07-17-2014 WORKSHOP ♦J Town of Queensbury WORKSHOP AGENDA Thursday, July 17, 2014 4:00 pm Supervisor's Conference Room — Town Hall Discussion: 1. Review of Occupancy Tax Worksheet 2. Main Street Zoning Executive Session and any other business which may be properly brought before the Town Board. 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone (518) 761-8229 or Fax (518) 798-8359 http://www.queensbury.net The Chazen Companies MEMORANDUM To: John Strough, Town of Queensbury Supervisor Queensbury Town Board From: Paul W. Cummings, AICP, LEED AP Chris Round, AICP cc: Stuart Baker, Town of Queensbury Senior Planner Date: July 11, 2014 Re: Town of Queensbury Main Street Zoning Revisions This memorandum provides suggested revisions to the Town of Queensbury's Main Street (MS) zoning district and design guidelines. These revisions are based on input received during a series of public workshops that were held at the West Glens Falls Fire Company over the last several months. The public workshops addressed a wide range of Main Street related issues and opportunities, including complete streets and smart growth strategies. Additional input was provided by Smart Growth America, who hosted a multiday Main Street workshop and prepared a series of recommendations based on their professional experience and public feedback. This input is included as an attachment for reference purposes. While Smart Growth America offers several strategies that are intended to support the Town's Main Street vision (including a master development plan, municipal parking, marketing support, tax/financial incentives, etc.), the focus of this memorandum is on modifications to the existing MS zoning district. Ultimately the proposed revisions are intended to provide greater design flexibility while simultaneously encourage a walkable, mixed use environment. People are more comfortable walking on streets that have a sense of enclosure. To that end, these revisions recommend a minimum setback-to-building height ratio along Main Street.The setback-to-building height ratio measures a building's setback from the road centerline in relation to the height of the building. This approach allows for certain single-story uses to be constructed at the minimum setback/build-to line. As building setbacks increase, providing opportunities for limited parking in the front, the building height requirements increase (as well as pedestrian access and landscaping standards), thus maintaining a sense of enclosure. Furthermore, the revisions include a build-to zone standard, which would require that a certain percentage of a building's facade occupy the total lot width, again ensuring a sense of enclosure. Compliance with the proposed standards would occur via site plan review or special use permit. 1 The Chazen Companies The revisions also include improved incentives for shared and/or reduced parking, reductions in permeable surface requirements, and an improved approach to stormwater management. The revisions would also allow for residential uses on the first floor level (in multistory buildings only) via special use permit. Finally, the revisions would eliminate the MS floor area ratio standard (FAR). Based on our evaluation, it is somewhat difficult to meet the existing FAR regulations when satisfying other dimensional standards. As such, greater flexibility regarding building size, coupled with the above setback-to-building height ratio, build-to zone standard, and reduced permeable surface requirements, will provide for greater design flexibility. Furthermore, it is our experience that parking will control overall buildout of a site, and that this should be reviewed on parcel-by- parcel basis via site plan review and/or special use permit. For ease of reading, the proposed revisions are italicized and underlined and are organized in the format of the the Town of Queensbury's Chapter 179, Zoning. The relevant sections include: • §179-3-040, Establishment of Zoning Districts, • §179-7-030, Specific Design Standards, and • §179-3-040, Main Street. Lastly, we offer additional design considerations for improved parking lot landscaping and residential uses, as well some final thoughts regarding next steps. 1. Establishment of Zoning Districts: §179-3-040 §179-3-040(B)(5)(a) 1. "This district primarily allows a variety of retail, office, personal and business services uses (excluding auto service) at a scale that is appropriate to a traditional rural town main street. In addition, while residential uses are permitted on the first floor of a multistory building, residential uses above the first and second floor are encouraged. Single-story residential uses are prohibited. Conversion of existing nonconforming single-family dwellings to two- or multiple-family dwellings is prohibited. Residential uses on the first floor will require a special use permit and site plan review and approval. All single-story buildings will require special use permit. Restaurants and taverns will be allowed by special use permit..."' §179-3-040(B)(5)(b) Note these edits will require renumbering this subsection. 1 Consider specific special use standards (§179-10-070)for the Planning Board to prevent full residential buildout of the MS District. 2 The Chazen Companies 1. Front yard setbacks shall not exceed 100 feet as measured from the centerline of Main Street. 2. Buildings shall be a minimum height of 15 feet and a maximum height of 50 feet on Main Street. While a minimum of two stories is preferred, single story buildings are Permitted if they meet a build-to line setback standard of 40 feet as measured from the centerline of Main Street. All other building heights shall be a minimum of a 2.85:1 ratio as measured by the distance from (A) facade to the Main Street centerline and (B) the building height from natural grade to the highest point of the structure as shown in the figure below.? BE 11 _ _ II - A 3. Buildings shall occupy a minimum of 60 percent of the build-to zone width as measured by the building facade width divided by the build-to zone (lot) width. Where multiple buildings are located on a single lot, the cumulative building facade widths shall occupy a minimum 60 percent of the build-to zone (lot) width. The figure below illustrates the build-to zone. BUILD TO ZONE MAX SETBACK (100 FEET) MIN SETBACK(40 FEET) a=bui Id i ng facade w idth b=building depth wi th in build-to zone c=build-to zone width d=build-to zone depth 2 Consider prohibiting false upper stories/facades. 3 A new definition and figure will need to be included. 3 The Chazen Companies §179-3-040(B)(5)(b)[101[a] 1. Consider/review building footprint limits (Too big? Too small? Etc.) Existing regulations are limited to a (±)140ft x 140ft building (i.e., 20,000 square feet). §179-3-040(13)(5)(b)[10][b] 1. Consider/review building maximum building size limits (Too big? Too small? Etc.). Existing regulations are limited to an approximately four story, (±) 141ft x 141ft building (i.e., 80,000 square feet). However, other provisions only allow for a maximum of three stories (see 179-7-070(F) Architectural design). §179-3-040(B)(5)(b)[11] 1. Replace existing provision to read as follows: Percent permeable: 5% for projects less than one acre and 10% for projects greater than one acre. §179-3-040(B)(5)(b)[12] 1. Replace existing provision to read as follows: Percent landscaped: 5%. Wherever green infrastructure design features (e.g., raingardens, bioretention basins, etc.) are used the Planning Board may consider this as both landscaping and permeable areas.4 Required street plantings and visual screening for parking areas shall not be included when calculating percent landscaping.5 §179-3-040(B)(5)(b)[12] 1. Meer e,TeG r-Gtie: 3=30%- §179-3-040(B)(5)(c) 1. Remove from existing provision: 4 This may require a green infrastructure definition. 5 Consider adopting a definition for percent landscaped that is similar to the Town's existing percent of permeability,which is defined as "The area of the lot which is not covered by buildings, structures or impervious surfaces divided by the total area of the lot and multiplied by 100."Also consider adopting a "project area" definition,which may include the following: "Multiple platted lots contained on a single site plan." 4 The Chazen Companies 14ep 1.,-ee Gie ;ub.P44 -g.p-J 1 Gve G e4 G 1epq +erg, 2. Specific Design Standards: §179-7-030 §179-7-030(B) 1. "This scenario consists of varying building types and footprints lining Main Street." 3. Main Street: §179-7-040 §179-7-070(B)(1)(a) 1. "...the street-level shops shall be...restaurant, tavern, or residential along Main Street." §179-7-070(B)(1)(c) 1. Replace existing provision to read as follows: Buildings shall have a minimum setback of 40 feet and a maximum setback of 100 feet from the centerline of Main Street. In all instances, the minimum setback is preferred. Where increased setbacks (beyond 40 feet from the centerline of Main Street) are proposed the Planning Board shall strictly apply all off-street parking and sidewalk, sidewalk landscaping, public plazas, and/or outdoor dining standards identified in §179-7-070(E). §179-7-070(B)(4)(a)[1] 1. Replace existing provision to read as follows: Placement of parking areas at the rear of the building is preferred. Placement of parking at the side and front of buildings may be allowed by special use permit. Where parking is proposed at the side and/or front of buildings the Planning Board shall strictly apply all off-street parking and sidewalk, sidewalk landscaping, public plazas, and/or outdoor dining standards identified in §179-7-070(E). §179-7-070(B)(4)(a)[2] 1. Replace existing provision to read as follows: 5 The Chazen Companies Parking shall be in accordance with the Town's parking and loading regulations &179-4-090). In addition to the proposed reductions to parking for any building or development having more than one use (see &179-4-090(6), the R'anning Board may further reduce parking requirements by an additional 50% within the Main Sreet district where two or more uses occur on a single lot or where contiguous lots share access and parking. In addition, the R'anning Board may waive all or portions of the off-street parking requirements if a proposed use is within 400 feet of a municipally or private owned parking off-street parking area that has sufficient capacity. The R'anning Board may also waive all or portions of the off-street parking requirements if an applicant can demonstrate how parking demands may be mitigated and/or minimized based on trip generations, hours of operation, and/or number of employees 6 §1 79-7-070(B)(4)(a)[3] 1. "Parking areas located along the side and/or front are strongly discouraged; however front parking may be permitted may be allowed by special use permit. Where parking is proposed at the side and/or front of buildings the R'anning Board shall strictly apply all off-street parking and sidewalk, sidewalk landscaping, public plazas, and/or outdoor dining standards identified in&179-7-070(E). §179-7-070(B)(4)(a)[4] Note this revision may require a reference to a more robust landscaping standard for parking lots in the front of buildings (see Additional Design Sandard Considerations below for suggested standards). 1. "If parking is located along the side and/or front of a building, a minimum three-foot tall visual screen located within or along a four-foot planning strip between the parking area °n^'the edge^f Main Sreet sidewalka�Gw is required... §1 79-7-070(B)(4)(a)[7] 1. Business should be encouraged to share parking areas. iA44en 9a44 _Q °Yeas °r° §179-7-070(B)(4)(a)[8] Note this edit will require modification to the parking standards for one-way drive aisle widths of 20 feet (see§179-4-080). 2. Fbplace existing provision to read as follows: Consider creating a parking in lieu of fee to fund public parking facilities within the corridor. ' Consider adopting the following definition for visual screen: "A landscaped area that is a combination of shrubs, hedges and/or trees, and/or solid masonry. " 6 The Chazen Companies " ." A single or two rows of off- street parking in front of buildings is permitted. A single row of parking shall have a one-way drive aisle that does not exceed 15 feet in width. Two rows of parking may have a two-way drive aisle that does not exceed 24 feet. In all instances, rear and/or side parking is preferred. Where parking is proposed at the side and/or front of buildings the FYanning Board shall strictly apply all off-street parking and sidewalk, sidewalk landscaping, public plazas, and/or outdoor dining standards identified in &179-7-070(q. §179-7-070(F)(1)(b)Note this edit will require renumbering this subsection 1. Add the following sidewalks connection requirement: If parking is located in the front of buildings, sidewalks and walkways that connect building entrances, plazas, and outdoor dining shall be provided. Sich access should connect with public sidewalks and provide the most accommodating route practicable. FL-destrian islands, curb bumpouts, pedestrian paving patters, and crosswalks that follow internal access roads, alleywayS driveways, and/or atop raised medians should be used to make a continuous and well-defined point of pedestrian access in and around parking areas §179-7-070(E)(3)(a) Note the existing maximum height standard (50 feet) may conflict with the existing maximum story standard(three stories). 1. "BuildingsshalI be a minimum height of 15 feet and a maximum height of 50 feet on Main a reet." While a minimum of two stories is preferred, single story buildings are permitted if they a minimum setback of 40 feet measured from the centerline of Main greet. Buildings shall have a maximum of three stories..'. §179-7-070(F)(1)(b) 2. "The first-story height for multistory buildings should be a minimum of 12 feet measured floor to floor and 15 feet measured from natural grade to the highest point of the structure for single-story buildings §179-7-070(F)(2)(a) 1. Prohibited: gambrel- ;aril roofs 7 The Chazen Companies Additional Design Standard Considerations 1. Main Street multifamily dwellings (see examples below): A building type that accommodates two or more dwelling units where each unit is separated vertically by a common side wall for townhouses or vertically and horizontally integrated for apartments. Not intended for nonresidential uses. a. Height i. Ground floor elevations as measured from natural grade to first story floor height (min/max)- 2-4 feet minimum/maximum ii. Roor heights(floor to floor): 10-12 feet [select alternative] iii. Building Mass: 5-10 [select alternative] to units in any one row for townhouses, and 150-200 [select alternative] feet street-facing facade for apartments. iv. Pedestrian Access: Primary entrance must face street v. Preferred Building Bements: Poarch, Stoop,Awning/Canopy VA ��C�UDC o v v i� p 0) U C La 2. All surface parking lots with frontage on any portion of a street right-of-way (not including an alley) must be screened with the following: a. A minimum four-foot wide, parallel landscaped area with a continuous visual screen must be provided between the sidewalks and the parking lot. b. Shrubs must be a minimum of 18 inches in height when planted and must reach a minimum size of 36 inches in height within three yearsof planting. c. A 36-inch masonry wall with a minimum four-foot planting strip may be substituted for the continuous row of shrubs. 8 The Chazen Companies d. Breaks for pedestrian and vehicle access are permitted along all right-of-ways. 3. In addition to these revisions, there are several other Main Street (MS) zoning districts provisions that could be improved or added upon. This may include revised nonconforming use revisionsthat are more accommodating for changes/improvements to existing land uses. It may also include improved bicycle parking provisions. We also recommend that the town consider the following Snart Growth America recommendations: a. Develop a master plan for Main Street (i.e., a concept plan that depicts desired building layouts/configurations, new/improved roadways and points of access, and municipal parking). b. Find ways to reduce the cost of the kind of development that is desired (e.g., creation of astormwater management district). c. Incentivize desired growth through marketing, finical incentives, technical assistance with funding programs and grants, site assemblage, and municipal parking. 9 This figure depicts the various building locations and heights that would be permitted under the proposed Main Street(MS)zoning district revisions.When creating this figure,more restrictive(smaller)parcels were used to illustrate the varying types of maximum development that could be achieved in most instances.This includes proposed street width-to-building height ratio and build-to zone building width standard. Maximum Permitted Parking and accompanying Minimum pedestrian access and building height landscaping requirements Minimum building height Minimum setback 4� 75 26 20 35' - its Y, 100' e ' 15' _ Maximum setback Minimum building height 1 APPLICATION 2015 REQUEST FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OCCUPANCY TAX Request time period: August 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015 Award and distribution:July 2015 Please complete the following: 1. Name of organization: 2. Organization's Address: 3. Contact names and information: 4. Describe your organization: 5. Describe how your event, service, activity, or other, benefits the Town of Queensbury: 6. Date(s) of the above: 7. Describe how your event fulfills the following requirement: Your organization's request must be expended for promotion of the Town of Queensbury, be it tourist activities, conventions, trade shows, special events and other directly related and supported activities. Promotion or promoting is defined as furthering the growth of,establishment of,sales, and/or contributing to the growth,enlargement,or prosperity of and/or to forward or to encourage or to advance. 1 2 8. Do you have empirical data that supports your request? If so please describe: 9. Does your organization receive support from any other municipality? Is so, please describe: 10. *Specific to the funds your are requesting, please detail below how this money will be spent: *Note 1: You will be reimbursed based on actual expenses and based on the receipts you submit. *Note 2:If the occupancy tax you are requesting will be spent on the purchase of promotion products, like media ads, coffee mugs,handouts, etc., those products must include the Town's logo. TV or radio advertising would have to include recognition of the Town of Queensbury. 11. If applicable, explain how you have used the town's occupancy tax distribution(s) in the past: Please attach your organization's budget to this worksheet. 2