04-07-2014 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 7th, 2014 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN BRIAN CLEMENTS 1.0 RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH 1.1 Public Hearing on Sewage Disposal Variance Application Adirondack Mountain Ridge Estates, LLC 1.2 Resolution Setting Public Hearing on Sewage Disposal Variance Application of Stephen O'Leary 1.3 Resolution Adjourning Queensbury Board of Health 2.0 PUBLIC HEARING 2.1 Public Hearing Proposed Local Law of 2014 Local Law Establishing Lawn Fertilizer and Pesticide Runoff Control Restrictions 3.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR(LIMIT 4 MINUTES) 4.0 RESOLUTIONS 4.1 Resolution Establishing and Adopting Sustainable Complete Streets Policy 4.2 Resolution Approving Year 2013 Service Award Program Records for Queensbury Volunteer Fire Companies 4.3 Resolution to Amend 2014 Budget 4.4 Resolution Approving Audit of Bills—Warrant of April 8th 2014 5.0 CORRESPONDENCE 6.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS 7.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION ***Agenda Subj ect to Change Without Notice*