05-20-2013 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING May 20, 2013 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN BRIAN CLEMENTS 1.0 RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH 1.1 Resolution Setting Public Hearing on Sewage Disposal Variance Application of John and Cathy Hodgkins 1.2 Resolution Adjourning Queensbury Board of Health 2.0 RESOLUTIONS 2.1 Resolution Authorizing Lease-Purchase Agreement Between Bay Ridge Rescue Squad, Inc. and Physio-Control, Inc. for Life-Pak 15 Defibrillators 2.2 Resolution Authorizing Lease-Purchase Agreement Between West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc. and Physio-Control, Inc. for Life-Pak 15 Defibrillators 2.3 Resolution Authorizing South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., to Transfer Budgeted Funds from Debt Service to Reserve Fund 2.4 Resolution Authorizing Installation of Pole and Street Light at Feeder Dam Park Entrance 2.5 Resolution Supporting and Authorizing Placement of Signage Along Warren County Bikeway and Feeder Canal Heritage Trail 2.6 Resolution Authorizing Memorandum of Understanding of Municipal Governments Bordering Lake George Regarding Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention and Mandatory Boat Inspection and Decontamination Program 2.7 Resolution Reappointing Jennifer Switzer as Member of Town Cemetery Commission 2.8 Resolution Authorizing Establishment of Capital Project Fund 9199- Town Assessment Revaluation Project and Hiring of Jessica Laluna as Part-Time Real Property Clerk 2.9 Resolution Authorizing Hiring of John Holcomb as Motor Equipment Operator in Highway Dept. 2.10 Resolution Authorizing Hiring of Troy Bapp as Temporary, Seasonal Laborer in Highway Dept. 2.11 Resolution Authorizing Withdrawal From Capital Improvement Plan Reserve Fund 464 for Increase in Rush Pond Bicycle/Pedestrian Path Capital Project 4166 2.12 Resolution to Amend 2013 Budget 2.13 Resolution Authorizing Lease Purchase Agreement with Municipal Leasing Consultants for Generator in Town Wastewater Department 2.14 Resolution Approving Audit of Bills- Warrant of May 21St, 2013 2.15 Resolution Adopting Determination and Findings and SEQRA Determination of Non- Significance Regarding Aviation Road Intersection Improvements Project Pin No.: 1759.06 3.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR(LIMIT 4 MINUTES) 4.0 CORRESPONDENCE 5.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS 6.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION(IF NEEDED) ***Agenda Subject to Change Without Notice***