1977-08-16 SP 113 li UP1I:N0?rd- How much is the Tovn of Oueensbury losing on a monthly basis as a result of' not charging? SUPERVISOR BWTDT- I can not tell you but I will be glad to calculate it for you. We are losing revenue these. . . ??ESOLt��'IO"T TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS r P,ESOLUTION NO. 190, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for its _ac� ion, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLV7D, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 77-8A numbered 959 through 1055 and totlaing $21,181. 04 be approved with the exception of the pulling of Audit Number 1035 . Duly adopted by the follw*ing vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrs .Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respecffully, Donald A. Chase, Tom Clerk. SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 15, 1977 ?ITMBERS "RESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Robert Barber-Councilman Frances Walter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman MEMBE'\.S ABSENT: Daniel Olson-Councilman Joseph Brennan-Town Counsel PRESS : G.F. Post Star, WWSC. TUWN OFFICIALS: Harold Boynton, Acting `,Ch of -Judkins, Shir'_ GUESTS: Tracy Stevenson, Mrs . Bernard, Mr. &. Mrs. Hall, Mr. Turnbull Meeting Opened: 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag led by Supervisor Brandt. PUBLIC HEARING MOBILE HOME Carol & Tracy Stevenson of Bay Road to locate , a mobile home on Ellsworth Road... .owner of the land Charles Stevenson. . .reasons for re- quest stated. . .Assistant Building Inspector recommended approval. . . NOTICE SHOWN AND READ. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Opened the Public Hearing 7: 30 P.TT. Requested anyone interested to speak for or against the application. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Questioned if there was a sticker on the mobile home that stated that it met some type of standard? HAROLD BOYNTOIT- That is correct. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Does that seal lead you to believe that it conforms to the code? HAROLD BOYNTON- I would say ,yes . "I found a panel sticker 114 which signified that this trailer was designed and built to specifications required for a section of Northern United States which included New York State. " As far as the ilectrical part of it I have no way of knowing. 00UI0]LMAMMOSERTSON- We do have a requirement in the Town which says that a trailer or mobile home must conform to a certain set of standards . I want to be sure in considering phis application how close we are to those standards, and what are the implications­y o_f_ deviating from them? This is important for all those to follot>>, be- 1 cause in my opinion we must treat all 'J fairly. HAROLD BOYNTON- Reviewed the letter that he sent to the board in regard to snow load and instikatibm- Noted that the mobile home looked good and was well kept, what I could see of the wiring looked good, the septic system was well hooked up , I am sure it will not be a detriment to the Toxm of nueensbury. SUPERVISOR BPL*DT- Asked for further comments . No one spoke. Closed t1',,e Public Fearing 7: 36 P.?°t. PUBLIC ?�EARINO T10BILE HOME Mrs . Anna E . Bernard of Feld Ave. to locate a mobile home on Feld Avenue. . .reasons for request given. . . owner of the property Mrs . Anna Bernard. . .Building Inspector, approval. . . NOTICE S1TOT,7T AND MEAD SUPERVISOR BR,&NDT- Hearing Opened. 7 : 36 P.M. Requested anyone wishing to speak on this application to do so, eifHer for or against. No one spoke . . . Declated the public hearing closed 7: 38 P.M SUPERVISOR BP.ANDT- I will make a motion that we approve the permit for Carol & Tracy Stevenson. COUNCILMAN BARRBE11- I will second that. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- Is there any discussion? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- I am very reluctant to make a change at this point, that I do not feel we can survive without being arbitrarily capricious in the case of some other trailers that are going to come in. The minute we change the standards we change them for everybody. . . If we going to continue to seek to find a reason to accomodate everybody under the ordinanc� the ordinance then does not have mush vale, in. rAy judgement. If I can be convinced that there is something wrmng with our standards I am perfectly m*fling to change them but I got to do it on the basis that I am being fair to everybody. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We do have a mobile home ordinance, it pretty well adopts what the State recommend- ed , the code change in 1974, I am not sure any of us really knows what it says. Here you have a home that is certified for the northern part of the United States for snow loads and proper insuJJgt&Qt. It is l �5 in an area that there is no one near it, it is sheltered from other neighbors. . That is part of this application and part of the reason I would support it. I realize it is setting a precedent in the future for other people but laws are made for guidelines) and I think teat we have to apply our common senge. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- The basic question has to be how fair are we to everybody concerned . . .what bind of standards and guidelines do we set? ``- HPIROLD BOYN .- noted his inspection of the mobile home, commenting that it did not have a1.Y. St. sticker of approval. . . in my own mind I think it is a safe trailer. . . . it is up to you people to judge each individual one on its merits , its hardships etc. SUPERVISOR BRA11DT- I think that it is well understood that these people intend to build a house to replace this , they will build it as soon as they, financially can do that. They can not be limited to a year or two because of their personal. situation and I think that also enters into it, in my judgement. COUNCILMAN BARBER- How soon�Tracy, do you intend to build your house? TRACY STEVENSON- I have no idea. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- In respect to the electrical service and the internaf aspects of the home does it ( conform to the 1974 standards? I ?-1AROLD BOYNTON- I have no idea. . .reviewed the wiring that could be viewed. . . COUNCIL" 'N BARBER- I have for a long time, maintained that application for mobile homes would be 197 + vintage and amter, nothing older than 1974. That philosophy has been for about a year or year and half by this board. It was so directed by the members of the board to your office that you would not receive any applications for mobile homes for anything less than 1974. A very good effort on the part of the Stevenson family, I must commend them on their effort, to come forth with this particular mobile home and your unique inspection of July 13th. You made me look at my position a little bit kleser, it is really difficult to establish a precedent, and I think that we are establishing a precedent this evening. I have asked the town counsel to look into this and I would like to table this , this evening fmIJ the next meeting, I know this is a hardship on ( the Stevenson' $. . I can not give you an honest decision tonight in good conscience, �— I am asking my fellow board members to delay this nne more evening. COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- ghat legal aspects are you looking for? The only question I have is whether we should grant it or not. COUNCILMAN BARBER- There is no question that we are establish- ing a precedent. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- We are establishing a preceddat, however we do review every application that will ever come into the Town of Queensburv, that does 116 not leave us powerless. There are circumstances that are quite unique 1. it is certified, and things that have been brought out by Red, there has not been anyone appearing in opposition to this . The sithtis one that works out well for everybody. I think that one of the important considerations here, and I do not take it lightly is that young; people have to have a chance to build equity so that they cam. afford to live in a home. COUNCILTWNT BARBET,"- I agree, but the reason that we ,took this position is because of the fires and hazards of pre 1974 vintage . If you are convinced that this mobile home is going to meet the basic standards of 1974 legislation, I am not sold that you are, just on the electrical end of it. If you said you were sold on the electrical service than I would probably vote the affirmative. HAROLD BOYNTO11- reviewed the application and inspection of the D_ rop_ osed mobile home. . .my estimation is that it might not meet all the standards that are set forth now by the State of New York I have no idea what the inspectors do when they inspect these whets ,:P_hev are being built. I think it is a safe trailer I can not guarantee it will not burn down in a month. . . C0I71CILMA" WALTrn- As far as the 1974 sticker is concerned, our assistant building inspector says he does not know what goes along wit?1 inspection. . . .what did the board base its decision on by adopting the 1974 criteria? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- The N.Y. State Seal is an attempt to bring; the structures of a mobile home into conformance as closely as possible to the design standards of the N.Y. St. building code which we apply to our dwellings . COUNCILMAN WALTER- If the standards of the mobile home met the 1974 standards but did not have the sticker due to the fact that it was pre- 1974 and it met the site approval. why then would approval not be given? COUNCIL14ADI BARBED.,- The main question was that the 1974 legislation was set with certain standards for safety. . . I am horrified that the assistant building inspector did not know Vhat those standards are than how can you tell me that-this meets the 1974 stand- ards? HAROLD BOYNTON- I did not say I did not know what the standards were of the building code. . . I can tell you all of them. . . I do not know how trailers are built because I can not see -:inside of them. I do not know what these inspectors call for when they are being made. COUNCILMAN BARBER- Piloted that he would make arraggements to view mobile homes being made and inspected. . . .when we come back and the Stevenson mobile home meets the requirematit: I will be satisfied. . . .everytime a mobile home comes forth it really has to be in compliance totally as far as safety is concerned or I will not accept it. 117 SUPE"VISOR BRAIDT- Reviewed the Building Code in regard to insulation and sheeting for a home noting the differences between home standards and mobile home req_uiremetts. The Mobile Home Ordinance is deliberately restrictive. Commenting on the fire aspect, noted that, it is not my role to protect people from themselves . . . COUNCILTHA'N BARBER- Again asked for a delay of one week. . . HAROLD BOYNTON- I have inspected many mobile homes but I have never seen sueh an elaborate description of what that trailer contained. RESOLUTION. TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 191, Introduced by Mr. Michel_ Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:` WHEREAS, Carol & Tracy Stevenson have made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Oueensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS I1T T1717 TO?-l:T OF OUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, 1!6 locate a mobile home at property situated on Ellsworth Road, and 14HEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against aaid application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the fiacts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Carol & Tracy Stevenson to locate a mobile home at property situated at Ellsworth Road and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: r'rs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Foes : done Absent: Mr. Olson Abstain: Mr. Barber RF.SOLUTIOI TO AUTHORIZE Prnr1IT FOR MOBILE I10!T� RESOLUTION NO. 192 . Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barbeer T71 EREAS , T1rs . Anna E. Bernard has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the ToT,7n,of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE RE,GULATIO"T OF MOBILE HOMES t0'D MOBILE 11011r COURTS ITT THE TOTIN OF OUEE^TSPL_ . , ?'AP.R,N COU^ITY, ANEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated on Feld Avenue, and 'CIE'- EAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection �— with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or a *a.inst said application, and WTHER:AS , it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at slid public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Mrs. Anna E. Bernard to locate a mobile home at property situated at Feld Avenue, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. 118 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mrs .Barber, Mrs . Walter, TTr. Robertson, 'Mr. Brandt Noes: Jone Absent: Mar ,Olson T._IOBILE HOME APPLICATION- Richard 17 . Bardin of RD1 Glens Falls for a one year extension -mobile home on dairy farm- SUPERVISOR BI'ANDT- Due to the fact that this is a one year permit renewal a public hearing; ~ ' is not required. COUNCILT-4AI'V WALTER- Ouestioned why a 1971 mobile home � was renewed year after year. . ? COUNCIT24AN BARBER- The policy of the 1974 was to inspect new applications not in respect to renewals. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TETITOP.AR.Y PEPJIIT FOR MOBILE HOME LU✓SOLUTION NO. 193 . Introduced by Mr. Plichel Brandt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Tyr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, Richard E. Bardin of RD1 Glens Falls has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (R) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town o` Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF 140BILE II01.1r,,S A'dD 10BILT HOT°TE COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEH-dSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORE, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at pro- perty situated on Vast Sunnyside Road, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said applica- tion are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, temporary permission- is hereby given to Mr. Richard E. Bardin, r of RD1 Glens Falls , to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court for a period of one year at property situated at East Sunnyside Road, Town of Queensbury, and that the Building: Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Aves: IIr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt 'Toes : None Absent: Mr. Olson BID OPENING POLICE RADIO BIDS NOTICE READ AND SHOWN SUPERVISOR BRANDT- requested the opemLng of the bids . ADIRONDACK COM-IUNICATIONS, INC. 10 Saratoga Avenue South Glens Falls , New York 12001 Non-Collusive (4) 3 frequency two-way mobile radios , equipped with 5 frequencies active, Priority Search Lock Monitor and Vega burst tone 9 $1550. 00 $ 6,200. 00 (5) Portable FM Two way radios , ? f_requencv capability, with one channel open, including carrying case, battery and hell-Flex antenna $540. 00 2, 700. 00 (1) 10 Unit charger, 3 hour charge 550. 00 Total for entire package �> 9,450. 00 Optional Power Call/Siren, to mate with above mobile radios (4) each ' $265 . 00 " 1, 060. 00 On year parts warranty is included in the above bid prices. MOTOROLA COTE-TT NICATIONS A"TD ELECTRONICS INC. Executive ?'ark North Albany, 'N.Y. 12203 Non Collusida Attached Equipment List: r Four (4) Mobile units complete with accessories. Five (5) hand-held portable units . One (1) multi-unit charger Complete installation of all above. One (1) year maintenance on all equipment. 11, 50`'. 0! Option: Four (4) Electric Siren and Public Address Unit built into the control head, with installation and one (1) year maintenance. r 1, h00. 0^ The bid offering includes all new equipment , installation and one year maintenance as well as one year warranty on all parts as per your specifications request. COUNCIUAN ROBERTSON- requested that the bids be turned over to Acting Chief Judkins for his recommenda- tion. SUPERVISOR BRANDT- The bids will be turned over. . . RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION TO ATTEND BUDGET RESOLUTION TTO. 194 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WliEREAS, the Town of Jueensbury has an agreement with the Warren County Office 6dr the Aging and Louis T. Fisher, and �auEAS , the budget and written agreement do not accurately reflect the intent of the verbal agreement with Louis T. Fisher, therefore be it R SOLVED, to amend the written agreement with Mr. Louis T. Fisher from X3, 000. 00 to X6, 000. for services renddred. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : ?2r. Barber, Tlrs. Walter, Mr. Robertson, 11r. Brandt. goes: None Absent : 11r. Olson SU171PVISO" BRA?1DT- In reviewing the current situation or the town financially and looking at our budgets , I discovered that there was a discrepancy between my understanding of what we had done and what the budget actually said. My understanding of what we had done and have been doming all year was to double the amount of bussing services provided for the senior citizens in the Town of Oueensbury this year. In preparing the budget last year I errored and did not properly show this in the budget and it came out incorrect and it needs to be corrected and so I am offering both of these resolutions to correct it. The contract itself is also improper and will have to be rewritten. 120 RESOLUTION TO IICREASE BUDGET APPROPRIATIO •IS RESOLUTION NO. 195 , Introduced by Mr. Tiichel Brandt who moved its a option, seconded by Mrs. Frances Walter: WHEREAS, a legal surplus exists in the General Town Fund, and TZIEREAS , the intent of the agreement with the Warren County Office of the Aging and Mr. Louis T. Fisher have been inaccurately reflected in the 1977 budget, therefore be it RESOLVED, to increase Revenue Account A3SO3 , Programs for th.e Aging_, from $1500 to $3000. and appropriation expenditure account A7520.4, Senior Citizens , from $5400. to $3400. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt "Toes : None Absent: Mr. Olson RESOLUTION TO INSTALL STREET LIGHTS RESOLUTION 110. 196 Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved its adoption, seconddd by Mr.Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, there is a need for lighting at the intersection of Bay and Quaker Roads , glow, Therefore be it RESOLVED, that two 400 watt, high pressure sodium tapips lamps be placed at the corner of Bay and Quaker Road and be it further RESOLVED, . that Niagara Mohawk be notified by sending them a certified copy of this resolution. Duly adopted by the followingvaote: Ayes : Mr. Barber, Mrs . Walter, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Mr. Olson COMMU IICATIONS August 11 , 1977 11r. Fred Austin County Superintendent of Public Works 261 Main Street Warrensburg, N.Y. 12835 Re: Area Sassed Request 6 Midnight Drive South Heinrick Street Town of nueensbury Warren County Dear 7,,Tr.. Austin: This letter will acknowledge receipt of your recent Ti 10 regarding the above mentioned subject. T.?e will study this matter as our work load permits and will advise you of the results of our study. Thank you for your interest in traffic safety and for taking the time to call this location to our attention. Very truly yours, /s/ J. W. Kelly Regional Traffic Engineer JT,717:EDI", cc: J. Il. Shafer, Traffic rx Safety Division, Rm. 312 , Bldg*. 5 State Police, Troop "G" 121 T,F. Evans , Warren Co. Residency i D Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury Ltr. D.O. T. red., Notice of Order 5052. 10 Town of Queensbury (a) Left turn by traffic from the west on Route 254, SH 9379 , at the drive of Aviation Diner (Station 1025+00+) (b) Left turns by traffic from the north on the drive of Avikk&nn Diner at Route 254, SH 9379 (Station 1025+00+) This prohibits left turn into and outlof the drive of Aviation Diner at Route 254, as described above. i i Ltr. August 15 , 1977 Town Board Town. of Queensbury Bay Road 'lens Falls , N.Y. 12301 Gentlemen: I wish to submit my resignation from the Conservation Advisory Council effective immediately., I am serving on the Zoning Board f Appeals and I an finding that one (1) job takes the available time I have. Very truly yours, /s/ John 11. Silva Ltr. August 15, 1977 TO: TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RE : DEPUTY RECEIVER OF TAXES I hereby wish to notify the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury that Mrs . Jacqueline Vanderwarker of Ridge Road, Queensbury , has informed this department that she no longer wishes to be Deputy Receiver of Taxes for the Town of Queensbury. Terminatiojn of her employment is to be immediate. Respectfully, /s/ ?1rs . Betty Eggleston Receiver of Taxes OPEN FORUPI 8: 20 P.11. I jMIKE O' CONNOR- Presjented the Board with petitions with 59 names regarding the following: 1,1E, the undersigned taxpayers of the Tojwn of nueensbury, ask the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury to recognize 'us as taxpavers and improve the road- ways that give access to our property. !, We would like the Town of Oueensbury to consider the private ways that are ' sed in common for access to the terminus ' of MANNIS ROAD and FITZGERALD ROAD, but we know that this is beyond the authority of the Town Board. It' s time that the Town Board recognized it' s duty to provide service to us . We or our predecessors have been promiped paving year after year, and in fact at one time were told that we were sch�duled on the 1975 Donovan Plan. To date paving has not been completed aVlwe have seen very little activity on the part of the Town of Queensbury except occasionally when an irate taxpayer 122 who has suffered loss of a muffler, mufflers or other vehicle damage, approaches the Town Superintendent of Highwayp. We note for the record, other roadways in the Town that have been improved and paved ahedd of our roadways , when in fact these other roadways service fewer properties and properties not as developed as ours. T°ze are sure you are aware of the roads we speak of and thus we will not embarrass you by mentioning them. Tje also note, as you are well aware, that many of the homes serviced by T?annis Road and Fitzgerald Road are now year round homes. We are no longer speaking or addressing a summer resident' s problem. 7°Te are speaking of a year round problem, which in the winter presents safety problems as well as convenience. TTe ask that the ToT,-n. Board imrrnediately undertake a program prior to winter of 1977 to complete the folloT7ing: 1. Grade roads to a maximum 107, incline or decline where possible. �. Install guard rails on portions of the roadway to border deep ravines . (Some 70 to 100 feet deep) 3. Pave the balance of Fitzgerald Road and PMannis Road. We stand ready to assist you in any manner possible to accomplish the above. Many of us have put a vote of confidence in your favor. Please do not destroy that confidence. Treat us as taxpayers should be treated. (Signatures listed-Original on file in Torm Clerk' s office.) Noted the number of year around homes in the area. . . (reviewed the area with a man) C 0 M CIU1,fAll BARBER- Reviewed the history of t?-ie road. . . —.• it has been a plea upon the part of many board members to do something about this sad situation however the Board has not been able to prevail upon the elected capacity of the Highway Supt. to aid the citizens of this particular area. It was placed in the budget two or three years ago to give some assistance and after the money was placed in the budget our authority with the highway dept. ceased. . . .If the people that signed this resolution will also v6ga favorably for the referendum to make the office of highway supt. appointed rather than elected. IHIKE O'CONNOR- That would be done in November these people would like something done before November. . .before the winter of 1977. . . commented on the winter traffic . . .and the road hazards . 'dighest rationof assessment in the town in this area. . .one of the most. . . for residential purposes. . . COUNCILI fAT? ROBERTSON- Roads that are town roads we have an obligation to take care of those that become service roads are something else again. Are the people on these service roads willing to offer deeds to make these town roads? o'IIK,E O'CONNOR- we will make inquiries. . . SUPERVISOR BRAIzDT- Noted that he will speak to Mr. Garb on this . . .noted that the Town is billing for the Donovan Plan 40" aid back to the town. . . skeptical that we can pave this year. . .however if we can get road i grades established correctly before winter it would be a great helpiin trying to get into next year' s paving schedule. MIKE O' CONNOR- Requested a meeting with the Supervisor and the Highway Supt. at these roads. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- I have met with Mr. Johnson in regard to his grading;. . . COUNCILMAN BARBER- It is high time you people get some relief. . . BILL BARTON A resident of 20 years. . .very dangerous road. . .hazard to cars. . .noted the grading of the road but a week later it is back where it was. . . MR. ROBERT HALL- Questioned the legality of the 100' maring in Sandy Bay? Is it 100' or 2110' also noted that a neighbor had placed a bouy in fromt of his dock and he question- ed the legality of this? COUNCILMAN ROBERTSON- Noted that the 200' was not legal since it was not passed by the TT.V. St. Dent. of Conservation Dept. COUNCILMAN BARBER- I understood that we passed a resolution mairing; the bouys from 100 to 200' C017ICILMAN WALTER- That was contingent upon its being signed by the Conservation Commission. . . SUPERVISOR BRANDT- This will be brought before the Toti.m Counsel for opinion on this problem. . . COUNCILMAN ROBERTSOII- Reviewed the process of approval of the mooring laws. COUiNCILM k4 WALTER- The ordinance does state that at tl,e invitation of the owner boats can be moored closer that 100' . COUNCILMAN BARBER- Noting that the 100' seemed to be still in effect that Vbu should receive some relief in regard to the placement of .the bouys . . . ITALL- "voted that the bouys that are placed are illegal, not the right color etc. COUNCILTIATI TTALTER- Thig was a topic of discussion at t'^.e last mini meetir_g. . . discussion on wlether it shaUdebe two hundred or 1"1` foot. . . or should it be there at all. . . IT".LL- questioned the doss ordinance. . . COU"IC'ILT�AMT TTALTT^- Explained the control ordinance for t?,.e Town of Neensburv. . . DAM'LLT*I DOLrr;T ET , DEPUTY T071,T — CL777- SppkeTYto Mr. and Mrs. TTall_ , statins, tl"..at Mr. Davison had been in their area and talked with their neighbors finding one trouble area and hopefully eliminating~ that problem. . . T°Mr'. ARTI:UR TUR NBULL- Stated that as a previous property owner on Lake reorne, you. only own to t'-Ae high water mark on t?-.e lake. . . any dock is not considered private unless you pay taxes on it. C0U;ICIL7W,T BAR BE,7_- Requested Mr. Boynton to investigate a 124 mobile home on r-lex Lake. . . R. ?3(3Y NTn'N- noted that lie had reviewed the mobile home and found it to be a construction trailer according to the owner. . .noted that winthin the next three months he said he was going: to apply for a building: permit. . . It is legal while he is putting in drain til& etc. COUNCILMAN BARBER- You are getting a song and dance contrary to what I see because he lives aacross the lake from me. I thoug;''i t that perhap" ; your office would have gotten to the situation long before this . 'Noted at the mini meeting there were several complaints. . .Noted that the mobile home is being used for other purposes other than a construction trailer. I am displeased with your function as building inspector in situations as we had tonigk4t, the last time that you were confronted with a situation like+ t?-is , and this board was confronted with a situation as we were tonight was when Harold Robillard took you on personally at a Board meeting. We have put an end to these situations, we have set policies and standards and I am disgusted when you say and infer that l'teigotheBTowri Board' s responsibility, we do it with the Town Board' s approval . That is a lot of non- sense, because we do not know these applications coding forth. That applica- tion should have been denied instantly and then the politics started. If we are going to go forth as the result of the president that was established tonight therefore I think it is your responsibi- lity in your office to go forth and .J find out these rules and regulations are of the Standards of 1974. You haven' t. It behouvesygou and your office to know what those standards are. I donnbt want to be embarrassed and caught in another position like I was tonight because your office was not prepared. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Towwn. Clerk P GULAP� MEETING AUGUST 9-3, 1'T 7 7 NE,�,?ZBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Frances ITalter-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman ABSENT: R6bhrl Bgiffbdr-Councilman Joseph Brannan-Town Counsel -� PRESS: Tri Co. News , WHBA, jFWSC, Glens Falls Post Star GUESTS: James Coccia, Mr. Turnbull, Don Clements , FTr. McDonough, 'Mr. rreeno TOUNi1 OFFICIALS; Shirley Shenk, Mr. Harrison Winne, Thomas Flaherty Meeting Opened Salute to the Flig led by Councilman Olson. 7: 31 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING POSSIBLE. USES OF Rr. ?7-INUE SN?ARI3r FUNDS