8307 (B) Major Muffler BUILDING PERMIT - . . . .TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. s3o� (B) WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK - • PERMISSION is hereby granted to Glen Auto and Tire - lessee - - • x9(18Mof property located at south side Quaker Road Street, Road or Ave. N in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Wall Sign - m • at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 0 1. OWNER'S Address is AARON, Martin and KENT, Fred (v - 104 Smith Avenue - Kingston, Nev, York -12401- Fa 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name . • ', I-1 ` N 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 'J • s✓ . W . CD II 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 0 W . .. • 6. TYPE of Construction—.(Please indicate by X) - - ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( )Steel ( ') 7. PLANS and Specifications • 6 y x3 ' wall sign per -Sketch and application No. • submitted. - COPY: MAJOR MUFFLER s; )v 8. Proposed Use 1-, H' cn Advertising - H- . LQ 15. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES August 19 84 • (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the'. - town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 18th Day of January_ 19 84 SIGNED BY 'h +� 6 - for the Town of Queensbury ' Building and Zoning Ins.:. or - • TOWN OF QUEENSBUPY b TOWN .OF QUEENSBURY = LE Y, LE -� D 984 - ' Amo pa m APPLICATION FOR.. SIGN PERMIT` fil P 19 i1411)12,1�2�g'4I s° Application, for a sign permit' shall be :submitted to the Building g 3010V Inspector in duplicate in ink or :typewritten. THE FOLLOWING -INFORMATION REQUIRED: (1) Detailed drawing or plan, to .scale, showing the area (size) and the lettering and/or 'pictorial matter composing the sign (2) Plot plan showing it'.s relation to nearby buildings, structures,, lot boundaries and, any private or :public streets or highways: (3) Written consent ,.of the 'owner of the building' or land. All signs must have :name plate .attached giving sign permit 'number and name and address of .owner. 1 Olf NER OF THE PROPERTY A r 559r; , 2. ADDRESS, 10 14,;ric.i,,;, ' �.04o I TELEPHONE NO( 1114) 33?- 000 4 3. NAME OF APPLICANT Gen notorincrilm3L 4. ADDRESS C ,,�r, � , �� . TELEPHONE N0. ' -).-11 O 1 5 LOCATION OF STRUCTURE OR LAND.OF- PROPOSED SIGN Ca blixipe 6. SIZE OF ;THE •SIGN (Width) 6` Ft. (Length) 3 ' : Ft. 7.- If the Sign is to be two faced give the number of square feet of each face Sc'. Ft. .8. :If the .Sign is to be Illuminated please check appropriate box:. Internal (/1, ' External ( ), Incandescent ( ) , Neon ( ) Other ( ) 'All illuminated signs shah be inspected and certified by;the New • York :Board of Fire Underwriters:. ' - 9. Type of material used, for construction of Sign A1lumbnum 10. If the, Sign is' to be attached to a building, please ;describe where on the building the Sign is to ,be located and the distance from wall e'iiie ` QS ).- 4; Er,3 oV P14 11. Remarks or other information N um d bsk /4'/6 /73-77 eogy. 1th a -61, mu • TF/, R if&4gnati-1-1, bf�apF `scan pease iscate ate. Contractor or Agent v. \,. ---.11) I Be/ ----, ?140,6 14/ ?)cikke S- v., -. 3 .,1c , � -d �A - / Qom. �" " { 14 L/ A, - — C d r I } 11 E.--------_________________________ 6'6 e ..._______---...„________ / ,/,____:... „, . ix/ / ,/__' -- ., 4:/ 4--.4.s .--- u n .1,, G-. .R Q r____R C� ' -----/ i 6 " 6 ' orris �� Ac 3 • QvAdy dTnowmv4:‘hr. • M U FFLER ?#ie,4r d f- Or"(Ato I/ 11.4A4/ ae‘V �a¢4 S;pos are 3 '.t 6 ' a L n k) \ft .' q