2015-020 Blake Realty TOWN OF QUEENSBURY eft 1 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 0 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20150020 Application Number: A20150020 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-003-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SAXTON SIGN CORP For property located at: 699 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: BLAKE REALTY, INC. JEFFREY CHRISTIANA& FRANK( Sign CIO JEFFREY CHRISTIANA Total Value 8 AIRLINE Dr 210 ALBANY,NY 12205-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency SAXTON SIGN CORP 1320 ROUTE 9 CLIFTON PARK NY Plans&Specifications BP 2015-020 Berkshire Hathaway/Blake Realtors 45.38 sq. ft. freestanding monument sign-two sided - setback 13.4 ft. front property line Sign Variance No. 8-2015 Approved 3/18/2015 $135.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To n o eens , arch 23,2015 1. SIGNED BY f \ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only (1l 8 4/1 Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Received: ��<1• �� r -�1 3 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Tax Map ID: 0 CP—l — Permit No.: ;26.•)15--- OP--0 Permit Fee: $ Date �- d 7a 414 u�s� l n( ZckbS Applicant SAx-�s-r �� 'r> Tax Map ID Address _ Zoning 114 kl N`l I l� t I -V [� Property Owner C 1.ils Contractor/Agent: Ax- Sk8c- �� 2 7 2a�5 Address Pr LLW e- 712�u a Address „ri�� Y TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Phone 4'c7.- 4Z41 8' Phone FUII_DINC & CODFS Contact Person for Sign Code Compliance: Day Phone: '3 Z-1164 Building Street Address: lo'Q 5 /U04- -Site Plan,Variance,or Subdivision Approvals Location of proposed installation LI eu-d Business Complex/Plaza/Mall name Business name ge.r 5iU re. 4a4-iladec,(/ /, &a-1,46 Type of Sign proposed utto itat If sign is to be illuminated, indicate _internal _external _Incandescent _neon _other Do signs currently exist on property? v` Yes _No(if yes,list all existing signage) I^ � � J.be rev. Change of word/copy From to Sign Wording/Copy Shu X 1.1- "-th f L ,2 Sign Size Length q9" x Width (cic =Total sq.ft. 45— Sign SSign Height(freestanding) Color&Material to be used hl r�cn u.�-r Ae2j/, in4-rLel,�_/, e1/-� This application creates a change in the - New following existing site conditions(fill in all Change in number of signs from to applicable spaces) Change in setback for sign from to V-- Change in size from to Change in height of sign from to Declaration: To the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. • APPLICANT-PRINT NAME - '11(1- J 2 L t o CJS APPLICANT-SIGNATURE: c � Date: i/ o/ Declaration: I hereby authorize the applicant to place a sign on my property or buildina: OWNER-PRINT NAME: Berkshire Hathaway BP 2015-020 OWNER-SIGNATURE: Blake Realtors 699 Glen Street 45 sq. ft freestanding monument sign Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Sign Permit Application f • I • Office Use Only Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Received: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Tax Map ID: Permit No.: Permit Fee: $ Date ` '51uht-&-( i 9:zdthc" Applicant S,c, in i 1n-f'. Tax Map ID Address ?,zn�� Zoning gu n /u', 11o33 Property Owner (L 3i Contractor/Agent: Ykx SL4n (x-P Address R (4aP_t_-iiu e- 1 u....— Address l iLlha.c.t..t Ii-i 12U Phone A;2-42-1 S' Phone '1 _-.1-104-• Contact Person for Sign Code Compliance: ..—.. .! Day Phone: 13Z•77o4 `. Building Street Address: WI ILC. .cr Ale.,tS .ee F Site Plan,Variance,or Subdivision Approvals Location of proposed installation ' i Business Complex/Plaza/Mall name ', /, Business name p / 4 Jfjt vt-y//5/de Type of Sign proposed N2out rat If sign is to be illuminated,indicate _internal external _Incandescent _neon —other Do signs currently exist on property? 4L,Yes —No(if yes,list all existing signage) ^ ; `'-n 1-be{e_nwod Change of word/copy From / n to en Sign Wording/Copy 6I 4 w1/AL.�Pea.1(is a eq' _ Sign Size Length q9'' x Width Flo'- =Total sq.ft. 45' Sign Height(freestanding) /U 1 Color&Material to be used 141{�rrcn 4-re / /,e- /? rt-/Aail-�.. This application creates a change in the DL New following existing site conditions(fill in all Change in number of signs from to applicable spaces) Change in setback for sign from to Change in size from to S Change in height of sign from to Declaration: To the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. . APPLICANT-PRINT NAME -5trA.12. d`a-r-i5 APPLICANT-SIGNATURE: ( 4-t-{-44-11-c-- Date: 1/40/s Declaration: I hereby authorize the ap.Iicant to place a . •non my property or building: ' OWNER-PRINT NAME: If ..—_Kt i -r �OWNER-SIGNATURE: itlIDate: /1.).D..// f i Town of Quaansbury Building&Codes Sign -:milt Apn 518-761-8256 1 Berkshire Hathaway BP 2015-020 Blake Realtors g C E ElV [ 699 Glen Street .,45 sq. ft freestanding monument sign JAN 2? 2015 ,-,..9 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY - 45 sq ft BUILDING&CODES BH HH S HS BERKSHIRE BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HATHAWAY Home Services HomeServices `' .14,..,0-ori ` ' Sign 99 '' „....7,,,t, Blake, Blake, Face REALTORS REALTORS 1.5" ! Sign 19' Base ap SAXTON CLIENT: JOB LOCATION: DATE:1-19-15 vlt Air riga SIGNCORP Berkshire Hathaway Queensbury, NY FOLDER:SP/Berkshire Hathaway B h �� �0��1 � �����L - FILE NAME: i-• BH Queensbury PYLON 2 ...,, 1 -800-942-6366 CUSTOMER APPROVAL DATESIGN CM REVISION:0 518.732-7704 0. ' THIS ORIGINAL DRAWING AND DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF SAXTON SIGN CORPORATIONDRAWN BY:SP fax. 518.732-77'16 AND MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED OR REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART AS A DRAWING © . SALESPERSON:CFI sa xto n s i g n.co m OR SIGN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM SAXTON SIGN CORP BBB. •'" Name: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services / Blake Realtors Location: 699 Upper Glen St. Glens Falls, NY 12804 Contact: Karen O'Conner 8 Airline Drive Suite 104 VECEOWEE --N Albany, NY 12205 JAN 27 2015 ,J 452-4298 Ext.1209 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING& CODES Building Owner: CLJB 8 Airline Drive Suite 104 Albany, NY 12205 452-4298 Sign Specifications: 1 . Free Standing Pylon Sign 9. Direct Burial 2. Two Sided 10. Single pole square 4" x 4" 3. 45 Sq.Ft. 11 . Concrete Footing / Round 2' x 4' 4. Colos as sketched 12. Set back same as existing 15' 5. Height 119.5" 13. Sign will be installed in the same 6. Box and faces are aluminum construction. spot as the existing sign. 7. Acrylic "Push Through" Letters 8. Letters alone light via led lighting inside the box *Sign law 45 Sq.Ft. with 15' set back lECEIIVIE, -;\ JAN 2 7 2015 , TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I Ot ` BUILDING&CODES • '�'` { r • • 1 A I 1 ir` �.;a 1. - ��ta�P;;. Manor Homes, REALTORS V b Y1 1 7 _a$/ Queensbury - Existing Sign Vertical Pylon - 8' High 6 y g Lands Now or Pbmwrly of 1 Building I John V. Bergeron and Christine M Bergamn Porch Book 338 of Deeds, Plage 203 Tax Slap No. 302.113-1-4 AMASA 9AOMI ► Found Iron (1' High) Found Iron Pip® — (Badly Bent) Lands Now or Formerly of Frederick Auwaerter Back x'89 of .needs, Page 671 Tax flap No. 302.0e-1-2 26.9'.+ 2 story Concrete Block Building Gravel 26.3'.+ dge UNAUTHMED AL,TERATM ON ADOMM TO IM DOMMM 15 %W7101 or SMIM Mal stamms m 2, W aW YM STATE EDLTA701 LAWL v 20" Maple Edge of Pavement Lanz, of ref. °et 0. Chr tuna and Other's Book 723 of heeds, .Fuge 143 Book .133.2 of Deeds, Page 109 Tax Map No. 3'0..06—f -3 Area = 8, ?23 Sq, FL 0.200 Ams 16.11-* I Story Garage 2 Story m Building 9 Grass Covered Po e Pdi , Gravel 4� Porch Traffic . Signal Pole (TYp•) dge UNAUTHMED AL,TERATM ON ADOMM TO IM DOMMM 15 %W7101 or SMIM Mal stamms m 2, W aW YM STATE EDLTA701 LAWL v 20" Maple Edge of Pavement Lanz, of ref. °et 0. Chr tuna and Other's Book 723 of heeds, .Fuge 143 Book .133.2 of Deeds, Page 109 Tax Map No. 3'0..06—f -3 Area = 8, ?23 Sq, FL 0.200 Ams 16.11-* I Story Garage 2 Story m Building 9 Grass Covered z Concrete 4� Porch Sign . "PRUDENTIAL" _ t a €� Gross Gress ' 3' Vinyl _ PAUL F. TOMMELL, LS.. P.C. 73 VCEMORAV2. FencerSOV41 a• 0 o� SARATOGASFMNGB.NY 126CG 21 Traffic STgngi Ma Sox ®o ROUTE 9 A.K.A. GLEN STREET Width of Pavement 54 at.± Width of R.O.W. Vorles 2W Maple 1 Space ,7't Electric Meters (2) to 3 Concrete Ira 1J Found Ifop Rod H rant �g� ®B4,y �9 i� f7a48'iJii E 311.167 Power Pole NMI 01 xlS­6 <1b 11.E I HEREBY CERTIFY TO: 1,) CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. 2.) STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 3•) BLAKE REALTY, INC. THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE ADOPTED QY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. 1.) SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS IN BOOK 160 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 557. MAP 1tEEMENCES: 1.) MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF LOTS OYMED BY IVA MAE FOSTER MLL1S, UPPER GLEN ST., GLENS FALLS, N.Y.% DATED JUNE 1929. MADE BY W.R. KIMMEY AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON JULY 16, 1929 IN FOLDER 263. 2.) MAP ENTITLED "NEW YORK STATE DEPAR'T'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. GLENS FALLS—LAKE GEORGE, S.H, NO. 417, WARREN COUNTY, MAP NO. 143 PARCEL. NO, 176". DATED JULY 28, 1967, MADE BY F.W. JORDAN AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON MARCH 7. 1969 IN FOLDER 3, CABINET 2. DRAWER 1 AS BOOK 505 OF DEEDS, PAGE 358.. 3•) MAP ENTITLED "NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, GLENS FALLS—LAKE GEORGE. S.H. NO. 417, WARREN COUNTY, MAP NO. 144 PARCEL NO. 177% DATED DECEMBER 14, 1967, MADE BY P.G. BALDWIN AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN FOLDER 3. CABINET 2. DRAWER 1. 4.) MAP ENTITLED "NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. GLENS FALLS—LAKE GEORGE, S.H. NO, 417, WARREN COUNTY. MAP NO. 145 PARCEL NO. 178% DATED DECEMBER 14, 1967, MADE BY P.G. BALDWIN AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE ON MAY 6. 1968 IN FOLDER 3, CABINET 2, DRAWER 1. 5.) MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR RAYMOND do ROBERT ROHNE" DATED JUNE 24, 1985, MADE BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON AUGUST 13, 1985 AS PLAT A, MAP NO. 23. Survey of Lands JEFFREY G. CHRISTIANA AND OTHERn IER z APRIL 4� u�„ N M A U SI R !A ICE Y _ t a €� TOWN OF QUE-EN55URY VI MI N COUNTY. ri _ PAUL F. TOMMELL, LS.. P.C. 73 VCEMORAV2. 9 a• 0 o� SARATOGASFMNGB.NY 126CG es � w Traffic Signal Box H rant �g� ®B4,y �9 i� f7a48'iJii E 311.167 Power Pole NMI 01 xlS­6 <1b 11.E I HEREBY CERTIFY TO: 1,) CHARTER ONE BANK, N.A. 2.) STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 3•) BLAKE REALTY, INC. THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE ADOPTED QY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. 1.) SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS IN BOOK 160 OF DEEDS ON PAGE 557. MAP 1tEEMENCES: 1.) MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF LOTS OYMED BY IVA MAE FOSTER MLL1S, UPPER GLEN ST., GLENS FALLS, N.Y.% DATED JUNE 1929. MADE BY W.R. KIMMEY AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON JULY 16, 1929 IN FOLDER 263. 2.) MAP ENTITLED "NEW YORK STATE DEPAR'T'MENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. GLENS FALLS—LAKE GEORGE, S.H, NO. 417, WARREN COUNTY, MAP NO. 143 PARCEL. NO, 176". DATED JULY 28, 1967, MADE BY F.W. JORDAN AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON MARCH 7. 1969 IN FOLDER 3, CABINET 2. DRAWER 1 AS BOOK 505 OF DEEDS, PAGE 358.. 3•) MAP ENTITLED "NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY, GLENS FALLS—LAKE GEORGE. S.H. NO. 417, WARREN COUNTY, MAP NO. 144 PARCEL NO. 177% DATED DECEMBER 14, 1967, MADE BY P.G. BALDWIN AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IN FOLDER 3. CABINET 2. DRAWER 1. 4.) MAP ENTITLED "NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DESCRIPTION AND MAP FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. GLENS FALLS—LAKE GEORGE, S.H. NO, 417, WARREN COUNTY. MAP NO. 145 PARCEL NO. 178% DATED DECEMBER 14, 1967, MADE BY P.G. BALDWIN AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE ON MAY 6. 1968 IN FOLDER 3, CABINET 2, DRAWER 1. 5.) MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR RAYMOND do ROBERT ROHNE" DATED JUNE 24, 1985, MADE BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES AND FILED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON AUGUST 13, 1985 AS PLAT A, MAP NO. 23. Survey of Lands JEFFREY G. CHRISTIANA AND OTHERn IER z APRIL IES IS. PSli u�„ 30, 200 • M A U SI R !A ICE Y _ t a €� TOWN OF QUE-EN55URY VI MI N COUNTY. _ PAUL F. TOMMELL, LS.. P.C. 73 VCEMORAV2. NEW YORK _ P o� SARATOGASFMNGB.NY 126CG MAP No. 04-025.01