1979-03-20 SP 254 a generally westerly direction at a uniform distance of 200 feet to the north of and parallel to the southerly boundaryy of those premises identified as 8-110-1-15 and 8-110-1-16 to the northeaster v corner of 8-110-1-17 ; thence in a generally westerly direction a a uniform distance of 200 feet to the north of and parallel to the southerly boundary of those premises identified as 8-110-1-17, 8-110-1-18, 8-110-1-19, 8-110-1-3 8-110-1-2. 1 and 8-110-1-2.2 to a point on the wasterly boundary of 8-110-1-2 .2 said point being at a distance of 200 feet from the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-2 .2 at its closest distance to any point on the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-2.2 ; thence in generally an easterly direction in a straight line to a point on the westerly boundary of 8-110-1-14, said point being 500 feet to the north of the - , southerly boundary of 8-110-1-15 as measured in a straight t line along the westerly boundary of 8-110-1-14 to a point e on the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-15 ; thence in a southerly direction along the westerly boundary of 8-110-1-14 a distance of 300 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of 8-110-1-14, being the point or place of beginning. (All references to the Warren County Tax Map in each of the aforesaid descriptions are specifically and solely references to tax maps prepared by VanDusen- McCormack & Bright entitled "Tax Map of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, Map No. 8, Section 110" , dated October 22 , 1969 and to a tax map prepared by VanDusen-McCormack & Bright entitled "Tax Map of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, Map No. 8, Section 111" , dated October 22 , 1969.) NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held before the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury at the Town Office Building, Town of Queensbury, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, N.Y, on the 10th day of April, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. on the date to consider said proposed rezoning and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof and concerning the same and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation of the proposed rezoning as may be required by law or as may be prop- er in the premises , and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be directed to cause notice of seid public hearing to be published in accordance with law and to take any and all other necessary action required by law for the holding of said public hearings. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart , Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 20, 1979 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt- Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman Mrs. Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph R. Brennan-Town,-Counsel Meeting called to order 7: 30 P.M. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION RESOLU=- Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby J moves into an executive session to speak with Town Counsel. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mrs. Walter (Councilman Walter, entered the meeting) 7:30 P.M. Executive session. . . . 8:10 P.M. Meeting called- to.. dcder Supervisor Brandt- introduced Mr. Thomas Nace of Rist Frost Associates Mr. Thomas Nace-Reviewed the status of the pweposed Queensbury Sewer District. . . (used maps cif the proposed district) In February we finished the PRM Report for EPA . . .statement proving that the sewer system is eligible ffbe. funding that he has gone to N.Y. City to go over parts of the program with EPA representatives. . . "very productiv$ meeting" they have not at this time ruled on our eligibility. . .three parts of eligibility 1. to show that the sewers are for residents existing in 1972 2. to show that the program is necessary— showing that existing sewer systems are presenting a health hazards or are failing. . . 3. show that the proposed program is the most cost effective way to deal with the problem. . .At the meeting in N.Y. City the representative from EPA noted that there are two areas that more information will be needed, Glen Lake and Lake Sunnyside. . . Dr. Eisenhart- wauldl .this mean another house to house survey? Mr. Nace- no. . .need information on water test done years ago on Lake Sunnyside And Glen Lake. . . Mr. Robertson- spoke on the problems along the Lake George area during the spring requested that a representative from EPA look at the area this spring. . . Mr. Nace- noted that he has indicated that within the next month he will be in the area to look at the proposed district. . . Passed out estimated user costs. . .on file—There are five possible wayV of setting up the sewer district. . .`1. North, Central & South including GlenL Lake and Sunnyside 2. North, Central and South less Glen Lake and Sunnyside 3. North Only 4. Central and South Only including Glen Lake and Sunnyside 5. Central and South only less Glen Lake and Sunnyside Mrs. Walter - The costs as presented do not include the County' s cost? Mr. Nace- The County Costs are not reflected. Councilman Olson- what is the lifetime of the bond? Mr. Nace-posstft ity of three bonds during the construction. . . 30 yr. bonds. items not covered by EPA funding. . . 100% funding by the community would be interest during construction, and district formation costs. . . suggestdd that the Town should pursue other avenues of funding. . . requested that the Town Board make a decision in regard to which of the five avenues they wish to pursue. . . Councilman Robertson- questioned the status of GlenLake. . .if it is going to be ineligible for funding based on my committment I will not draw anybody into a districtnls not going to be served. �— Mr. Nace- operational and maintenance costs are not eligible for funding. . . grinder pumps are eligible for funding and will be placed where needed. . .try and have two or more on a grinder pump. . . Supervisor Brandt- questioned the cost to residents of Sunnyside and Glen Lake, user fee,plus grinder pump. 0 & M charge plus county tax, would this be prohibitive in cost. . .possibly have to go where it is the most cost effective. . . Councilman Robertson- suggested that the polling locations be located so that the Board can tell which area want the sewers and which areas have turned it down—when this has been determined then look at the districts and make the changes. . . 256 Supervisor Brandt- the consensus is to go for the entire district, everthing that we have defined, if EPA says that Glen Lk, and Sunnyside are not eligible for funding we will drop those areas and continue with the other areas. . . Mr. Nace- We will be look toward a mid summer referendum. . . Councilman Walter- what happens if the district is turned down? Councilman Robertson-noted that if the areas for voting are divided into the No. ,Central, South and Lk. Sunnyside Glen Lk, you can then tell which areas defeated the motion and which approved of it. . .you can then in turn have another referendum with revised district lines. . . Councilman Olson- questioned the cost for setting up the sewer dpt. . . Mr. Nace- that La included in the cost. . .Construction-of a garage and office space which is eligible for EPA funding, they will fund equipment as long as you can prove it will be used only" for sewers , in regard to 0&M costs a full time supervisor, laborers , Part time clerk Supervisor Brandt- If cost accounting was used would EPA fund. . . (use of DPW) Mr. Nace- I do not know . , will look into that. . . Mr. Nace- spoke on possible State aid in the amount of 12k percent for interceptor sewers. . .another 10% for innovative or alternative technology from EPA possibility of grinder pumps being classified as innovative. . . will meet and discuss time table for project next week. . . RESOLUTION SETTING POLLING PLACES FOR REFERENDUM RESOLUTION NO.JQA Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: RESOLVED, that the Polling places for the referendum to be held on May 1, 1979 regarding Local Law to make the Highway Superintendent posit&nn an appointee one, be set as follows : District 1. South Queensbury Fire House 2. Oneida Grange Hall 3. Bay Ridge Fire House 4. North Queensbury Fire House 5. Warren County Municipal Center 6. Queensbury Junior High School (Middle Door) 7. Queensbury Town Office Building 8. Queensbury Central Fire House (Foster Ave. ) 9. Queensbury Senior High School 10. Aviation Road Fire House 11. John Burke Apts. (Senior Citizens Hall) 12. Kensington Road School (West Ent.) 13. Hallmark Nursing Home (TV and Game Room) 14. West Glens Falls Fire House (West End) 15. West Glens Falls Fire House (East End) 16. Queensbury Water Dept. (Maint. Bldg.) 17. Queensbury Town Office Building 18. Hallmark Nursing Home (TV and Game Room) and be it further RESOLVED, that the hours for this referendum will be from 12 :00 noon to 9:00 P.M. and Resolution No. 83 of March 6 , 1979 be and hereby is rescinded. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : ; Ws]terr`, Mr. aber`tso Mr: Brandt Noes : Mr: Olson, Dr. Eisenhart Absenft: None RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL AUDIT OF BILLS Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, s_e_c_o_n_a_eT by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: L -7 RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 79-3C and numbered 420 and 421 and totaling $13,897. 63 be -and hereby is approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None -� RESOLUTION CALLING FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION 1J, RE ON NO. 106 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who movedifor its ti adopon, seconded y Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves into an executive session. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent : None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town of Queensbury RESOLUTION ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR CONTRACT WATER BOOSTER PUMPMNG STATION FOR TWICWOOD LANE RESOLUTION NO, 102 . Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Dharles Eisenhart: WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, Water Supt. for the Town of Queensbury has requested that the Town Board advertise for bids for water booster pumping station for Twicwood Lane, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for a water booster pumping station consisting of 10' -6" I.D. by 15 ft. deep precast concrete water pressure booster pumpipg station below grade, including two (2) , 5 H.P. in-line pumps, hydro-pneumatic pressure tank, electrical controls and necessary piping and valves to connect station to existing water main and that the following notice be published once in the official newspaper of the Town in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDHRS NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queenbbury will receive sealed proposals on Contract 22 Water Booster Pumping Station forTwiewood Lane. A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the i office of Kestner Engineers P.C. One Kestner Lane, Troy, N.Y. 12180. Bids will be receivdd up to 2 :00 P.M. on the 10th day of May 1979, at the Town Clerk' s Office in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, New York 12801. Bids must be submitted in saeled opaque envelopes marked "Contract 22" and there .shall be submitted with such bid a certificate of Non- Collusion as required by Section 103D. of the General Municipal Law. The Town-'Board will meet at 2:OOP.M. on May 10, 1979 at which time the bids will be opened and reed aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Duly adopted by the following vote: