1979-04-10 I
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman
Mrs. Frances Walter-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
TOWN OFFICIALS: Thomas Flaherty, Steven Lynn
GUESTS: Mr. White, Mr. Duell, Joesph Daire, Mr. Turnbull, Mrs. Davidson
Meeting Opened 7: 32 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Councilman Robertson
Councilman Walter- welcomed Fox Patrol Troup #16 leaders Mr. Thompson,
Mr. Walter working for their citizenship badge for second class scout. . .
PUBLIC HEARING-Dix Avenue Rezoning- Notice shown hearing opened? 30 P-M.
Joseph Daire-where was the 200' determined from, the edge or middle of the
Supervisor Brandt- from the edge of the property line.
Joseph Daire- noted that it took 30' of his property. . .requested that the
rezoning be taken to Carroll St.
Town Counsel- on the South Side of Dix Avenue, there is no 200' strick
limitation, it follows the property line . . .noted that if there is a
discrepancy in the tax map as to the eaaek n6aaurftents of a lot the
deed description will control. . .
William Duell, So. Qsby.-will the rezoning effect the value of my property,'
if the value of my residence is lowered, will the assessment reflect this?
Assessor, Mr. Howe- I do not believe so. . .
William Duell-spoke on the increased traffic on Dix Avenue, noted the need
for a traffic light on Dix and Qsby. Avenue.
Mr. White- in regard to the Hess Rezoning, is there a way to have beautifica-
tion done in regard to the buffer zone. . .
Town Counsel- reviewed the set back buffer zone. .no beautification required. . .
• Zoning Board of Appeals through a variance can require as a condition to
• variance, beautification requirements. . .
Joseph Daire- requested that Mr. Hess move his pickup truck with a sign on
it. . .noted that the placement of the vahicle limits visibility at the inter-
section of Dix and Qsby. Ave.
William Duell- in regard to the 50' buffer zone does it apply to all
Town Counsel-if the business predates the zoning it cannot be applied. . .
William Duell- questioned the Hertz rental business. . .
Mr. Liapes- the business predates the ordinance. . .
Mr. James Barrett- the rental business has existed for approximately 15
years—noted his concern over the increase traffic on Dix Avenue. . .
noted that he felt a light, is needed. . .
Supervisor Brandt- asked for further input. . .hearing none the Public Hearing
was closed. . . 7:58 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 112 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its
a opt on, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
G�. e
RESOLVED, that the minutes of March 27, 1979 be and hereby are approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayda: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Met. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 113, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter:
RESOLVED, that N.W. Bodenweiser, Fire Marshal be authorized to attend
a Fire Seminar on June 5 through the 8th in Philadelphia, and be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes all necessary and reasonable
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Discussion held on Resolution No. 113 before vote:
Councilman Olson- Do we know what the expenses will be and Is thete monies
to cover this in the present budget?
Supervisor Brandt-There is an item in the budget to cover seminars. . .
Town Clerk- reading from a ltr. from N.W. Bodenweiser. . ."There are
monies in my budget to cover expenses which should be under $300. . ."
RESOLUTION NO. 114, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter:
RESOLVED, that Ralph VanDusen, Chief Operator, Queensbury Water Treatment
Plant be authorized to attend the Spring Meeting of the American Water
Works Association on April 24, 25 and 26th in Syracuse, N.Y. and be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Beard authorizes all necessary and reasonable
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes:- Mr. Olson, 8r. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
j Councilman Robertson- noted for the Board that the subject of this meeting
fis the disposal of Alum sludge. . .
RESOLUTION NO, 115, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
WHEREAS, the people of Queensbury will vote on May 1, 1979 to choose
if they desire to make the position of Highway Superintendent an appointed
position and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires®,to have the public better understand its
position in this referendum, and
WHEREAS, a positive vote on this referendum is necessary to legally
impower the Town Board to establish a Department of Public Works and,
WHEREAS, the Town Beard desires to reorganize the administration of the
Higriway Department, the Water Department, the Landfill, Sanitary Sewers,
Storm Sewers, Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, and Maintenance of
Recreation Facilities under one Department of Public Works, and
WHEREAS, this reorganization can result in savings to the taxpayer by:
1. establishing inventory controls on parts, supplies, and town tools.
2. eliminate duplication of services ; i.e, maintenance shops, stock rooms
certain special tools, bookkeeping services.
3. provied a mechanism to re-allocate personnel among departments to
reduce overtime pay in times of heavy snow, ice storms,failure of
water mains or sewer lines.
4. establish standards of productivity and establish cost accounting.
5. establish unified work rules
WHEREAS, the Town Board has no authority, control or responsibility over the
operations of the Department of Highways and the Superintendent of Highways
has no authority, control or responsibility over the monies bedgeted for
highways and the establishment of an appointed Highway Buperintar. 4ent will
give the Town Board complete authority, control and responsibility over the
operation AND budget of the Department of Highways,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the intent of the Town Board of
the Town of Queensbury to move in an orderly manner to establish a Department
of Public Works after the passage of the May 1st, referendum.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Supervisor Brandt- I want to state that this referendum �s being voted upon
May 1st. I believe that if the people understand that i't'%ore than a question
of appointing rather than electing a Highway Supg. thatt it is a question of
giving the Town Board total authority and responsibility for the operation
and maintenance of our highways. I think if they see that it will lead to
the establishment of a better organization a more cost effective system to
handle the various depts. of the Town I think they will be able to vote more
intelligently on the matter.
Councilman Robertson- I subscribe to the intent . . . I feel it is a step
in the right direction, I think there are a great many benefits to be
gained however I do think it is important to emphasize the ordeitly fashion
that we prepare ourselves, take it a step at a time get things in order,
so that people understand what we are trying to do. . . no specific time
pablod in this orderly fashion, I think that is a key to this resolution. . .
Councilman Olson-1 will support the resolution. . .The majority of the
residents and taxpayers of the Town of Queensbury think that the Town
Board has the final say to correct all the problems for the roads, plowing
sanding, sweeping actually this Town Board has very little to say buee�,t3aee.
aperat ion .o the highway Dept. , any complaints that come to a Town Board Member
are passed on to the Highway Dept. , it is up to the Highway Supt. to take care
of the complaints. I really think that this program which we are trying
to promote in this resolution the authority to get the work done will come to
this Town Board, we will have to take the blunt of this, we are taking the
blunt and the complaints now and we can't do anything, to get it corrected.
RESOLUTION NO. 116 , Introduced by Mr. Brandt who moved for its adoptipa,
seconded by Dr. Eisenhatt:
lution No Uko' (1979) , Introduced by Mr. Brandt
who moved its adoption, Seconded by Mr. Eisenhart
WHEREAS , the areas immediately adjacent to Dix Avenue on both
the north and the south are presently zoned generally in the
classification of R-4 and
WHEREAS, applications have been received by the Town Board
requesting the rezoning of certain premises on the north and
south sides of Dix Avenue from the present classification of
R-4 to C-3 and
WHEREAS, said applications have been referred to the Queens-
bury .Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board for
recommendations concerning said applications and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County
Planning Board have each recommended that the areas contigu-
ous to Dix Avenue be rezoned to a depth of 200 feet on both
the north and south sides to a new classification of C-3 and
WHEREAS, said applications and the recommendations of the
Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning
Board are deemed worthy of consideration and
WHEREAS , it would appear that it would also be advisable to
extend the present M-1 and R-3 zones on the north side of
Dix Avenue in a southerly direction to abut the proposed new
C-3 zone and
WHEREAS , a specific proposal for the rezoning of the areas
on both the north and south sides of Dix Avenue has been
presented to the Town Board which proposal would change the
present zoning classifications of certain premises described
as follows:
Commencing at a point on Quarry Crossing Road
at the boundary line between the Town of Queens-
bury, County of Warren, and the Town of Kinsbury,
County of Washington, said point being at the
intersection of an extension of the southerly
boundary line of those premises identified on
the Warren County Tax Map as 8-111-7-6 with the
boundary line between the Town of Queensbury,
County of Warren and the Town of Kingsbury,
County of Washington; thence in a generally
westerly direction along the southerly boundary
of those premises described on the Warren County
Tax Map as 8-111-7-6 to a point being the south-
westerly corner of those premises identified on
the Warren Count,,, Tax Map:: as 8-111-7-6 ; Lhence
continuing on a straight line in a generally
westerly direction to a point in the center of
a highway known as Bell Avenue; thence in a gen-
erally northwesterly direction to a point being
the southeasterly corner of L-ilose premis.cs
identified on the Warren County T Ix Mal_ as 8-lll-
7-3 ; thence in a generally westerly direct-i-on
along the southerly boundary of those p.rCIIIIiscs
identified on the Warren County Tax Maps as
8-111-7-3 to a point being the southwester ly
corner of those prc;nises identified thereon as
8-111-7-3 ; thence in a generally southerly
direction along the easterly boundary of those:
premises identified on the Warren County Tax
Map as 8-111-7-1 to a point being the soutl -
easterly corner of those premises identified
as 8-111-7-1 ; thence in a generally westerly
direction along the southerly boundary of those
premises identified on the Warren County Tax
Maps as 8-111-7-1 to a point being the south-
westerly corner of those premises identified
as 8-111-7-1. Whence in a southwesterly clir.ectio:l
to a point being, the southeasterly corner of tho',e
premises identified on the Warren County Tax D1aps
as 8-111-5-6 ; thence continuing in a generally
westerly direction along the southerly boundary of-
premises identified as 8-111-5-6 to a point
being the southwesterly crner of those premises
identified as 8-111-5-6 . in a generally
southerly direction aloncl the easLerly boundary of
those premises identified on the P%arren County Tax
Maps as 8-111-5-5 to a point being the southeaster-
ly corner of those premises identified as 58-111-5-5 ;
thence in a generally westerly direction along t1-.e
southerly boundary of those premises identified on
the WaY-ren ('ounty Tax Maps , respectively, as 8-111-
5-5 , 8-111-5-4 and 8-111-5-3 to a point
being the southwesterly corner of those l.rer;ises
identified on the Warren County, Tax Map as 8-111-
5-3; thence in a. generally northerly dirccL-i.on
along the westerly boundary of those promi.scs ic�r�lLi-
ficd as 8-111-5-3 to a point bei.tlg the SOU �
L caste.r_ly
corner of those premises ic;cnL.ified oil the Warren
County Tax Map as 8-11.1-5--2 ; t:lloncc i_n -I c�cncz:-all.y
westerly direction along the southerly boundary of
those premises identified on the Warren County Tax �.
Map as 8-111-5-2 and 8-111-5-1 to a point being
the southwesterly corner of those premises ic.enti-
fied as 8-11.1-5-1 . Thence in a goner_ a_l ly sou tij-
westerly direction to a point being the souLhcasturly
corner of those premises Aentif:ied on the arr n
County. Tax Maps as 8,111-4-2 ; thence in a generally
westerly direction in a straight line along the
southerly boundary o•€ those promises i&un tifleci on
the Warren County `1aX Maps as 8-la.1-4 and 8-lil
4-24 to a point being the southwesterly corner o %
those premises identified on Sa i'0 Lax maps as 8-111-
4-24 ; thencc2;�,, con Linui_nc7 in a (jenc rally w s tarly
direction across a highway known as Park !:vC'I"ue
to a point being the southcaSLurly corner of
those premises identified on the Warren County
Tax Map as 8-111-2-5 ; thence continuing in
generally westerly direction along the southerly
boundary of those premises iden Li fiod on thc` `Wa rrcn
County Tax Maps , respectively a:;2-4 , 8-111-2-3 , 4-111-2-2 , 8-Ili-2-1 ,
8-111-1-9, 8-111-1-8 , 8-111-1-7 and 8-111-1-6 tcj
a ;point being the southwesterly corner of those
premises shown on the Warren County Tax leaps as
8-111-1-6 ; thence in a generally southerly di-
rection along the easterly. boundary of thole
premises identified on the Warren County i'ax ^ a,j
as 8-111-1-5 to a point being the sot.iLheantorly
corner of those promises identified thereon as
8-111-1-5 ; thence in a generally wosLcrly d: rccL-
I ion along the south rly boundary of these prom-
ises described on the Warren County Tax Lap as
8-111-1-5 and 8-111-1-4 to a point being at the
intersection of the southerly boundary line-: of
those premises known on tho Marren County Tax
Maps as 8-111-1-4 and the presently existincr
boundary line of Wo presently zoned area having
a C-1 classification which exists Generally to
the west; thence in, a generally northwesterly
direction along a Itraight line being the bound-
ary of the presently existing C-1 Gone which
exists immediately .to the west to a p'&nt in
the center of Dix Avenue; $hence in a generally
easterly direction along the center line o! Dix
Avenue to a point in the enter of Dix nvQnn(
where Dix Avenue i nAorsecLs with the hounda ry"
line between the Town of Qt,o..enshu.r.y, Coi_ nLy
of Warren and the Town of Kingsbury, County of
Washington;; thence in a generally sodthc 4=y
direction along Lho boundary i i.ne KnLwoon ;" o
Town of Queensbuty, County or Warren and Lhc Town
of Kingsbury, County of Washington to the point-
or place of beginning .
r L
Commencing at a point on Dix Avenue at the boundary
line between the Town of Queensbury, County of
Warren and the Town of Kinsbury, County of Washing- .
ton, said point being the southeasterly corner `of
those premises identified on the Warren County ;
Tax Maps as 8-110-2-5; thence in a generally
northerly direction along the boundary line be },
tween the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and
the Town of Kingsbury, County of Washington, a
distance of 200 feet toga point on said boundary
line; the n ce i n a generailly westerly direction
in generally a straight line parallel to and ate;
a uniform distance of 200 feet to the north of
the southerly boundary of each of those premises
identified on the Warren County Tax Map as
8-110-2-5, 8-110-2-6, 8-110-2-4 , 8-110-2-3,
8-110-2-7, 8-110-2-8, 8-110-2-9 and 8-110-2-10
to a point on the easterly boundary of those
premises identified as 8-110-6-5„said point
being a distance of 200 feet from the so4h-
easterly corner of 8-110-6-6 as measured alonq
the easterly boundary of 8-110-6-6 and 8-110-6-5;
thence in a generally northerly direction.. along f
the easterly boundary of 8-110-6-5 to a point
being the northeasterly corner of 8-110-6-5;
thence in a generally westerly direction along
the northerly boundary of 8-110-6-5 , 8-110-6-4 ,
8-110-6-3, 8-110-6-2 and 8-110-6-1 to a point
being the northwesterly corner of 8-110-6-1;
thence in a southwesterly direction in a straight
line to a point being the'northeasterly corner of
8-110-1-13; thence along the northerly boundary
of 8-110-1-13 to= a point being the northwesterly
corner of 8-110-1-13; thence in a generally west-
erly direction in generally a straight line at a
uniform distance of 200 feet to the north of and
parallel to the southerly boundary of',each of
those premises identified on .the Warren County
Tax Maps as ..8-110-:1-14, 8-110-1-15 and 8-110-1-16
to the northeasterly .corner Hof 8-110-1-17 ; thence
in a generally westerly direction at a uniform
distance of 200 feet to the north of and parallel ,..
to the southerly boundary of those premises identi-
fied as 8-110-1-17, 8-110-1-18 , ., 8-110-1-19 , 8-110-�1-3,
8-110-1-2 .1 and 8-110-1-2 . 2 to a 'point on the easterly
boundary of 8-110-1-2 .2, said point being at _a did-
tance of 200 feet from the southerly. boundary of
8`-110-1-2k.2 at its :closest distance to any p9int on
Lill {
the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-2 . 2; thence in I
a generally northwesterly direction along the
easterly boundary of 8-110-1-2 . 2 to the north-
] easterly corner of 8-110-1-2 .2; "thence along"the
northerly boundary of 8-110-1-2 . 2 to the north-
westerly corner of 8-110-1-2 .2; thence in a
southeasterly direction along the westerly boun-
dary of 8-110-1-2 . 2; thence in an easterly . direc-
tion along the" southerly boundaries of 8-110-1-2 . 2, ,
8-110-1-2 .1, 8-110-1-3, 8-110-1-19 ,N8-110-1-18,
8-110-1-17, 8-110-1-16 , 8-110-1-15 ,- 8-110-1-14 ,
8-110-1-13, 8-110-6-8, 8-110-6-7, 8110-6=3,
8-110-6-6 , 8-1-10-2-10 , 8-110-2-9 , 8110-2-8 ,
8-110-2-7, 8-X110-2-3, 8-110-2-4 , '8-110-2-6 and
8-110-2-5 to a point being the southeasterly cor-
ner of 8-110-2-5, the point or place of beginning.
Commencing at a paint on the boundary line between
the Town of Queenabury, County of Warren and the
Town of Kingsbury, County of Washington, said point
being 200 feet to the north of the southeasterly
corner of those premises identified on the Warren
County Tax Map as ''",8-110-2-5 as measured along the
boundary line beten the Town of Queensbury, County
of Warren and the . Town of"-Kingsbury , County of Wash-
ington; thence inla generally westerly direction in
generally a straight line- at a' uniform distance of
200 feet to the north of and parallel to the south-
erly boundary of each of °those premises identified
on the Warren County Tax Map as 8-110-2-5, 8-110-2-6 ,
8-110-2-4, 8-110-2-3, 8-1`10-2-7, 8-110-2-8 , 8-110-2-9 ,
and 8-110-2-10 to''a point on the easterly boundary of
those premises identifies "as 8-110-6-5, said point
being a distance of 20'0 feet from the southeasterly
corner of 8-110-6-6 as measured along the easterly
boundary of 8-110-6-6 an&,"8-110-6-5; thence in a
generally northerly 'diretion along the easterly
boundary of 8-110-6-5 toga point being the north-
easterly corner of 8-1106-5; thence in4a generally
westerly direction along the northerly boundary of
8-110-6-5, 8-110";6-4 , 8='110-`6-3, ' 8-110-6-2 and
8-110-6-1 to a point in the northwesterly corner
of 8-110-6-1; thence in a southwesterly ,-
in a st ight 'line to a point being the -
corner A 8-110-1-13; thence along the northerly
boundarya 'of 8-110-1-13 to a point being the north-
westerl)e corner of 8-110-1-13 thence in a generally
westerly irection in
y generally a straight line at
k a uniform distance of 200 feet to the north of and
parallel to the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-14
and 8-110-1-15 to a point on the westerly boundary
of 8-110-1-14, said point being 200 feet to the
north of the southerly, boundary of 8-110-1-15;
thence in a generally northerly direction along.,.
the westerly boundary of 8-110-1-14 to a point on
the westerly boundary of 8-110-,1-14 , said point
being 500 feet to the north of the southerly bound-
" ary of 8-110-1-15; thence in generally an easterly
direction in generally a straight line at a uniform
distance of 500 feet to the north of and parallel
to the southerly boundary of each of those premises
3 identified as 8-110-1-15, 8-110-1-14 , 8-110-1-13,'
8-110-6-8, 8-110-6-7, 8-110-6-3, 8-110-6-6 , 8-110-
' 2-10, 8-110-2-9 , 8-110-2-8, 8-110-2-7, 8-110-2-3,,n
8-110-2-4 , 8-110-2-6 and 8-110-2-5 to a point, said
point being 500 feet to the north of the southeasterly
corner of 8-110-2-5 as measured along the boundary
j line between the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren
and Town of Kingsbury, County of Washington, thence in
a generally southerly direction along said boundary
line a distance of 300 feet to a point on said boun-
dary line being the point or place of beginning.
Commencing. at a point on the westerly boundary of '.
8-110-1-14 , said point being 200 feet to the north
of the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-15; thence in
a generally westerly direction at a uniform distance
of 200 feet to the north of and parallel to the
southerly boundary of those premises identified as
8-110-1-15 and 8-110-1-16 to the northeasterly corner
of 8-110-1-17; thence in a ' generally westerly direq,-
tion at a uniform distance of 209 feet to the north
of and parallel to the southerly . y,boundar of those ,
premises identified as 8-110-1-17, 8-110,, 1-18,
8-110-1-19 , 8-110-1-3, 8-110-1-2 ,1 and 87,,110-1-2 . 2
to a point on the easterly boundary of 8-110-1-2 . 2 ,
said point- being at a distance of 200 feet from the
southerly boundary of 8-110-1-2 . 2 at its closest
distance to any point on the southerly boundary of
8-110-1-2 .2; thence in generally an ''easterly' direction
in a straight line to a point on the westerly boundary
of 8-110-1-14, said point being 500 feet to the north
of the southerly boundary of 8-110-1-15 as measured
in a straight line along the westerly boundary of
J 8-110-1-14 to a point on the southerly bound ry of
8-110-1-15; thence in a southerly direction long the
westerly boundary of 8-110-1-14 a distance of 300
feet to a`• point on the westerly boundary of 8-110-
1-14 , being the point or place of beginning.
(All references to the Warren County Tax Map in each
of the aforesaid descriptions are specifically and
solely references to tax maps prepared by VanDusen-
McCormack & Bright entitled "Tax Map of the Town
of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, D4ap No. 8,
Section 110" , dated October 22, 1969 and to a tax
map prepared by VanDusen-McCormack &Bright entitled
"Tax Map. of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
New York; Map No. 8, Section 111", dated October
22, 1969) . and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the Town Board on
April dO , 1979 to consider the aforesaid application for re-
zoning and the recommendation of the Queensbury Planning
Board and the ,Varren County Planning Board with respect there-
to, and
WHEREAS, at said public hearing all persons wishing to be
heard concerning this issue were heard by the Town Board and
WHEREAS , after due deliberation, it appears that the rezoning
of said premises would be in accordance with the overall
planning and zoning scheme of the Town of Queensbury.
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance be
amended by rezoning the above described premises from their
present classifications to the-classificatiorsset forth
above and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be directed to cause notice
of this amendment to be published as required by Town Law
Section 264 and to take all other action necessary under
law to cause said amendment to 'become effective in accordance
with Town Law Section 264 and be it further
RESOLVED, that the zoning map of the Town of Queensbury be
amended to show the aforesaid rezoning of the above-described
premises and that the zoning map, as amended, be filed and
maintained in the office of the Town Clerk as required by law.
AYES : Mr. Olson, Mr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson
Mr. Brandt
i NOES: None.
Supervisor Brandt- reviewed a meeting with the Pyramid Corp. . . .noted
reservoir system to handle run off from the enlarged parking lot. . .
,RESOLUTION NO. 117, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, pursuant to
the provisions of- Saction 617.9 of the 'State Environmental Quality
Review Act hereby determines and declares that the 'proposed expansion
of the Aviation Mall in bhe 'Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New
York, will not have any significant adverse environmental impact, and
be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be deemed a negative declaration
for the purposes of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, and
be it further
RESOLVED, in view of the foregoing it is further determined and declared
that an environmental impact statement regarding this project will not
be prepared or required and it is further resolved that a notice of this
determination be prepared and filed pursuant to the provisions of Section
617. 10 of the SEAR.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
Discussion held on the next resolution:
Councilman Olson- requested that the number of feet of roadway
being discussed be placed in the resolution and also that the amount
of the proposed bond be stated. . .
Councilman Walter- I do not believe that the resolution is specific enough. . .
Councilmn Olson- I agree with the concept but I want to see the specific
areas spelled out. . .
Supervisor Brandt-It does say subject to the approval of the Attorney, and he
does know that lands there were described, I would be comfortable with that
however, I do believe that we should add your other point to post a proper
bond in the amount of the bid. . .
Representative from Pyramid- presented the Board with maps of the proposed
alignment of Quaker Hill Rodd. . . .in regard to the bond he suggested a line
be added stating a bond be established by the engineer. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 118 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board agree to deed to Pyramid the 70 foot
roadway which lies across the southwest corner of Pyramid Property
in the Town of Queensbury, (map attached) in exchange for which
Pyramid Companies deed to the Town of Queensbury a 50 foot road along
the westerly boundard of Pyramid property for the relocation of Quaker
Hill Road and of a 20 foot wide strip of land along the southerly
boundary of Pyramid land for the relocation of a water line together with
a 30 foot easement lying to the 'north of said 20 foot strip to be used
for the installation, maintenance and repair of such water line upon
the consideration that Pyramid Company of Glens Falls pays the Town of
�ueensbury the sum of $7,500. 00 in consideration of such land transfer
and be it further
RESOLVED, that such Company further agrees that the existing water line
will be relocated at Pyramid' s cost and expense which work will be performed
by the successful bidder at a public bid and will be performed under the
direction and supervision of an engineer retained by the Town of
Queensbury, and be it further
RESOLVED that a Bond, set at the rate established by the Town Engineer,
be presented to the Town by the successful bidder, and be it further
RESOLVED that the closing of this land transfer will take place as soon
as the Town Attorney has had an opportunity to review and approve all
necessary documents and as soon as practical after Pyramid' s site plan
has been approved by the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals.
` Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : Mrs. Walter
Absent: * None
Supervisor Brandt- spoke to the board on the conditsioN of .Yietbria _Drive. . .
noted it would be a great cost to the taxpayer to bring this road to grade,
noted that the Tv®n has the responsibility to finish the road to the
property line of Mr. Hoge, but I believe it is unfair to the tax payers
of the Town of Queensbury to finish the construction of that road. . .we
should ask Carl Garb officially to give us information if available
on the standard of construction of roads for the Town of Queensbury and
second to supply the Town Board with a list of roads in the condition as
Victoria Drive is in. .I will propose that we abandon such roads and who
ever owned them in the past bring them up to condition and then deed them
back to us. . .
Councilman Olson- you are talking about roads that have been accepted in
the past but have never been developed?
Supervisor Brandt- yes. . .
YMr. Howe- I am to understand that you will complete the Road to my property
Supervisor Brandt-yes -so you can go ahead and build, it would be my
intent to abandon the road from your property line on.
Councilman Walter- How many feet of road is that?
Supervisor Brandt 650' total, how far does your property line go?
Mr. HBwe-300'
Supervisor Brandt- how many feet to your driveway?
Mr. Howe- 230'
Supervisor Brandt- ld that be acceptable to
p wgu p you if it went to your
Mr. Howe- yes.
RESOLUTION N0. 112. Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests
thht the Queensbury Highway Supt. Carl Garb inform the Town Board of
the Statniard of Construction for roads in the Town of Queensbury if such
a standard exists, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board also requests that a list of roads that
have been accepted but to date have not been developed be comoll4damidd
given to the Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
Councilman Olson- noted that he had received numerous complaints in
regard to heavy vehicles using Mannis Rodd, causing the road to break
up. . .noted that the road was on the list to be posted. . . called the
Highway Dept. and was informed that the posting signs were taken down. .
request Mr. Garb to look into this. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 120, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby requests the Highway Supt. Carl
Garb to review the posting of Mannis Road due to traffic of heavy
vehicles on this road, and report his findings to the Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
March 12, 1979
The following taxpayers and residents of the Ridge Knolls
Development request the Queensbury Highway Department to pave the
Roads located within the Developed area. (list of approximately
50 names on file)
- 7 Helen Drive
Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801
April 9, 1979
Queensbury Tmm Board
Bay Road
Glens Falls, N.Y.
The following residents of Helen Drive, Town of Queensbury, respectfully
request that the Board move to blacktop that portion of the drive which is
now developed with nine houses. The dust raised from ordinary traffic,
together with that stirred up by motorcyclists who use the drive illegally
to reach the power line trails to the south of us, threatens in dry weather
to choke us all. We shall be most appreciative of your consideration in
this matter.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson (Heinrick and Helen)
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cubbins
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cutts
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Gilmore
Sincerely yours, j
Robert F. Cubbins
Supervisor Brandt- noted that the first of May the Board will be going
through the Town with the Highway Supp. to inspect roads for paving. . .
after the investigation we will give the people in that area an answer. . .
Ltr. Ms. Elizabeth Renner- (on file) complaint regarding construction
project never Glendenings project on Ridge Road. . .
Mr. Flaherty- noted that he was aware of the situation. . .the crews will
go back when the thaw is complete. . .
Mr. Denr..er4i-noted that there is a bad condition in Ridge Knolls. . .
-Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. - Active list. . .on file
� totfile$forstheirOreale-rone��le�aRereminder for Senior Citizens
property exemption. . .
Supervisro Brandt- announced to the Town Board that a Warren Co. Committee
has picked: Mr. Howe as a candidate for the position of Director of Real
Property and Assessment for the County, the Full Board will meet Friday
and if he is voted in, and Mr. Howe accepts the position we will be in
need of a new assessor__. .
RESOLUTION NO. 121 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby ffiotiesthe New York State Employment
Service of the .p bbl sn 8 .0 a foGj&jjtut b `� esepent Rndv"thht
a notion "bs Placed to -the heTp vanfeQ .setk1ban ,of the Glens Falls Post
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes : None
Absent: None
-Ltr. So. Qsby. Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. re: insurance for members
residing outside of a district. . .on file. . .
Councilman Walter- noted the she is awaiting a letter from the President
of the So. Qsby. Vol. Fire Co. before any action will be taken. . .
requested that this letter be turned over to Town Counsel. . .
The following reports were placed on file:
-Supervisor' s Monthly Report
-Town Clerk' s Monthly 4:ppott
-Dog Warden' s Monthly Report
Arthur Turnbull- questioned what the cost will be to the Taxpayers of
Queensbury for the Sewer System. . .
Supervisor Brandt-no. . .Commented that the County Costs to the Residents
of Queensbury are being updated now—the residents will have the figures
in front of them when they vote on the referendum. . .
Joseph Daire- requested that a stop light be placed at the corner of
Dix Avenue and Queensbury Ave. . . complimented the Highway Dept.
on the cleaning of his street. . .asked whether the residents will know
the hook up charges and usage charges for the sewer system before the
Supervisor Brandt-By law we have to give them that information before they
vote. . .every cost associated with it , will be in front of you.
Mrs. Davidson- questioned if the referendum for Highway Supp. includes
the wording of DPW?
Supervisor Brandt- we cannot put that word in the referendum. . .you must
first have passage of a referendum, that allows the Board to appoint
once that is done the Board can immediately move if it desires to establish
a DPW, the reason I brought this forth for formal vote was so that the
Board will be on record to the people, to tell the people what their intent
i is so that the people know that the Board intends to, in an orderly manner,
create a DPW to oversee all these functions. . .
Mrs. Davidson-In creating a DPW, does that require a Town Engineer?
Supervisor Brandt- It does not necessarily have to be an Engineer, it
vadbubtedly will require one additional person to oversee all of those
deptS . .he could be an engineer, he has to be a good administrator if a
combination could be found it probably would be ideal. . .
Mrs. Davidson- In addition you will have a Highway Supt. , Water Supt.
1.7 8
and head of the landfill?
Supervisor Brandt-Yes.
Mrs. Davidson- what will the salary be?
Supervisor Brandt-I would guess $20,000 or above, and would also guess
that, that man as a proper administrator would save that salary three times
over by proper handling of our departments.
Mrs. Davidson- I do not see yet the need for a DPW. . . each Department
Head should take care of their own depts.
Mr. Duell- Are the people in the sewer disc. required to hook up?
Supervisor Brandt- If they are in the dfst. yea. . .
Mr. Duell- voiced complaint in regards to nipping dogs. . .
Councilman Robertson- reviewed the dog ordinance.
RESOLUTION NO. 122 , Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 79-4A and numbered
432 through 549 and totaling $78,132 .09 is hereby approved with the exclusion c
of Audit number 468 and 531.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 123. Introduced by Mr. Dani4l Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby moves
into executive session.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk