ApplicationGARVEY KIA - QUAKER ROAD Site Plan Review Application REVIEW PROCESS: Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Required Pre -submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1 week prior to deadline day, , Call (518) 761-8220 for an appointment 2. Submittal of complete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3. Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4. Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been submitted. 5. Submittal to Warren County Planning, if applicable. 6. Planning Board meeting, generally the third & fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 7. Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was approved, the next likely step is a Building Permit. Final drawings must be provided for the next phase of review. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Please submit 1 original & 14 copies of the completed application package to include: Completed Application: pages 1-11 completed, signed & dated Pre -Submission Meeting Notes: signed by staff Copy of Deed • New: Checklist & Plot Plan • Fee 0 - 10,000 sf = $100 10,001- 30,000 sf = $250 30,001- 100,000 sf= $500 100,000 + sf = $1000 ZONING STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION: Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator craigbCa�gueensbury.net Keith Oborne, Land Use Planner keithoCED-gueensbury.net Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-8220 PamwOD-gueensbury.net Visit our website at www.aueenshury-net for further information and forms Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 - 518-761-8220 Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 303.6-1-4 Zoning District: CI - Commercial Intensive Detailed Description of Project [include current & proposed use]: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 18,000 s.f. AUTO DEALERSHIP BUILDING AND ASSOCIATED PARKING LOT ACCESS ROAD AND SITE WORK. Location of project: NORTH SIDE OF QUAKER ROAD, EAST OF RIDGE ROAD AND IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF GARVEY VW. Applicant Name: GARVEY KIA Address: 483 QUAKER ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Home Phone Cell: Work Phone 518-793-3488 Fax E -Mail: Agent's Name: NACE ENGINEERING Address: 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Home Phone Cell: Work Phone (518) 745-4400 FaX (518) 792-8511 E-mail TOM91-SURVEY.COM Owner's Name TOWBAR, LLC Address 483 QUAKER ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Home Phone Work Phone Cell Fax E-mail Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 2 Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Site Development Data Area / Type Existing sq. ft. ProposedTotal Addition sq. ft. sq. ft. 18,046 _ A. Building footprint 73 18,046 B. Detached Garage Front [2] Shoreline C. Accessory Structure(s) Side Yard [1] 25 D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area Side Yard [2] 139,447 139,447 E. Porches / Decks F. Other 199 Rear Yard [2] 28 FT G. Total Non -Permeable [Add A -F] 0 157,493 157,493 —K . -Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. / acre] I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H] 872,149 872,149 872,149 0.0 18.1% 18.1 Setback Requirements Area Required Existing Proposed Front [1] 73 293 260 573 166 Front [2] Shoreline 75 Side Yard [1] 25 Side Yard [2] 25 Rear Yard [1] 25 199 Rear Yard [2] 28 FT Travel Corridor 40 Height [max] Permeability 30.0% No. of parking spaces 79 100.0°s 81.9 83 Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road - Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Additional Project Information Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? No If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? YES Estimated project duration: Start Date SPR 2015 End Date wTR 2016 Estimated total cost of project: Total area of land disturbance for project: 6.5 ACRES Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol Waterfront Residential I WR Commercial Moderate I CM Commercial Intensive I CI Floor Area Ratio [FAR] 0.22 0.3 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcel Area 872 , 149 sq. ft. Existing Floor Area 0 sq. ft. see above definition Proposed Additional Floor Area 21,900 sq. ft, Proposed Total Floor Area 21,900 sq. ft. Total Allowable Floor Area 261,644 Area x .3o see above table Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 - 518-761-8220 4 Revised June 2009 S 179-9-080 Requirements for Site Plan Approval. The Planning Board shall not approve a Site Plan unless it first determines that such site plan meets the following Standards. Please prepare responses to each of the following topics. STANDARDS 1 A, The proposed project furthers or is consistent with the policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. YES B. The proposed project complies with all other requirements of this Chapter, including the site plan review standards as set forth in Paragraph F of this section, the dimensional, bulk, and density regulations of the zoning district in which it is proposed to be located (Article 3 and Table 1), the applicable requirements of all other Articles that apply. YES C. The site plan encourages pedestrian activity internally and, if practicable, to and from the site with pedestrian paths or sidewalks connected to adjacent areas. INTERCONNECTIVITY PROVIDED WITH ADJACENT EXISTING AUTO SALES FACILITY. NO OTHER SITES NEAR PROPOSED ACTION D, The site plan must conform to Chapter 136 Sewage and Sewage Disposal, Chapter 147 Stormwater Management Local Law, and other applicable local laws. SITE PLAN COMPLIES WITH CHAPTER 147. SITE WILL BE CONNECTED TO MUNICIPAL SEWER. E. The proposed use shall be in harmony with the general purpose or intent of this Chapter, specifically taking into account the location, ' character and size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of the district in which such use is proposed, the nature and intensity of the activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public services and facilities which will follow the approval of the proposed use. YES F. The establishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed use will not create public hazards from traffic, traffic congestion or the parking of vehicles and/or equipment or be otherwise detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the town. Traffic access and circulation, road intersections, road and driveway widths, and traffic controls will be adequate. THE PROJECT WILL HELP TO ELIMINATE A TRAFFIC CONCERN BY ALLOWING CAR -CARRIERS DELIVERING TO THE ADJACENT VW SITE TO UNLOAD AT THE NEW SITE INSTEAD OF HAVING TO UTILIZE THE SHOULDER OF QUAKER ROAD. G. Off-street parking and loading facilities will be appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to be generated by the new use. The establishment of vehicle links between parking areas of adjacent properties are provided where feasible. This furthers the Town's goal of reducing curb cuts and reducing congestion. A twenty -foot wide connection is required. If adjacent properties are either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for future linkage, then a future connection must be identified and provided for in the site plan under review for such future linkage when the time arises. The Planning Board may require proof that the applicant has made contact with adjacent property owners for purposes of coordinating linkages with adjacent properties. OFF STREET PARKING IS PROVIDED. CONNECTION TO ADJACENT VW SITE IS PROVIDED H. The project shall not have an undue adverse impact upon the natural, scenic, aesthetic, ecological, wildlife, historic, recreational or open space resources of the town or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision of supporting facilities and services made necessary by the project, taking into account the commercial, industrial, residential, recreational or other benefits that might be derived from the project. In making the determination hereunder, the Planning Board shall consider those factors pertinent to the project contained in the development considerations set forth herein under § 179-9-080 of this chapter, and in so doing, the Planning Board shall make a net overall evaluation of the project in relation to the development objectives and general guidelines set forth in § 179-9- 080 of this Article. PROJECT IS AN ALLOWED USE IN A CI ZONE Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 Revised June 2009 The provision for and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation, walkway structures, control of intersections with vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shall be safe and adequate for pedestrian movement Pedestrian connections between adjacent sites shall be provided to encourage pedestrian use. SEE H ABOVE Stormwater drainage facilities will prevent an increase of post development drainage flows as compared to pre -development drainage flows. Drainage of the site shall recharge ground water to the extent practical. Surface waters flowing off-site shall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties or public roads. Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards of Chapter 147 of the Town Code and the Town of Queensbury Subdivision Regulations where applicable STORMWATER CONTROLS HAVE BEEN APPROPRIATELY DESIGNED. K. The water supply and sewage disposal facilities will be adequate and will meet all applicable and current requirements set Department of Health regulations and Chapter 136 of the Town Code. PROJECT WILL BE CONNECTED TO MUNICIPAL WATER AND SEWER, BOTH OF WHICH HAVE ADEQUATE CAPACITY. L. The adequacy, type and arrangement of trees, shrubs and other suitable plantings, landscaping and screening shall effectively provide a visual and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining lands, including the maximum retention of existing vegetation and maintenance, including replacement of dead or deceased plants. LANDSCAPING HAS BEEN PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN CODE. DUE TO THE INHEARANT DIFFICULITES WITH SNOW REMOVAL ON AN AUTO SALES LOT, THE REQUIRED INTERNAL LANDSCAPING HAS INSTEAD BEEN DISTRIBUTED AROUND THE PERIMETER. I. Fire lanes, emergency zones and fire hydrants will be adequate and meet the needs and requirements of emergency service providers. FIRE HYDRANT IS LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF QUAKER ROAD ACROSS FROM THE PROJECT ENTRANCE DRIVEWAY. The design of structures, roadways and landscaping in areas susceptible to po such impacts to the maximum extent practicable. minimize or avoid ACCESS DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY SLOPED TO SHEET DRAIN INTO SHALLOW SWALES WHICH ARE A PART OF THE PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. YES an conforms to the design standards, landscaping Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 § 179-9-050 Application for Site Plan Review Application for site plan approval shall be made to the Planning Board using forms supplied by the Board Application materials and the site plan shall include sufficient information for the Board to make its findings under § 179-9-070 and 179-9-080 below In determining the content of the site plan and supporting documentation, the Planning Board may waive certain requirements if the Planning Board deems such requirements or information unnecessary for the type of project proposed. Any such waiver shall be made in writing, and shall contain statements of the reasons why the waived information requirements are not necessary for an informed review under the circumstances. The Planning Board may grant such waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant Such request shall set forth the specific requirements that are requested to be waived and the reasons for the requested waiver. Absent any waiver or waivers, an application for Site Plan Review shall include the following: Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 6 Shown REQUIREMENTS I on Sheet A A vicinity map drawn at the scale that shows the relationship of the proposal to existing community facilities which affect or serve it, such as roads, shopping areas, schools, etc. The map shall also show all properties, identify owners, subdivisions, streets, and easements within 500 feet of the property. Such a sketch may be superimposed on a United States Geological SPl Survey map of the area. B The site plan shall be drawn at a scale of forty feet to the inch (1" = 40 feet) or such other scale as the Planning Board may deem appropriate, on standard 24" x 36" sheets, with continuation on 8'/" x 11" sheets as necessary for written information. SP2 The information listed below shall be shown on the site plan and continuation sheets Name of the project, boundaries, date, north arrow, and scale of the plan. C SP1 D Name and address of the owner of record, developer, and seal of the engineer, architect, or landscape architect, If the applicant is not the record owner, a letter of authorization shall be required from the owner SP1 E The location and use of all existing and proposed structures within the property, including all dimensions of height and floor area, all exterior entrances, and all anticipated future additions and alterations. SPI F The location of all present and proposed public and private ways, off-street parking areas, driveways, outdoor storage areas, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, paths, landscaping, walls, and fences. Location, type, and screening details for all waste disposal SP2 containers shall also be shown. (, The location, height, intensity, and bulb type (sodium, incandescent, etc.) of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to eliminate glare onto adjoining properties must also be shown in compliance with §179-6-020. The location, height, size, materials, and design of all proposed signs. SP6 H ATT The location of all present and proposed utility systems including: 1. Sewage or septic system; 2. Water supply system; SP2&3` 3. Telephone, cable, and electrical systems; and 4. Storm drainage system including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, headwalls, endwalls, hydrants, manholes, and drainage swales. ,J Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater, erosion of soil both during and after construction, excessive runoff, and flooding of other properties, as applicable. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for all land development activities (excluding agricultural activities) on the site that results in land disturbance of 1 -acre or more. A SWPPP shall comply with the requirements of the DEC SPDES MS -4 General Permit and Chapter 147 of the Town of Queensbury Code. It SP4 shall be at the discretion of the Planning Board as to whether a SWPPP or an erosion and control plan shall be required for a site plan review project land disturbance of less than 1 -acre. K Existing and proposed topography at two -foot contour intervals, or such other contour interval as the Planning Board shall allow. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodetic Bench Mark. If any portion of the parcel is within the 100 -year floodplain, the area will be shown, and base flood elevations given. Areas shall be indicated within the SP3 proposed site and within 50 feet of the proposed site where soil removal or filling is required, showing the approximate volume in cubic yards. L A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features that may influence the design of the proposed use such as rock outcrops, stands of trees, single trees eight or more inches in diameter, forest cover, and water sources, and all proposed changes to these features including sizes and types of plants. Water sources include ponds, lakes, wetlands and SP5 watercourses, aquifers, floodplains, and drainage retention areas. Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 6 M N a" Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Land Use District boundaries within 500 feet of the site's perimeter shall be drawn and identified on the site plan, as well as any Overlay Districts that apply to the property. SPI Traffic flow patterns within the site, entrances and exits, and loading and unloading areas, as well as curb cuts on the site and within 100 feet of the site. The Planning Board may, at its discretion, require a detailed traffic study for large developments or for those in heavy traffic areas, which shall include: 1. The projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or leave the site, estimated for weekly and annual peak hour traffic levels; SP2 2. The projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular movements at all major intersections likely to be affected by the proposed use of the site; 3.The impact of this traffic on levels of service on abutting public streets and at affected intersections Existing and proposed weekly and annual peak hour traffic levels and road capacity levels shall also be given For new construction or alterations to any structure, a table containing the following information shall be included: 1. Estimated area of structure to be used for particular purposes such as retail operation, office, storage, etc.; 2 Estimated maximum number of employees; 3. Maximum seating capacity, where applicable; and 4. Number of parking spaces existing and required for the intended use. SPI P 1. Floor Plans. 2. Elevations at a scale of one-quarter inch equals one foot (1/4" = 1 foot) for all exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/or alterations to or expansions of existing facades, showing design features and indicating the type and color of materials ARCH to be used. Q Soil logs, water supply well and percolation test results, and storm runoff calculations, as needed to determine and mitigate project impacts, SP2 R Plans for disposal of construction and demolition waste, either on-site or at an approved disposal facility. S Plans for snow removal, including location(s) of on-site snow storage. T An Environmental Assessment Form ("EAF"), as required by the SEQRA regulations, with Part 1 completed by the Applicant shall be submitted as part of the application. If the proposed project requires a special use permit and an EAF has been ATACH submitted in conjunction with a special use permit application, a duplicate EAF is not required for the site plan application. U If an application is for a parcel or parcels on which more than one use is proposed, the applicant may submit a single application for all such uses provided the proposed uses are accurately delineated on a site plan drawn pursuant to the requirements set forth above. The Planning Board may grant the application with respect to some proposed uses and not NA others For purposes of reviewing an application (and for SEQRA compliance) all proposed uses on a single parcel or on contiguous parcels shall be considered together. A brief narrative statement on how the project proposed for review furthers or is consistent with the vision, goals and policies v in the Town's Comprehensive Plan. ATACH Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 7 Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Pre -Submission Conference Form x179-4-0401 1. Tax Map ID 303.6-1-4 2. Zoning Classification CI 3. Reason for Review: SITE PLAN REVIEW �� G1— �U I�Ir?��e`��� �c« �541�� feq uv 5 4. Zoning Section #: S �l� n t`PJi� J 5, Pre -Submission Meeting Notes; Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: Deed Yes No General Information complete v --Yes No Site Development Data Complete :-' Yes No Setback Requirements Complete v/ Yes No Additional Project Information Complete ,-Yes No FAR Worksheet complete Yes No Standards addressedes No Checklist items addressed Yes No Environmental Form completed Yes No Signature Page completed Yes __,:�-No Staff Representative: _ r�Ck:) Applicant / Agent: ---'"-9 Date: Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 518-761-8220 $ Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 Signature Page This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: Designates: NACE ENGINEERING As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: 303.6 Section 1 Block 4 Lot Deed Reference: 4951 Book 239 Page 3/7/14 Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: Designates NACE ENGINEERING As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: 303.6 Section 1 Block 4 Lot Deed Reference: Book 239 Page 3/7/14 Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 2.) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed $ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as -built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read and agree to the above. Signature [A li Signature [Agent] SEAN GARVEY Print Name [Applicant] THOMAS NACE, PE Print Name [Agent] 4/14/15 Date signed 4/14/15 Date signed Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 11 61 Z20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part I - Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item, please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency; attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1 - Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: GARVEY KIA Project Location (describe, and attach a location map): NORTH SIDE OF QUAKER ROAD EAST OF RIDGE ROAD AND IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF GARVEY VW Brief Description of Proposed Action: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 18,050 SQUARE FOOT AUTO DEALERSHIP AND ASSOCIATED PARKING LOT, ACCESS ROAD AND SITE WORK. Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: 518-793-3488 GARVEY KIA, SEAN GARVEY E -Mail: Address: 483 QUAKER ROAD City/PO: State: Zip Code: QUEENSBURY NY 12804 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law, ordinance, NO YES Z❑ administrative rule, or regulation? If Yes, attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no, continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit, approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes, list agency(s) name and permit or approval: NYSDEC AUTHORIZATION TO USE STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 3.a. Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 20.0 acres b. Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 6.5 acres c. Total acreage (project site and any contiguous properties) owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 24.0 acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on, adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑ Urban []Rural (non -agriculture) ❑ Industrial m Commercial ❑ Residential (suburban) OForest ❑Agriculture El Aquatic ❑Other (specify): ❑Parkland Page 1 of 4 5. Is the proposed action, a. A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? NO YES N/A ❑ ❑✓ 1:1 �✓ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural landscape? NO YES ❑ ❑✓ 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in, or does it adjoin, a state listed Critical Environmental Area? If Yes, identify: NO YES ❑✓ El 8. a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? b. Are public transportation service(s) available at or near the site of the proposed action? c. Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? NO YES FV_1 ❑ 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? If the proposed action will exceed requirements, describe design features and technologies: NO YES 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? If No, describe method for providing potable water: NO YES 11. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? If No, describe method for providing wastewater treatment: 12. a. Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic Places? b. Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? NO YES ❑ LJ NO YES ✓❑ ❑ 13. a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action, or lands adjoining the proposed action, contain wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal, state or local agency? b. Would the proposed action physically alter, or encroach into, any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: NO YES FI El Z 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on, or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: ❑ Shoreline m Forest ❑ Agricultural/grasslands ❑ Early mid -successional m Wetland ❑ Urban ❑ Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal, or associated habitats, listed by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? NO YES R 1-11 16. Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES T7 F TT 17. Will the proposed action create stone water discharge, either from point or non -point sources? If Yes, a. Will stone water discharges flow to adjacent properties? ❑ NO mYES b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems (runoff and stone drains)? If Yes, briefly describe: m NO ❑YES NO YES ❑ Page 2 of 4 18. Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of water or other liquids (e.g. retention pond, waste lagoon, dam)? If Yes, explain purpose and size: ., n .MWGTFR TRFGTMF Pn n. NO YES ❑ ❑ to large impact impact may 19. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed solid waste management facility? If Yes, describe: NO YES Fv—/1 ❑ 20. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation (ongoing or completed) for hazardous waste? If Yes, describe: NO YES W] El 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? El I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: SEAN GARVEY — Date: 4/13/15 Signature: [W— Part r Part 2 - Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept "Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" Page 3 of 4 No, or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur . Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning El 1:1regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? El ❑ 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? ❑ E 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the ❑ ❑ establishment of a Critical Environmental Area (CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or ❑ affect existing infrastructure for mass transit, biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate El 1:1reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: n a. public / private water supplies? L� b. public / private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic, archaeological, j� ❑ architectural or aesthetic resources? u 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources (e.g., wetlands, waterbodies, groundwater, air quality, flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 Part 3 - Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered "moderate to large impact may occur", or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact, please complete Part 3. Part 3 should, in sufficient detail, identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant. Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting, probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility, geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term, long-term and cumulative impacts. F- � Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, LLJJ that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ElCheck this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (if different from Responsible Officer) PRINT I Page 4 of 4 No, or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion, flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3 - Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered "moderate to large impact may occur", or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact, please complete Part 3. Part 3 should, in sufficient detail, identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant. Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting, probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility, geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term, long-term and cumulative impacts. F- � Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, LLJJ that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ElCheck this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (if different from Responsible Officer) PRINT I Page 4 of 4 PROJECT NARRATIVE GARVEY KIA QUAKER ROAD SITE — NEW DEALERSHIP The owners of Garvey Kia have purchased a 20 acre parcel of land just north of their current dealership building which houses both VW and KIA dealerships. They plan on constructing a new 18,050 square foot building on the new parcel to house the KIA dealership. The new KIA dealership will have its own vehicle display lot and a driveway separate from the existing VW site. However, there will be a driveway connecting the two dealers. This will allow customers to travel from one site to the other without having to go onto Quaker Road. More importantly, this interconnection will allow all new vehicle car -carrier deliveries for both dealerships to be made at the new KIA dealership where the car -carriers can unload on the site and not along Quaker Road (currently car -carriers at the VW site have to unload along the Quaker Road shoulder because the driveway is too short and steep for them to drive onto the site). Stormwater from the proposed development will sheet flow to the edge of the new asphalt parking/display lot where it will be intercepted by a gravel diaphragm which will collect the majority of any sediment. The gravel diaphragm will overflow into a dry swale where any remaining sediment will settle out. These dry swales will also serve as a location for snow storage around the perimeter of the site where the sand and gravel can settle out as the snow melts. Due to the silty — clay nature of the existing site soils, wet stormwater ponds will be used to provide final treatment of the stormwater and to reduce peak runoff rates to pre -development levels. Municipal water and sewer are available and will be utilized for this project. The applicant is proposing to utilize LED lighting for the site. However, he is proposing to utilize a fixture mounting height of 25 feet in order to optimize the number of fixtures required. In order to provide flexibility in the arrangement of the outdoor display of new cars and to minimize the difficulties inherent in removing snow from parking lots where cars are parked 24/7, the applicant is proposing to not use landscaped islands internal to the parking lot and instead to locate the required amount of internal landscaping around the perimeter of the paved area. Waivers Requested • 25 foot fixture mounting height for site lighting in lieu of 20 feet. • Locating requisite amount of internal parking lot landscaping around perimeter of lot instead of on internal islands. N WARREN COUNTY — STATE OF NEW YORK PAMELA J. VOGEL, COUNTY CLERK 1340 STATE ROUTE 9, f.!! LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845 e.rF r COUNTY CLERK'S RECORDING PAGE 'THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT - DO NOT DETACH BOOK/PAGE: 4951 / 239 INSTRUMENT #: 2014-1411 Records Management - Coun 1.00 Records Management - stat 4.75 Additional Names 1.00 TP584 5.00 RP5217 - County 9.00 RP5217 All others - state 241.00 Recording: 11111111111111111111111111111111 Page 5.00 Recording 50.00 .-,1 .--Cover rFee BOOK/PAGE: 4951 / 239 INSTRUMENT #: 2014-1411 Records Management - Coun 1.00 Records Management - stat 4.75 Additional Names 1.00 TP584 5.00 RP5217 - County 9.00 RP5217 All others - state 241.00 Receipt#: 2014326935 Clerk: CL sub Total: Rec Date: 03/07/2014 04:06:36 PM Doc Grp: RP Transfer Tax Descrip: DEED Transfer Tax - State Num Pgs: 7 Recd Frm: MCPHILLIPS FITZGERALD & CULLUM Sub Total: LLP Partyl: BOYCHUK OREST A Party2: TOWBAR LLC Town: QUEENSBURY Record and Return To: 331.00 3000.00 3000.UU Total: 3331.00 NOTICE: THIS IS NOT A BILL Transfer Tax Transfer Tax #: 1500 Transfer Tax Consideration: 750000.00 Transfer Tax - State 3000.00 Total: 3000.00 WARNING"* * I herebv certift, that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office, State of New York. This sheet constitutes the Clerks endorsement required by Section 316 of the Real Property Law of the State of New York. MCPHILLIPS FITZGERALD & CULLUM LLP 288 GLEN STREET PO BOX 299 Pamela J. Vogel GLENS FALLS NY 12801 Warren Countv Clerk �/ r�]d�/DATE OF DEED WARRANTY DEED WITH LIEN COVENANT Kan% 1 ,2014 GRANTOR: OREST A. BOYCHUK AND MARIA BOYCHUK a/k/a MARIKA G. BOYCHUK 35 Orchard Drive Queensbury, NY 12804 and THE OMALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, A New York Limited Partnership 35 Orchard Drive Queensbury, NY 12804 GRANTEE: TOWBAR, LLC THIS WARRANTY DEED made between Grantor and Grantee on the deed date stated above WITNESSES THAT GRANTOR in consideration of ----------------------------One Dollar ($ 1.00) ----------------------------------- lawful money of the United States and other good and valuable consideration, paid by Grantee, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE UNTO GRANTEE and his assigns forever all that property located at: Quaker Road Town of Queensbury County of Warren State of New York TAX MAP #: 303.5-1-18 and 303.6-1-4 (THE PROPERTY IS DESCRIBED MORE FULLY IN SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED) THIS GRANT IS MADE: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the Grantor in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises granted by this Warranty Deed unto the Grantee and his assigns forever. AND THE GRANTOR COVENANTS as follows: FIRST: That Grantee shall QUIETLY ENJOY said premises; SECOND: That Grantor will forever WARRANT the title to said premises; THIRD: That this conveyance is made subject to the trust fund provisions of section thirteen of the lien law. If there are more than one Grantor or Grantee, the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" used in this deed includes them. IN WITNESS OF THIS CONVEYANCE, Grantor has executed this WARRANTY DEED on the deed date stated above. IN PRESENCE OF rest A. Boyc (L.S.) �Ma$Rka G. Boychuk The Omall y Lind ed Pa (L.S.) By: Orest k B uk, co'-Nfanager of Omall, LLC (L.S.) Omall, LLC By: Marika G. Boychuk, Co -Manager o STATE O `V'-d _) COUNTY OF 0�-j& n , On the 91- day of in the year 2014 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Orest A. Boychuk and Marika G. Boychuk, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities, that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the J��. (Insert the city or other political subdivision and the state or country or other place the acknowledgement was taken,) LJ— No4b !ic KELLE DEAN MOLINIA ' = Notary Public - State at Florida My Comm. Expires Sep B, 2015 a° Commission EE 128827 „ ,,. SCHEDULE "A" PARCEL A -Tax Map #303.6-1-4 ALL THOSE CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND situate in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, located on the northeasterly side of Quaker Road and easterly of Ridge Road, in said town, and which parcels are bounded and described as follows: PARCEL 1 BEGINNING at a steel survey marker set in a drill hole in rock in the easterly line of Quaker Road, and which said marker is the northwesterly corner of those premises conveyed by Helen K. Peet to J. Peter Garvey, I1I, et al., by deed dated May 2, 1985, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office in Book 671 of Deeds at page 108; running thence from the place of beginning, North 27 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds West, along the easterly line of Quaker Road, for a distance of 65.84 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 38 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, along the easterly line of said road, for a distance of 65.83 feet to the easterly line of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.; thence the following six courses and distances along the easterly and northerly lines of said power corporation premises, viz.: 1) North 13 degrees 28 minutes West, 401.53 feet; 2) North 76 degrees 32 minutes East, 40.00 feet; 3) North 13 degrees 28 minutes West, 139.20 feet; 4) North 68 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds West, 139.20 feet; 5) South 21 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds West, 40.00 feet; 6) North 68 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds West, 816.07 feet to the easterly line of those premises conveyed by Otto A. Quist to James A. and Gloria L. Conklin, by deed dated July 8, 1960, and recorded in said clerk's office in Book 400 of Deeds at page 65; thence North 08 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds East for a distance of 73.15 feet to the northeast corner of said last mentioned premises, and which last mentioned point is situate at a distance of approximately 172.81 feet East of the easterly line of Ridge Road; thence South 81 degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds East, along the southerly line of lands of Stanley and Beverly Juckett and lands of Earltown Corporation, for a distance of 49.82 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 81 degrees 52 minutes East, along the said southerly line of Earltown Corporation, for a distance of 121.90 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 82 degrees 20 minutes 40 seconds East, along the said southerly line of those premises conveyed by Robert E. Johnson to Earltown Corporation, by deed dated January 16, 1981, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office in Book 636 of Deeds at page 946, for a distance of 1622.62 feet to the northwest corner of lands or Margaret Crockwell; thence South 06 degrees 26 minutes West, along the westerly line of said lands of Crockwell, for a distance of 875.89 feet to a steel survey marker marking the northeast corner of the aforementioned premises conveyed by Peet to Garvey, et al.; thence North 82 degrees 16 minutes 05 seconds West, along the northerly line of said Garvey premises, for a distance of 233.14 feet to an angle point therein; thence North 82 degrees 36 minutes West, along said Garvey premises, for a distance of 400.0 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 20.02 acres of land, more or less. PARCEL 2 BEGINNING at a point in the northeasterly line of the Quaker Road at a distance of 257.85 feet on a course of North 38 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, measured along said northeasterly line from the southwesterly corner of the above described 20.02 acre parcel, and which point of beginning is also in the westerly line of the aforementioned lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation: running thence from the place of beginning, North 38 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds West, along the northeasterly line of Quaker Road, for a distance of 22.75 feet to the easterly line of lands of Winifield S. Nichols; thence North 15 degrees 03 minutes 10 seconds East, along said easterly line, for a distance of 20.33 feet to the westerly line of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation; thence South 13 degrees 28 minutes East, along said westerly line, for a distance of 38.44 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 186.5 square feet of land, more or less. PARCEI, 3 BEGINNING at an iron pipe set in the northeasterly line of Quaker Road where said northeasterly line is intersected by the northerly line of lands of Winifield S. Nichols; running thence from the place of beginning, North 51 degrees 48 minutes West, along the northeasterly line of Quaker Road, for a distance of 104.86 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 66 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West, along the northerly line of Quaker Road, for a distance of 418.49 feet to a concrete monument marking the southerly line of lands of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, and which last mentioned monument is situate at a distance of approximately 405 feet East of the centerline of Ridge Road; thence South 68 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds East, along the southerly line of said power corporation lands, for a distance of 722.91 feet to the northerly line of said lands of Nichols; thence North 82 degrees 12 minutes West, along said northerly line, for a distance of 210.34 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 0.28 of an acres of land, more or less. TOGETHER with and SUBJECT to all enforceable covenants, easements, restrictions, and conditions of record. BEING the same premises conveyed from Belly J. Berg formerly known as Betty J. Quist to Orest A. Boychuk and Maria Boychuk by deed dated August 25, 1986, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on August 25, 1986 in Book 684 of Deeds at Page 315. ALSO BEING the same premises intended to be conveyed from Orest A. Boychuk and Maria Boychuk a/k/a Marika G. Boychuk to The Omall Family Limited Partnership by deed dated March 30, 2001, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on April 5, 2001 in Book 1210 of Deeds at Page 78. It is the intention of Orest A. Boychuk and Maria Boychuk a/k/a Marika G. Boychuk to convey any and all interest in the above described premises that they may have to the Grantee. PARCEL B -Tax Man #303.5-1-8 ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin set in the ground as a corner and located on the north side of what is known as Quaker Road in the Town of Queensbury, said iron pin also marking the westerly corner of lands now or formerly of Otto Quist as shown on a map of part of lands of A. Winne MacMahon, surveyed for W.S. Nichols by Glenn B. Coulter, Licensed Land Surveyor, dated November 17, 1961, and which map was in the Warren County Clerk's Office on 12/28/61; proceeding thence north 38° 27' West a distance of 74.73 feet to a concrete monument; thence north 51 ° 29' west a distance of 311.12 feet to an iron pin set in the ground as a comer and said point being adjacent to other lands now or formerly of Otto Quist; thence south 81 ° 53' east a distance of 210.34 feet to an iron pin set in the ground for a corner; thence south 68° 28' east a distance of 46.86 feet to an iron pin set in the ground for a corner; thence south 13° 09' east a distance of 190.82 feet to an iron pin set in the ground for a comer; thence south 15° 14' West a distance of 20.21 feet to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER with and SUBJECT to all enforceable covenants, easements, restrictions, and conditions of record. BEING the same premises conveyed from Orest A. Boychuk to The Omall Family Limited Partnership by deed dated March 30, 2001, and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office on April 5, 2001 in Book 1210 of Deeds at Page 84. R&R: Timothy Shuler, Esq. McPhillips, Fitzgerald & Cullum LLP P.O. Box 299 288 Glen Street Glens Falls, NY 12801 Specifications EPA: 0.8 ft' 30K 3000 K 80 (.07 m,) Length: 26" Shipped installed (66.0 cm) Width: 13" 700 700 mA (33,0 cm) Height: 120" SPA Square pole (17,8 cm) Weight 16lbs (max): (7,25kgl Millr,. -T r DSXO LED DSXO LED Catalog D -Series Number Size O tlotes LED Area Luminaire Type FWFNOIY Introduction The modern styling of the D -Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its 7 H environment. The D -Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED WI technology into a high performance, high efficacy, L long -life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. It is ideal for replacing up to 40OW metal halide with typical energy savings of 65% and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. EXAMPLE: DSXO LED 40C 1000 40K T3M MVOLT SPA DDBXD Forward 530 530 mA 30K 3000 K 80 TIS Type I short MVOLT' Shipped included Shipped installed Shipped DDBXD Dark optics 700 700 mA CRI min,) T25 Type II short 120" SPA Square pole PER NEMA ovist -lock installed bronze 20C 20 LEDs 1000 1000mA 40K 4000K(70 T2M Type 11 208 mounting receptacle only HS House -side DBLXD BlacK (OneCRlmin,) (1 A)' bracket adaptor (specify finish) medium 2401 RPA Round pale (no controls)' shield'' DNAXD Natural engine, For more control options, visit. and •online. 50K 5000 K (70 T35 Type III short yp 2771 mounting g DMG 0-10V dimming SF Single fuse aluminum 40C 40 LEDs (two 2.308' AST20,199 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AST20-490 CRI) T3M Type III YP ' 347 s WBA Wall bracket driver (no controls` 3 1 (120, 277, 3479) - DWHXD White engines) separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. AMBPC Amber phosphor medium 4805 SPUMBA Square pole DCR Dimmableand DF Double fuse DDBTXD Textured Rotated converted' T4M Type IV universal controllable (208, 240, dark optics medium mounting via ROAM'(no . 48OV) ` bronze 30C 30 LEDs TFTM Forward adaptor- controls) �_ , L90 Left rotated DBL13XD Textured (one throw RPUMBA Round pole PIR IVlotionsensor, optics: black engine) medium universal 8-15'mounting R90 Right DNATXD Textured TSUS Type Vvery mounting hei ht° g rotated natural short adaptor' PIRH Motion sensor, optics' aluminum T5S TypeV short Shipped separately' 15-30'mounting height'' DDL Diffused ' DWHGXD Textured KMA8 Mast arm drop lens white TSM TypeV DDBXD U mounting BL30 Bilevel switca ed medium bracket adap dimming, 30,0 TSW TypeVwide tor(speci)y 131.50 Bi-levelswitched finish) dimming, 50%" Top of Pole NOTES 1 30 LEDs options (190 or R90) only (30C option) and rotated available together. Ternplot *8 63' C J - 1.325• OA'I 1A , 177-ft7M L11Ai71_e7 1WG w OSXO shares a unique drilling pattern with the AERIS- family. Specify OLL127F UA Photocell-SSLtwist-lock(120-2719)" 3 AMBPC only available with 530mA or 700mA. DLL347F1.5CUL1U Photocell -55Ltwist-lock(347V)' DM19AS Single Unit OM29AS 2 at 90' ` DLL480F1„501-1U Photocell- SSLtwist-lock(48OV)' _] SCU Shorting cap” 0 si DSXOHS 20C House -side shield for 20 LED unit" Ah a DSXOHS 30C House -side shield for30 LED unit" DSXOHS 4000 tIGUIR-iderhkldforloLED ,N1." V = DSXODDLU Diffused drop lens (polycarbonate) V Q PUMBA DDBXD U' Square and round pole universal mounting 10 Specifies a ROAMO enabled luminaire wuh D-1 DV dirronrft ca pabi lity; PER option bracket adaptor (specify finish) KMA8 DD13XD0 Mostarm mounting bracket adaptor 6745 or email: mles@roamservices.net, N/A BL30, BL50, PIR, or PIRH.. (specify finish)' $II fitter** For more control options, visit. and •online. OA'I 1A , 177-ft7M L11Ai71_e7 1WG w OSXO shares a unique drilling pattern with the AERIS- family. Specify 2 1000mA is not available with AMBPC, this drilling pattern when specifying pales, per the table below. 3 AMBPC only available with 530mA or 700mA. 4 MVOLT driver operates on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60 Hz). Specify 120, DM19AS Single Unit OM29AS 2 at 90' ` 208, 240 or 277 options only when ordering with fusing (SF, DF options). 0111112BAS 2 180' DM39AS 3 90° ` 5 Not available with single -board, 530 mA product (20C 530 or 30C 530), Not at at available with DCR, BL30, or BL50. DM49AS 4 at 90'' DM32AS 3 at 120° " 6 Available as a separate combination accessory: PUMBA (finish) U; 1.5 G vibration load rating per ANCI C136.31. Example: SSA 20 40 DM19AS DDBXD 7 Must be ordered as a separate accessory; see Accessories information,. For use with 2-3/8" mast arm (not included)- VisliLO.on iigwing's iosee ow wide selecnon atpoles,aaessonesand eduranonal 8 Photocell ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands toss Controls. See accessories. 'round pale toponn""3,ls^o.o,m:mmum. 9 DMG option for 347v or 480v requires 1000mA. —tor round polem ,;ing(APA) only. 10 Specifies a ROAMO enabled luminaire wuh D-1 DV dirronrft ca pabi lity; PER option required. Not available with 347 or 48iV.. AdditiotWl N dvmre and services required for ROAM® deployment; must be purrhased separately. Call 1-800-442- 6745 or email: mles@roamservices.net, N/A BL30, BL50, PIR, or PIRH.. 11 PIR specifies the s :: 7. 4= '' control; PIRH specifies the $II fitter** _:; control; see _ _- fordetails.Dimming Tenon Mountie 9 P driver standard. Not available with DCR, 12 Requires an additional switched circuit. Dimming driver standard, MVOLT only. Not available with DCR. 13 Also available as a separate accessory; see Accessories information. HS and DDL 2.308' AST20,199 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AST20-490 are not available together, 2.718' ASPI.190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 14 Single fuse (SF) requires 120, 277 or 347 voltage option.. Double fuse (DF) requires 208, 240 or 480 voltage option. 4' AST05190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 15 Requires luminaire to be specified with PER option. Ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 0 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc, All rights reserved. row cg ooi Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LiM-79-08. Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts, Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not shown here. MEM C"MA IMM Rig Note: Available with phosphor -converted amber LED's (nomenclature AMBPQ, These LED's produce light with 97-% >530 nm.Output can be calculated by applying a O,7 factor to 4000 K lumen values and photometric files.. 01A1-171jil One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800,279.8041 • Fax: 770.918,1209 DSXO-LED LIV11�111017-19VV 0 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc, All rights reserved. Rev. 02/23/15 1 1 1 ��rar0�©oom��oro 111 ��ri■�■■ m�©o©o �laaoo ®r�a000�©�u©�■�©o© . ��otaroo�©o©m��o� ®�roatinm�oQ©mom®o© ����� '���.0©��®�© • ®�©oAo�©no�■�Qoo ®�doo�ai�©oum�®moo ®�®oo�ar�©000�or�n ��©ao�a�®I000��r�� •� ®polo®m�o�©m�Qo� ®�0000��a©oo�o�ooA 000�oo©m®©iaaoi�oo© oo�oo©mo�a�uAo•�000 ' ��■�o�laom��aao���aoo.. ®tea®aom�©oomi�oo© • 000� ®oao ®©o©o! ■r�oo©I oo�oo©m�n000ao�oo© 41 LEDs) 111 ®o�000m 11 ©oomo�aon© •. ®�©000©o©mo�a■€■o© •. ®�ouoo.�©oomo�oo© '� •'®' ©0©�iF�OQQO�aQ® • ®��araomos000��aoo ® 11 oriam�ao©o■�ar�o© ®moo©o•�©o©moa® Note: Available with phosphor -converted amber LED's (nomenclature AMBPQ, These LED's produce light with 97-% >530 nm.Output can be calculated by applying a O,7 factor to 4000 K lumen values and photometric files.. 01A1-171jil One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800,279.8041 • Fax: 770.918,1209 DSXO-LED LIV11�111017-19VV 0 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc, All rights reserved. Rev. 02/23/15 .'r1crrie. Da:a 1. Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0A0'C (32-104'9. OOC 32OF 1.02 100C 500F 1.01 200C 68OF 1.00 250C 77°F 1.00 300C 860F 1.00 400C 1040F 0.99 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the platforms noted in a 2500 ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM -80-08 and projected per IESNA TM -21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values, contact factory. �.,.. 0 25,000 50.000 100,000 DSXO LED 20C 3000 1 0.97 0.94 0-90 1157[0 LED 4DC 1000 1 0.94 0." 0.84 D51i0 LED4DC 790 1 0.99 0.98 036 Electrical Load 120 208 240 277 347 480 20C 530 700 1.000 35 45 72 0.34 0.47 0.16 0.22 0.28 0.45 0.21 0.24 0.35 0.20 0,22 0.36 -- 0.18 0.36 -- 0.14 0-9 530 52 0.51 0,31 0.28 0,25 -- •• 30C 700 70 0.72 0,43 0,37 0.34 0.25 0.19 lnnn 104 1,11 _ .41 034 530 68 0.71 0.41 0.36 0.33 0.25 0.19 40C 700 91 0,94 0.55 0,48 0,42 0.33 024 1000 138 1,45 0.84 0.73 0,64 0,69 OSO To see complete photometric reports or download .ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting's _ a e= Isofootcandle plots for the DSXO LED 40C 1000 40K. Distances are in units of mounting height (20'). LEGEND 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 a 1 a s 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 0.1 fc 4 1 3 ■ 0.5 fc _ � 2 1.0 fC 0 O + o < 3 J Z -3 d d 71S ' ; T3M FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The sleek design ofthe D -Series Size 0 reflects the embedded high performance LED technology. It is ideal for many commercial and municipal applications, such as parking lots, plazas, campuses, and streetscapes. CONSTRUCTION Single -piece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sinkfins to optimize thermal management through conductive and convective cooling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and future light engine upgrades.The LED driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants (IP65), Low EPA (0,8 ftg for optimized pole wind loading, FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc -infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling,. Available in both textured and non -textured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing. Light engines are available in standard 4000 K (70 minimum CRI) or optional 3000 K (80 minimum CRI) or 5000 K (70 CRI) configurations, The D -Series Size 0 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly"" product, meaning it is consistent with the LEEDS and Green Globes"" criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engine(s) configurations consist of high -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life (up to L96/100,000 hours at 25°C), Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor >90%, THD <20%, and an expected life of 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 a. a a 3 t _ 2 2 - 0 0 -2 7 -< -< < Z a -� a Jz zw Z- z i5V 3 100,000 hours with <1% failure rate. Easily serviceable 10kV or 61<V surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62,41,2), INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D -Series Size 0 to withstand up to a 3.0 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136,31, The D -Series Size 0 utilizes the AERIS'"series pole drilling pattern. Optional terminal block, tool -less entry, and NEMA photocontrol receptacle are also available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations. Light engines are IP66 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -40°C minimum ambient, U,S Patent No. D672,492 S. International patent pending, DesignLights ConsortiumO (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at _ _ to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at: Note: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25 °C, Specifications subject to change without notice, OFA L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800,279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 DSXO-LED LIGHT/NG © 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc- All rights reserved- Rev. 02/23/15 D -Series Size 2 LED Area Luminaire Specifications - 1 EPA: 2.0 ft2 Length: 40 (1016") Width: 15" L Height: 7-1/4" Weight 36 361bs (max): r.6 3 <g) 1r 1. ti L', CS[<_. t 1.6'1i DSX2 LIED DSX2 LED Forward optics 80C 80 LEDs (four `engine) 100C 100 LEDs (four engines) Rotated optics' 90C 90 LEDs 530 530 mA 700 700 mA 1000 1000 mA (1 A) 30K 3000 K 40K 4000K 50K 5000 K AMBPC Amber phosphor converted Catalog Number Notes Introduction The modern styling of the D -Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. The D -Series distills the benefits of the latest in LED technology into a high performance, high efficacy, long - life luminaire. The outstanding photometric performance results in sites with excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and lower power density. The Size 2 is ideal for replacing 400-1000W metal halide in area lighting applications with energy savings of up to 80% and expected service life of over 100,000 hours: EXAMPLE: DSX2 LED 80C 1000 40K T4M MVOLT SPA DDBXD T15 Type I Short TFTM Forward Throw (Medium MVOLT a hipped included US Type II Short T5VS Type VVery Short 120' SPA Square pole mounting T2M Type 11 Medium TSS Type Short 2081 RPA Round pole mounting T3S Type III Short T5M TypeV Medium 240' WBA Mall bracket T3M Type IlllMedium T5W Type VWide 2771 SPUMBA Square pole universal mounting adaptor T4M TypeIV,M.edium Natural aluminum PER7 347 RPUMBA Round pole universal mounting adaptor° Radii nght,dim tilldawn " DF Double fuse(208,240,480V)' 480 Shipped separately DMG 0-10V dimming driver (no controls) ' PNMT5D3 ParlMq ,tlim5his' KMA8 DDBXD U IViastarm mounting bracket adaptor Left rotated optics DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DCR Dimmable and controllable via ROAM' (nocontrols) s (specify finish) ' Template #8 Top of 3 401" (2 PLCa; DSX2 shares a unique drilling pattern with the AERIS'° family. Specify this drilling pa0em when specifying pules, per the table belmv. OM19AS Single unit OM29AS 2at900' DM28A5 2 at 100° DM39AS 3 at 90° ` DM49AS 4 at 90°' OM32AS 3 at 120° " Example: SSA 20 40 DM19AS DDBXD Visit I thonia b9hdng's , I to see o,:r .vide se ,ecbon ofpoies, accessories and educational tools. 'Round pole top roust be 3.25' O.D. .•niMmum or round pole mounting (RPA; only. Controls & Shields x DLL127FI,5JU Photocell -SSLtwist-lock(120-277V)" —��• DLL347F1,S CULIU Photocell -SSLtwist-lock(347V)" N a DLL480F1.5(ULJU Photocell - SSL twist-lock(48OV)" S(U lo Shipped installed N n DSX2HS 8000 (route-5(&Aaeldbt8pl[duvNr DSX2HS 90C It Shipped installed DDBXD Darkbronze PER NEMAtOvist-lockreceptadeonly(nocontrols) BL30 ff•kaeiswluhed4mmlrr}3096 "' a HS House -side shield '3 DBLXD Black PERS Five -wire receptacle only (no controls)16 BL50 81-leuelswit[heddininn ,i4% ""' SF Single fuse (120,277,347V) DNAXD Natural aluminum PER7 Seven -wire receptacle only (no controls) PNMTDD3 Radii nght,dim tilldawn " DF Double fuse(208,240,480V)' DWHXD White DMG 0-10V dimming driver (no controls) ' PNMT5D3 ParlMq ,tlim5his' L90 Left rotated optics DDBTXD Textured dark bronze DCR Dimmable and controllable via ROAM' (nocontrols) s PNMT6D3 Parthight,dim 6his °' R90 Right rotated optics DBLBXD Textured black DS Dual switching91p PNMT7D3 Pat dlm Thrs `P DNATXD Textured natural aluminum PIRH Motion sensor, 15-30'mounting height" DWHGXD Textured white Template #8 Top of 3 401" (2 PLCa; DSX2 shares a unique drilling pattern with the AERIS'° family. Specify this drilling pa0em when specifying pules, per the table belmv. OM19AS Single unit OM29AS 2at900' DM28A5 2 at 100° DM39AS 3 at 90° ` DM49AS 4 at 90°' OM32AS 3 at 120° " Example: SSA 20 40 DM19AS DDBXD Visit I thonia b9hdng's , I to see o,:r .vide se ,ecbon ofpoies, accessories and educational tools. 'Round pole top roust be 3.25' O.D. .•niMmum or round pole mounting (RPA; only. Controls & Shields x DLL127FI,5JU Photocell -SSLtwist-lock(120-277V)" —��• DLL347F1,S CULIU Photocell -SSLtwist-lock(347V)" N a DLL480F1.5(ULJU Photocell - SSL twist-lock(48OV)" S(U lo Shorting cap 1i N n DSX2HS 8000 (route-5(&Aaeldbt8pl[duvNr DSX2HS 90C It Housesideshield for 90 LED unit DSX2HS IOur U House -side shield for 100 LED unit V PUMBA DDBXD U" Square and round pole universal a mounding bracket sPeo �finish) O KMA8 DDB%DU Mas[ arm mounting backetadaptur (specify finish)' For more control options, visit and . Doane Tenon Mounting Slipfitter** 2-3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AST20-490 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 NOTES 1 Rotated oplii7,o91opt1J90, IM) required for 90C. 2 MVOLT driver operatits on any line voltage from 120-277V (50/60. Hz). Single fuse (SF) requires 120, 277 or 347 veyltage option. Double fuse (DF) requires 208, 240 or 480 voltage option. 3 Available as a separate combination accessory: PUMBA (finish) U. Round pole must have 4" O.D. minimum; 1,5 G vibration load rating per ANCI C136.31. 4 Must be ordered as a separate accessory; see Accessories information. For use with 2-3/8" O.D. mast arm (not included). 5 Photocell ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls. See accessories. Not available with DS option. 6 If ROAM@ node required, it must be ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity 6cw6 Coned► Noi&nr T4dn mth QC[L 7 341 or 480 vdlage option vWth 13MG recur 1000 mA. 8 Specifiesa ROAM* enabled lurnineire Wth 00.10V dimming cepabi lity; P ER option required. Additional hafdvmm ardi satoess+equded±9r ROAM* deployment; must be purchased separately. Call 1-800-442-6745 or email: sales@roamservices net. Not available with PIRH, DS, BL30, BL50, PERS, PER7, or part night options (PNMTx ), 9 Provides 50/50 luminaire operation via two independent drivers on two separate circuits. Not available with 80C 530, 90C 530, PER, PERS, PER7, DCR, BL30, BL50, or part night options (PNMT—), 10 Requires an additional switched line. 11 Specifies the , ." - control; see 4 .. - Far details. Dimming drive standard -Not available with BL30, BL50 or DCR. 12 Dimming driv9r3mderd, Not available with DCR, DS, or PIRH. 13 Also avails'bl4 as atuparaw aitmory; see Accessories information. 14 Requires luminaire to Iso sta"ed with PER, PERS or PER7 option. Ordered and shipped as a separate line item from Acuity Brands Controls, L17NOdrM✓IA One I_ithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 0 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved- Performance Data Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM -79-08, Data's considered to be representative of the cc nfigu rations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts, Contact factory For performance data on any configurations not shown here, lea $Voifli w rw lttexmf i.fr<lliz,T(K f -8 1 u 1 u <IN I,l+rlens,. 4mg,It(O a U' f, I.iW lutltmts fmlr,Mlfm B U. b ,. kurFtm hU�PC A Ii •,( IFWr; QQQ®Q®QQ�QQ®�®®Qo® ��rQQQ t �Q��QQQQ�QQ®QQQa�A�Q®����a® QLi�lQQQ�QQ©��! Q��©QQQ��QQQ ®Q•�QQQ®Q�QQOQ��rQQQ��QQaQ ��QQQQ��Qna��QQ©�QQQQQn�Q CoQ®�QQaQ®� Q�QQo�Q�Q a � Q ®�■nQ©�Q�IQQ®®Q�oQ®®QQtQQ�® :t t �QQrQQiQQ���®Q©�QQQa®t t ®Q©Q®Q ��QQ �Qa�QQ®��QQi®��■QQ[a� :, Q■M�®QOQ���©niQ ®QQ t t ®aQQ tt . Q�Q�nQnQl�aaQ®Qor�QQaQ®� (80LEDs)) sum�©QQ■©Qn�r�Q©QNo�QQon®Q �rrmmaQQ©Q���oQ®� oQMEM Q�■�Q©Qa®�®Q©���®Q®� ©Q�®QQ®Qai@�Q�®nQQaQQQQ©� �e aamQQ ®QQ��Q�n Q�®QQQ QQaQ ®��®®oma®�©nQ • Q•QQQQ�®�Q®�� IRMENEUMMIMM ..t Q���®aQ�Qa®Qa��QQ■��nQ®Qac ®sem®QQ��QniQ��©QnQ�■�QQ©� QQQKMQaanoQQ�©aQ�QQ®QQQ ��Q©QQrQ<QQa�Q®�QQaa ��QQ©� ®Q �Q ��■®nQ�QQ®n nQ, �Q Q ©� �MIMMEM QaQ� tt ©Qom ®Q�©Qa�QQQQd t: t �o®®�QQQaa® ��®QQ�Q�aQQ s■ � Q� � �Q�� a®® t Q QQ®QnQ�aQ®Qo®QnMMMEM r®QnM ®®®Qo®QQaQQ� Qn ®QQ �QQaQQ ®QQAiQQ®��QQQ�Qn®QQQ®QrQ® Q�■ QQQQ®��©Q©Qn�©Q©Q ®oQ Q ®� ®Q®QQQ Q©�®®©oQ�®®�■�Q �� ■==®o= m Q� QQQ ■t�Q Q®®�©a®®�®Q © Q �■���®QdQ■t�®®®Q��Q©Q®�®®o®Q Q��©QroQ�®�o[nQ�QQ�®Qor�QQ®QQQ�a tt Q�l tt- oiQQiQ!®�®aom�QQ®Qac®Qa®nQSQ t I ®QQQnaQ�®Qom®�®nn�QQ©Q©� ® Q=QE=QQ®QOQ��iAni����©Q®® ==ME= ®Q�QQQKM©QQ®oiQ®t ®Q®� Q� ©a®gym■®Q Q QQQQ® M �EUFMQQQ Q®©a®te a©Q©��©nMEN �QQ�a©Q®Q■Q�®Q®t�Q�©Q®QSQQon®� Q��QQ®QQQ©QQna®�©QOQ��■®®®� Qr>J�QQ®QOQ�QQQQo��©®Q�■mrQQQ©� ;QQQ©Q Q �QQda Q Qnw ®anQ® QQQNQ QQs�oaQaQQaQaM MMMM QQt t t: KMZM�Q=QnaQlQQOQO� ■ Q t .t Q QAQQQ, Mmw® ®QQ®Q®Q��©QQQ�QQOQQ�QQQQQ� ff 1S U7`HV1A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800,279 8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 DSX2-LED IF AM .L.tf`cHr 0 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved, Rev. 02/24/15 Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Electrical Load Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0-40'C (32-104°F). 1 ` 120 208 240 277 347 480 530 -. 137W 1.15 066 053 0.51 039 0,28 00C 320F 1.04 100C 500E 1.02 8p 700 188W 158 0.92 0.81 073 055 0.41 200C 680E 1,01 1000 282W 237 135 1.,18 1.04 0,63 0,61 25-C 770F 1.00 300C 860F 0.99 530 175W 1,47 086 0.76 0.68 051 0,38 400C 1040F 0.97 100 700 232W 1.95 1.13 0,99 0,88 0,67 0,49 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance 1000 360W 1 3.03 1-72 1,49 1.3 1,05 0,77 Data references the extrapolated performance projections For the platforms noted in a 25'C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM -80-08 and Projected per IESNA TM -21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values, contact factory, 0 25,000 50,000 100,000 - DSX2 LED 80C 1000 1.0 0.95 0.92 0.86 DS72 LED 100C 700 =S•':..fi 1,0 0.98 0.97 0.96 DSX2 LED 1 DDC 1000 1.0 0.94 0.90 0,84 To see complete photometric reports or download .ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting's Isofootcandle plots for the DSX2 LED 80C 1000 40K, Distances are in units of mounting height (30'). LEGEND 4 3 2 r o r z 3 a 4 3 z r o t z 3 4 a 0.1fr. ° - c 4 + - ■ 3 rz O = _ 0.5 fC z # z r_ 1.0 fc v Cj;D v I o a l� n� ti•< .z r.a -z J< -z _ J< z -< JZ Z JZ -z. TIS z 1 T3M Z- Tam Z V r T5W _ d i 3 d y 3 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The sleek design ofthe D -Series Area Size 2 reflects the embedded high performance LED technology. It is ideal for applications like car dealerships and large parking lots adjacent to malls, transit stations, grocery stores, home centers, and other big -box retailers., CONSTRUCTION Single -piece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management through conductive and convective cooling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance. The LED drivers are mounted in direct contact with the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants (IP65). Low EPA (2.0 ftz) for optimized pole wind loading. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a zinc -infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Available in both textured and non -textured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing. Light engines are available in 3000 K, 4CW X, or 51,iI0 K (76 CRI) configurations. The D -Series Size 2 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly - product, meaning it is consistent with the LEED® and Green Globes''" Criteria far eliminating wasteful uptight, ELECTRICAL Light engine configurations consist of 80, 90 or 100 high -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life (up to L96/100,D00 firs at 250C). Class 1 electronic drivers have a power factor >90%, THD <20%, and an expected life of 100,000 hours with <1% failure rate. Easily -serviceable surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2), INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D -Series Size 2 to withstand up to a 2,0 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. The D -Series Size 2 utilizes the AERIS'"'series pole drilling pattern (Template #8). NEMA photocontrol receptacle is available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations, Light engines are IP66 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -400C minimum ambient. U.S. Patent No. D670,857 S. International patent pending. Design Lights Consortium@ (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified, Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at .... - - to confirm which versions are qualified,. WARRANTY Five year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at -Scj- NOTE: Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application All values are design or typical values, measured under laboratory conditions at 25'C. Specifications subject to change without notice, 01A L/THGN/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 L/GHT/NG. © 2011-2015 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved, DSX2-LED Rev. 02/24/15 Specifications Luminaire Height: 7-1/4" (78.4 cm) Width: 16-1/4" (47.3 cm) Depth: 9-1 /8" (23.2 cm) WST LED Architectural Wall Sconce Catalog Number Notes Type Introduction The classic Architectural Wall Sconce is now available with the latest in LED technology. The result is a long -life, maintenance -free product with typical energy savings of 75% compared to metal halide versions. The integral battery backup option provides emergency egress lighting, without the use of a back -box or remote gear, so installations maintain their aesthetic integrity. The WST LED is ideal for replacing existing 50— Weight: 17 lb W For 3/4" NPT_p_ 175W metal halide wall -mounted products. The side -entry - expected service life is 20+ years of nighttime use. T - c: — conduit "� Ll H • • - - • EXAMPLE: WST LED 2 1 OA700/40K SR3 MVOLT DDBTXD WST LED WST LED 1 One engine Iiglitirig SR2 Type II facts ed available with Shipped installed Iption only. (10 LEDs) Optional Back Box (BBW) Height: 4 120' (10,2 cm) PE Photoelectric cell, button type " Width: 5-1/2" 2 Two engines (14.0 cm) SR4 Type IV Depth: 1-112" Shipped separately (3.8 cm) DNAXD Natural aluminum Catalog Number Notes Type Introduction The classic Architectural Wall Sconce is now available with the latest in LED technology. The result is a long -life, maintenance -free product with typical energy savings of 75% compared to metal halide versions. The integral battery backup option provides emergency egress lighting, without the use of a back -box or remote gear, so installations maintain their aesthetic integrity. The WST LED is ideal for replacing existing 50— Weight: 17 lb W For 3/4" NPT_p_ 175W metal halide wall -mounted products. The side -entry - expected service life is 20+ years of nighttime use. T - c: — conduit "� Ll H • • - - • EXAMPLE: WST LED 2 1 OA700/40K SR3 MVOLT DDBTXD WST LED WST LED 1 One engine 700 mA options: SR2 Type II MVOLT' Shipped included Shipped installed DDBXD Dark bronze (10 LEDs) 1OA700/30K 3000K SR3 Type III 120' (blank) Surface mount PE Photoelectric cell, button type " DBLXD Black 2 Two engines IOA700/40K 4000K SR4 Type IV 208' Shipped separately SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V)' DNAXD Natural aluminum (20 LEDs) IOA700/50K 5000K 240' BBW Surface -mounted DF Double fuse (208, 240, 48OV) 4 DWHXD While 2771 back box DMG 0-1 OV dimming driver (no controls) DSSXD Sandstone UTS Ilptilt 5 degrees ELCW Emergency battery backup A DDBTXD Textured dark bronze 347 WLU Wet location doorforuporientation DBLBXD Textured black 480 PIR Motion/ambientlightsensof° DNATXD Textured natural aluminum Shipped separately DWHGXD Textured white VG Vandal guard DSSTXD Textured sandstone WG Wire guard Emergency Battery Operation The emergency battery backup (ELCW option) is integral to the luminaire - no external housing required! This design provides reliable emergency operation while maintaining the aesthetics of the product. All ELCW configurations include an independents"andary driver with an integral relay to immediately detect AC power loss. Dual light engines are wired in parallel so both engines operate In emergency mode and provide additional component redundancy. These design featvrat'r'eat various interpretations of NEPA 70/NEC 2008 - 700.16 The emergency battery will power the luminaire for a minimum duration of 90 minutes (maximum duration of three hours) from the time supply power is last, per International Building Code Section 1006 and NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Section 7.9, provided luminaires are mounted at an appropriate height and illuminate an open Spate with no major obstructions. The examples at right show illuminance of 1 fc average and 0.1 fc minimum of the single-engine Type IV product in emergency mode. WST LED 1 1OA700/40K SR4 MVOLT ELCW 10'x 10' Gridlines S' and 12' Mounting Height NOTES 1 MVQLT dnver o crates as anp line wltage from 120277V [50160 Ht)- Specify 120, 208, 240 or 277 options only when ordering with photocell tPE option) or fusing (SF. DF options). 2 May also be ordered separately as an accessory. Ex: WSBBW DDBXD U. Must specify finish. 3 Must be ordered with fixture; cannot be field installed. 4 Nos available with MVOLT option. Hutton photocell tPE) can be ordered with a dedlcated vadtagv v1�tion. Smgle fuse tSF) requires 120, 277 ar 347 Vo IIoption. Double fuse (OF) requires 208, 240 or 480 voltage option. 5 Not available with 480V option. Not available with motion/ambient light sensor (PIR). 6 Integral battery pack is rated for -20° to 60'C operatingg tarnpatature. ELCW warranty is 3 -year period. Plot available with 347V or 480V. Not available with WLU. 7 WLU not available with PIR or ELCW. 8 Specifies the SensorSwitch SFOD-7-ODP control (photocell included); see Motion Sensor Guide for details. Not available with "PE" option (button type photocell). Dimming driver standard. Not available with WLU, VG or WG. '.LITHGN/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 7709181209 • www.lithonia.com LIGHT/NG, 0 2011-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc, All rights reserved. Performance Data Lumen Output turner, values are from n accordance with IESNA LM -79-08. Data is considered to be representative of the cpnfigwatiarusiwwn, withio the talerance5dl°Awed by Lighting Facts. Actual wattage may differ by +/- 8% when operating between 120.400V 0. 10%. Actual performance may differ as a result of end-user environment and application. i OK Perforinarve1 I t (41KA-K-70 CRI) SR2 2,005 1 0 1 84 1 700 10A700/ --R 24W SR3 2,029 1 0 1 84 (IOLEIN _ S14 1,959 1 0 1 82 SR2 3,944 1 0 1 84 2 700 10A700/ --K 47W SR3 4,028 1 0 1 86 (20 LEDs) SR4 3,851 1 0 1 82 1 See electrical load chart for 347/480V system watts Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Use these factors to determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from 0-40°C (32-104°F) 07C 327E 1 1.10 10°C 50-F 1 06 207C 687E 1.02 257C 77°F 1.00 30°C 867E 0.98 407C 104°F 0.92 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the extrapolated performance projections for the WST LED 2 1OA700 platform in a 25°C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per IESNA LM - 80 -08 and projected per IESNA TM -21-11). To calculate LLF, use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values, contact factory. 0 2s,00t) 50.4900 100,000 0.94 0.88 4.77 Electrical Load U�M 120 208 240 277 07 480 24W 0.24 0.14 0.12 0.1 1 700 � 29W' - - - 009 0.07 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The classic architectural shape ofthe WST LED was designed for applications such as hospitals, schools, malls, restaurants, and commercial buildings. The long life LEDs and driver make this luminaire nearly maintenance -free. CONSTRUCTION The single -piece die -ml aluminum housing integrates secondary heat %Inks to optimize thermal transfer from the internal light ertgine heat sinks and promote long Ide. The driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting for a low operating temperature and long life. The die-cast door frame is fully gasketed with a one-piece solid silicone gasket to keep out moisture and dust, providing an IP65 rating forthe luminaire. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a vic-mfusgd Super Ovrable TGIC thermoset powder cont finish that provides superior resistance in cartes:an and weathering, A tightly controlled muln-stage process ensures a minimum 3 rads tnidtnesrt fora Finish that can withstand extreme dimate dlangraswltl+aut cracking or pealing, Standard Super Durable colors induda dark bronze, black, natural aluminum, sandstone and white- AvailaWir in upaured andncin-teittured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded acrylic lenses are engineered for superior distribution, uniformity, and spacing in wall -mount applications. Light engines are 4000K (70 CRI). The WST LED has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly- product, meaning it is consistent with the LEED@ and Green Globes- criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engmtr(s) c®rlsst of 10 high-officacy LEDs mounted to a Imetal dare mouit board and integral aluminum heat sinks to mammue heat di_csipauon and promote Inns liN (100,000 him at 25'C. L77). class 2 electronic drawer has a power factor>90%, THD >_20%. Easily- sernceable surge protection device meets a minimum Category 8 (per ANSME£E C62.412). INSTALLATION A universal mounting plate with integral mounting support arms allows the fixture to hinge down for easy access while making wiring connections. The integral bubble level on the mounting plate provides assistance for level placement on every installation. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S. and Canadian standards. Light engines are IP66 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated and suitable for wet locations when mounted with the lenses down. WLU option offers wet location listing in "up" orientation. Rated for -30°C minimum ambient. Design Lights Consortium@ (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY Five year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at www,acuitybrands.com/ Custome rResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx. Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. 01AL/THON/.4 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279,8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.com L/GHT/NG 0 2011-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 07/21/14 47W 0.44 0.27 0,23 020 - - 2 700 53W' - - - 0.17 0.12 1 Higher wattage is due to electrical losses from step-down transformer. To see complete photometric reports or download .les files for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting's WST LED homepage. e _ Isofootcandle plots for the WST LED 21OA700/40K SR2, SR3, and SR4.. Distances are in units of mounting height (12'). Distribution overlay comparison to 175W metal halide LEGEND • t z i c 1 x s s 3 4 t t 1 o f t s a s r 1 a s t s+ 3 LEGEND -- 0.1 fc x 3 _ 3 WST _ ■ LED - I . O.Sfc 1.Ofc ly z- _ Z ' y � 1 T 0.5 fc o ■ WST ' HID, - -- -- p ; 0 - e 1 0.5 fc 0 4 10' W Sidewalk aZ -Z :� .3 W LLD,: - WST HID =0.72 WST HID: WST LED: 213W 47W SR2 zz SR3 Zz a SRa Zz WST LED =0.95 WST LED 210A700 40KSR4, A < _ _ - WST 175M FT Probe, 12' Mounting Ht FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The classic architectural shape ofthe WST LED was designed for applications such as hospitals, schools, malls, restaurants, and commercial buildings. The long life LEDs and driver make this luminaire nearly maintenance -free. CONSTRUCTION The single -piece die -ml aluminum housing integrates secondary heat %Inks to optimize thermal transfer from the internal light ertgine heat sinks and promote long Ide. The driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting for a low operating temperature and long life. The die-cast door frame is fully gasketed with a one-piece solid silicone gasket to keep out moisture and dust, providing an IP65 rating forthe luminaire. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a vic-mfusgd Super Ovrable TGIC thermoset powder cont finish that provides superior resistance in cartes:an and weathering, A tightly controlled muln-stage process ensures a minimum 3 rads tnidtnesrt fora Finish that can withstand extreme dimate dlangraswltl+aut cracking or pealing, Standard Super Durable colors induda dark bronze, black, natural aluminum, sandstone and white- AvailaWir in upaured andncin-teittured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded acrylic lenses are engineered for superior distribution, uniformity, and spacing in wall -mount applications. Light engines are 4000K (70 CRI). The WST LED has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly- product, meaning it is consistent with the LEED@ and Green Globes- criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engmtr(s) c®rlsst of 10 high-officacy LEDs mounted to a Imetal dare mouit board and integral aluminum heat sinks to mammue heat di_csipauon and promote Inns liN (100,000 him at 25'C. L77). class 2 electronic drawer has a power factor>90%, THD >_20%. Easily- sernceable surge protection device meets a minimum Category 8 (per ANSME£E C62.412). INSTALLATION A universal mounting plate with integral mounting support arms allows the fixture to hinge down for easy access while making wiring connections. The integral bubble level on the mounting plate provides assistance for level placement on every installation. LISTINGS CSA certified to U.S. and Canadian standards. Light engines are IP66 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated and suitable for wet locations when mounted with the lenses down. WLU option offers wet location listing in "up" orientation. Rated for -30°C minimum ambient. Design Lights Consortium@ (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY Five year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at www,acuitybrands.com/ Custome rResources/Terms_and_conditions.aspx. Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. 01AL/THON/.4 One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279,8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.com L/GHT/NG 0 2011-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 07/21/14 Z k. Z o y� � a H a m m Q 'a m M m N`o _ UU je ui a LAw miL LU iL II OC a i W 4 WO m 24 t .s W oc Lu W 4 n m O N Z Q Y S911ldA J140MM �k " P Lp To�d I; LU L E•.Y rA u1 - w I 1 I 5 ill. 6^.92 Z W ff � a Lu N _ Mr u1 w 1 I I (•dAl) .9 L/ L L L-.9 N' ui W I kl 74T)-. 9-L/44 E -B ti G LL Z C) �n " 1 w ,I ('del) .9l/ l L L L-.6 � •9 SIL b'f3