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2010-584 "TCT Credit Union"
TOWN OFQ UEENSBURY t-em742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20100584 Date Issued: Thursday, June 16, 2011 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20100584 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-289-015-0001-003-000-0000 Location: 9 HUNTERBROOK Ln Owner: TCT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Applicant: TCT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION This structure may be occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the % ,,( property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20100584 Application Number: A20100584 Tax Map No: 523400-289-015-0001-003-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TCT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION For property located at: 9 HUNTERBROOK Ln in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: TCT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 416 ROWLAND St Sign BALLSTON SPA,NY 12020-0000 Total value Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2010-584 FREESTANDING SIGN- change in size from 15 sq ft to 27 sq ft sign and 90 inch tall (7.5 ft. tall) sign to read "TCT CREDIT UNION" SV 11-2011 approved setback relief 2/23/2011 and SV 25-2011 approved for height relief 5/18/2011 $24.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,June 16,2012 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Tow eensb , a u �une 16,2011 ,/1 i 541 SIGNED BY C , .��, , � �` '1' � r� for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement OFFICE USE ONLY �.! F!, �-6 - X >f?C/ TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO. PERMIT FE -Call j_?-i✓f/E: ��l I l l • mi } APPROVALSO: DEPOSIT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: F Lr A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on is application must be completed and must appear on the application form. OWNER: CXe_41 r i- +.''1 INSTALLER/BUILDER: �tit!G t",�4fit�11;t er0 S MC. ADDRESS: '-I Let) Pb W 1 4 e t 3Q d is rLo iek N y ADDRESS: '39 ctr.c.ik, JJAN'Z rL e, S arQ'Ccv t1_con S. /AI PHONE NOS. 5l'3 gY 1-7Oc 2- 12C`'0 PHONE NOS. / 'S-311 / I2 L LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 9 14%.i n ter 3 ruo Lan-z.r Cif t.(c'.-'/ BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: BUSINESS NAME: Tc! ! C�i r tin to c's CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: . ' Y H 45. PHONE: 5S 3 Li —7cC ?— TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: freestanding wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: "'"Internal _External _Incandescent _Neon _Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? "Yes No IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: trye?.3 4'a hr 4 i f 1314M-e,- ILf4{— -0 it, (4 .•'lr�' The application creates a change New / in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to conditions(fill in all applicable ✓Change in setback for sign from t 2 S E=t to '5 4:4- spaces): =+spaces): ,,/Change in size of sign from i 4, 5 s% - to 2 rl � 44- 4r Change in height of sign from 7�'" to ✓ Change of wording/copy from: to: T .i C.ir 4 i-i- Un►c Sign Wording/Copy: rC.t C 1,i t t Ur; Sign size: Length /1+x Width 421 =Total Sq.ft. Q Sign Height(freestanding sign): 90 " Color and Material to be used: ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign(walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codes(a)queensbury.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.queensburv.net ✓ Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: ,0 , a DATE: 5/1-7/i/ I hereby authorize the appli .•t to place a sign on my property or building. OWNER SIGNATURE: A DATE: , u/ Eli Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 . ilai-/ / --> OFFICE USE ONLY 11 TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO/{). ) ' IPERMIT FEE '--1 J .} f 2010 APPROVALS. DEPOSIT 1144— SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: r Tr - Fr r. . ," A permit must be obtained before installation of your per a(J f, t aj n. 0 icabts'spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. OWNER: Ti R TC T Cr e4 I1 Unton INSTALLER/BUILDER: 56t roc foie/Sign Pry s IK c . ADDRESS: 14i to bwlanC S{-,rSalIcto,544,N ADDRESS: S15 &rand P!'venve.1 SocccfvyiSgyc Ny' •PHONE NOS. C. -83(1-706.2_ ( OLS el NOS. Sid'-5-1P-1 --/I I I t�g D(A LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 1 141.411+fr 8 rook Lc:01e BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: BUSINESS NAME: TCT Creek* OA t 0h CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: .IYV k i )4-5: PHONE: 'S 4-1002. TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: V freestanding wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: ✓Internal _External _Incandescent _Neon _Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? i/Yes No IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: '�fR-ASfi'nn avlq i n r I. tee 4f.,At +0 bu`(4:el The application creates a change New J .J in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to conditions(fill in all applicable Change in setback for sign from to spaces): V Change in size of sign from i LIQ 5 S'j.(t to Z7 S9• t- v Change in height of sign from 12." to 100 n Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign Wording/Copy: TCT CtredI-t-On,on u Sign size: Length74 x Width (Q2l f= Total Sq.ft. a1 Sign Height(freestanding sign): g ly 11/ Color and Material to be used: ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codesAqueensbury.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.queensburv.net ✓ Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is uthorized by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: B�I�Ti�� DATE: f//2`t//D I hereby authorize the ap rnt to place a sig on my property or building. OWNER SIGNATURE: `� DATE: Ii /2 7 / (6 QwTown of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Brno Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 -i ' 2t 5 �' b`'CL SI/ (315 ,D-6( ( /-e---;// Queensbury Office CTe ' b CREDIT UNION 9 At 1 , T o , I � T , co .,, ..„ CREDIT UNION I 1 N CO N 74" Internally illuminated cabinet, double faced, solid aluminum face with translucent acrylic letters, push thru style each face 27 sq. ft total height above grade 90" j SARATOGA SIGN PRO'S INC. / Drawing property of 595 GRAND AVENUE —eft. Saratoga Sign Pro's,Inc. SIGN PRO S SARATOGA SPRINGS,NY 12866 �e�► Unauthorized reproduction or use Ph.(518)584-1111 Fx.(518)587-5094 !� is strictly prohibited.©2010 F)19 —5g17 PROPOSED VIEW - HEADING NORTH u • • m 44. ■ .,: TcT ■ • • 1. s�yr. -24 jilt 4 ie Tri I \ Hour M • C�T�` ATMA 4; CREDIT UNIT 1 ■ 5FT 20 FT FROM• CENTER LINE FRONT PROPEF Y LINE i I SARATOGA SIGN PROS INC. Drawing property of 595 GRAND AVENUESaratoga Sign Pro's, Inc. SIGN [�F2f3'S SARATOGA SPRINGS,NY 12866Unauthorized reproduction or use Ph.(518)584-1111 Fx.(518)587-5094 is strictly prohibited.©2010 r , ,,- PROPOSED VIEW - HEADING SOUTH I, , 1 1 . • • • , /- , , :,. '-1,/. ,!,f - - . _ 1 ,o ,, '--1...,. if. ; ,, 5, . t. • .('' k• -• A. . ,. , -0 •• I ' It,'' „ 's f f- ,, %le -- r•• ____- ,,Ziggi''''-, . . • .:. % 1 ' ,./.,''' ' • , '- ''' • -''''1 ." 1 :1'• rife'',"?..---:';' • ''''. ' ‘' A"' / 4ii't13 f'-' '1 ' ,, •- -,. .....,,,‘ ." i, ' i !,f, -, '., i , 1., 1. s %,„A,,,,,A 1., kiiii, 0.,,i . it ' * ', .", ,.,,:z• --:. A # r' . 1 / ''Ar 111'.. , ; l• -44-titiliii ,:fir,, %,,. 4. • • :e , ll.roh,':'1 ' ' 'N'-‘1,1%%Lb-'''',!: I," et , . . 11.• i. .. 111, ,.‘. it % , ..,,,,, ,. It ,,,, ,,,1, 1 I • II,' ' .' • A- - 'i -,',‘-. `' ir .*, , , . 41, 41,f, , ., 'az. `;',''lli/‘L, ,i i;I':71'P -.`.,• 4 I, big ' ift-c"Oil i; -t; - ,2- ---- -- ':" .I - ,4. :'•:!,'t .2-ii ,----- 1 -• ; ; f i it ‘ I, 1i • V 1 ' "- , . . . ., -- tog', .i' . f'• '4,-,,-.W.I.--, ' -.4i, F . , A'r-• *- --— At' . • ,1••.‘,I II f i•-...^.„,-: IA- - .,,. rAtk 41? . •- t• ."• '' '''tki,.% 4 — • i - - . — if "111111111111111111 .., Zr...,-.1.17:14/11,1,„41111111111111.111.11111111 I '''.,-.:.,-","'-'`. •.,;• . . '',,,,,'-•.''. 'l'-'' ••-,-4•V,'lig-i,4,7 , -'... ' ‘',.;:' ,- -- • - — ,.,••,,,,,,•_,11-0,6.14. - -70.-4,,,-; ,.,..- . , , . . 1 SARATOGA SIGN PRO'S INC. Ank- Drawing property of 595 GRAND AWENUE Saratoga Sign Pro's,Inc. , SARATOGA SPRINGS,NY 12866 SICN viz()S Unauthorized reproduction or use Ph.(518)584-1111 Fx.(518)587-5094 , is strictly prohibited.©2010 Queensbury Office -lkiblIk_ 24 � Hour 1 ----..,, ,„ 117M \- 9 t 1$a I \� i 24 � 1 \ ,\' Hour I `\ ATM ' - 1 N \ Co I CREDIT UNION co t CV 9 (O 1 7 r c) I 1 74" ; I , Internally illuminated cabinet, double faced, solid aluminum face with translucent acrylic letters, push thru style I each face 27 sq. ft total height above grade 8'4" SARATOGA SIGN PRO'S INC. Drawing property of 595 GRAND AVENUE Saratoga Sign Pro's,Inc. skGN SARATOGA SPRINGS,NY 12866 Unauthorized reproduction or use Ph.(518)584-1111 Fx.(518)587-5094 is strictly prohibited.©2010 Zoning Board of Appeals - Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 FOLLOW-UP RESOLUTION • February 25, 2011 TO: Judy Frolish PROJECT FOR: Judy Frolish/TCT Federal Credit Union Saratoga Sign Pro's, Inc. 9 Hunterbrook Lane 595 Grand Avenue Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Your application, after review and consideration by the Zoning Board of Appeals,was: _X_ Approved. The variance approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. You may request an extension of approval before the one (1) year time frame has expired. See section 179-14-090 A copy of the resolution is attached. Additional requirements and review for this project shall include: Zoning Office _X See approval conditions in resolution. _X_ Submit four(4) copies of the approved plan depicting all changes and conditions of the approval as adopted by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Please bring the plans to the Zoning Office for the Zoning Administrator's signature. These plans will need to be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of a building permit. _X_ Please contact Bruce Frank, Code Compliance Officer at 761-8226 within 30 days of the ZBA approval date for a site inspection before any work is started. Page 1 of 2 Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary(such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board.) Zoning Board of Appeals - Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 . Continued Follow-Up Resolution Letter ZBA Meeting Date: Wed., February 23, 2011 Sign Variance No. 11-2011, TCT Federal Credit Union Building Department Application for a Building Permit Application for a Certificate of Occupancy _X_ Application for necessary Sign permits, if applicable No further discretionary review is necessary at this time This office will be performing necessary inspections related to Site issues, not Building Code issues, throughout the duration of the project. Completion of and continued compliance with all details and conditions of approval are required in order to receive and maintain approvals. Sincerely, Clk-- Craig Brown • Zoning Administrator CB/sh End. cc: TCT Federal Credit Union Page 2 of 2 Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary (such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board.) Zoning Board of Appeals - Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 • Steven Jackoski, Chairman Roy Urrico, Secretary • TO: Judy Frolish PROJECT FOR: Judy Frolish/TCT Federal Credit Union Saratoga Sign Pro's, Inc. 9 Hunterbrook Lane 595 Grand Avenue Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 The Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the following request at the below stated meeting and has resolved the following: Sign Variance No. 11-2011 Judy Frolish/TCT Federal Credit Union Meeting Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 Approved X MOTION THAT HAVING REVIEWED THE SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM FOR PROJECT APPLICANT SIGN VARIANCE NO. 11-2011 SARATOGA SIGN PRO'S, AGAIN, IT'S TCT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, WE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT FORESEE ANY ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE CHANGE IN THE SIGN LOCATION AS PER THEIR REQUEST SO I.WOULD GIVE IT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION, Introduced by James Underwood who moved for its adoption, seconded by Joyce Hunt: Duly adopted this 23rd day of February, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Clements, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Kuhl, Mrs. Hunt, Mr. Garrand NOES: Mr. Urrico,Mr. Koskinas MOTION TO APPROVE SIGN VARIANCE NO. 11-2011 JUDY FROLISH, SARATOGA SIGN PRO'S INC. FOR TCT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, Introduced by Brian Clements who moved for its adoption, seconded by Ronald Kuhl: 9 Hunterbrook Lane, Cross Roads Professional Park. The applicant proposes to remove existing freestanding sign and install a new 27 square foot, 62 inch tall internally lit freestanding sign at a new location. The relief requested is the parcel will request Sign Variances as follows: The front setback request for 10 feet of relief from minimum required 15 feet setback as per Chapter 140. Criteria for considering the sign, in making the determination, we should consider, Number One, whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a Page 1 of 2 Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary (such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board.) Zoning Board of Appeals - Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 Continued ZBA Resolution ZBA Meeting Date: Wed., February 23, 2011 Sign Variance No. 11-2011,TCT Federal Credit Union 9 Hunterbrook Lane detriment to nearby properties will be created by granting of this Sign Variance. Minor impacts to the neighborhood may be anticipated. Number Two, whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue other than a Sign Variance. The applicant could place the sign in a compliant location but this seems to be the best location. Number Three, whether the requested Sign Variance is substantial. The request for 10 feet or 67% of relief from the 15 foot setback requirement for the MDR zone may be considered moderate to severe relative to the Ordinance. However, it will be setback 17 feet, I believe, from the pavement. Number Four, whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions of the neighborhood or district. Minor impacts are anticipated. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created. The difficulty could be considered self-created. I move to approve Sign Variance No. 11-2011. Duly adopted this 23rd day of February, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: Mrs. Hunt,Mr. Underwood, Mr. Clements, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Garrand NOES: Mr. Koskinas, Mr. Urrico Sincerely, . Steven Jackoski, Chairman Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals SJ/sh The variance approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval. You may request an extension of approval before the one (1) year time frame has expired. See section 179-14-090 Final, approved plans in compliance with this variance must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building & Codes personnel. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits are dependent on receipt. Page 2 of 2 Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary (such as review by the Queensbury Planning Board.) QUDZXG NOR$ 108MIC =19 SOIL PERCOLATION ]M-4tl -ABSORPTION TRENCH SYSTEMS I The Contractor shall remove all waste material and atem^"" To ^SWJWD "W" ILOW UVA"00 excess sop from the, owner's prworty and legally dispose of it. A WAW • 4dsr ,AIEar lrate>rrnr �'I;�r werro j ftemaditles too-- 386..25i • 2. slope sides of *xcavagAa0 comply with local codes aumv~aw, r lr rc ' IE Dae UffC TAW NVOT apt .-383.50 and ordinances havinq 14WDiction. Maintain sides and hum SWMC TAW WMT OUT 383.25 slopes of excavations M;fe condition until .craw kvPMAMA., 9146 &.NL ONSTAttatimm sox WVW W 382.85 completion of backf il 0/9 V) 01111111111111110111 sox NVOT OUT 382.60 41 WaIdEM OW11101110101d LATERAL INVERT pa ., 3. Prevent surface water and subsurface or ground water 38235 from flowing into excavations and from flooding project L__ BOTTOM 01SOMM1000 LATIUM T116tdCM 381.85'; site. iIT4 0111LA rM AM& 112amMU TOP QW11141111110111 LATVAL W&WN 382.8R It 6:0500 @* FISS"go 011AD11 AT MOWIFTM SySned 383.9!, i 4. Dackfill excavations as promptly as work permits* but 4:417:8111 r 2.110 not without acooeptance by Landscape Architect of 7WIWCI-1250 Gallon construction below finish grade. #2 DistdW#on Box Seamless Sepoc Tank 21 0:0010 9* &00 NOTES a -size 9walm• I , 0 a a - o-,oJ- 1 0 doia to V W*%o S. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more 31 6:12.00 0' 6 6 a 6 4 6• • fids debris, vegetation and deleterious material. 16114MM BOX 11HALL BE SM To them 60 in loose depth. Fill material shall be front sm ffis 14* TAPERED IMXE 4 P%UQ 3.00 0 1000113ALIAN CONCKTJ U"IC TAW AM a WSTF 4!5q; ;."Pas 1. (IlIPICAQ CASI *IAC111,1140 ft to"T "UM COWAW. &%MACK WW VOWL do• so 41 * a a 06 Ir'do a •so dob Compact all trench backfill to 954 standard proctor. 41: W.0 Ir 3.60 •0 ALL CA&TWA OU" N LAW OW LAVIL ON A NO OF CWAB4EO ;OOM 6 a 0410 0 0 0 4 0 a off 4. :4 a 0 • -1 W 0 I GAL. flow• a 6. Gravel and sub -base sh*4 be laid in 4" lifts and shall 0 •NSM AM%KAVM HATI AT LATUIAL TRENCHES IS 1.2' 6 41 4 0• 6 6-20-00 V 0 * 9 conform to the typical section for pavement. All a". GAL 6:23:30 V 3.50 L-- • a •also a 4% •06. a 4 •0 •Seri holes and depressions shall be filled with gravel and do &ADM 0RAIN TO SIFFOC TANK NIALL BE 4- 1111101184711111 •SCHIMS 40 PVC VA1W TOG"T - r X ro-rolled. •S%VVdT-W111M JONM LAID AT A MWA*W 8LOF6 OF Ma r "w"e-FINIF Doodles stodifts"on no a 1.2 atoom. 41101111110`1111010SE11,111CTA111t, &Jones" VAT" TOM JONI$ LAND AT A 1111114011,11111 ILON OF OIL ads #71 ... 6 as, 3• Ae TO 04714111106001 BOX SNALL ONE EITHER 4* SCHERU 40 PVC OR UK 7. All vegetation not indicated to be removed shall be 35 PVC maintained and protected Atwisog construction. Where 0 CRUS"60 FAXK SKALL In ASTIN 007 IA_ -IF trees (20 C11 cal So greater) occur in a cut or fillO a Ustato as TM Anonefflon sysTima, 101104MUMISTMOMLOOCT Nam" well situation exceeding 180 grade, maintain trees at drip 0 WAOVI ALL GRAU AND 0111GAINIC 114011TO1111 0110101 A8110011"T10110 AKA. edge until final field determination is made by Landscape Architect. 0 DIST11111411ORS SHALL M 4' 0AINFIN MWWAT90 PVC 114 =UMM STNMOOL orwi % t Memo" • Y• """4 '"wTwn& 9.&N%MDTOGPASL 11. Provide clean seed -tree salt hay or,threshied straw • Install clean out in building drain at 43-dwpe* fitting. mulch on newly planted areas, unless otherwise 051Pth Of cover Ob"111 building never will be 24". doo Bring septic ta n IV of finish" graft by placeseent Of oollaft on indicated. Ramulch areas disturbed by wind or nk and distribution box coDveft to withi. maintenance activities. 'Keep lawn areas moist daily 4" 1 W 0 Place a minima Go Of 06V top of coatings. co"act0d, leveled, crushed stone ABSORPTION TRENCH until lawn is established and acceptable ptable to Landscape F_ PT'_% C.. S-y:5TV_r-,tI, bES1(,14 0"nor septic tolluk 04 distribution box. • Architect. Is TO Preclude the -pose lity of frost heave or freeze up the ductile iron sleeve -or Aw ...... the dr ' Ivessay shall be imbiooaolog. 4 TA II 12. All excavation for rough grading and trenches is deep trem* of at"'., D 'Prevent Intl crushed StOni with*fIltor tabric above to =100 of flines unclassified. (S�FILW. . Place 6 4:ar11;!Z layer of 0106" coil t otV wide the Pipe and below lystyre" ion itbove Ybr-APAT =ft9:8=X;ub-qrdoddo Material. 13. Send stockpile storage area. ILMON 0221 1L. All plants to sett ainialm standards of the Americia "Olosistiota, of we"Orratan. Or uAx 2., OS AC 411toke nvery prossafton to avoid damage to any vegetation LOT to res"a. 01y IV 400a IAA6. a arm 3. Contractor shall refer to iaSthies..dsatrflsg for +!.1>ttT•. % 3.0""oss o4proposod ut111ti .. ItiTivaP bJC a"' � / 4. ftp soil and seed all disturbed areas not scheduled to C= C3 receive work. 9=1 CZ =MC3 S, Plants sh"I be delivered only as they a= be Installed C3 C2 C3 C3 In "&sc*&I* ti". Jai plants are sIabjected to• :3 0170 CC23 C3 Deepat "Live" by owner or las"cat" akohitect. PA Lvc i ti kCAL-0- =C30 C3 12 75 SP -i-, ISO Is, 9 A. JW sized and twed shown of apted ea. dFiflecw- I IrWA4 ISO 61: %:1- 7. 100caties of all planting to be vorified by landscape It100, Architect. ? S. L, 2or- W_Rr_MhTW 00.000"tor *hall guarantee all planted materials a %1*rC_K MaRr staitttatts of I Tear tine. 5.g -5 Contra~ *W I maintain all work inclu g . .. .... . ..........so+riag and protetatisa iron traffic aatil final: ...... .... atot -oggf.g'. ........ . saweptiman of tae project. .. vulab shall be sbr*dded wood and free 0C all !o Digo 2.. X 4 ....... .. -S ro %:xvr,, toction from traffic 2mt!tl final materials sad we G -LAV -9 AT EIIV..eta Daae of VW project. cotiiiii • .. . ...... ► Contr 34 actor is responsible to repair or replace OIL items damaged outside construction units or "S%Ufted opp on site which we sot port of the identified v6110 Sot 6 t this o0straict. U Amended to roll ill shall consist of (2) pwt • 83 (a I shmmp" topsoil cad boaaaaa-I 1 20. 1310- to 4 cu.yrds. torsoll. A 13* iiiiYi INV 30% Ilk Fesques 4S 201 Winner Kentucky DIU* .07% op -Type Perennial Dye 49% Turf 90% T. N 333 4 fflg. ........ "", ....... ... lot: 4 ii. MAIN 2_0' DILAINN* ......... fg %q, p k 0 .3 A . ........... • • nr . ... . -;b 'tOWN OF QUEENSBURY #00, 3MI % M BAY ROAD, WEEMMY, N.Y. 1204-1725 (510) 74$-4400 Mmuz: -i.qw JbIlloetowl.- OT & ig, 'Niffl! ..si.3..i.i,r10to 41 101141111 or GURS3111101111tv . ........ Min coatton"n tft owwArin 80=11FIC"Zon -g- Mrs. Nerylee Godoline Mrs. Margaret Soney X % Chair so tary La 16 2 bury Avenue 7 5 Dim ;:Ck Stood r kRoA OT Queenabdry, New Toik 12604 Simsbury, Vpw Tork 12804 lExr(.-. GtAU417S, 3US M. HMI'fl- To- (X) Warren County Planning Word DATE Jundo, is 10104 (x) oudoonsbury Town Planaing ad. :! ouseseboury "."ning ad. (1) Applicant M or 24-94 - TM Ire"Cal c"41.4t Usioso Qtftoft 1t4'-rtJoS Ate 011, SAOM. *44 vamm lob 0CC5 has reviewed the request fort ( ) Verianc*do, (1) site Plan %6-%*,k,Tb eommucribi4 Tu kII&VAN Ut-rour Review, other - and have the following recommnfttioas: I ir P (X) Arrmov" OF PLO "mum &M-1 project Is proposed bdo'coustruatod in Cross Roods Park at the garner of Say h Blind - Rock Roads. Proposal is- for 0,AS 'rig L.C. coustruckAden of a 1,2711 sq. It. single a ' tory office building bWAist Swtvocv Swit., -av Tmsrdt"ec. At"ta tuv- -ra 0-A-SUL to house-st "w credit union *.Nice - Tbr Testples; are to be 1,0 'rAhoco,^ft right aide of building* filth cedar 'lentisgs plans" for this Co^*v-OL*J.- 5mr-Io. F;,.,oiw aide.e. There, Is a two (3) year limit for a drivo-Urs 4indow to be installed.. Any outside treat dumpaters *III pe' in an ws F�*%_ front " roadside) sproadingfwo and buW$wbomemor,lag bushes are to be \,*rev, 1>r%-vrm *Orr DIFSt4o.1i COA051'. S in trout of buildftaq; There JFd a drive-thind window p1*4nad on •encloW or". COAJ 1"11160 6 M AP4 t^. lel-.. In addition to the shows landscaping, Screening and Planting Provisions, the Consitt*o.*sbis to goon record that It do** not approve: 1. Non -conforming 9011100111 . 2. Plastic or Art= wpos, 'shrubs ek flowers. In approvi . "tledo above (or snacked plans), the committee has the eatpreased' or Implied all 'tho applicant Ao, replace 1 Immediately dead trees, shrubs f 01 plants, and to give proper malutonsacoo to.all plantings. All rubbish containers or dumpaters vW1 be teareed1ted, all plantings shall be mulched and tress shall Z bat"Malsod qr planted, as agreed.; Respectfully submitted, ,fn&UJJ" dahm Mrs. *ryles welins, Char ver on names ommomompm 8L XAL_ :_Pt.T.s. 11 VUASO `(lolwl11419%4-1 8. Where vegetation in to be removed, clear trees and grub all stumps to a depth of 24" below finish 760 III A11110"T" T"pdC" I", OU" "AV, M• 5W LOW FMORATED LATIOWS ON a M 6 0 0 a a 0 0 0 06 as :6• a• grade. ?*-IS* IS* CD#TV%L r .6 a on•ra .3 KI 04 speed 9. Topsoil is to be strip and stockpiled on site. 4. shocams 4. . L rLm"rioveas _XZ & LEVEL 15 GrPb/ F_ MFW W Ca --%S C-eM 'rPJTALL- 11111111110UMM LATPAL TrrAO*S 11"LLSE 24' 1111001 AM 13- PEEP. PROV"8417CAU"D 00"UMMLAWMAWANMTHE OMMOFM. rg"S a A ft a il a &to 4faso-0 .80 a a 0 0 9 # ff so •a se 'i As �ovmwrata6 0 tu&4 we. CnuSMFAXKTftKWS FOLTM FAW SM TO W= OTF 130 ie 00 411 on a so It • dtX 'to a 0 do 10. All ol*vatioris shown are finish elevation, except an 1AVA&AM LOCALLY AT A01110010M HKN"y "WOMOtt. &""Nam- noted . AIV&OW WM FAMWP TOP. 11011014. me ALA, IV no" PROVIN V TOM" AW '"wTwn& 9.&N%MDTOGPASL 11. Provide clean seed -tree salt hay or,threshied straw • Install clean out in building drain at 43-dwpe* fitting. mulch on newly planted areas, unless otherwise 051Pth Of cover Ob"111 building never will be 24". doo Bring septic ta n IV of finish" graft by placeseent Of oollaft on indicated. Ramulch areas disturbed by wind or nk and distribution box coDveft to withi. maintenance activities. 'Keep lawn areas moist daily 4" 1 W 0 Place a minima Go Of 06V top of coatings. co"act0d, leveled, crushed stone ABSORPTION TRENCH until lawn is established and acceptable ptable to Landscape F_ PT'_% C.. S-y:5TV_r-,tI, bES1(,14 0"nor septic tolluk 04 distribution box. • Architect. Is TO Preclude the -pose lity of frost heave or freeze up the ductile iron sleeve -or Aw ...... the dr ' Ivessay shall be imbiooaolog. 4 TA II 12. All excavation for rough grading and trenches is deep trem* of at"'., D 'Prevent Intl crushed StOni with*fIltor tabric above to =100 of flines unclassified. (S�FILW. . Place 6 4:ar11;!Z layer of 0106" coil t otV wide the Pipe and below lystyre" ion itbove Ybr-APAT =ft9:8=X;ub-qrdoddo Material. 13. Send stockpile storage area. ILMON 0221 1L. All plants to sett ainialm standards of the Americia "Olosistiota, of we"Orratan. Or uAx 2., OS AC 411toke nvery prossafton to avoid damage to any vegetation LOT to res"a. 01y IV 400a IAA6. a arm 3. Contractor shall refer to iaSthies..dsatrflsg for +!.1>ttT•. % 3.0""oss o4proposod ut111ti .. ItiTivaP bJC a"' � / 4. ftp soil and seed all disturbed areas not scheduled to C= C3 receive work. 9=1 CZ =MC3 S, Plants sh"I be delivered only as they a= be Installed C3 C2 C3 C3 In "&sc*&I* ti". Jai plants are sIabjected to• :3 0170 CC23 C3 Deepat "Live" by owner or las"cat" akohitect. PA Lvc i ti kCAL-0- =C30 C3 12 75 SP -i-, ISO Is, 9 A. JW sized and twed shown of apted ea. dFiflecw- I IrWA4 ISO 61: %:1- 7. 100caties of all planting to be vorified by landscape It100, Architect. ? S. L, 2or- W_Rr_MhTW 00.000"tor *hall guarantee all planted materials a %1*rC_K MaRr staitttatts of I Tear tine. 5.g -5 Contra~ *W I maintain all work inclu g . .. .... . ..........so+riag and protetatisa iron traffic aatil final: ...... .... atot -oggf.g'. ........ . saweptiman of tae project. .. vulab shall be sbr*dded wood and free 0C all !o Digo 2.. X 4 ....... .. -S ro %:xvr,, toction from traffic 2mt!tl final materials sad we G -LAV -9 AT EIIV..eta Daae of VW project. cotiiiii • .. . ...... ► Contr 34 actor is responsible to repair or replace OIL items damaged outside construction units or "S%Ufted opp on site which we sot port of the identified v6110 Sot 6 t this o0straict. U Amended to roll ill shall consist of (2) pwt • 83 (a I shmmp" topsoil cad boaaaaa-I 1 20. 1310- to 4 cu.yrds. torsoll. A 13* iiiiYi INV 30% Ilk Fesques 4S 201 Winner Kentucky DIU* .07% op -Type Perennial Dye 49% Turf 90% T. N 333 4 fflg. ........ "", ....... ... lot: 4 ii. MAIN 2_0' DILAINN* ......... fg %q, p k 0 .3 A . ........... • • nr . ... . -;b 'tOWN OF QUEENSBURY #00, 3MI % M BAY ROAD, WEEMMY, N.Y. 1204-1725 (510) 74$-4400 Mmuz: -i.qw JbIlloetowl.- OT & ig, 'Niffl! ..si.3..i.i,r10to 41 101141111 or GURS3111101111tv . ........ Min coatton"n tft owwArin 80=11FIC"Zon -g- Mrs. Nerylee Godoline Mrs. Margaret Soney X % Chair so tary La 16 2 bury Avenue 7 5 Dim ;:Ck Stood r kRoA OT Queenabdry, New Toik 12604 Simsbury, Vpw Tork 12804 lExr(.-. GtAU417S, 3US M. HMI'fl- To- (X) Warren County Planning Word DATE Jundo, is 10104 (x) oudoonsbury Town Planaing ad. :! ouseseboury "."ning ad. (1) Applicant M or 24-94 - TM Ire"Cal c"41.4t Usioso Qtftoft 1t4'-rtJoS Ate 011, SAOM. *44 vamm lob 0CC5 has reviewed the request fort ( ) Verianc*do, (1) site Plan %6-%*,k,Tb eommucribi4 Tu kII&VAN Ut-rour Review, other - and have the following recommnfttioas: I ir P (X) Arrmov" OF PLO "mum &M-1 project Is proposed bdo'coustruatod in Cross Roods Park at the garner of Say h Blind - Rock Roads. Proposal is- for 0,AS 'rig L.C. coustruckAden of a 1,2711 sq. It. single a ' tory office building bWAist Swtvocv Swit., -av Tmsrdt"ec. At"ta tuv- -ra 0-A-SUL to house-st "w credit union *.Nice - Tbr Testples; are to be 1,0 'rAhoco,^ft right aide of building* filth cedar 'lentisgs plans" for this Co^*v-OL*J.- 5mr-Io. F;,.,oiw aide.e. There, Is a two (3) year limit for a drivo-Urs 4indow to be installed.. Any outside treat dumpaters *III pe' in an ws F�*%_ front " roadside) sproadingfwo and buW$wbomemor,lag bushes are to be \,*rev, 1>r%-vrm *Orr DIFSt4o.1i COA051'. S in trout of buildftaq; There JFd a drive-thind window p1*4nad on •encloW or". COAJ 1"11160 6 M AP4 t^. lel-.. In addition to the shows landscaping, Screening and Planting Provisions, the Consitt*o.*sbis to goon record that It do** not approve: 1. Non -conforming 9011100111 . 2. Plastic or Art= wpos, 'shrubs ek flowers. In approvi . "tledo above (or snacked plans), the committee has the eatpreased' or Implied all 'tho applicant Ao, replace 1 Immediately dead trees, shrubs f 01 plants, and to give proper malutonsacoo to.all plantings. All rubbish containers or dumpaters vW1 be teareed1ted, all plantings shall be mulched and tress shall Z bat"Malsod qr planted, as agreed.; Respectfully submitted, ,fn&UJJ" dahm Mrs. *ryles welins, Char ver on names ommomompm 8L XAL_ :_Pt.T.s. 11 VUASO `(lolwl11419%4-1 gym.- srow-.% Tmt&% t4s 3 b-3 4 TREE PLANTING DETAIL I,, QNM .1 0 77.4.v. V. Ltf,-my ept-si %met 4 .%w 14 F C40110111101110 0 IY4. 1VF co.00IL- 20 mwm* 16" "WT 0-W, 11WK 4 roobb"90 Wt Wb*T&& OVAW. 14w" Oil" . &OW-WIM 40po mo. It; pkyry r a& 1111P W W ".4 t I CL4044. k5n_ -oil bw kf-wT irem "A 6ibb0or CONCRETE WALK M T3. V 1 . 10 wa 4#4VF" rpftiiw �._. I I i � I I i \44 A I. ic- 1 (I gill �I Oil Mw11) 4-V L SK C U.R I FA 9 n6iq ITITLE: PLOT PLAN., PRIN"' JUL 0 f PROJECT: CBM _QU � EENS Te-TFjo�Lr4,, 0__fL%fb%,r U#4iW4 F. O.'afix 775 C.LI;Twi Ntr. My I;Lofs SCALE: DATE: DRAW1 As Nwrga, ,x/23/11 DRAWN -BY: CNECKED BY: PROJECT No:-- APP-R-L-VAL.- 0 -.4. 5 .3 KI 04 A" TL%w% Fqv_ S?,LE:X'b11#4fr- YWW cscor 2-Y6EAR.s. As �ovmwrata6 0 tu&4 we. _0T 2- Norroc, A" Nv-g,%s Nar curb Te4 -6v . ... .. ... Secemb As A(*-rvt,. Ofwww ?-T -Ilulq PAW4 ass gym.- srow-.% Tmt&% t4s 3 b-3 4 TREE PLANTING DETAIL I,, QNM .1 0 77.4.v. V. Ltf,-my ept-si %met 4 .%w 14 F C40110111101110 0 IY4. 1VF co.00IL- 20 mwm* 16" "WT 0-W, 11WK 4 roobb"90 Wt Wb*T&& OVAW. 14w" Oil" . &OW-WIM 40po mo. It; pkyry r a& 1111P W W ".4 t I CL4044. k5n_ -oil bw kf-wT irem "A 6ibb0or CONCRETE WALK M T3. V 1 . 10 wa 4#4VF" rpftiiw �._. I I i � I I i \44 A I. ic- 1 (I gill �I Oil Mw11) 4-V L SK C U.R I FA 9 n6iq ITITLE: PLOT PLAN., PRIN"' JUL 0 f PROJECT: CBM _QU � EENS Te-TFjo�Lr4,, 0__fL%fb%,r U#4iW4 F. O.'afix 775 C.LI;Twi Ntr. My I;Lofs SCALE: DATE: DRAW1 As Nwrga, ,x/23/11 DRAWN -BY: CNECKED BY: PROJECT No:-- APP-R-L-VAL.- 0 -.4.