1978-06-13 40 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1978 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart, Councilman Frances Walter, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman Joseph R. Brennan, Town Counsel i PRESS: TTBZA, Glens Falls Post Star �I TOWN OFFICIALS: George Liapes, Mrs. Shirley Shenk GUESTS: Mr. Kilmartin, Mrs. Belanger, Mr. Turnbull Meeting Opened 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Walter. BID OPENING-Landfill-gates NOTICE SHOWN j i Supervisor Brandt- requested the Town Clerk to open and read the bids , Donald A. Chase-Town Clerk- read the follmiing bids. Stanley Magic Door, Inc. 34 Ronzo Road Bristol, Conn. 06010 Base bid $5 , 150. 00 Alternate bid (1) addition system $2,575. 00 Non-collusive attached ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crest Inc. 2301 Western Ave. Guilderland, N.Y. 12084 Base Bid $7, 382.40 Alternate $3,942. 20 Addendum $3, 942. 20 i (2) $7, 382. 40 (3)$10,475. 00 Non Collusive attached. Councilman Robertson- moved that the bids be turned over to the landfill committee for their recommendation—entire board by voice vote, voted yes. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BOARD MINUTES RF.SOT. TT N No. 144 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart, who moved for its adoption, seconde by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of May 23rd. 1978 be and hereby are i approved. r Duly adopted by the )following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON 14ATER DEPARTMENT PROPERTY RF.SnT.TTTTnN NO .14-50 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Oueensbury did advertise for bids on the Water Department Rush Pond Property, and TrrTEREAS, two bids were received, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT -°� - i RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Torm of Oueensbury accept the high bid of Charles R. Wood, President, Meadow Run Development corp . in the amount of Twenty-two thousand, eight hundred dollars ($22 , 800. 00) and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Counsel take the necessary steps for the proper transfer, and be it further RESOLVED, that the proceeds of the sale be applied to the Debt. Service in the Queensbury Water Dept. Code No. SWI 884, an account reserved for Bonded Debt. Duly adopted by the following; vote: 1 Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt i Noes: None Absent: None I RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH MOUNTAINSIDE FREE LIBRARY i RFSOT. TION N0, 146_ Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: i WHEREAS, the 1978 budget of the Town of Oueensbury provides for an item of $350. 00 to be paid to the trustees of Mountainside Free Library in return for which said trustees will furnish library services to the i residents of said town; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a contract between said town and said trustees for furnish- ! ing such service during; the year 1978 is hereby approved, and be it further i RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contracts on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such i contract duly executed, shall be filed with the Town. Clerk. I Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Councilman Robertson and Councilman Olson- commented on the fine work that is being performed at this small library. . . I RESOLUTION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE i RFSOLITTION NO 147, Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, that Mr. Stephen Lynn, Assistant Building Inspector be given permission to attend a builders conference at Ballston Spa on June 10th I 1978, and be it further RESOLVED, that the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred at this conference are a proper town charge. E Dtiely adopted by the following vote: r Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND SECTION 3 ORDINANCE NUMBER 28 OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ESTABLISHING THROUGH HIGHWAYS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK RESOLUTION N0� 148, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: i i 42 WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has received a petition from several residents of Haven Lane and Centennial Drive requesting; stop signs and WHEREAS, a full report was asked for and given to the Town Board by Chief of Police Charles Judkins giving his recommendations for the Westland Area and WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 1660 (a) (1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, that a town may create stop intersections and establish the same within such town and WHEREAS, Section 130 of the Town. Law provides that a public-hearin¢ be held upon all proposed ordinances and amendments thereof, to be held upon the notice as provided for therein, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing on the following proposed amendment to Sec tion 3 of Ordinance NTUMBER 28 of the Town of Oueensbury be held. on the 27th day of June, 1978 at 7: 30 P.M. at the nueensbury Town Office Ruildin¢ Bav and TTaviland Roads, Glens Falls , New York and that the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing; by publication of such notice thereof in the official town newspaper once at least ten days prior to the date specified for such hearing;, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general the terms describing the amendment to said ordinance: AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NUMBER 28 SECTION 3 OF THE T014N OF QUEENSBURY TO CREATE TWO-WAX STOP SIGNS IN THE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY THE T014N BOARD OF THE T014N OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COMITY, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOT7S: Section 3 Ordinance Number 28 of the Town of Queensbury establishing through highways and stop intersections in the Town of Queensbury, County Of T4arren, and State of New York, is hereby amended to include two-way stop signs at the following intersections : Intersection of Haven Lane and Centennial Drive-North east and southwest corners to stop tratric on 7aven Lane. Intersection of Westland Ave. and Haven Lane-Southeast and northwest corners to stop traffic on TSlestland Ave. Intersection of Haven Lane and Sweetbriar Lane-northeast cor- ner to stop traffic on Haven Lane. Intersection of Kiley Lane and BuenaVista Ave. -Southwest corner to stop traffic on Kiley Lane. Intersection of Potter Road and Sweetbriar Lane-Northwest corner to stop trat__ic on Sweetbriar Lane. Intersection of Kiley Lane and Westland Ave. -Southeast corner to stop traffic on Westland Ave. and be it further RESOLVED, that the stop signs at the intersection of Haven Lane and BuenaVista Ave. which were approved December 1, 1969 be removed and the stop signs at the intersection of Centennial Drive and Kiley Lane which were approved July 26, 1977 also be removed, and be it further RESOLVED, that these amendments shall take effect immediately upon publication. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None 43 Councilman Olson- requested that the Chief of Police attend this hearing. j RESOLUTION TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED NO PARKING ORDINANCE i RESOLUTION NO, 149, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, the Town. Board of the Town of Queensbury has received a communica- tion from C.A. Judkins , Chief of Police indicating the complaints received from concerned citizens , Members of the Town Board, Highway Crews and the West Glens Falls Fire Dept. concerning tractor trailers parking on the Big Boom Road, and ±� + WHEREAS , it is provided by Section 130 Subdivision 7 of the Town Law that the Town Board may make ordinances, rules and regulations regulating use i of streets and highways , including the restricting of parking of all vehicles thereon, and WHEREAS, Section 130 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon all proposed ordinances upon due notice as provided for therein, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing on the following proposed NO-PARKING ORDINANCE, be held on the 27th day of June, 1978, and that the Tow i Clerk give notice of such hearing by publication of a notice thereof in the official town newspaper once at least ten days prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general describing said proposed ordinance. ,1 ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A NO PARKING I ZONE ON EAST AND WEST SIDE OF BIG BOOM ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 500' FROM THE INTERSECTION OF BIG BOOM ROAD AND THE CORINTH ROAD BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY THE TO14NI BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBUR17, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS: ! E ' Section I. For the purpose of this ordinance the word "vehicle" "park" C and "standing" shall have the meaning defined in the Vehicle and Traffic f Law of the State of New York. Section 2. No vehicle shall be parked or left standing on the East and West Side of Big Boom Road for a distance of 500' from the intersection of Big Boom Road and the Corinth Read, in the Town of Queensbury. j Section 3. All ordinances or parts thereof of the Town of Oueensbury I inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed; E provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be in addition to the other ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 4. Any person violating any provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance shall upon conviction be punishable for a first offense by a fine not to exceed TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and for a second offense by a fine not less than TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) nor more than TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($25 .00) or by imprisonment for not less than TWO (2) nor more than TEN (10) days . The third or any subsequent offense within one (1) year shall be punishable by a _fine not to exceed ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed THIRTY (30) days or by both such _fine and imprisonment. In addition to the aforesaid penalties , the Town. Board of � - the Town of Queensbury may institute any proper action, suit or proceeding j to prevent, restrain, correct or abate any violation of this ordinance. Section 5 . This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt 'Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR THE FURNISHING AND' INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND APPURTENANCES AT THE INTERSECTION OF QUAKER AND BAY ROADS 44 SOLU 0 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its a o tion, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: 1,7HEREAS, the Town Board of the To7,m of Oueensbury has recommended that a new traffic light be installed at the intersection of Ouaker and Bay Roads , NO??, THEREFORE BE IT I RESOLVED, that the Town of Oueensbury solicit sealed bids for the furnishing and installation of the above mentioned light and that the following notice be published in the official town newspaper in the following, form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will - receive sealed proposals on the furnishing and installation of a traffic control light and appurtenances at the intersection of Quaker and Bay Roads. A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the office of the i Town Clerk. � Bids will be received up to 9: 00 P.M. on the 11th day of July, 1978 at the Town Clerk' s Office in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay anri Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, New York 12801. Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes plainly marked "Traffic Control Bid" and there shall be included in such bid the Certificate of Non-Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law and bidder must state the date of installation. The Town Board will meet at the Queensbury Town Office Building at 7: 30 P.M. on the 11th day of July, 1978 at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS " 7 RESOLUDTON No In Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, $1, 086. 38 appropriated for Celebrations was closed to Surplus in 1977, due to bookkeeping; requirements , and WHEREAS, additional money is required to finance a Joint 4th of July Celebration in Crandall Park, with the City of Glens Falls, on July 3, 1978, therefore be it RESOLVED, to reappropriate this sum from Surplus (909) to Celebrations A7550.440. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs .Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt 1 Noes : None a Absent: None j Mrs . Shenk- reported to the Town Board in regard to the Celebration funds:-'1 , RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER VEHICLE RESOLUTION NO, 152. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its i adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: i WHEREAS, there is a surplus vehicle in the Police Department, and WHEREAS, there is a need for this vehicle in the Highway Department, therefore be it 1 RESOLVED, to transfer this vehicle to the Highwa y Department artment at a cost i of $1000, and be it further RESOLVED, to transfer $1,000 from DM 5130.200 Machinery, to A3120.200 { Police Equipment, to cover the cost of this vehicle. i 'r i1 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt i Noes: None Absent: None f RESOLUTION TO REAPPROPRIATE MONEY RESOLUTION NO 153, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its f adopt on, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: II WHEREAS, Fiscal Agents Fees for Water Department Coupon Bonds were i budgeted at $200. , and WHEREAS, a bill has been submitted in the amount of $221. 92, therefore be it I RESOLVED, that $25. 00 be appropriated to SW1 9710. 440 (Fiscal Agents Fees) from SW1 2701 (Reimbursement from prior year expenditures) . i t Duly adopted by the following vote: ff Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt f Noes: None I � Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONEY FOR THE CEMETERY COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 154, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, secon e by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, in 1977, the Cemetery Commission had an appropriation of $4000. from Boychuck Land Sale funds, of which $2, 945.64 was expended and the balance of $1, 054. 36 was closed due to bookkeeping requirements , j therefore be it RESOLVED, to reappropriate $1,054. 36 from Surplus Funds (909) , and be it { further, RESOLVED, to appropriate $245. 64 in interest on Boychuck Funds from C2401 (Interest) to Account C2-8$10. 440 (Boychuck Contractual for a total of $1300. 00 to cover the cost of new plantings by the Cemetery Commission. i Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt I Noss: None Absent: None REAPPROPRIATIONS OF LANDFILL MONEY RESOLUTION NO 155 Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved its adoption, secon a by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, money for the purchase of equipment was originally budgeted in the Landfill Contractual Account (J8160 . 440) and, i WHEREAS, there is a need to show this properly reflected for equipment purchases, therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $5000. 00 from J6160.440 (Landfill Contractual) to Jb160.2 00 (Equipment) . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertsor-i, Mr. Brandt L1oes: None Absent: None 46 •:SOLUTION TO REAPPROPRIAIE MONEY FOR BIG BOOM ROAD NORI�WAY USTROOMS BF,.EOLUTION NO` 156 , Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has a contract for $69 ,780.00 with the State of New York, which was not completed in 1977. (1977 expenditures were $54,754. 56) and , WHEREAS, the appropriation was closed due to year end bookkeeping requirements , therefore be it RESOLVED, to reappropriate $15 ,025.44 to complete the additional work necessary so that we can bill the State of New York and collect revenue due in the amount of $69,780. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONEY RESOLUTION NO. 157, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, an additional five miles of paving of Town roads is needed at a cost of $70,000.00 and WHEREAS, a prior year surplus exists in Highway 909 (Surplus) Accounts , therefore be it RESOLVED to appropriate, 1. $ 30 ,600.00 from Highway Improvements 2. $ 14,000.00 from Highway Machinery 3. $ 15,400.00 from Highway Snow 4. $10,000.00 from Highway Repairs $ 70,000.00 Total to Highway Repair Account DR5110.440 for a total increase of $70,000.00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr—Risenhart , Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent : None Supervisor Brandt- reporting the Highway paving program. �n approximately two weeks, monies will be depleted, the appropriation that was made will allow the continuation of paving. j Councilman Olson- noted that the Highway paving program has now equalled {., last years and this will be an additional mileage. . . Supervisor Brandt-if that work is completed on schedule there will be more funding fcr paving work. J 1 l 47 RESOLUTI(N TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING POSSIBLE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 33 OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RF O .I1TT(7N NO. 158 _ Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 33 of the Town of Queensbury provided, in Section 4 thereof, for the regulation of anchorage in the waters within the boundaries of said Town, pursuant to Section 130 (17) of the Town Law of the State of New York; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance limits the anchoring or mooring of any boat within 100 feet of any private dock or other improved prop- erty; and WHEREAS, by Resoltion No. 206 of 1974, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury approved and adopted a proposed amendment to Section 4 of Ordinance No. 33 which proposed amendment would have extended the regulation of anchorage to a distance of 200 r feet from any private dock or other improved property; and I WHEREAS, after adoption, the proposed amendment was submitted to the Conservation Commissioner of the State of New York for consideration and written approval as required by Town Law Section 130 (17) (2) ; and WHEREAS, said approval has never been given by the Conservation Commissioner of the State of New York; and WHEREAS, the Conservation Commissioner of the State of New York has raised objections to the 1974 proposed amendment of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 33; and WHEREAS, a proposed amendment has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury which would amend Section 4 of Ordinance No. 33 to read as follows : Section 4. Regulation of anchorage. No person shall anchor or moor any boat within 200 feet of any private property, except in a case of emergency or at the direction of any police officer, or at , the invitation of the owner or lessee of said prop- erty, and WHEREAS, said amendment appears to be worthy of consideration; and i WHEREAS, it has been proposed the Resolution No. 206 of 1974 be rescinded in view of the non-approval by the Conservation Commissioner of the State of New York of the 1974 proposed amendment; and i WHEREAS, a public hearing must be held in accordance with law to consider the adoption of the presently proposed amendment to Section 4 of Ordinance No. 33 , NOW, THEREFORE BE IT i RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 206 of 1974 be and the same hereby is — rescinded in its entirety and be it further RESOLVED that a public hearing be held before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on the 27th day of June , 1978 at 7 :30 p.m. at the Town Office Building, Bay and Havilad Roads , Glens Falls , New York 12801 to consider the presently proposed amendment to Section 4 of Ordinance No. 33 as set forth above , and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to give appropriate notice of such public hearing as is required by law. Duly adopted by the folloi7i.ng vote : 48 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter , Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt , Noes : None ! Absent: None Town Counsel Joseph Brennan- reviewed the history of Ordinance No. 33 and its amendment. . . suggested that the item of the number of moorings allowed be a seperate issue and not tied into the 200' anchorage. . . noted that the State has agreed to the wording as stated in the proposed amendment. . . CouncilMAN Wahl`- questioned who enforces this ordinance if passed? Councilman Robertson-Any law enforcement agency can, primarily the �✓ Lake George Park Commission and the Warren Co. Sheriff' s Dept. Mobile Home application-Cynthia L. Belanger of 12 Homestead Village to locate a mobile home on Luzerne Road. Reasons for hardship given, Building Inspector reported on the application. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING i RESOLUTION N0. 15 _. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, Cynthia L. Belanger has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside at property situated at Luzerne Road, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board , therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance , the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on June 27th, 1978 at 7 :30 P.M. at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the-Towe Clwnk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance 1 with the provisions of said ordinance. i Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart , Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent : None a Petition received from the Senior Citizens residents of John P. { i Burke Apartments-appealing for the taxes now at full taxation to be changed to one of a payment in lieu of taxes or based on ten per cent shelter rent basis. . .Discussion was held by the Town Board. . . a copy was sent to the Dept. of Assessment. . .copy on file in the Town I Clerk ' s Office. . . Councilman Robertson waived the reading of the monthly reports , the following reports were placed on file-Dog Warden, Torn-Clerk, Building & Zoning, Bookkeeping. i a Councilman Olson- requested that due to some confusion as to the hours of the landfill,, that an ad be placed in the newspaper advertising the correct hours. i 9 RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE LANDFILL HOURS g =.rrTnN NO 160, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury feels that there has been some confusion in regard to the proper landfill hours, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby approves the allocation of funds to advertise the landfill hours in the local newspaper, one ad a week for two weeks. Duly adopted by the followin g vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart , Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None OPEN FORUM George Liapes, Building Inspector- inquired as to the status of the Hess Rezoning. . . Town Counsel- requested a clarification as to the Planning Boards r decision. . .will draft the resolution when Mr. Liapes can show me on the map what the Planning Board has requested. . . i RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING RESOLMON NO. 161 , Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter : f j _ (resollu ion forthcoming from Town Counsel to be found on page 50 _. ) i 8 : 17 P.M. Mr. Turnbull-in reggard to the Mooring Ordinance. . .questioned if it would violate the .fishermcn' s rights not to be able to fish -.1 thin 200' ? Councilman Robertson- techniaallF, you are right but the owners of property also have a right to be accessable to his property. . . hope that the enforcement officer can distinguish between the two problems. . . i Mr. Kilmartin- noted that his driveway was washed out, due to run: off from Courthouse estates. . .requested assistance. . . i ' Supervisor Brandt- this in not under our jurisdiction but under the Highway Supt. ' s. Mr. Kilmartin- questioned why the Town of Lake George advertised for a Dog Warden to be a resident of the Town and the Town of Queensbur-y did not do the same for Building Inspector Assistant? Supervisor Brandt-noted that it is illegal to advertise for strictly f a resident of a town. Jean Phillips-questioned if there was any more information in regard to the Warren Co. Develpment program? I Supervisor Brandt- noted that he did not know of anything-btit would have Mrs. Shenk check with Mr. Harrison and report to yau. . . D_iniel Gealt-questioned why the paving is so far ahead of this year from last? 50 + Douncilman D--niel Olson- Cleanup week was eliminated ths- year, due to this, paving was started earlier. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS ' RESOLUTION N0, 162. by Mr. Hammond Robertson vbo moved its i adoption , seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt : RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 78-6A -and numbered 640 through 782 and totaling $265,131.22 be and hereby is approveda Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart , Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brand Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury RESOLUTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING PROPOSED CHANGE IN ZONING RESOLUTION NO. 161, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, the areas both immediately adjacent on both north and sout sides of Dix Avenue between Highland Avenue and the Warren County- Washington County line are presently zoned in the classification of R-4 and WHEREAS, an application has been received by the Town Board from Lacinda N. Hess and Donald E. Hess, Jr. requesting the rezoning of premises of which they are the owners from a classification of R-4 to C-3, said premises being situate on the southwesterly corner of the intersection of Dix Avenue and Queensbury Place and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board for recommendation and consideration of said application and WHEREAS, the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board have each recommended as follows : From intersection of Highland Avenue and Dix Avenue east to the County Line, 200 feet deep on each side of Dix Avenue be rezoned to C-3. Also, that the R-4 remaining triangle on the north side of Dix Avenue be rezoned to M-1 and WHEREAS, it appears that the application and recommendations of the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board are worthy of consideration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury at the Town Office Building, Town of Queensbury, Bay & Haviland Roads , Glens Falls,NY on the 11th day of July, 1978 at 7: 30 P.M. of that day to consider the recommendation of the Queens- bury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board for the afore- said rezoning and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof con cerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board. with relation to the application as may be required by law or as may be proper in the premises. Duly adopted by the following vote: