2010-064 Wall "Short Stop Jolley" 41akiTOWN OFQ UEENSBURY 742 BayRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 Qu ury, (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20100064 Date Issued: Monday, August 02, 2010 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20100064 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-006-0001-029-000-0000 Location: 777 GLEN St Owner. MOBIL OIL CORPORATION Applicant: JOLLEY ASSOCIATES, A VERMONT GENERAL PARTNERSHIP This structure may be occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the (.--Davi9V /4:4.t. property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. 40�` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fivis 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20100064 Application Number. A20100064 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-029-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: JOLLEY ASSOCIATES, A VERMONT GENERAL P For property located at: 777 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: MOBIL OIL CORPORATION C/O EXXON MOBIL CORP PROPEl Sign PO BOX 53 Total Value HOUSTON, TX 77001-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2010-064 18 sq ft wall sign to read "SHORT STOP Jolley" $36.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,August 02, 2011 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the TTG ofeens mil yo, • ugust 02, 2010 --Al, SIGNED BY °f V \ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement n [(�{,*�(�J im„ OFFICE USE ONLY ,s TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO.1OIa"064/PERMIT/PERMIT FEE i ; � n£ ---. t., APPROVALS: DEPOSIT =N �;:7r ,7 8pp� , SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on�t the application form. OWNER: Jbi1,_y i5'Soc L'k; INSTALLER/BUILDER: S.3 ' Co iv: _rya e ADDRESS: -P. T60/ (,37/ 5, It16ns, Vi O5/V3 ADDRESS: at), e 67i 51, e4 1)4mi,tir('Jy7e PHONE NOS. :: 2-5z 7' 7275 PHONE NOS. DO Z"517-C7//rd LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 7 7 7 We 6-lci7 BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: BUSINESS NAME: JOltk.1 O>.'taz “f.,�,? S}Cioc CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: 5'€ -t A,Ns V41 Ae4 h PHONE: 2- i2 7-,3275 TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: freestanding (wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: Internal _External _Incandescent _Neon _Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? "Yes _No ,s IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE:C2) 5O.t'.3 Sri r 1 t'b:, Rea:. fancy,n/ s•j s 7:„ 4,1 S 4'' rT• /Oo• 416, (f) Foot; Mrtyfi bc:id;ft( - The application creates a change ✓New in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to conditions(fill in all applicable Change in setback for sign from to spaces): Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign Wording/Copy: Tol1c — / vz=k. Sign size: Length 3` x Width 6 ` =Total Sq.ft. It ' Sign Height(freestanding sign): Color and Material to be used: (rrc�„ /3/1.,e- _. ct t- Le icc,,� — 5:e ,I4-.A tc ,;4( Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign(walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codes at aueensburv.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.aueensburv.net " Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: I hereby authorize the applicant to place a -gn • my property or building. / / OWNER SIGNATURE: ��_ "- DATE: 7/131/© Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 1;I r71E4 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518-761-8201 March 16,2010 Sean Crumb S. B.Collins, Inc P.O.Box 671 St.Albans,VT 05478 RE: 777 Glen Street BP 2010-064, 065, 066, 067 Tax Map Parcel No: 302.6-1-29 Dear Mr. Crumb: I am writing to you in response to my review of your proposed signage and my recent conversations with Keith Oborne of this office regarding the above referenced Jolley Mobil location in Queensbury. I understand your proposal, based on the sign permit applications that you have submitted, to include a request for two wall signs on the building, two wall signs on the canopy and two freestanding signs on the site. Given that our sign code would allow for up to two wall signs and one freestanding sign on the subject property, a Sign Variance is necessary should you wish to proceed with your current proposal for three additional signs. Should you have any questions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Town of Queensbury Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh L:\Craig Brown\2010 Letters\BP 2010-064-067 Jolley 3_16_10.doc "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 Customer: SB Collins/Jolley Assoc. Quantity:2 Project: Queensbury Upper Glenn Price: Date: 12/2/09 Actual Size:3'x6' . slpns rv- k It is the Customers responsibility to proof read all drawings for spelling,grammar,size,quantities and layout. Approved By: All drawings and designs are the property of Xtreme Grafin,LLC 2009® and may not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. ❑Approved with marked changes Date: Tel:802.527.5023 Fax:802.527.2270 6' Lighting- Low Voltage LED 1 5,,deep il:1111%111%1141111111111111) 3' • ey 21 2010 -v6 •-- , J - k \ k A A EAST ELEVATION 777 UPPER GLEN HE , SCALE 1/8'-1'-O'Jon1A-OB fjt°� K£5T ELEVATION 777 UPPER GLEN FSU /SCALE i/8--1'-0-J.14-0814-OB '`1 � MOb, lU�• i EAST ELEVATION 777 UPPER GLEN SCALE 1/8'-i'-01 j-14-OB ���� WEST 9"ATCH 777 UPPER GLEN SCALE i/8--1'0-J-14-08 k I CA I 'I "'R ffirw NORTH ELEVATON 777 UPPER GLEN SWM ELEVATION 777 UPPER GLEN SCALE 1/8'-1'-0-J-14-08 SCALE 1/8'-1'-0'J-14-08 3 — i g j 777 GLEN STREET MOBIL -- NEW CONVENIENCE STORE 777 NYS Route 9, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, NY PROPOSED LAYOUT 777 UPPER GLEN SCALE I/e--r'-o-Jon14-0e Owr.er/Applicant: Jolley Associates 54 Lower Welden St., St. Albans, Vermont 05478 tap 116S-, vtg"g q A. Sed qll Imp e -4 0; V�IN 9H 9 2 'M 64 X'; - ii H 2 j 9-4 $FRI all v 05 MR I iA 21, \\NN gq� N\� 5 q!F- /* gq ro A A AIM L 1Nw0 Z. Z' ff'8 > W > 7 ol In m 3 :.1 Nace Engin PC 77 GLEN STREET MOBIL -0 Engineering CIVIL ENGINEERS NEW CONVENIENCE STORE 4— C) 177 NYS R.O.9. 1—of Queensbury, wr'! —tI,' NY 169 H.A.d Rd W—�hy,NY 12N4 0—/Appli...L J,!',y A-6,t,, 54 tower Welden St.,St.Albw%V--05478 WON