11-21-2013 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda ct Second Regular Meeting: Thursday November 21, 2013/Time 7-11 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 Old Business Requiring a Public Hearing: Applicant(s) SWORDFISH REALTY, ILL C Application Type Site Plan 55-2013 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering; Bartlett Lot size 13.54 acres Pontiff Stewart&Rhodes Location 2999 State Route 9L Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 252.-1-75.1 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-5-020 Cross Reference AV 58--13 Warren Co. Referral 10/10/2013—No County Impact Public Hearing 11/21/2013 APA, CEA, Other L G Park CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 40 x 60' two story building-4 bays in lower level and office space on second level. Site improvements in a WR zone require Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) CELLCO PARTNERSHIP Application Type Site Plan 50-2013 D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS Owner(s) Lost Chalets, LLC SEQR Type N/A-APA Jurisdictional Agent(s) Jared Lusk, Nixon Peabody Lot size 670.88 acres Location Off Lockhart Mt. Road Zoning Classification Top 0 the World PUD Tax ID No. 265.-1-52 Ordinance Reference 179-5-120 F Cross Reference UV 48-13 Warren Co. Referral November 2013 Public Hearing 11/21/2013 APA, CEA, Other APA Wetlands Project Description: Applicant proposes a 101 foot monopole with 117'x 30' telecommunications shelter on a concrete pad with associated site improvements. Telecommunication Tower in a PUD requires Planning Board review and approval after a Use Variance approval has been received. 2.0 New Business: Applicant(s) MARK D.SHAW Application Type Site Plan 63-2013 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II Agent(s) Jeffrey R. Meyer, Esq. Lot size 1.73 acres Location 31 Twin Channels Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 309.18-1-12 Ordinance Reference 179-6-060 Cross Reference BP 13-434 APA, CEA, Other NWI Wetlands Public Hearing 11/21/2013 Project Description: Applicant proposes a single family home to be constructed within 50 feet of 15%slopes. Construction on slopes requires Planning Board review and approval. Final Version 10-31-2013 Applicant(s) LISA PUSHOR; SCOTT Application Type Subdivision 5-2013 SPELLBURG Preliminary&Final Owner(s) Stone Pointe, LLC/Scott SEQR Type Unlisted Spellburg Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 92.12 acres Location 45 Ellsworth Lane Zoning Classification RR-3A; LC-10A Tax ID No. 265.-1-2.3, 2.2,2.1 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183 Cross Reference SB 5-11,AV 62-11, SB 5-06 APA, CEA, Other Stream Overlay Public Hearing 11/21/2013 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 92.14 acre parcel into eight parcels into 8 residential lots ranging in size from 3 acres to 44.1 acres. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. 3.0 Discussion Item: Proposed convenience store and gasoline sales at 124 Main Street. 4.0 Staff discussion regarding use and process associated with new SEQR forms -Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board- Final Version 10-31-2013