Minutes 12.18.24(Queensbury ZBA Meeting 12/18/2024) 1 AREA VARIANCE NO. 68-2024 SEQRA TYPE TYPE II MICHAEL BERNHOLZ AGENT(S) SRA ENGINEERS (ERIK SANDBLOM) OWNER(S) MICHAEL & MARY JANE BERNHOLZ ZONING WR LOCATION 55 ASSEMBLY POINT RD. APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REMOVE AN EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOME AND TO CONSTRUCT A NEW HOME WITH 2,5 60 SQ. FT. FOOTPRINT, 55 SQ. FT. ACCESSORY STRUCTURE, AND 1,165 SQ. FT. PORCH/DECK AREAS WITH A NEW FLOOR REA OF 5,500 SQ. FT. THE NEW HOME WOULD BE 3 BEDROOMS WHERE THE EXISTING TO BE REMOVED IS 4 BEDROOM. PROJECT INCLUDES SITE WORK FOR NEW STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND MAINTAINING THE EXISTING SEPTIC. THE PROJECT INCLUDES NO TREE REMOVAL AND TO UTILIZE EXISTING AND NEW PLANTINGS FOR THE SHORELINE BUFFER. SITE PLAN FOR NEW FLOR AREA IN A CEA. RELIEF FOR SETBACKS, FLOOR AREA, PERMEABILITY, STORMWATER DEVICE SETBACK, AND POSSIBLE HEIGHT. CROSS REF SP 71-2024 WARREN COUNTY PLANNING DECEMBER 2024 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY ALD LOT SIZE 0.47 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 239.12-2-17 SECTION 179-4-030; 179-5-065 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury has received an application from Michael Bernholz. Applicant proposes to remove an existing single family home and to construct a new home with 2,560 sq ft footprint, 55 sq ft accessory structure, and 1,165 sq ft porch/deck areas with a new floor area of 5,500 sq ft. The new home would be 3 bedrooms where the existing to be removed is a 4 bedroom. Project includes site work for new stormwater management and maintaining the existing septic. The project includes no tree removal and to utilize existing and new plantings for the shoreline buffer. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA. Relief for setbacks, floor area, permeability, stormwater device setback, and possible height. MOTION TO TABLE AREA VARIANCE NO. 68-2024 MICHAEL BERNHOLZ, Introduced by Brent McDevitt, who moved for its adoption, seconded by Roy Urrico: Tabled to the February 19, 2025 Zoning Board meeting with information due by January 15, 2025. Duly adopted this 18th Day of December, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Keenan, Mr. Urrico, Mr. Cipperly, Mrs. Palacino, Mr. McDevitt, Mr. Underwood NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Henkel, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. McCabe MRS. MOORE-I apologize. You have to open the public hearing for that one as well. MR. UNDERWOOD-And we’ll keep the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED