01-29-2025Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: January 29, 2025 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center – 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net
Applicant(s) East Lake George House LLC Area Variance Number AV 65-2024
Owner(s) East Lake George House LLC SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) Environmental Design Partnership Lot Size 6.81 acres
Location & Ward 9 Seelye Road North Ward 1 Zoning WR
Tax Id No 227.17-1-60 Section 179-3-040; Chapter 94
Cross Ref SP 68-2024; SUB 9-2024; SUB 10-2024; FWW
Warren County Planning November 2024
Public Hearing November 20, 2024; January 29, 2025 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description: Applicant proposes to remove the existing buildings on a 6.81 ac site to construct 4 new single family homes.
The project involves a 5-lot subdivision with lot 5 to be 6.57 ac of HOA lands. The 4 homes on individual lots include the following:
Home #1: 2,230 sf footprint, 3,694 sf floor area; Home #2: 2,215 sf footprint, 3,664 sf floor area (Lot 2 is also to maintain existing 695
sq ft barn as part of the lot); Home #3: 1,736 sf footprint, 2,546 sf floor area; Home #4: 2,278 sf footprint, 3,536 sf floor area. Lot 1:
2,757 sq ft; Lot 2: 3,479 sq ft; Lot 3: 2,505 sq ft; Lot 4: 2,725 sq ft; and Lot 5: 285,177 sq ft. Project work and new hard-surfacing
occurs within 100 ft of the wetland. The houses proposed to be on holding tank and drinking water from the lake approved by l ocal
Board of Health. Each home will also have a patio area and associated landscaping on the HOA lands. Subdivision for 5 lots with 4
home footprint lots and a 5th for Homeowners Association. Site Plan for new floor area in a CEA and FWW for work within 100 f t.
Relief requested for lots less than 2 ac, lots with no road frontage, permeabilit y for each lot, floor area ratio for each lot, and setbacks
for each lot.
Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals
L:\Karen Dwyre - Zoning Office\ZBA Monthly 2025\January 29, 2025\ZBA Final Agenda January 29, 2025.docx