2024-0327 . --__ Office Use Only • /f, PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE PERMIT APPLICATI ON Permit#: �—O�.1.0 0-. 26 2-3 4 ' t �12�, �D �� , $ Town of Queensbury Permit Fee: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 *Rec Fee:$ iOOO P: 518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Invoice#: G 101 Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By:CA A. Project Location: 16 Pinecrest Drive, Quensburry, NY 12804 Tax Map #: 296.13-1-26 r 1„.. Subdivision Name: John Kokoletsos 2-Lot Subdivision *TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 385-2020:$1000 recreationfee for new dwelling units:single family,duplexes/two-family, multiple family, apartments, condominiums,townhouses, and/or manufactured & modular homes, but not mobile homes.This is in addition to the permit fee(s). PROJECT INFORMATION: • X Residential Commercial, Proposed Use: X Single-Family: Two-Family. Multi-Family (#of units: ) 1. X Custom 2. Modular(REQUIRED: NYS stamped engineered drawings of foundation plans) Townhouse X Garage (#of cars 2 ) Business Office Retail Hotel/Motel Industrial Heated Warehouse/Storage Building Unheated Warehouse/Storage Building Amusement Ride Other (describe: ` ) MAIN STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE: GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 15T floor: 577 SF 1ST floor: 2,239 SF 2nd floor. 4 \ 2"d floor: 3rd floor: ZETA Total square feet: 577 SF Basement(habitable space): Total square feet: 2,673 SF Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 rfy. ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$274,353 2. Proposed use of the building: Single Family Residence 3. If Commercial or Industrial, indicate the name of the business: N/A 4. Source of Heat: X Gas Oil Propane Solar Other: (Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimney Application, one perappliance) 5. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES X NO Explain, if yes: 6. Are there any easements on the property? YES X NO 7. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel? 1177.17' x 130.00' b. Is this a corner lot? YES X NO c. Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? YES X NO d. What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE X WELL e. What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? SEWER X PRIVATE SEPTIC DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn, 30%of the fee is,retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I,or my agents,will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5: I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a NYS licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: Kierstyn Strasswimmer • SIGNATURE: i. C'�14 DATE: 10/16/2023 Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Kierstyn Strasswimmer. Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 14 Wade Road, Latham, NY 12110 Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( 518 ) 690-0777 x 303 Email: kstrasswimmer@barberahomes.com • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Michael Kokoletsos Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 16 Pinecrest Drive, Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: ( 518 ) 932-1750 Land Line: ( Email: fosterave@roadrunner.com ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) . Contractor Name(s): Barbera Homes & Development, Inc. Contractor Trade: General Contractor Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 14 Wade Road, Latham, NY 12110 Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( 518 ) 690-0777 Email:kstrasswimmer@barberahomes.com **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: OnPoint Building Design, LLC Sofia Engineering, LLC Contact Name(s): Eric Smallman Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 114 Fonda Road, Waterford, NY 12110 11 Herbert DR, Latham, NY 12110 Cell Phone: _( 51.8 ) 233-1338 Land Line: ( ) (518)424-6599 Email: Esmalls(a�nycap.rr.com Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Richard Menendez Cell Phone: ( 518 ) 331-8399 Land Line: ( Email: rmenendez(c�barberahomes.com Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 - Office Use Only Permit#: (O O Town of Queensbury Permit Fee:$ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Invoice#: FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE & CHIMNEY APPLICATION **ONE APPLICATION PER APPLIANCE** Project Location:16 Pinecrest Drive Tax Map ID #: 296.13-1-26 Room of Install: Great Room Planned Install Date: TBD • FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE INFORMATION: TYPE OF DEVICE: Stove Fireplace Insert X Fireplace Fuel Fired Equipment (Garage Only, 18" clearance per IMC 304.3) Fireplace, factory built** (**Manufacturer's name: Heat& GIo • Model #: SL-7F ) SOURCE OF HEAT: • Wood . Coal Pellet - . X Gas CHIMNEY INFORMATION: Masonry(require plans to be submitted): block brick stone • X Flue: tile X steel 8" size, in inches Material*: • double-wall triple-wall insulated (*Manufacturer's name: Model #: ) • Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 • CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Installer/Builder: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Name(s): Barbera Homes & Development, Inc. Contractor Trade: General Contractor Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 14 Wade Road, Latham, NY 12110 Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( 518 ) 690-0777 Email: kstrasswimmerbarberahomes.com • Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Richard Menendez Cell Phone: ( 518 ) 331-8399 Land Line: ( Email: rmenendez(a�barberahomes.com ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two (2) inspections are required. A rough-in inspection, prior to installation and a final inspection, after installation. 2. Manufacturer's installation manual must be available at the time of inspection. 3. Masonry fireplaces & chimneys require plans to be submitted. 4. Twenty-four(24) hour notification is required for inspections. 5. Workers' Comp insurance information is required with this application. Declaration: Construction/installation must conform to NYS Fire Prevention & Building Code and/or manufacturer requirements.The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow the inspector to enter the premises to perform the required inspections. have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: Kierstyn Strasswimmer SIGNATURE: DATE: 10/16/2023 • Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 Office Use Only '*/ Permit#: (QO -24)2-3 Town ofQuecnsbury Permit Fee:$ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Invoice#: • Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By: SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION Project Location: 16 Pinecrest Drive, Quensburry, NY 12804 Tax Map #: 296.13-1-26 RESIDENCE INFORMATION: Year Built Gallons #of bedrooms: X gallons per =total daily flow per day bedroom Garbage Grinder Yes No 1980 or older 150 Installed? (circle one) 1981-1991 130 Spa or Hot Tub Yes No • Installed? (circle one) 1992-Present 110 3 110 GPD 330 GPD PARCEL INFORMATION: Topography X Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope Soil Nature X Sand Loam Clay Other, explain: Groundwater At what depth? N/A Bedrock/Impervious At what depth? material N/A Domestic Water Supply _Municipal X Well _Lake (if well or lake, water supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rate: 1.75 per minute per inch (test to be completed by a licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM INFORMATION: Tank size 1.000 gallons (min. size 1,000.gallons, add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spa/hottub System Absorption field w/#2 stone Total length 150 ft.; Each Trench 50 ft. Seepage Pit w/#3 stone How many: ; Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding Tank System Total required capacity? ;tank size #of tanks NOTES: 1. Alarm system and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency; 2. We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved. The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions. 3. As- built drawings must be submitted prior to the inspection, if there has been a change to the submitted plans. Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL El Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: Contact Name(s): Barbera Homes & Development, Inc. Contractor Trade: General Contractor Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 14 Wade Road, Latham, NY 12110 Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( 518 ) 690-0777 Email: kstrasswimmer(abarberahomes.com **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Engineer(s): Name(s): Hutchins Engineering Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( 518 ) 745-0307 Email: Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Richard Menendez Cell Phone: ( 518 ) 331-8399 Land Line: ( Email: rmenendez(o�barberahomes.com Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME: Kierstyn Strasswimmer SIGNATURE: p/ �/(/ a� tfdry 1 ryc,fii DATE: 10/16/2023 • Principle Structure Packet Revised March 2022 (.6(0 ‘—i'd2'5 Residential Plan Review: 1- and 2- Family Dwellings Y/N/NA (1 of 2) L1J Two (2) full sets of plans 1 Over 1,500 sq. ft. requires engineering stamp Design loads on plans: 115 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf (North of Rte. 149 60) 50 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas &Attics 30 psf Calculations Decks 40 psf Wind design for lake front properties le Window schedule with glass size & main doors/Air leakage < .5 cfm for doors, < .3 cfm for windows/Tempered glass in bathrooms 'lei Door schedule/Main entrance 36" door & Emergency Escape or Bedrooms & Habitable Space Above-grade: 5.7 sq. ft. L,(A Grade: 5.0 sq. ft. f- ! 24" (h) x 20" (w) minimum 44" maximum height above door th Window control devices 24" or less 2nd story or 72" above grade 16 Egress window from basement 5.0 sq.A-t( Floor system sizing per table 502.3.1 < Residential check ERI or Prescriptive method AJ1s3- Driveway length: 300' or more-12' width required/500' or more,turnaround required • V Foundation drainage on plans, if required '�iC 6" drop in 10' exterior grade y2 Framing cross section for each roof line, vertical fire-stopping every 10' where /1" / required/joist spans pg. 127 Ai,61 Ice &snow shield—24" from exterior wall %. l Platforms at exterior doors 7f-� Stairway headroom 6'8"; all stairs 36" width y Stair run and rise ,u-4a.-.Winder run and rise OSpiral stairs meet requirements `II Smoke detectors—battery backup & proper location, interconnected '/, Bathroom fixtures—proper clearance YA Hall width-36" width Handrails more than four risers on open sides 7/,. Railing& guards > 30"/basement stairs included/closed risers more than 4" in height 1t Safety glazing notes for required areas yrnGarage fire separation:%" gable end/5/8" under living space &'A" on walls/20 min. door and closer i j Garage floor sloped Attic access: gasket seal & R-value equal to roof insulation Roof over 30" —22"x 30"/Crawl spaces 18" x 24" access 4 Continued on back 4 4 Residential Plan Review Revised October 2021 Residential Plan Review: 1- and 2- Family Dwellings Y/N/NA (2 of 2) Carbon Monoxide detector outside lowest sleeping area, on every level & interconnected 11 within 15' of sleeping area ` "lic Soil test results, if required iypi. Septic to well or water line separation All paperwork signed A Note on plans energy saving light bulbs 90% Blower door test agency paperwork Floodplain Permit required—check map: 2 feet above flood elevation ''-Z Hurricane clips required -T- Floors less than 2 x 10 covered by%" gypsum or 5/8" wood panel `fie? Manuals S &J required for heating system. Cold air return hard piped d4 Separate room for draft HVAC or hot water heater with fresh air 1,�-Gl HRV shown and calculations Yic- Baffles at eaves for insulations and knee walls Makeup air for range hood >400 cfm 3 Continuous header for garage doors to end wall YChimney rain cap shown for fireplaces i eDeck hold down shown not less than 4 lags and bolts per table 507.2 Residential Plan Review Revised October 2021 �* , TOWN O 1XEENSB • ;� � Q IXRY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY. 12804-5902 • Septic System Checklist iLLPlan to scale litit Received Deep hole perc test results from engineer/Architect if applicable(Town Approved Engineers and P Architects;June 30 to April 15 Town Engineer for unapproved Engineers and Architects) All wells on property and adjacent properties shown . 11' ater line shown Municipal or well 10'separation to any part of system • t/ etback to property lines show 10'or more for any part of system • I4Septic tank and pump stations 10'from foundation 50'from any well/lake/wetland 10'from any waterline . IkSeptic.tank to foundation crawl space/slab on grade,grade in crawl space must be above top of septic tank for 0',Separation required(field verification required) . . JlSeptic tank sized for number of bedrooms and add 250 gals for Jacuzzi tubs/garbage grinder each Leech Field 20'from foundation 100'from any well 10:from water line 'CIA Seepage pit 150'from well 50'from septic tank • Ylc-Seepage Pits 3-times diameter apart I �Septic tank and pump stations over 30 gallons 50'from watercourse or wetland • distance from'bottom of trench or system 24"to bedrock or mottling 36"within 1000'of Lake George lI l Leech field 100'from watercourse or wetland Toe of mound or bottom of retaining wall 10'from property line 100'from well 20'from Foundation A r- Provide'Engineer/Architect stamp for bed or design systems A/I! -Department of Health Approval for all mobile home park new systems Flood Plain requirements • • NO 2'above established flood elevation to bottom of system WOAll tanks anchored or 2'above flood elevation I:,JC. n144.6.. •aym 7r or.=_� t�.��nn..• FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town ofQueensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW • Kokoletsos, Michael 16 Pinecrest Dr RC-0660-2023 • 10/19/23 • I have reviewed the submitted drawings for the above project; and offer the following comments: 1) FM to be notified to complete required inspections - Floor Protection - Clearances to Combustibles - Fire Stop (Vertical chase or Wall Penetration - Gas Shut-off Valve - Hearth and Mantel clearances 2) Identify if Heat & Glo, Model SL-7F is a Gas Fireplace or Gas Insert 3) Install in accordance with MFR'S clearances and specs 4)11FIVT o,comp e e required inspections o orr ugh`i i�anc final `; irn pecti >ns w i s ope'ration :&°1'` 5) CO Detection required • Deputy Fire Marshal Tyson Converse 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 8205 tysonc@queensbury.net Fire Marshal's Office • Phone: 518-761-8206 • Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshal@queensbury.net • www.queensbury.net I . I Panasonic 1. . _ FILEC - '1: fl 4 ; ,: '. WhisperGreen Select Connected Ventilation Fans u.,,As-V at:. A -.',, % ,4r . WhisperGreen' f i� ' 'y.. VENTILATION FAN j - . __ / ���' Fan Only Models:FV-0511VK2, h %1�4� , j� ` C • FV-0511VKS2, FV-1115VK2 " ` [ ::1 � j j Fan/Light Models: FV.0511VKL2, �%¢ w ` ` FV-0511VKSL2, FV-1115VKL2 • _�/}rt.' Y vie tto,. HEALTHY AIR,HEALTHY HOME fin+".R w .�- �i' True Flow ratings.at 0.375"static .i4-,r �,`- _ — _ f ��, pressure provide powerful airflow to :y _ i °4ep,0 assure code compliant,healthy homes. ',•:, ;Y • 1-- , � ,-i ' tw ., KEY FEATURES „ a - III Precision,whole-house ventilation solution ideal_for use in the bathroom,laundry 4.;. P:r ,its .`.; z`,"- - P--- �` ; -,_ r -.--- -- ' ., room,sun room,basement or garage II Helps assure good indoor air quality for a healthy home and healthy living - ■Customizable,connected fan and fan/dimmable LED light combinations , y• -'-- ■Pick-A-Flow airflow selector(50-80-110 or 110-130-150 CFM models)combined %, 1''ei, . with SmartFlow'"technology simplifies the selection process and ensures optimum VI% • ;, 1 gam" .. "-- performance to meet code and reduce callbacks «4 • , .' -'' 1 '1` �' III Elegant grille design complements the aesthetics of any room zti ' " a 4^..1 4 4' � `- � ■Single-hinged Flex-Z Fast®bracket provides flexible,fast and easy installation e,,a. , A ,' Y cw , r ■Can be used to comply with ASHRAE 62.2,LEED,CALGreen,IAP,California Title 24, =� t a WA Ventilation Code and ENERGY STAR for Homes 3.0 ADDITIONAL BENEFITS •Ideal IAD solution for green builders •Environmentally friendly 26 gauge housing using Zinc-Aluminum-Magnesium(ZAM)coating •Integrated 4"or 6"dual duct adapter enhances installation options/Fits in 2 x 8 construction •Built-in metal flange provides blocking for penetrations through drywall as an air barrier,and assists with the decrease in leakage in the building envelope during blower door testing •Suitable for installation in ceilings insulated up to R60 •Dual access junction box simplifies wiring in tight spaces •UL Listed for tub/shower enclosure when GFCI protected •UL Listed for use with the Panasonic Ceiling Radiation Damper(model#PC-RDO5C5) •6-year warranty on ECM motor,5 years on LED,3 years on parts •Industry research indicates static pressure in typical installations ranges from 0.20•to 0.375•. ENERGY STAR c � One Connected Fan. Endless Possibilities. The customizable IAQ solution for virtually any space For over 25 years, Panasonic has developed innovative solutions that promote better indoor air quality and healthy home building. On our mission to help you build healthy homes,WhisperGreen®Select offers a powerful connected IAQ solution that delivers healthy indoor air quality for healthy living in any space. WHISPERGREEN®SELECT IS AS EASY AS 1-2-3! Step 1: Select a Base Fan Model. Select a base model to start building the perfect IAQ solution that satisfies your ventilation design requirements. Fan Fan/Light FV-0511VK2:50 to 110 CFM single speed FV-0511VKL2:50 to 110 CFM single speed+LED Light FV-0511VKS2:30 to 110 CFM pre-installed multi-speed FV-0511VKSL2:30 to 110 CFM pre-installed multi-speed+LED Light FV-1115VK2:50 to 150 CFM single speed FV-1115VKL2:50 to 150 CFM single speed+LED Light Pick-A-Flow®Airflow Technology Pick-A-Flow®Airflow Selector-one fan,you choose the CFM. Provides the unique ability to select your required airflow (50-80-110 and 110-130-150 CFM models)with the simple flip of a switch. Step 2: Select Value Added Features WhisperGreen®Select offers a unique set of three patented modules that allow you to further customize your fan: Multi-Speed with Time Delay(FV-VS15VK1)-Allows you to select the proper CFM settings to satisfy ASHRAE 62.2 continuous ventilation requirements.The fan runs continuously at a pre-set lower level, then elevates to a maximum level of operation when the wall switch is turned on, or when the SmartAction®motion sensor or condensation sensor module is activated.A high/low delay timer returns the fan to the pre-set CFM level after a period of time set by the user. SmartAction®Motion Sensor(FV-MSVK1)-Automatically activates when someone enters the room. Once the settings have been applied,the fan becomes truly automatic, making it ideal for people with disabilities and assisted living environments such as nursing homes and retirement communities.This module also activates an automatic 20-minute delay off timer for the fan. Condensation Sensor[FV-CSVK1)- Helps control bathroom condensation to prevent mold and mildew.Advanced sensor technology detects relative o - humidity and temperature to anticipate dew point,automatically turning the fan ' 4 k:, • on to control humidity. Built-in Relative Humidity(RH) sensitivity adjustment - enables fine tuning for moist conditions (30%to 80%, in 10% increments)and Multi-Speed with SmartAction® Condensation Time Delay Motion Sensor Sensor for satisfying CALGreen requirements.When the condensation sensor is used (FV-VS15VK11 (FV-MSVKll (Fv-CSVK11 in conjunction with multi-speed functionality,the fan will kick up to high speed when the condensation sensor detects moisture in the room.This module also activates an automatic 20-minute delay off timer for the fan. • Step 3: Install Your Ideal Fan with the New! Flex-Z Fast® Installation System Ingeniously designed installation _> bracket provides flexible, fast raE \ —> and easy installation for all your new construction or renovation projects. Single-hinged articulating joints to Easily position bracket in between Extend bracket to desired length. easily position bracket in between the joist or ceiling hole. the joist and/or through ceiling hole. Superior Installed Performance up to 0.375"and Certified Quiet Operation at 0.25"Static Pressure • Although ASHRAE, ENERGY STAR®, LEED for Homes,and HVI have set the industry standard for performance measurement at 0.1"and 0.25",WhisperGreen®Select fans provide powerful CFM output at 0.375"that is more representative of typical installations. Sones have also been certified at 0.25"to provide a more realistic,installed value,so they are quiet under pressure and after installation. • , • - - WhisperGreen°Select Connected Ventilation Fans a WhisperGreen'Seee‘t Y/MT1A21CM 6W 1,02(0W 0 /W� \ e.,.. '41I.lO5ci+' FV-0511VK2 FV-1115VK2 „/, ,,fie !with Pre-Installed Multi-Speed module) [with Pre-Installed Multi-Speed module) FV-0511VK2 'FV-1115VK2 FV-OS11VKS2 -,.-,.:-.,,,- 1....A" Dill__ ow e HEALTHYAIR.HEALTHYHOME jTE-- True Flow ratings at 0.375-static, pressure provide powerful airflow to •- ®iI'F - Hill 0. assure code compliant,healthy homes. .ten. �nM I, • • WhisperGreen'.Sete et Iran Onlyl WAlsper0reen'Select(Fan Only) Whisp.rGreen'Select(Fan Onlyl Specifications Base Fab Bea Fa0.N6h.a,nNIW MW>FSp..d eau F.n.40 MWlNry.l Fhq'H%ayD.d01. FV-0511 K2 N•1115Ya12 N.OSIIW52 N-051111162•N-VSI51n1 50.1..v...d.,... 61 OD'10 0.1 011331/0.1 013 2371 Ell CIA 03n CO e2 T 61 015 - 61 620•3 _`h131 .114311E16.1131321WrS131133SY.f .Y Ta113E911.5 61 020 0.1 225•A131=fr..75112 )^.1111133 JYS11111130aiS11311,r41211MO]^i 515 11dma16l6 ,110 .20, 10,.2w 1i'SI, % no 151 III uo no 131 su su is 115 110 WO ICC MI,101 - 10 21 00 21:,70 60 520 IT-SO 51 Al' 10 .W. L5 30 00 110 110 203 0 101 201 N. 90 14' EO .O] .71 . A;31 . 10-3.0, idT, 51' 51 -, a0' 3.20 00 A].r•- ' all CO - 1 SS - -U 6a - hs v 6 62 - a - C.l 63 - .61 01 - •03 6 - - .63 65 - .63 Sa • .63 01 • Al 03 - 43 61 • .11 03 - Co 61 - .63 6 - .03 03 - A3 65 . .63 CA - o13 L - .03 03 • 44 01 • Lev+cv ... :h.soCv.npsolna+l,' L 111 166 11 IS'qA 11 23 11,111]L 14 11 1./32.al IL 11 19 ISA 2413 49 Ill IL 4 Isl 14 5,1 91 1u 4 LS 111.12 21 116 11.,u 91. 22, 51 1.11 22 4' al 29 15.5 1'12 79,111 121 LS 111 14 6.2 Mt'13. I3,66,121.03 1.1, 165 11 '22.1.6.L2 115 -21 'L.4 ,4 7S,rnoele+. 5.....1.11.. 112 21 SA 117 23 SI 162 el 51 ), SA I 4 ILI 21 S. 122 T1 S3 2.7 L L 167 13 L 11.1 25 Se 4.1 61 52 111 63 33 11.1 L L 1 121 21 6, 112 71 6.1 119 4 1 4 11 162 lT 17 14 4 13 14 21 11 IL A6 ,n61-SV1 •- ,%0 6"..",/,/211 1152 I.TS 1111 1316 TR 1Sa tlN iN 211 10a 227 100 IOF An ha IR] 910 IIS 1251 eN INt'YA OM 1116 1151:95 1113 11:5 no Ills 130.761 10e1 GA 711 IOS.1314 701 1052 1251 711 1011 1157 930 1112 2156 OM 11.1366 011 II35 I351 216 1113 1115 TN 1111 1101,751.1011 lin 721 lo%1113 102 1057 1]51 711,1011 1151 a.a,I1.+ad 610 611 OID 161 615 611 332 Oda 110 031 022 3.610 612 011 601 611 212 610 611 OM OM 0.14 0.16 0.7 112 0.10 0L4.110.`.%025 041 113 Ole 006 611 L1 OM 110 Oda 00:0.01 0A 0A 0O0 0.10 Ill 020 001 611 0.12 OM 0.13 5.1a OA 0.10 0.14.021 019 0,13 Off 0M 111 0.:1 0.07 611 0A 0.07 0M 0A 0. ,W r",.MA1A.o,I0v,1n1:.�•..... ,•..., .�41C•._ _, .,. .._,....._ .-.:e1<._:.-_._ ,. _., ...._ .. . ... ... .. .. .. 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' • PaT F<o ECM Motor with SmartFlow"Technology LED Lighting ' �:w.'- ® Includes a 10 Watt dimmable LED chipanel3000 Kelvin Warm White/90CRI/700 WhisperGreen®Select is designed to perform as rated.When the fan senses static pressure,its - P :EGM. lumens/70 LPW/ENERGY STAR®2.0 certified/JA-8 compliant for CA Title 24/50,000 hours cam`•'"o°• speed is automatically increased to ensure optimal CFM output.This feature provides peace of �'"I �'` P 1NO'- mind,as the installer doesn't have to worry about compromising the fan's performance. • rated average life/<1W LED night light. WhisperGreen'seeeat •O0r11A51ON Whisp . e:::)*,,ice erGreen' • (with Pre-Installed Multi-Speed module) FV-0511VKSL2 FV-1115VKL2 FV-0511VK5L2 ifilkill :, al!rli xEALTHYA1It,HEALTHY HONE. t __-'_-•-• ":� - ; I `j'•► -- - "=i J` True Flaw ratings at 0.775-static ••'--- • • • - pressure'provide powerful airflow to 1� _.-�- i_ _ -_ -- -n •-��•w `ww' assure code compliant,healthy homes. •- '_I , 4 /h -__ , v 1 �e __ , 1 ISO SGM _�i�Tiy I I a \:� WhiSperGreen'Select IFan/LED Light) WhisperGreen•Select Iran/LED Ughtl Whisper Green,Select(Fan/LED Ughtl 5pec.filaliens Das.Fan vi1GLEaughl ea.r.n oh LED Us.1oopr.-oni.u.o Nal1FSy... an.in WOOLED11ga. IIu1tL5pr.0P1ug'N 11.41.pa1. FV.7Slll 0 0Y_1115olet N-7516V051.2 N-05119Nt2-FV-95150N1 51.fn:6.4,0..hn55. 61 4200.r1 hi 04 0.1'S ea O4'r5 61 0$ x1 ni u4•775 0.1 025 0.115 01 gm.211 0.1 129 0211 SI 021 In hi 035•.hi 025 1D 0.1 025 .] 0.1 ...a23 3) 025 2n Si 025..))S 0.1 0:5•-T15i.])_ ].i)5,0.175m®6T121:111:1D0.))411111M0.]1541311330.])41:1123s1)S , _I1oa..1 0,l _'IW n0 1n O 71 9 ,0 ,50 'lol ol1 ) .s ) .Ili ,a to Nt 11<.ro:fro 10 03,,a, n A 10 61 60. 60 :61 AO, SJ..50 b ,a M .30 1:0 110 101 131 101 Il: ro..90-.9a,lap E0. :1..70 10 0 .60 60,•60, SO':50 -50..10:P f41',00 .30. 20 ,ro' v.16.11 Da 03 - •y 02 - .e] a - - ,6l as - A3 rll - - ¢7 - 0 •05 - W .µ - to - 3 - _ . .0J es - •0] Os •v] 01 .02 0. - •02 DF - •0] Oa - _ nMtn, .Pove 03 rn1.aW )L 1] 5!' s. Ifl lU 32 Ea.is 1 no Slj 10a .2 US 7 05 11 11 1 1u 751 El It; ILE,0, 1 ae,1] III 4 .t2 1 , 72,lei . fA .17 59 ) ,at: es ISO I51.12 1L ma,lt 92 t1a;1], 1.5 Il 4 a 62 .72 1g1 s2 032 .2.7.53',41 .55. 50 1A n.aae. FnegeoTSL nluwoIanl I05 5. S3 IS] 4 U 52 123 7, S: ) 17 1 52 ,03 92 5.7 15J 02 51 ISa 04 16 la, U it 15.7 al 11 a 1311 a 10.3 43 92 US 71 15 113 72 Si 15.3 02 16 152 at 52 16.2 ES L I57 11 it 1.0 71 La MO 62 U SS1-S,J - � `._Sp.0p0•4,,,:.".r in Ia,t05 011 119 1161 lA IUI loll.2 on IIii 652 .n Ila ua ru nos onoIa02 ton,5s Ilia 1273 Oa 1 .I Itl7 I1Inn 71.5 rile nil,150 ton no ) ton 7 72 Mt,955 1103 1371 t Lin 0e0)Ia 1257 Oti 10PIS I 1 1141 7 ) TA MO i MI 7M 1066 inn.710 100 1113 713 1067 Ira . b v.,pkeal 0.0)116 Me 026 4 Ws s 0A .03)1 7.15 eL 0.7 lit 0an.11 6 aN a 0 .11 nit 411 p Vet 0 0.1, S 10 a tie 0, � LA7 006 (..le 0.10 'i 010 0.10 0.1e O 411 0.16 456 0.10 0am0 3 10 e 025 n9MO 0a.0.1 0n0 010 0 027 009 0.06 004 am u .__ ,. ._ pnn4a1019An1 Imes -.. 1Nf0 - 1a'Je0 133130 iF.010470 l.oeiq 0.0 633. 6n . ., _ .. n. .•.. . . .. .• .. . . ...• 21a9.na19. 5:..m ...m7 +sn .6x. •" '.'FaE16t5W10,:tl.6.5'r -_.'�..is J Yn_,._ a .. -.. .... r.. _ ,.. ... ... .. ... .. .. _ ... .. _. _ .. Oo 66 4,1 Carr a.00...,..70J to . ) or .. Ipl- 'IDD . 4a,n.71d neTorn lay 03nenwp• nt.rec., 707 _ _.. _ _ ., •. i .. . 0wrn..n)a'1aAn ro A to 1 . .._ . _ ... _- _'-_ .. Rec1Nlv.J 56010 91.030 • 04/0 MOM L.., LW.S" ISO.1p -.. - - LE00:p ssaoi:, fia.Mi741151 1J VLmp9nw Fvw,e. fn .� • )a.__ .. .. a0i0, pal./ a 10.eag.•1•13rm. Yn re. , vn ... St6tlae' t1a05wot... ..04.. .. W . ... . .. 11,5.ona. '.r3Maa .a , . .6 in 4E10.5091.10.n.60 foo.r, . . , . - b .,. ,.na . _ _ - In .. • • 'ult.? Panasonic For Order Information D®DS NV' !AD Division PHONE:866-292-7299 • `eeanrizo Two Riverfront Plaza FAX:888-553-0723 CALGreen Newark,NJ 07102 vonthns@us.panasonlacom na.panasonic.com/us/laq IA122303355 Design and specifications subject to change without notice. ®CT 1 6 2023 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING &CODES 16 Pinecrest Drive HVAC Load Calculations for Barbera Homes 14 Wade Road - Latham, NY 12110 ,qR rY • 06R 0) I RE$IDENTiAL HVAC LOADS • • Prepared By: Paul Phillips. Appolo Heating 868 Burdeck Street Schenectady, NY 12306 866-809-4562 Monday, October 16,2023 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2.50, and ACCA Manual D. •. • Rhvac Residential&Light Commercial HVAC Loads Elite Software'*401iiiiK0401,14 Appolo Heating Inc 16 inecrest 044 Project Report General Project Information Project Title: 16 Pinecrest Drive Designed By: Paul Phillips Project Date: Monday, October 16,2023 Project Comment: Client Name: Barbera Homes Client Address: 14 Wade Road Client City: Latham, NY 12110 Client Phone: 518.690.0777 x302 Client E-Mail Address: rmcgrath@barberahomes.com Client Website: Barberahomes.com Company Name: Appolo Heating Company Representative: Paul Phillips Company Address: 868 Burdeck Street Company City: Schenectady, NY 12306 Company Phone: 866-809-4562 Company Website: Appoloheating.com Company Comment: Reference City: Glens Falls, New York Building Orientation: Front door faces Northwest Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 43 Degrees Elevation: 328 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.988 Outdoor - Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -4 -4.56 n/a n/a 72 n/a Summer: 85 71 51% 50% 75 27 Check Figures Total Building Supply CFM: 1,213 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.245 Square ft.of Room Area: 4,950 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,961 Volume(ft3): 27,954 Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 56,236 Btuh 56.236 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 26,787 Btuh 88 % Total Latent Gain: 3,505 Btuh 12 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 30,292 Btuh 2.52 Tons(Based On Sensible Latent) Notes t Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J, D and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2.50, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. • C:\Users\paulp\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 10 Projects\16 pinecrest drive.rl0 Monday, October 16, 2023, 12:02 PM :=Elia'S00.00�bevelo merit Inca Rhvac:-.iRes�dent�al,B,�Li htCommercial;HVAC.°Loads.;: -- _�?' t •p -, •A olo Heat n I .:<" Y 16=Pinecresf:Drive'4=" «r - -2 '• ji Schenectady:NY,..12306, .,•.. . ...,...<,..,...,.... ....•�..,�,...,_w.;..,,..:..,..._., .;.,..�...> ..ti...,_.�_: k •. .. .- `;Page Miscellaneous Report _ �:3�,:a<�':Oufdoor•._ >Iridoo�•:: '<Irido r_�:- - w.y Inpu4,Data,''=_` Dry,Bulbs. Wef'Bulb ,r:,.; Rel:Hum , .: Rel:Hum. _Dry.`Bult -;Difference: Winter: -4 -4.56 80% n/a 72 n/a Summer: • 85 71 51% 50% 75 27.41 • Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: No No Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 0 ft./min 0 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Ou#side-Air::Data', u`s.. Winter Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.180 AC/hr . 0.090 AC/hr — — — — — 84 CFM 42 CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.161 AC/hr 0.040 AC/hr • Above Grade Volume: X 27,954 Cu.ft. X 27,954 Cu.ft. 4,501 Cu.ft./hr 1,126 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 75 .CFM 19 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 38 CFM 38 CFM ---System 1--- Infiltration&Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 10.87 = (1.10 X 0.988 X 10.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration&Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 18.42 = (0.68 X 0.988 X 27.41 Grains Difference) Infiltration&Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 82.61 = (1.10 X 0.988 X 76.00 Winter Temp. Difference) • Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.180 AC/hr(84 CFM), Construction:Tight Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.090 AC/hr(42 CFM), Construction:Tight • • • • C:\Users\paulp\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 10 Projects\16 pinecrest drive,r10 Monday, October 16,2023, 12:02 PM . ti • Rhvac...Residentral$.Lrght_Commercial HVAG;Loads. ::? ,,; „=. _:_, Elite Software 0evelopmentIn , Appolo Heating Inc' 16 Pmecrest Drive •Schenectady.NY i12306'1.;!. .. :_ Page 4 Load Preview Report Net ft.2 Sen Lat Net Sen His Cis AYct Duct Scope Ton lion Area Gain Gain Gain Loss CFM CFM CFM Size Building 2.52 1,961 4,950 26,787 3,505 30,292 56,236 698 1,213 1,213 System 1 . • 2.52 1,961 4,950 26,787 3,505 30,292 56,236 698 1,213 12x17 Ventilation 408 691 1,098 3,098 38 38 38 Zone 1 4,950 26,379 2,814 29,193 53,138 698" 1,213 1,213 12x17 1-Basement 2,200 2,989 24 3,013 13,604 179 ._137 137 2-6 2-Primary.Bath 155 2,395 522 2,917 2,922 38 _::'t110 110 2-5 3-Primary WIC 88 150 8 158 890 12 T 7 7 1-2 4-Primary Bed 214 1,979 25 2,004 3,205 42 `.:;;';91. 91 1-6 5-Laundry 88 587 .350 937 354 5" '427. 27 1-4 6-Mud Rm+Stairs+Bath 243 949 133 1,082 3,711 49' „ `44 44 1-5 7-Kitchen 194 3,335 445 3,780 2,378 31 153: 153 2-6 8-Pantry 79 577 15 592 1,548 20 - 27. 27 1-4 9-Dine 153 1,799 13 1,812 2,331 31 -83 83 1-6 10-Great Room 341 2,949 906 3,855 3,070 40 : 136 136 2-6 11-Foyer 94 1,464 13 1,477 2,197 29' 67 67 1-6 12-Bed 3+WIC 188 1,927 28 1,955 3,459 45. -89 89 1-6 13-Bed 2+WIC 193 2,031 38 2,069 3,966 52i::.,;: 93, 93 1-6 . 14-Bath 1 81 870 207 1,077 1,024 13 ' 40 40 1-5 15-Hall 129 148 0 148 519 7 7 7 1-2 16-2nd Fl Stairs+landing+storage 181 364 38 402 2,718 36'r:f:`: 17 17 1-3 17-2nd Fl Bath+hall+closet 119 197 14 211 1,404 18.;_`,°,:,9 9 1--3 18-Bonus 211 1,669 35 1,704 3,838 50 '. ' '.77 77 1--6 • • • C:\Users\paulp\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 10 Projects\16 pinecrest drive.rl0 Monday, October 16,2023, 12:02 PM i- • �`� `r�:D`velo'ineriE 16,er- V ;�Loads� i e:Softwa.e e i I&'Li 6t�Commercial:H AC :,'>�:'Rhvac'=Resident a ;; q. . .'.5. ,.5� SFr?. ..`.' E„ =Appolo Heatm_ Inc.; r k , +,� st Drive°16:Firiecre 'Sctienedtad .N12306 �.,-.. ,...,..aM..,. . .._, 4 �.�, -.. ,v. ' -.._ , -. ..... .. ..... : . ..Rage`5 Duct Size Preview Room or Source Minimurrl Maximurr Rough Design SP Duct Duct Htg Gig Act. Duct Reg • Duct Name Velocity Velocit}� Factor •U100 Loss Velocity Lengtl Flow Flow Flow Size Size System 1 Supply Runouts Zone 1 .._-.. 1-Basement Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 350.1 179 , 1,,37 137 2-6 2-Primary Bath Built-In 0. 750 0.01 0.1 404 38 -W110 110 2-5 3-Primary WIC Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 315.5 12 _W F' 7i 7 1-2 4-Primary Bed Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 463.6 42 ‘770791 91 1-6 5-Laundry. Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 309.6 5 ;r��-��27 27 1-4 ". ,.yr imtiti 6-Mud Rm+Stairs+Bath Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 320 49rtiolli! 44 1-5 7-Kitchen Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 390.6 31 js ;153a 153 2-6 8-Pantry Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 304.2 20 :` 7, 27 1-4 9-Dine Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 421.4 31 _____1 83 1-6 10-Great Room Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 345.4 40136 136 2-6 11-Foyer Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 342.9 29 -= ?67 67 1-6 12-Bed 3+WIC Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 451.4 45i. ;,ZiAr89 89 1-6 13-Bed 2+WIC Built-In • 0 750 0.01 0.1 475.8 52 r=`: t o41 93 1-6 14-Bath 1 Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 293.6 13 > 40 40 1-5 15-Hall Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 311.2 7 s, A'-T1 7 1-2 16-2nd FI k' -V2t..1 Stairs+landing+storage - Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 341.5 36krt_ 17 17 1-3 17-2nd FI Bath+hall+closet Built-In 0 750 0.01 0.1 185.1 189 9 1-3 18-Bonus Built-In. 0 750 0.01 0.1 391.1 50 g-''0; 77 1-6 Other Ducts in System 1 • __ • Supply Main Trunk Built-In 0 900 0.003 0.1 856.5 698 1 3, 1,213 12x17 Summary System 1 • Heating Flow: 698 Cooling Flow: 1213 • • • C:\Users\paulp\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 10 Projects\16 pinecrest drive.rl0 Monday, October 16, 2023, 12:02 PM .` � ' . ' ~ Va � '� � - � ` ve 8oHoiri�tgdy.W,il2V00` �.' System I Main Floor Summary Loads tompprient- ^ 2A'w'o: Glazing-Double pane|ow-e(e=U.6O), operable 481.8 9.828. 0 15.040 15.040 window,wood frame, U-value 028. SHGC 0.45 2A-w'd: Glazing-Double pane\ow'a(a=0.8O). sliding 34 724 0 3861 386 glass door,wood frame, U-vu|ueU.28. SHQCU.45 11C): Door-Metal-Polyurethane Core With Storm, U- 40.2 519 0 144 144 value 0.17 15B21'Ow+8:VVa||-Baoement. .framing with R-21 sill to 1788 5.059 O 59 59 floor in2x6cavity, core, no board insulation, plus interior finish,wood studs, 8'Ooor depth, U-vo|uo O.030. above grade U-vo|ue0.OGT 12F-2mw:VVaU-Fnoma. R-21 insulation in2xGstud 2919.3 13.314 O 1.452 1.452 cavity, F-2 board insulation, siding finish,wood utudu. U-value0.00 16B21-Ow-4:VVaU'800amant, .framing with.R-21 sill bu 72 271 0 5 5 floor in2xGcavity, core, no board insulation, plus interior finish,wood studs,4'Ooor depth, U-va|ue 0.O46. above grade U-va|ueO.O8T 1OB'8O: Ruof/Cei|ing-Undar Attic with Insulation nnAttic 2804.1 3.624 O 2.148 2.148 Floor(also use for Knee Walls and Partition Cei|ingo).Vented Attic, No Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal,Tar and Gravel or yNombnyne. R�58inau|aUon. U'va|uoO.O17 10A-21p: Floor-Over enclosed crawl space, Noinsulation 48407 12.888 U 1.870 1.670 on exposed walls, sealed or vented space, passive, R-21 blanket, U'vo|ueU.O45 2OP'30: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, Passive, 118.7 318 O 21 21 R-3U blanket insulation,any cover, U-va|ua0.O35 Subtotals for structure: 40.941 0 20.923 20.923 People: 4 920 1.200 2.120 Equipment 1.550 3.587 5.137 Lighting: U O O Ductwork: O 0 U O Infiltration:Winter CFKX: 75. Summer CFM: 1Q 8.107 344 204 548 Ventilation:Winter CFK8: 38. Summer CFkU: 38 3.O08 601 408 1.098 AEDExcuooiun: � 0 0 465 465 System 1 Main Floor Load Totals: 56.230 3.505 20.787 30.202 t,666kPlgure"�/����� ': Suppk/CFPN: 1.213 CFW1 Per Square fL: 0.245 Square ft. cf Room Area: 4.950 Square ft. Per Ton: 1.961 Vo|ume(ft'): 37.354 SY �d�d ne.`�" Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 56.236 Bt h 50.238 K8BH Total Sensible Gain: 20.787 8tuh 88 % Total Latent Gain: 3.505 Bhuh 12 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 30.292 Btuh 2.52 Tons(Based On Sensible+ Latent) RhvooioonACCA approved Manual J. O and S computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition,Version 2.50, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates oa building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads according to the manufacturer's performance data at your design conditions. C:\Uears\pau|p\Douuments\BitoSofbware\Rhvoo10Pnojunts\16pinenvyutdhve.r\O Monday, October 1G. 2O23. 12:O2PK8 / Rhvac ctRedyi.de'YInn c:1a,�2 806L ht CommcaHVA �: w, - - t� � x. y:.Ey.. ite :-$0.We 0e.D 6v..Peilnoe cr,eesnt�D 'I rin Jc Apolo Heating . e . +..„ Equipment Data - System 9 - Main Floor Cooling System Type: Standard Air Conditioner Outdoor Model: 13ACXN036-230** Indoor Model: C35-36B*+TDR Tradename: MERIT 13ACX SERIES-RFC Outdoor Manufacturer: LENNOX AHRI Reference No.: 8630628 Capacity: 33,600 Efficiency: 13 SEER Heating System Type: Natural Gas Furnace Model: ML193UH070XE36B* Tradename: MERIT 90 Manufacturer: LENNOX INDUSTRIES, INC. Description: Natural Gas or Propane Furnace Capacity: 62,000 Efficiency: 93 AFUE • • • • C:\Users\paulp\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 10 Projects\16 pinecrest drive.rl0 Monday, October 16, 2023, 12:02 PM ` ' Manual S Performance Data - SystemI - Main Floor Cooling: Outdoor Outdoor Dry Bulb: 85 Sensible Gain: 26.787 Outdoor Wet Bulb: 71 Latent Gain: 3.506 Indoor Dry Bulb: 75 Total Gain: 30.202 |ndunrRH: 50 LoodSHFL 0.88 Supply Airflow: 1.213 Entering Dry Bulb: 75.3 Entering Wet Bulb: 827 Heating: Outdoor Dry Bulb: -4 Sensible Loss: 56.236 Indoor Dry Bulb: 72 Entering Dry Bulb: 67.9 |ndoorRH: 30 Supply Airflow: 088 Cooling: Model Type: Standard Air Conditioner, Outdoor Model: 13ACXN038-230-**. Indoor Model: C35-36B°+TOR AHRI Reference Number:8630628 Nominal Capacity: 33.600, Manufacturer: LENNOX Entered Interoolation Data: 33.6 1.65 0.88 29.568 Interpolation Results: Percent Load cfLond Sensible Capacity: 29.588 28.787 110% Latent Capacity: 4.032 3.505 115% Total Capacity: 33.800 30.292 111% Power Input: 1.65 Heating: Model Type: Natural Gas Furnace, Model: yNL193UH07OXE36B- . Nominal Capacity:82.000. Manufacturer: LENNOX . INDUSTRIES, INC. Results: Percent Luacl. nf| ond Heating Capacity: 62.000 56.236 110% C:\Users\paulp\Documents\Elite Software\Rhvac 10 Projects\1 6 pinecrest drivar1U Monday October 1S. 2U23 12:02P[N ,111,. \• • / --.. 0..11, • -' 7:: -, . 1 , -1t:-;,.. 1 - %••' 1- . ' -,------ •1.:.1 t 1 ?1 vit t-N4P:".1. 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"-'' • Id ;L e'i r i: j .--'r EASILY CUSTOMIZABLE EXHAUST CREDIT HUMIDITY MONITORING The Fresh Air Ventilation The FAVC monitors up to four The Fresh Air Ventilation Control comes from the exhaust appliances within the Control monitors humidity factory pre-set for a 3- home to adjust ventilation conditions, similar to an bedroom, 2,000 sq.-ft. house needs based on total HRV/ERV, and can interface and is easily adjusted to with multiple.additional appliance operation, and exhaust fans to adjust and different size homes. The FAVC is out of the box can provide Make-Up air in deliver ventilation needs compliant with ASHR.AE response to an exhausting intelligently. standards. appliance. �.,_� ate. 4 Tf " - ,may �+-=+-'' AH.i eIsASystem , . The Fresh Air Ventilation Control recognizes the home is a system and integrates the central fan to meet ventilation requirements and improve indoor air quality. Today's Well-Built Homes Require Better Ventilation i I Homes built today are energy efficient with better insulation and are more tightly sealed. As a result, homes trap stale, unhealthy air inside. The ASHRAE 62.2 fresh air ventilation standard was established I, to ensure adequate air changes and improve indoor air quality. Exhaust-only fans like those in bathrooms,supply air from uncontrolled and potential unhealthy sources like the garage, attic, crawl space, or basement and create negative pressure in the home. Fresh air must come from outdoors. The Field Controls FRESH AIR VENTILATION CONTROL (FAVC) manages fresh outdoor air intake, per Title 24, and stale indoor air exhaust to provide whole-dwelling,,balanced ventilation while satisfying ASHRAE 62.2 2010, 2013. and 2016 standards. • Indoor Air Quality Same Cost, Added Benefit Time Spent Indoors "Increasing ventilation rates will "Higher ventilation rates. "We spend as much as 90% of reduce respiratory illness and corresponded with lower our time indoors. Consequently, associated sick leave, reduce VOCs, formaldehyde, and allergens and irritants from the sick building systems, and CO2, and improvements in indoor environment may play a increase productivity." health—fewer headaches, significant role in triggering - CEC case report study eczema, and skin allergies." asthma and allergy episodes." - Francisco 2016 study - CDC Healthy Housing Manual Fresh Air Ventilation Control Benefits: V Better distribution through / Complies with ASHRAE 62.2 Optional MERV 13 filtration when existing duct work �/ 2010, 2013, 2016 and Title 24 combined with a media filter cabinet V Preset.for.a 3'Bedroom,.2,000 V Simple Installation with low V Multiple Climate Application Modes sq-ft home power usage for both single/multi-family operation — f, • .o= ,--. 1 (. 1 p 14_' _ "':';gym, -. '':,,--,•_-,,,. pi TE:: -,: ' 1 • Enhances indoor air quality of the home • Complies with ASHRAE 62.2 2010, 2013 and 2016, Title 24 • Factory preset for a 3 bedroom, 2,000 sq-ft home o New or existing single/multi-family operation • • Customizable for nearly any size home The Fresh Air Ventilation Control"' (FAVC) is designed to provide fresh air ventilation and comply with ASHRAE 62.2 and Title 24 ventilation standards while greatly improving the indoor air quality and comfort in the home. The FAVC interactively works with a residential HVAC system thermostat and the central fan air *GP handler system to periodically introduce controlled amounts of FIELDCONTROLS fresh air into the home. Improving Indoor Environments 9154 Stellar Court Corona, CA 92883 252.522.3031 contact@Fieldcontrols.com ::ZA,ii-eldcontrols.com/favc _ ...'dirt. .. ., .. ,. '�'-r•r -- .'r�^'y z.....,..._ r .. . 4--+-' i r , . . ` �. -4 4,. .SE 2{ 4 1. . " - '; .. '„'r" . ENGINEERING DATA 4011110FIELDCONTROLS ._;:;. .:...;:,. . improving Indoor.Environmenls +'-rt . Model FAVC i.-:tl,'i.',.•.:;,i h-'.. ,,.-H o►ihYHomes; m,- ,?: :: new ; Fresh Air Ventilation Control Part No. 602600100 i I j Healthy Home System' ��rsisecont RUTS ITEMS INCLUDED IN KIT DESCRIPTION . •!Fresh Air Ventilation Controller The Fresh Air Ventilation ConlrolTM(FAVCI.which;is port of the Field Controls Healthy Home SystemTM product line • Mounting Hole Template interactively works.with residential HVAC system thermostat,in conjunction with the central fan air handler system to periodically introduce controlled amountsof Fresh air into the home. The FAVC is designed to provide fresh air -• Instruction Manual ventilation'all year long keeping energy conservation,indoor air quality and comfort in mind.The FAVC system meets the requirements of ASHRAE 62.2 standard for ventilation. The controller has several modes of operation: • Mounting Packet containing iwo(2)Sheet standard mode is.designed to.work in conjunction with your forced air HVAC Fan system and an economy mode Metal Screws designed to.function independent of your forced air HVAC,fan system. The FAVC will continuously monitor indoor 1 Relative Humidity and Temperature used to:regulate R/A duct humidity in the winter months and to prevent humid • ODT Sensor Packet containing temperature 'conditions during the summer months by reducing the ventilation cycles during periods of high dew points.The sensor,sheet metal screw and iwo(2)wire FAVC will also monitor outdoor.air temperature conditions using a sensor mounted to the duct in front of the Fresh nuts Air.Damper or Heat/Energy Recovery Ventilation products;The controller has built-in protection for Furnace-plenums during the healing months of winter and shoulder seasons that will prevent condensation and corrosion of the heat exchanger as well as preventing mold growth by habiting ventilation to control humidity levels in the controlled space.The FAVC can monitor niulliple exhausting appliances with in your home,to adjust ventilation needs based OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES on total appliance operation along with the ability to cycle on/off multiple appliances(dampers,ERV/HRV,HVAC • C-Sensor: Current sensor compatible with E.Sensor central blower and various exhausting device/fans)to evenly balance fresh air ventilation with in the home. and FAVC, used to provide makeup air by sensing FEATURES BENEFITS operation of exhausting devices such as dryers,bath •Normal or Economy Mode of Operation •Smart Controller(adjusts ventilation time based on fans and range hoods.Passive device.with no external •Multiple Climate Application Made: Normal, Hot, central fan and/or appliances in operation) . power requirement. Cold or Disabled •low power usage • RSensor: Duct-mounted differential pressure •Simple Fresh Air Ventilation using Fresh Air Damper •Simple Installation switch compatible: withFAVC inputs, similar useas •or HRV/ERV Devices •Complies with ASHRAE 62.2 2016 Monitoring Capability(up to 4 apn liances—multiple •Adjusts ventilation need based on 30-minute time C•Sensor, adjustable setpoinl, may be installed on bath fans,exhaust fans,clothes dryer,range hood, periods positive or negative pressure ducts. draft assisted gas log fireplaces,and/or exhaust fan •Versatility(controls,monitors and CFM-adjustable For devices) appliances( • Fresh Air Dampers (FAD) —Return air mounted a Monitoring and Control Capability o Controls three(3)appliances(induding fresh air dampers sizes 4"Ihru 20"compatible with •Built-In-Selectable EnthalpyControl ventilation damper) FAVC Ventilation terminals.All are 24 VAC actuator •Temperature sensor located in R/A ductwork o.Monitors four(4)exhaust fan appliances powered units. •Compatible with any HVAC system having o Adjustable air flow dial settings.for each exhaust accessible 24VAC R W Y G terminals: fan appliance • Heal/Energy Recovery Ventilators(HRV/ERV)• The a Conventional Heot/Cool HVAC Systems a Individual Heat and Cool oir Flow settings for HRV/ERV products ore designed to provide a balanced o Heal Pump Systems HVAC central fan ventilation approach to a space to meet ventilation o Hydronic Air Handlers o Ashrae 62.2 Continuous CFM dial selling o Stand-alone Configuration •Factory Pre-set settings. requirements while saving energy costs on healing or •New or existing single/multi•family operation cooling fresh air from the outside.The HRV/ERV con- •Inhibits.fresh air ventilation based on outside temperature Irols are compotible with FAVC exhaust terminals. levels and Indoor relative humidity selling • Inlet Hood — Inlet hoods with screens are DIMENSIONAL DATA -- available to fit fresh air Inlet diameters of 4,5.and 6 � I Inches from Field'Controls. o •rtli.`:";'`•-,;.eo�n lT ,e`; ." t. 4 '11 �A _f_:-• --- _..., iiirdio FIELDCONTROLS O 1r TII�11 . Ti ^ Improving Indoor Envlmnmanls ; i 1 i (8 `J i Field Controls � •" 1_- I! �a 2630 Airport Road ,`ar Kinston;-NC 28504 Customer Service:252 522-3031 Field Controls LLCreservesthe ilght to modify a product,wllhout prior nodce,wheiherin design,cdoror spedficOlons,ln mderto offer atall tlmesa quality Fax:1(800)367-7942 predict thallshlghlycompellthre:Please cansuftyournagansl and Local birlldingcadesto find OWviliether the flistallagdriofelecldcaljudducliriquiresthe. Vlslt.usat www.fieldeontrols.eom servicesofacenffiedtedld ktm dmorelectiFkMCantrolsandHealthyHomeSystem^'aeeregtsteredliademarksusedunder censebyrleldControfsLLCAll rlghtsresesved. Page 1 of 2 P/N 780500900 10/17 Rev'A, . • . .. ,. • . _ . . ENGINEERING DATA FAVC • PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Power Requirements(Class 2 Appliance) Power • . Oirtputs Isolated Inputs(Monitoring) Input Voliege 20.30 VAC Fan Output GF(Maximum load Current): 3A inductive 024VAC Appliance NI(Al,MC) SMA024VAC,TVS protected. Minimum VA Required 1.7 VA @ 24 VAC _ Vent(V,V)(Maximum Toad Current): 3A inductive @24VAC Appliance N2(A2,A2C1 5mA'@24VAC,TVS prateCied Wring Requirements 18-22 AWG,24 VAC(Min) •Exhaust(E,EI(MaiimirM Load Current): 3MriducUye @24VAC Apr11smcciff3(A3,A3C) .5nrA 024VAC,TVS protected Operating Temperature Range 10*F to.1507. Fan Intput GT(Monitor Circuit Current): 5ink 024VAC Appliance 04(A4,A4ci •5mA 4)24YAC,TVS prol4cted. Operating Humidity Range .-5 ta 95%RH(non.condensing) Heat Input W(Monlier Circuit Curren!): 5mA 4g24yAc. 1 . i WIRING DIAGRAM FOR TYPICAL INSTALLATION(Fresh Air Damper Ventilation Only) WIRING DIAGRAM FOR TYPICAL INSTALLATION(HRV/ERV Deice Ventilation Only) I:2=w MIMIC ININUOSIAt %Auk!offp: GE1 11.A1111•111,110 ' rA CUILIJIM! ItC1 RI .. MI ta•W(IViln'IP • I: gi a MOMPOMMOill El::,!:::. 11:1 IIIM 111110.1.1,11 12 KV, CI 1111111. i rostrin.srug RI op ime irl.,. . .." IM=11111111Wil ttlii!IUN.I IMIIMMIE3 minim I ,,,,,,,,,,,LI mon N N•Nommt(4„,,,„, . gi 161 i a Eiri--- N FAVE ------ 11:31” VC KV:6016.010.3 in V.111:1191 NEMI/11 / ri:motormen :• r.1 err:r.a.-..i..:.;C.:.If•:,011,:-1,: 1'..../AV..:41111,A:i...•''n7''''"":-. :4.0.:4'..1.,1 gi l r I.,.11 OM NI11.41V• M, El' 1111111 tri(1111 ID IC rA11110041111 !, I 7113E11 • MI 113 I ig A al,. l 1 u3312:3 I 1.11. 0011111111.11U U , i ——... — lu 11613 ID KEI fi'l°'""MII=1111 it Z 1E3E31 i L.Iimiimil in 11E3 1 no NI cot, El 1111a3 HUAI.1111.A.M.114 iFAM 2023,E311 / U •m) I • I WRING DIAGRAM FOR OPTIONAL MONITORING OF APPLIANCES 1 THRU 4 WRING DIAGRAM FOR OPTIONAL MONITORING&CONIROWNG OF APPLIANCES I&2 NW:liVAC•41....e.Iliarrnastak0.14>to Sow.4 r-r7.---7-7.---1 1 ore RAC 41.63.:(6.111;onsul4.CL43as Stnsa.1 ; FAD/F/YMN.4,.=mental,iold4anfereaskii. • . I • 130/RWIEIVW•cornadketsmi 4.143.3.....Y. . L= • , SADIFA.1 SI I • Li In".;,...... r4":"---Olt . , •D FIAILSA1101• g .01,1.1. loy:111V.CE 1/.1111AtarAll.. j • _. esr11.1c11,1% 1111AGMLAY 1 1 II•1•1 .1M.1.1/1/.61 IMIlil lj _7: 7 s. ...t..:..... , il N ! i L- i in :12 iimm oil io 82 m . ....4,.7,--.1. 'v - Willalg.. it u: ci 1,.un ra 1111.111111111 •."'n ...........--7 )IE 10.0.smi 1 fl Olt 1 1 I.WV/Ca.3;MOM writs . ENS1112:1125 .104,60•0 6.4..41.1. —.........a 2 vat.1141,11.....114.1 I VC 11/1 113111A0 111/160124VAC,WM Vc FA Armco limo MIII1 MAC,SOYA' i- .ii.". OR c.,..1 '1 0 ii VW letWligAtE"Igni9Pr...1 PROJECT INFORMATION Quoted by: 'Date: . Project: Remarks: FIELDCON TROIS Quantity: 11111rilli° 1.rqproqi!E;ingoor Envhcitinwni, Model: Field Ontrols Silo: 2630 Airport Road Klustori;Nt 18504. Architect: Customer Servite:252. 22-3031 Engineer: . Fair:1(800)367-7942 Contractor vier us at:www.fielcicontrols:com Page2 of 2 P/N 780500900 10/17 Rqv.ii . . ! • ENGINEERING DATA FIELD=CONTROLS Improving Indoor.fnvironments �:'': , _ 1 '. 'S`,. Model FAVC sr- ._.: 'H 5'Illiy'Ho.5-!mrneSyimrl'" a; _ • v. , Fresh Air Ventilation Control Part No..602600100 •jHeal#hy Home System' ECSO•I•IDCOUIROIS . ITEMS INCLUDED IN KIT DESCRIPTION • Fresh Air Ventilation Controller The•Fresh Air Ventilation ConlrolTra(FAVC)which is part or the Field Controls Healthy Home SystemTM product line • Mounting Hole Template interactively works with residential HVAC system thermostat,in conjunction with the central Fan.alr handler system to periodically Introduce controlled amounts of fresh air into the home. The FAVC is designed to.p_rovide'fresh air • Instruction Manual ventilation:oil year long keeping energy conservation, indoor air quality and comfort in mind.-The'FAVC.system meets the requirements'of ASHRAE 62.2 standard For ventilation. The controller has several modes of-operation: • Mounting Packet containing two(2)Sheet standard mode is designed to work in conjunction with your forced air HVAC fan system and an economy mode Metal Screws designed to function independent of your forced air HVAC fan system. The FAVC will continuousty.monitor indoor Relative Humidity and'Temperoture used to regulate R/A dud humidity in the winter months and-to prevent humid • ODT Sensor Packet containing temperature conditions during the summer Months by reducing the ventilation cycles during periods of high dew points.The sensor,sheet metal screw.ond two(2)wire FAVC.will also monitor outdoor air temperature conditions using a sensor mounted to the duct in front of the Fresh nuts Air Damper or Heat/Energy Recovery Ventilation products.The controller has built-in protection for furnace plenums during the heating months of winter and shoulder seasons that will prevent condensation and corrosion of the heat exchanger as well as preventing mold growth by habiting ventilation to control humidity levels in'Ihe controlled space.The FAVC.can monitor multiple exhausting appliances'with in your home•to adjust ventilation.needs based OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES on total appliance operation along with the ability to cyde on/of/Multiple appliances(dampers,ERV/HRV,HVAC • C-Sensor: Current sensor compatible with E Sensor central blower and various exhausting device/fans to evenly balance fresh air ventilation within the home. and FAVC,'Used'to provide makeup air by sensing FEATURES BENEFITS operation of exhausting devices such as dryers,bath •Normal or Economy Mode of Operation •Smart.Controller(adjusts.ventilation'time'based on fans and range hoods.Passive device with no external •Multiple Climate Application Mode: Normal, Hot, . central fan and/or appliances in,operation) . power requirement. Cold or Disabled •lowrentia power usage Dud-mounted .differential pressure •Simple Fresh Air Ventilation using Fresh Air Damper •Simp a Installation •witch compatible P-Sensor: D with FAVC Inputs, similariaor HRV/ERV Devices •Complies with ASHRAE 62.2 2016 use as •Monitoring Capabiliity_(up to 4 appliances-multiple •Adjusts ventilation need based on 30-minute time C-Sensor, adjustable.selpoint, may be installed On bath:fans,exhaust fans,clothes dryer,range hood, periods' positive or negative pressure ducts. draft assisted gas log fireplaces,and/or exhaust fan •Versatility(controls,monitors and CFM adjustable for devices); appliances(( • Fresh.Air Dampers (FAD) _Return air mounted •Monitoring and Control Capability o Controls'three(3)appliances(including fresh air dampers sizes 4"Ihru 20•compatible with •Built-in.Selectable EnthalpyControl ventilation damper) FAVC Ventilation terminals.All are 24 VAC aatuotor •Temperature sensor located in R/A ductwork o Monitors four(4)exhaust Fan appliances powered units. •Compatible with ony HVAC system.having a Adjustable air flow dial settings for each exhaust accessible'24VAC.R:W Y G'terminals: .fan appliance • Heat/Energy Recovery Ventilators(HRV/ERV)- The o Conventional Heat/Cool HVAC Systems o Individual Heal and Cool air flow settings for HRV/ERVproducts are designed to rovide.a balanced o Heat Pump.Systems HVAC central fan HRV/ERV V• approach a to i space to meet ventilationac o,Hydro*Air Handlers o Ashrae 62.2 Continuous CFM dial selling Po Stand-alone Configuration •Factory Pre•sel settings requirements while saving energy costs On heating or •New or existing single/multifamily-operation • cooling fresh air•from the outside.The HRV/ERV con- •Inhibits fresh air ventilation based on outside temperature trots are compatible with FAVC exhaust terminals. levels and indoor relative humidity selling • Inlet •Hood - Inlet hoods with screens are DIMENSIONAL DATA „ avoilable.to fit Fresh air inlet'diameters of 4,5'and 6 �- a I �,i; � Inches from Field Controls. 1 ••?Lr- ;r ,a;.;:; �_ . .;I ig —ur.—,-1 fs � F16LD•CONTR.OL.S 7r!—� -- IIII _ lmjxoving Indoor EnrFro�imonls �'.t { .j �!.3 e I! Field Contro is I_-_ . E�. ` al: 2630 Aliport Road • �V 'Kinston,NC 28504 ,• 0, Customer Servtce:2525223031 Field Conuatstt.Creserves Ike dglitto'modifyaprcduct*Ilhodtpllornotlie,yrhethetlndestggn,iolotaspedflwllans,Ioordeito°fferatalltlrnesagosllsyy, Fax:1(800)367.7942 product that Is 11161y compapveMease ccasult yaw nallanid and local building codes to find out whither the Installation oreledrIcil jiroduitsliquIres the Visit us at:www.fieldcontfots.Corn services of4iertlfigdteshnldinareleddilan.FlddContialsandNeahhyliomesysteid"-uereglsteredhademarhsasedunderllunse,b01 MCnn)rotsllGAll rtghts'raserved. Page l'Of2, P/N 780500900 10/17 Rev A ENGINEERING DATA FAVC PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: Power Requirements(Class 2 Appliance) Power Outpits Isolated Inputs(Monitoring) Input Voltage 20-30 VAC FanOUI ul GF(Maximum toad Current): 3A inductiste 4824VAC APP!lanced I(Al,AICI SoA 4124VAC,TVS protected Minimum VA Required 1.7 VA O 24 VAC Vent(V,VI(Maximum Load Current(: 3A inductive®24VAC Appliance 82(A2,A2C) 5mA @24VAC,TVS protected Wiring Requirements 18-22 AWG,24 VAC(Min) Exhaust(E,E)(Maximum Load Current: 3A inductive 1924VAC Appliance 83(A3;A3C) SmA @24VAC,NS protected Operating Temperature Range 10°F to 160°F Fan Intput GT(Monitor Circuit Current): 5mA @24VAC Appliance 84-(A4,A4C) 5mA O24VAC,TV,S protected Operating Humidity Range S to 95$RH(non.condensing) Heat Input W(Monitor Circuit Current): SmA 024VAC WIRING DIAGRAM FOR TYPICAL INSTALATION(Fresh Air Damper Ventilation Only) WIRING DIAGRAM FOR TYPICAL.INSTALLATION(HRV/ERV Device Ventilation Only) anHEIOC COMIC THERMOSTAT IIERHOTIAI E:1:\f.Nll�ln'.\C cnrull'II1'Ia' ei IHAI'1'HEW;xl ©11rarN1',WIRI q r sivAr© "13 Zit u • l r'u,17: a lit_U oral El II9 m-v • HEAT CIWEI El 11Y r1 almnit im LI,� iu run rn\IM ul i.g H 1T1111 1.%%CI p 1\" I ravml® Tad aOHM'S Imo■ ��3 unnulY SHHHll\0 f11NH11\ 1 i •:1. 1•'I. 'A-I a :,: ravl: :toll • . n!r.-_ • ,� rC P.H:fAIUOIlil n.I ,1- ;Amt.11l .1•.tn.,1. 1 EC rA:unwowi ._ 131 13 Imo— •...as.:l:Mt ° .Iln O O IO O 0 ;1 ruvgan Iv os—• O �' 1 1©A SAW IMI NI:M.111 I©iilt 're. .I 'iliMM,)1 113al 1'.tlraHlsrRbR ! I FC ISN:62nols mil 1° , IITJ Il'P a:1 1 i•rp11 I11I1MAE���I13 71© R __I. .EO ts� as 8 In In0. ... 13 Z IO � j ow MIrs11.11111N\Irl'R lFAnl Z f 27� WIRING DIAGRAM FOR OPTIONAL MONITORING OF APPLIANCES I THRU 4 WIRING DIAGRAM FOR OPTIONAL MONITORING&CONTROWNG OF APPLIANCES 1&2 Mac INAC°Y Ionir,rhmmY to.O,M°or Sensor and —'-T NJwSNAC 1.6.A...11wnllr,aulw S.,..au! FADfUNHE INWS•ra..•Ifini.d Jw odr.:.•r+a1. g 2 !MIEN RV NA W•earn a fn..M dwn I..qa.)I, . I__�_-_-•_•-_ • •I1.PAY 11 VI Inc .« K `��� vau.V.N. I I.,r ..nw ktrulce SI_SAri1M11� O E 1.17111 KI nnl.ln n 1,MI m i _ IrAC RUM ` 11.,, I. ` ° Ifl�\fllWlM Ca ' .....Ip m flB r� I• n:. ... i C� �AfitmigCE•2:6AIHFAI.. 17 a� Ip :1��e © I �'___ I on 10 lllav Im wuurucH ..1.1.,.© In ( rlo11 OR 1 Ill I oLt'4... . j L o t I.ArrIINICE•L CLERKS DRIER j alon.re. ■. 1 ir: iai M.„I•n ID.WiaYII ' FCm a 115211SO MUG N 24VAC.avAt IC PM'ueunCO Ism moan 24VAC,MA) ^"'^OLZ{� I! „ „ w AtrIW(cittat 1f112QD_-3 PROJECT INFORMATION • Quoted.by: Date: Project: Remarks: ///) F-IELD-C-ONTROIS QUanh ty(mho, ((miming(mho,EuviionnnNs Model: Field Controls Site: 2630 Airport Road Klnston;.NC 28504 Architect: Customer Service:252 522-3931 Engineer: Fax:1(800)367-7942 Contractor: co Vlsitus at:www.fieldntrols.com - Page 2 of 2 P/N 780500900 10/17 Rev A I ) I ! I I I II I. : 111 .... , 96 . 1 .._ 1 \ ' I .... .i . .". I 1 l'IV-41A1,-c.„k ii PE . I 1 mid. ,._d. - I , p\ • I C.) rii ,... . , . . ,. , ..,.. ,..71 . . ,T ,,•_,, .. , • full if "vi--- A.. , \ , t-1 ill t \ IIII-4 T ' r--0 • . 1 , II '.----,, it -----••__ .- - I I 1 .I'II--IL / • / I -it . I 1 -I I I I .---1 I May 6, 2024 Barbera Homes, Inc. 14 Wade Road Latham, NY 12110 RE: Energy Code Compliance Testing Verification PROECT: 16 Pinecrest Drive, Queensbury, NY To Whom It May Concern: As per your request we have conducted the following Energy Code Compliance Inspections and/or tests. ❑ Thermal Bypass Inspection, prior to insulation installation ❑ Duct Tightness Testing when applicable ❑X Infiltration and Air Leakage Testing (Blower Door Test) The purpose of our testing/inspections are to provide independent verification of as built conditions as they specifically relate to the applicable version of the adopted energy code. We are not in any way responsible for the means, methods, materials or equipment used in constructing this home and make no warranty as to their suitability for such. Our testing and/or inspections are in accordance with the applicable version of the International Energy Conservation Code, ASTM Testing Protocols, Building Performance Institute Standards, and Resnet Standards for these tests/inspections. Equipment used for this report includes: ✓ Retrotec Duct Tester, Model #341 ✓ Retrotec Blower Door, Model #5101 ✓ Flir Infrared Imager Model C6 All equipment used for these testing/inspections have current and valid calibrations as specified by the manufacturer. 148 North Greenbush Road, Suite G,Troy,NY 12180 1518.874.1604 1 Fax 212.731.03721 www.thepakatargrom.com All technicians completing this work hold current and valid certifications as noted on the report documents. Area and/or volume calculations based on drawings provided by the client representing the as constructed conditions at test location. Attached you will find verified results of the tests/inspections performed at the above noted project. Thank you for choosing The Pakatar Group, LLC for you energy consulting needs Respectfully submitted, The Pakatar Group, LLC By: Alex Pakatar, BPI BA, EP, HP, NEBB BET 148 North Greenbush Road, Suite G,Troy,NY 12180 1518.874.1604 1 Fax 212.731.03721 www.thepakatargrom.com Jill! Ili lillip Client Name: Barbera Homes,Inc. House Address: 16 Pinecrest Drive,Queensbury,NY Building and Energy Consultants Verifier Name/ID: Alex Pakatar, BPI ID 5047587,1 BET ID 24163 Verifier Company The Pakatar Group,I 148 North Greenbush Road Verifier Contact: (P)518-874-1604,(E)alex@thepakatargroup.com Troy,NY 12180 (518)874-1604 Test Date: 6-May-24 Verifier Certifying Signature: By my signature above,I hereby certify the accuracy of thetestresults Date 5/6/24 Time 10:30 AM Climate Zone 2012 2015 2020 Temperature Indoor(F) 63 Zones 1&2 5 Outdoor(F) 54 Building Type Single Family Detach #of Stories 1 3 3 Zones 3 3 Fan Model/SN Retrotec 5000w/DM32 Manometer,SN:5FN100361 thru 8 • MENEM °e Applicable Code: 2a'2a Climate Zone: 5 Conditioned Floor Area(ft2): 4997 BuildingVolume(ft3) 48085 EnvelopeTarget(Cl 2404 Envelope Test Results(CFM50)(ASTM E779-10) 1642 EnvelopeTarget(ACH50) 3 Envelope Test Results(ACH50) 2.05 M:,GiF I1111 v l Ill I11 lasses 11tl «:II.I 0!is 11,rs^ 1111 Maio A«�III 0 aiV,,4 © Copyrigh t 2017 The Paka tar Gro up,LLC,All Righ ts Reserved E D"YNE Inc. IGnvoronmental Laboratories �V Aga Laboratory Report Mike Kokoletsos PROJECT: 16 Pinecrest Dr TCEC 401000 WORK ORDER: 2404-11319 DATE RECEIVED: April 25,2024 DATE REPORTED: April 29,2024 SAMPLER: MK 001 Site: 126 Pinecrest Dr Bathroom Date Sampled: 4/25/24 Time: 10:00 am Parameter Result Units Method Analvsis Date/Time Lab/Tech Qualifiers Total Coliform Absent 100mis SM 9223B 4/25/24 16:54 N BG E.coli Absent 100mis SM 9223B 4/25/24 16:54 N BG The column heading"Lab"denotes the laboratory facility where the testing was performed,"N"designates the Plattsburgh,NY lab under NELAC certification ELAP 11892, "W"designates the Williston,VT facility under certification ELAP 11263.This analysis meets NELAC requirements except as noted.This Laboratory Report includes the client's COC sample documentation and shall not be reproduced except in full,without written approval of the laboratory. Test results are representative of the samples as they were received at the laboratory. Christina A Lafountain Laboratory Director Plattsburgh,NY ACC tin www.endynelabs.com � ,� ygti� 160 James Brown Dr.,Williston,VT 05495 315 New York Rd., Plattsburgh, NY 12903 ELAP11263 s Ph 802-879-4333 Fax 802-879-7103 518-563-1720 Fax 518-563-0052 E LAP 11892 Page 1 of 1 553 Route 149-Suite B ENjD YNEInc. Lake George,NY 12845 DUE: 1 4s'4p 1 = ,JJ Ph 518-409-8049 Walk-in Lake George Pro*ect: PWS Repo to: 401000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Client Name: I VC COLIFORM PWS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Contact: S I ILC ko' .Z Phone# .52f E32- 1-759) Email:- LGCOLI Sampler- Permit(PWS)#: A& Endyne Inc.COC Prepared:4/25/23 Page I of I Site ID / Tap: Sampled Date/Time- Grab Matrix: DW 02 Res. per site -001 Coliform and Ecoli Package 1 - 150ml Sterile Plastic <10C, Na2S203 If C12 Facility Name: Physical Address: Alf &C V Health Department- Clinton County / Saranac Lake Glens Falls / Sarato7/Other: If other, please list the email address for reporting: PWS Number: Relinquished by: Accepted by: Relinquished by: Date Time Received by: 6� APR 2 5 2024to-Jime Sites/Parameters correct as listed. Client Initials yes Date Time N.—_ — Date Time Compliance Monitoring: MN Reneat Check Sample Client Authorization to use Subcontract lab Client Initials N/A 1 2404-11319 Sample origin: VT F-1 NH Ej NY K] Other r--j DeM LG Log BY: II Temp C/ IC REQU RI� Special reporting instructions: (PO#) Seal Intact:N/A e) i4 , 7i—ne � Lab use L, 2404-11319 Requested Turnaround Time:Routine/ Rush/Due Date-rou Containers: Mike Kokoletsos N 16 Pinecrest Dr TCEC Payment: $ 25-.-00 Pd Cash/CK/CC c visa # PAY �IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII INVOICE l ENDYNE INC. Invoice Number: 485728 Laboratory Services Date: 4/29/2024 160 James Brown Drive PO#: CLIENT NOT A/R Williston,VT 05495 (802)879-4333 Facility: N FAX 879-7103 Bill To: Mike Kokoletsos 401000 Ship To: Mike Kokoletsos Attn: Attn: W.O Number COC# Project Date Received Payment Due 2404-11319 16 Pinecrest Dr TCEC 4/25/2024 05/29/2024 Test Method Unit Price Qty. Amount Coliform and Ecoli Package SM 23 9223B 30.00 1.00 30.00 Please write your account#on payment and note the Total $30.00 Invoice Number(s)the payment should be applied to. Paid -30.00 For your convenience, Master Card and Visa are accepted. Thank You for your Business. Balance 0.00 SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTES CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE N.Y.S. DEPARTMENT / of HEALTH INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS AND ASTM F481 INSTALLATION OF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE AND / CORRUGATED TUBING IN SEPTIC TANK LEACH FIELDS AFTER EXCAVATION OF TRENCHES TO THE DEPTH REQUIRED, THE WALLS AND FLOOR of EACH TRENCH SHALL BE CLEANED AND RAKED IN ORDER TO LOOSEN SMEARED SECTIONS OF TRENCH. Ile cn PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE SHALL BE AS SHOWN, AND CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED TO AVOID INCLUSION OF S o FINE GRAINED SOILS AND WASTE MATERIAL IN THE ABSORPTON TRENCHES. / v w THE PIPING SHALL BE LAID AT THE GRADES INDICATED, MAINTAINING STRAIGHT CONTINUOUS GRADES WITHOUT SAGS, HUMPS, SEPARATED JOINTS, OR 07HER UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS w 00 Lands N/F of / ALL DISPOSAL FIELDS SHALL BE GRADED TO SHED RAINFALL AND DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE Stephen J. Porto / I m DISPOSAL FIELD. 296.9-2-62 / t DO NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE ABSORPTION AREA AFTER TRENCHES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED. / ® THIS SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR WATER CONSERVING FIXTURES AND 1S NOT DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE / EXTREME WATER USE OR EXTREME ORGANIC LOADING DEVICES SUCH AS JACUZZ/ TYPE SPAS OR GARBAGE Area to be Retained by GRINDERS. John Kokoletsos ROOF, FOOTING, GARAGE, CELLAR AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE MUST BE EXCLUDED FROM THE / 99469. 1± Sq. Feet WASTEWATER SYSTEM. / 2.28± Acres SYSTEM MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS / / ABSORPTION FIELD AGGREGATE AA STONE IS TO BE 3/4" TO 1-1/2" WASHED CRUSHED STONE, / 6 EFFLUENT FILTER/ w 2 EFFLUENT FILTER TO HAVE 1/16-INCH FILTRATION, POLYZOK PL-122 OR EQUIVALENT. / / \ \o EFFLUENT SEWER PIPE PIPING TO BE 4" SDR-35 OR SCH-40 PVC. INSTALL W11H 1/8" PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE. `d'' FILTER FABRIC � FILTER FABRIC TO BE 4.8 OZ/SY NON-WOVEN SEPARATION FABRIC, TENCATE MIRAFI 140N OR EQUIVALENT. \ / / Lands N/F of HOUSE SEWER PIPE 0, PIPING TO BE 4"Diane Perkowski �/ 2 z96.13_i_36 ' SDR-35 OR SCHEDULE 40 PVC. INSTALL WITH 1/4" PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE. ytie� / ® / N TOPSOIL \ jy`L 0 IC, / ,,Area to be Conveyed to / 15 59 \ PLACE 4" MINIMUM TOPSOIL OVER ENTIRE BACKFILL AREA. SEED, MULCH, AND ESTABLISH TURF "00IPF / �ti Mike Kokoletsos / 87100.0± Sq. Feet °/ / \ WASTEWATER SYSTEM DESIGN / Lands N/F \ / / 2.00± Acres / CONCEPT 3-BEDROOM RESIDENCE / / / / DESIGN FLOW 110 GPD/BEDROOM \ /O Katie E. LaFountain SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW - 330 GPD 296.13-1-35 / 5 SEP77C TANK - PROPOSED 1,000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE CTR / 1001 eti�a% ® WE LL / \ LEACH FIELD - PIPE-IN-STONE ABSORP7ON TRENCHES / / DESIGN PERCOLA71ON RATE = 1 5 MIN/IN LOCATIL Lands N/F of APPLICATION RATE = 1.2 GPD/SF Lands N/F of ��h / / / / Peter H. Bentley ABSORPTION TRENCH AREA REQUIRED = 275 SF Alfred Strazza 9 / / / / \ 296.13-1-34 2' WIDE ABSORP7ON TRENCH REQUIRED = 138 L.F. 296.13-1-259 .._.. ; ; , /- INSTALL 3 TRENCHES AT 50 L.F. = 150 LF szi IRE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY IS MUNICIPAL SUPPLY /Aey�ea°� 10 00 Lands N/F of MAINTAIN 10' MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER ( / Zy; 6 Donald R. Keagy SUPPLY LINE AND ALL WASTEWATER SYSTEM / f �s r 1 ! "i'.i Y t ' 296.13-1-33 49 / R95J EfF r,. � / IRE COMPONENTS 4 SITE SOILS DATA CIRF 4 Lands N/F of RECORD DRAINING DIMENSIONS TEST PIT Diance Alkes TABLE TP-1 - 8/2/18 BY TOM HUTCHINS, P.E. 296.!3-I-32 \ 0-12" - TOPSOIL PF \ p " " 92-29" - LIGHT BROWN FINE SAND TRACE SILT ell CORNER A CORNER 8 , 29-52" - LIGHT REDDISH BROWN FINE SAND �, °<��\ ><� Lands N/F of ST. INLET PORT 16.5' 41' kpA F�° Ken Zacharias S T. OUTLET PORT 225 44 PERCOLATION TEST \ /tea° ` \ 296.I3-1-31 ,G L(ML�0 95t ACR DISTRIBUTION BOX 34.5' 51.9' PT-1 - 8/2/18 BY TOM HUTCHINS, RE \ F Fps 2`,��A 1 / tea° \�� �� PROP. BUILDING SEWER STABILIZED PERCOLATION RATE: G o° N. o / 1 MINUTE 45 SECONDS PER INCH / y PROP. 1,000 GALLON PRECAST Total Area ' a' F CONCRETE SEP17C TANK \ / 186569. 1± Sq. Feet a PROP. PIPE-IN-STONE / 4.28± Acres ABSORPTION FIELD \ 10 f (3) TRENCHES 0 50 LF RECORD DRAWING IPF ` / ' �> PF EACH, 150 LF TOTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA s ZONING REQUIREMENTS SITE AREA: INSTALLATION DATE: 1212812023 Ink j. Da ZONE MDR 2.of-ac (87,1 oot SF) INSTALLED BY - RI 'o v do��ah (MODERATE-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) K M DIRE EXCAVATING Lands NIF of MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 2-ACRE EXISTING CHANGE IN PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS 'l \ Barbara Warner FRONT SETBACK - 30 g• o COVERAGE COVERAGE COVERAGE 295. 3-I-3o SIDE SETBACKS - 20' HOUSE 0 SF 3,260 SF 3,260 SF ' 3 RECORD DRAWING NOTE: REAR SETBACK - 30 A REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR OFFICE VISITED THE SITE o SHORELINE - 75' DRIVE 0 SF 5,660 SF 5,660 SF DURING CONSTRUCTION AND IT IS MY OPINION 7HAT •z Lands N/F of � LOT WIDTH - 100 THE SYSTEM /S INSTALLED IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE Zachary P. Tanner WITH THE APPROVED PLAN AND THIS RECORD ROAD FRONTAGE - 100 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 0 SF 8,920 SF 8,920 SF DRAWING. FINAL SURFACE FINISHING AND TURF \ 296.13-1-29 \ ���..�/// MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT - 40, PERCENT IMPERVIOUS 070 10.2% 10.27. ESTABLISHMENT IS ONGOING MINIMUM PERCENT PERMEABLE - 507. o \ �� PERMEABILITY 1009 89.87 G. THOMAS HUTCHINS, P.E.wh 1� 1212912023 s \ Lands N/F of SITE PLAN \ Phillip Cassius SCALE 1"=50' 296.13-1-27 GRAPHIC SCALE TAX MAP # 296.13-1-26 \ 25 0 12.525 50 100 Dig ® Safely. \ ( IN FEET ) New A York CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCA71ONS AND DISTANCES EM Can Before You Dig Wait The Required Time 2 RECORD DRAWING 1 212 912 0 2J Confirm Utility Response ®Respect The Marks Dig with Care 1 ADDED BOUNDARY CONDITION LINE AND DIMENSION 10 31 2023 800■962.7962 0 ISSUED FOR PERMIT 912812023 www.digsafe"ewyork.com No. Revisions Date MAP REFERENCE: VV SITE PLAN BASE MAP INFORMA77ON FROM "MAP OF A SURVEY WASTEWATER SYSTEM SETBACK MADE FOR MIKE KOKOLETSOS AND JOHN o� d� prepared for: KOKOLETSOS," LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF �� Michael Kokoletsos REQUIREMENTS QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK. DATED c� ' MAY 10, 201& PREPARED BY. a 16 PineCrest Drive PROPERTY LINE HOUSE WELL ;,� C , Q ry, County,�-�� Town of ueensbu Warren Coun NY �,. Du s �9 SEP77C TANK 10' 10' 50' `� & @ �,o� 067$ Drawn: JRS Checked: GTH Scale: NOTED Date: 81912018 Stever ; ABSORP110N FIELD 10' 20' 100' OF 169 Haviland Road Land Surveyors ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT BY Queensbury, NY 12804 2g1345-�2-51 York New York 169 Haviland Road Queensb A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A 518 745-0307 Phone VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. Hutchins Engineering(518) 792-8474 New York I3c. No. 50135 135 � (g 51)8 745-0308 Fox SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTES / CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND IN ACCORDANCE KITH THE N.Y.S.DEPARTMENT / OF HEALTH INDIVIDUAL HOUSEHOLD SYSTEMS AND AS7M F481 INSTALLATION OF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE AND CORRUGATED TUBING IN SEPTIC TANK LEACH FIELDS AFTER EXCAVATION OF TRENCHES TO THE DEPTH REWIRED,THE WALLS AND FLOOR OF EACH TRENCH SHALL / 1 BE CLEANED AND RAKED IN ORDER TO LOOSEN SMEARED SECTIONS OF TRENCH. �N PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE SHALL BE AS SHOWN,AND CARE SHALL BE EXERCISED TO AVOID INCLUSION OF o FINE GRAINED SOILS AND WASTE MATERIAL IN ME ABSORPTION TRENCHES a THE PIPING SHALL BE LAID AT THE GRADES INDICATED,MAINTAINING STRAIGHT CONTINUOUS GRADES WITHOUT SAGS,HUMPS,SEPARATED JOINTS,OR OTHER UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS. °?m Lands NIF of ALL DISPOSAL FIELDS SHALL BE GRADED TO SHED RAINFALL AND DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF AWAY FROM THE EA:S KBU I LTT Stephen J. Porto / m DISPOSAL FIELD. 00 NOT USE HEAVY EQUIPMENT WTHIN THE ABSORPTION AREA AFTER TRENCHES HAVE BEEN INSTALLED, 1 THIS SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR WATER CONSERVING FIXTURES AND IS NOT DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE EXTREME WATER USE OR EXTREME ORGANIC LOADING DEVICES SUCH AS JAWZZI TYPE SPAS OR GARBAGE OF QUEESBU T "d1a,`d@ / Area to be Retained b GRINDERS. I( P John Kokoletsos y ROOF, FOOTING, GARAGE CELLAR AND SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE MUST BE EXCLUDED FROM THE ` G / 99469,1t Feet WASTEWATER SYSTEM. / 2.28t Acres M /� I SYSTEM MATERIAL SPECTFIC47Y0NS LLe ".o e,,. -_ / ABSORPTION FIELD AGGREGATE s„<,,. / / \ STONE IS TO BE 3/4"10 1-1/2'WASHED CRUSHED STOVE / / N 5�•"A EFFLUENT RLTER v`a. EFFLUENT FILTER TO HAVE 1/10-INCH FILTRATION,POLYLO(PL-122 OR EQUIVALENT. f' d s A EFRUENT SEm PIPE PIPING TO BE 4'SOR-35 OR SCH-40 PVC.INSTALL WITH 1/0'PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC TO BE 4.8 O2/SY NOV-WOVEN SEPARATION FABRIC, TENCAIE MiRAFl 140N OR EQUIVALENT.Lands NIF of HOUSE SEWER PIPE yl Diane Perkowski \ �3� PIPING TO BE 4'SOR-35 OR SCHEDULE 40 PVC.INSTALL WIN 1/4'PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE \ 58 / / by TOPSOIL Area to b Conveyed Kokoletsos to / 5 59/ \ PLACE 4'MINIMUM TOPSOIL OVER ENTIRE BACKFILL AREA SEED,MULCH,AND ESTABLISH TURF. 87100.Ot Sq. Feat 2.DOt Acres // \ WASTEWATER SYSTEM DESIGN / / CONCEPT 3-BEDROOM RESIDENCE \ E / Lands NIF of Katie E. LaFounLain DESIGN ROW-110 CPD/BEDROOM ,s SYSTEM DESIGN ROW-330 GFD SEPTIC TANK- POPOSED 1,000 GALLON PRECAST CONCRETE/PROPOSED / \ LEACH HELD-PIPE-IN-STONE ABSORPTION TRENCHES Ku®L DOCA OJt / DESIGN PERCOLADON RATE a 9-5 MIN/IN Lands NIF of APPUCADON RATE-1.2 GPD/SF Lands NIF of Peter H. Bentley ABSORPTION TRENCH AREA REQUIRED-275 SF Alfred Strazza y / 296"'"" zsc ia.�.zs �a I• '/ I +� / \ CODE ABSORPTIONF.TRENCH REQUIRED=138 L IN / INSTALL 3 TRENCHES AT 50 LF.-150 LF 101 I / ';/ �,, Lands NIF Of POTABLE WATER SUPPLY IS MUNICIPAL SUPPLY 1O 00 \Donald R. Kea9Y MAINTAIN 10' MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER z 6 SUPPLY LINE AND ALL WASTEWATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS m crRF SITE SOILS DATA Lantls NlF of \ VRECORDRAWING DIMENSIONSTEST PIT Diance Alkes T1 8 2TABLE - //18 BY TOM HUTCHINS,P.E 0-12' - TOPSOIL CORNER A' COINER 6' f2-29' - UOIT BROWN-FlNE SAND, TRACE SILT 16.5' 4f' 29-52' - LIGHT REDDISH BROW!FINE SAND Lands NIF ofKen Zacharias 225' 44' PERCOLATION TEST ,N -i 34.5' 51.V PT]-8/2/18 BY TOM HUTCHINS,P.E. STABILIZED PERCOLA77ON RATE: 1 MINUTE 45 SECONDS PER INCH \ / Total Area (.BETE SEPTIC TANK \ 186569.it Sq. Feet I \ 4.2Bt Acres RECORD DRAWING / SORPTION F1EID, � y,�' 1 ` ' `•• 'i ro'f 3)TRENaNEs o so IPF rP AM 150 LF TOTAL ZONING REQUIREMENTS SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA SITE AREA: INSTALLATION DATE:1212812023 TONE-MDR 2.Ot-AC(87,100f SF) INSTALLED BY-RICK MCGUIRE EXCAVATING (MODERATE-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) Lends NIF of MINIMUM LOT SIZE-2-ACRE IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIIN OUS IS MPEPRRNW Barbara Warner FRONT SETBACK-30' o i \ SIDE SETBACKS-20' COVERAGE COVLRAGE CovERacE RECORD DRAWING NOTE: ooa REAR SETBACK-30' HOUSE 0 SF J,260 SF 3,260 SF A REPRESENTATIVE OF OUR OFFICE VISITED THE SITE SHOREUNE-75' DRIVE 0 SF 5,660 SF 5,660 SF WRING CONSTRUCTION AND IT IS MY OPINION THAT Lands NIF of LOT MOTH-100' THE SYSTEM IS INSTALLED IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE \ w Iechary P. Tanner INTH THE APPROVED PLAN AND THIS RECORD \ zsc is ROAD FRONTAGE-100' TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 0 SF 4920 Sr ji 8,920 SF DRAWNG FINAL SURFACE FINISHING AND TURF \ MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT-40' PERCENT IMPERVIOUS OR f0.2% 10.2R ESTABLISHMENT IS ONGONG MINMUM PERCENT PERMEABLE-BOX PERMEABILITY l00% 89.8I G THOMAS HUICMNS RE o 12/29/2023 .. \ Lands NIF of SITE PLAN \ Phillip Cassius SCALE 1'=W' GRAPHIC SCALE TAX MAP#296.13-1-26 \ Is o 1z(IN Tom) fo0 Dig Safely. CONTRACTOR TO RELn WWY LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES :00 ryY my W.Rn R."° 7 2 RECORD DRAWNG 12/29/2023 ■ea.a..Baay Ip,...r ■a....w,;..wm l wwqq��rnm Or. 1 ADDED BOUNDARY C0N07I0J LINE AND DIMENSION tO 2023 SWTV-172-T962 0 ISSUED F02 PERMIT 912812023 No. Revisions Date MAP REFERENCE: of NEw SITE PLAN BASE MAP INFORMATION FROM AIAP OF A SURVEY � p5 1 for WASTEWATER SYSTEM SETBACK MADE FOR MIKE KOKO.ETSOS AND JONN AQ 0 * prepared KOCOLETSOS,' LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF Co�� n Michael Kokoletsos REQUIREMENTS QUE•ENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK.DATED * w MAY 10,2018.PREPARED BY: i 16 Plneaest Drive PROPERTY LINE NQUSE WEL NK Town of Queensbury,warm Count,,NY y e 5EP77C TA TO' to' so' ari DuS a ej2 0 0B7 Drawn:AS Ch.aked:GTH Sod.:NOTED Data 8191201a Stever ABSOIBPTION F7E1D }0' 2O' 100' � � ROF 169 HodTond Rood ' Land Surveyors KTEPATM OF TM DOCI 404 F I BY � Oeemlebury,NY 12804 I..Zk m■o.a a.�e,.a..Yor. fees A� � " Hutchins EngineeringIsle)745-0307 Phone 291345-02-S1 (4Ie �.s-Ara N..Yark a Ib. OOI.. 518 745-03OB Fox MaA Reference: Map of Lands of John Paul Kokoletsos Dated: July 22, 2008 By: David F. Barrass Deed Reference: Last Will and Testament of Louise Kokoletsos Record in the Warren County Clerk's Office on October 06, 1986 B:685 P:674 FF LOCATION PLAN: Q,ID .0 �Do J�aoo /�a0 Pay°� ao Total Area 186569.1± Sq. Feet 4.28± Acres 3 239 Lands N/F of Phillip Cassius 29G. 1 3-1-27 CI Lands N/F of Alfred Strazza 296.13-1-25 2 \N �--00 �6 � It i Lands N/F of 7 Zachary P. Tanner 29G. 13-1-29 N � p °° V W W W Lands N/F of Stephen J. Porto 29G.9-2-G2 Area to be Retained by / John Kokoletsos / 99469.1± Sq. Feet 2.28± Acres \006 w 261 / �Aw Y- �Fab�c Lands N/F of Diane Perkowski 29G. 13-1-3G to / Area to be ConveyedJ / Mike Kokoletsos a C_1 87100.0± Sq. Feet/� / �r Lands N/F of 2.00± Acres j R Katie E. LaFountain � r / 00 �_ / 29G. 13- -35 s% y\ L anf N / Flo f $ / Peter H. Bentley / 29G. 13- 1-34 / h - Lands N/F of 2Ae 0° Donald R. Keagy" / 010029G. 3- -33 !� q / / Lands N/F of Diance Alkes 29G. 13- I -32 6 k 5 Lands N/F of Barbara Warner 29G. 13-1-30 Lands N/F of Ken Zacharias 29G. 13-1-31 Zoned: MDR Lot Width: 100' Road Frontage: 100' Setbacks Front: 30' Sines: 25' Rear: 30' FINAL SURVEY T D NOTES: I J THI5 MAP WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE OR AN UP TO DATE TITLE REPORT AND 15 THEREFORE SUBJECT TO ANY STATEMENT OF FACTS SHOWN THEREON. 2•) NO PROPERTY CORNERS WERE SET AS PART OF THIS SURVEY. 3.) PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 4.) THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, 5.) THIS MAP 15 COPYRIGHT 02024 VAN DU5EN * 5TEVE5 LAND SURVEYORS. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO TH15 Legend DOCUMENT IS VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2, OF NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. IPF = Iron Pipe Found G.) DIMENSIONS BETWEEN PROPERTY LINES AND STRUCTURES ARE TO CIRF = Capped Iron Rod found THE NEAREST HALF FOOT AND ARE FOR THE SOLE FUKP05E OF IRF = Iron Rod Found INTERPRETING THEIR CONFORMANCE WITH ZONING AND NOT C-, = Utility Pole INTENDED TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OR RETRACEMENT OF PROPERTY LINES. _L Overhead Utility Wires 7.) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, IF ANY, ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. z O N ci) O m z co o Q U Q � O U m W w cD o z o z 2 Q CL d op 00 CS `n o NI z I z ° O G 'd O CVV ® P n � O U] �4 t4O � � o 0 H Qoo a N mo w�wwaw� F � o 0 w Qwl-"w oN 3w�o o w z �nNwa wo ow o i zF= jaoz` s uwi` �w'mQpzo a� f s O � 0 �, o z 0 z a vl v` 0 o z Cr r 0 cd .4CC 00 I i� O O Date- May 10 2018 Scale 11-50, S-1 SHEET 1 OF 1 KO KO LET505 DWG. NO. 18-038 D2307 U N m 6� N 29