04-01-2014 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the April 12014 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at
the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room
Chairman Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:02pm
Roll Call:
• Present—Wendy Matthews, Judy Goralski, Lisa White, Greg Hewlett, Todd Eicher, Jennifer Switzer
• Excused —Lloyd Mott
• Staff— Steve Lovering, Lori O'Shaughnessy, Jen Baertschi
• Guests —Queensbury High School Students (2)
2.) Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner White motioned to approve the February 4, 2014 minutes, seconded by Commissioner
Hewlett; all members approved. Please note the March 4, 2014 meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum.
3.) Annual Organizational meeting — carried over from March due to cancellation of March meeting
• Wendy Matthews—nominated and seconded to continue as the Chairman
• Lloyd Mott—nominated and seconded to continue as the Vice Chairman
• Judy Goralski—nominated and seconded to continue as the Secretary
• Committee assignments also determined
4.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
a.) Monthly Correspondence:
• Thank you letter from a family about QRD movie night
• Thank you letter from Mickey Hayes regarding Spartan Hooper Basketball and Pigskin football
• Hike-a-thon—Paul Breslin inquired if the QRC would sponsor this year's Hike-A-Thon. QRC declined
and recommended he contact the Town Supervisor.
b.) Budget Control —
Heating costs higher than anticipated for the barn at Jenkinsville due to unusually cold winter
c.) Employee Rooster
5.) Unfinished Business (see file for copies)
a) Gurney Lane Pool: The engineer concrete specialist is very optimistic about the condition of the
current concrete walls. There are however some sections of concrete that should be replaced due to
cracks. Weather notwithstanding the project may be able to get ahead of schedule.
b) Winter Programs: All programs almost finished;just adult programs and some afterschool
activities still wrapping up.
C) Sandy Bay Property: The land was acquired in the 1980s. It is a landlocked parcel, with no
parking. Cannot be used for public swimming because Department of Health requires ancillary
facilities. Director Lovering will contact the DEC to inquire is there are any plans for this parcel in
the near future.
6.) New Business
a) Food Vendor Fee for Jenkinsville Park (see files copies): discussion about allowing a vendor
to contract to sell food and other items at Jenkinsville Park. Discussion included; concerns about
insurance, contract, checking with the Town Attorney regarding the contract. QRC passed a
resolution to allow a vendor for the 2014 season (Ostrander @ $20/day fee).
b) Parks Report: Gurney Lane was well used the winter during the weekends and school vacations
c) Scholarship for Travel Basketball: an inquiry was made to see of the QRC would sponsor a
scholarship for travel basketball team. After discussion it was decided not to provide a
scholarship. It was suggested that the team apply for Occupancy Tax funding. The feeling by
the Commissioners was that this gesture would create an increased demand to do so for other
programs and available funding would not support the demand.
6.) Committee Reports
• Budget Review
• Safe and Quality Cycling Bylaws
• School Liaison
• Personnel
• Planning
• Program Review
7.) Additional Information and Reports (see file for copies)
• Mountain Bike Race at Gurney Lane: A mountain bike race will take place at Gurney Lane Park on
August 9, 2014. There will be three levels and a kid's race as well. Queensbury Recreation Department
will be the host and have information available for the public. All proceeds will go to Camp Under the
Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Switzer, seconded by Commissioner Eicher to adjourn
at 8:24. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Judith Goralski Wendy Matthews
Commissioner Chairman