1976-12-06 SP 174 4 Patent Case and accessories, Now,Therefore be it RESOLVED, that the sum of 396.28 dollars be placed in the Celebrations Account A7550.4. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes : Mr. Olson. ,Mr. Robillard, Mr, Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes : None Absent:Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 258, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved for — its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 76-12 numbered -- 1884 through 1885 and totaling $5000. 71 be accepted. Duly .adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent:Mr. Barber. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Town° of Queensbury SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: -- Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Meeting Opened: 9.00 A.M. RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON LOCAL LAW NUMBER 2, 1976 RF.S T TrTTnr 25 Introduced by Mr. 1 Olson who moved for its adoptoeconded by Mr. Michel Brandt WHEREAS, the. Town Board of the Town of Queensbury wishes to institute a LOCAL LAW in the Town of Queensbury, regarding the Real Property Tax Law Section 485-b (7) , Now, Therefore be it RESOLVED; that a Public Hearing will be held' by the Town Board of the Townof Queensbury on Tuesday, December 14, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Office Building, of the Townof Queensbury, RD#l, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New YOrk, 12801 on LOCAL LAW #2 of 1976, as follows : A LOCAL LAW of the Town of Queensbury pursuant to Real Property Tax Law Section 4854b (7) to eliminate the partial real property tax exemption for' certain business- improvements outside the City of New York created by the enactment of Chapter 278 of the Laws of 1976. LOCAL LAW NO. 2 OF 1976 BE IT ENACTED by the Toun Board of the Town of Queensbury as follows: SECTION 1. This Law shall be known as "A Local Law to Eliminate Business Improvements Partial Real Property Tax Exemptions" . SECTION 2. No real property constructed, altered, installed or improved sosequent to the 1st. day of July, 1976 in the Town of! Queensbury, Warren County, New York for the purpose of commercial, business or i !i industrial activity shall be exempt to any degree or percent at any time from taxation, special ad valorem levies and service charges by the Town of Queensbury. SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect immediately .upon its adoption by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury and its filing with the Secretary of State as required by law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt. iNoes: None. _ Absent: None. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully,, submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt- Supervisor Daniel Olson- Councilman Robert Barber- Councilman Han d.': Rob Hard- Councilman Hammond Robertson- Councilman Meeting Opened: 7: 30 P.M. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT i RESOLUTION NO, .2,kg, Introduced by Mr. Michel Brandt who moved for its `— a option, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Carl Garb, Highway Supt. of the Town of Queensbury has recommended that the Town Board advertise for bids for obsolete equipment, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solocit sealed bids for the following obsolete equipment; and that the following notiee be published in the official newspapers to read in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals on the following obsolete equipment: YEAR MAKE MODEL S.N. 1-1970 Plymouth 4Dr. Sedan PE41NOF237060 1-1973 Plymouth Or. Sedan PL41P3F257981 1- ? Huber Warco Grader - 02108313 1-1950 Ford Van 'Truck 98HJ317408 1-1966 Ford F800 Dump F80FV821269 1-1969 , Dodge Pick-up 2281889492 1-Broken 5 Yard Dump Box 1-Home made Trailer 1-Cab for Cat. D-8 Bulldozer The items will be sold individually or in g'roups, whichever best serves the interest of the town. The purchasrrwiii be required to accept the item purchased "as-is, where-is ," with no quarantee or wanrrantee, eigher expressed or implied. Certification under the Motor Vehicle Inspection Law and any other statutory requirement for lawful operation of the vehicle purchased are the responsibility of the buyer. Bids will be received up to 5:00 P.M. on the 28th1day of December, 1976 at the Town Clerk' s Office in the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls , New York 12801. Bid must be subtitted