As-BuiltIron Pipe FoundIron Bar Found"Eye" Bolt FoundMetal Cleat FoundAt Seam Of Seawalls"Eye" Bolt Found PerMap Ref. 1Chiseled "X" in SeawallPer Map Ref. 1ChimneyClear 1.5'Mean High Water Line (320.20')Runs Along Face Of Seawall.Mag Nail PerMap Ref. 1Property Line @NE Corner of SeawallBoathouseTie Line78'± Along ShorelineCovered Boat SlipWith Sun DeckAdjoiner's HouseGarageGarageAsphalt SurfaceAdjoiner'sHousePorchSeawall7 658PROPERTY LINEADJOINERS PROPERTY LINEOVERHEAD WIREUTILITY POLEIRON PIPE FOUND ( IPF )IRON ROD FOUND ( IRF )CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND ( CIRF )LEGENDUNDERGROUND PROPANE TANKPAVEMENTSTONE PAVERSDEED REFERENCE:1.Conveyance to Stephen C. Haraden by deed dated March 27, 2013, filed in the Warren County ClerksOffice on April 4, 2013 in Book 4725 of Deeds at page 274.MAP REFERENCES:1.Map entitled "Map of a Topographic Survey for Stephen C. Haraden", prepared by D. L. Dickinson,dated January 13, 2020, not filed. Darrah Land Surveying owns the records of D.L. Dickinson.2.Map entitled "Map of Ripley's Point", prepared by J.W. Reed, dated 1877, filed in the Warren CountyClerk's Office on April 04, 1882 as Instrument #1882-3000002.MAP NOTES1.Boundary information shown hereon was compiled from Map Reference 1, improvements shown per anactual field survey conducted on February 1, 2023.2.North orientation and bearing base per Map Reference 1.3.Warren County tax parcel 226.12-1-74.4.The location of underground improvements or encroachments, if any exist, or as shown hereon, are notcertified. There may be other underground utilities, the existence of which are unknown. Size and locationof all underground utilities must be verified by the appropriate authorities. The Underground FacilitiesProtective Organization must be notified prior to conducting test borings, excavation and construction.5.This survey was prepared without the benefit of an up to date abstract of title.6.Field data capture took place with an accumulated snow cover of 2" to 4". Every effort has been made toprepare a complete plotting of the conditions.7.Reproduction or copying of this document may be a violation of copyright law unless permission of theauthor and / or copyright holder is obtained.8.A copy of this document without a proper application of the surveyor's embossed seal should be assumedto be an unauthorized copy.9.Property corner monuments were not placed as a part of this survey unless otherwise noted.ZONING REQUIREMENTS:Zoned...................................WRLot Size................................2 acreMinimum Lot Width.........150'Minimum SetbacksFront..............................30'Side................................20'Rear...............................50'Shoreline......................50'Minimum Percent Permeable..........75%(Zoning data is shown for informational purpose only. It is theresponsibility of the Owner/Builder to verify all zoningrequirement and setbacks)TreeTreeTreePlantingsA/C UnitFirePlacePVCVentGeneratorElec. Panel onProperty LineCapped IronRod Found PerMap Ref. 1PVCConduitCoveredPorchStoneStepsS88° 25' 00"E190.00'N88° 25' 00"W190.00'N00° 01' 05"W78.08'S00° 01' 05"E78.08'N0.3'RainGardenRainGardenCedar Hedge RowLawnSlate & GravelPatioMapleMapleCedar Hedge RowDock2-StoryWood FrameResidenceLawnLawnPlantings StairsRiverstoneArea15,285± sq ft0.35± acresSteppingSlateSlateTree40.3'26.4'22.0'11.7'6.0' 26.4'64.4'Site Statistics:Area of Parcel = 15,285± sq ftArea of Residence = 1,945± sq ftArea of Residence Overhang = 2,751± sq ftArea of Driveway/Walks/Steps/Patio (Stone) = 2,853± sq ftPermeability:2,751 + 1427(2853/2) = 4,178± sq ft15,285 - 4,178 = 11,107± sq ft or 73%Area of Rain Gardens = 444± sq ft15.9'16.2'13.9'62.7'60.6'21.5'19.5'68'±53'±StoneRetaining WallStoneRetaining WallStoneRetaining WallNON-MONUMENTED CORNERELECTRIC HANDBOXStairsStepsSlate RoofOverhangRoofOverhang8LOT NUMBERS FROM MAP REF. 29Cleverdale Road LakeGeorgeMap Ref. 1Highway Bounds PerMap Reference 1(based on a 2-rod road)Hedge RowPlantingsPlantingsPlantingsStepsPermeable StonePaver DrivewayDECORATIVE METAL FENCE4.0'±7.0'±2.8'2.3'SteppingStone30'±StoneMapleMapleScreenPorchDeckONLY BOUNDARY SURVEY MAPS WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSEDSEAL ARE GENUINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE SURVEYOR'SORIGINAL WORK AND OPINION.SCALE :PROJ. NO:CHECKED:DRAFTED:DATE :APPROVED:Darrah Land Surveying, PLLC59 Lake Avenue, Lake Luzerne, New York 12846Voice: (518) 798-4692or (518) 654-9416SHEET:PROJ NO:Map of an Asbuilt Survey Lands Now or Formerly ofStephen C. HaradenTOWN OF QUEENSBURYWARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK23020-11 OF 123020KMDGCBDPM230201" = 20'3/31/23Feet1" = 20'4020010SITELOCATION MAPNot to ScaleN:\Project Files\2023\23020 Howland Construction_Haraden\DWG\23020-1.dwg, 5/28/2024 3:51:00 PM Page 13 of 31 Covered Porch 41± sq ft 2-Story Wood Frame Residence Stairs 10.1' 4.0' Landing 16± sq ft (4.0x4.0) (Not originally included) Porch 193± sq ft 1,945± sq ft As-built Building Areas: Residence/Garage........1,945± sq ft Screen Porch.................193± sq ft Entry Porch...................41± sq ft Subtotal.........................2,179± sq ft Deck...............................295± sq ft Landing.........................16± sq ft Total...............................2,490± sq ft 12.1'24.4'16.0'2.0' Eave Overhang 2.0' Eave Overhang 12.1'2.0' Eave Overhang64.4'26.4'13.3' 13.0' 11.7'22.0'26.4'40.3'2.0'6.0'Area Under Roof...............................2,751± sq ft Haraden Residence 8.6± sq ft (Not Covered By Roof) 223.3± sq ft (Not Covered By Roof) 295± sq ft Deck Page 14 of 31 Mapping Notes:Scale: 1" = 20' feet Date: 13 January 2020Surveyors EngineersosLAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845D.ASSOCIATESL.nikciDnSurvey and Map byStephen C. HaradenTown of Queensbury County of New YorkMapof a topographic survey forSituate inState of New YorkCINIKTENGACID.L.MD2020NAIDIREMS ETAICOSSANOSnorthunauthorized and undetectable modifications,Only title surveys bearing the maker'sother than embossed-seal copies may containembossed seal should be relied upon sincedeletions, additions, and changes.may be a violation of copyright law unlesspermission of the author and/or copyright holderReproduction or copying of this documentis obtained.Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey mapEducation Law.of section 7209, sub-division2, of the New York State bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation3456789Area15,285± sq ft0.35± acresN00°01'05"W 78.08'LakeGeorgeLake Elevation = 319.4'± (NGVD29)S88°25'00"EN88°25'00"W190.00'190.00'S00°01'05"E78.08'Tie Line78'± Along Shoreline34 0 335 340 330 325 325 330 343 342 16.9' 16.9'3.9'44'±Zoning Information:WR - Waterfront ResidentialMinimum SetbacksFront=30 feetSide=20 feetRear=30 feetShoreline=50 feetMinimum Percent Permeable=75%Maximum Building Height=28 feetFloor Area Ratio=0.22Owner must contact town Zoning Administrator to confirm all zoning information.20' Setback30' Setback 20' Setback63'±Shoreline Setback = 53.5'Average of 2 adjoining houses.DECK PORCH PROPOSED GARAGE HOUSE 21.7'53.5'16.4' 16.4'Site Statistics:Existing Conditions:Lot Area = 15,285 sq ftLot Coverage -Buildings = 1683 sq ftDrive/Walks/Patios = 2330 sq ftTotal = 4013 sq ft or 26%Permeability:Proposed Conditions:Lot Area = 15,285 sq ftLot Coverage -Proposed Buildings = 2078 sq ftProposed Drive/Walks/Patios = 1350 sq ftTotal = 3950 sq ft or 26%Permeability:15,285-4013=11,272 sq ft or 74%15,285-3950=11,335 sq ft or 74%Proposed Paver DrivewayProposedPerviousPaversRelocatedPaversWalkwayRevised: 14 July 2020Proposed Conditions, Statistics100' Shoreline SetbackPermeable Pavers = 1043 sf x 50% = 522 sf·······RAIN GARDEN - SectionXSPonded Depth = 12"12" Soil Media(see notes)3:1 slope to gradeExisting GradeRain Garden Planting ListSHRUBS:Witch HazelWinterberryArrowwoodBrook-side AlderRed-Osier DogwoodSweet PepperbushHERBACEOUS PLANTS:Cinnamon FernCutleaf ConeflowerWoolgrassNew England AsterFox SedgeSpotted Joe-Pye WeedSwitch GrassGreat Blue LobeliaWild BergamontRed MilkweedSILT FENCE (typ.)STORMWATER NOTES:The overall impervious area is being reduced by the new site plan.Stormwater controls are therefore not required. However, bestpractices have been applied to improve the conditions further.Two Rain Gardens have been added to the site to collect andtreat house runoff. Porous pavers have been implemented toreduce drive runoff and treat stormwater.Existing Impervious Area = 4013± sfProposed Impervious Area = 3950± sfReduction in Impervious Area = -63± sfRequired Stormwater Volume = 0 cfSupplied Stormwater Volume = 220± cfRain Garden (x2) = 220± cfRevised: 2 November 2020Proposed site plan.AProposed Eljen Absorption Trench(3) Trenches - (5) B43 Units each(15) Total B43 UnitsRemove topsoil and organic materialPlace 5 mpi fill in 6" lifts(see soil note Sheet 3 for acceptable fill material)Proposed 1 12"Ø Sched. 40PVC Force MainProposed 1000 gal.Concrete Septic TankProposed 1000 gal.Concrete Pump TankRevised: 21 January 2021Update site statistics.PROPOSED SITE PLANPage 15 of 31