December 18, 2024
Members Present- Urrico, Underwood, Keenan, Palacino, Cipperly, McDevitt
Members Absent: Henkel, McCabe, Khul,
Administrative Item:
AV 54-2024 ERIC MCMAHON & MEGAN MCMAHON, 2 Mohawk Trail 7:02
Ward 3. Applicants have updated the existing home with a kitchen on the main floor and one in the basement.
The project includes installing 2 window access wells for the living area in the basement. The request is to
maintain 2 dwellings due to the kitchens. The existing home is 2582 sf footprint and 550 sf footprint of porch
deck areas. Relief requested for 2 dwellings in the MDR zone with property size of 0.51 ac (less than 2 ac) with
onsite septic & municipal water. Project withdrawn12/17/2024.
Status: This application has been withdrawn and no further action is necessary.
Tabled Items:
AV 46-2024 STEPHEN HARADEN, 334 Cleverdale Road 7:03
Ward 1. Applicant requests as-built conditions for a 2021 project for a new 3-bedroom home with associated
site work. The as-built conditions include a home of 2,751 sq ft footprint with a 232 sq ft porch/deck area, hard
surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline, and other hard surfacing. In addition, there has been relocation of the
rain gardens and house. Site plan for hard surfacing within 50 ft of shoreline and request for as-built conditions.
Relief requested for permeability and setbacks.
Status: Application tabled to January 22, 2025 with information due by January 2, 2025. Tabled 6-0.
Follow Up: Submit information by January 2nd .
AV 68-2024 MICHAEL BERNHOLZ, 55Assembly Point Road 7:04
Ward 1. Applicant proposes to remove an existing single-family home and to construct a new home with 2,560
sq ft footprint, 55 sq ft accessory structure, and 1,165 sq ft porch/deck areas with a new floor area of 5,500 sq ft.
The new home would be 3 bedrooms where the existing to be removed is a 4 bedroom. Project includes site
work for new stormwater management and maintaining the existing septic. The project includes no tree removal
and to utilize existing and new plantings for the shoreline buffer. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA. Relief
for setbacks, floor area, permeability, stormwater device setback, and possible height.
Status: Application tabled to February 19, 2025 with information due by January 15, 2025. Tabled 6-0.
Follow Up: Submit information by January 15th .
AV 46-2024 MTN VISTA PROPERTIES/CHRIS RACICOT, 3-21 Foothills Rd 7:05-7:12
Ward 4. (Revised) Applicant proposes the construction of two 5-unit apartment buildings for 10 total new
units. Site work will include on-site septic, stormwater management, and connection to municipal water. Project
will maintain the existing 8 units between four buildings; site will have 18 units. Site work includes installation
of fencing and additional plantings for screening. Project includes merger of two lots for a site of 9.17 acres
where multi-family buildings require 2 acres per unit without sewer and water. Site plan for multi-family
project. Relief requested for number of units on lot and density.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans, with noted information from Town Engineer’s letter, for Zoning
Administrators signature.
New Business:
AV 67-2024 GIGGLE HEAD LLC (BRIANNA GREGORY), 17 Sweet Road 7:13-7:24
Ward 1. Applicant proposes to add a 427 sq ft connector addition between the existing 1,807 sq ft building and
577 sq ft building to operate a massage treatment facility. Project includes updating the building for the services
including office, restrooms, laundry, utility, storage, and employee area. Site work includes connection to
municipal sewer, pavement, enhance landscaping, and other site improvements. Site plan for new use in an
existing building more than 7 years since last review. Relief requested for setbacks and parking.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrators signature.
AV 69-2024 TIMOTHY BELLO, 40 Pulver Road 7:25-7:44
Ward 1. Applicant proposes site improvements that include shoreline and slope stabilization, recreation area,
and retaining wall of dry stacked stone. There is to be a new tree planting plan and stormwater management
installed. The applicant is complying with a notice of violation for removal of vegetation within 35 ft of the
shoreline without approvals. The existing 1,096 sq ft (footprint) home, 472 sq ft (footprint) detached garage, 30
sq ft accessory structure, and 1,276 sq ft porch/deck area are to remain. Site plan for site work for shoreline area
and plantings. Relief for setback of infiltration device.
Status: Application approved with condition to address additional plantings. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans, with noted information from Town Engineer’s letter, for Zoning
Administrators signature.
AV 70-2024 REINALDO A. MEDINA, 38 New Hampshire Avenue 7:45-7:55
Ward 4. Applicant requests to maintain an existing second dwelling of 489 sq ft that is attached to the existing
garage of 576 sq ft. The existing home of 960 sq ft footprint with 250 sq ft of porch and deck areas to remain
with no changes. The applicant has indicated that the addition to the garage is a preexisting condition. The 2008
building permit was for a bedroom and bath area and no kitchen was approved. Relief requested for second
dwelling on a site less than 0.5 acres and a dwelling unit less than 800 sq ft.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrators signature.
AV 71-2024 BRITTANY & NICHOLAS CITRO, 24 Herald Drive 7:56-8:04
Ward 4. Applicant proposes installing a new 254 sq ft pool and 252 sq ft deck in their front yard of a corner lot.
The pool is to be located over 45 ft from Herald Drive and over 54 ft from Linette Lane. Existing home to
remain with no other site changes. Relief requested for pool in the front yard.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrators signature.
AV 72-2024 RYAN HOFFMAN-SCRANTON, 47 Alexy Lane 8:05-8:09
Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct a 216 sq ft deck addition to an existing 130 sq ft deck to the rear of the
home. The existing 1,120 sq ft footprint home and 880 sq ft garage are to remain with no changes. The
applicant has indicated the lot is pre-existing non-conforming and the home was constructed in 2004 with
variance. Relief requested for setbacks.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrators signature.
AV 73-2024 ROBERT MIKSCH, 3 June Drive 8:10-8:16
Ward 2. Applicant proposes to construct a 326 sq ft covered patio off of the existing garage and to request a
190 sq ft shed to remain in a non-compliant location on the parcel. The existing home is 1,769 sq ft footprint
with the garage attached. The concrete pad is existing where the new roof addition is proposed. Relief requested
for setbacks of new covered patio and existing shed.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrators signature.
Adjourn: 8:17