06-02-2015 elfQueensbury Planning Board Agenda Special Meeting: June 2,2015/Time 7 PM Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 Old Business Requiring Public Hearing Applicant(s) k ACTION SIGN CO. FOR - Application Type Site Plan 15-2015 DOLLAR GENERAL Owner(s) Primax Properties, LLC SEQR Type r Unlisted Agent(s) irSame as applicant Lot size 0.87 acres Location r61 Main Street Zoning Classification MS Ward Ward 4 Tax ID No. 309.10-1-57 Ordinance Reference ( 179-3-040,Chapter 140-7 Cross Reference SV 9-15,SP 76-14,SUP 77-14 Warren Co.Planning March 2015 Public Hearing 3-24-15,5-21-15,Tabled to 6-2 2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes three (3) wall signs -each sign is to be 28 +1- sq. ft., and externally lit with goose neck lamps. Signs to be located on the east,west and south side of building. Pursuant to Chapter 140-7 of the Zoning Ordinance Signs in the Main Street zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) DAVID DAWKINS& ALYSSA- Application Type Site Plan 27-2015 BARBER DAWKINS rOwner(s) Jeffrey Schwartz SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Ethan Hall-Rucinski Hall Lot size 0.86 acres Architecture Location [80 State Route 9 Zoning Classification CM Ward Ward 2 Tax ID No. 96.13-1-67 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference AV 15-15, SP 1-14, SV 22-14 Warren Co.Referral 1-May 2015 Public Hearing r5-21-15,Tabled to 6-2-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes to reuse an existing 3,458 sq. ft. building for a Day Spa& Treatment facility. Site and exterior building modifications are also proposed. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Change of Tenancy and Façade Alterations shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) LYNNE FISH&WENDY Application Type Subdivision 5-2015 I SCHM[DT Preliminary&Final Stage Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type ( Unlisted Agent(s) Van Dusen&Steves;Hutchins Lot size 14.65 acres(12.6&2.05) Engineering Location Sunnyside Road North, Dream Lake ; Zoning Classification ; RR-3A; WR Road Ward Ward 1 Tax ID No. 279.17-1-1,7 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183 Cross Reference AV 21-15 Public Hearing 5-21-15,Tabled to 6-2-2015 Project Description: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 14.65 acre parcel into 3 lots of 4.4,5.8&4.5 acres. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance Subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) THOMAS KUBRICKY I, Application Type Site Plan 31-2015 Owner(s) I Same as applicant I, SEQR Type 1 Type Unlisted Agent(s) Ernest Stanley Lot size 0.14 acres Location 53 Rockhurst Road Zoning Classification WR Ward Ward 1 Tax ID No. 227.13-2-24 Ordinance Reference 179-6-050 Cross Reference AV 22-15,AV 1-15, SP 53-14,AV Warren Co.Referral May 2015 67-14 I Public Hearing 5-21-15,Tabled to 6-2-2015 APA,CEA,Other L G Park CEA,APA&NWI Wetlands Project Description: Applicant proposes installation of parking and sidewalk areas on a 5,587 sq. ft. parcel. A portion of the installation is within 50 feet of the shoreline. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 of the Zoning Ordinance Filling within 50 feet of the shoreline shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. 2.0 New Business: Applicant(s) GARVEY KIA Application Type Site Plan 29-2015 1 Owner(s) 1 Towbar,LLC SEQR Type Type Unlisted I Agent(s) Nace Engineering I Lot size 20.4 acres Location Just north of Garvey VW Zoning Classification CI Ward Ward 2 1 I I Tax ID No. 303.6-1-4 —I Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 Cross Reference rPZ 4-03(LI to HC) Warren Co.Referral May 2015 Public Hearing 5-21-15,Tabled to 6-2-2015 APA,CEA,Other DEC&NWI Wetlands Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of new 18,000 sq.auto dealership and associated parking lot,access road and site work. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance New Retail use(auto sales)shall be subject to Planning Board I l review and approval. Applicants) THOMAS JONES&BRENDON Application Type Special Use Permit 32-2015 ROZELL D/B/A DEVOCEAN ;WATER SPORTS Owner(s) Frank J.Parillo SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Same as applicant Lot size 24.77 acres(portion) Location II 2036 Bay Road Zoning Classification RR 5;LC 42 Ward [Ward 1 Tax ID No. 252.-1-65 Ordinance Reference 179-10 Cross Reference Parillo Class A Marina Warren Co.Referral May 2015 Public Hearing 5-21-15,Tabled to 6-2-2015 APA,CEA,Other 1 APA,NWI Wetlands,L G Park CEA Project Description: Applicant proposes to utilize a portion of the existing marina-4 deck slips and 8 launch passes to operate a jet ski tour company. No changes to site. Pursuant to Chapter 179-10 of the Zoning Ordinance Additional Use to a Marina shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board