1978-10-24 143 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TOWN SUPERVISOR TO PROVIDE WRITTEN NOTICE TO CLARENCE H. ELMS RE INTENDED USE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT JOINT LANDFILL RFS LTTTTnN NO- -961. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart : WHEREAS , Clarence H. Elms has purported to be the owner of certain lands contiguous to the existing Glens Falls-Queensbury Joint Landfill on Ridge Road'-in the Town of Queensbury and WHEREAS, certain preliminary negotiations have been held in the past bet- ; weep the Town of Queensbury and Mr. Elms for the purpose of attempting to arrive at an agreement whereby Mr. Elms would convey skid property to the Town of Queensbury in exchange for a fair and reasonable consideration and �- WHEREAS, Joseph R. Brennan, Counsel to the Town Board, has advised that it is his opinion at this Juncture from reviewing the land records of the Warren County Clerk' s Office that the property described in a deed from Samuel Somerville to Clarence H. Elms , by virture of which deed Mr. Elms has claimed ownership of the aforesaid property sought by the Town of Queensbury, is not in fact owned by Clarence H. Elms but is in fact owned by the Town of Queensbury and that Mr. Elms has acquired no title interest in said property by virtue of the aforesaid deed since an apparent error was made in preparing the abstract of title relative to the transfer from Mr. Comerville to Mr. Elms which purported to show a direct chain of title to said propetty to Mr. Somerville which purported chain of title was in error and WHEREAS, it would appear on the basis of the opinion of Counsel that the Town of Queensbury has ownership of the desired property and, therefore, a right to use the same in connection with landfill operations and WHEREAS, it appears that it would be appropriate to provide notice to Mr. Elms of the intent of the Town of Queensbury to use said property for landfill operations and of the Town's claim of ownership thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized to provide written notice to Mr. Elms, on the approval of the Town Counsel, of the Town's claim of ownership of said property and the Town' s intention to use the same in con- nection with landfill operations. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None i TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 24, 1978 i MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daui @1 Olson- Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel MEMBERS ABSENT: Mrs. Frances Walter, Councilman PRESS: Glens Falls Post sitar, WWSC TOWN OFFICIALS: George Liapes , Steven Lynn, Thomas Flaherty, Mrs . Shenk James Howe GUESTS: Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Daire, M�r S. Ha:t Meeting Opened 7: 30 Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson. BID OPENING-DUCTILE IRON PIPE-NOTICE SHOWN Supervisor Brandt- requested the opening of the bids. . . i 144 Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk- read the following bids . . . United State Pipe and Found; Company 1 Herbert Drive Latham, New York Item 1 400' 3" Tyton JT. Di Pipe $ 1,104.00 Item 2 1800' 6" Tyton JT. Di Pipe 7,218.00 Item 3 8900' 8" Tyton JT. Di Pipe 48 683.00 5'� " non collusive attached --, Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Co. 183 Sitgreaves St. Phillipsburg, N.J. Item 1 400' 3" Tyton Jt. Pipe $ 1,056.00 Item 2 1800', ' 6" Tyton Jt. Pipe 7,092.00 Item 3 8900' 8" Tyton Jt. Pipe 48 060.00 . non collusive attached ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Grif_fin Pipe Products Co. Florence,New Jersey Item 1 400' 3" SBT DI Pipe $ 1,280.00 Item 2 1800' 6" SBT DI Pipe 7,074.00 Item 3 8900' 8" SBT DI Pipe 48 505.00 non collusive attached ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Councilman Robertson requested that the bids be turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommendation. . .by voice vote the Board turned the bid over to Mr. Flaherty. . . BID OPE=NG-HIGHWAY CROSSING-NOTICE SHOWN Supervisor Bra-ddt requested that the bids be opened and reed. . . Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk opened and read the following bids. . . i W.T. Anderson, Inc. 125 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12205 1 Bay Road at Walker Lane $ 8,000.00 2 Corinth Road at Big Bay Road 6,990.00 No non collusive -------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------- Howard A. LaRose 267 Warren St. Glens Falls , N.Y. Corinth Road work $ 3,500.00 Bay Road 3,850.00 C No-non-collusive John Rubricky and Sons I 237 Bay St. j Glens Falls, New York Corinth Road at Big Bay Road $ 4,685.20 Bay Road at Walker Lane ,�.7 852.00 12,537.ZU No non collusive Councilman Robertson requested that the bide be turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommendation. . .by voice vote the bids were turned over to Mr. Flaherty ' I Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk ,reported that no bids were received for Scrap Metal. . . Councilman Robertson recommended that we readvertise for scrap metal bids the first of the year. . . Supervisor Brandt suggested that we continue with the successful bidder as of the last bidding. . . until the first of the year. . . Thanked all the bidders for their interest. . . . PUBLIC HEARING 7:43 P.M. FRS Funds for 1979 Notice Shown Supervisor Brandt- requested input from the public Mr. Turnbull- how are the monies being utilized in the recreation dept? `— Supervisor Brandt- there are no revenue sharing monies in the recreation budget. . .noted that Mr. Hansen will be at the next meeting to describe his future programs. . . Ms. T-. X. Hart-Represenative of the Greater Adirondack Home Aides, Inc. requested aid from the Town of Queensbury to give service to the Town of Queensbury Residents. . .reviewed their program and the monies received from Glens Falls, the United Way and Warren County. . . (Text of speech on file) Supervisor Brandt- asked if the aids were nurses? Ms. T.A.--Hart- They are not nurses, but they are under the supervision of the Warren Co. Nurses. . . Councilman Eisenhart- you serve 213 patients-are they one to a family or several members of a family. . . Ms. Hart- for the most part it is one to a family. . . i Councilman Olson- what do we expect next year in revenue sharing? i Supervisor Brandt- $130,000.00 the majority has been allocated in the proposed budget Police-26,500 Highway-paving-$96,50.0 asked for further comments-hearing none the hearing was :closed. . .8:nOP.M. RESOLUTION TO.APPROVE MINUTES F OT•IIT 1 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconde Tby Dr. Charles Eisenhart : RESOLVED, that the minutes of October 10th, 1978 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mrs. Walter RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID BEROLUTTON NO. 292 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, secondedby Mr. Michel Brandt: F WHEREAS, John Dunn, Cemetery Supt. .for the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bids for a new dump truck equipped with i dual wheels , dump body and snow plow, and WHEREAS, two bids were received and turned over to Mr. Dunn and the Cemetery Commission for their recommendation, and WHEREAS, Mr. Dunn and the Cemetery Commission have requested that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury accept the low bid of Carswell Motors and Tire Inc. for a new 1979 GMC Dump Truck as per specifications at a cost of $10,782.00, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Tnwn of Queensbury hereby accepts and awards the bid to Carswell Motors and Tire Inc. for a 1979 GMC Dump Truck ,146 as per specifications at a cost of $10, 782.0 , and be it further RESOLVED, that the financing of the new dump truck will be through a Bond Anticipation Note. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : Hone Absent: Mrs.Walter Ltr. on File from the Cemetery Commission recommending the bid ofCarswell Truck. . . RESOLUTION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE RESOLUTION Nn_ =, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that Steven Lynn, Assistant Building Inspector, be allowed to attend a N.Y. State Energy Conservation Code Seminar in Colonie, New York, on November 21, 1978 and be it further RESOLVED, that the anticipated cost of this conference will be a $5.00 fee for lunch and that the Town Board authorizes this payment and all other necessary and reasonable expenses. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None, Absent: Mrs. Walter Mr. Lynn- questioned if there were any objections if Mr. Foster Building Inspector for the City of Glens Falls rode down to Albany with him .;. . . or if he, rode with Mr. Foster. . . no objections from the Town Board. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS R�,q. nLTTTTnN mn_ 294. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, a surplus exists in A1410.440 Town Clerk's Contractual Account, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, to transfer $250.nn from A1410.440 to A1410.2, Town Clerk' s Equipment Account for the purchase of two adding machines. Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mrs. Walter J RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BINGO LICENSES RF.Sn . t TON N0, 295. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for 1 its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that the following Bingo Licenses be and hereby are approved: LICENSE NUMBER ISSUED TO DATES #16982 West Glens Falls Vol. Fire Co. 11-4-1978 to 1-27-1979 #16983 Glens Falls Lodge #81 B.P.O. Elks 11-1-1978 to 3-1-1979 Duly adopted by the following vote: 147 Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Walter Town Clerk, Donald Chase- questioned the Board in regard to Sundav Bingo. . . Supervisor Brandt- turned the questioned over to Town Counsel for his recommendation. . . RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS RESQLiITION N0, 296, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, Emergency repair work was necessary on a traffic light at the West Glens Falls Fire House, and WHEREAS, a check in the amount of $5 ,200. was received from the insurance company for the claim reinbursement, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to create Budget Account A2580, Insurance Recoveries , and deposit 5,200. to this account, and further be it RESOLVED, to transfer from A2580, Insurance Recoveries to A3310.440, Highway Contractual to pay for the repairs to the traffic light. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. ftendt Noes: None Absent: Mrs. Walter Supervisor Brandt- this is just an insurance settlement, no bids have been taken for the repair of the light. . .talkedivith Mr. Garb and he is looking into seeing if there are any parts from the -BAy Road light. . . that could be used. . . COMMUNICATIONS Ltr. Warren Co. Planning Board re: E. James Barrett & William Fox rezonings. . .This Board concurs with the recommendation of the Town Planning Board that the entire area from the Town Line to Highland Avenue be rezoned C-3 with 200 feet depth from Dix Avenue with a 50 foot buffer zone as per Town Ordinance adjoining an_•R-4 zone. Discussion held on the rezoning of Dix Avenue. . .Town Counsel had two questions to be answered before a board decision could be made. . . Mr. Barrett- questioned when the decision will be made. . . after the boards discussion was held it was noted that a possible decision could be made by the next board meeting. . . Ltr. Carl Garb- re: purchase of Cemetery Truck A discussion was held and the Board decided to take no action. . . + explained Councilman Eisenhart- a � xp the. proposed new election district the splitting of District 11 will take effect next year. . . Councilman Robertson- suggested using tax map numbers to define the j district. . . BUDGET DISCUSSION MODIFICATION i Page 2 Town Clerk personal services $20,231.00 equipment 2,300.00 j contractual 3,395.00 926.00 Page 3 Purchasing personAl services $1,000.00 contractual 300.00 ��aa 148 Page 3 Elections Personal services ---was 13, 312.00 add two men for machine inspector one from each party. . .$25-00 per man per year personal services now $13,362.00 one new machine equipment 4,400.00 Page 5 Fire Marshal personal services$ 7,500.00 equipment -0- contractual 1 540.00 ",n4 .nn RESOLUTION TO AMEND TENATIVE SALARY SCHEDULE RF_gnTTTTTnx wn 947 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the following Town Officials Salaries should be amended to read as folloOs in the tenative salary schedule: SUPERVISOR $ 11,000.00 COUNCILMEN (4) 3,600.00 TOWN CLERK 12, 300.00 SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS 15,600.00 TOWN JUSTICES (2) 6,150.00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mrs. Walter Supervisor Brandt- there is nobody being overpaid -for what they are doing in these _.Jobs , there is a lot of effort and dedication that goes into this work I know that many people will critize us for suggesting a raise, but I personally know that an immense amount of work goes into operating this government from these people and I think that this is a reasonable raise. . . RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON FRS FUNDS { { $ggnT71Te0 tam_ 298, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: j RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January, 1979 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made apart of this resolution, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours and be it further RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 7: 30 P.M. on the 9th day of November, 1978 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing upon such preliminary budget and intended use of FRS funds for 1979 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be r.,J published and posted in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND, 1 INTENDED USE OF FRE FUNDS FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 1 FOR THE YEAR 1979 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the preliminary budget of the Tawn of Queenshury, County of Warren, State of New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1,1979 has been com-pleted and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours . FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of said Town of j Queensbury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing there at 7: 30 P.M. on the 9th day of November 1978 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as complIs for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: SUPERVISOR $ 11,000.00 COUNCILMEN (4) 3,600.00 TOWN CLERK 12,300.00 SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS 15,600.00 TOWN JUSTICES (2) 6,150.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at this Public Hearing a Hearing will be held on the intended use of FRS Funds for the year 1979. By order of the Town Board Donald A. Chase -` Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mrs. Walter (COPY of preliminary budget will follow the closing of this meeting) Thomas Flaherty, Water Su m. recommend that the bid of Atlantic States be accepted for the Ductile Iron Pipe Bid. . . RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE RESOL.UTTON (ISO-_,299, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, Water Superintendent did recommend that we advertise for bids for Ductile Iron Pipe, and WHEREAS, three bids were received and turned over to Mr. Flaherty for ! - his recommendation, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon Mr. Flaherty' s request the Town Board hereby accepts the bid of Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Co. in the amount of $56,208. 00, and be it further RESOLVED, that the financing of the Ductile Iron Pipe will be as follows : $20,080.00 from the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget and the remainer will be financed through a State Contract. f Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt i Noes : None Absent: Mrs. Walter OPEN FORUM 8:47 P.M. Mr. Kilburn- presented they=Town Board with a formal request to extend j a water line on Meadowbrook Road. . . (placed on file) three families are interested and two are not interested at all. . .only homes were `- contacted. . . Councilman Robertson- requested that the Town go ahead . . .receive more exact figures and propose the district Joseph Daire- when will the Dix Avenue Rezoning be done? Supervisor Brandt- possibly at-:the next meeting. .. Mr. Arthur Turnbull- questioned the stators of the 200' mooring? Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the procedure on the 200' mooring. . .noted that Town Counsel has now gone back to the Dept. of Environmental Conservation for further legal opinions. . . Mr. Arthur Turnbull- questioned why the Supervisor was raised 10% in the proposed budget? 150 Councilman Robertson-noted the numerous hours being spent by the Supervisor in his office. . .we would like to attraatc competent help. . . Councilman Olson" compared the jobs of mayor with supervisor. . .just as busy. . . Mr. Turnbull-is the land that the landfill committee is seeking that of John Bowmans. . . ? Supervisor Brandt- no—the land is owned by Finch Pruyn and Sassone . .in the field today, walking the property deciding on property lines. . . for the purchase of lands. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS Brsnm TON NQ_ 'Ann- Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 78-IOC and numbered 1381 through 1385 and totaling $53,783. 68 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. .Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was ajourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Oueensbury SPECIT-AL TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 6,1978 MEMBERS PRESENT i Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman Mrs. Frances Walter-Councilman �x MEMBERS ABSENT Hammond Robertson-Councilman GUESTS: Representative of Rist Frost, Mr. Coughlin, Mrs. Shenk Meeting Opened with a Salute to the Flag. 4: 32P.M. Si Brandt- requested an executive session i RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION BE OLTTION NO, 301 Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its j adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss potential legal action against the joint landfill. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. .Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None Supervisor Brandt- reopened the special meeting. . .on motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk. Town of Oueensbury A, ' 1979 � .,k Amount To Be APPx'opriationsiu!venues AAplied Fund Balance Raised By Taxes General` $1;85'1,485 .00 $1,8 ,1 ti485.00 _ 0- _ R 9 Way,--`, ,> 29:x,481.Q0 29 8,481.00 0 0 - _0_ 194,077.00 194,077.:00 _0_ -0- 157,964.00 157,964.00 -0- -0- 36,000.00 36,000.00 0 Revenue Sh l 130,000. -0 00 130 000.00 _ dine View' C 77,236.00- 72500.04 $4,736.00 .Landfill J :_., 278, 168 00 X278,168.00 -0- � -0- r- Total General $3, 053, 411. 00 $3 $4,736.00 r Queensbury Water SWl 1,240, 790. 00 350 350.00 890 240.00 W.Glens Falls SW3 14,000.00 •10,500.00 1,070.00 Shore Colon SW4 2,430. 00 Colony 2,543.00 1,725.00 --0- 81.8.00 W.Glens Falls Ext#1 SW5 714.00 -0- -0 714.00 Total Water 8,a 47.00 $362, 775. 00 $I 070.00 � • � . _0 Y894,2Q:. L0 s All Other Districts F Amherst Lighting SU 3,500.00 -0- -0- 3,500.00 Cii:Vi,rd- ale Lighting SL2 x:00 _0_ -0- 1;200. 60 Plod; Lighting SL3 160.bQ4 -0- _0_ ! S. #�ueeh-sbury LightingSL4 I0,`000.00 160.00 r -0- -0- 10,000. 00 T. Queensbury LightingSL5 10,500.00 -0- -0 10,500. 00 �Queensbury Lighting SL6 �,38,060.00`. r -0- -0 10,060.00 Pershing, Ashley � } Coolidge' Reservoir Park SS1 1's550.00 0_ rk -0- 1,550.00 Sewage SS3 1,550.00 _0_ _0_ I,550.00 .Y` .. -0- 500.00 Drainage SD 500.00 0_ Fire Protection SP 191,000,00 $3,000___40 '188,000.00 _. TO All other Dist. 258,020.00 -$3,000.00 -0- 255,020. 00 Total All Funds $4`533,908,00 $3, 78,880.00 $5,806 .00 $I,149,222.0 1 1. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s 1010 Town Board - Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted - Persona Services $ 13,037.50 $ 13,600. 00 $ 13,600. 00 $1 ,600 .0 .200 Equipment -0- - -0- -0- -0 .440 Contractual 332. 65 900. 00 900. 00 900, 0 otal $ 13,370. 137 I+x.06 1 1500 00 1110 Town Justices . 100 Persona-r-g-e—rvices 17, 189. 99 25, 850.00 24,039 .00 24 03 . 00 . 200 Equipment 60. 00 700. 00 600. 00 60 00 .440 Contractual 2, 537.08 4,025 .00 4,875.00 4, 875..00 otal 19, 787.07 30,575.075 29V514. 00 29, 4 . 00 1220�Su Supervisor . 100 Personal Services 33, 795 .00 38,088. 00 36,900. 00 36 ,900. 00 .200 Equipment -0- 300. 00 300. 00 0. 00 .440 Contractual 710. 83 X3,015 .00 6,000. 00 6, 0. 00 otal 46,403.66 43,200. 00 43, 0. 0 0 1320 Annual CPA Audit .440 Contractual -0- 10, 000. 00 10,000. 00 10, 0 . 00 otal -0-- 0,��00 1 '.�0 10, 0 . 00 1330 Tax Collection ersona ervices 9,541. 66 -0- 10,800. 00 10,800 00 .200 Equipment ,-0- -0- 200. 00 200 00 .440 Contractual 4 ..2566.. 25 -0- 5,540. 00 5540. 00 otal 13, 797.91 - - 16,540. 00 16 ,540. 00 To Town Clerk GENERAL FUND knPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual u 1 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s A 1340 Budget Administrator Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Personal ery ces -0- _0_ . 200 Equipment -0- -0- Deleted .440 Contractual -0- -0- Total ---0- -0- A 1355 Assessor Personal Services 11, 705. 52 12 ,900.00 15 ,630. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- 1,000. 00 440 Contractual 1#299.52 7P195 .00 6,200. 00 Total Z70. 00 A 1410 Town Clerk ersona Services 19,536.25 26,787.00 21,231.00 20,231. 00 . 200 Equipment 220. 00 -0- 2,300. 00 2, 300. 00 440 Contractual 3,254.48 10 604. 00 3,695 .00 3,395 .00 Total 23,010. 73" 27 ,26 25,926.00 A 142n Town Attorne Persona ervices -0- _0_ _0_ . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- 440 Contractual 18 333.25 17 000. 00 18 000. 00 Total 11, 000. 00 A_1440 En ineer Personal Services -0- 5,000. 00 -0_ . 200 Equipment -0- 1,250.00 -0- .440 Contractual 7, 000. 00 7, 500. 00 6 ,000. 00 Total 77,000-00 750.0 6 ,000-00 3 . , GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted A 1345 Purchasing $ 1,000.00 Persona—Services -0- -0- DELETED . 440 Contractual 150. 00 300. 00 (in Town Clerk' s) 1,300.00 Total 150.OU— 300. 00 A 1450 Elections 13,362.00 ersona Services 11,404.90 12 ,268.00 12 ,812. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- 2,200. 00 4 ,400.00 .440 Contractual 1,258. 14 15 880.00 7,920. 00 _ ,920.00 25,682.00 Total A 1620 Buildings . 1 Personal Services 2,623. 53 7 , 310. 00 8,245 .00 . 200 Equipment 9,448.93 1,500. 00 9 ,500. 00 .410 Telephone -0- 7 ,000. 00 5,300. 00 .420 Insurance -0- 500. 00 500. 00 .430 Utilities -0- 3,750. 00 3 ,750. 00 .440 Contractual 26, 973. 83 14,360. 00 14, 360. 00 . 450 Fuel Oil -0- 2,900. 00 3 ,050.00 Total 39, 046932T. 44, 705.00 SPECIAL ITEMS A 1910 Unallocated Insurance Contractual 7, 544. 00 8,298.00 9 ,000. 00 A 1920 Municipal Assoc Dues Contractual 400. 00 400. 00 400.00 A 1940 Contingent Account -O- 88 ,044. 00 30,000. 00 A 1972 To County Treasurer to Reduce Taxes Contractual =0- 382 ,000. 00 99,492. 00 4. GENERAL F1710 APPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted A 3120 Police ersonal Services $ 156,462 . 00 $ 130,060. 00 $ 145 ,677.00 . ZOO Equipment 21, 156. 00 25 ,000. 00 23,500. 00 .410 Telephone -0- 700. 00 1,400.00 .420 Insurance -0- 3 ,000.00 3,000.00 .430 Utilities -0- 1,300.00 1,300.00 .440 General Contractual 34,919.93 25,985.00 23,650.00 .450 Fuel Oil -0- 1,450. 00 1,450.00 . 460 Unemploy. Insurance -0- . 810 Retirement 31,958. 55 24,000. 00 18,600.00 . 860 Hospitalization (total 13,300.00 14,500.00 . 830 Social Security Benefits) 9,920. 00 11,700.00 .840 Compensation 3 600, 00 4,843.00 Total 244,496. 49 27$,315.0 0 9,62U.00 A 3120 Anti-recession Personal erVices -0- 17,000. 00 17,000. 00 A 3310 Traffic Control Utilities -0- 800.00 800. 00 .440 General Contractual 8,988. 29 5 ,000.0 50000.. 000 Total $L9 A_ 3150 Jail .440 Contractual 288.00 300. 00 300.00 GENERAL FUMD - 1977 Actual 1970' nudget Budget Officer' s Expenses _'Annronriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted A 3410 Fire 'iarshal 7 , 584 .00 ersona ervices $ 4 , 891. 86 $ 6 , 370. 01 $ 8 ,100. 00 $ . 100. 200 Equipment -0- 411. 00 595 .00 -0- .440 Cntactual 1, 148. 22 1,420. 00 1,540. 00 9;50 Total J, y ;�..op " ,' 'S 1� A 3510 DoT T7arden . lu 6 Personal services 8,440. 86 8, 339 .00 9 ,560.00 .200 Equipment 18.25 -0- -0- .420 Insurance -0- 250. 00 250. 00 .440 seneral Contractual 3 ,791.42 4 390. 00 4,890. 00 Total 1 14,700.00 A 4010 Board of Health 150.00 . 100- Personal Services 2,876.54 2 ,800. 00 3 , . 200 Equipment "0- -0- -0- .440 General Contractual 'S 1,250. 00 S Total } 'Z A 4020 Registrar of ita Statistics Persona Services 66.00 100. 00 100.00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- .440 Contractual -0- -0- -0- Total -0- 11,10. 00 100. 00 A 5010 Superintendent of is rix.47 a s Personal Services 26,595. 84 27 ,070. 00 28,115.00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 188.16 625 .00 -0- Total 26,784.00 27 , 695 . 07 ,115 .00 A5132 Highway Garage . 1 Personal ervices - - 9 -0- 0- .410 Telephone -00- 900. 00 900. 00 .430 Utilities -0- 11,010. 00 11,000. 00 .450 Fuel Oil -0- 4,400. 00 4,400. 00 .440 Contractual Total -a-' 16,300.00 16,300.00 6 . MAEPAL FMID APPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s A 5182 Street Lightinp, Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Contractual $ 11', 989•. 61' $ 21 400. 00 $ 19 700. 00 Total 17,989. 61 4UU.00 A 6256 (Title VI) CETA Personal Services 80, 131. 76 58,056.00 65,542.00 . 800 Employee Benefits 128 896:07 �3�3 30�b� 24��750.: 0�0 Total A 6410 Publicit .440 Contractual 3,5� 3,5� 3,500. 00 Total A 6420 Promotion/New Indus- try .440 Contractual -0- -0- 2 ,500.00 Total 2,500–G A 6510 Veterans Services Contracual 60 _ 60b03 00 60b 00 Total 0. A 6722 Programs for Aging ontracua -0- 6,000. 00 7,300. 00 6,00070 7,30T.= A 7310 Youth Programs . 100 Pers—onal Services 25, 853. 96 24,692.00 50,745 .00 . 200 Equipment 431. 00 1,000. 00 6,225 .00 . 300 Capital Expens . -0- 8,000. 00 8,000. 00 .440 Contracual 11,254.45 9,9 51975 .00 Total r.E771RA?, r= APPPnnRIATIONS) 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer ' s Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted A 732 ) Joint Youth ,ontracua -0- $ 1,5 $ 1�;5 Total A 741n Library . Contractual $ 28,575. 00 29 575.00 31 350. 00 Total 28,375. U 31,350. UU A 7550 Celebrations Contractual 2, 3 3.6622 1,200 2,20aU Total A 7620 Senior Citizens Contractual 8, 070. 00 2 ,700. 00 2 ,700. 00 Total 8, 070. 00 2, 700. 00 2 ,700. 00 A 8010 Zoning Personal Services 25 , 617. 57 25 ,158.00 27 ,550. 00 . 211 Equipment -0- 1, 320.00 1,320. 00 . 420 Insurance -0- 583.00 500. 00 .440 Contractual 2, 759. 81 6 308. 00 3 000. 00 Total .�a � b A 8020 ?'lanning, � . 100 Personal Services -0- 1,000. 00 600. 00 . 200 Equipment -0- -0- 300. 00 .420 Insurance -0- -0- _ -0- .440 Contracual -0_ 51 00 2 7��O Total r,'E'NERAL FUND 1?PPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s A 8030 Research Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted — _ . 100 Personal Services S 1,078.96 -0- -0- .440 Contractual 14 349. 67 -0- -0- Total 11,428.63 a- - -0 — A 3160 Refuse & Garba e Personal ery ces 1, 718. 36 -0- -0- .200 Equipment -0- -0- _0_ .440 Contractual 67 559. 87 75 000.00 -0- Total --�- A 8510 Community Beautification Con actual 3�3 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 Total A 8540 Drainage Contractual 3 ,982. 95 24850. 00 24,850. 00 Total ' 24, 0 A 900 Em to ee Benefits State etirement 24,475.00 28,850. 00 26,500. 00 .9015. 8 Police and Fire Ret. • -0- -0- -0- . 9030. 8 Social Security 13,574. 99 25 ,600. 00 22 , 795.00 .9040. 8 Workmen' s Comp . 1, 709. 00 3,970. 00 4,061.00 . 9060. 8 Hospitalization 14,681. 18 25, 000. 00 22,400. 00 . 9050. 8 Unempl. Ins. -0- 2,500. 00 2,500. 00 Total 54,440. 17 85,920. 00 OETTERAL FL71D APPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted I"1TERFVID TRANSFERS A 9514. 9 Pineview Cemetery -0- $ 15,000. 00 $ 42 ,000. 00 A 9514. 9 Highway Depart- -0- 211,429.00 285 ,481. 00 - meat- Reaairs & Improvements -0- 186,009 .00 194,077 .00 A 9542. 9 Highway Machinery A 9543 . 9 Hwy. Snow Removal -0- 13 ,153 .00 132 ,964. 00 A 9544. 9 Hwy. Improvements -0- 21,000.00 21 ,000.00 A 9550. 9 Capital Fund -0- -0- A 9560. 9 Capital Reserve -0- -0- -0- A 9626 .9 Landfill -0- -0- 45 ,000 .00 Total �" $ 563 ,591.00 ' Debt Service Principal A 9720. 6 Statutory Bonds 4,205 .00 4,205 .00 4,205 .00 A 9730. 6 Bond Antic. Notes 9,450. 00 9 ,450.00 9 ,450. 00 A 9740. 6 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0- Total 13,655. ' Debt Service ( Interest) A 9720. 7 Statutory Bonds 999 .00 799 .00 600. 00 A 9730. 7 Bond Antic. Notes 1,486. 33 907.00 577 .00 A 9750. 7 Capital Notes 0- �.b.�� Total . ' TOTAL GENERAL FUND 'X6.00 1,848 , APPRO RIATTONS 2,! 56 ,630.00 1,847 ,2 915. 0^ r 'vE''-AL FUiiD ESTI`-1AT7r ^-"VE:IUF.S 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer ' s TAX ITEMS Revenues Revenues Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted A 1090 Interest & Penalties $ 5,577. 97 $ 30650. 00 $ 3 ,650. 00 Sales Tax A 11-7016'n Property Tax Distributed by County_ 255,804. 18 1 , 351,257.00 1 , 299,316.00 1,300,955. 00 Denartnental Income A 2001 Park ecreation Chs . 900. 00 900. 00 -0- A 1232 Tax Collection 911.95 850. 00 850. 00 A 1255 Clerk Fees 1,642. 50 1,550. 00 1,550. 00 A 1520 Police Fees 1,897. 50 1,600. 00 2 ,200. 00 A 1570 Demolition Permits 200. 00 240. 00 240. 00 A 2110 Zoning Fees 1'625..9 1; 650 . 0�0 1,700. 00 Total A 2401 Use of MoneX & Property Interest & Earnings 29,058. 02 30,000. 00 30,000. 00 Licenses and Permits A 2545 OtHer License s 1,642. 70 600. 00 1,000. 00 A 2540 Bingo License 1,819. 39 1,200. 00 1,S00. 00 A 2555 RuildinQ permits 14,638.00 12,000. 00 16 ,000. 00 A Dog Licenses 3 ,409. 32 3,500. 00 3 ,600. 00 A 2590 Junk Yard Permits 125 .00 125 .00 1215 . 00 A 2610 Fines/Forefeited Bail_ 47 444.50 42 000. 00 60 000. 00 Total b9,078. 91 5t�42 3 . A 2768 Public Employment Proeram (Title VI) 95,091. 60 81 ,008.00 36,292 , 00 A 2766 (Title II) 23, 344. 44 -0- -0- A 2770 Cable T.V. 11, 114. 15 10,000. 00 12 ,000. 00 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s Revenues Revenues 1978 Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted INCOME A 3001 Per Capita $180,888.00. $180,000. 00 $180,000. 00 A 3005 Mortgage Tax 108,763.89 80,000.00 80,000. 00 A 3820 Youth Programs 15 ,807.60 13,500.00 20,253 .00 A 3372 Programs for Aging 2,710.00 3,000.00 5 ,000.00 A 4320 Crime Control (Fed. Grant) 8, 769.04 22 ,000.00 22 ,000.00 A 4720 Anti-recession -0- 17 ,000.00 20,000. 00 A 4720 CETA Train. (T1.#2) -0- . -0- -0" A 4740 CETA Train. (T1.#6) 55,867.00 -0- -0- A 2655 Minor Sales 1,002.93 -0- -0- A 2665 Sale of Equip. 10,000. 00 -0- -0- A 3989 Other home/comm. serve. 14,095.00 -0- -0- A 4990 Sewer Cap. Project 10,003.46 -0- -0- A 2701 Refund Prior Years 6,585.09 -0- -0- A 2850 Capital Trans. 283.44 -0- -0- A 2720. .. Miscellaneous 278.98 -0- -0- Grand Total Estimated 630.00 1,847 Revenues 911, 350.65 1,857 , ,276. 00 1,848 ,915. 00 i — 12. GENERAL FMID ENTERPRISE - CEMETERY 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s C 8810 APPROPRIATIONS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Personal Services $ 42,598. 26 $41,922. 00 $ 48, 764.00 . 200 Equipment 764. 98 1,000.00 1,500.00 .440 Contractual 9,942.73 6, 100.00 6,000. 00 .410 Telephone -0- 270.00 270.00 .420 Insurance -0- 1,800.00 1,800.00 .430 Utilities -0- 250.00 300.00 .450 Fuel Oil -0- 900.00 900. 00 C 9730.6 Debt Service Prin. -0- -0- 2,400. 00 C 9730. 7 to if Interest -0- -0- 480.00 TOTAL 53 ,305. 97 52,242.0 62,414. C 900 Emplovee Benefits State Retirement 2,605. 13 4,700. 00 4,450. 00 . 9030. 8 Soc. Security 2,354.48 2 ,900. 00 3,000. 00 .9040. 8 Workmen's Comp. 1,472.00 1,620.00 2,122. 00 .9060. 8 Hospitalization 2,882. 52 2 ,900. 00 4,550.00 . 9050. 8 Unemployment Ins. -0- 700.00 700.00 Total 9,31 I'1,820.OU 14,822 Total Cemetery Appro. 62 ,620. 10 65,062.00 77,236.00 C 2190 Sale of Cemetery Lots 9,824. 10 7,500.00 9,000.00 C 2192 Cemetery Service 13,900. 50 10,500. 00 13,000. 00 C 2810 Gen. Fund Transfer 34,234. 00 15,004.00 42,000.00 C 2401 Interest 9_,130. 18 7,000.00 8,500.00 C 909 Use of Surplus -0- -0- 4,736.00 Total Est. Revenues 67,088. 78 40,000.00 77,236.00 HIr.HWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1477 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Repairs & Improvements (Item DR 511771 Personal Services $ 82,635 .61 $ 88,500. 00 $100,000. 00 DR 5110.440 Contractual 100,075 .80 28 ,425.00 30,000. 00 DR 5110.461 Patching Mix -0- 10,000.00 10,000.00 DR 5110.462 Paving Materials -0- 65 ,000. 00 119 000.00 Total 182 ,711.27 I�II5 . 0 �;UOU.UU Emolo ee Benefits DR 9010. 8 . taste retirement 10,550. 53 11,650.00 11,850.00 DR 9030. 8 Soc. Security 5,853.64 6,050.00 6,200. 00 DR 9040.8 Workmen' s Comp. 3,369. 77 5 ,204. 00 6,681.00 DR 9060. 8 Hospitalization 8,454. 90 12 ,600. 00 10,250.00 DR 9050. 8 Unemployment Ins. -0- 1,500.00 1,500. 00 Total 37 ,004.0 36,481. 0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ITEM 1 210,940.25 228,929.00 295,481. 00 MachineEZ Item III DM 5130. 1 Personal Services 25 ,470. 14 25,000.00 28,250. 00 DM 5130. 2 Equipment 91, 795.96 82 ,000. 00 82 ,000.00 DM 5130.420 Insurance -0- 17,100. 00 17 ,100. 00 DM 5130.440 Gen. Contractual 47, 088. 40 31,250. 00 31 250. 00 Total 164,354-50 - 155,350. 00 158,600.00 Employee Benefits DM 9010. 8 state Retirement 3,010. 87 3,050. 00 2,550. 00 DM 9030. 8 Soc. Security 1, 289.01 1 ,706.00 1,752.00 DM 9040. 8 Workmen' s Comp. 891. 73 1,374.00 1,800. 00 DM 9060. 8 Hospitalization 1,613. 14 3,150.00 2,200.00 DM 9050. 8 Unemployment Ins . -0- -0- 500.00 Total 6,804^75 9 ,280. 0 8,$02. da HIGHWAY FUND 't-tr r-w ,-NATIONS cont. ( 14 . 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s Debt Service Principal Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Item III DM 9730. 6 Bond Ant_ .. otes $14,145.00 $14, 145. 00 , 140. 00 DM 9740.6 Capital Notes -0- -0- $14 -0- DM 9720. 6 Statutory Bonds 11 367.00 11 367.00 11,367.00 Total 25,5T270 25,512.00 25 ,5U770 Interest DM 9'lf':7 Bond Ant. Notes 2,015.43 1,097.00 655.00 DM 9740. 7 Capital Notes -0- -0- -0- DM 9720. 7 Statutory Bonds 1 � ' 7�70_� 5�� Total Total Appropriations Item III 199,9673 57 192,009.00 194,077.00 Miscellaneous (Brush & Weeds) Contract ua 4,925.00 4,000. 00 4,00p0 Total 4,925.00 4,000.. Snow Removal(Item IV) DS 5142. 1 Personal Services 93,970.93 80,640.00 91,000. 00 DS 5142.440 Contractual 20,427.56 13,532. 00 13,500.00 DS 5412.461 Patching Mix -0- 3,000.00 3,000. 00 DS 5142.464 Salt -0- 12,000.00 12 000.00 Total - 117 , 'gT�j . Employee Benefits DS 9010.8 Retirement 10,550.53 12 ,000. 00 12,054.00 DS 9030.8 Soc. Security 3,921. 22 5,550.00 5 ,642.00 DS 9040. 8 Workmen's Comp. 2, 758.50 3,831.00 5,018. 00 DS 9060. 8 Hospitalization 5,859.51 12 ,600.00 10,250.00 DS 9050.8 Unemployment Ins. , 1-1-+0- 1,500.00 1,500.00 . Total 23,08 . TotaT Appropriations Item IV 142,413.25 148,653.00 157,964. 00 Donavan Plan DE 515-..=ersonal Services -0- 7,660.00 8, 784.00 DE 5157.4 Contractual 36 000.00 28,340. 00 27 216. 00 Total -0--6 36,000. 36,000.m HICH14AY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS (ITEM I) 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Revenues Revenues Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted ACCOUNTS Local Sources DR 2401 Interest & Earnings 5,678. 83 $ 8,000.00 -0- DR 2810 Transfer from Gen. 192,625.00 211,429.00 $ 285,481.00 DR 2801 Interfund Revenues 3, 338.58 -0- -0- DR 2701 Refund Prior Year Expens . 934.00 -0- -0- DR 2300 Public Work Service 765.55 -0- -0- DR 3507 State Aid ease a uat on Aid 9,756.75 9,500.00 10,000.00 Total Estimated Revenues $213,098. 71 $228,929 .00 $295.481.00 HIGHWAY FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES MACHINERY (ITEM III) Local Sources DM 2401-Interest & Earnings 6,072.86 6 ,000.00 -0- DM 2810 Transfer from Gen. 191,993.00 186 ,009.00 194,077 .00 DM 2665 Sale -of Equipment 996.50 -0- -0- DM 2701 Refund Prior Year Expens . 3,106.07 -0- -0- DM 2300 Public Work Service _ 341.10 -0- -0- Total Estimated Revenues 202,509 .63 192 ,009 .00 194.077.00 HIGHWAY FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM IV) Local Sources 15S24n-Interest & Earnings 2,972. 94 2 ,500.00 5 ,000. 00 DS 2810 Transfer from Gen. 120,204. 00 130,153.00 132 ,964. 00 DS 2801 Interfund Revenues 3,615.69 DS 2701 Refund Prior Year Expens. 213.00 DS 2300 Public Work Service 20,110.00 16,000. 00 20,000. 00 Total Estimated Revenues 147,115. 63 1481653.00 157 .964. 00 ESTIMATED REVENUES - HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Accounts Revenues Revenues Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted BE 35�'f-State Aid $14,400.00 $14,400. 00 $14,400. 00 DE 2401 Interest & Earnings -0- 600. 00 600.00 DE 2810 Transfer from Gen. 14,400 0- 21,000.00 1 000.00 Total FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING APPROPRIATIONS LY. 3.55_Assessment -0- -0- 7,000.00 CY 51T6:4 Highway Repairs 80,500.00 80,500.00 96,500. 00 CF 3120. 1 Police -0- 26 500.00 26,500.00 Total 80,50G 1 i ESTIMATED REVENUES & UNEXPENDED BALANCE - REVENUE SHARING CF Federal Revenue Sharing 88,841.00 107,000. 00 130,000.00 CF 2410 Interest & Earnings -0- -0- Total 107,000.00 3�0,0007 '6 Estimated Unexpended Balance -0- -0- -0- Joint Activity - Oueensbury Glens Falls Landfill ESTIMATED REVENUES Budget Officer' s Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted J 2130 Refuse and Garbage — 1637, 68. 60 J 2390 Share of Joint Activity- Other Government-Glens Falls 67,500.00 J 2801 Transfer from Gen. Fund (Queensbury) 45,000. 00 Total Revenue $278,168.00 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES J 8160 . 100 Personal Services 75,239.00 . 800 Employee Benefits 19,879.00 .410 Telephone 1,200.00 .420 Insurance 2,000.00 .440 General 84,350.00 . 450 Heating Fuel 3,000. 00 Total �668.UU Debt Service 90U Total Expenditures $278,168.00 SL I FORT AMHERST - GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT 17. 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Contractual Expense Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted 5182.400 $3, 104. 55 $31500.00 $3#500.00 Total ��b 3�00'� SL 2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expense Total 1,081. 60 1,20 1,200.00 T 2 SL 3 PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expense Toil 13 160. 00 16�U Total SL 4 SOUTH QUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expense 5182. 8,974 100 - 10,000. 00 986 �OG SL 5 WEST OUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expense 5182.400 9,410.99 10,500.00 10 500.00 Total �;' �",�—� . , SL 6 OUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Expense 5182.400 35,080. 51 39,200.00 38 060,00 Total 35,08u 'r 39,200. 00 SF 1 OUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ACCOUNTS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Payment on Fire Contracts $200,634.55 $154,644.00 $156 ,000.00 Payment on Ambulance Cont. -0- 15,300. 00 16 ,500.00 SF 3410 Insurance S , 4 -0- 12,275.00 18,800.00 Total 200,634.55 182,219.00 191, 300.00 SF 1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT ESTIMATED Interest S-2401— 2,684.46 21000. 00 3 ,000.00 Total 2,684.7X '�a0.0 3 ,000.0 SS 1 PERSHING-ASHLEY- COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted SSewaa Treatment & Disposal • $ -0- $1 500.00 Total i�a $1 550 00 SS 3 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT �_ age_Treatment dal 1,3� 1,5��'d 1 550 00 Total SD 1 OUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Debt Service Principal Serial Bond 9710.600 5,000.00 -0- -0- Debt Service Interest Serial Bond 97I0. 706 70.00 -0- -0- Contractual 8540.400 -0-Total �.�, , 500_x006 50b� SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ' 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s Expenditures_ Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Administration SW Personal Services $22,458.17 $22,000.00 $25,600.00 . 200 Equipment 81. 30 -0- 200.00 .400 Contractual -0- -0- -0- .410 Telephone -0- 3,000.00 3,000.00 .420 Insurance -0- 12,000.00 12 ,000.00 .440 Gen. Contractual 18,832-19 8,560.00 8 300.00 Total 1,37 ' ' Source of Power & S ppl . swi 83' ersonal services 44,400.45 41,143.00 47,125.00 .200 Equipment 545.92 -0- 800.00 .400 Contractual -0- - - -0 -0- .430 Utilities -0- 55,000.00 58,000.00 .440 Gen. Contractual 63,082.59 11,582.00 8,625.00 .450 Fuel Oil -0- 11,000. 00 12 000.00 Total 108,028.99 � � Purification SW1 8336. 100 Personal Services 11,229.85 11,500.00 13,080.00 .200 Equipment . 363.36 -0- 2,625 .00 .440 Gen. Contractual 14 573.15 23 550.00 23 ,550. 00 Total ' Transmission & Distribution SWl 8340. 100 Fe—rsonal Services 74,332.34 73,000. 00 87, 183.00 .200 Equipment 1,612,95 12 ,900.00 13,200.00 .400 Contractual -0- -0- 119,000.00 .440 Gen. Contractual 53 574.61 124 000.00 59 ,000. 00 Total 129,519.9U SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Employee Benefits Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted 901 Retirement $15 ,421.23 $22 ,350. 00 $22 ,000. 00 9030. 8 Social Sec. 8,566.06 10,100.00 10,500.00 9040. 8 Workmen's Comp. 4,341.00 4,930. 00 6,550. 00 9060. 8 Hospitalization 11, 136.91 19, 700. 00 11,000.00 9050. 8 Unemployment Ins. -0- 3 500. 00 3 500. 00 Total �50. 0 TOTAL OPERATING APPRO. 31 552, 11 469,815.00 546,838. 00 Debt Service- Princil2al Statutory Bond 3,760.00 3,760. 00 3, 750. 00 9710.6 Serial Bond 223,000.00 220,000. 00 220,000. 00 9730.6 Bond Anti. Note 18 924.00 18 924.00 18,924.00 Total 245,684.0 Z4Z,684.00 Debt Service- Interest tatutory 493.50 329.00 165.00 9710. 7 Serial Bonds 481,367.00 464,950. 00 448,650.00 9730. 7 Bond Anti. Note 4,095.61 b$,992b� 2,228.00 Total 9770. 6 Revenue Anti. Note -0- 55,500. 00 -0- 9770. 7 Revenue Note 7,267.04 2,360. 00 -0- 9975.5 Repayment of Gen. Fund Loan -00- -0- -0- 9995.5 Repayment of Errors -0- 8,400.00 -0- 9710.4 Fiscal Agent Fees -0- 200. 00 225.00 Total --7-T67-.T4- 66,407. 0 —7237� TOTAL 738 907. 15 777,348.00 693P952. 00 1'073 I,Z47, 163. 00 � �J SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT:" 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer' s Revenues Revenues Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted SW 2140 Metered Sales $2-5y.-5-6Zr.9U • SW 2142 Unmetered Sales 35,467.15 20,000. 00 25 ,000.00 SW 2144 Water Connection 11,830.51 8,000.00 8,000.00 SW 2148 Interest & Penalties on Water Rents 1,748.54 1,200.00 2, 500.00 SW 2401 Interest & Earnings 20,825.90 13,500. 00 20,000. 00 SW 2650 Sales of Scrap 404.25 400.00 400.00 SW 2416 Rental -0- 500.00 500. 00 SW 2770 Supervision -0- 3,500.00 3,650. 00 SW 2701 Ref. Prior Yr. Exp. 2,711:50 _ O 1,000. 00 SW 2378 Water Service/Other Gov. 3,377.50 10,000.00 10,000:00 SW 2680 Insurance Recoveries -0- -0- 500.00 SW 2770 Relayed Water -0- -0- -0- SW1 2801 Interfund Reimbursement. -0- _ 3,000. 00 4,000.00 Total Water District Estimated Water Revenues $334,930. 25 $340,100.00 $350,550.00 SW 3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's Administration_ menses Appropriations Tentative 1979 Preliminary Adopted Contractual $1,000.00 $3,000. 00 $3,000. 00 Source of Supply Power & Pumping $' 3.400 Contractua—r- 3,810. 88 4,500. 00 8,000.00 Transmission & Distribution ontractua 5, 722. 80 6,188.00 3,000.00 TOTAL_ DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS 10,533.68 13 688. 00 14,000.00 - - . SW 3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT REVENUES Metered Sales 570. 76 400.00 300.00 Unmetered Sales 11,263.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 Interest TM . 283. 34 100.00 200. 00 TOTAL 12, 117. 10 9,500.00 10,500. 00 SW 4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS 1977 Actual 1978 Budget Budget Officer's ` Expenses Appropriations Tentative Preliminary Adopted Administration 8310.W--C-o-ntractual $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Power & Supply $3320.4 Contractual 44. 67 100. 00 100.00 Purification . ontractual -O- 25.00 25 .00 Transmission & Dist. ontractua 598.43 1, 188.00 1,418.00 Total 1 ,643.10 2,313.00 2 ,543.00 SW 4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES Unmetered Sales SW4 2-142 1,656.00 19495.00 1,725 .00 Interest & Penalties 6.90 -0- -0- Total 1,662.90 1,495.00 1,725 .00 qo SCHEDULE OF SALARIES9OF ELECTED AND TOWN OFFICIALS (Article 8 of Town Law) SUPERVISOR $11,000.00 Councilman 3,600.00 Councilman 3,600.00 Councilman 3,600.00 Councilman 3,600.00 Town Clerk 12,300.00 Highway Steer. 15,600.00 Town Justice 6, 150.00 Torn Justice 6,150.00 Deputy Supervisor 300.00 x