2015-100 SuperCuts TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 7.1111110k 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 40c$1 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20150100 Application Number: A20150100 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SUPERCUTS For property located at: 735 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATE Sign C/O NIGRO COMPANIES Total Value 20 CORPORATE WOODS Blvd ALBANY NY 12211-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency RAY SIGN, INC. 28 COLONIAL Ave SCHENECTADY.NY 12304 Plans&Specifications 2015- 100 Supercuts Freestanding panel sign 11.28 s.f. $33.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To of ens , r ay 11,2015 45SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement o ��J. �i e ; Town of Queensbury Buildingt & Rec.,. I I APR 1 7 N, `Map Ii. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATI permit ' 2015' t 0 0 T•WNOI= �, ( 33.00 BUILDINC PermitFee: $ Date 4i-C//s Applicant A-1/4/5/6'-/ /� Tax Map ID Address v2Co/o,u, (.L 4y 12 Zoning (...Sc;Ae.t'Qc.- y A) 1. 1.2304 �tC Property Owner v g- 2 G\e,.; S- eer Usso- Contractor/Agent: P G-`( S<ci :.3 i C— Address c/o }.31427, Co,..,?c cr Address cS CvArj ,,) ,r;L ;•-five_ - :-?6 C-2-- v?,� t l coo_. e i c C.1.1%.-J.,z;f-r:4-� ti N.1 L:13 4::`-k Phone S/e—y.5 4, ---5i7,1,3-j Phone 5 %b' -"3'77 — 1:174-ii Contact Person for Sign Code Compliance: Wo:Ss e// 114 zeA) Day Phone: g 77-13 7( Building Street Address: -.°-0 I c u , 4 L A434... . "'z - Site Plan,Variance,or Subdivision Approvals 1/43c,h�.v.z-...f 0. . .A)•yV. 123 o'T Location of proposed installation _ 73S (1/7/0-e� /e.0 .s-7--. boe_Q,Lsbu(Li ;.J y /-2gey Business Complex/Plaza/Mall name 90 C E1-c 1142 t- Business name SO P (z.cc-� Type of Sign proposed S ` . ►. , - v i x)--/ S o,J Eu i s-,+v,c'' S'i tA xA If sign is to be illuminated, indicate internal _ external _Incandescent _neon _other Do signs currently exist on property? /Yes _No(if yes,list all existing signage) Change of word/copy From to Sign Wording/Copy s'0 Q'„2C u---7-__C' Sign Size Length i-t, '`x Width y ��_ /2' =Total sq.ft. 'tZ,1 Sign Height(freestanding) J 4-7 ,/ q ' 9-x/`7"/ Color&Material to be used ,. i.,1„) .L, This application creates a change in the New following existing site conditions(fill in all Change in number of signs from to applicable spaces) Change in setback for sign from to Change in size from to Change in height of sign from to Declaration: To the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT-PRINT NAME v s al\ 'k—(''*z ,,...., APPLICANT-SIGNATURE: cs - ivN. Date: -///7 ALS- ( ,L5___), c Declaration: I hereby authorize the applicant to place a sign on my property or building: OWNER-PRINT NAME: v((�pc�J L`�.,3 S' e_er S�oc LLC. OWNER-SIGNATURE: J Date: yf/k Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Sign Permit Application 518-761-8256 • . , 68 .26 I --/0 6 • lEcEow7E---0--] . APR 1 6 2O157 / T, WN OF QUEENSBURY • BUILDING& CODES 1 . . 14 4'-9 3/4"(v.o.) °I. 1-- = as .3 = _ II zzr....... ._,,,- c• •_, c? 7 e, P. * . Tenant Display Vinyl Graphics Scale:1 1/2"=1' _ 2r • D Manufacture and install(2)vinyl graphics for existing d/f ilium,display. - Vinyl color:Tomato Red(3630-43) DUR.GERS and FRIES •ft ;'' FIVE Glivs _ • . DURGERS and FRIE5— . _ GaineStop . , . paw.,ia 13'.P11.41.-1. , .pi GaMeStOP .i.A. sit:- r `01 a 40e1: )41' (11.7.t;.•4+1 . .' Existing Conditions New NTS NTS 3,.erialen.1.0,, 1 1 1•:..r.1 Oil te MAI Rd Gas " Moth 10,2015 /0 1 IA....... % 2523)1.21214:ntart 41.1 Cl,C..6,1‘r 7,3,V:3251332 521..5.=.2.15.0 123655 Brim Slat, Ro.1 3/33/2013 2.0 I 3APPM2dW11hChav0es Muted %n..:•Sederzl Ct., . - - #81525 ,..,, 4,if 5 SCILS.13-11.emb,tilf.609 Sue ensbury,NY 121304 TUBE ART GROUP 2.:-r.l.„1 F,.,,.- 3.. . ila.e 0.20 C 65/ D i'M pi • se% 6171/ 6.1:•-oe'eZ--- ...41, t4- I e .. * • .. ".. . • . 1111111 41111111111111MIMIEMWz, il NI.-New Sign N2-New Sign n New proposed sign W., #81525 RI-Refaced n735 Upper Glen St. N3,N4&N5-Window,front&rear door vinyl Existing sign to be refaced ER ______Queensbury,NY 12804 El Existing sign to be removed 111111 :• ' (7::.---.:7'_-_,-:!TATIL:f1C.4'-.M.T.44-,. 'IL,.•.0 11111111E ,-, CODE ALLOWANCE PROPOSED ri Existing sign to be relocated US ,,,- . cii Existing sign to stay IIIIII .. Front 50.00 sq.ft. Front 48.62 sq.ft. IIIELI.r'',' ..,,.. r„,••..., -.,,,_,,,... -•.•• .... ... , ./ '• '",it'.,:'....4,,,,v,..76,',..-.tet , ..4 ' "4. _., E . . 44,.. . ,.... r'' '"44**. -,0,'4 ' -, -,.., Ge '-iElL.... — `"*.L.,:.',. ' ','''''•.,lir",'' . ._. . ,. . ..,•• '...-.-;',5-k.---,.• . :14:,., -s,..-- „....... ••• ,....;EMI 1.4.v,,,, •.m.. ._ _C ..,.....; "P- „... • ,,-.-.A.,•-•:4 N4 5'yv f,,,-;',t.L.,.:7::: r4- '..-..-.•L'i't '• :, -' ; , ' -.IM 4,-,.....47-44;/..,.?!.. •- . ' * , 4 ....„,,,,,„-. ..., ..; -•r-.'•'•• • • - -.-:. ., • -74, - , ---4-..„,,,, tyr *T. ,..,:i,,,...J1-,.:k-., 10 4/17741;SjC . e"-r4 -;:,,,,,, -0:;,,,0:4:4,,re.:,..'',,,t..,i7., • fAilt To v-- -Avf,--_,...-'-... a-14441%J • _,...,... . • etre.,. ,• ..„,,,,:.;:. , ,, ,......:.• -... Allik • . -,.: ' ''' ' e',,, ' - . •.4 <„,'Y' ;),;.,.. 'I•\ '...'i.: r]VicliliNSiln Plan NTS _ . ' . , • „ . . , % Veda.Mao 103N6S P.ol Gulp? Math 1o015 1.0 I 1 Ap proved Thi,odg0.313,1wOri:13 0r0tOttdd r**nae..016%awed 10 t.t.fidP 3 1206 11,rinhIne.*Aro CIIItnitO t4:41. rot,412,10032 125609 £02.460.0.1V, 0..g...:,vz:. 4.1,,... (1.4 Vila aim Cl Rera 3/13/2015 2.0 (IA:m.844M.chum..Neted Nuke karat Cesvropht loot.. ,I.,,,,b1.4.4,44".ath**".•. 0.0,„r,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,..„,„„; ....**,*..04,1itlt,FE,*In Attli.e..st 6t01:31..-31,,lmv L3.016 s'cua d'''''''''''''''''''":"';'..7.;:7::::...7,1:1',:i:1:-:r." 1181525 . ...... 1 o15 0.10.542.2604 108162.5.0.weedhostil/Y.609 c.',,, 1 FI 0.**..,r n Nu etlel'y Ovo.' 735 IIP°P'"GI.St TUNE ART GROUP tlimensbury,NY 12804 Pav 50/.**2.21l1 re,l tirn. r.hall.r 14, 2.-.N.r.:To 14 0.** 2:4* 0142g.**2«.. . . ' . .,�ti,,1.� M.� awaWr,a.WMTJWW.mt�aAWA wnW u- t,s4 ur ,n mt. u_ i' a�Wm.� LW ,L,r�Wr aW ar(M AM MY�4�Lt/.4016�PYW u,v aM .M_m,WF. M h �W¢ tOO1�'NxWMrnASPMW¢olM M WnM 00 1 N2 \ \\41 \\ + — a Waw N3 R1 Z_ 11110'1111 w�6 9aLLY 6 ARL11\ fd AE 9Y. L RPP6E U LbRNWMi M LOGiOX M9 WIWIIY PVMNG YID 1%0.1[fD p14R. MSR 116 PY 6liH' W M f010/.!.' I. 9RA15 MC ILNO WPS NLWU F tlM P6Y L Sh16 IIO ARAlO6 t. R NN6 BI mY' 1 A4AMR5 PTIIm 9FM xuwx rvw awau', arzo rtMLww n. xoW. a vrt a»c r eauwMl .Maonuas amnm to 9}Wk iWM�. WRD M41. 16 AW L Lsw mmue ma®m tK calnrcta rw M 8(qM' aYD q/.rwY rPM.OfNR L IOdpM AW 0111111M1-6 PLTJ1' 19W7(SNIM91 Th[ ,W Yx[MII GLEN SQUARE PLAZA Upper Glen Avenue Queensbury, NY 12804 UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC NIGRO COMPANIES 20 Corporate Woods Blvd. Albany, NY 12211 F1 Bergmantesn www.ba=gmamq'xan Inaum1 W.•r.l LN'yy. NTyI 15+0,66P8115::S1MIWB634]261a. kry : NM Pof18 PWrwn 'S reyrrr M LL.YNnee Mbe MaaM !✓�»rLL1W tetlr W L�9� RF Ct=iVEp AS -BUILT PARKING LAYOUT ur wEy L W%K.W W1alV4aU L6W1 urn .yyq� uY+iYwtaauLfww ABP -1 LUJJ ILmt R PlprgFj TP MCPP-TP D101t6L (f1P) ♦t calces o-� :.d. �i m .—�_ _ — \ ♦ter\A \ ro caww ras a v \ / Ps Application i •t':• - -�. .. �---- - — --t- _ — \�\'\ \ ,'rA' �\ + ,wow eao s \ f APR 2 4199 ZoningpAdministratd OFQUEENSBIJrY I RECEIVE ADD 1 or i job Till- ( flOFW MItA6TP '70}r_.CCL-zo�-a e_��l����UG t /' Q.Iu� s eJ.wm Details: Locfi� l^to l Y'\ � V H .rA �M fS4t j� til�i sii3) _ Drawing Number. Sales an: Draw B . U AScale:�1/k. Revised: gy j Po, nKu.a ' WIMeb Date: ( Customer Approval Signature: 'This is an original draw ngLaeated by the wdliam C. Forster Corporation. It is FORM= wbmined for Your personal use. in connection with a project being prepared for you by the William C. Forster Corporation. This design and enginaenrg is to William C. Forster Corporation remain the exclusive Property of the William G Farstar Cprporation under the agreement that the use of this design in its entirely or any pan will not be 1050 PlastermiR Rd., VICtOrr, N.Y. 14564 d. reproducecopied, lent. or used for any purpose (716) 924-5959 wrth hout rinser consent from e William C.Forster Design Corporation.' Cost J- FAX: (716) 924-5993 or 924-5570