05-06-2014 Queensbury Parks and Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the May 6, 2014 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at
the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room
Chairman Matthews called the meeting to order at 7:03pm
Roll Call:
• Present—Wendy Matthews, Judy Goralski, Lisa White, Greg Hewlett, Lloyd Mott
• Excused —Todd Eicher, Jennifer Switzer
• Staff—Lori O'Shaughnessy, Jeri Baertschi, Gary Crossman
• Guests —Queensbury High School Students (8)
2.) Approval of Minutes:
Commissioner Hewlett motioned to approve the April 1, 2014 minutes, seconded by Commissioner Mott;
all members approved.
3.) Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
a.) Monthly Correspondence:
• Jim Lieberum Warren County Hazard Mitigation Coordinator response to a letter sent by Director
Lovering regarding the condition of the dock/dry hydrant located on Glen Lake due to ice damage.
• Mannix Marketing—letter from Valerie James outlining the cost of increasing Queensbury Recreation
Department's (QRD)presence on the World Wide Web (WWW). Also met with Gary Crossman Ms.
James shared some actions that QRD could do without the assistance of Mannix Marketing to increase
the QRD visibility on the WWW. Greg Hewlett has agreed to draft a thank you letter to Mannix
Marketing for their time and expertise for the QRC's approval.
b.) Budget Control —
Update on budget and discussion
4.) Unfinished Business (see file for copies)
a.) Gurney Lane Pool: as of now the opening date for the pool looks to be June 28, 2014. Pouring
cement May 7th or 8th weather permitting. There will be an additional expense to install grid system
for safety purposes due to the width of the gutter. The project is still under budget.
5.) New Business (see file for copies)
a) 2014 Summer Brochure: A mock up the summer brochure was available to look out. The
registration is off to a good start, many new programs (i.e. STEM and engineering). More programs
are taking place at the actual QRD parks then in the past. There was a discussion about the future of
the brochure and getting the information out to the public in a timely and cost effective manner. The
possibility to make the QRD website more interactive so the public could sign up and pay online was
discussed. In addition get the word out using email blasts driving people to the QRD's website.
b) Parks Report:
Gurney Lane Trails—adding five turns as part of a redesign currently under development. The
enhanced is design is being done by retired forest ranger who has started a trail construction
Hovey Pond—the water quality project is on hold currently the QRD just received a 14 page report
that needs to be digested and discussed.
Rush Pond—There is not a date thus far if and when Rush Pond will be taken over by the Town of
Queensbury. There is a meeting set up with the current owners of the property
Signage for park hours— signs for the parks hours are up in the QRD parks
c) Commissioner Matthews invited visitors to ask questions. No questions from visitors.
6.) Committee Reports
• Budget Review
• Safe and Quality Cycling Bylaws- Commissioner Mott reported a new mountain bike brochure will be
available soon
• School Liaison
• Personnel
• Planning
• Program Review
7.) Additional Information and Reports
Adjournment—A motion was made by Commissioner Goralski, seconded by Commissioner White to adjourn
at 7:55. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted Approved by:
Judith Goralski Wendy Matthews
Commissioner Chairman