SEP-0441-2023 ijr, Office Use Only ; ..,,�,,� SEPTIC: VARIANCE APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ \Q) - raWr,d c2u Invoice;#r. I 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-76141256 ..www.aueensburv.net Approvals: I Submittal: 1 (one) original &8 copies of the completed application package PLEASE.PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE; PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL Section 1: Contact Information:. Property owner(s): LSF9 Master Participation Trust Owner's Agent: Hutchins Engineering:_P-LLC Address: 3701 Regent Blvd., Suite 260, cifress: 169:Haviland Road Irving, TX, 75063 O Queensbury, NY 12804 c? `. 518-745-0307 4 Phone#: 570-451-6.955. r- � �hnrhe#: oT r Email: G � — &i th utchins@hutchinsengineering.com �f o® sit ' . 1\9. Section 2:. C z i\ 1,,,,2, I \ Site Information: (DV��-�.1 01 Site Address: 920 Ridge Road ` ��r. ax ID#: 290•-1"84 Directions to Site:..turn:left onto NY=9L N fr ' , vi d. Residence on right;in 0.2 miles Section3: . Distance from well on property to septic.system(if applicable) 1P6 F17 feet Section 4: is it possible to install a_conforming septic system on this property? ❑Yes © No If YES,please explain and attach a diagram: Section 5:. Does the proposed system meet setback.requirements for distance from wells&septic systems on neighboring properties? ©Yes 0 No If NO, please explain :Section 6: Is the proposed system to be installed under a parking area? ❑Yes 0 No Section 7: Section of the Sanitary Sewage Ordinance from which you are seeking the variance(i.e. leaching system will be 89 ft. from well in lieu of required 100 ft.): Absorption field to wetland: request 20' instead of required 100' Septic Variance Application Revised December 2021 Section 8: List the names, parcel addresses,and tax map numbers of•all adjoining property owners. You may obtain this information from the Town of Queensbury's Assessor's Office: North Name Joshua Hewitt • . Address: 38 Stonehurst Road Tax Map ID 290.-1-83.3 South Name John Graham Michael J. Stevens Address Ridge Road Riddle Road Tax Map ID 290.-1-85 290.-1-86 East Name Michael J. Stevens Address Ridge Road . Tax Map ID 290.-1-86 West Name Michael Bardin . Address Ridge Road. • Tax Map ID 290:14-1-34 - Section:9: OWNER STATEMENT I/We do hereby relieve the Town of Queensbury from any liabilities on the plumbing and septic system located at:. 920•Ridge Road . I/We realize that putting the well, septic tank or leaching system less than the required 100 feet from the Wetland . _may increase the risk of pollution. ' • Vs. Owner—Print Name: "t t' c,A-ik-C' Owner—Signature: \ Date: -f ( l Section 10: NEIGHBOR OR TENANT RELEASE STATEMENT(if applicable) I/We do hereby relieve the Town of Queensbury from any liabilities on the plumbing and septic system located at: . I/We realize that putting the well, septic tank or leaching system less than the required feet from the may increase the risk of pollution. Neighbor/Tenant—Print Name: Neighbor/Tenant-Signature:— Date:. Septic Variance Application • Revised December 2021 Section 11: AUTHORIZATION AND SIGNATURE PAGE This page includes the Authorization to Act as Agent form,engineering fee disclosure,authorization for site visits,other permit responsibilities and agreement to provide documentation required. Complete.the following if the OWNER is using an Agent:' Owner's Name: LSF9 Master. Participation Trust Designates:..Hutchins Engineering PLLC as agent regarding the Septic Variance for Site Address:.920 Ridge Road Tax Map#: 290 -1-84. Engineering Fee Disclosure:Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage,etc. as determined by the Town Board of Health:. Fees for:engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Authorization for Site Visits: By signing this:page and submitting.the:application materials attached herein,the Owner,Applicant and his/her/their agent hereby authorize the Town Board of Health, building and code Enforcement Officers:and Town Engineer to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. Please Note:Other permits may be required..for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Town.Board of Health. it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. Official Meetiri .Minutes Disclosure:It is the practice of the Town Board of Health:to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of the meetings resulting from the application, and that the minutes transcribed from those tapes constitute the official record of all proceedings. If there is a discrepancy between such record and the handwritten minutes taken by the designated stenographer,the handwritten minutes shall be deemed the official record. I,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission; agree to.the submission requirements and completed checklist: OWNER—PRINT NAME: , lf�,'� , . ` � OWNER—SIGNATURE: DATE: .I i I 2-3 AGENT—PRINT NAME: G ho as Hutchins, P.E. AGENT—SIGNATURE: • `` DATE: • Septic Variance Application Revised December 2021 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering PLLC Phone: (518)745-0307 Fax: (518)745-0308 July 18, 2023 Town of Queensbury, Local Board of Health 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: LSF9 Master Participation Trust 920 Ridge Road, Queensbury Tax Map ID#: 290.-1-84 Dear Supervisor Strough and Town Board Members: Attached please find a plan and application for septic variance to allow a replacement septic system to be installed for the LSF9 Master Participation Trust, at the above-referenced residence. The existing residence was constructed in 2002 and is surrounded by wetlands which were flagged by a wetland biologist in 2005. The existing septic system absorption field is in failure and needs to be replaced. We are seeking relief from the ,absorption field setback to wetland (20' proposed instead of required 100'), which apparently were identified and flagged after the existing residence and septic system were constructed. . We respectfully request to be placed on the board schedule for the next available meeting. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require additional information. Best Regards, G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E. • Cc: Keating Property Management • • • G.Thomas Hutchins, P.E. thutchins@hutchinsengineering.com . FILE COPY RESOLUTION APPROVING LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 46,2023A INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone �� WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION .' \\-J SECONDED BY: Mr. Timothy McNulty WHEREAS, the LSF9 Master Participation Trust (Applicant) filed an application for a variance from Chapter 136 to install a replacement wastewater treatment system with the absorption field to be located 20' from the wetland in lieu of the required 100' setback on property located at 920 Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury,and WHEREAS,the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance request on August 7th,2023, and • WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variance, the Local Board of Health determines that the variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and is the minimum variance which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicant; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of the LSF9 Master Participation Trust for a variance from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install a replacement wastewater treatment system with the absorption field to be located 20' from the wetland in lieu of the required 100' setback on property located at 920 Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 290.-1-84. Duly adopted this 7th day of August,2023, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty,Mr. Strough,Metivier NOES : None ABSENT: None i EXISTING 1,000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTI, TANK TO BE PUMPED, INSPECTED, & REUSED IF SUITABLE. INSPECT INLET BAFFLE AND REPLACE IF NECESSARY. INSTALL EFFLUENT FILTER ON OUTLET. WASTEWATER SYSTEM PLAN SCALE: 1 "=20' GRAPHIC SOALE 10 0 5 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES. THIS IS NOT A FIELD SURVEY. LANDS N/F OF 4" TOPSOIL COVER ABOVE TOP OF STONE BED; SEED & ESTABLISH TURF 8-16" COVER 4" PVC PERFORATED LATERAL INSTALLED LEVEL, IN BED CONFIGURATION WITH MANIFOLDED ENDS 5' PIPE SPACING 2.5' TO EC OF BED .... ....... ( "! E - BED WIDTH & GEOMETRY PER PLAN T— �T I....: ' .. .. ( i—; i — ' f is ABSORPTION BED SECTION NTS LIMIT OF " S7 15' )POSED TRIBUTION BOX 4" PVC EFFLUENT SEWER 30' ' ABSORPTION BED PLAN NTS WASTEWATER SYSTEM DESIGN 2-BEDROOM RESIDENCE DESIGN FLOW - 110 GPD/BEDROOM SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW - 220 GPD SEPTIC TANK - EXIST. 1,000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE TO BE PUMPED, INSPECTED, & REUSED IF SUITABLE. INSPECT BAFFLES. DESIGN APPLICATION RATE: 0.8 GPD/SF, BASED ON 6-7 MIN/IN PERCOLATION RATE ABSORPTION BED AREA REQ'D = (330 GPD)1(0.8 GPD/SF) = 413 SF ABSORPTION BED AREA PROVIDED = 15 z3O' = 450 SF POTABLE WATER SUPPLY IS ON -SITE WELL MAINTAIN 50' MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN SEPTIC TANK & WELL MAINTAIN 100' MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN ABSORPTION FIELD & WELL VARIANCE SUMMARY —MUJVI\r IIVIY 1 ILLV IV IIL IL/'l1YV 100' REQUIRED 20' PROPOSED 80' RELIEF REQUESTED VATER SYSTEM SETBACK REQUIREMENTS WASTE STREAM, LAKE, PROPERTY LINE HOUSE WATERCOURSE, WELL WETLAND IK 10' 10' 50' 50' r1ELD 10' 20' 100' 100' SEPTIC T SITE SOILS DATA FILTER FABRIC MIRAFI 140N OR EQUAL j 2' MINIMUM SEPARATION TO BOUNDARY CONDITION f-- ......._. s ..�.......... i -- TEST PIT TP-1 - 51812023 BY TOM HUTCHINS, P.E. 0-5" - LIGHT BROWN TOPSOIL 5-28" - LIGHT BROWN MEDIUM SAND FILL 28-40" - ORIGINAL TOPSOIL, LOTS OF ROOTS 40-52" - OLIVE -BROWN SILTY FINE SAND MOTTLING (BOUNDARY CONDITION) ® 42" ROOTS TO 42" GROUNDWATER @ 48" PROVIDE 24" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO BOUNDARY CONDITION EDGE OF EXISTING LATERAL FOUND; STONE DRY AND NOT STAINED PERCOLATION TEST PT-1 51812023 BY TOM HUTCHINS, P.E. STABILIZED PERCOPATION RATE = 3:30 MIN/INCH DESIGN TO 6-7 MIN/INCH MAP REFERENCE: BASE MAP INFORMATION FROM "MA.:) OF A SURVEY MADE FOR STEPHANIE A. & T-AVIS W. NORTON," IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK. DATED MARCH 1 LAST REVISED JUNE 22, 2006. PREPAJ, 2003. Jc-n RY• an D use Steves t� Land Surveyors 18g Haviland Road Queensbury, New New York yic, Yozk 12804 (518) 792-8474 No: 50135 L V l.f 1 1 1 V I V 1' l Lu F_� SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTES CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE N.Y.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS AND ASTM F481 INSTALLATION CF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE AND CORRUGATED TUBING IN SEPTIC TANK LEACH FIELDS. AFTER EXCAVATION OF 15' WIDE X 30' LONG ABSORPTION BED TO THE DEPTH REQUIRED, THE WALLS AND FLOOR SHALL BE CLEANED AND RAKED IN ORDER TO LOOSEN SMEARED AREAS OF SOIL. PLACEMENT OF CRUSHED STONE, PERFORATED PIPE AND FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE AS SHOWN, AND CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED TO AVOID INCLUSION OF FINE GRAINED SOILS AND WASTE MATERIAL IN THE STONE AND PIPE. THE PIPE SHOULD BE LAID AT THE GRADES INDICATED, MAINTAINING STRAIGHT CONTINUOUS GRADES WITHOUT SAGS, HUMPS, SEPARATED JOINTS, OR OTHER UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS. PIPE SHALL BE LAID WITH HOLES DOWN IN ALL CASES. ALL DISPOSAL FIELDS SHALL BE GRADED TO SHED RAINFALL AND DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE DISPOSAL FIELD. DO NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE ABSORPTION AREA AFTER PIPING HAS BEEN INSTALLED. THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM IS DESIGNED AND APPROVED BASED UPON THE INSTALLATION OF WATER CONSERVING FIXTURES AND A DESIGN FLOW OF 110 GPD PER BEDROOM. THE SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE EXTREME WATER USE FIXTURES, SUCH AS JACUZZI-TYPE SPA TUBS OR WATER TREATMENT EQUIPMENT. THE INSTALLATION OF NON -CONSERVING WATER FIXTURES OR EXTREME WATER USE FIXTURES IS CONTRARY TO THE APPROVAL OF THIS WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM. ROOF, FOOTING, GARAGE, CELLAR AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE MUST BE EXCLUDED FROM THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM. CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE SWALE UPGRADE OF SYSTEM IN ORDER TO DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF AROUND ABSORPTION FIELD. SEPTIC TANK & ABSORPTION BED MUST BE INSPECTED BY LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND DESIGN ENGINEER PRIOR TO BACKFILL AND FINAL GRADING. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO IDENTIFY THE NECESSARY PARTIES AND REQUEST INSPECTIONS. SYSTEM MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSORPTION FIELD AGGREGATE STONE IS TO BE 3/4" TO 1-1/2" WASHED CRUSHED STONE. EFFLUENT FILTER EFFLUENT FILTER TO HAVE 1116-INCH FILTRATION, POLYLOK PL-122 OR EQUIVALENT. EFFLUENT SEWER PIPE PIPING TO BE 4" SDR-35 OR SCHEDULE 40 PVC. INSTALL WITH 118" PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE. FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC TO BE 4.8 OZ/SY NON -WOVEN SEPARATION FABRIC, TENCATE MIRAFI 140N OR EQUIVALENT. TOPSOIL PLACE 4" MINIMUM TOPSOIL OVER ENTIRE BACKFILL AREA. SEED, MULCH, AND ESTABLISH TURF. Dig F Safer NewYork Call Before You Dig p IVait The Required Time Confirm Utility Response p Respect The Marks © Dig With Care 800.962.7962 www.digsafelynewyork.com ALTERATIO OF THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT BY A UCENSD PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A VIOLAION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. ES I TAX MAP # 290. -1-84 290.4-84 SEP-0441-2023 LSF9 Master Participation Trust 920 Ridge Rd Residential Septic Alteration/Variance 0 ISSUED FOR SEPTIC VARIANCE 711112023 No. Revisions Date WASTEWATER SYSTEM PLAN & DETAILS prepared for: Keating Property Management 920 Ridge Road Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, Statiz of New York Drawn JRS Checked: GTH Scale: NOTED Date: 31712023 169 Haviland Road -9bbbb, Queensbury, NY 1281'4 292115-01 (518) 745-0307 Phor� Hutchins Engineering PLLC (518) 745-0308 Fa> FILE COPY RESOLUTION APPROVING LSF9 MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 46,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone REVI ED WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Timothy McNulty WHEREAS, the LSF9 Master Participation Trust (Applicant) filed an application for a variance from Chapter 136 to install a replacement wastewater treatment system with the absorption field to be located 20' from the wetland in lieu of the required 100' setback on property located at. 920 Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS,the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance request on August 7th,2023, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variance, the Local Board of Health determines that the variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and is the minimum variance which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the . Applicant; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of the LSF9 Master Participation Trust for a variance from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install a replacement wastewater treatment system with the absorption field to be located 20' from the wetland in lieu of the required 100' setback on property located at 920 Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 290.-1-84. Duly adopted this 7th day of August,2023,by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Freer,Mr. Ferone,Mr.McNulty,Mr. Strough, Metivier NOES : None ABSENT: None SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Office Use Only APPLICATION Permit#: S Pf oct" `=Town ofQueensbury 't Fee: , V jJ fl (! CEIIIII Inv ioe#: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 SEP 0 9 1024 - :. 20 P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net S_ is VarianCe �t,S .E } TOWN OF QUEENSBUFbod Zone? No BUILDING&CODES ids? D1/40- Reviewed B • Ai" t- Project Location: 920 RIDGE ROAD _. Tax Map #: 290.-1-84 RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Year Built Gallons #of bedrooms: X gallons per =total daily flow per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes No 1980 or older 150 Installed? (choose one) ❑ x❑ 1981-1991 130 Spa or Hot Tub Yes No 1992-Present no 3 110 330 Installed? (choose one) ❑ Q PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography 0 Flat Rolling ❑ Steep Slope % Slope Soil Nature ❑ Sand ❑■ Loam ❑ Clay ❑ Other, explain: Groundwater At what depth? 63" S.H.G.W. @ 53" Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth? N/A Domestic Water Supply ❑ Municipal 0 Well DLake (if well or lake, water supply from any septic system absorption is 100 ft.) Percolation Test Rate: 3:34 per minute per inch (test to be completed by a licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM INFORMATION: Tank size 1,000 gallons (min. size 1,000 gallons, add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hot tub System Absorption field OgignErdilialc Total length 64 ft.; Each Trench 32 ft. Seepage Pit w/#3 stone How many: ; Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? ; tank size ; # of tanks Septic Application Revised July 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): AorAltAcic- Mailing Address, C/Sj Z: �`•'1 kc.+,,c ,.,--ct Cell Phone: (Slg�''S7- 0612 Land Line: Email: rove sr.6n S - - p4 , • Primary Owner(s): ( ) 1� , M Names : r�i� Mailing Address, C/S/Z: *Ye( 6feetftVkieTwe, N _J T x Cell Phone: (SiI) 1,Z-3 Z 75-6 Land Line: Email: em £f`l( aact4e, •� " t"— ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: jo Contact Name(s): , �a����si CiPl-kZ Contractor Trade: tar„,,..c. . Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cab kJ_ Cell Phone: AST) c Land Line: Email: Le a Nw.riv j Styr-wily, **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Engineer(s): Name(s): KEVIN L. HASTINGS, PE Mailing Address, C/S/Z: S. GLENS FALLS, NY 12803 Cell Phone: 518-222-1338 Land Line: Email: KLH@CAPITAL.NET ) ,Q Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Iv`/ �' � ,�,A do Cell Phone:(cr\ c7-40ii 3 Land Line: Email: Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: IC, " o SIGNATURE. DATE: cy Z� Septic Application Revised July 2022 1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY w742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 Septic System Checklist qtes Plan to scale (il`ES Received Deep hole perc test results from engineer/Architect if applicable(Town Approved Engineers and Architects;June 30 to April 15 Town Engineer for unapproved Engineers and Architects) 13 All wells on property and adjacent properties shown urWater line shown Municipal or welL10'separation to any part of system v1LSSetback to property lines show 10'or more for any part of system / / .Septic tank and pump stations 10'from foundation, 50'from any well/lake/wetland, 10'from any waterline P/1A Septic tank to foundation crawl space/slab on grade,grade in crawl space must be above top of septic tank JJJ for 0',Separation required (field verification required) e5Septic tank sized for number of bedrooms and add 250 gals for Jacuzzi tubs/garbage grinder each y-e/Leech Field 20'from foundation 100'from any well 10'from water line CLSeepage pit 150'from well 50'from septic tank A/i Seepage Pits 3-times diameter apart Septic tank and pump stations over 30 gallons 50'from watercourse or wetland LGV7rr4 '� 4istance from bottom of trench or system 24"to bedrock or mottling 36"within 1000'of Lake George f\ v Leech field 100'from watercourse or wetland �/ ((,,, y/Ci`'1'oe of mound or bottom of retaining wall 10'from property line, 100'from well, 20'from foundation &/// Provide Engineer/Architect stamp for bed or design systems Al. Department of Health Approval for all mobile home park new systems Flood Plain requirements il/ 2' above established flood elevation to bottom of system All tanks anchored or 2' above flood elevation ar A (ti _ w r ', l /1 \j r :Epoa9fl74 TOBUILD NGU&CO®ES Y GINEERING DESIGN REPORT FOR FILE COPY A REPLACEMENT N ,r:,) L, Oa2 CD 0 La - Oo CDCD 2 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 43: is 1 n TOWN OF Q : NJ D a, BUILDING : CO ,`. y` a °+. 0 m r = 3 Reviewed B • 46 II' 0 3 b Date: IL IMI rt 6 N O TM # 290.4-84: W NOTICE to Building Code Officer or Code Administrator: This engineering design report and the information contained herein is the property of Morning Star Septic Service, and may not be duplicated, disclosed to others, or used for any purpose without the prior consent of Morning Star Septic Service. Kevin L.Hastings,P.E 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE Consulting Engineers 920 RIDGE ROAD 3 Jackson Avenue TOWN OF QUEENSBURY,WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK Date: 9/5/24 South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Scale:As Shown Phone:518-222-1338/Fax: 518-747-2166 ,Sheet 1 of 10 • SOIL AND PERCOLATION TEST DATA: TEST PIT— 1: 0"— 5" SILT LOAM, ROOTS 5"— 28" MED. BROWN SANDY LOAM,FINE w/RANDOM SAND FILL, DEBRIS 28"— 53" OR. BROWN SANDY LOAM 53"— 72"+ LOAMY SAND, DENSE NO LEDGE ROCK TO DEPTH S.H.G.W. @ 53" (BOUNDARY CONDITION) GROUNDWATER SEEPS @ 63" STABILIZED SOIL PERCOLATION RATE: 3 MINUTES 34 SECONDS PER INCH USE: 1-5 MINUTES FOR BASIS OF DESIGN CALCULATIONS APPLICATION RATE = 1.20 GALLONS PER DAY PER S.F. SOILS INVESTIGATION AND PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED BY KEVIN L. HASTINGS, P.E., ON AUGUST 21, 2024 WITH EXCAVATOR LOU DeRIDDER. USE: CONVENTIONAL ABSORPTION TRENCH DISPOSAL FIELD OF Nell/ `gym t Na 076269 t/144. • Kevin L. Hastings,P.E 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE Consulting Engineers 920 RIDGE ROAD 3 Jackson Avenue TOWN OF QUEENSBURY,WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK Date: 9/5/24 South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Scale:As Shown Phone:518-222-1338/Fax:518-747-2166 Sheet 2 of 10 BASIS OF DESIGN: THE EXISTING SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM WAS LOCATED AND FOUND TO BE NOT IN GOOD REPAIR. A FIELD INSPECTION WAS COMPLETED BY MORNING STAR SEPTIC SERVICE, WHICH RESULTED IN A FAILING REPORT. A NEW REPLACEMENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ESTIMATE MAXIMUM DAILY FLOW: (USE POST-1994 WATER SAVING FIXTURES) EXISTING DWELLING: 3 BEDROOM @ 110 GPD = 330 GPD SEPTIC TANK DESIGN: 3 BEDROOM, with no hot tub, no garbage grinder = 1,000 GALLONS ABSORPTION TRENCH SYSTEM DESIGN: APPLICATION RATE = 1.20 GPD/S.F. ELJEN B43 GSF MODULES = 6 FT. APPLICATION WIDTH REQUIRED ABSORPTION TRENCH LENGTH 330 GPD - 1.20 GPD/SF - 6 FT. = 45.8 L.F. MANUFACTURER'S MINIMUM STANDARD = 5 ELJEN MODULES PER BEDROOM USE: 2 TRENCHES (DISTRIBUTION LATERAL) OR EQUIVALENT CONFIGURATION WITH 16 ELJEN B43 MODULES,TO ACHIEVE 64 L.F. TOTAL OFNeGY ovis Na 076269 ef � re4444:4?‘ •._ °-, . ,/ Kevin L. Hastings,P.E 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE Consulting Engineers 920 RIDGE ROAD 3 Jackson Avenue TOWN OF QUEENSBURY,WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK Date: 9/5/24 South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Scale:As Shown Phone:518-222-1338/Fax: 518-747-2166 Sheet 3 of 10 DESIGN NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS: 1) THE LOCATION OF THE REPLACEMENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BY THIS DESIGN, AND ANY CHANGE IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE DESIGN PROFESSIONAL PRIOR TO WORK. ALL DISPOSAL TRENCH LATERALS SHALL BE OF EQUAL LENGTH. THE BASIS OF DESIGN CALCULATIONS ARE PRESENTED ON PAGE 3 OF THIS REPORT. 2) THE CONTRACTOR MAY REMOVE ANY REMNANT PIECE(S) OF THE EXISTING DISPOSAL FIELD(S) AS FOUND IN THE COURSE OF THE WORK. ALL WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE FOR LEGAL DISPOSAL OFF-SITE. 3) ALL SEPARATION DISTANCES TO NEWLY INSTALLED ADJOINING TRENCHES AND SETBACKS TO PROPERTY LINES SHALL BE MAINTAINED PER NYSDOH APPENDIX 75A,AND TOWN CODES. 4) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMMUNICATE WITH THE ENGINEER OF RECORD THE INTENTIONS OF HIS LAYOUT, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, AND DISCUSS ANY SITE LIMITATIONS THAT HAVE POTENTIAL TO INHIBIT HIS WORK. 5) THE CONTRACTOR MAY NOT PLACE BACKFILL MATERIAL (SAND, LOAM, TOPSOIL) ON ANY COMPONENT UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THE TOWN CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL. 6) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT, DECOMISSION, AND REMOVE THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK FROM THE SITE. THE INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED REPLACEMENT SEPTIC TANK WILL BE IN THE SAME GENERAL LOCATION AS THE REMOVED TANK, AND MEET THE 10' SETBACK TO THE DWELLING. THE EXISTING HOUSE DRAIN MAY NEED TO BE REPLACED AND/OR EXTENDED. 7) AN AS-BUILT DRAWING OF THE SYSTEM AND ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION LETTER WILL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE SYSTEM. Kevin L.Hastings,P.E 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE Consulting Engineers 920 RIDGE ROAD 3 Jackson Avenue TOWN OF QUEENSBURY,WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK Date: 9/5/24 South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Scale:As Shown Phone:518-222-1338/Fax:518-747-2166 Sheet 4 of 10 • 11:1 C/1 Lo n 1 _ - 0 O 0 14) I:, Fr? =-. Z l•..• 1. Hill. iipo.:,,,1;,,i:.,::i.f..,,,.!;„ 1„,..,.,..1:,:,.,z0.,. .,,..„:0:.!: :•.:;,-::-:-:,0:',,:;•••?,f0",-!.,:::c.,M, .,--:•-::0,;.0' ,:::.:,',,,V.,,,F.,,,!,-i'.'..!...:,:.:N.Y;0j:'':.;'in'0::-:',::-.;::'.'!..,'•:,;,...::::.-..: .'0!,';::Y*1:7,:,..?.-'.:',:: :•'::ik'f.;':•.::,:;.'...1:';•:-'! :!'-'-'i'q',',.. .:',..\'' 's'.:!',?.'.'.','-'''!•V.I''.'1.qs.'''-i''',';::6,1?::'',i; 4011140):$.grAWAtlicii$7!D,I.StAIN26g§:'z,tzliON,I,m8§1AwiV.O,R,...floiONIENrsvgi,01:tOMiti,itsR(Ts.:.,',..:1,,,',:;4,?,.....:,; .,..,,,,-.:,:::.:.:?- o.f,ot) . :,, ,.::io.,,: ;,:,:,,c,:,f..;,:zi:•, y:.,,,.,,y,J;,;.,„;„,,,.-.,:, :,-,,4.:„,,,,,,,,,,a,,:.,. ..„,,,,.,<, . .,,;..:...-,;„:,,:::.4.,...,,,.:,,.:i,:,;,,,:i.,ii.., oe 0-3 :..::,,::-.:,;:,:::::.;.i,-.:,,,.,00§:::•,.0-,..:,, ,X.::'..:.ig.-,-,.:.,:.,:::q2i?..:;. ::.::,:'':'.,:--f:.0..0.7,::::i.....k. „)1:„•-', iicTii.,...i..t ,;.:,g,* yatii...cv1, .;..,:,.-:,,;: ,:...,;„ ,:i. :.f..",.,. -:,o...q;.q..,.. ..b.;:f'-"..'ijiC.'''':':'. **..ii'f-:(,4,ainpoiliziiktopK.. :„:.:..n.,:=.1'''''f'V'''''''''''''''' . :,,!T,.:',":.;:., f..:',7.5.4"r!.,.,...,,51,,,,. .,...7C?9.9.!, .....00 ...,....*.,,fliiii.... Property tiiia,:,,;,1.;...,.Drainage Ditch or -4' 4.) .- House•SdweeDraiii(wateitight jOints). . .. . ... .. . . • 2.5ifeaq..ir.o.n, . 50.otherwise . . 25 -3. - 10- IQ. cA 0 • • • - '11 - Septie.Tank..Dosing.Tankor watertight ETU - ' ' - 50 . -.' . ' 50 . . . . . 10' .. - . '10: 10 . . /0 t.44 Effluent:Line:to Distribution'Box/Dior).Box::' ' ' ' ' '.50. . '10. . . . " '10. • . . t= : DiStribution-Bok/Drop.BOx-Absonititinlzield.(e)(d) : - 100. ' '110°.(1°. ' ' • • '220° i ' .110°- . : 20 20 til tM : SetnagaTit(d) ' ' - 100(a)' ' . . 150(a)! . . 100 .20- . -10 '' ' 20 Z tj ci) Raised S'ysternbr Mound.(6)(d) • 100(a). . . .100 ' ' '20. ' 10 • ' 20 ed %0 •biter/hitt:mit Sand Fillet-(0) . . ' 100(00) 1000) 20. • 10' : 20: 0) C Non-Waterborne.Syitems‘iitliOffsitc- 50 50 .20 .10 .10 - C residual disposal Non-.Waterbonie SyStems'with•onSitb ... • • b 4 aiseiwgo 100 $9 20 . 10 20 • c..) g •.Notes:. a). When wastewater treatment SyStcrias are located upgrade and in the duectpaili-Of surface-water drainage to i'vell,:tlie closest part of the treatment system shall be at least 200-feetaway iimirtic well_cil 0-1 n b 1)) Mean'highlwater'mark Wetland or watercourse determinalionS should be addressed with the!HI)or other agency hai.iing•jinisdictien and thirapplitablelYSDEC 0 regional-office: 2M ,-3 e) For altsyStentS'hp:I:dying.the placest ent of filfritateria I,separatidirdistaneos aro siweisntetlfrom.the•toe ofthe sloPe-Of the fitl,;except Tor Sititic ShilloWatWorptifirt- . . trench systems as.deseribed iWSettiotr9.12.. .of this Handbook. g til , .d) SeparatiOnlitiStanees•shalt also be measured frOnt the edge of thetlesi 2,64 additional useahlefirea.(i.6.,reServc area);when at e) The eloieSt-.Part cif thewastewater treatment'SYstent.*hall he located at least ten(10)-feet from an>..water service 1 ine(c:g:,public water Supply main,public water setsice line pi-F6si4ntiOuell wafer sers;ieeline.- O . . .1) When internlittentapd Illter.s:aro designeds tohely0Ortight anc1c011ee1a1.1411nent;'the'separa0on,di4aaee can be reduced to 50 feet.; 0 .The listed water-Ave;separation.iliStatieeS front contaminant sources*Ube ificreasedhy.50%Whanever aquifer water'ciders.thewater:well 4 less than 50-fect:. .• ' balow,gradcIt a 0(li,increase cannot he achieved then the greatest possible increase:lit separation distance shall be provided with such additional measures as pc*Ip4.ig-preyeiti contamination.. •. li) Repammendekuse site eyaluation to ayeid OWlS short-circuiting to.thesurfaco.orgroundwater and ie firinimizeimpacts on OWTSfunetiOn•IlitY; • .Embanknentor vertsteep.slopeql-it secorarnackdiltat.syStein.comionents bp lOcate4 a mininntin of 25,..feet and.tho ahsolption,figid.he lodged:a..minimuro of 50 feet cin C4 tzi from ai!'9,:nbi!Ukrneatt-or yerysteep Slope,iga.kintiZdsOpatalioO distances and use oyalitation-to avoid-short7eircnitiogiostOaeo(breakout or scepage).. CD A3 e-t. ,i- R •• •Swimming porili.(eboVe•OrheloWin•gra :1(1):it iS.redenunendedilifitsysicrireoinpcinerita he laciteil a mininitimof20 feet'and the absorption field.biliteated iminituittwof •35'ket front siVinutiinglmols.Maximize'separatiiirt distances Mid.uSe.site etiuhuitien te•miiiimktc.impacts iiii.0*TS accessibilityrandrunctionalitY. . . En O o- 1/40 0-41 o cm g -ti.' 0 . b t� W � x _ - - v. G_, o � a 0 Z • Nr0x lj N ►-. W -, Cy .DUAL COMPARTMENT 00 L., QQ FULL-DEPTH BAFFLE x/PORT(SEE NOTES) •-�••� _ SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY k N )V 4'INLET PIPE 24'INSPECTION 4"OUTLET PIPE NUMBER OF DEst71 MINRfUM TANK CAPACITY&LIQUID SURFACE AREA ..I 1/47/FT.'MITI. COVER(TAP) 'I 1/6'/F7.MIN. BEDROOMS FLOW N J SLOPE—•- 8? —� W/0 GARBAGE GRINDER W/GARBAGE GRNDER L. W00 =17. ( 11.-- .0:. •BAFFLE(TT' ? 2 220 GPO 1,000 27 S.F. 1,250• 36 SFO A k I( A 9 J J30 GPO 1,000 27 S.F. 1,250• J4 SF. N14 i� r�.e.r .. . _.. ., A € a� 4. 440 GPO 1,250 34:SF. . 1.500• 40 SF., 5 550 GPD 1,500 40 S.F. 1,750• 47 S.F. 01 'INLET&OUTLET 4'PVC TEES MAY BE 6 660 GPD 1.750. 47 S.F. 2.000• 54 SF.. 01 0 USED INSTEAD OF CONCRETE BAFFLES 'LENGTH. DUAL COMPARTMENT TANK&GAS DEFLECTION BAFFLE REQUIRED 0-I W NOTES �-] tt PLAN VIEW I.WHEN GARBAGE GRINDERS ARE INSTALLED AT.THE TIME OF HOUSE CONSTRUCTION.A GAS Wu DEFLECTION BAFFLE AND A DUAL COMPARTMENT SEPTIC TANK,OR TWO TANKS IN SERIES. [1] EFFLUENT FILTER SHALL BE PROVIDED TO,MWAfIZE THE SOLIDS CARRYOVER TO THE"ABSORPTION AREA ZI Con ti FINISHED GROUND •/GRADE ACCESS COVER (DISPOSAL FIELD). l `� i J. �. (SEE NOTES) 2.3'MINIMUM ELEVATION DROP THROUGH,STRUCTURE FROM INLET TO OUTLET; O 0 .\+,�;-' \,...-1 t 1. 4'OUTLET PIPE J, TANK SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR MORE THAN SIX BEDROOMS(EQUIVALENT DAILY FLOW)SHALL 4'INLET PIPE 12'COVER MILK . 1/8'/FT.MIT. BE CALCULATED BY ADDING 250 GALLONS AND SEVEN SQUARE FEET OF SURFACE AREA FOR, O 1/4'/FT.MIN. l SLOPE—� EACH ADDITIONAL BEDROOM. A GARBAGE CRINGER SHALL BE CONSIDERED EQUIVALENT TO AN SLOPE_.. �.- • „ ,•. ` ...j.,,. ADDTIONA1 BEDROOM FOR DETERMINING TANK SIZE. A HOT TUB/SPA SHOULD BE CONSIDERED dFBI [T`:. EQUIVALENT TO AN ADDITIONAL BEDROOM FOR DETERMINING TANK SIZE. C —}Q I 6 7A N. -3- •. V.! ^'l 4.EFFLUENT FILTER.POLY-LOH'BRAND OR SIMILAR PRODUCT SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE Imo, F6'AON.. 78'MIN. SEPTIC TANK OUTLET. EFFLUENT FILTERS WHEN PROPERLY MAINTAINED CAN EXTEND THE ``] g USEFUL LIFE OF THE TREATMENT SYSTEM. ALL SYSTEMS ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO CLOGGING BY SOLIDS CARRY-OVER,LEADING TO PREMATURE FAILURE. A GRADE ACCESS COVER SHALL BE ^-B" e+ edR O PROVIDED FOR PERIODIC INSPECTION&CLEANING OF THE EFFLUENT FILTER-DEVICE, CA 'WALL' 4 5. OPTIONAL TANK: POLYETHYLENE TANK.PRODUCTS MAY 8E INSTALLED AS SUBSTITUTION FBI (TV.) 'FLOOR" FOR THE CONVENTIONAL PRECAST CONCRETE TANK SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL. THE POLYETHYLENE PRODUCT SHALL COMPLY WITH NYSDOH STANDARDS IN GALLON CAPACITY d • ,: . :....-„�,.t., L� RATING.LIQUID SURFACE AREA.AND LIQUID DEPTH. A DATA SHEET OF THE PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION TO BE SUBMITTED IN ADVANCE TO THE ENGINEER FOR RENEW AND APPROVAL. t.- 6A MIN.CLEAN SANDI PEA ALONG 111TH CORPORATE DOCUMENTATION OF NYSDOH REVIEVA ALL OTHER SPECIFICATIONSSTONE,OR WASHED AGGREGATE GAS DEFLECTION BAFFLE APPLY,INCLUDING EFFLUENT FILTER. /) ^' (SEE NOTES). 4 til SECTION A-A 0y SEPTIC TANK / HOLDING TANK'DIMENSIONS ` Of E,N,1il/L TANK CAPACITY LENGTH WIDTH INLET OWLET HEIGHT WALL VP FLOOR LQ MANUFACTURER INFORMATION .^��,..1 u1s1.,�}."O ✓`I 1,000 8'-8 1/2' S'-O 1/2' 4'-9' 4'-6' 5'-8' 3' 4' 4' 48' FORT MILLER CO.,SEAMLESS` �n�� ` '< "Y 1.250 f0'-2' 5-3' 4'-9' 4'-6' 5'-6' 3' 4' 4' 48' FORT MILLER CO.,SEAMLESS• 0 I'l nkR; ft x 1.250 11'-0' 6'-0' 4'-3' 4'-0' 5'-5' 6' 8' 6' 39' FORT MILLER CO.,HEAVY DUTY" I�`,". �tI . 1,500 II - O CC '-0' 60' . 5'-1' 4'-10' '- " n3' 6' 8' 8' '49' FORT MILLER CO.,HEAVY DUTY --i-,,L` .: AI 2.000 13'-O' 7= S'0' 4'-9' 4'-6' -11' 6' 8' 6' 45' FORT MILLER CO.,HEAVY DUTY" , s' No.076269 +a 2,500 13'-0' 7-0' 5'-9' 5.-6.' 6'-I1' 6' 8' 6' 481 FORT MILER CO.,HCAVY DUTY." CA VI n CIE 3,000 fY--O' 8'-0' 5'-1- 4'-10' 6'-2' 6' 8' 6' SY FORT MILLER CO.,HEAVY DUTY•' AR/ = Or. CD CD N PRODUCT: THE FORT MILLER COMPANY.INC. SCHUYEERVILLE,NEW YORK 1_ 01a o SEPTIC TANK. / HOLDING- TANK DETAIL -, O V1 N.T.S. I✓ 0 ►d Tn Lk) c) x _ - C Z o o O -4 r N � � tJ w 0 DO A7 w CS z r-C `� QQ Ln o EM 00 v FINISHED GROUND EACH OUTLET FITTED NON-TRAFFIC RATED i I �.r'i-t ,-�, Ik i'}�-�;`�.✓`'i til4 tNTH SPEED LEVELERS t��I IrIi f STRUCTURE • 0 1l tl� ‘_.--1tt�-- tt ;ti11 �t i 12'COVF_R MAX 1 1/2'THICK ALL SIDES �i I- 1 1 /O W — �� 4'OUTLET PIPE by 4'INLET PIPE 4'OUTLET PIPE I 4'INLET PIPE 1/B`/FT.MIN. l`� 1/8'/FT MIN. 1FT.MIN. 1/8'/F7 MBL y� B � SLOPE SLOPE AC BAT' �•/SLOPE SLOPE ��� INNzCA 11' ^, 1. 2'MIN.SUMP ^ ;., AL_____ _ ___________________j ___I A 'may 0 a1 I Yt2 MIN.COARSE SAND Cci tI JOINT WATERTIGHT a •OR PEA STONE OUTLET(TIP-5) JOINT(T1Y) lt F7 Sz 14. TA` a'KNocxouTs GROUT UNUSED ENINGS Imo, M� w/MDPE PIPE SEALS PRODUCT': FORT MILLER#2 DISTRIBUTION BOX.OR EQUAL CCC[yZlZ Q CA SECTION A—A PLAN VIEW on 1.1 DISTRIBUTION BOX DETAIL .c n N.T.S. Cr] ►C 0 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SCHEDULE C� 0I1 ��(S(���iQ� ITEM WE MATERIAL SLOPE _A_c$' SEPTIC TANK SEE DETAIL PRE-CAST CONCRETE ab Z - `4' 0 DISTRIBUTION BOX SEE DETAIL PRE-CAST CONCRETE — Q r�, HOUSE TO SEPTIC TANK 4' SOLID PVC SCH-40 1/4`/FT.MAN, O �` aj•. Z SEPTIC TANK TO O-BOX 4' SOLID PVC S,7i-40 1/8-/17 MIN. O d it' N "' 177 f O-BOX TO LATERALS 4' SOLID PVC�E-35 1/8'/FT.MAN. CD N M CD 51). ` LATERALS 4' PERFORATED PVC SOR-35 1/16"/FT.MAX. J e • "Q/NPER*��°� cip � 0 � ` - 0 b CAWC - - 0' 0 ti p _. . Cl) " C il v, o ^ r • 00 oq N m DQ ra LANDSCAPING: 6"MINIMUM Z CO "'' V' O) !R.. QUANTITY& TOTAL WIDTH TOPSOIL w/SEED&MULCH OOe y (SEE DESIGN CHARTS) CrQ GRADE TO DRAM go X I j ro ORIGINAL GRADE-A :. "`-2X MWUUt D.GP 0,0 00 -t�U�t I12�ii�;�iii jh u`1����ji',�I 4.! �.i u4,4.tii43�.I.'',I. - t Y �:' .,t.4,,,,-}:,. ... p USABLE SOIL: 48"MIN, DEPTH ELJEN GSF PRODUCT 7 TO 60 MIN/INCH PERCOLATION RATE N (SEE TYPICAL DETAIL) 4' 0' 4'-0' 4'-0" p� MIN. MIN. MIN. SEPARATION: C71 0 24"MINIMUM DEPTH TO BOUNDARY CONDITION: GROUNDWATER, BEDROCK, OR IMPERMEABLE STRATA BOUNDARY CONDITION tO W .. . ZtO iSi��ifi i.��i�In�% �%i�I I tll 1'4'441A4.'Al�O.�~e4ttra1,t l%<e.a!�: 4�?.: •�Z c���.-Zi.:.�1.?.:4.ZM...%44.:4,AAAA.4�.`✓.�`✓`.�`i.�`%.�"i� c4 d pcj NOTES �5-! 1. DO NOT INSTALL TRENCHES IN WET SOIL. O 0 2. INSTALL TRENCHES PARALLEL TO CONTOURS. 3. INSTALL TRENCHES AS SHALLOW AS POSSIBLE WHICH MEET THE ABOVE NOTED MINIMUM DEPTHS- O 4. RAKE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF TRENCHES PRIOR TO PLACING GRAVEL. b y 5. ENDS OF AU. DISTRIBUTOR PIPES MUST BE CAPPED. it, ABSORPTION TRENCH SYSTEM DETAIL z wl GRAVELLESS ELJEN PRODUCT N.T.S. cTI n o3o"'i- S l & qrF , a 0 tp ktom V. "n. 32. • 1- • •�g1 ER*)!c w d CD 0 CD GO C ") 0 LA - g .. 0 VI 64' 0 Co▪ c, r a Nam ; x I. OQ ASTM C33 CONCRETE SAND - TYP 6" MIN. TYP 1^- (TYP) .-• y t, • In (TYP) END CAP TYP s. • / Do ' �E4 _ _+_ �__ 4_ .. u▪ . D-BOX c> GRAVELLESS ELJEN GSF PRODUCT- TYP Co rr 7.1 O — E:==== == I o z IQ t:�ea',2i.a. ,:a:.c:::&&:•_; i,.:.:••. r..:.:.., :.2tsi,2::z:ky+:rEt6::::&&.•Yixa $ 2 ti ^ 0 °' ^° c u. N W yR•:.. ;,.T;•.••r.•..1..:Jr;•. rs.;•r,.;.far:•r.:;+^.•::T, r{,.-.J.•-.+.;..;^,�4 v v tiO ( AS REQ'D ! 'LENGTH' W 4 L FOR PIPING r 1 b O (SEE DESIGN CHARTS) 24"MIN. (TYP) ti b NOTES I. THE ELJEN GSF PRODUCT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S c RECOMMENDATIONS AS PRINTED IN THE ELJEN HANDBOOK OR DIRECTED BY FIELD SUPPORT. I g 2. THE LAYOUT OF THE ELJEN GSF PRODUCT ROWS SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO BE UNIFORM SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN THE ROWS AND AT ENDS OF ROWS AS INDICATED. 3. THE SYSTEM IS SHOWN WITH MINIMUM LENGTH AND WIDTH DIMENSIONS TO PROVIDE THE NUMBER OF Z O cA V TRENCHES AS REQUIRED BY THE BASIS OF DESIGN CALCULATION. � b ABSORPTION TRENCH LAYOUT DETAIL g ori>w S7- GRAVELLESS ELJEN PRODUCT N.T.S. I o" KeL, F Itcc') iii'`'. • o• `,y S'e ffO' • G�NeER*Vi Nib CD• D .. .. vz y . Eno t--11 O U H.a g A O • 4"PERFORATED PIPE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE '_'�7)77777 7/7777ll 27777 S NON-WOVEN FILTER FABRIC -• -,-; ti DO NOT BLOCK HOLES IN PIPE 12" /CLEAN BACKFILL l 1' • its 4 25"MIN.- - �ti i 1 13'MIN. WASHED .s•„ .i _ - ',-t MEDIUM TO COARSE 1 6"MIN. i ..'.; : `{:::. ••: �.•�r; �'~�... CONCRETE SAND BOTTOM OF TRENCH li i1'�., \\ T-ci- \`1� i1 ELEVATION=107.60 24"MIN.- 6' 3'=0' 6' UNDISTURBED GROUND OR STABILIZED BACKFILL MIN. 843 MODULE MIN. SHWT/LEDGE ROCK SECTION VIEW NOTES 1.USE QUANTITY AND LAYOUT SPECIFIED IN BASIS OF DESIGN-843 GEOIEPIILE FILTER MODULES OVER LAIN BY PERFORATED PVC PIPE AND FILTER FABRIC AS SHOWN IN THIS DETAIL 2. TRENCH MATERIAL SHALL BE ELJEN GSF STANDARD SPECIFICATION.ASTM C33 WASHED SAND WITH LESS THAN 10X PASSING #100 SIEVE AND LESS THAN 5X PASSING#200 SIEVE. 3.EXTEND THE SPECIFIED SAND TRENCH A MINIMUM OP 12 INCHES BEYOND EDGE OF OUTSIDE MODULES AND EACH END OF THE TRENCH LENGTH. 4.A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF THE ABSORPTION TRENCH AND SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER(MOTTLING)OR IMPERVIOUS LAYER(BEDROCK). 5. BACKFILL EXCAVATION IN 6 INCH LAYERS WITH MECHANICAL COMPACTION TO APPROXIMATE DENSITY OF ON-SITE NATIVE SOIL D0 NOT OVER COMPACT. ABSORPTION TRENCH DETAIL - TYPICAL GRAVELLESS ELJEN PRODUCT N.T.S. 4F N E-l4/ t. V H/449 jp 0 r a;sw- ur No.076269 fj 44110.444. 0114A Kevin L.Hastings,P.E 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE Consulting Engineers 920 RIDGE ROAD 3 Jackson Avenue TOWN OF QUEENSBURY,WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK Date: 9/5/24 South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Scale:As Shown Phone:518-222-1338/Fax: 518-747-2166 Sheet 10 of 10 7- 60ZL uoi�oaS ono i uoi}oonpd e;oiS 1-10d aN aLj} io sjuGwa jinba-i qqi U�!m /�Id-uoo I;iDps louoissa;oad buLle?lo aye `pace}�o �� 'Lom Nuo ui }uaLun�)op siq} aazjo o} puo� ldujexa Jo _1@aUl5ud louoissa o.id o 10 uoijOGJIP aL{} u D aapun 6ui4nD ssalun `uos-iad up ao} G 6NL uoi}oaS mod uoiloonpl e;DIS )1-�o,� MeN au} 4o uoi?oloin o s; }� — �NINddM D cf9 q -6 >LI) � r— ® m m m 0) D � < m rri N D 2 ® � z m �7cu rrl 0 > m C U Z m r \ Lf) O D 0— < rrl - --i orn z m w ::I z \ D ® Z Z m r*' I 9) � c: 0 m �O0 D '�0 D z cn ®xO 0 r cn ® _{ 00 w m /m < n � m Z M m D / mQa-u D g m ® c) _< z 0 ® ®W� -o m ® D C -0 r/ DO(n X C � z - II-no O m D W t6 D ® -01 x ® m � ® � � Pa'rOCm rm rl D < MUJ® co Z > M _ ® ;a z cn m go M < M 0w � , O .Zl4k ; c y ;0 z N Gt F O O M Co �) r*I *t r 0 n v � o g o m -u > A m0 Z c O z 3 g M \ \ (n Z / O r*l > C ;u :U r \ c: ® r \ ' ® a m + wZ o m� � ® ®c: z � m s O ® n D m n Zw< m x ® O c n D --�''�� n >z rn cn o no= Z z ® ® mmD� IT1 C) o Z `c C N I m Dz0 <DxD Mm z0co. Dzmn rr, zo<. v m C O cn c9 cn c20 0 CO rn 00 ®. rnDmm mD� o 0 CD z® ®<D zr�mA w -n (D Z O cnzoz �® D z CL 0 -n m�z® �zzz � 7 .0 mmz� ®D c 0 U00 Z.r m r- Do cWz0 z®m> GG) (n z [c-m Oao�O 90M 0 m Z® A- Mm IOM o D N m a) I n2 K ® N $4,?. m N N L--O< co ®W d r dx fir ` ® en ; 4 ® : °' r Ul WARREN COUNTY KEVIN L. HASTINGS, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINES Mailing Address: 3 Jackson Avenu AS BUILT South Glens Falls,New York 12803 _ Tel: (518)222-1338 September 23, 2024 Mr. Mark Smith Code Enforcement Officer 742 Bay Road 5ECE [IVE Queensbury,New York 12804Jill OCT 2 3 2024 gi Re: Sewage Disposal System-Engineer's Certification 920 Ridge Road TOWN OF QUEENSBURy BUILDING&CODES Dear Mr. Smith, The construction of a replacement sewage disposal system for the residence at 920 Ridge Road (TM #290.-1-84) has been completed. The installation was completed by Lou DeRidder and crew of Morning Star Septic Service, who were also present for the final inspection. As the design professional of record,I certify to the following statements: 1. Engineering,design report with specifications and details were prepared September 5, 2024 by Kevin L. Hastings, PE for a 3 bedroom maximum (330 gpd) single family residence; 2. Design documents were compliant with the Town sanitary health codes, and the NYS Health Department Appendix 75-A, as applicable; 3. Field observation of constructed works on September 19, 2024, by Kevin L. Hastings,PE and prior to earth backfill of trenches and structures; 4. Completion of the work appeared to be in substantial conformance with the design engineering report,with the following exceptions: - field approval of a 6-outlet polyethylene distribution box as a product substitution, with vented inlet baffle, and in compliance with NYSDOH Appendix 75A.7; - final turf stabilization & lawn maintenance to be completed in 2024 by owner, as satisfaction of the design specification for turf re-establishment on the disposal field area, prevention of soil erosion and loss of disposal capacity due to uncontrolled surface runoff infiltration, and as necessity for overall system performance. The as-built schematic of the replacement sewage disposal system with location ties to the dwelling is attached for your records. If you have any questions or ',• - -;it li 0 NE 9 r � ,•rmation,please contact me immediately. e • 'ST, :f.\ Sincerely, ( �*. 4t ,44 • s . e __ ,. 7-5-ci4 OWL st.44jj ; taw \ 076269 <�C� Kevin L. Hastings,PE '''OFpScjo''\�' i A �.' 920 Ridge Road V5 A; (T) Queensbury, NY r .n . ®,. l ',..I Wig-r.-^ F' ". Installation contractor Morning Star Septic Service }. 31MJ9Y2291f� .0 ,.,. + :,; :7 - - - •. ;t,. .;s.,h: 4 4, , .,,,,,,,,,..„ ,„ .,..,.., ........ •.,„,,,,,,,,,, .,...., ..4,,,,.....r- , , ' - , '014- ', ;PA\'f' „Ad'i',47,V,''.'•''.-iii.-7.T4- 1..,'2-4, •'k.,*-...;.,-'.".9.v) 7 � r 4 i 1c y,, {{ 'l f t3•♦ 4 k 1{l:,S 12a•T;! 11� t+1 •.�,,+•�a .J`'J A. i ", :.. " ..:44 °o��'`��y: ': ` `-`'' ,= )`ma's n View of existing concrete septic �S1` �. A':V"" :{' tank demolished & backfilled =# `• i1 :' E�,, " '}' \ ..,4% ``''s�;%n.,; j` ' with gravel, and 4" PVC house h, T al 4 f ,� ti. • t}fit,\y ^4 !" � L i}t �r N L 7 1', t 4 1 V,_'< ; ; A ?wa;,,' 13912?Vt: yt.[y� drain, work in progress . ` t o .•,I.V,V f ':1,1., , ., , 1 is, 1 +. * tc ram` .2.,• .:\ \or, �..�__'''i� '',ltl•'�•�'a'm..;:l.,, k .A,... 0 , ,\71 .„.,...,:_,:iirr.,,... , ,,,. : ' `,.rei,Iir„1 .. • , . „ ,..3„ . „.i .„.,,,,.. i . . View of 1, 000 gallon "Utopia" ,4• ,, n'`d , t, ; 4� `�r concrete septic tank, work in R + 1 •. 1; a , { , progress KEVIN L. HASTINGS, PE 3 Jackson Avenue So. Glens Falls, NY 12803 920 Ridge Road -i: _ (T) Queensbury, NY . Y - .R - "w • r're %. i 0 1 • 1 ' • :c •j View of septic tank inlet cover, '': 1 4" PVC inlet pipe, 4" PVC inlet aa� . Ibaffle, work in progress . - Nyli .:05..Ply`' ^:.1;'*, ' . r r �'v 6 •'s` , yes,. 3N.,,t; to 9t 1 rc • ti A ,J; `7. .ti `c� View of septic tank, work in -F :. ' r • 9.-., ;� , progress, looking west to d-box. 34 IL - �., 1: ), - :4,,,,,,,,,2;:::` ` :'� View of septic tank outlet Lt�ILl f. w. 'j cover, 4" PVC outlet baffle (map I�� / : node 1) , 4" PVC outlet pipe, and Fir t effluent cartridge filter :r (yellow component) installed. ' ' See drawing note #15 for proper R , maintenance of this filter. _ KEVIN L. HASTINGS, PE 3 Jackson Avenue So. Glens Falls, NY 12803 , i • - •-..c, ''--,'''-'4-..-q1.--, --"T.-'?.'-41. .•4'. ., 1-' - '-.,,;,, .i,;`,?7,,,-7.7r1,- ;.. . 920 Ridge Road _ • •14:, , '0-4,4',-,.-,- .1-,141_,-,,,-,1 ,,,. ,-, :-.,,-,, ..,,,,,,„.,.4t.;„,..,, - , . ---- '-`,':-., ru'VZ,4t--._,.:4??:.4,7-•!,;;; - •,..- •j, ,.. ":.''lr-*..,",- .„,- (T) Queensbury, NY 1.• 4 :, 1... 6 4411..%V.:.- '''...i''''i: '..". ." --.''' r.d4'. ;"..,lg....:;..W;;;•61,,i;e'll 411g7, „.1....,: ,... , .311P;-,-*.t..;..... '".. ti ,,,, ....xi. ',.,;,.Y r.'*!!",,,-,'4..W.A.t,'>-•. X."•;,,j-'''' li 1''.,'f..-',,k.,,!IP•ify$,`,,,'4:rr,• ,, ',:.'.it- .,;.. ,,,,.:. ,..,,4,r,,,,,;,^-,,..:„...,- -,= , 1 ).:,.....• ,,, . %--.1,.2!...ix,kr-,•:,.J''..- "yir„:,,,,..i. li •-,-,,i,1***--: -44. 0,:4V,'i:---t ,:,,,A ^.. 0:' . !':.. . t ,-Yee."'•,,4.7. A.' 'f'..".„ •. • ".#1; ": :•-•:,:.; -,1--, ,•-_ -',.-- Z•:--,, ''• 4,4,- 1.-m).4 if...",,,'.4r`-'*,'---.:• :,- - -.0,,,,,I.,-;.,-1.. , ,„::; 1 • ....t-- -• 1 ,L.-2 .N4*-4--,Y-, Ake.,-. '-,-:- -„,-;-., 14,! ,.,-,,,,,,/, ;...:, -: .7', '.. '.'• ,,','• %:Q.,,,,,. ".;-, .._,,,:,'.- 4..., .-4,(;:,„,„--,`,:,,,,,'-•:'7';',-.,:;,--t,• ': -.-j .:.P.4-.: r,,,,f,,,•!,'.-- .,-, ; .• .-...!..',$ , (, ,-2-- ,,i .:,;,;,,,.-A-,-4:-.._ .-J,:-- - '';•''i'',';;It• .""*P.,,t, .,.. I„;.i *,.,;,,,.; ,_., , -.--;:...., - --7,-, 1;,. ' - ..•-'','-':_';' 1•?•,-..'',i'i i. 1 ,, ,, W."' / ? q °T.P,;;_,.':'.`.'-'•',;4i:,...- . ..•- ,,.."‘P ' ,,d 1,, ,,;,.; ::,-, : -.,, ,- ' „,..___%•-• ,,-71,-..t,-Q f,-,,I.,—.7,...--,!-----•.,-,-..c,ktg, , vt.`,-,..-1 -(:, 11,:s., ,°,7,' View of septic tank, 4" PVC tank i ,,4":::- -,-...., -;-, foir..-,..40k.--1, out let pipe, and 4" PVC 9 0 degree - - i"- •.4.to.,,,, :• -- •__ . ---4- -,---,'"10-::: ' , :' 5 '' ,.•1'-; :',:•-•''''''Pg!..."--'.' : bend, looking east . ' Y . ''':i'. ‘-'' 'i ,1:i•‘••,- •,,-7..,,, -1,,,,'' - .,.` 4,1 :,,::,,,, ,;,---,:-..,..-44.,.. , ..,.• ,..,-, -1,...4....,-, ,.r ' : .;:)-!-;:ii '''.• ':-.., ,'''.:. •`i.. .., 'A . . j if, :.,1:4•'' --, . .... ' '• ' .F.4.8x....i',''..ltj;.--..,.....;;......i“'' .r...'1Z,..-_.............;.- _ ._„.„..,:_LL,,,,,,-. . ': '''' Y V.e.... . ' ." .•. • t,, - .• V''' .. 1:1!lat-"; , ^ .. ..tA4............ti .' 14.,..;',.'-' • ;: Ira'y.:, ..:.7 -,-...g*,.y. ,spt ''": , . --.." '.''.'-•:::'' '-. .',.".. 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":-''''7,'''';-"'..:-',Y".°; ••1;.>1A l',Zi-L-.''.'it'e.....k": .--;';',Z.I.::::.'.5*`k*:Iri :::,-,4• •4'..' -,-----•.r.-I,.. '..:'. , . . .,:-:;..7.:k114. ,,•--7.`:•'''1=sA:-. `.- -,,:;';i.4 ,...- '''' ;''':-..':--;•' ' .':'''' ''' '''' ''' "''''':: 4:' ----'' '''''.--.`:11'.' ---.'-54-'''.:c2k.'''.--- ' View of 4" PVC tank outlet pipe, ,----, - -•:••.,- --••:-.--,,.....-__-.--..--.- ,..: ic,.:".,: -..E,. -,-.• "•.--- ,-, -.- ...,,,--;.:_ii.A.,,,,, ‘...49'.'' ,''• • --";•- - -• ,-"-44t..---:- ,os-t----;--.: -',1: 4,-‘,.,t-ii 4 PVC 9 0 degree bend, and d-box, - '-.:„-,-i;:t:•,:_-,:r. f4'....-.:.'1,.:7'•---- T ''..; '',',' ..:.'r,'''.:''':27-•`:'-''-''''''''''':..\1 ( ;':.: —;.441102e,i--L,,,;,,--4,---4:1---,--- .7,- -.7,-;.-- z....--_,1 looking south to d-box. -,.:, .--"`:,'„-..---4-•::-.•-7-',:.-,.... -0.-.:•%,-'.,,,:, , .;•---,.. - -,-:c••.1-';.---eir,5--L„,,-- ';-.".--.-_-, ?;•'4 r.%,•-•-,. ---- ., . .•••,_, - . .---i, -...-",..-...-.,-;,-.4';•..:-.9.).--:,,44,--:.-,4,--..1;-•',.,: --.,.,,,,i:,„1,--. ' • : .-'5-.• -•-...-----::-- -:. 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View of 6-outlet polyethylene -.., . distribution box (map node 2) • • 44::•*---:, . .p4:-r-'.,- .4 .' . ..,. i.„ ii, ..4 with speed levelers and vented /.. . . • 4" PVC inlet baffle installed. 2...:-..-7. • . 1, - - •.::„...e7.- „.-4 , ), . J. • . Liquid level test - PASSED .-•" •----: •,;:--,..'-;, ..--, -„ - , _ , ' ..,,.,' .,....... __,,,,, „, •,--,-:, •-.:.::,,..-....":,-,. . . - ''..0'.rt•., :6-', PM1 2.06 Pi 1 /.2C1.4 • 4. . KEVIN L. HASTINGS, PE 3 Jackson Avenue So. Glens Falls, NY 12803 , t • �� '� .-.'.:` , - """•' 920 Ridge Road �y 'J (T) Queensbury, NY ' .x, •• C; `-.,g ym dp. Jw� .ir --• 2 •/, -,/ ..,.44-0 r . 2� C# r t:. ;;'_' - : `"'"'" Ai.;� View of d-box and 4" PVC header . t , f'' , _ • W• . C -IL pipes, work in progress, looking + ._ I i. ` � . ,• .,ti east . ,T .• • . , < r' {•a' 1 ilE' '_� �• r.ren.�j a a. . . . 14:1,-.","'ir .,<:.•j :-ern -i"' ,��.-, ' KView of 4" PVC header pipe and '•;+' 11` ""F `' � •• .•y, 't•• absorption trench 1 with Eljen r; } ' ,..., /-,_ ",Y.'-ir---- ,,, , .4•k,.' system sand, (8) Eljen B43 .. ;°sr ; ' YI, :A..,• j' i -� : -;-:., modules, 90 degree bend (map node - ,'.,,, `I,•a, r,: =, ti d, , ::,j 3) , 4" PVC lateral pipe, soil ,` ,�' 'x i R • # ' ' N�4• 'j barrier fabric, arid partial soil �R1I° �.;'t4h ''' tp1; .'S.otJx' L: . - backfill, looking south. 7...,.p,.;,_;.f.,„:, ... .7v,..F.,,r7,Tit:j'--irS7-'':"I,,,,:7''',?,-,-:.-1.-' ''. i V ' it 11 �t,• •• ,I \AL • :` ,,Ja,�;.,-� F �,. y,.. ,`. ' I.' ,,'`i; View of d-box and absorption r.; y,4 0. ' trench #2 with Eljen system �,/ A%4, •••• ;` 4 ,�",ti. p. sand, (8) Eljen B43 modules, 4" y i f ' ;; *r' e' !- �' PVC lateral pipe, soil barrier . � ' , , ' t` '-' 1 , ',; , , fabric, and partial soil``` A+.�• 4 �,, backfill, looking south. -fin t rid '' a ,le i t 'h, c41 (.::d:: A..%�;64.1;, ku.,:I?t= ---;' '" - . .. "''` K1 KEVIN L. HASTINGS, PE A r 3 Jackson Avenue So. Glens Falls, NY 12803 ' Ti'1 � � � #• n,; ��i�•,., )44, '���' e- t.� ,7, „S. ti' 920 Ridge Road �``• ``:c. y �?'* '' °rTv flo 4 :�+ � n �- (T) Queensbury, NY ,�,�t t • f f i5;� b' 11}ly[�,`� �. ��'cc may':F!s, r'V '}�,�f.),�d,y^.,���:;'Xi':'.r�„y�'t 3�•ray. #.'o •:a�f ``, t,l". `.:';;s''.:,. 5.i J��'='7+� ;; ?:i�';ti Jj;i� %� s =:ter , „. -- ;: • v View of absorption trench #2 * P. -.r'ti ;;=a�. _ , ry ;*` � with El en system sand, (8) ' " 1°71 ' s. `< ''l "` ore "` o- Eljen B43 modules, 4" PVC > � _,,, , ' 11.,., r- _.. z ;ter , ' ,f'` lateral pipe, 4" PVC end cap, .. �� .�,.�x• .g .f:r* � •* M,4 Jam. -_; �1.r. ,:- ;.` : ;.t ,Y �roa a t :,,-^ s:..'--r ''''''€ soil barrier fabric, and ', vn }` ?f =-r ± t:�°_ ..,,,..4.,--,! �- "*` partial soil backfill, looking , •",�., ,e : t. „» 5. ,��:`" :?- ,"` ' north 4,t1 {1 Cy!! f ! eF(xt+3{4{gg �_3tJ Ya l'k � v:(,-, ('� 4{ + K' f C �- F °1 y i ' ,, Ei �a � y f MM y '*'x, `� = - " ` -- V ' . View of absorption trench #1 ice'{«P7.,fw ,...R „"`mx� €`' .. ,• 4.. fit; -.., .0 < with Eljen system sand, (8) � . �; :� 'r . w k� Eljen B43 modules, 4" PVC 441k,'' lateral pipe, 4" PVC end cap L r (map node 4) , soil barrier rF '' ` fabric, and partial soil ,�- ' r ,c_± 4^' *�•- M1 backf ill, looking north. f + t{ { �,i cy`" r c '�w r x A,.._ 4, 3 r . .,, .. . ,..., .. up. 1.,.,•.- ' iber,.,.11.4;•:„.1fT'4 :.reo• • 4j[ .4.1. r .F :2{ y�'''. [ fly, V.- ' �`5 Y F,,tt✓V ,'' �sr,- '# .`y 114 `�• i t . j 1 #J fi' M 6 `4• �' } 4y�r n it fraf �iftA .";—F-". '' �"` 'y `�' ;:.; ""`L` View of completed work, looking f . � 1 south. .;;` 4. ,, .,fie _.` - ,- r , `� 'fit v� �. _'�a `� `a_.:3=__ KEVIN L. HASTINGS, PE 3 Jackson Avenue So. Glens Falls, NY 12803 SEPTIC SYSTEM OPERATIONS & LIMITATIONS c C (D E U O T s 0 0 0 a L 0 v c 0 J a E X x m 0 m c 0) c W 6 c 0 ch En a� 0 0 O 0 U C U 0 U) E N 0 C N a1� U) 0� a.0 T U C O U � 0 3 J (V C 0).0 0 N O 1, U 7 C _0 O W 1 0 C �0 ZN ZN 0 �n NOTICE TO OWNER THIS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED WITH AN EFFLUENT FILTER IN THE SEPTIC TANK (MAP NODE 1). YOU MUST CHECK THE FILTER ON A PERIODIC BASIS, AND PERFORM CLEANING AS REQUIRED FOR PROPER FUNCTION. SEE NOTE #15. WELL SUPPLY OTHER MEASUREMENTS: WELL — TANK 96' WELL — LEACH FIELD 106' WELL — D—BOX 107' HOUSE — TANK 16' HOUSE — LEACH FIELD 21' TANK — D—BOX 4' WETLAND — LEACH FIELD 25' LEACH FIELD 12' x 33' 1,000 GALLON "UTOPIA" CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK, 4" PVC INLET PIPE, 4" PVC INLET BAFFLE, 4" PVC OUTLET BAFFLE, 4" PVC OUTLET PIPE, EFFLUENT CARTRIDGE FILTER (SEE NOTE #15), AND GRADE ACCESS COVER 6 - OUTLET "TUF-TITS" 7HD2 POLYETHYLENE DISTRIBUTION BOX w/ VENTED INLET BAFFLE & SPEED LEVELERS CONVENTIONAL ABSORPTION TRENCH SYSTEM 2 LATERALS,16 ELJEN B43 MODULES, TOTAL = 64 LF INSTALLED CAPACITY = 330 GALLONS (PEAK) PER DAY AVERAGE DAILY CAPACITY = 220 GALLONS PER DAY 1. The best designed and installed septic disposal system will eventually fail to function properly without adequate maintenance. Inadequate septic tank maintenance can result in clogging of the tank and sewage back—up into the home and/or sewage overflow onto the ground surface. The failure to periodically clean a septic tank commonly results in clogging of the soil that surrounds the absorption trench by overflowing solids not removed by the septic tank. 2. The sewage disposal system was intended by design to provide subsurface sewage disposal for a typical single family dwelling. No additions involving living or sleeping areas may be added to the dwellings without the approval of the Code Enforcement Officer and the system redesign by a licensed Professional Engineer. The seal and signature on any drawing specifically excludes certification for future expansion or field replacement. 3. No sump pump, water softener backwash, spas, hot tubs, whirlpools, or condensate waste shall be drained into the system. 4. Septic tanks shall be inspected annually to determine the scum and sludge accumulation by the homeowner or a qualified septage hauler. The amount of build—up noted at each inspection shall be recorded and maintained in a record book. The septic tank shall be pumped whenever the bottom of the scum layer is within three inches of the bottom of the outlet baffle or tee, or the top of the sludge is within ten inches of the bottom of the outlet baffle or tee. The pump —out clearances also apply to any chamber in multi —compartment tanks and to any tanks in series (i.e. pump out all tanks/chambers as soon as any tank or chamber fails the minimum clearance). Most tanks should be pumped out every two to five years. 5. When septic tank is pumped, the septic tank inlet connection, baffles/tees, house sewer connection, tank outlet connection, and effluent cartridge filter shall be inspected. Any baffle or tee that have deteriorated and no longer perform as designed must be replaced. Cracked or broken lines must be repaired or replaced. 6. Any company employed to clean and service the septic tank and system, must be a permitted septage hauler, with valid standing with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation office. Septic tanks should not be washed or disinfected after being pumped out. 7. Septic tank additives shall not be used in the septic system. Additives are unnecessary for the proper operation of household systems and may cause the sludge and scum in the septic tank to be discharged into the absorption field, resulting in premature failure. 8. Do not dispose of excess household grease and fat in the septic system. 9. Whenever septic tanks are to be abandoned (i.e. when public sewers are installed to handle household wastes), the tanks shall be pumped out and refilled with soil to prevent future collapse. 10. Do not pour or dump chemical cleaners (i.e. ammonia) in the sinks or toilets. 11. Do not discharge roof drains, or allow stormwater runoff to collect on the absorption field area. 12. No vehicle parking or traffic shall be allowed on any portion of the sewage disposal system. 13. The sewage disposal system is designed for domestic wastewater only, with the design of the absorption field on the projected flows. Any use of the dwellings that has a greater discharge of wastewater flow than designed will require a redesign of the disposal system by a licensed Professional Engineer. 14. The stamp seal and signature of the design engineer is for the intended use only, and any change of use invalidates the seal. 15. The effluent cartridge filter shall be checked and cleaned if necessary during each inspection of the septic tank. A written record of the filter cleaning is recommended so to better monitor the amount of solids trapped in the filter cartridge. OA = N.W. CORNER OF FOUNDATION WALL OB = S.W. CORNER OF FOUNDATION WALL NODE ITEM A B 1 SEPTIC TANK — OUTLET 23,0' 50.0' 2 D—BOX 23.4' 46.4' 3 900 BEND — N.W. 31.1' 50.2' 4 END CAP — S.W. 1 41.1 ' 33.5' V. V Of: NF�,t, END CAP - TYPICAL Jam%_ + s�0 co DRAWING NOTE: THE AS —BUILT DIMENSION DURING �`P Na 07MM CONSTRUCTION WITH ACC S SHOWN WERE DERIVED FROM ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS�URVEYED URACY SUITABLE FOR OWNER'S � S USE. THESE ARE NOT . DIMENSIONS. THE MAP C S NOT TO SCALE. LIC. NO. 076269 ]IP®T N" 13 20 DO NOT DRIVE OR PARK MOTOR ON THE DISPOSAL FIELI WARREN COUNTY TAX MAP #290.-1 -84 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE 920 RIDGE ROAD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY COUNTY OF WARREN STATE OF NEW YORK REPLACEMENT ON -SITE SEE -WAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AS BUI T Is AS -BUILT " PLAN DATE: 9/23/24 I SC<ALE: NONE KEVIN L. HASZ;INGS, P.E. C'0VS1 LTTA'G F,Aq;IAF,F.R 3 JACKSON AVENUE, SOUTH GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK 12803 DWG. NO.: 920ridge.dwg SHEET 1 OF 1