07-15-2014 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda ct First Regular Meeting: Tuesday July 15, 2014/Time 7 - 11 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 Approval of Minutes 1.1 May 20, 2014; May 22, 2014 2.0 Administrative Items 2.1 SB 1-2013 Hayes&Hayes, LLC: Requesting 6 month extension to 1-15-2015 2.2 SP 62-2012 Kirk Roberts: Tabled to 7-22-2014, no new information received 2.3 SP 42-2012 Daniel & Ellen Nichols: Tabled to 7-2014, no new information received 3.0 Planning Board Recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals Applicant(s) RUSSELL CANTERBURY Application Type Site Plan 46-2014 Owner(s) RM Canterbury Realty, LLC SEQR Type II Agent(s) Ethan Hall Lot size 0.20 acres Location 39 Canterbury Drive Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential Ward Ward 1 Tax ID No. 289.17-1-25 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-050, 060 Cross Reference AV 49-14, SP 19-13, SB 3-06 Warren Co. Planning July 2014 Public Hearing Not required APA, CEA, Other NWI Wetlands, Glen Lk. CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes demolition of existing home to construct a 2,247 sq. ft. (footprint)single family dwelling. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 & 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance construction of new hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline and construction of a freestanding structure within 50 feet of slopes in excess of 15% shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variances: Relief requested from permeability; side, rear, shoreline setbacks; height, road frontage and FAR requirements of the WR zone. The Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the ZBA. Applicant(s) RICHARD&JILL LONG Application Type Site Plan 49-2014 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 0.44 acres Location 2407 Ridge Road Zoning Classification LC-42A-Land Conservation 42 Acres Ward Ward 1 Tax ID No. 240-1-16 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-5-020, 179-13- 010 Cross Reference AV 51-14, SP 49-13, AV 46- Warren Co. Referral July 2014 13, BP 14-201 Public Hearing Not required APA, CEA, Other CEA Protect Description: Applicant proposes a 284 sq. ft. pool in their front yard with a 206 sq. ft. deck. Site Plan: Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-5-020 & 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance expansion of a non-conforming structure shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from requirement that does not allow pool placement in front yard and setbacks for deck. 4.0 Old Business Applicant(s) BEAR POND RANCH LLC& Application Type Site Plan 77-2011 FRENCH MT. BEAR POND LLC Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type APA Jurisdictional Agent(s) Little&O'Connor; Bartlett Lot size 74.18 & 169+/-acres Pontiff Stewart&Rhodes; Hutchins Engineering Location Off State Route 149 Zoning Classification LC-10A-Land Conservation 10 Acres Ward Ward 1 Tax ID No. 278.-1-77, 13 Ordinance Reference 179-9 Cross Reference SP 43-06, SP 15-06 Warren Co. Planning 11-9-2011 Previous Meeting Dates 11-17-11, 1-17-12, 3-20-12, 5-15-12, 7-17-12, 3-18-14 Public Hearing 7-15-2014 Project Description: Applicant proposes to construct a 3,450 linear foot Zip Line emanating on lands in Queensbury and terminating on lands in Lake George; Total elevation drop of approximately 770 feet proposed. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9 of the Zoning Ordinance Outdoor Recreation Uses in a LC zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. 5.0 New Business Applicant(s) DENISE HUMISTON Application Type Site Plan 44-2014 Owner(s) Binley Florist, Inc. SEQR Type II Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 7.21 acres (portion of) Location 773 Quaker Road Zoning Classification Cl -Commercial Intensive Ward Ward 2 Tax ID No. 303.15-1-27 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 14-05, BP 05-436 Warren Co. Referral July 2014 Public Hearing 7-15-2014 Project Description: Applicant proposes an 80 sq. ft. portable wagon produce stand in a portion of the parking lot at Binley Florist. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Produce Stand shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) WILLIAM RUDENKO Application Type Site Plan 45-2014 Owner(s) G F Lodge 81 Benevolent SEQR Type II Protective Order of Elk's Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 5.01 acres (portion of) Location 32 Cronin Road Zoning Classification Cl -Commercial Intensive Ward Ward 2 Tax ID No. 296.20-1-32 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 54-90, UV 46-90, BP 08- Warren Co. Referral July 2014 636 Public Hearing 7-15-2014 Protect Description: Applicant proposes a produce stand using a 20' x 20' canopy. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Produce Stand in a Cl zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) G&G BOAT&RV Application Type Site Plan 48-2014 STORAGE, LLC Owner(s) Giovanone Real Estate SEQR Type Unlisted Partners Agent(s) Nace Engineering Lot size 2.53, 1.78& 1.45 Acres Location 74 Big Boom Road Zoning Classification CLI -Commercial Light Industrial Ward Ward 4 Tax ID No. 309.17-1-23.21, 23.22, 23.23 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 59-13, SB 3-03, SP 43-98 Warren Co. Referral July 2014 Public Hearing 7-15-2014 Project Description: Applicant proposes two self-storage buildings (27,942 sq. ft. & 32,527 sq. ft.) for Boats & RV's. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Self Storage facility in the CLI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. -Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -