1979-02-13 220 Mr. Kilmartin- what do you do if somebody does not pay their water rent? Councilman Robertson- If they are over 90 day the water is turned off. . . Mr. Kilmartin- I made application a year ago and made a deposit . . .no water yet. . .noted that an individual on Walkup Road received water before he did. . .noted paying water tax for seven years. . . Supervisor Brandt-spoke on the Water deficit. . .what we have to do is make the best use of that money to serve as many people as possible for the dollar investment, in time we have to serve every single person in that district. . . I will work hard to get you service as I will everyone else in the district. . . Supervisor Brandt moved for an executive session to discuss highway- payroll, seconded by Councilman Olson. . . the entire board agreed. . . On notion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 13, 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman Mrs. Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Mr. Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS: Glens Falls Post Star, WBZA GUESTS: League of Women Voters TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Garb , Mr. Flaherty, Mr. Liapes , Mr. Shenk Meeting Opened 7 :33P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson (Councilman Olson was not present during the first part of this meeting) BID OPENING Supervisor Brandt- requested the opening of the bids as advertised. BID OPENING-WATER DEPARTMENT PURIFICATION MATERIALS-NOTICE WHOWN Donald A. Chase-Town Clerk read the following Taids: INTEL Chemicals and Metals Corp. Caustic Soda $1.155 per cwt. P.O. Box 420 Liquid Chlorine $ .16# 428 Glen Street $500.00 refundable cyl. deposit Glens Falls , N.Y. 12801 no non collusive attached MONARCH Chemicals , Inc. Liquid Chlorine $12.00cwt. ' P.O. Box 176 $400.00 container deposit Utica, N.Y. 13503 Non collusive attached HOLLAND Chemical Inc. Liquid Aluminum Sulfate Howland Avenue $120.95 per net ton Adams , Mass. 01220 Non Collusive attached Councilman Eisenhart- requested that the bids be turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommendation. . .agreed upon by the entire Town Board BID OPANG-SCRAP METAL-QSBY GLENS FALLS JOINT LANDFILL-NOTICE 'SHOWN Donald A. Chase-Town Clerk read the following bids: C.F. VanHall 77 So. Franklin St. $16.00 per ton Saratoga Spa, N.Y. 12866 Will load own truck non collusive attached Johnsons Auto Crushers , Inc. Ballard Road $15 .00 per ton Wilton, N.Y. 12866 will load own truck non collusive attach- ed Councilman Hammond Robertson-requested that the bids be turned over to the Joint landfill committee for their recommendation. . .agreed upon by the entire Town Board BID OPEMGTRANSPORTATION FOR THE ELDERLY-NOTICE WHOWN Donald A. Chase-Town Clerk-read the follnwing bid. Louis T. Fisher DBA Warren-Hamilton County Transportation of the Elderly and $7,280.00 Hamdicapped Tuesdays and Thursdays Ashe Drive Warrensburg, N.Y. 12885 Non Collusive attached Supervisor Brandt- requested that this bid be tabled for a short time for investigation into the funds available in the Town Budget for this seeviee— —agreed upon by the entire Town Board PUBLIC HEARING-Paulsen Rezoning-NOTICE SHOWN Supervisor Brandt- Opened the Hearing 7:43 P.M. Mr. McCormick-representing Mr. Paulsen-ownersuif Roberts Gardens proposing to construct 200 new units -Using map - described area request change from C-3 to R-5 1.5 acres (Frank Smith Residents) Councilman Walter- What is. the debth of commercial property on Route 9? Mr. McCormick-approximately 500 feet. . . .The Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board has recommended the change. . . Supervisor Braxidt- asked if there was any further input. . .hearing none the Public Hearing was closed. 9:44 P.M. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE REZONING-PAULSEN RESOLUTION NO. 56 , Introduced by Mr. Michel Btendt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: (Resolution forthcoming from Tw= Counsel. . .to be found on page Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Or. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RFCnL=.QN NO 57 Introduced by DR. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the minutes of January 30, 1979 be and hereby are approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes: Dr. Bisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Olson Supervisor Brandt- I have revitwed the budget and we have enough money to cover the bid as received on the Transportation for the Elderly. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION FOR THE ELDERLY RESOLUTION NO. 58, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its 222 adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, a distinct need has been demonstrated to the Town Board 6f the Town of Queensbury for transportation for the elderly residents of said Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Beard of the Town of Queensbury deems it to be in the best interests of the Senior Ci4zass of its community to engage the services of an independent contract6r for the purpose of providing transportation for such persons , and WHEREAS, by virture of federal funding available to municipalities to assist in providing services for the elderly, and WHEREAS, the Town Board requested that bids be solicited, and bids were submitted on February 12, 1979, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered to enter into ghd, execute an agreement by and between the Town ofa: ,Queensbury and Louis T. Fisher, to provide transportation for the elderly citizens of the Town ofQueensbury at a total cost not to exceed Seven Thousand two hundred eighty Dollars ($7,280.00) for the fiscal year. 1979, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby delegated with the power and authority to negotiate such terms and benefits as would be to the advantage of the elderly citizens of the Town of Queensbury consistent with the services generally provided in other municipalities for the benefit of its elderly citizens. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson -- RESOLUTION CREATING POSITION OF DISTRIBUTION AND MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR IN THE QUEENSBURY WATER DEPARTMENT RFSOT.ZTQN N0. , Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, because of increasing administration duties in the distribution and maintenance section of the Water Department, and to provide continuous supervision of field personnel and efficient operation of the department, Thomas Flaherty Queensbury Water Superintrn.dent, after a review of department operations, has recommended that the position of distribution and maintenance supervisor be established, and WHEREAS, Superintendent Flaherty further recommended that this position be a management level position, Therefore be it RESOLVED, taht the position of distribution and maintenance supervisor is hereby established, the filling of this position to be in accordance with current contract policy and civil service requirements. Duly adopted by the following vote: Apes: fir. Eiaeidhart . Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson (Discussion held before vote: ) Councilman Eisenhart- Dbee this mean an additional employee in the department? Councilman Robertson- This will fill a position of an employee that resigned a year ago. . . RESOLUTION -REGARDING ADIRONDACK BUILDING AND CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION T3I+'4QUITTnN Nn_ 60_ Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved f6r Lads adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS , there has recently been formed the Adirondack Building and Code Enforcement Officials Association and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has reviewed the goals and objectives of said Association and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury feels that the formation of said Associa- tion will serve in the best interest of the community and its residents. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Queensbury supports the Adirondack Building and Oode Enforcement Officials Association and hereby chooses to join said Association and wishes the newly formed group success in the attainment of their goals. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisnehart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Olson Discussion held before vote: Councilman Eisenhart- what are the dues? Mr. Liapes—$25.00 initiation dues and $10.00 per year thereafter for the Town of Queensbury RESOLUTION TO TRKNSFER FUNDS RF.SnT.TTTTnN Nn Ai Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: ( WHEREAS, there are funds in various accounts and I WHEREAS, there is a deficit in certain accounts , now therefore be it RESOLVED, to transfer $3, 753.00 from Contingent to the following'' accouhts, to cover voucher from Cool Insurance Co. , for 1979 Insurance: $282.00 to A3120.420, Police Insurance $100.00 to C8810.420, Pineview Insurance $ 29.00 to A8010.420, Building & Zoning Insurance $3342.00 to A1910.440, Unallocated Insurance Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson Councilman Robertson- Mr. Garb, I thought we were dot -going to take in any more roads under the snow and that kind of thing? Mr.`Barb -_ That road was graveled before the snow fell, only one or two loads of gravel were-needed in the turn-around area this was done. . . Town Counsel-requested that the Mileage be changed to .052 miles and a correction also be made in the description delete, 289 feet replace with 275. . . Councilman Eisenhart-if we accept this what does it mean? Councilman Robertson-we will plow it, pave it eventually, the maintenance becomes ours. . . Councilman Eisenhart- why do we take it? Supervisor Brandt- it has been policy to date that any road in an approved subdivision, that has been deeded to us and brought up to specs the Town has accepted. 224 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT DEED FOR HIGHWAY A&aW UjjON N0, 62; Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, Robert E. Ruggles and Norman C. Benark have executed and offered a deed for a Town roadway not less than fifty (50' ) feet in width, which is described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury, has advised that he recommends that this Board accept this land for highway purposes into the Town Highway system, and WHEREAS, Thomas K. Flaherty, Water Superintendent of the Town of Queensbury has advised that the proposed roadway is not situate within the geographical boundaries of the Queensbury Water District, and -- WHEREAS, the form of the deed has been approved by Joseph R. Brennan, Esq. , counsel to the Board, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned deed be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and that the Town Clerk be hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office after which said deed shall be properly filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further RESOLVED, that this new road be hereby added to the official inventory of Town highways, described as follows: Road No. 371, Description: Roadway intersecting with Peggy Ann Road and proceeding approximately 275 feet in a generally northerly direction; Name: Foxhurst Drive; Mileage: .052 miles. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None - Absent: Mr. Olson Councilman Walter- requested that the Board entertain a resolution to authorize the Chief Operator of the Water Dept. to sign for shipments of Ethyl Alchhol Councilman Eisenhart- questioned the storage of the material. . . Thomas Flaherty- spoke to the Board on the management of the material. . . if the form is not signed we have to pay tax +6n it. . . Councilman Eisenhart- have we been using this material? Thomas Flaherty- no Councilman Eisenhart- why are we starting now? Thomas Flaherty= to meet the qualification of our lab. . . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE RESOL.iiTTON NO. 63. Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its -� adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Queensbury Water Department wishes to purchase Ethyl Alcabol and WHEREAS, it will be to the advantage of the Town of Queensbury to have the material signed for upon delivery, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby authorizes the Chief Operator of the Queensbury Water Department to sign for the shipments of Ethyl Alcohol. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None t. . Absent: Mr. Olson Communications Ltr. Qsby. Central Fire Co. -Active List on file Ltr. Carl Garb re: acceptance of Foxhurst Road on file -Mobile Home application-John Kilmartin. . .permanent permit. . .Haviland Road Councilman Robertson- this application has come before the Board every year for many years—approximately 10 years. . .Agricultural mobile home RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING $Fq Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved far its adoption, secon-Te"a by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, John Kilmartin has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside at property situated at Haviland Road+ , and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is heeeby determined that the facts presented in said applica- tion are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, there- fore be it RESOLVED, that pursua= to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on February 27 , 1979 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized an-d directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson Ltr, Town Board Town of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Road Glens Falls, New York 12801 Dear Town Board This is to inform you and the Town of Queensbury residents that I will not seek re-election in the fall of 1979. I would encourage the Town Board to seek someone to replace me as I would like to resign my position prior to the end of my term of office. I would also recommend to the Town Board that they should make the Highway Superintendent position an appointed position. It is very taxing on a persons nerves to have to run for an elective position every two years when this is his sole source of income. Sincerely, /s/ Carl A. Garb Highway Superintendent 1-13-79 Councilman Robertson-Carl has been very honest and forthright with us, as both sides,this has been a two way street, his letter has to stand on its own two feet, our response to it is not necessarily a two minute warning, if you will,. . . Supervisor Brandt- As Carl has pointed out it is difficult to face election 226 every two years when it is his only source of income, I think for the people of Queensbury it is also, I think healthy to have who everts finding the service responsible for the service then there will not be a question of adequate funding is given and delivery of the service be given as best it can. . .It gets rid of the arguments that are inherent in the structure that we have today. I would therefore move that we schedule a public hearing on a local law to create this position an appointed posfti,nn rather than an elected position. RESOLUTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING POSSIBLE ADOPTION OF LOCAL LAW PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT INSTEAD OF ELECTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY _ REqOT.IITTQN NO,. fiS,,, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by ]Dr. Charles Eisenhart: --r WHEREAS, the office of Town Superintendent of Highways is presently an elective office in the Town of Queensbury and .� WHEREAS, Section 23 of the Municipal Home Rule Law authorizes the Town Board to adopt a local law changing the office of Town of Queensbury Superintendent of Highways from elective to appointive and WHEREAS, such local law is subject to a mandatory referendum pursuant to Municipal Home Rule Law Section 23 (2) (e) and WHEREAS, such a local law would become operative only if adopted by the Town Board and if approved at a special or general election by the affirma- tive vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Queensbury voting upon the proposition and WHEREAS, such a proposed local law, a copy of which is annexed hereto, has been prepared and presented for consideration by the Town Board and WHEREAS, a public hearing is mandated by law prior to consideration for adoption,of the proposed local law by the Town Board and WHEREAS, the proposed local law is worthy of consideration for legislativ action NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held on the proposed local law providing for the appointment instead of election of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury and that said public hearing be held at 7:30P.M. in the meeting room of the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads , on Tuesday, February 27th 1979 and the Town Clerk be directed to publish and provide notice of said public hearing in accordance to law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Olson The following reports were placed on file: Building & Zoning- January 1979 Town Clerk-January 1979 Dog Warden-January 1979 Councilman Walter-Congratulated the Queensbury Water Dept. on their Merit Award 270 ,258 hours with no disabling injuries . . .Seventh year in the Qsby. Water Dept.with no accidents Supervisor Brandt- noted the hazardous work that the Water Dept. does. . . congratulated them. . . OPEN FORUM 8:10 P.M. Ltr. read by a representative for the League of Women Voters : February 13, 1979 By resolution of the Queensbury Town Board in July, 1978, X 0 7 Mr. George Kurosaka was named temporary chairman of the Queensbury k Sig Committee. To date, the committee has not been reconvened. On January 9, 1979, the Glens Falls Area League of Women Voters wrote Mr. Kurosaka asking when the committee would be meeting. We have had no reply. The League, in its observation of the Queensbury Planning and Zoning Boards , has noticed the difficulties these bodies sometimes encounter dealing with a sign ordinance that does not always allow for enforcement as the "spirit of the ordinance" intended. In addition, any needed changes to the sign ordinance may be enacted with adoption of the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Sign Committee could be gathering input for the already hardworking Master Plan Committee. We are hopeful that the Queensbury Town Bayard will ask for a specific meeting date from Mr. Kurosaka, so that the boards will have the help they need. Supervisor Brandt- requested that the Town Clark send a copy of the communication from the League to Mr. Kurosaka and ask him for a reply. . . Requested a workshop to discuss with Mrs. Buckley the proposed sewer system. . (Councilman Olson joined the meeting) RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RRS0T1JTTON ND_ LL Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 79-2A. and numbered 114 through 280 be and hereby is approved with the exception of bills 195 through 216 , the audit now totaling $155 ,599.66. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr.Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robbetaoni Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk RESOLUTION TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE TO RECLASSIFY PREMISES OF CARL PAULSEN AND RUDOLF PAULSEN ON WEEKS ROAD FROM C-3TO R-5 RESOLUTI ON NO. 56; Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: WHEREAS , an area of approximately 1.5 acres in size situate on the northwest corner of the intersection of Weeks Road and an undeveloped street identified as Pine Road, on a copy of a map entitled "Map of Lands to be conveyed by Kingswood Ltd. to Kingswood Properties , Inc." prepared by Coulter and McCormack, Licensed Land Surveyors , and dated Match 18, 1977, a copy of which is annexed hereto, is presently zoned in a C-3 classifica- tion and WHEREAS , an application was reeeived by the Town Board from Carl Paulsen and Rudolf Paulsen who are under contract to purchase said premises in which application they requested a change in zoning classification of this approximate 1.5 acre parcel from its present zoning classification of C-3 to R-5 and WHEREAS , the premises for which the Pa$lsens have requested the rezoning are more particularly described as follows : "All that certain parcel of land situate in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, located on the northerly side of 228 the town highway known as Weeks Road, and which parcel is bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of Weeks Road at the southeasterly corner of those premises conveyed by Moonbound Properties , Inc. to Carl and Rudolf Paulsen by Deed dated and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's fice in Book 75S of Deeds at page 3 9 , running thence North 6 degrees 50 minutes East for a distance of 2. 15 . 77 feet; thence South 83 degrees 10 min- utes East for a distance of 294.23 feet; thence South 6 degrees 33 Minutes East for a distance of 219.22 feet to a point in the northerly line of Weeks Road; thence North 83 degrees 35 minutes West, along the north- erly line of Weeks Road, for a distance of 345.00 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 1.58 acres , more or less ; and WHEREAS , said application was referred to the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board for recommendation and consideration of said application and WHEREAS , the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board have each recommended approval of the application of Carl Paulsen and Rudolf Paulsen for the rezoning of the aforesaid premises from a classification of C-3 to a classification of R-5 and WHEREAS, apublic hearing was held before the Town Board on February 13, 1979 to consider the aforesaid application for rezoning and the recommendations of the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board with respect thereto, and i WHEREAS , at said apublic hearing, all persons wishing to be heard concerning this issue were heard by the Town Board and WHEREAS, after due deliberation, it appears that the rezoning of said premises would be in accordance with the overall planning and zoning scheme of the Town of Queensbury. N99, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance be amended by rezoning the following described premises from the present zoning classification of C-3 to the new classification of R-5 : "All that certain parcel of land situate in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, located on the northerly dLde of the town highway known as Weeks Road, and which parcel is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of Weeks Road at the southeasterly corner of those premises conveyed by Moonbound Properties , Inc. to Carl and Rudolf Paulsen by deed dated and recorded in the Warren County s f f ice in Book�55 of Deeds at pag North 6 degrees 50 Minutes East for a distance of 215. 77 feet; thence south 83 degrees 10 minutes East for a distance of 294.23 feet; thence South 6 degrees 33 minutes East for a distance of 219.22 feet to &;:point in the northerly line of Weeks Road; thence North 83 degrees 35 minutes West, along the north- erly line of Weeks Road, for a distance of 345..:00 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 1.58 acres , more or less". ; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be directed to came notice of this amendment to be published as required by Town Law Section 264 and to take all other action necessary under law to cuase said amendment to become effective in accordance with Town Law Section 264, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Zoning Map of the Town of Queensbury be amended to show the rezoning of the above-described premises from the zoning classification of C-3 to R-5 and that the zoning map, as amended, be filed and maintained in the office of the Town Clerk as required by law. Duly adopted by the following vote: i Ayes : Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Olson REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 27 , 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman Mrs. Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph R. Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS: G.F. Post Star, WBZA TOWN OFFICIALS : Mrs. Shenk, Mr. Garb, Mr. Martindale, Mr. Liapes GUESTS: Mrs. Covell, Mr. Tucker , Mrs. Davidson TOWN BOARD MEETING OPENED 7 :33 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson. PUBLIC HEARING-MOBILE HOME-JOHN KILMARTIN- location of mobile home Haviland Road owner of land Carl A. Covell. .Mrs. Covell present NOTICE SHOWN Supervisor Brandt- declared the public hearing opened Councilman Robertson- reviewed the application. . .this is an application for a mobile home under the basis of an agricultural use. . .used for farm hands. . .noted that the application has been sought year after guar. . . Supervisor Brandt- requested further comments. . .hearing none the hearing was closed. 7: 34 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME Z&§OLUTION NO. 67 , Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seco de'd by Dr. Charles Eisenhart : WHEREAS, John Kilmartin has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated at Haviland. Road, and WHEREAS , this Town Board has donducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application tad at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT