1979-03-06 SP r n
Michel Brandt-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Dr. Chailes Eisenhart-Councilman
Mrs. Frances Walter-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph R. Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
GUESTS: Mr. Hermance, Fred Mabb, George Mabb, Robert Bernard, Mr. Morey
Meeting Opened 7:33 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Sups"_Iaor Brandt
Public Information Meeting regarding Landfill Fees
Supervisor Brandt- the proposal is to raise the commercial haulers
fees from .60G a cubic yard to $1.00 a cubic yard to become effective
March 15 , 1979 requested input. . .
George Mabb- why the commercial haulers , are you trying to put us out of
Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the three sources of income. . .sale of scrap,
50C fees and commercial haulers. . .tax monies would provide the facilities
and fees would be used for operation. . .
Harley Hermance-requested that the Board look into the possibility of
charging pickup tracks and trailers a commercial rate&. .spoke on the amount
that type of vehicle can carry. . .noted the litter that they cause. . .
!i noted that there has been a substantial increase to the haulers in the
past year. . .increase will eventually go to the public. . .
-- Supervisor Brandt- I have to agree with you in regard to the pickup trucks
we have been far to liberal on that. . .using the amount of cubic yards being
dumped at the landfill the 50<, ticket calculates out to be $6.00 per yard. . .
they are paying the burden. . .in regard to cutting costs, I do not think
that we can cut costs and meet state laws in the daily operation. . . it costs
us $1.00 a cubic yard or $4.00 a ton, we have a very large investment in
the landfill in excess of $200,000
Mr. Mabb- Noted that he lost customers when the fee was placed, how many
more will we loss- now. . .noted the increase in traffic that will create. . .
Voiced his complaint in regard to the public using the dumpsters at such
places as Price Chopper. . .the haulers pay for their refuse. . .
Harley Hermance- The average person can only afford so much and then they
will take their car and dump it themselves. . .noted that the people do
not understand the increase in the fees. . .commented hn the increase cost
to the haulers , gas, oil, repairs etc.
Councilman Eisenhart- asked if the haulers felt that the people would
buy their $1.00 a gallon3gas, and drive to the landfill?
Harley Hermance- They will, I lost approximately 100 stops the last time. . .
j Mr. Mabb- when you raise our fees and do not raise the residential fees
you will have more cars going to the landfill. . .
Harley Hermance- Our increases went from 300.00 dollars a year to a 1,000
dollars a month that was our first increase there is not any business
running that has ever been increased that much in one step. . .
'Mr. Morey- Noted that he felt 1/3rd of the items in the landfill shouldn't
be, lumber etc. use less cover. . .
Robert Bernard- How many commercial haulers use the landfill?
Jim Coughlan"" about 15
Robert Bernard-asked if a flat rate sticker plua 60C a yatd' would be more
beneficial . . . . noted that he has gone to the transfer station and watched
station wagons with 20 bags of garbage and dump it for 50C. , .that is not
fair to the commercial haulers. . .
Mr. Mabb- requested that the haulers truck be registered— this would
eliminate the pickup trucks etc. from using the landfill for 50C
Harley Hermance- spoke for licensing the haulers . . .agreed that the
pickup trucks should have to buy the commercial haulers tickets. . .
Councilman Robertson- questioned the haulers does the concept of
those that bring pia move trash-pgy more than those who do not
bring in a lot of trash. . . ---
Mr. Morey-Efsevyone uses the landfill one way or the other, so everyone
should pay for it. . . . '
Councilman Eisenhart- for a business being charged 100. 00 dollars a month
how-4mu-ch will have to be charged for the landfill fee increase?
Mr. Morey- Now it is 300 a yard landfill fee it will have to go to 50C a
Councilman Eisenhart- Out of the cost that the customer has to pay you
about 25% of what he pays you goes to the landfill fees?
Mr. Morey- yes
Harley Hermance- requested that if any change is to be made that the
haulers be given at least 30 days to notify their customers. . .
Supervisor Brandt- In regard to registration fees what would be a reasonable
Mr. Mabb- I figured $100. 00 per truck
Councilman Olson- questioned what will happen to those citizens that
have a pickup and only dump their own garbage?
Harley Hermance-they should buy a commercial ticket. . .
Councilman Walter- As a member of the landfill committee I would suggest
that we bring these suggestions back to the committee and revise what
we had come up with. . .
Supervisor Brandt- set a meeting of the landfill committee Thursday
at 4:OOP.M. at the Queensbury Town Office Building. . .
Councilman Robertson- suggested that two or three haulers try and make that
meeting for their input. . .
Jim Coughlin- reviewed a case where a small trucker dumped a load of napkins
along the road. . . if the truckers were required to be registered then this
would eliminate such a happening. . .
Supervisor Brandt- You could also make it a condition that in order to
dump you have to have a covered load. . . if you are not covered do not
accept the load. . . .We will try and have a meeting of the landfill committee
on Thursday if for some reason the other members can not attend then
we will schedule the meeting for the following thursday. . .
Thanked the haulers for their input. . .
(Note-Resolution No. 72 of 1979 is still tabled)
E&SOLUTION NO. 79, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its
d3opflon, secon a by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that the minutes of February 27, 1979 be and hereby are approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RF.S�nT.TTTTInN 13080, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
WHEREAS , Article 4 Section 66 of the Election Law provides that this board
shall designate the Polling Places where registration of voters and the
election shall be held during the year following, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the following locations be and they hereby are designated
as the respective polling places in the Districts as enumerated.
1. South Queensbury Fire House"
2. Oneida Grange Hall
3. Bay Ridge Fire House
4. North Queensbury Fire House
5. Warren County Municipal Center
6. Queensbury Junior High School (First Door)
7. Queensbury Town Office Building
8. Queensbury Central Fire House
9. Queensbury Senior High School
10. Aviation Road Fire House
11. John Burke Apts. (Senior Citizens Hall)
12. Kensington Road School (West Ent. )
13. Hallmark Nursing Home (TV and Game Room)
14. West Glens Falls Fire House (West End)
15. West Glens Falls Fire House (East End)
16. Queensbury Water Department (Maint. Bldg.)
17. Queensbury Town Office Building
18. Hallmark Nursing Home (TV and Game Room)
RESOLVED, that pursuant to said law a private building, namely the Oneida
Grange Hall is so designated as the Polling Place doxa district, namely
District #2 in which a public building is situated, namely the Queensbury
Town Hall, for the reason that said public building is used as the Polling
Place for another election district, namely Election District #7 and #17,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the rental for such Polling Places be and the same hereby
is fixed at the sum of $40.00 per annum.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
REST-TT3:TQN NQ- Al , Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, Chapter 53 , Section 1 of the Laws of the State of New York of
1978 appropriates sufficient funds for the provision, of assistance
to towns and villages located wholly or partially within the Adirondack
Park, or in lieu thereof, on behalf of and by agreement of any such town
or village, to the Adirondack Park Agency or to any county or gegional
planning board within whose area of .jurisdiction such town or village
is located, for local land use planning programs developed pursuant to
article twenty-seven of the executive" 14w;
WHEREAS, the State of New York has made similar funds available to Adirondack
Park communities since 1974, and expects to provide similar sufficient
funding in subsequent fiscal years ,
WHEREAS , development of a loca) land use program typically, includes the
following general elements tailored to a community' s needs: community
survey, natural resource studies, socio-economic studies, community
issues and goals, land use plan, regulatory devices , and program re-
finement and adoption assistance.
RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby
designates the Warren County Planning Board the community' s Planning
Cousultant for the purpose of the Consultant providing professional planning
services in the development of a local land use program, including performing
certain specific tasks as requested by the community and agreed to by the
consultant as more particularly described in the consultant' s annual
local planning assistance work program:
RESOLVED, that Michel Brandt, Supervisor bf the Town of Queensbury be
and hereby is authorized and empowed to execute in the name of the
Town of Queensbury this agreement with the County of Warren with such ..J
provisions as the Supervisor may deem acceptable and all necessary
applications, and other agreements which he deems necessary or appropriate
to implement and carry out the purposes specified in this resolutinn.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 82, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mrs.Frances Walter:
RESOLVED, that $500.00 from the Boychuck fund be transfered to PineView
Contractual C8810. 440.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION 0, 83 , Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for
its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
RESOLVED; that the Polling Places for the Referendum to be held May
1, 1979 regarding Local Law to make the Highway Supt, position an
appointed one be set as follows :
No. 1,2 and 8 So. Queensbury Fire House
No. 3 and 4 North Queensbury Fire House
No. $, 7 and 17 Queensbury Town Office Building
No. 9, 10 and 11 Queensbury Senior High School
No. 6, 12 and 13 Queensbury Junior High School
(First Door)
No. 14,15 and 16 West Glens Falls Fire House (West. End)
and be it further
RESOLVED that the hours for this referendum will be from 12 :00 Noon
to 9:00 P.M. .
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Ltr. N.Y. State Dept. of Transportation-on file-re: State aid on Road
Ltr. Warren County Municipal Center re: CETA,no violations. .on file
The following reports were placed on file:
Dog Warden-February
Town Clerk-February
Building & Zoning-February
Pliney. Tucker- questioned if the 911 dispatch system was being used
properly. . . indicated a possible problem between the Sheriff and
Qsby. Police in receiving calls. . .
Supervisor Brandt-What we are trying to do with the 911 system, is that
there will be a'-Itne going from the 911 dispatcher directly to our Police
D for or administrative matters , so that if something came in of an
administrative matter they could switch the call to the Qsby. Police and
w the emergency dispatchers would be out of it. . .
Councilman Eisenhart- questioned the other board members in regard to
callsabout flooding. . .
Supervisor Brandt- noted that he had received many calls—noted that the
one thing that has to be done, in the approval of subdivisions, is to demand
a plan for drainage in the subdivision. . .
Councilman Olson- noted that the Board must be very careful in accepting
new roads. . .need proper drainage
Members of the West Glens Falls Fire Co. ..entered the meeting. . .
Ltr. on file requesting another public hearing in regard to Sunday Bingo. . .
Glen Gregory-President W. G.F. Fire Co. presented the Board with petitions
favoring Sunday Bingo (541) On file- noted that the Company would like
to have three Sunday Bingo' s the funds would aid the Lady' s Auxiliary
in funding, for the jaws of life. . .spoke on the various equipment and buildings
that bingo has paid for. . .Noted that Local Law #3 of 1977 Games of Chance
� was passed and can be operated on Sundays. . .
Supervisor Brandt- recommended that another Public Hearing be set for
Sunday Bingo. . .a stipulation being that no organization could hold more
than four Sunday Bingos-in one calendar year. . .
RESQLUTION NO. 84. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adpption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, in 1958, pursuant to authorization provided by law, the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopted Ordinance 3A which
authorized in the Town of Queensbury the conduct of certain games
of chance by certain organizations , which ordinance was approved
by a majority of the qualified electors of the Town of Queensbury
voting at a referendum held thereon as required by General Municipal
Law Section 478 (2) and
WHEREAS, Section 9 of Ordinance 3A prohibits the conduct of said
games of chance on Sunday in reciting as follows:
"Such games may be held on any day provided for in such
License, except Sunday."
WHEREAS, certain organizations eligible ob conduct said games of chance
have requested the Town of Queensbury to amend Ordinance 3A to permit
thecconduct of the game of "Bingo" , as that term is defined in said
Ordinance, on Sunday and
WHEREAS, it appears that said request is worthy of consideration and
WHEREAS, in order to authorize games of "Bingo" to be held on Sunday,
Section 9 of Ordinance 3A would have to be amended to read as follows:
"Such games may be held on any day provided for in such
license, including Sunday, with each organization being
allowed to hold no more than four .Sunday Bingo Occasions
in a calendar year. "
WHEREAS, a public hearing concerning the proposed-amendment is required
by law.
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held before the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and
Haviland Roads, at 7-:30 P.M. on March 27th 1979 concerning the possible
amendment of Section 9 of Ordinance 3A of the Town of Queensbury to
authorize the conduct of games of "Bingo" on Sunday and to hear all
persons interested in the subject thereof and for such other action
on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or as may
be proper in the premises and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be directed to cause notice of said public
hearing to be published in accordance with law and to take any and all
other necessary action required by law for the holding of said public
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs.- Walter, Mr. Raberteen,. Mr. '`Braadt ..
Noes : Dr. Eisenhart
Absent: None
Supervisor Brandt- requested a workshop meeting with an executive session
to follow.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury