1977-06-28 74 WHEREAS, it appears that Highway Law Section 212-a authorizes the abandonment of the premises described in said Deed annexed hereto upon the recommendation of the Town Superintendent of Highways and with the consent of the County Superintendent of Highways , and WHEREAS , it appears that no useful purpose would be served by retaining ownership of the lands .described in said Deed by the TOWN OF nUEENSBTTP.Y, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the premises described in the Deed, copy of which is annexed hereto, be abandoned by the TOT-STN OF QUEENSBURY to NORTHERN HOMES, INC. , ANN Michel R. Brandt, Town Supervisor, is hereby authorized to execute and acknowledge in the name of the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY and affix the seal of the TOWN OF QUEENSBURY to a Quit Claim Deed of the lands so abandoned and to deliver the same to the abutting owner, NORTHERN HOMES, INC. , for the consideration of ONE ($1. 00) DOLLAR. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber REGULAR MEETING JUNE 28, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel ABSENT: Robert Barber-Councilman PRESS: Tri County News, G.F. Post Star, WBZA ! GUESTS : Mr. Turnbull , Mr. Lashway, Meeting Opendd 7: 3n P.M. Salute to the Fk&g led by Councilman Walter RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 147 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS , the appropriation A3410.44, Fire Marshal Contractual , was depleted to purchase a car (Resolution #132) and, WHEREAS, these funds were anticipated for the operation of the office of the Fire Marshal, therefore be it, RESOLVED, to appropriate $250 from Anti-Recession funds to A1-3410.44. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None 1 Absent: Mr. Barber Councilman Olson- these monies will take care of the Fire Marshal ' s 13as and insurance expenses for the rest of the year. RESOLUTION TO ROLICIT BIDS FOR A OFF-LINE DATA STATION RESOLTUION NO. 148 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertsnn: WHEREAS , page 4 of Information on Anti-Recession/Countercylical Fiscal Assistance to State and Local Governments , issue in ecember 1976 by the N.Y.S . Department of Audit and Control, states that it 75 is "permissible" to use Anti-Recession funds to expand basic services, therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the purchase of an Off-Line Data Station and that the followin notice be published once in the official town newspapers in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Boad.d of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed bids for an Off-Line. Data Station., A complete copy i� of the specifications will be available in the office of the ToT-.,m Clerk. Bids will be received up to 5 : 00 P.M. on the 26th day of July, 1977 `— at the Town Clerk' s Office in the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Bay at Haviland Roads , Glens Falls , New York 12801 and a certificate of Non-Collusion as required by section 103D of the General Municipal Law shall be attached. The Town Board will meet at 7 : 30 P.M. on the. 26th day of July at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Duly adopted by the .following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Babber Councilman Olson- The system will operate along with the County computer? Supervisor Brandt- That is right. The equipment has to be compatible with the County System. Town Clerk.-Chase- I will try for the 12th but if this is not possible will the 26th be all right? Supervisor Brandt- What ever fits the legal requirements . Teen Clerk-Chase- I have not seen the spec' s yet. Supervisor Brandt- The spec' s are written around the county computer. Town C&erk-Chase- The day werpublish this, the spec' s should be in my office. CouncilmanOOlson- Requested that the spec' s say any machine that is ccm compatible with the County machine. Ltr. from Highway Supt. on acceptance of bids on file in Town Clerk's Office. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID FOR OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT RESOLUTION NO. 149 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its a option, seconded by MR. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, Cart A. Garb, Highway Supt. of the Town of Queensbury did recommend that we advertise for bid the sale of several pieces of obsolete equipment, and WHEREAS, two sealed bids were received and turned over to the Highway Supt. Carl Garb fee his recommendation, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that Mr. Garb has requested the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury accept the following %Ids : Heil Auto Machine & Parts Co. 1 Huber Warco road grader $325.00 1 Broken Dump box 40.00 1 Cat. D8 cab 30.00 Morgan K. Combs 1 1950 Ford Van 51.50 76 1 1966 Ford F800 canniblized chasSLs with dump box $ 76.00 1 Home made trailer 41. 00 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury accept the above bids . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt NBes: None Absent:Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TOACONDUCT CARNIVAL OPERATION ' RESOLUTION NO. 150 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mrs. F'a3.tiees Walter: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to conduct a carnival as follows: Sponsor: Queensbury Plaza Shopping Center Carnival: Robert D. Kellogg Amusements , Inc. Place: Queensbury Plaza Date: July 15-23, 1977 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit, to the aforesaid sponsor upon receipt 66 proof_ of liability insurance in the amount of not less than $500,000/$1 ,000, 000 HoUlly injury liability and $50,000 property damage liability insurance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber Councilman Robertson- Requested that the Chief of Police be given a copy of the above resolution in regard to carnival operations RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO TOWN LAW SECTION 209-b TO EMPLOY ENGINEERING SERVICES OF RIST-FROST ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A MAP, PLAN, AND REPORT FOR PROVIDING FACILITZES, IMPROVEMENTS AND SERVICES FOR LOCAL SEWER SYSTEMS IN T014N OF QUEENSBURY AND APPROPRIATION FOR PAYMENT OF SAID SERVICES RESOLUTION NO. 161 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, a referendum was recently held to determine whether a Warren County Sewer District system should be created and WHEREAS, a majority of the votes cast at said referendum favored the creation and construction of a Warren County Sewer System in accordance with certain specified prepared plans and WHEREAS, a portion of the Town of Queensbury is intended for inclusion in said County Sewer System and WHEREAS , it must be determined whether a local sewer district within the Town of Queensbury should be established to become part of said county system and WHEREAS , Town Law Section 209-b required the preparation of a map, plan and report for providing said sewer facilities , improvements -or services to any portion of the Town of Oueensbury in order that there might be consideration whether a local. sewer district should be created in accordance with said general map, plan and report and 77 WHEREAS , it is the determination of the Town of Queensbury that engineering; services are necessary for the preparation of said map, plan and report and WHEREAS, Rist-Frost Associates has submitted 4proposal for the performance of said engineering services. NOW, THEREBURE, BE IT RESOLVED, that subject to a permissive referendum the Town Board of Town of Queensbury authorized the Supervisor to enter into a contract with Rist-Frost Associates for engineering services required pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law at a contract price of up to but not exceeding $22 ,500 of which 75% is expected to be reimbursed by the United States of America and 12 % by New York State, and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to Sections 82 and 90 of the Town Law that within 10 days from the date of this resoltYtsion the Town Clerk shall post and publish a notice which shall set forth the date of the adoption of the resolution, shall contain an abstract of such resolution concisely setting forth the purpose and effect thereof, shall specify that this resoltuion was adopted subject to a permissive referendum; and shall publish such notice in a newspaper in accordance with law, and in addition thereto that the Town Clerk shall pett or cause to be posted on the signboard of the Town of Queensbury, a copy of such notice *ithin 10 days after the date of the adoption of this resoltuion, and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution supersedes Resolution No. 124 of 1977, which Resolution No. 124 is hereby rescinddd. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : Hone Absent: Mr. Barber OPEN FORUM 7: 40 P.M. Supervisor Brandt- Commented on the problems with the landfill- Noted the odor from the materials was from _ Finch Pruyn. . .noted that they are now using a new process to meet EPA Law which creates an oodor. . .Finch Pruyn has hired a machine to help cover the material and lime to cover up the odor. Arthur Turnbull- spoke to the Board in regard to a possible liability problem. . . commented on the steps with no rail that has to be used by the residents to walk up and dump their trash. . .noted the possible dangers involved in this tape of operation. Supervisor Brandt- reviewed the possible installation of a transfer station such as the one on Luzerne Road— the engineers are to design a location for this operation. . . Arthur Turnbull- questioned the absence of Councilman Barber for the second time? Supervisor Brandt- Councilman Barber told me he would be late he had to go to the airport. . . Mr. Lashway- presented a petition from residents of Kiley and 5 Kiley Lane Westland and Centennial Drives—requesting a stop sign on the corner of Kiley Lane and Centennial Drive. . noted several instances 6f speeders and a resident almost being hit. . . Councilman Olson- Revieded the processes of establishing a stop sign. . . Councilman Robertson- suggested that this be referred to the Highway Committee RESOLUTION TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 28, OF THE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY ESTABLISHING THROUGH HIGHWAYS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF 14ARREN AND STATE OF NEW YORK RESOLUTION NO. 152, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, 78 seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Oueensbury has receivdd a petition from several residents of the Kiley Lane, Centennial Drive, Westland Avenue area in the Town of Queensbury requesting stop signs be placed at the intersection of Kiley Lane and Centennial Drive to create a three way stop at this intersection, and WHEREAS , it is provided by Sections 1660 (a) (1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, that a Town may create stop intersections and establish the same within such Town, and WHEREAS, Section 130 of the Town Law provides that a Public Hearing be - hild upon all proposed ordinances and amendments thereof to be held upon the notice as provided for therein, Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing on the following proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 28 of the Town of Queensbury be held on the 26th day of July, 1977 at 7: 30 P.M. at .the Queensbury Torn' Office ,Building, Bay and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, N.Y, and that the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing by publication of notice thereof in the official Town Newspapers , once at least 10 days prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general the terms describing the amendment to said Ordinance: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 23, OF T?TE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY TO CPFATE A THREE WAY STOP AT KILEY LAN. 9- AND CENTENNIAL DRIVE -IN THE TOWN OF OUEENSBURY BE IT ENATED AND ORDAINED BY THE TO[ . BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: Section NO. 1 - Ordinance No. 23 of the Town of Queensbury, establishing through highways and stop intersections in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York is hereby amended to include as a stop intersection Kiley Lane and Centennial Drive which is hereby designeded as a stop intersection and stop signs shall be erected on Kiley Lane and Centennial Drive. Section No. 2 - All Ordinances or parts thereof 06 the Town of Queensbury inconsistant with the provisions of this. Ordinance are hereby repealed provided, however, that such repeal shall ire only to the extent of such inconsistancy and in all other respects this Ordinance shall be in addition to the other Ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this Ordinance. Section No. 3. - This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber Councilman Olson- announced the opelhmggodf Gurney Lane. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 153 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its a option, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77-6C, numbered 749 through 815 and totaling $3,160. 00 be approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Agres: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk