development,LLC 11. Tax Map No. 295.E-1-5 Site Plan No. 49-2024 Apex Energy Tek 14. Tax Map No. 252.-1-5S THESE ARE NOT OFFICIALLY ADOPTED MINUTES AND ARE SUBJECT TO BOARD AND STAFF REVISIONS. REVISIONS WILL APPEAR ON THE FOLLOWING MONTH'S MINUTES(IF ANY)AND WILL STATE SUCH APPROVAL OF SAID MINUTES. 1 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/20/2024) QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING FIRST REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 20,2024 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT STEPHEN TRAVER,CHAIRMAN ELLEN MC DEVITT,VICE CHAIRWOMAN FRITZ STEFANZICK,SECRETARY BRAD MAGOWAN DAVID DEEB BRADY STARK TOM UNCHER,ALTERNATE LAND USE PLANNER-LAURA MOORE STENOGRAPHER-MARIA GAGLIARDI MR.TRAVER-Good evening,ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board meeting for Tuesday, August 20`h, 2024. This is our first meeting for the month of August and our 17th meeting thus far for the year. If we have an emergency, please observe the illuminated emergency exit signs. They will stay illuminated with backup power. Those are the emergency exits. If you have a cell phone or other electronic device,if you would either turn it off or turn the ringer so as not to interfere with the recording of the minutes for the meeting. We also ask, for the same reason, if you wish to have a conversation amongst yourselves,other than the public hearings for those applicable applications,if you would go to the outer lobby to have that conversation we'd appreciate it,again,so it doesn't interfere with the recording of the minutes. With that, I want to announce that we will be tabling the Native Partners two applications that are on the agenda or have been on the agenda for this evening to next week. That's going to be tabled to the August 27th meeting. That will be one of the first orders of business. So first we have some administrative items. Approval of minutes from the June 18 and June 20 Planning Board meeting. Does anyone on the Board have any additions,corrections to either of those minutes? Hearing none,we have a draft resolution. APPROVAL OF MINUTES June 18`h,2024 June 20`h,2024 MOTION TO APPROVETHE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF TUNE 18`h &z TUNE 20`h, 2024, Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption, seconded by Ellen McDevitt: Duly adopted this 20`h day of August,2024,by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Deeb,Mr.Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-Next we have a request for a one year extension from Site Plan 54-2023. This is for Cameron's Deli. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM: SITE PLAN 54-2023 IBRAHIM JAMAL (CAMERON'S DELI) — REQUEST FOR A ONE YEAR EXTENSION MR. TRAVER-:Laura? MRS. MOORE-Right now this Cameron's Deli project,they have other approvals to obtain,and they have yet to secure some contracting. So they've asked for an extension for a year. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Is this their first request? MRS. MOORE-Correct. It is their first request. 2 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. TRAVER-Okay. Any questions, comments, concerns on that extension request from any of the Board? MR. STEFANZICK-What approvals are they looking for? MRS. MOORE-They're building an addition to the existing building. MR. DEEB-Other approvals he said. MRS. MOORE-Other State,other items. It could be additional. MR. TRAVER-It might be DOT or something related to fuel also. MR. MAGOWAN-They're adding fuel I thought. MR. TRAVER-Yes, so it could be related to that. They have underground tanks and all of that kind of stuff. All right. We have a draft resolution. RESOLUTION GRANTING A ONE YR. EXTENSION SP 54-2023 IBRAHIM JAMAL(CAMERON'S) The applicant submitted the following application for consideration: Applicant proposed a 1,S1S sq It single story convenience store addition to an existing 3,514 sq ft deli that will remain with access to each use internally. The Planning Board approved Site Plan 54-2023 on August 22,2023. MOTION TO APPROVE A ONE YEAR EXTENSION FOR 54-2023 IBRAHIM JAMAL (CAMERON'S DELI Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption, seconded by Ellen McDevitt. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR.TRAVER-All right. Thank you,and again,as mentioned,we're going to be tabling the Native Partners application, two applications I should say, from this evening to a week from tonight, the next Planning Board meeting,which will take place on the 27`h. I think we have draft resolutions to that,and should we open a public hearing,Laura? MRS. MOORE-Yes. SUBDIVISION NO. 7-2024 PRELIMINARY STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 8-2024 FINAL STAGE SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED. NATIVE PARTNERS, LLC. AGENT(S): ABD ENGINEERS. OWNER(S): HALCYON PROPERTIES, INC. ZONING: MDR, CLI. LOCATION: 377 CORINTH ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES A 3 LOT SUBDIVISION. LOT 1 WILL BE 1.15 ACRES AND MAINTAIN AN EXISTING HOME. LOT 2 WILL BE 10.29 ACRES AND BE DEVELOPED FOR A WAREHOUSE FACILITY. LOT 3 WILL BE A VACANT PARCEL OF 10.73 ACRES. THE ZONING IS SPLIT WITH LOT 1 BEING IN THE MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONE AND THE OTHER TWO LOTS BEING ZONED COMMERCIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 183,SUBDIVISION OF A PARCEL INTO 3 LOTS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: N/A FOR SUBDIVISION. SITE INFORMATION: TRAVEL CORRIDOR. LOT SIZE: 22.2 ACRES. TAX MAP NO 308.16-2-14. SECTION: 183. SITE PLAN NO. 52-2024 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED. NATIVE PARTNERS, LLC. AGENT(S): ABD ENGINEERS. OWNER(S): HALCYON PROPERTIES, INC. ZONING: MDR. CLI. LOCATION: 377 CORINTH ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES CONSTRUCTION OF A 76,200 S. FT. ONE STORY STRUCTURE WITH A MEZZANINE FOR WHOLE SALE AND BUILDING SUPPLY FACILITY. PROJECT INCLUDES ASSOCIATED SITEWORK, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING. THE PROJET IS PART OFA 3 LOT SUBDIVISION. LOT 1 IS AN EXISTING 1.15 ACRE RESIDENTIAL LOT, LOT 2 IS 10.29 ACRES AND WILL BE DEVELOPED FOR THE WAREHOUSE FACILITY,AND LOT 3 IS A VACANT 10.73 ACRE PARCEL. THE ZONING IS SPLIT WITH LOT 1 BEING IN THE MODERATE DENSITY 3 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) RESIDENTIAL ZONE AND THE OTHER TWO LOTS BEING ZONED COMMERCIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040,SITE PLAN FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION IN A CLI ZONE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE: WARREN CO. REFERRAL: AUGUST 2024. SITE INFORMATION: TRAVEL CORRIDOR. LOT SIZE: 22.2 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 308.16-2-14. SECTION: 179-3-040. MR. TRAVER-So we'll open the public hearing on Subdivision Preliminary Stage, 7-2024, Subdivision Final Stage 5-2024 and also Site Plan 52-2024. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MR.TRAVER-That public hearing will remain open until that application is heard next week on Tuesday, August 27`h. With that we have those resolutions. RESOLUTION TABLING SUB#7-2024 PRELIM STG. SUB#5-2024 FINAL STAGE NATIVE WHEREAS,Applicant proposes a 3 lot subdivision. Lot 1 will be 1.15 acres and maintain an existing home. Lot 2 will be 10.29 acres and be developed for a warehouse facility. Lot 3 will be a vacant parcel of 10.73 acres. The zoning is split with Lot I being in the moderate density residential zone and the other two lots being zoned Commercial Light Industrial. Pursuant to chapter IS3,subdivision of a parcel into 3 lots shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Tabled to the August 27,2024 Planning Board meeting. MOTION TO TABLE SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY 7-2024 &z SUBDIVISION FINAL 8-2024. Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption. Tabled until August 27`h,2024. Motion seconded by Ellen McDevitt. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr.Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker RESOLUTION TABLING SP#52-2024 NATIVE PARTNERS,LLC Applicant proposes construction of a 76,200 sq It one story structure with a mezzanine for wholesale and building supply facility. Project includes associated sitework, stormwater management,landscaping, and lighting. The project is part of a 3 lot subdivision. Lot 1 is an existing 1.15 acre residential lot,Lot 2 is 10.29 acres and will be developed for the warehouse facility,and lot 3 is a vacant 10.73 acre parcel. The zoning is split with Lot I being in the moderate density residential zone and the other two lots being zoned Commercial Light Industrial. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040,site plan for new construction in a CLI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Tabled until the August 27,2024 Planning Board meeting. MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN 52-2024 NATIVE PARTNERS,LLC. Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption,seconded by Brad Magowan. Tabled until the August 27`h,2024 meeting. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Deeb,Mrs.McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MRS. MOORE-Before you move on,can you just confirm that that subdivision included both the final and the preliminary numbers? MR. STEFANZIK-Yes,Preliminary and Final. I read both,7-2024 and 5-2024. MRS. MOORE-Okay. Thank you. 4 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR.TRAVER-All right. So now we move to our regular agenda,and the first section is recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The first application to be considered is Ann&Jay Dixon. This is Site Plan 46-2024. PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: SITE PLAN NO. 46-2024 SEQR TYPE: TYPE 11. ANN &z JAY DIXON. AGENT(S): EDP. OWNER(S): J. WILLIAM MAYNARD &z MARGARET MAYNARD. ZONING: WR. LOCATION: 41 ANTIGUA ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEMOLISH AN EXISTING HOME TO CONSTRUCT A NEW HOME WITH A 2,235 SQ. FT. FOOTPRINT AND 405 SQ. FT. OF PORCH/DECK AREA. THE TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF NEW HOME IS 3,963 SQ. FT. THE EXISTING SHED AND DRIVEWAY WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED. NEW SEPTIC AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TO BE DEVELOPED. SITE WORK INCLUDES NEW WALKING PATH RETAINING WALLS. PURSUANT TO CHAPTERS 179-3-040, 179-6-050 &z 179-6-065, SITE PLAN FOR NEW FLOOR AREA IN A CEA SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR SETBACKS AND HEIGHT. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE: AV 44-2024. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: AUGUST 2024. SITE INFORMATION: CEA,LGPC,APA. LOT SIZE: 1.05 ACRES. TAX MAP NO.239.17-1-12. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-6-050,19-6-065. CONNOR DE MYER,REPRESENTING APPLICANTS,PRESENT MR. TRAVER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-So this applicant proposes to demolish an existing home to construct a new home with a footprint of 2,235 square feet,approximately 405 square feet of porch/deck area. The new floor area is to be 3,963. The existing shed and driveway are to remain unchanged. There's a new septic system, stormwater management devices to be installed. It includes some new walk paths and retaining walls, and the variance for this is the applicant requests height relief where the maximum allowed is 2S and proposed is 29.6. Also requested is a shoreline setback of 63 feet where 75 feet is required. A stream setback also of 46 feet,also with a 75 foot requirement. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. DE MYER-Good evening, everyone. Connor DeMyer with Environmental Design Partnership representing Ann and Jay Dixon of the Dixon Maynard family. The property's been in the family for 40 plus years. They've used their camp over that time and now they're moving into a full time residence, dwelling. So that's why we're here,to tear down a four bedroom,with a new four bedroom house that's slightly bigger with some patios and decks and stuff,a new septic system and new stormwater where none currently exists. We're also doing some shoreline enhancement to bring it up to Code and improve access to that little house. So if you guys have any questions,I can answer therm MR. TRAVER-Yes, with regard to the setbacks and the height and so on, since you're re-doing the structure,can you improve upon those any? MR. DE MYER-So for the height, Laura, if you want to go to Slide Seven of that. It's a slightly bit of a triangle. You can kind of see it up there,that little. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Yes. MR. DE MYER-It's not much for height. We kind of got caught after it,you know,we missed it,and with the grade of the property,if we moved it back to meet shoreline setback,height would be much taller and it would be more grading, cutting. It's a lot more work if we slide it back, and, Laura,if you go to Slide Six,please,that's the,the red lines indicate the setbacks for the stream and the lake. It kind of leaves like an awkward trapezoid in there to build in. MR. TRAVER-Right. MR. DE MYER-We're kind of just replacing over the same footprint roughly. We're a little bit closer,but I think,you know,we're not touching that buffer that's already to that wetland,or, sorry,to the stream. . So I think it's an overall improvement of the property. MR. STEFANZIK-Is that a large stream? I didn't get to seethe stream probably because of all the woods. MR. DE MYER-It's about three feet wide. It's kind of a ravine. It takes drainage from uphill and it goes right down to the lake. There's a culvert at the south side of the property that kind of takes it over through 9L and it just brings it down towards the lake. It's existing. We're not touching it. 5 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. STEFANZIK-And the shoreline improvements? What are you doing there? MR. DE MYER-Enhanced plantings to kind of bring it up to the Code that's required. Additional shrubs and herbaceous plants. MR.TRAVER-So this evening we're not here for Site Plan Review but rather for review for the variance to consider forwarding this on to the Zoning Board of Appeals. So again,just to review those variances,it's a height of 1 foot 6 inches; shoreline setback 63 feet where 75 required and stream setback where 46 is proposed and 75 is required. Additional questions,comments from members of the Board? Does anyone have any specific concerns that we want to communicate to the Zoning Board of Appeals? Are we prepared to accept this? MR. MAGOWAN-To me, Mr. Chairman,you're encroaching over there by two feet onto the, the house that's there,you have 2S feet,you're going down to 26,but my question is,you know,on that design of the house,you do have a retention wall. Is that retention wall? Because you've got steps going down. MR. DE MYER-Based on how the slope of the land is,you know,we lose three, four feet from the front entrance to the lakeside of the house,and that's kind of where we lose that little bit of height, and I don't think it's a major request. It's a very small amount. MR. MAGOWAN-The height doesn't bother me. I was thinking,you know, of being able to move that house back to that first retaining wall right behind the,you know,and do that as a poured concrete wall. MR. DE MYER-It would be more steps. We're trying to improve access down there. If we kind of slid it back,it would be. MR. MAGOWAN-Are we talking the same,I'm talking the back of the house,not the front. MRS. MOORE-Towards the road or towards the shore? MR. MAGOWAN-Towards the road. MR. DE MYER-So if we slid it back. MR. MAGOWAN-You come off Antigua Road there,right? MR. DE MYER-Yes. MR. MAGOWAN-If you move it back, you'd be possibly taking out some steps,you know, a bunch of steps,instead of having that stone wall,you know, and then the pavers,if you're able to,how high is that wall? MR. DE MYER-It's about three feet,three feet's the max wall. MR. MAGOWAN-So,you know,your basement foundation,you know,you pour a 12 inch back wall,seal it,and you could eliminate that one wall and a bunch of steps,then you'd come right in onto your porch. MR. DE MYER-I think the idea is to get it back in the same footprint of the existing house. That's the goal, and there's not too much within that 75 foot setback. Typically,you know,around Lake George, it is 50. I know we're in a 75 foot zone, and we're trying to meet it as best we can, but I think we would prefer to keep it kind of where it's shown if possible. MR. MAGOWAN-So the house right now is sitting at,what,64 feet? MR. DE MYER-It's 63 to the bottom of the steps. Since they're attached to the house it's considered part of the structure. The majority of the house sits at 67 feet from the shore. MR. TRAVER-So do we have any specific comments that we want to refer to the ZBA regarding these variances? MR. MAGOWAN-So what are the variances again? Sorry. MR. TRAVER-That's okay. The height variance is,they're requesting 29.6 feet and the maximum height allowed is 2S and he showed us the very tip of the roof was I and a half feet above the 2S. The shoreline setback from Lake George is 63 feet and in this case 75 feet is required and the stream setback is 46 and again 75 feet is required. It's basically the original footprint of the house as it is now. 6 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. DE MYER-We are slightly closer to the stream,but,yes,it's roughly in that same exact footprint,and we're not touching the buffer that lines up to that stream at all. It'll remain. MR. TRAVER-And you are replacing the septic and updating the stormwater. Correct? MR. DE MYER-Yes,there's no stormwater existing. There's a swale that runs along the northwest of the house, but the septic's undersized and older. So replacing with a new septic system and doing actual stormwater management for the whole property. I think it's quite an improvement. MR. MAGOWAN-And 4 of 6 is your planting,your landscaping plans? MR. DE MYER-Yes. Sheet 4 is our planting plan. You can see that we're adding some herbaceous plants, some extra shrubs and the woods,it's pretty mature in there and we're not encroaching it really or touching it. It'll remain as is. It's already pretty heavily treed along the shore. There's a lot of maples down there and a huge willow on the shore. We're not touching any trees along the shoreline. MR. TRAVER-And that's also not part of the variance that we're reviewing tonight for the ZBA. We will be looking at Site Plan when they return. Any specific comments that we want to forward to the ZBA regarding the variances? Hearing none,we have a draft resolution. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#44-2024 ANN&JAY DIXON The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes to demolish an existing home to construct new home with a 2,235 sq ft footprint and 405 sq ft of porch/deck area. The total floor area of new home is 3,963 sq ft. The existing shed and driveway will remain unchanged. New septic and stormwater management to be developed. Site work includes new walking path retaining walls. Pursuant to chapters 179-3-040, 179-6-050 &r 179-6-065, site plan for new floor area in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks and height. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 44-2024 ANN&z JAY DIXON. Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption,and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Ellen McDevitt. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr.Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-You're off to the ZBA. MR. DE MYER-Thank you. MR. TRAVER-The next item on our agenda is Gregg Nolte. This is Site Plan 47-2024. SITE PLAN NO.47-2024 SEQR TYPE: TYPE 11. GREGG NOLTE. AGENT(S): EDP. OWNER(S): DONALD NOLTE&z ANNE NOLTE. ZONING: WR. LOCATION: 35 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES A 384 SQ.FT.ADDITION AND A 35 SQ.FT. COVERED LANDING FOR AN EXISTING 1,250 SQ. FT. HOME. THE PORCH WILL REMAIN BUT THE 144 SQ. FT. DECK WILL BE REMOVED, ALONG WITH SOME OTHER ANCILLARY SITE ITEMS. THE NEW FLOOR AREA WILL BE 1,729 SQ. FT. SITE WORK INCLUDES NEW SEPTIC SYSTEM AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. PURSUANT TO CHAPTERS 179-3-040 &z 179-6-065, SITE PLAN FOR NEW FLOOR AREA IN A CEA SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR SETBACKS AND PERMEABILITY. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF 7 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE" AV 1357-21565, AV 45-2024. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: AUGUST 2024. SITE INFORMATION: CEA, LGPC,APA. LOT SIZE: 0.25 ACRE. TAX MAP NO.239.12-2-10. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-6-065. CONNOR DE MYER,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MR. TRAVER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-So this applicant proposes a 3S4 square foot addition,and a 35 foot covered landing,for an existing 1,250 square foot home. There is a deck of 144 square feet that is to be removed. The project includes installation of a 100 square foot shed and the relief that they're requesting is an addition. The addition is to be two feet from the property line where a 20 foot setback is required,and relief is requested for permeability where 69.490/o is proposed and 750/o is required. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. Hello,again. Would you state your name again for the record. MR. DE MYER-Connor DeMyer, Environmental Design Partnership representing Gregg and Bruce Nolte of 35 Assembly Point Road. Tonight we're looking for recommendation to tomorrow night's Zoning meeting. The project includes an addition of the house. It's been in the Nolte family for quite along time and they're kind of updating it to keep it new,newer on the inside,new kitchen. The interior renovations along with 3S4 square foot addition to the east. With this we're going to do stormwater. We've received Board of Health variances for the septic system. The existing leach field or cesspool,whatever we really want to call it,up in the northwest corner of the property, is well undersized for a four bedroom. Soils there aren't the greatest and there's no too much room on a quarter acre lot,so we opted for holding tanks. That was all approved with the Board of Health a few months ago, and we're doing some more site improvements with improved parking along there and some walkways,plantings,again,and stormwater. MR. TRAVER-Okay,and this is not on the shoreline. MR. DE MYER-Correct. MR. TRAVER-So we don't have to address the buffering issue. And there's a note that the landscaping will plant at least as many native trees as what was removed. So how many are going to be removed and how many are going to be planted? MR. DE MYER-I don't quite think we were planning on removing any of therm I didn't have it on our plans,but we are going to enhance along Assembly Point Road. It gives them a little more privacy with some shrubs and trees there. The property takes a lot of Assembly Point Road's drainage and there's actually a culvert that goes out of the property from Assembly Point. So we're kind of re-shaping in that depression there and cleaning it up. With that,you know,enhancing that buffer thereto the road as well. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Well when you come back for Site Plan,if you could have some specific numbers so that we have those in the resolution. MR. DE MYER-Yes,we are adding seven. We have seven trees shown, and then some shrubs along the side property line. MR. TRAVER-Okay. MR. DE MYER-I don't think we were planning on removing any. MR. TRAVER-We like that. All right. Questions,comments from members of the Board? MR. STEFANZIK-What is the main thing that's adding to the permeability or reducing the permeability? Is it the driveway,the house? MR.DE MYER-So there was an existing driveway that kind of goes through,it shares two properties there, and we're kind of re-shaping our impermeable area there to our own driveway for the property. The addition is 3S4 square feet,and on a quarter acre lot right there that's already a pretty big increase. We're removing the gazebo style patio that's existing to kind of counteract some of that, and adding a shed,100 square foot shed,just because there's no garages. We're not proposing garages,and,you know,someplace to store some equipment. It's pretty minor. It's pretty modest. We're just trying to enhance the property a little bit. MRS. MC DEVITT-So the other brown building, there's like a house and then there's a brown building closer to the house,well,going to the west. MR. DE MYER-The brown building is the Colliers. It's not on our property. S (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MRS. MC DEVITT-That's what I couldn't figure out. MR. DE MYER-It's right along the property line. It's, I would say, five, four feet from our property line. It's very close,and that's why we have to move the septic. We can't get construction along that property line. MRS. MC DEVITT-It just was confusing to me. I couldn't figure out if that was somehow being packed in to the,you know. MR. DE MYER-No,it's a different property. MRS. MC DEVITT-It just looked similar to. MR. DE MYER-Yes,I think they were built right at the same time. MR. MAGOWAN-I have a question on the existing wastewater systenL It says to be abandoned in place. Do you fill it in? MR. DE MYER-The Board of Health reviewed it. We did say we would fill it in if it was required. They didn't make it seem like it was a requirement. The problem is getting therewith a machine is pretty. MR. MAGOWAN-Yes,I know the property. I drive by it all the time going out there. It just dawned on me that,you know,I've seen that Nolte name,blue and gold or something. MR. DE MYER-Yes. MR. MAGOWAN-But,yes,I would just worry about,over time,if it it's a cess pool,it can't be that huge. MR. DE MYER-Yes,it's not a huge system by any means. It's just getting in therewith equipment. MR. MAG OWAN-I'm not asking you to digit out. I'm just asking it to be filled in somehow. MR. DE MYER-We can add that on our plans. MR. MAGOWAN-I just think that's safer,because it is, that is tight and there's a lot of people over, and they're all small lots and,you know,it looks like,it's kind of like family actually,with your neighbors,and those are holding tanks. MR. DE MYER-Yes. It was hard to get a system in. There's a neighboring well right across from us. MR. MAGOWAN-You have water at two foot. I know that's a low part there across the street. It's really wet. MR. DE MYER-Yes,it's low and we're proposing a new well as well. MR. MAGOWAN-Yes,I don't have a problem with the,because the existing house is already on,and the adding planning and the holding tanks. My only concern was the cess pit. It's probably all rooted up anyway,but thank you. MR. DE MYER-Yes. MR.TRAVER-All right. So,again,this is a referral to the ZBA for setback and permeability. Does anyone have any specific recommendations or comments that they want to communicate to the ZBA as they look at this? Hearing none,we have a draft resolution. RECOMMENDATION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#45-2024 GREGG NOLTE The applicant has submitted an application for the following:Applicant proposes a 3S4 sq ft addition and a 35 sq ft covered landing for an existing 1,250 sq ft home.The porch will remain but the 144 sq ft deck will be removed, along with some other ancillary site items. The new floor area will be 1,729 sq ft. Site work includes new septic system and stormwater management. Pursuant to chapters 179-3-040 & 179-6-065, site plan for new floor area in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks and permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; 9 (Queensbury Planning Board 08/20/2024) The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 45-2024 GREGG NOLTE. Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption,and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Ellen McDevitt. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-You are off to the ZBA. MR. DE MYER-Thank you guys. MR. TRAVER-The next item on our agenda,also a recommendation from the Planning Board to the ZBA, is Mountain Vista Properties. This is Chris Racicot. Site Plan 48-2024. SITE PLAN NO 48-2024 SEQR TYPE: UNLISTED. MOUNTAIN VISTA PROPERTIES/CHRIS RACICOT. AGENT(S): EDP. OWNER(S): SAME AS APPLICANT. ZONING: MDR. LOCATION: 3-21 FOOTHILLS ROAD/CORINTH ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES CONSTRUCTION OF 3 APARTMENT BUILDINGS,EACH WITH 4 UNITS„FOR A TOTAL OF 12 UNITS. SITE WORK WILL INCLUDE SEPTIC SYSTEMS, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, AND CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL WATER. THE PROJECT WILL ALSO MAINTAIN THE EXISTING 8 UNITS, MAKING20 TOTAL UNITS FOR THE SITE. THE PROJECT ALSO INCLUDES THE MERGER OF TWO LOTS, TOTALING 9.17 ACRES. MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS REQUIRE 2 ACRES PER LOT WITHOUT SEWER AND WATER. PURSUANT TO CHAPTERS 179-3-40, 179-5-100 &z 179-8-050, SITE PLAN FOR A MULTI-FAMILY PROJECT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. VARIANCE: RELIEF IS SOUGHT FOR LOT SIZE, DENSITY &z NUMBER OF UNITS. PLANNING BOARD SHALL PROVIDE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. CROSS REFERENCE: SP 64-88, AV 15-1989, DISC 1-2024, AV 46-2024. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: AUGUST 2024. SITE INFORMATION: TRAVEL CORRIDOR OVERLAY. LOT SIZE: 5.5 ACRES, 3.53 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 315.6-2-12,315.6-2-15. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-5-100,179-8-050. CLARK WILKINSON,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT;CHRIS RACICOT,PRESENT MR. TRAVER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-So the applicant proposes construction of three apartment buildings,each with four units, for a total of 12. Site work includes septic system,stormwater management and connection to municipal water. The project will also maintain the existing eight units, so making 20 total units for the site. The project includes merger of two lots totaling 9.17 acres, and the variance relief is in reference to lot size, where 12 units would require 24 acres. The existing number of units is eight, and an additional twelve would be twenty where 40 acres would be required,lot size of 9.17 where .46 acres per unit is proposed and number of units proposed,again,is 20 overall where the maximum allowed would be 4 units. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Thank you. Good evening. MR. WILKINSON-Good evening. For the record my name is Clark Wilkinson of the Environmental Design Partnership. Herewith me is Chris Racicot who's the applicant in this case. Attorney Jon Lapper is on vacation and couldn't be here with us,but he is representing the case as well. MR. TRAVER-Okay. MR.WILKINSON-We were here in March and we discussed the project a little bit as far as trying to get an idea of how far to go with that and whether it was feasible and for the most part the plan that's before you is fairly close to what we presented in March. We adjusted the buildings a little bit. We tightened up to the road as much as we could. We provided all the stormwater management. We've gotten engineering comments on that, by the way, and relatively minor. We've already addressed them in our 10 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) office. I just haven't re-submitted it,and the existing Foothills Road is an existing 24 foot wide road. It's to Town standards. The waterline exists within the road and that's what we would tap for the services on this, and to give a little bit of perspective on this, each building footprint is roughly 3300 square feet, which is, to me, a large single family home,but it houses four families, and that's one of the reasons why the density is up. So if you want to think about it that way,those three buildings are like three large single family homes on that road,but they hold 12 families. I want to try to put that in perspective within your mind to just get an idea of size and relative size of the parcel and how we're developing it. In addition to the south,next to the Inspiration Park subdivision,which by the way those lots are quarter acre lots,we left a buffer there between them and also to the east is the Hudson Pointe subdivision, and those average size lots are about a third to .4 acres as well. So in our mind this project fits density wise within the surrounding neighborhoods. In addition, Foothills Road right now only has those two, four unit, it's actually four buildings that are duplexes, or two duplexes plus garages, so there's another building, and this project would more or less fill out and look like it was a full development that was thought about a lot time ago. There'd be less impact. There's less impact to the environment and to the site because of that existing road, and by adding the adjoining piece to the south which is what we're doing as part of this project,we're trying to get the density up. So we're here tonight to discuss the project and to try to get a recommendation from the Board for going to the ZBA for the variance on the density. MR. TRAVER-Okay. You mentioned that you were here and you discussed this with us in March? MR.WILKINSON-Yes,in sketch plan. MR. TRAVER-Sketch plan. Okay. I apologize. I do not recall that conversation,but it was this type of density? MR.WILKINSON-It was the same density. Exactly the same. MR. TRAVER-Okay. All right. Questions,comments from members of the Board? MR. STEFANZIK-Is there anything being done with this project than the original eight units? MR. WILKINSON-The original eight units were duplexes and these are now going to be a townhouse style with four units per building. MR. STEFANZIK-Septic system,water hook up,all the same? MR. WILKINSON-Septic system,public water. The septic systems are shown within the site plans as well,fully designed. We've done all the soils testing and everything else on that, and we also did the soil testing for the stormwater management area as well and the infiltration rate exceeds what the maximum is allowed by DEC. MR. STEFANZIK-How old are those units? MR.WILKINSON-1 think they were built in the late SO's. MR. STEFANZIK-They were very nicely maintained. MR.WILKINSON-The site plan approval I have here is 19,the Site Plan 64-SS. MR. TRAVER-Have you received and looked at the engineering comments? MR.WILKINSON-Yes,I have. MR. TRAVER-So you saw the comment about the EAF. MR.WILKINSON-Yes,I did,and again,I thought that was in the package. That's no big deal. I've already also made contact with SHPO and through Chris and done all the stuff we need and gotten a response letter back and I'm going to re-submit that as well. MR. TRAVER-Okay. So we can talk about that at site plan. MR.WILKINSON-Yes,we can. MR. TRAVER-Anything else from members of the Board for referral to the ZBA on the variance for the density? MR. DEEB-I look at that, and the other units are duplexes. Did you give any consideration to the newer units being duplexes? 11 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. RACICOT-The difference is that,you're actually taking off less,the garages are in the middle. So you have the duplex,but then you have four garages in between them,but then you have the garages on the side,where those are two beds, and I would say when I put one of those out for rent I get about 60 to SO people in a matter of two or three days that are looking,and you've just got to try to decipher who's coming real quick,but eight out of ten people are looking for a three bedroom because most of them have kids,and it's kind of a some people manage and they do bunk beds and a two bedroom,but they're just a little bigger. So that's why I still want to keep the garage because if you've ever looked into an apartment,maybe you might not park in it,but a lot of it's just for storage,just for,you know,you're not going to spend another $150 on a storage unit. MR. MAG OWAN-I like this concept better than we talked about in March. I think it really fits the needs of the community,yet, and, Chris, I believe you were right, this is what people are looking for, and,you know,a good two and three bedroom with a storage garage,storage/garage,you know,whatever. I think it's a great idea, and it's nice to see something more going further out toward the mountain. I think it's a good setting. It sets back off. I think you did a great job here. MR. RACICOT-It's just the right side of Town to be on. I mean that's the side that I grew up on. I was off of West Mountain Road. I skied. I love it. You can follow the lights home. MR. TRAVER-All right. If there's nothing further,we have a resolution. RESOLUTION RE: ZBA RECOMMENDATION RE: AV#46-2024 MOUNTAIN VISTA PROPERTIES The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes construction of 3 apartment buildings, each with 4 units, for a total of 12 units. Site work will include septic systems, stormwater management, and connection to municipal water. The project will also maintain the existing S units, making 20 total units for the site. The project also includes the merger of two lots, totaling 9.17 acres. Multi-family buildings require 2 acres per lot without sewer and water.Pursuant to chapters 179-3- 040,179-5-100&179-5-050, site plan for a multi-family project shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for lot size, density & number of units. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals&Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application,the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE 46-2024 MOUNTAIN VISTA PROPERTIES/CHRIS RACICOT.Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption,and a) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. Motion seconded by Ellen McDevitt. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Deeb,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-You are off to the ZBA. MR.WILKINSON-Thank you very much for your time. MR. RACICOT-Thankyou. MR. TRAVER-The next section of our agenda is New Business and the first item is HWP Development LLC. This is Site Plan 50-2024. NEW BUSINESS: SITE PLAN NO.50-2024 SEQR TYPE: TYPE II. HWP DEVELOPMENT,LLC. AGENT(S): AJA ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING. OWNER(S): HWP DEVELOPMENT,LLC. ZONING: CI. LOCATION: 89 SIX FLAGS DRIVE. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO MODIFY THE EXTERIOR 12 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) AREA OF THE UPDATED INTERIOR RESTAURANT OF THE GREAT ESCAPE LODGE. THE EXISTING 1,657 SQ. FT. PATIO WILL BE IMPROVED BY ADDITION TWO 516 SQ. FT. PERGOLAS FOR OUTDOOR EATING. A NEW CONDENSER AREA WILL BE INSTALLED ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BUILDING,NEAR THE RESTAURANT,WITH FENCING AROUND IT. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-040, SITE PLAN FOR SITE WORK ON A COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE: SP 4-2004, SP 61-2004, SP 70-2005, SP 3-2018, AV 5-2018. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: AUGUST 2024. SITE INFORMATION: TRAVEL CORRIDOR. LOT SIZE: 10.76 ACRES. TAX MAP NO.295.8-1-5. SECTION: 179-3-040. ROY RANDOLPH&JOE MARTINEZ,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,PRESENT MR. TRAVER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-So this applicant proposes to modify the exterior area of the updated interior restaurant of The Great Escape Lodge. The existing 1,657 square foot patio will be improved by adding two 516 square foot pergolas for outdoor eating. A new condenser area will be installed on the east side of the building near the restaurant with fencing around it, and there's other site amenities including the coolers and the roll off dumpster areas. Some of that to remain and some of that's just being adjusted. There is a new six foot wide privacy fence to be installed from the new outdoor area to the service area screening and we already talked about the condenser. Signage has to, most likely will be subject to a variance, and just a reminder that all fixtures are to be downcast. There's no uplighting allowed, and I just suggested the Board to talk about the signage and the lighting. MR. TRAVER-Yes. Thank you. Good evening. MR. RANDOLPH-Good evening. My name is Roy Randolph. I'm with AJA Architecture and Planning. I'm here representing Six Flags, Great Escape. Also with me is Joe Martinez from the Six Flags Great Escape as well. So we are here today looking for approval on site improvements over at the Six Flags Great Escape Lodge. Those improvements, like Laura said, correspond to a new restaurant going in in the interior of the building replacing the existing banquet hall. These improvements are at an existing patio location. So we are simply looking to beautify this patio. So by doing that,we are looking at adding open air trellises. These trellises are timber framed. There are two of them. Other features as mentioned are some site fencing. This is wood privacy fencing,primarily being put in place for safety reasons,closing off service areas. Other things that are included in this are some site lighting. That is along the existing pathway,and again for safety reasons and to help with circulation. So overall it's looking at existing patio location, improving it, making it look nicer for this new restaurant that is being installed in the existing banquet space. So if you go, if you look, in regards to signage, we're looking at replacing the existing signage that was once at Johnny Rockets in kind. So not looking to make any major changes with that type of signage. So one primary road sign to replace the one that was there,and then one sign located back at the building as similar with Johnny Rockets. MRS. MOORE-So most likely that's subject to a sign variance. So you won't, one, the wall sign is too large, and the multiple signs triggers a variance. So that,it doesn't,you'd have to submit a separate sign variance package. So it's not something the Board would be approving this evening. MR. TRAVER-And if you can get the dimensions and the other information to Laura she can help you clarify exactly what it is,from the sign variance aspect. MR. DEER-It would go through zoning? MRS. MOORE-It would go to the Zoning Board. It would not come back to this Board. If the Board's in agreement that it's a general consensus that you agree with the outlook of it,just not necessarily the size of it. MR. TRAVER-So as far as the changes proposed, the updates to the restaurant, does the Board have any questions or comments for the applicant? MR. MAGOWAN-The only thing I want to say as you know my house is right in the backyard of The Great Escape, on the other side, and people always ask me and I say,you know, it's a happy noise,you know, it doesn't bother me. The improvements that you're always making, especially with The Bobcat that I haven't ridden on yet,but otherwise,you know,all the improvements that you've done,you brought back the swans and dredged and I have to say I drive past that Lodge all the time and it just sets in there and it looks nice,and I was said to see the old Red Coach go,but,you know,Johnny Rockets go,but you're appeasing a clientele and you've done a great job and everything else. So I just wanted to make those comments. I'm happy to see,you know,sometimes change is good on growth. Sothis is another plus for you guys. MR. MARTINEZ-Thankyou. 13 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. TRAVER-There is a public hearing on this application as well. Is there anyone in the audience that wants to address the Planning Board on this Site Plan 50-2024? I'm not seeing anyone. Laura's checking for written comments. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MRS. MOORE-There are no written comments. MR. TRAVER-Okay. So we will go ahead and close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. TRAVER-Are there any other questions for the applicant from members of the Board? MRS. MOORE-Sorry. In reference to,you have some light poles that are identified as part of the pathway. So they all need to be cutoff fixtures,downcast. They can't bean open bulb or anything like that. They have to be a downcast fixture. So as part of the Board's approval,then I would suggest that you include a light fixture cut sheet with your final plans. MR. TRAVER-Okay. We'll include that as well. So cut sheets and downcast lighting only. Anything else? Any other questions,comments from members of the Board? MR. STEFANZIK-Do we include as one of the conditions the sign variance package? MR. TRAVER-Well,no,Laura's going to address that separately. They won't be able to do anything with the signage. So we just need to worry about the site plan,which is the cut off lighting on the poles and the cut sheets to Planning Staff. MR. STEFANZIK-Okay. RESOLUTION APPROVING SP#50-2024 HWP DEVELOPMENT,LLC Applicant proposes to modify the exterior area of the updated interior restaurant of the Great Escape Lodge. The existing 1,657 sq It patio will be improved by adding two 516 sq It pergolas for outdoor eating. A new condenser area will be installed on the East side of the building,near the restaurant,with fencing around it. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040,site plan for site work on a commercial property shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-OSO,the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation; The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on S/20/2024 and continued the public hearing to S/20/2024 when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including S/20/2024; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN 50-2024 HWP DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Introduced by Frtiz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption; Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following conditions: 1) Waivers request granted: j. stormwater, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs,r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal; 2) The approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. Applicant is responsible for requesting an extension of approval before the expiration date of S/20/2025; 3) Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) If application was referred to engineering,then engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; b) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey,floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site 14 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) improvements, c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; d) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; e) Subsequent issuance of further permits,including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; f) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; g) Resolution to be placed on final plans in its entirety and legible. h) Lighting poles with cut off sheets and downcast lighting to be added to final plans. Motion seconded by Ellen McDevitt. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr. Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-You are all set. MR. RANDOLPH-Thank you. MR. MARTINEZ-Thank you very much. MR. TRAVER-The next item on our agenda,also under New Business,is Apex Energy Tech. This is Site Plan 49-2024. SITE PLAN NO. 49-2024 SEQR TYPE: TYPE II. APEX ENERGY TEK. AGENT(S): EJAZ FAROOK. OWNER(S): JOHN COON &z CYNTHIA COON. ZONING: LC-10A. LOCATION: 50 WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO INSTALL A 30-PANEL GROUND MOUNTED SOLAR ARRAY OF 695.4 SQ. FT. TO THE REAR OF AN EXISTING HOME. THE 3,982 SQ. FT. HOME, 959 SQ. FT. PORCH/DECK AND 1,101 SQ. FT. OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURES/OUTBUILDINGS ARE TO REMAIN UNCHANGED. THE ARRAY IS FOR A 7.5 KW AC OUTPUT. PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 179-3-050&z 179-5-140,SITE PLAN FOR GROUND MOUNTED SOLAR SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE: AV 60-2004. WARREN CO. REFERRAL: AUGUST 2024. SITE INFORMATION: APA, LGPC. LOT SIZE: 9.8 ACRES. TAX MAP NO. 252.-1-58. SECTION: 179-3-040,179-5-140. JOHN COON,PRESENT MR. TRAVER-Laura? MRS. MOORE-So this applicant proposes to install a 30 panel ground-mounted solar array, which is approximately 695.4 square feet to the rear of an existing home. The 3,952 square foot home and associated buildings are to remain unchanged. The array is a 7.5 kilowatt AC output and that's the only additional information I have. MR. TRAVER-Okay. MRS. MOORE-So I will say that the applicant's agent,Apex Energy,the individual is out with COVID so could not be present. But if we do have some technical question that I could e-mail him and get a response on behalf of the applicant. MR. TRAVER-Okay. There was quite a bit of information provided. MRS. MOORE-There was,yes. MR. TRAVER-Good evening,sir. MR. COON-I'm John Coon. I own the property in question. MR.TRAVER-One of the questions that I had,it would seem that the panel,the array,is putting out quite a bit of energy. MR. COON-7.5 KW is for an average home. 7.5 KW is actually what my portable generator puts out. 15 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. TRAVER-Okay. MR. COON-And one thing we want to do is actually down the road install a heat pump for energy efficiency and trying to use solar as much as possible to offset the cost of electricity. So that's my goal. MR. TRAVER-Sure. MR. COON-And the biggest thing, I hate to look at solar panels on a house. My shingles were put on approximately 20 years ago when I did the additions. These things are supposed to last 25,50 years,but in the meantime if you do have a problem,you're going to have a hole in the roof. So I'd rather spend the extra money and do it right and put it behind my house, and it actually would look better for the neighborhood, rather than looking at something gawky right there. Because my house is only approximately 20 foot from the road at a dead end. MR. TRAVER-Right, and these do seem to be well screened and they provided,from what I can see they provided a good deal of technical information including the requirements that we have for the removal of the system when it expires. MR. COON-I had five different quotes of being on the house and a couple behind my property, of all of them,Apex is a local company,and I'd rather do something local and it's a large company. I've got a lot of faith in them.,and they have done their homework. MR. TRAVER-So you prefer them because they're local. Were they also a competitive bid for the cost? MR. COON-Actually they were a few thousand dollars more,but the quality is there,and I have looked at the panels,and I've looked at other different places that have them,and I'm very comfortable. MR. TRAVER-Okay. Well,thank you for that explanation. Questions,comments from members of the Board? MR. DEEB-Are they non glare panels do you know? I was looking to see if they're non-glare panels. MR. COON-1 cannot answer that,but I believe they are. MR. TRAVER-Yes,I think that's pretty standard now actually. MR. COON-It is quite a ways away from the road or anywhere else. MR. TRAVER-There's some concern about aircraft as well. MR. COON-I see what you're saying. I don't feel there's going to be a problem. MR. TRAVER-I think some years ago they discovered a material that you coat the panels with that didn't reduce the efficiency of the panel significantly and yet cut down on the glare produced. That was a result of the concerns that the aviation industry had. I think that that's standard today. So that should address that concern. MR. COON-I believe Apex has done their homework, and I'm sure that was considered if somebody brought that up. MR. TRAVER-Yes. MR. COON-They've been in business a long time. MR. TRAVER-Other questions, comments from members of the Board? Do Board members feel comfortable moving forward without the Apex representative being here,since they have Code? All right. Laura,do you have any comments or concerns? MRS. MOORE-You do need to open the public hearing if you haven't. MR. TRAVER-Right. Yes, so there is a public hearing on this application as well. Is there anyone in the audience that wants to address the Planning Board on Site Plan 49-2024? I don't see any takers. Are there written comments,Laura? PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MRS. MOORE-There is no written comment. 16 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. TRAVER-All right. Then we will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. TRAVER-If there's nothing further from the Board,we'll consider a resolution. RESOLUTION APPROVING SP#49-2024 APEX ENERGY TEK Applicant proposes to install a 30-panel ground mounted solar array of 695.4 sq ft to the rear of an existing home.The 3,952 sq It home,959 sq ft porch/deck and 1,101 sq ft of accessory structures/outbuildings are to remain unchanged. The array is for a 7.5 KW ac output. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-050 &179-5-140, site plan for ground mounted solar shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-OSO,the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation; The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on S/20/2024 and continued the public hearing to S/20/2024 when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including S/20/2024; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN 49-2024 APEX ENERGY TEK; Introduced by Fritz Stefanzick who moved for its adoption; Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following conditions: 1) Waivers request granted:g. site lighting,h. signage,j. stormwater,k.topography,1.landscaping,n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal. as the project area is behind an existing home and on a site of 9 plus acres that is mostly wooded; 2) The approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. Applicant is responsible for requesting an extension of approval before the expiration date of S/20/2025; 3) Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) If application was referred to engineering,then engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; b) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey,floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements, c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; d) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; e) Subsequent issuance of further permits,including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; f) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; g) Resolution to be placed on final plans in its entirety and legible. Motion seconded by Brad Magowan. Duly adopted this 20`h day of August 2024 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick,Mr.Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-You are all set,sir. MR. DEEB-Good luck. I commend you. MR. COON-Thank you. 17 (Queensbury Planning Board OS/20/2024) MR. TRAVER-All right. So that concludes our agenda for this evening. Is there any other business before the Board? Laura,do you have anything for us? MRS. MOORE-You will get, I don't know if she included it. So in September we'll have our two regular meetings. I do have another three dates to offer you because we can have West Mountain comeback in, and originally she was going to come up with a little schedule. I guess I'll e-mail that out to you, and get your take on what days work for all of you. MR. STEFANZIK-For September. MRS. MOORE-For September. I'll e-mail it to you. MR. TRAVER-All right. If there's nothing further from the Board,I'll entertain a motion to adjourn. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD MEETING OF AUGUST 20Tx 2024,Introduced by David Deeb who moved for its adoption,seconded by Ellen McDevitt: Duly adopted this 20`h day of August,2024,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb,Mrs. McDevitt,Mr. Uncher,Mr. Stark,Mr. Magowan,Mr. Stefanzick, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Longacker MR. TRAVER-We stand adjourned. Thank you,everyone. We'll see you next week. On motion meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Stephen Traver,Chairman 1S