Project Narrative12 East Washington Street 518-792-2907
Glens Falls, NY 12801
Transmitted via Email & Hand Delivered
October 21, 2024
Stephen Traver, Chairman, Queensbury Planning Board, & Planning Board Members
Mike McCabe, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Zoning Board Members
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Re: “Bello” Residential Site Improvements
40 Pulver Road - Queensbury
RUH# 24-003
Dear Chairmen Traver & McCabe, and Board Members,
Tim Bello, the owner of 40 Pulver Road (Tax#: 227.14-1-10) proposes some waterfront landscaping
improvements as well as stormwater management controls to coincide with the required revegetation
compliance of his “Notice of Violation – Order to Remedy for violation of the shoreline regulations
in the town of Queensbury.” (attached) As the notice states, during a complaint investigation it was
discovered that trees and other vegetation had been removed within 35’ of the shoreline in violation
of town code, Chapter 179-6-050 (B)(1)(a). Mr. Bello is rectifying this violation by proposing to
plant additional trees, shrubs, and perennials along the shoreline to create a new planting buffer area
as outlined in the attached plans and in compliance with Queensbury’s shoreline buffer requirements.
In addition to the proposed shoreline buffer plantings, new stormwater control measures are also
proposed to be implemented between the house and the shoreline. The proposed stormwater control
measures will manage runoff from all impervious cover on the site (existing house, garage, driveways,
walkways, etc.). Due to the existing layout and configuration of the site and its prevailing features it
is not physically feasible to locate all the proposed stormwater control measures outside of the 35’
setback from the mean high-water mark of Lake George. As such, an area variance is being requested
for the non-compliant setback for an infiltration basin to the mean high-water mark of Lake George
as described in the town code, Chapter 147-11 (I)(2)(h).
We believe the requested variance is minor in nature and will not have an adverse effect on the
character of the neighborhood or the environment. The infiltration basin, although proposed inside
the 35’ setback, will manage all stormwater runoff from the site where no current stormwater practices
exist, and will protect the lake from sedimentation and erosion where currently no protections exist.
Stephen Traver, Chairman, Queensbury Planning Board, & Planning Board Members
Mike McCabe, Chairman, Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals & Board Members
Re: “Bello” Residential Site Improvements October 21, 2024
Page 2 of 2
We hope both the Planning Board and Zoning Board will view this proposed project favorably. We
look forward to meeting with each board to discuss the objectives and merits of this proposed project.
If there are any advance questions, please call our office at 518-792-2907 or email me directly at
Aaron Roberts, RLA
Landscape Architect
•Site Plan Application
•Area Variance Application
•Property Deed
•Stamped Survey
•11x17 drawings (1-9) entitled: Timothy Bello Residential Site Improvements, Revision A
dated 10/17/2024
Ecopy(ies) w/encl: Timothy Bello