2011-544 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20110544 Date Issued: Saturday, December 31, 2011 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20110544 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-308-006-0001-069-000-0000 Location: 20 WARREN Ln Owner: RICHARD G HIGGINS Applicant: RICHARD G HIGGINS This structure may be occupied as a: Mobile Home In Park By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the ( eivAP 1/j / . property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, /d Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the , Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ET 4y 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 {518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20110544 Application Number: a20110544 Tax Map No: 523400-308-006-0001-069-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: RICHARD G HIGGINS For property located at: 20 WARREN Ln in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: RICHARD G HIGGINS Mobile Home In Park $38,000.00 PO BOX 931 Total Value $38,000.00 GLENS FALLS,NY 12801 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2011-544 54 x 13.4 sq ft mobile home $90.72 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at therv-vh-of9ue91.1s/hu7i; tniguittir October 31, 2011 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement • 30g10-4-0 OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO. i(—Pf Vv DATE ISSUED: PERMIT FEE APPROVALS: ZONING TOWN CLERK ! `� 2-R-7/ , i -"y♦ MOBILE HOME- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT: A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections will be made until a valid building permit has been issued. Applicant Information Property Owner Information Name: R 1 C/LCQ-t'd( (7c) f filpihjlame: Address: Po, 13o x / / • Address: Sa )r?r -�. 6 enc A715 , /t1. . l' - i Phone No. 67 ✓ / 0 /(-) 17 / Phone No. Parcel Information 20 Proposed Date of Placement: _,� r~ � Property Location: lorre►r . --lti Road, Street, Avenue Name of Mobile Home Park: (if applicable) Tax Map Number: 30?. 6._ Mobile Home Information . Zoning Information Approximate Value of Home: $ }8; 000 Zoning Classification: New Home: Yes No Size of Property: ft. by ft. Replacement Home: lell No Existing buildings: Size of Mobile Ho 5/ ft. by 131it. Setbacks: front yard ft. rear yard ft. side yards ft. and ft. Singlewide: Doublewide: Number of Rooms: (exclude baths) Accessory Building(s): circle Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bathrooms: Detached garage: 1-car 2-car car Circle: Gas Fireplace/Woodstove/Wood Fireplace Attached garage: 1-car 2-car car Foundation Support: Storage building: Yes No Type Size & Depth Other: Piers Water Supply: well or municipal Runners • Slab $`4 _ /304i • Is Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Continued on page 2 Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office - 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Revised March 2010 Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer: Address: Phone: Complete information below found on a "Plate" or "Sticker" which is affixed to the mobile home: ✓ Insignia serial number: ✓ Name of manufacturer: ✓ Plan Approval Number: ✓ Model or Component Designation: (New home only) ✓ Date of Manufacture: AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, that such work is authorized by the owner. Installer Warranty will be prov deb ime Certificat: of Occupancy. )4 -Signature: �- 'Owner, Owner's Agent, Architect, COI ra tor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT By: Code Enforcement Officer dok Town of Queensbury- Community Development Office - 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 TOWN BOARD APPLICATION FOR PLACING A MOBILE HOME This application for a Mobile Home Permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan drawn reasonably to scale showing all dimensions, the size of the lot, the location on the lot of the Mobile Home, the water supply and sewage system. If the applicant is not the owner of the premises, then the application must be accompanied by the written acknowledged consent of the owner. Applicant Information Property Owner Information Name7RV Y \\IC ( 11,1,3 Name lQWed) GUY V\1 C ! A-. 1 Address: c.L- 'O'( q 1 Address: e6. obX 93 Nems , Phone No: C. � 1-440 ` I Phone No: u — I 104-k 1(98) Parcel Information Property Location: c:9-O Tax Map Number: , Road,Street,Avenue Mobile Home Information Approximate Value of Home: $ New Home: Yes No Replacement Home: ..Yes No Size of Mobile Home: 5(- ft. by ) 3.Lft. Singlewide: Doublewide: Year: at ( Make: QIIR ti' ?i ON) Model: S4-S Serial # State fully the reasons for this request: )'-) Applicant's Signature Date Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Revised March 2010 AFFIDAVIT... i e Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized_by the owner. l�Signature: �'`.. �i ic,A0 O--- al Owner, Agent, Architect, Co• .ctoc Date FOR TOWN USE ONLY Report of the investigation of the Zoning Administrator and recommendations: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: ACTION OF THE TOWN BOARD: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: By Resolution Number: of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York. Dated this day of , 20 Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury Town of Queensbury- Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Revised March 2010 +• Revised 4/14/2010 . 1 iVillei OFFICE USE ONLY , x . (. ?r (, / TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO. JPERMIT FEE . APPROVALS: ZONING TOWN CLERK APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT: A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE WORK BEGINS. APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BEFORE ISSU OFcA�VALID PERMIT. P f ' OWNER: "t q-�1�5►►{J @ J Y �� IIJCI 1 vV� INSTALLER: m L CCS/171R , .-'3 �L.i&) ADDRESS: V V -(..)i (_(_ 3 l ADDRESS: s`&?enn PHONE NOS. (5( b LES'b -`11c., � PHONE NOS. d)'7 0 'f LOCATION OF INSTALLATION: C94) 1` I?E N 1-41 V 1.---- RESIDENCE RESIDENCE INFORMATION: NO.OF COMPUTATION YEAR BUILT = TOTAL DAILY FLOW ° BEDROOMS X (Gallons per bedroom) , GARBAGE GRIND p 1980 or older X 150 = INSTALLED? 1981-1991 X 130 = SPA OR HOT TUBIL) ) 19 -present eQ X 110 = — INSTALLED? �l! PARCEL INFORMATION: ✓ TOPOGRAPHY: FLAT ROLLING A STEEP SLOPE %SLOPE I SOIL NATURE: SAND LOAM CLAY OTHER ✓ GROUNDWATER: AT WHAT DEPTH? it/rO I BEDROCK/IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL: AT WHAT DEPTH? /P° ✓ DOMESTIC WATER SUPLY: MUNICIPAL) WELL (If well:water supply from any septic system absorption is: ft) / PERCOLATION TEST: RATE IS PER MIINUTE PER INCH[mpi] (Test to be completed by a licensed professional engineer or architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). TANK SIZE: //dOO GALLON(MIN.SIZE IS 1,000 GAL.)Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank for each garbage grinder,spa or whirlpool tub. SYSTEM TYPE: 4 ( ,,,'ABSORPTION FIELD(WITH NO.2 STONE) Total length v?0 O ft. Each trench 1,C X 6 C I ❑SEEPAGE PIT(S)(WITH NO.3 STONE) How many? Size? ❑ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Bed or other type? ❑HOLDING TANK SYSTEM Total required capacity? Tank size? Number of tanks? NOTE: ALARM SYSTEM AND ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE INSPECTED BY A TOWN APPROVED ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AGENCY. PLEASE REVIEW LIST PROVIDED. For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury,any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. codes(cr?.queensburv.net 04;4 0 .. Ji) VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION www.queensburf•net Signature of Person Responsible Date _ Town of Queensbury* Community Development Office*742 Bay Road, Queensbury NY 12804 Q °eensbury Building & Code Enforcement — Manufactured / Modular Final Inspection }} z- A Office No. (518)761-8256 Arrive: _am/pm Depart:l ° am/pm Date Inspection request received: Inspector's Initials: /1 d int] NAME: /1 r 11 Ci f ('\-4-S PERMIT#: 5---- - '4 LOCATION: ,21Y `4)arr ,_ L._. DATE: /7 —(,--, Manufactured Home Modular Home Footings Foundation_ Backfill Framing Comments: Yes o WA Foundation support,pier spacing, l; / � I'�n0 Per manufacturer j Anchoring per manufacturer 2'from ends ' / C)/1-e... / S AC) P1/4 , V Water line shut off Sewer line support @ 4 feet Heating Crossover[doublewide}off grd. V / Dryer vented outside i / Skirting ventilated 1 so.ft.Der 1.500 so.ft. 4vf Hot water relief valve piping outside i.' Deck,porches,steps, railing Fumace/hot water operating Garage Fire proofing V1 Fire Door/Door closers Plumbing Fixture/3"Vent through roof[Modular] \ Foundation insulation[rf applicable] Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detectors/Interconnected Final Electrical Variance required Data Plate okay Manufactured HUD seal okay 1\/ Warranty Seal after January 1,2006 Installers Warranty Seal / 18"x 24"access or 22"x 30"attic access Vapor retarder under home 6 mil poly or other V --z., 7 iA 911 Street number Okay to issue CIC or CIO[Temp./Perm.] 4) Model#�L- '�0�� ( I Serial it 1,-X --1 -, i,, - W"c* ( �� . 111 r 1 Manufacturer MAAV I ON Date of Manufacturer L:\Pam Whiting120101Building Codes Forms\Manufactured_Modular Final Inspec tion_03 04 10.doc /( /fl&i'dc . Septic Inspection Re O rt Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building &Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p rt: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: r 2 , NAME: f f G '`- r PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: 2z, ir-P,i,—. /—i& INSPECT ON: MiMinv RECHECK: .c.... Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Loam / Clay Type of Water: unicipa`{ Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Well Casing Length 50' + / - Y N N/A [150'to well required if NO] Absorption Field: Total length --yi.."6 ft. Length of each trench :.J ft. Depth oftrenches _"2- _ft. Sizeze of Stone Seepage Pits: Number _ Size: , x Stone Size: Piping S'ze T pe �` Building to tank G U `Z-- `' Tank to Distribution Box n` Distribution Box to Field/ Pit `A 5 G< J Opening Sealed: _ N End CapN Inlet/Outlet Pipes&Baffles j/Y N Manholes 12"or less below grade Y_N [provide extension collar if Yes] Y N Location/ Separations Foundation to tank ft. `" .- S‘?, 1 D4A-'4" ; ""‘t- 4 - Foundation to absorption '' eft. Separation of Pits \ !I ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan t` `, .N Engineer Report and As-Built Y N ETU Maintenance Contract Y_ N provided Location of System Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use S s: Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building &Codes Office Disapproved L:\Pam Whiting\2010\Building Codes Forms\Inspection Forms\Septic Inspection Report03 29 10.doc