11-04-2024 MTG #33 Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 480 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG# 33 NOVEMBER 4, 2024 RES. #393-411 7:00 P.M. BOH #88-93 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER COUNCILMAN MICHAEL DIXON COUNCILMAN TIMOTHY MCNULTY TOWN COUNSEL Robert Hafner, Esq. TOWN OFFICIALS Stuart Baker, Senior Planner Barbara Tierney, Budget Officer PRESS Look TV SUPERVISOR STROUGH called meeting to order... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN TIMOTHY MCNULTY 1.0 QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO.: 393, 2024 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Michael Dixon RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and enters into the Queensbury Board of Health. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty NOES: None ABSENT: None 1.1 Public Hearing- Sewage Disposal Variance Application of William and Lynn Clark Publication Date: October 26, 2024 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the proposed sewage variance application and the six variances being requested for the property at 77 Rockhurst Road. LUCAS DOBIE-Thank you Mr. Supervisor and good evening, Board. For the record, Lucas Dobie with Hutchins Engineering, Professional Engineer and partner. With me is our Project Design Engineer, Miss Haley Ballard who's working for us full time and doing a really nice job Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 481 and learning the ropes of the presentations if you will. I appreciate your time tonight and thank you for the nice description on that Mr. Supervisor. It's a nice lot at 77 Rockhurst that the Clark family owns and it's my understanding that they're looking at doing some title change or something like that, they realized they need to upgrade the septic, that it wouldn't pass the Town's Transfer law. So, they've been working with Mr. O'Brien of the Building Department for a few months now and brought us on Board this summer. Again, the property is 130 feet wide which is pretty nice especially for Rockhurst but it's only 86 feet deep on the northside so it's impossible to get the 100 feet to the new absorption field but we feel that it's a very appropriate system with the Fuji Clean which has the nitrogen component in it as well so it's the CEN Unit rated for 500 gallons a day which exceeds the four bedroom requirement and by the 100 percent sized stone pipe and stone absorption beds which is 75 feet from the shore at the closest point. So I'm very comfortable with the system. We've done several of these at the end of Rockhurst and at least one on Cleverdale so it's relatively state of the art system but still pretty simple in its maintenance and everything which gets done twice a year. So with that, I'd be happy to answer any questions the Board may have and thank you for your time tonight. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-There is a public hearing on this. Should any member of the public wish to speak to this, I'll give you the opportunity in a minute. But first, are there any questions from the Town Board in regards to this variance application? COUNCILMAN DIXON-I do just have a quick question. Do you have any concerns being so close to the road? Would it benefit bringing it closer to the house, even though you're? No matter what you do, you're looking for variances. MR. DOBIE-I think we've got a nice balance to it. We're trying to keep it as close to the road as we can, close to the property line. Because we're asking for one foot off the property line and we do have some experience out towards the point of constructing them essentially this close to the road and the soils are pretty stable there, we didn't have any trouble before so we're comfortable with this and I wouldn't want to go any closer to the house or to the lake if we don't have to. Alright, thank you. COUNCLILMAN DIXON-No it's a tough building lot. MR. DOBIE-It's pretty flat fortunately, and it's good high ground and soils through there. COUNCILMAN DIXON-Thank you. MR. DOBIE-Thank you. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, no further questions. Now what I'm going to do is ask if any member of the public has any comments. If they do, I'm going to ask you to sit down and I'll ask you to return when we're done with the public comments. Okay, but let's see if there is any first. Any member of the public here who wishes to speak to this variance request on behalf of William and Lynn Clark at 77 Rockhurst Road? I'll open the public hearing. Seeing none, Tim, anybody online? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-No, questions, no hands. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-I'll close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING WILLIAM AND LYNN CLARK'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 88,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr.Timothy McNulty Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 482 WHEREAS,William and Linda Clark(Applicants)filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance,Chapter 136 to install areplacement enhanced treatment on-site wastewater treatment system with certain of its components to be installed as follows: I. Absorption field to be located 75'from the Lake George shoreline in lieu of the required 100' setback; 2. Absorption field to be located 7'from the house in lieu of the required 20'setback; 3. Absorption field to be located 1' from the easterly property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 4. Distribution Box to be located 7' from the easterly property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 5. Force main to be located 8'from the easterly property line in lieu of the required 10'setback; and 6. Distribution Box to be located 82'from the Lake George shoreline line in lieu of the required 100'setback; on property located at 77 Rockhurst Road in the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted apublic hearing concerning the variance requests on Monday,November 4`",2024, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variances, the Local Board of Health determines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and are the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicants; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of William and Lynn Clark for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install a replacement enhanced treatment on-site wastewater treatment system with certain of its components to be installed as follows: 1. Absorption field to be located 75'from the Lake George shoreline in lieu of the required 100' setback; 2. Absorption field to be located 7'from the house in lieu of the required 20'setback; Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 483 3. Absorption field to be located 1' from the easterly property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 4. Distribution Box to be located 7' from the easterly property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 5. Force main to be located 8'from the easterly property line in lieu of the required 10'setback; and 6. Distribution Box to be located 82'from the Lake George shoreline line in lieu of the required 100'setback; on property located at 77 Rockhurst Road in the Town and bearing Tax Map No: 227.13-2-35, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Enhanced Treatment Unit(ETU) shall be maintained by the property owner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the life of the system, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) for its review and this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the APA and shall be subject to review by the APA during such period. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr.Metivier,Mr.Dixon,Mr.McNulty,Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None 1.2 Public Hearing- Sewage Disposal Variance Application of Kara Haraden Publication Date: October 26, 2024 SUPERVISOR STROUGH noted that the Town Board will not be taking any action on the proposed sewage variance application and variance request for the property at 124 Lake Parkway due to some minor changes and brought back to the Town Board on the 18''. So there is a public hearing if anyone came to speak to this and I'll give you the opportunity to do so. But we're going to shift the absorption field four feet and get it out of Town property. The rest of the system perhaps designed as it is,we'll find out here in a minute. Noted the six variances presently being requested. MR. DOBIE-Thank you again Mr. Supervisor. For the record Lucas Dobie with Hutchins Engineering and Haley Ballard, the Project Engineer representing Kara Haraden at 124 Lake Parkway which is the west side of Assembly Point, approximately five properties south of the point. So they failed their Lake George Park Commission inspection back in the springtime and we were jammed up, the surveyor was jammed up, so it took some time to get here but here we are and we're proposing a new upsized 1500 gallons septic tank and a new pump station and the enhanced treatment Elj en absorption field and where we've got our ... bridge too far, or stumbling block today when we met with the Supervisor, Counsel advised against allowing us to fill with our sand fill basically to taper the grade within the road right-of-way. We propose the Eljen mats Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 484 themselves three feet from the property line onto our own property so it would be 18 to 24 inches of sand graded into the right-of-way and there's a landscaping wall there now. We sort of thought to grade against that. We did ask the Highway Superintendent, he seemed okay with that but I was informed that it is not acceptable so we're willing to regroup and I just did a quick plan after our meeting where we can pull it four feet closer to the house and do away with the right-of-way variance and we'll ask for ten feet from the house to our lakeside wall instead of 14 feet. Nothing else will change with the updated plan so we'll get that resubmitted and ask that we'd be on the next meeting so hopefully we can get this approved for our clients. So thank you for your time tonight. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Alright, any questions from the Town Board? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-So we will keep this open? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Yes. Hearing none, I'll open the public hearing, we're going to keep the public hearing open when this comes back to us, I'm assuming on the 18'h of November we'll finish it up. So,there is a public hearing,I opened it, is there any member of the public here tonight that wishes to speak to this variance application for a new septic system for Kara Haraden on 124 Lake Parkway? Alright, I'm going to leave the public hearing open, we're taking no action on this. Any additional comments on behalf of the Town Board at this time? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-No. COUNCILMAN DIXON-No. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Alright, thank you very much and we'll see you in two weeks. MR. DOBIE-Thank you. Goodnight, Board. PUBLIC HEARING LEFT OPEN RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF GINNIE FARRELL RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 89, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr.Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town's Local Board of Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town's On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and WHEREAS, Ginnie Farrell (Applicant)has applied to the Local Board of Health for variances from Chapter 136 to install a replacement on-site wastewater treatment system with the well to be located: 1. 55'from the neighbor's leaching system in lieu of the required 100'setback; and 2. 73'4"from the on-site leaching system in lieu of the required 100'setback; on property located at 11 Palmer Drive in the Town of Queensbury, Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 485 NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public hearing on Monday,November 18'h, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider Ginnie Farrell's sewage disposal variance application concerning property located at 11 Palmer Drive in the Town of Queensbury (Tax Map No.: 316.17-1-9) and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr.Dixon,Mr.McNulty,Mr. Strough,Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF DAVID WILKINS RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 90, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr.Timothy McNulty WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town's Local Board of Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town's On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and WHEREAS, David Wilkins (Applicant)has applied to the Local Board of Health for variances from Chapter 136 to install a replacement septic tank to be located: I. 13"from the house in lieu of the required 10'setback; and 2. 13"from the property line in lieu of the required 10'setback; on property located at 116 Sunnyside North in the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public hearing on Monday,November 18`", 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 486 to consider David Wilkins'sewage disposal variance application concerning property located at 116 Sunnyside North in the Town of Queensbury(Tax Map No.: 279.17-2-13) and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION GRANTING LYNNE COLLEEN MCNEIL RUTNIK ADDITIONAL EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE NEW CODE COMPLIANT SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 316/321 GLEN LAKE ROAD RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 91,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 380, 2018, the Queensbury Town Board adopted Local Law 2 of 2018 entitled "Septic Inspection Upon Property Transfer" set forth at Queensbury Town Code Chapter 137 and by Resolution Nos: 176, 2019 and 47, 2020 adopted Local Laws 5 of 2019 and 1 of 2020 respectively to make additional minor modifications to Chapter 137, and WHEREAS, Chapter 137 requires inspection of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) prior to the transfer of ownership of certain real property and provides that a $2,000 escrow deposit will be forfeited to the Town in the event that completion of an OWTS meeting all standards is not completed within the time provided, and WHEREAS, Lynne Colleen McNeil Rutnik(Applicant)previously advised the Town Board as the Local Board of Health that she acquired the majority interest in the property located at 316/321 Glen Lake Road identified as Tax Map Nos: 289.9-1-83 and 289.9-1-58 (Property) and by letter dated 5 April 2023 advised that the existing structure on the Property would be demolished and the onsite wastewater treatment system(OWTS)removed;however, due to litigation regarding Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 487 full ownership of the Property, the demolition of the structure and the OWTS removal process would not be completed within the required six (6) month time period, and WHEREAS, Applicant therefore requested that the Town Board grant additional time to complete such work until October 17'', 2023 and in the meantime, Applicant advised that the structure would not be inhabited and by Resolution No.: BOH 28, 2023,the Town Board approved Applicant's requested additional time until October 17'', 2023, and WHEREAS, Applicant subsequently advised that due to continuing litigation, the work had not been completed and therefore Applicant requested a six month extension or until April 171', 2024 to complete such work and by Resolution No.: BOH 69, 2023, the Town Board approved Applicant's requested additional time until April 17'', 2024, and WHEREAS,Applicant subsequently advised that the process had taken much longer than anticipated and therefore Applicant requested an additional six-month extension or until October 30'', 2024 to complete such work and by Resolution No.: 52, 2024, the Town Board approved Applicant's requested additional time until October 30'', 2024, and WHEREAS, by letter dated 23 October 2024,Applicant has again advised that the process has taken much longer than anticipated and has therefore requested an additional six-month extension or until April 30'', 2025 to complete such work and the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement has recommended Town Board approval of this request, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board, as the Town's Local Board of Health,hereby authorizes and grants Lynne Colleen McNeil Rutnik additional time or until April 30'', 2025 to obtain a certificate of compliance from the Town's Building and Codes Enforcement Office to complete demolition of the existing structure and installation of a new Code compliant onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on Property located at 316/321 Glen Lake Road and extend the date by which the $2,000 escrow deposit shall be automatically forfeited with the condition that the structure on the Property shall not be inhabited and the Property shall not be utilized for rental use until demolition is complete and a new Code compliant OWTS has been approved and installed as confirmed by the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Director of Building and Codes Enforcement to and take any actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty NOES None ABSENT: None Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 488 RESOLUTION GRANTING ADAM SEARLES ADDITIONAL EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF NEW CODE COMPLIANT SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 89 BIRDSALL ROAD RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 92,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 380, 2018, the Queensbury Town Board adopted Local Law 2 of 2018 entitled "Septic Inspection Upon Property Transfer" set forth at Queensbury Town Code Chapter 137 and by Resolution Nos: 176, 2019 and 47, 2020 adopted Local Laws 5 of 2019 and 1 of 2020 respectively to make additional minor modifications to Chapter 137, and WHEREAS, Chapter 137 requires inspection of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (O WTS)prior to the transfer of ownership of certain real property and provides that a$2,000 escrow deposit will be forfeited to the Town in the event that completion of an OWTS meeting all standards is not completed within the time provided, and WHEREAS, Adam Searles (Applicant) purchased property located at 89 Birdsall Road identified as Tax Map No: 289.17-1-29 on or about August 22nd, 2023 and advised that the existing home would be demolished and the OWTS removed; however, due to challenges finding contractors to start the project, such work was not completed within the required six (6) month time period and therefore, Applicant requested additional time and by Resolution No.: BOH 9, 2024, the Town Board granted additional time or until October 31", 2024 and in the meantime, Applicant advised that the home was not being used and its plumbing had been shut off, and WHEREAS, by letter dated October 30, 2024, Applicant has advised that due to detected asbestos in the structural elements of the home and accordingly the need to apply for a variance through the NYS Department of Labor for a controlled demolition of the structure,Applicant has hired an architect to design his home and an engineered OWTS which will most likely require septic variances through the Local Board of Health, and therefore Applicant has requested a six (6) month extension of time to complete installation of the OWTS or until April 30d', 2025 and the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement has recommended approval of this request, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board, as the Town's Local Board of Health,hereby authorizes and grants Adam Searles additional time or until April 30d', 2025 to obtain a certificate of compliance from the Town's Building and Codes Enforcement Department to complete Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 489 demolition of the existing home and installation of a new Code compliant onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) on Property located at 89 Birdsall Road and extend the date by which the $2,000 escrow deposit shall be automatically forfeited until with the conditions that: I) the home shall not be inhabited nor utilized for rental use until demolition is complete and a new Code compliant OWTS has been approved and installed; and 2) this approval in no way approves any of the variances that might be forthcoming for the OWTS; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Director of Building and Codes Enforcement to and take any actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 93, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Board of Health hereby adjourns and moves back into the Regular Session of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty NOES None ABSENT: None 2.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 2.1 PROPOSED 2025 TOWN BUDGET Publication Date: October 26, 2024 Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 490 SUPERVISOR STROUGH gave Power Point presentation of proposed 2024 Annual Town Budget. (Power Point presentation on file in the Town Clerk's office) I want to introduce Barbara Tierney, who is sitting at the other end of the table. She is the Budget Officer for the Town of Queensbury, largely responsible for what I said tonight. She runs a great show, we're lucky to have her aboard. Thank you for arriving tonight in case we got any tough questions. Anybody? Yes, sir. JASON MILLER, Ward 3-My name is Jason Miller, I live in Ward 3. First of all I want to acknowledge that in 2023 the Town made a significant increase to the budget for emergency services, particularly ambulance service and we're very appreciative of that. Also we recognize that again, you're making an increase to our budget. And again, we appreciate that. However, you know there's still, we're not quite done as far as we're concerned, maybe closing that gap to what we're looking for. You referenced thirty thousand people live in the Town of Queensbury. It's important to note that there are two skilled nursing homes in the Town of Queensbury and six assisted living or 55 and plus housing developments. Those facilities have high demand of our service that we provide. Again, you know that we've generated almost 1.7 million dollars in revenue in 2024. Is that the projection Barbara? The number that John highlighted, that 1,679,500. BARBARA TIERNEY-That's an estimate, we never know until the year is over. MR. MILLER-Okay. But from an email that we did get from you, since inception in 2005, we generated over 22 million dollars in revenue for the Town of Queensbury through emergency services. So I think that's important to note. Also, John you made a comment when you were discussing the budget about the reserve fund and its uses, so we don't have to take out loans to purchase equipment. When this was started, revenue recovery, the money that we generated went into an EMS fund and since then, I believe it stopped. I think now it goes into the general fund. We'd like to have a discussion to move some of that money that we generate, the 1.6 million dollars into a reserve fund so when it comes time to buy an ambulance, we don't have to take out a loan. We have money that we have generated, we've collected that we should be able to use to put back into the service that we provide the Town of Queensbury. Thank you. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Well thank you. Anybody else? Anybody online Tim? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-No hands raised. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-John, I've got more comments. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-What is that? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Can we speak? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Oh yes, Town Board comments, yes. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Thanks. The Supervisor noted how dependent we are on sales tax. I was asked last week to provide a comment on the proposed County increase to an additional one percent. I am concerned and I think I can speak with the Board on this, of that 12 million that we bring in, if Warren County raises the tax rate by one percent, Saratoga County will get a lot of our business. So, and John and I spoke about this several times. So we don't see the increase as a good thing for the Queensbury residents and I hope our At-Larges can take that message forward that we don't support that kind of increase. And to reference to Jason Miller's comments, he took most of mine, for three years of talked about 24/7 two crews for West Glens Falls. We're close this year, closer than we've been before. I applaud the Supervisor for his discussions and his negotiation with our two EMS providers. I spoke with both the Supervisor and Barbara today, we are going to look at opportunities based on some of the revenue generation that they hope to make and some other budget influences to get to that. I'm Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 491 disappointed that I couldn't get to it today but John will tell you it wasn't because I didn't give it a college try. But we're going to have our EMS meetings for the public, we've talked about it, it's in the contract that we conduct regular EMS meetings with the two companies, the Town and our EMS Service Provider Payor. We hadn't done that. We're back to that now and I look forward to our next meeting so we can discuss further revenue generation and how we can get to that two times 24/7. The one thing Jason didn't discuss, West covers two-thirds of the Town, more importantly two-thirds of the population. It's the population that drives the need for the ambulances, it's not the landmass which admittedly Queensbury does. They cover a lot more landmass than West but they've got more people. So more discussion on the budget. I'm not giving up, I'm trying to get to that, well we will get to the 24/7 times two it's just not tonight. So, that's all I've got, thank you John. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, anybody else, Town Board? COUNCILMAN DIXON-I'll just comment so for the public, when we talk inflation rates, we're usually about three and half, four percent. That's been for the last two years. Last year, the budget was held pretty much flat. This year we're upping it about two percent. So we're still below inflation, the inflation rate. I think that's notable. I think Barb has done an excellent job with this, knowing that even at home we see the impact whether it's your gas, your fuel bill. The Town has the same issues. So, it's important that everybody note that at two percent, we're still well under inflation. Will we be able to continue doing that? We're going to try like the dickens because we've got to figure out where we can have savings. You know, we're really hinging on a lot of our sales tax so if the community grows, we can keep it in check. So I'm proud of the work everyone has done here, especially with what Barb has done. So I just wanted to throw that out. This is my first go at the Town Budget. I've done budgets in the past and I know some companies will try to cut their way out of a budget and that doesn't work either. You can reduce resources, you can reduce services and it's almost a death spiral. So, that's not the path we're taking. Again, we've done a nice job so nice work Barb, thank you. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, anybody from the public? Okay, I'll close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNUAL TOWN BUDGET FOR 2025 RESOLUTION NO.: 394,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Michael Dixon WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board duly conducted a public hearing on Monday,November 4th, 2024 concerning the proposed 2025 Preliminary Budget and heard all interested persons, and WHEREAS, the proposed 2025 Preliminary Budget sets forth the proposed 2025 salaries of the Town's Elected Officials as required by New York State Town Law §27, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs that the 2025 salaries for the Town of Queensbury Elected Officials shall be as follows: Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 492 TOWN SUPERVISOR 69,294 TOWN COUNCILPERSON(4) 20,000 TOWN CLERK 93,009 TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 93,009 TOWN JUSTICES (2) 63,363 and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby adopts the 2025 Preliminary Budget presented at this meeting as the Town of Queensbury Annual Budget for 2025, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that a copy of the adopted Annual Budget for 2025, including a copy of the S495 Exemption Impact Report, is made part of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to enter the Adopted Annual Budget in the minutes of the Town Board proceedings and certify and deliver two (2) duplicate copies of the Adopted Annual Budget to the Town Supervisor so that he may present them to the Warren County Board of Supervisors, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to effect this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr.Dixon,Mr.McNulty,Mr. Strough,Mr.Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None 2.2 PUBLIC HEARING—PROPOSED AUGUST 2024 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PUBLICATION DATE: OCTOBER 26,2024 SUPERVSIOR STROUGH-Every community should have a community plan. We do, and it was in 2007. Your zoning should reflect your community plan and you should every 12, 15 years update it. Well we're proposing an update, this is our new proposed plan for the next 10 to 12 years. Back in 2022 we established and appointed members of the community and Town Board to be a part of a Comprehensive and Code Steering Committee which is still in existence because if this gets approved, then they're going to move onto looking at our zoning and see if it matches the new Comprehensive Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 493 Plan. So, the Comprehensive Plan and Code Steering Committee or CPCSC, and Barton and Loguidice have been working on this 2022. The draft plan has been run by the Warren County Planning Department; they made a recommendation to approve. We're having a public hearing on this tonight. We did SEQRA Part 1 already, we'll be doing SEQRA Part 2 tonight, Bob Hafter, our Town Counsel will lead us through that. If there's a Negative Declaration,will adopt that,we'll take the public hearing. I saw one little change as I was rereading it on page 60 it talks about Angio Dynamics leaving. Well, they're not leaving, they're staying, which is really good news. They're going to change their business model a little bit,the work force is not going to be as large. BOB MURPHY,Planner with Barton &Loguidice gave a Power Point Presentation of the proposed August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update. (Power Point Presentation on file in the Town Clerk's Office) OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR COMMENT OR QUESTIONS. STUART BAKER, Senior Planner-Nothing online. MR. MURPHY-Any questions from the Board? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-We've been working with you all along Bob. Thank you for all your good hard work. MR. MURPHY-Thank you John, much appreciated. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Well and I want to thank Stu Baker, our Senior Planner who put a lot of work into this. A lot of this is reference material though and it's not all Comprehensive Plan. A lot of this is what went into the Comprehensive Plan but since we have some of the members here, the steering committee that helped Bob and Stu to develop this, Harrison Freer, Pamela Lester Golde, Brent McDevitt, Tim McNulty, Heidi Robak, Bob Sears and Stephen Traver who's here and thank you for attending. Town staff is Stu Baker, Laura Moore, George Hilton, our GIS Administrator and of course the Town Board and Caroline Barber and David Duell. A lot goes into this package as you know the committee folks who are here can attest, a lot of work. Do I close the public hearing now or after we do SEQRA? TOWN COUNSEL BOB HAFNER-You close it now. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay. Last chance, anybody that wants to speak to the proposed comprehensive land update? Tim,there is none online? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-No. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-I'll close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER lead the Town Board through the following Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 2. FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM PART 2 —IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL PROJECT IMPACT 1. Impact on Land Proposed action may involve construction on, or physical alteration of, the land surface of the proposed site. (See Part l.D.1) If"yes", answer questions a j. If"No", move on to Section 2. X No Yes Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 494 2. Impact on Geological Features The proposed action may result in the modification or destruction of, or inhibit access to, any unique or unusual land forms on the site (e.g., cliffs, dunes, minerals, fossils, caves). (See Part 1. E.2g) If"Yes", answer questions a-c. If"No", move on to Section 3. X No Yes 3. Impacts on Surface Water The proposed action may affect one or more wetlands or other surface water bodies (e.g., streams, rivers, ponds or lakes). (See Part 1. D.2, E.2h) If"Yes", answer questions a-l. If"No", move on to Section 4. X No Yes 4. Impact on groundwater The proposed action may result in new or additional use of ground water, or may have the potential to introduce contaminants to ground water or an aquifer. (See Part 1.D.2.a, D.2.c, D.2.d, D.2.p, D.2.q, D.2.t) If"Yes", answer questions a-h. If"No", move on to Section 5. X No Yes 5. Impact on Flooding The proposed action may result in development on lands subject to flooding. (See Part 1.E.2) If"Yes", answer questions a-g. If"No", move on to Section 6. X No Yes 6. Impacts on Air The proposed action may include a state regulated air emission source. (See Part 1.D.21, D,2,h, D.2.g) If"Yes", answer questions a-f. If"No", move on to Section 7. X No Yes 7. Impact on Plants and Animal The proposed action may result in a loss of flora or fauna. (See Part 1.E.2 m-q.) If"Yes", answer questions a j. If"No", move on to Section 8. X No Yes 8. Impact on Agricultural Resources The proposed action may impact agricultural resources. (See Part 1.E.3.a. and b.) If"Yes", answer questions a-h. If"No", move on to Section 9. X No Yes 9. Impact on Aesthetic Resources The land use of the proposed action are obviously different from, or are in short contrast to, current land use patterns between the proposed project and a scenic or aesthetic resource. (Part 1.E.1.A, E.l.b, E.3.h). If"Yes", answer questions a-g. If"No", go to Section 10. X No Yes 10. Impact on Historic and Archeological Resources The proposed action may occur in or adjacent to a historic or archaeological resource. (Part 1.E.3.e, f. and g.) If"Yes", answer questions a-e. If"No", go to Section 11. X No Yes 11. Impact on Open Space and Recreation The proposed action may result in a loss of recreational opportunities or a reduction of an Open space resource as designated in any adopted municipal open space plan. (See Part 1.C.2.c, E.l.c., E.2.q.) If"Yes", answer questions a-e. If"No", go to Section 12. X No Yes 12. Impact on Critical Environmental Areas The proposed action may be located within or adjacent to a critical environmental area(CEA). (See Part 1.E.3d) If"Yes", answer questions a-c. If"No", go to Section 13. X No Yes 13. Impact on Transportation The proposed action may result in a change to existing transportation systems. (See Part 1.D.2.j) Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 495 If"Yes", answer questions a-g. If"No", go to Section 14. X No Yes 14. Impact on Energy The proposed action may cause an increase in the use of any form of energy. (See Part 1.D.21) If"Yes", answer questions a-e. If"No", go to Section 15. X No Yes 15. Impact on Noise, Odor, and Light The proposed action may result in an increase in noise, odors, or outdoor lighting. (See Part 1. D.2.m., n., and o.) If"Yes", answer questions a-f. If"No", go to Section 16. X No Yes 16. Impact on Human Health The proposed action may have an impact on human health from exposure to new or existing sources of contaminant. (See Part 1.D.2.q., E.l.d.f.g. and h.) If"Yes", answer questions a-m. If"No", go to Section 17. X No Yes 17. Consistency with Community Plans The proposed action is not consistent with adopted land use plans. (See Part 1.C.1, C.2. and C.3.) If"Yes", answer questions a-h. If"No", go to Section 18. X No Yes 18. Consistency with Community Character The proposed project is inconsistent with the existing community character. (See Part 1.C.2, C.3, D.2, E.3) If"Yes", answer questions a-g. If"No",proceed to Part 3. X No Yes TOWN COUNSEL HAFNER-So you answered everything no, so the Resolution has a provision in the Resolved where the Town Board would determine, make a Negative Declaration and authorize you to fill part 3 and filed as required. I know someone said they wanted to make a change for page 60 for Angio and if you do, I drafted something. We can do it right now, it's a factual change. The second Resolved on the second page at the end after Town of Queensbury, I added a coma, with a minor update to reflect the decision by Angio Dynamics to remain in Queensbury and I put in parenthesis, with a smaller workforce. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADOPTION OF AUGUST 2024 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE RESOLUTION NO.: 395, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHEREAS,the Queensbury Town Board is considering adoption of an August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update for the Town of Queensbury,which Plan presents recommendations to guide land use in the Town for the next 10 to 12 years, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 163, 2022, the Town Board authorized engagement of Barton & Loguidice,P.C.to update the Town's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Codes and established Capital Project Fund No.: 244, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 239, 2022, the Town Board established and appointed members to the Comprehensive Plan&Codes Steering Committee(CPCSC),which Committee's scope was to review and update the Town's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Codes, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 496 WHEREAS, a draft August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update was prepared by the CPCSC and B&L with the assistance of the Town Community Development Staff and input from citizens and elected officials, utilization of various information sources including published materials and discussions with local study groups, and WHEREAS, the CPCSC held a public hearing on August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update on July 29'h, 2024, made subsequent revisions and adopted a Resolution recommending Town Board adoption of the revised August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update (Plan), and WHEREAS,the Plan was forwarded to the Warren County Planning Department forNYS GML§239- m(3)(1)review and a recommendation to approve was received by the Town on October 18,2024, and WHEREAS, the Town Board reviewed the Plan, duly scheduled and held a public hearing regarding the Plan on November 4`",2024 and heard all interested persons, and WHEREAS, adoption of a Comprehensive Plan is a Type I Action pursuant to SEQRA and the proposed Plan adoption will not require permits and approvals from any other local,regional and State agencies and a coordinated SEQRA review is not required, and WHEREAS, the Town Board, as SEQRA Lead Agency, has reviewed a Full Environmental Assessment Form to analyze potential environmental impacts of the Plan, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board, after considering the proposed adoption of the August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update for the Town,reviewing the Full Environmental Assessment Form and thoroughly analyzing the action for potential environmental concerns, determines that the action will not have a significant effect on the environment, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to complete the Full Environmental Assessment Form by checking the box indicating that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse impacts, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves of a Negative Declaration and authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to file any necessary documents in accordance with the provisions of the general regulations of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby adopts the August 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update for the Town of Queensbury, with a minor update to reflect the decision by Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 497 AngioDynamics to remain in Queensbury (with a smaller workforce), and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to send copies of this Resolution and Plan to the Warren County Planning Department, Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Queensbury Planning Board and adjacent municipalities, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor/ Deputy Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Town Senior Planner to take any actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this Plan shall take effect upon filing in the Town Clerk's Office. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES: Mr.McNulty,Mr. Strough,Mr.Metivier,Mr.Dixon NOES: None ABSENT: None 3.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR FOR RESOLUTIONS ONLY (LIMIT-3 MINUTES) No public comment. 4.0 RESOLUTIONS SUPERVISOR STROUGH asked to pull Resolution 4.11 to be pulled for a roll call vote. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT WITH ADIRONDACK CYCLING ADVOCATES RESOLUTION NO.: 396,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 498 WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 484, 2007, the Queensbury Town Board provided for the Town's receipt of occupancy tax revenues from Warren County in accordance with the Local Tourism Promotion and Convention Development Agreement(Agreement)entered into between the Town and Warren County, and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that specific expenditure of the funds provided under the Agreement are subject to further Resolution of the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to provide funding to Adirondack Cycling Advocates in the amount of$10,000 with occupancy tax revenues received from Warren County and accordingly enter into a 2024 Agreement with Adirondack Cycling Advocates for the promotion of events to Town and area residents and visitors, and WHEREAS, a proposed Agreement has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the 2024 Local Tourism Promotion and Convention Development Agreement between the Town and Adirondack Cycling Advocates and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement substantially in the form presented at this meeting with funding for the Agreement not to exceed $10,000 and to be provided by occupancy tax revenues the Town receives from Warren County,to be paid for from Account No.: 050-6410- 4412, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to amend the Town Budget and increase appropriations and revenues as necessary as follows: • Revenue Acct No. —050-0000-51113 Occupancy Tax Revenue $10,000; • Expense Acct.No.—050-6410-4412 Use of Occupancy Tax $10,000; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that such Agreement is expressly contingent upon the Town Budget Officer confirming that the Town has unallocated occupancy tax funds available from Warren County. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr.Metivier,Mr.Dixon,Mr.McNulty NOES None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mr. Strough RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF PENFLEX, INC. Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 499 SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM SPECIALISTS TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES FOR 2024/2025 AND PROVISION OF 2024 STANDARD YEAR-END SERVICES RESOLUTION NO.: 397,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to engage the services of PENFLEX, INC. Service Award Program Specialists to provide administration and support services during 2024/2025, and the 2024 standard year-end administration services for the Town of Queensbury's Volunteer Firefighter Service Award Program and the LOSAP Audit Package, as outlined in PENFLEX's Service Fee Agreement presented at this meeting, and WHEREAS,PENFLEX will provide these services for the total estimated amount o£ • $15,100—Estimated Standard and Distribution Services Fees; and • $ 375—NYS LOSAP Audit Package; for a total estimated cost of$15,475, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the engagement of PENFLEX,INC.to provide administration and support services during 2024/2025 and the 2024 standard year- end administration services for the Town of Queensbury's Volunteer Firefighter Service Award Program for a total estimated cost of$15,475,to be paid from the appropriate account as determined by the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor/Deputy Town Supervisor to execute the Service Fee Agreement with PENFLEX,INC. substantially in the form presented at this meeting and the Town Supervisor/Deputy Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take any other actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024 by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 500 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF 2024 OR NEWER ALL ELECTRIC SUV AWD FOR BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 398, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS,in accordance with Resolution No.: 330,2024,the Town of Queensbury's Purchasing Agent duly advertised for bids and/or provided specifications to the NYS Office of General Services Procurement Program for the purchase of a 2024 or newer Subaru Solterra, Toyota BZ4X or comparable all electric SUV AWD with less than 5,000 miles for the Building and Codes Department to replace a 2013 Ford Escape in the Department(Town Asset No.: 8997), and WHEREAS,on October 16th,2024 the Town Purchasing Agent opened all received bids, and along with the Town's Director of Building and Codes Enforcement,reviewed such bids and recommend that the Town Board award the bid to the lowest, responsible bidder, North Country Subaru, for a 2024 Subaru Solterra Premium for an amount not to exceed $38,600.21, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby accepts and awards the bid for a 2024 Subaru Solterra Premium for the Building and Codes Department to the lowest, responsible bidder,North Country Subaru, for an amount not to exceed $38,600.21 as set forth in North Country Subaru's 10/1/2024 Bid Proposal substantially in the form presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that such purchase shall be paid for from Equipment Vehicle Replacement Capital Project Fund No. 195,Account No.: 195-1640-2020, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to engage the services of auction company GovDeals to sell/dispose of the 2013 Ford Escape being replaced(Town Asset No: 8997)and deposit any sales proceeds into the appropriate revenue account(s)in accordance with the Town Code and State Laws, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Director of Building and Codes Enforcement, Purchasing Agent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution. Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 501 Duly adopted this 4th day of November, 2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCALLAW NO.: OF 2024 TO AMEND CHAPTER 179 "ZONING" OF QUEENSBURY TOWN CODE TO AMEND ZONING REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO COMMERCIAL BOAT SALES, SERVICE AND STORAGE RESOLUTION NO.: 399, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board (Town Board) wishes to consider adoption of Local Law No.: _of 2024 entitled, "A Local Law to Amend Chapter 179 `Zoning'of Queensbury Town Code to Amend Requirements Related to Commercial Boat Sales, Service And Storage," and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 293, 2024 and in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (" SEQRA") regulations, the Town Board declared its intent to seek Lead Agency for SEQRA review and referred the application to the Warren County Planning Department for New York State General Municipal Law §239-m review, and WHEREAS, by Resolution 332, 2024 the Town Board declared itself to be Lead Agency and declared a Negative Declaration for the SEQRA environmental review of the proposed legislation and referred the proposed Zoning Code revisions to the Adirondack Park Agency for their review, approval and/ or recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Town received a recommendation from the Warren County Planning Department dated 8/14/24 of"No County Impact," and WHEREAS, the Town received a letter from the Adirondack Park Agency dated 10/16/24 approving the proposed Zoning Code changes pursuant to the terms of the Town's Agency-Approved Local Land Use Program (ALLUP), and WHEREAS,New York State Municipal Home Rule Law §20 requires the Town Board to hold a public hearing prior to the adoption of any Local Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 502 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall meet and hold a Public Hearing at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury at 7:00 p.m. on Monday,November 18`h , 2024 to hear all interested persons concerning the proposed revisions to the Town's Zoning Code and enactment of"A Local Law to Amend Chapter 179 `Zoning'of Queensbury Town Code to Amend Requirements Related to Commercial Boat Sales, Service And Storage,"and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to provide the public with at least 10 days prior notice of the Public Hearing by causing a Notice of Public Hearing to be timely published in the Town's official newspaper and posting the Notice of Public Hearing on the Town's website and bulletin board at least 10 days before the date of the Public Hearing, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to send copies of the Notice ofPublic Hearing,together with copies ofthe proposed zoning revisions,ifrequired,to any public officials, agencies or municipalities, in accordance with any applicable State Laws or Town Code provisions, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to make a copy of the proposed zoning revisions available for public inspection during regular business hours of the Clerk's office, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, Director of Planning, Zoning and Code Enforcement, Senior Planner and/or Town Counsel to take such other actions and give such other notice as may be necessary in preparation for the Town Board to lawfully adopt proposed Local Law No.: of 2024. Duly adopted this 4th day of November, 2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS RESOLUTION NO.: 400,2024 Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 503 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Facilities Manager wishes to advertise for bids for the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging stations to service the Town's Community Development and/or Highway Departments as will be set forth in bid specifications to be prepared by the Facilities Manager and/or Purchasing Agent, and WHEREAS,General Municipal Law§103 requires that the Town advertise for bids and award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder(s) meeting New York State statutory requirements and the requirements set forth in the Town's bidding documents, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Purchasing Agent to publish an advertisement for bids in the official Town newspaper for the purchase and installation of electric vehicle charging stations to service the Town's Community Development and/or Highway Departments,open all received bids,read,record and then present the bids to the next regular or special Town Board meeting. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR COOLER CONSTRUCTION AT PINE VIEW CEMETERY RESOLUTION NO.: 401, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Cemetery Superintendent wishes to advertise for bids for the purchase and construction of a cooler at the Pine View Cemetery and Crematory as will be set forth in bid specifications to be prepared by the Cemetery Superintendent and/or Purchasing Agent, and WHEREAS,General Municipal Law§103 requires that the Town advertise for bids and award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder(s) meeting New York State statutory requirements and the requirements set forth in the Town's bidding documents, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 504 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Purchasing Agent to publish an advertisement for bids in the official Town newspaper for the purchase and construction of a cooler at the Pine View Cemetery/Crematory,open all received bids,read,record and then present the bids to the next regular or special Town Board meeting. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, RESTATING AND RATIFYING TEE HILL ROAD EMERGENCY CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT AND INCREASING IN CAPITAL PROJECT NO. 255 RESOLUTION NO.: 402,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, a culvert over the Glen Lake outlet/stream on Tee Hill Road near its intersection with Moon Hill Road in the Town of Queensbury failed resulting in the closure of Tee Hill Road from the Moon Hill Road entrance,with the culvert needing to be removed and a replacement bridge needing to be built and installed before Tee Hill Road may be completely reopened(Project), and WHEREAS,the Town Supervisor declared the PrQj ect to be an emergency in accordance with New York State Executive Law Section 24, and WHEREAS,by Resolution No.:337,2024,the Town Board authorized and ratified Emergency Repair Services by Kubricky Construction/TKC (TKC) as General Contractor for the Project construction work and LaBella Associates, D.P.C. for professional engineering services and established Tee Hill Road Culvert Replacement Capital Project No.: 255 in the amount of $750,000 with the understanding that it was a preliminary estimate, and WHEREAS,the culvert has now been removed and the State of Emergency extended, and WHEREAS,the Town has received a budgetary estimate dated 10/7/2024 from TKC for D.A. Collins Companies'construction of the new Hyspan bridge structure including precast installation and restoration items in the estimated amount of$1,160,000, and WHEREAS, the Town has also received Technical Services Change Order (TSCO) 91 dated October 22, 2024 from LaBella Associates, D.P.C. for additional professional engineering services in the amount of$43,200, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 SOS WHEREAS,the Town Board also anticipates Project expenditures in the additional estimated amount of$300,000 for future expenses including TKC's underground work, excavation for the bridge and/or backfill of the footings and wall, and WHEREAS,in accordance with NYS General Municipal Law§6(c),the Town Board is authorized to withdraw and expend funds from Capital Reserve No. 64 subject to permissive referendum, and therefore,the Town Board wishes to authorize withdrawals and expenditures from Capital Reserve No.64 toward this Capital Proj ect, and WHEREAS, the Town Board determines and restates that the Project's Emergency Repair Services continue to constitute an emergency procurement needed immediately to best serve Town residents and protect public health and safety and therefore the Town Board wishes to waive its requirement under General Municipal Law §103 and/or the Town Purchasing Policy's self-imposed requirement for two written (2) quotes for continued professional engineering services in this instance, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, due to the emergency nature of the above-described Emergency Repair Services Project, the Queensbury Town Board hereby waives its requirement under General Municipal Law §103 and the Town's Purchasing Policy and authorizes, confirms and ratifies the Town Supervisor's continued engagement of 1) Kubricky Construction/TKC General Eng.Contractors/Kubricky-Jointa Lime,LLC(TKC)as General Contractor and D.A. Collins Companies' construction of the Hyspan replacement bridge structure including precast installation and restoration items as set forth in TKC's budgetary estimate dated 10/7/2024 in the estimated amount of$1,160,000; 2) LaBella Associates, D.P.C. for additional professional engineering services as set forth in its Technical Services Change Order 91 dated October 22, 2024 in the amount of$43,200; 3) TKC for anticipated expenditures in the estimated amount of$300,000 for underground work, excavation for the bridge and/or backfill of the footings and wall; and therefore authorizes additional withdrawals and expenditures in the additional estimated amount of $1,500,000, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds that such withdrawals and expenditures for such Capital Project are those for which Capital Reserve Fund No. 64 was established, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to amend the Town Budget, make any adjustments and/or increase the following accounts for such additional appropriations and revenues as necessary: Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 506 • 001-9950-9030-0064 Transfer to Capital Project- $1,500,000; • 255-0000-55031 Interfund Revenues - $1,500,000; • Capital Construction Account No.: 255-8540-2899 - $1,500,000; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that upon Project completion, the Town Budget Officer shall take all actions necessary to close Capital Project No.: 255 and return any remaining Fund balances to Capital Reserve Fund No. 64, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor/Deputy Town Supervisor to execute Technical Services Change Order (TSCO) 91 from LaBella as well as any future TSCO's with LaBella and/or any needed Agreement and/or documentation with TKC and/or DA Collins and/or others related to this Project as may be deemed necessary by and acceptable to the Town Supervisor, and the Town Supervisor/Deputy Supervisor,Water Superintendent/Wastewater Director and/or Budget Officer to take such other and further actions as may be necessary to effectuate this Resolution and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of Town Law Article 7 and the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to publish and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING OUTSOURCING OF PAVING WORK TO PECKHAM COMPANIES RESOLUTION NO.: 403, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS,the Town of Queensbury's Highway Superintendent has requested Town Board approval to outsource paving work on certain roads within the Town(Project), and WHEREAS,the Highway Superintendent has recommended such outsourcing to Peckham Companies (Peckham)for a total Project cost of$276,125 per New York State Office of General Services Group 931502, Award 923291 pricing in accordance with Peckham's Quote presented at this meeting, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 507 WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has advised the Town Board that there are times when Change Orders may become necessary for such Project and has requested that the Town Board also authorize him to approve and sign certain Change Orders up to a five-percent(5%) contingency for Change Orders that he deems necessary or appropriate, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the Town Highway Superintendent's outsourcing of paving work on certain roads within the Town of Queensbury to Peckham Companies (Peckham) for a total Project cost of$276,125 per New York State Office of General Services Group 931502,Award 923291 pricing in accordance with Peckham's Quote substantially in the form presented at this meeting to be paid from Chips Capital Construction,Account No.: 004-5112-2899, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Highway Superintendent to approve and sign Change Orders pertaining to the Project up to a five-percent(5%) contingency or in the total amount not exceeding $13,807 that he deems necessary or appropriate, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Highway Superintendent and/or Budget Officer to take all such other and further actions as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4th day of November, 2024,by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SPACESAVER XPRESSDEK HIGH-DENSITY MOBILE SYSTEM AND ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWN CLERK'S VAULT RENOVATIONS CAPITAL PROJECT NO.: 256 RESOLUTION NO.: 404, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Clerk wishes to renovate the Vault in her Office and purchase a Spacesaver XpressDek Modular High Density Mobile System from Donnegan Systems, Inc., to be used for storage of vital records and documents for the amount of$52,830.79,including freight and installation, as set Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 508 forth in Donnegan Systems, Inc.'s October 29, 2024 Proposal and in accordance with New York State OGS Contract No.:PC70276, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to establish a Capital Project and authorize withdrawals and expenditures in the amount of$52,831 from Capital Reserve No. 64, and WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §6(c), the Town Board is authorized to withdraw and expend funds from Capital Reserve No.: 64 subject to permissive referendum, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes establishment of the Town Clerk's Vault Renovations Capital Project No.: 256 in the amount of$52,831 and the purchase and installation of a Spacesaver XpressDek Modular High Density Mobile System from Donnegan Systems, Inc., for the amount of$52,830.79, including freight and installation, as set forth in Donnegan Systems, Inc.'s October 29, 2024 Proposal and in accordance with New York State OGS Contract No.:PC70276, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby finds that the withdrawals and expenditures are expenditures for a specific capital project for which Capital Reserve Fund No.: 64 was established and the Town Board authorizes and directs that funding shall be by a transfer from Capital Reserve Fund No.: 64 in the amount of$52,831 to Transfer to Capital Project Fund No.: 256, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to establish the following accounts for such appropriations and revenues: • Revenue Acct No. —256-0000-55031 (Interfund Revenue) $52,831; • Expense Acct No. —256-1410-2001 (Misc. Equipment) $52,831; • Increase Appr 001-9950-9030-0064 Transfer to Cap Project$52,831; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to amend the Town Budget and/or take all actions necessary to establish such appropriations and estimated revenues, and upon Project completion close Capital Project No.: 256 and return any remaining Fund balances to Capital Reserve Fund No.: 64, and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 509 RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor/Deputy Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Budget Officer to sign any needed documentation and take any other actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of Town Law Article 7 and the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to publish and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law. Duly adopted this 4th day of November, 2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND 2024 TOWN BUDGET RESOLUTION NO.: 405,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Budget Officer has duly initiated, justified and deemed compliant the following Budget Amendment Requests with Town operating procedures and accounting practices, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Accounting Office to take all action necessary to amend the 2024 Town Budget as follows: FROM TO Code Appropriation Code Appropriation $ 031-0000-0909 Fund Balance 031-8130-4521 Sewer Treatment Local 800 Duly adopted this 4th day of November, 2024 by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT : None Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 510 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND THE CHAPMAN MUSEUM RESOLUTION NO.: 406,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 484, 2007, the Queensbury Town Board provided for the Town's receipt of occupancy tax revenues from Warren County in accordance with the Local Tourism Promotion and Convention Development Agreement(Agreement)entered into between the Town and Warren County, and WHEREAS, the Agreement provides that specific expenditure of the funds provided under the Agreement are subject to further Resolution of the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to provide funding to the Chapman Museum in the amount of $14,000 with occupancy tax revenues received from Warren County and accordingly enter into a 2024 Agreement with the Chapman Museum for the promotion of exhibits,performances and events to Town and area residents and visitors, and WHEREAS, a proposed Agreement has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the 2024 Local Tourism Promotion and Convention Development Agreement between the Town and the Chapman Museum and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement substantially in the form presented at this meeting with funding for the Agreement not to exceed $14,000 and to be provided by occupancy tax revenues the Town receives from Warren County,to be paid for from Account No.: 050-6410-4412, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to amend the Town Budget and increase appropriations and revenues as necessary as follows: • Revenue Acct No. —050-0000-51113 Occupancy Tax Revenue $14,000; • Expense Acct.No.—050-6410-4412 Use of Occupancy Tax $14,000; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that such Agreement is expressly contingent upon the Town Budget Officer confirming that the Town has unallocated occupancy tax funds available from Warren County. Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 511 Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR SALE OR DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 407, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State Town Law §64(2), the Queensbury Town Board may authorize the sale of items which are no longer needed by the Town or obsolete, and WHEREAS, the Town Budget Officer requested that Town Departments advise of surplus items within their Departments and the Town Budget Officer received lists of such items, and WHEREAS,the Budget Officer advised Departments of the availability of such surplus items and did not receive any requests for the items and therefore has requested authorization to sell the items by using the auction company GovDeals to dispose of such surplus property, or, if deemed unsafe and/or inoperable,to be sold or disposed of as scrap or Ewaste, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the sale of surplus items that are no longer needed by the Town or obsolete by using GovDeals to dispose of such property or if deemed unsafe and/or inoperable to be sold or disposed of as scrap or Ewaste, as follows: Hydraulic Breaker Water 4208 Backhoe, veh494-2, radio4985 Water 3370 Typewriter Clerk n/a Desk Clerk n/a and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 512 RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and engagement of the services of auction company GovDeals to sell/dispose of the surplus item(s)and all Town proceeds from the sales shall be deposited into the appropriate revenue account(s) in accordance with the Town Code and New York State Laws, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer and/or Purchasing Agent to accept or reject any bids received online for any online auction bids and the Town Supervisor, Town Budget Officer, and/or Purchasing Agent to take any actions necessary to effectuate this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF DUMP TRUCK FOR WATER/WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT FROM ROBERT GREEN TRUCK DIVISION RESOLUTION NO.: 408, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS,by Resolution No.: 364,2023,the Queensbury Town Board authorized the Town Water Superintendent/Wastewater Director's (Director) purchase of a 2024 Ford Super Duty F-450 4WD Dump Truck from National Auto Fleet Group for the amount of $78,559.10; however, National Auto Fleet Group was unable to deliver the Truck and no purchase agreement was entered into, and WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature adopted legislation allowing any political subdivision in New York State to "piggyback"off an existing County Bid, and WHEREAS,the Director has requested Town Board approval to"piggyback"with Onondaga County Statewide Contract 4ONGOV-106-19 to purchase a 2024 Dodge Ram 5500 4x4 Dump Truck from Robert Green Truck Division as set forth in Robert Green Truck Division's Quote Dated: 10/31/2024 for the amount of$86,529.60, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 513 WHEREAS, the Director has requested additional funding in an estimated amount of $1,500 to purchase needed ancillary equipment/accessories to make the Truck "Department ready," and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to authorize such purchase, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the Water Superintendent/Wastewater Director's purchase of a 2024 Dodge Ram 5500 4x4 Dump Truck from Robert Green Truck Division as set forth in Robert Green Truck Division's Quote Dated: 10/31/2024 for the amount of$86,529.60 to be paid from Vehicles Account No.: 040-8340-2020; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Director to purchase needed ancillary equipment and accessories to make the Truck"Department ready"for the total estimated amount of$1,500, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that additional funding for the Truck purchase shall be by a transfer of $9,471 from Water Department Undesignated, Unassigned Fund Balance Account No.: 040-0000-0909 to Vehicles Account No.: 040-8340-2020; and the Town Budget Officer shall amend the 2024 Town Budget and/or take any actions needed to effectuate the purchases, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Director and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other actions needed to effectuate this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDITS OF BILLS - WARRANTS: 10232024 AND 11052024 RESOLUTION NO.: 409,2024 Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 514 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve two (2) audits of bills presented as Warrants: 10232024 and 11052024 with report generated dates of 10/22/2024 and 10/31/2024 and payment dates of 10/23/2024 and 11/05/2024, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the two (2) audits of bills presented as Warrants: 10232024 and 11052024 with report generated dates of 10/22/2024 and 10/31/2024 and payment dates of 10/23/2024 and 11/05/2024 totaling $350,870.70 and $1,934,068.51 respectively, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take any actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON NORTH QUEENSBURY VOLUNTEER FIRE CO., INC.'S PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE NEW 2025 PIERCE ENFORCER HEAVY DUTY PUMPER AND USE OF TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING RESOLUTION NO.: 410,2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr. Michael Dixon WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. (Fire Company)have entered into an Agreement for fire protection services, which Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions including a condition that the Fire Company will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus, equipment,vehicles,real property, or make any improvements that would require the Fire Company to acquire a loan or mortgage or use money placed in a"vehicles fund"without prior approval of the Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Fire Company has advised the Town Board that it wishes to purchase a new 2025 Pierce Enforcer Heavy Duty Pumper (Pierce Pumper) for a purchase price not to exceed $972,624.04 to Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 515 replace its 1998 Salisbury Pumper (Salisbury Pumper) such proposed purchase included in the Fire Company's five (5) year capital plan that forecasts future capital needs and expenditures, including anticipated vehicles, equipment, tools, other apparatus, facilities or improvements to facilities to be used for firematic purposes, and WHEREAS, the Fire Company proposes paying for the Pierce Pumper by using a maximum amount of$972,624.04 in tax-exempt financing with Ballston Spa National Bank(BSNB), and WHEREAS,proceeds from the Fire Company's sale of its Salisbury Pumper will be to outfit the new Pierce Pumper with radios, equipment, lettering, etc., and WHEREAS, once the new Pierce Pumper is placed into service, the Fire Company will remove the Salisbury Pumper from service and sell it after all potential warranty/service issues are resolved with the new Pierce Pumper, and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning the Fire Company's proposed Pierce Pumper purchase,as Town Board approval is required by the Fire Company's Agreement with the Town, and the proposed tax-exempt financing requires a public hearing under the Internal Revenue Code, and WHEREAS, the Fire Company will own and use the Pierce Pumper to provide fire protection to the Town and will maintain the Pierce Pumper at its firehouse located at 2663 State Route 9L in the Town, NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing concerning North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.'s proposed Pierce Pumper purchase delineated in the preambles of this Resolution and the financing of the Pierce Pumper using tax-exempt financing, on Monday, December 2na 2024 at 7:00 p.m., and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Public Hearing. Duly adopted this 4`"day of November,2024,by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None 5.0 CORRESPONDENCE TOWN CLERK BARBER-Received and filed the November monthly report from the Building and Codes Department. Letter received and filed from Saratoga Hospital regarding the closure of Adirondack Urgent Care at 959 Route 9 in Queensbury. Letter also received from Robin and Nancy Audette at 1 Courthouse Drive regarding the drainage issue. Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 516 6.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR(LIMIT - 4 MINUTES) No public comment. 7.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS COUNCILMAN METIVIER (WARD I) • Wished all the candidates running for office the best of luck. COUNCILMAN DIXON (WARD III) • Give kudos out to Glens Falls Hospital and the Albany Medical System who implemented a new computer system over the weekend. • Announced and congratulated George Ferone who will be receiving the Walter Juckett Community Service Award March 7 h. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY (WARD IV) • Referred to the seven tent encampments throughout the County and at least three in Queensbury. There are services for those people that are in there and my concern is for any children that are in there. The Sheriff's Department was called for one that had children present. If you see something, say something. • Requested that if you are a candidate,please try to get those political signs down. • Recognized the great work from Barbara, the Town Board and the Town Supervisor on the 2025 Town Budget. I would like to see us do a Workshop before the end of the year or January to identify all our current contracts and then make a Town Board decision on where we need to go for an RFP. There may be some costs associated with that but I think there's savings involved with that. SUPERVISOR STROUGH • Announced that Doctor Leach is giving a presentation Saturday November 9 h at the Fort William Henry Conference Center on smallpox during the French and Indian War time period which is part of the 250 year celebration of our Resolution which officially started in 1775 and now it's 2025. Noted that there is a rumor that Dr. Joseph Warren will be present. • Announced that the ACA is having community forum talking about the economic upside of bicycling and bicycling infrastructure on November 7 h, 2:30 to 5:00 in the Queens Ball Room at the Queensbury Hotel. • Referred to article out of the Adirondack Explorer regarding the insufficiencies of the culverts that we currently use and how they're replacing them with bridge structures just like we're doing at Tee Hill Road. • Reviewed the Annual Fall Leaf Pickup schedule. • Announced there is a Sewer Rehabilitation Project on Pershing Road, Ashley Place, Broadacres Road, Luzerne Place and Roosevelt Avenue. Anticipated a month for the project and will require a temporary shutdown during this time. A temporary shutdown notice will be sent out to all homeowners. • Thanked Joel Barlow, Look TV, Town Counsel Bob Hafner, Town Clerk Caroline Barber, Town Board and the members of the public. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO.: 411, 2024 INTRODUCED BY. Mr. Timothy McNulty Regular Town Board Meeting, 11-04-2024, MTG 933 517 WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY. Mr.Anthony Metivier RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Regular Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 4 h day of November, 2024, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Dixon, Mr. McNulty NOES None ABSENT: None RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAROLINE H. BARBER,RMC TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY